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03x16 - Orphan's End

Posted: 08/25/22 09:46
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

Aliens, Corsair!
Ugly ones, too!

Get the crystal!

These are
not the Emperor's troops.

They are intergalactic pirates.


the stun ray
for humans!

Surrender, or I'll fire!

No, Scott! You can't!

Fire, Raza!

WOLVERINE: Why did you stop
Cyke when he was about to
blast that joker?

I can't tell you.

That he's Scott's father.

Why are you
so determined
to destroy him?

D'Ken has
destroyed millions
in his quest for power.

One of those
millions was
my wife.

I come from your planet.

How is that possible?

That's a long story.

-Do you have any children?

I wouldn't know
mine now if I saw them.

Except I
remember my oldest boy.
He had his mother's eyes.





Look at that!

What the...

it can't be an X-Man.
They don't get up this early.

Perhaps it is Gambit,
just back from a very
long night.

It wouldn't be
the first time.

Good morning.

X-Men, do you read me?

This is Commander Raknar of
the Shi'ar Intergalactic

under the authority
of Empress Lilandra.

What brings you
to our planet,

Pursuit of
a criminal vessel.

We do not know why
the criminal vessel

fled across half
the galaxy to
this spot.

Be forewarned:
its crew is heavily
armed and dangerous!

Let's go!


Give me some
altitude, old girl.

Blowing up their house
is no way to say hello.

RAKNAR: X-Men, stay back!
Let us deal with
the survivors!

If we don't get to them fast,
there won't be any survivors!

A whirlwind
shall help you
effect a rescue!


Are you all right? I--

You're the
Shi'ar criminal?


You've been
talking to Raknar.


Sorry to
drop my problems
on your doorstep,

but I need your help.

Well, I doubt
Lilandra would look kindly
on our harboring a fugitive

from her Shi'ar officers.

Fine. Don't help.

But give me
back my dog tags.

They're all that's
left of my family.

Sure, I...
Wait a minute!
This is a picture of me!

And my brother!
That's my mother!

Where did you get these?

Your mother?

And these dog tags
belonged to my father!

How did you get them?

Scott? This can't be.

Tell me your name.

Major Christopher Summers.

You're my father?
I don't believe it!

I won't believe it!
My father's dead!

You had
better explain
yourself quickly.

Your pursuers are here.

Cyclops, you have
done well. Thank you.

We will take
over from here.

Hold your troopers.
I need a moment first.

RAKNAR: The pirate Corsair
is wanted for kidnapping
and attempted m*rder.

I understand,
but I must have a
few minutes with him.

And anyone who helps
him resist arrest will be
treated as a criminal as well.

Where are the rest
of the X-Men?

They're off
helping someone who isn't
wanted throughout the galaxy.

Why are you here?

I'm being set up!
I thought the X-Men
would help me prove it.

Looks like I was wrong.

buy me some time.

I shall meet you
at the monorail.


What are they up to?

a full spectrum
scan of the area. Now!

Where are we going?

To a mini-jet. If you're
telling the truth, we'll
use it to get out of here.

The truth?
Son, how can you be...

Don't ever call me that!

For 20 years
I dreamed about my father,

a man to look up to,

a hero who sacrificed
his life to save his family!

It was
your family
you sacrificed!

You threw us
away so you could go
knock around the galaxy!

That's not what happened!

Did I imagine
the orphanage?

The foster homes
where nobody wanted me?

Tell me, Dad,
am I making this up?

We have them, Commander.

An underground facility
extending from the residence.

Blow it open! All units,
bring him to me, dead or



Thank you, Storm.

If we stay low, it'll take
their sensors a while to
find us.

I'd better take the stick.

You might
not like everything
I'm gonna tell you.

Commander, no one is
on board, living or dead.

Corsair is alone.

Why did no one notice
when he ejected the witness?

Twenty years ago we
were flying home from
a camping trip in Alaska.

You, your brother,
your mother and I.

I was flying our old
De Havilland Mosquito,

when a starcraft
began shadowing
us from above.

It opened fire.

We only had seconds before
the fuel tanks were gonna

The flames had destroyed
all our parachutes but one.

I strapped you
into that chute,

and we tied little
Alex into your arms.

Your mother and I
said what we thought would
be our last goodbyes to you.

We pushed you to safety,
watching after you,

praying you'd make
it down all right.

But as your
parachute began to
burn, we had little hope.

Just as our
fuel tanks went,

your mother
and I were transported
into the attacker's ship.


collected as biological
specimens for the Shi'ar.

It looked hopeless.

Until the Starjammer
crew sprung us loose.

What happened to my mother?

Destroyed before my eyes
by the Shi'ar tyrant D'Ken.

The monster you X-Men and
the Phoenix helped me defeat.

As far as I knew,
my entire family
was gone.

I had no reason to go home.

I think these
belong to you.

If you'd known Alex
and I were still alive...

Not even the Shi'ar sl*ve pens
could have stopped me from
finding you!

-Look! The Shi'ar starcruiser!

It's closing fast!

Check out your old man!

Clear the area, fast!

We've achieved target lock.


If that's the way
they want to play it.

RAKNAR: X-Men, I do not know
what Corsair told you to
gain your support.

The witness he abducted
knows the location

of the Lord Chamberlain's
horded fortune.

Big mouth!

Corsair wants the girl
so she can lead him
to the money.

Anything else
he told you is
a self-serving lie.

Is this true?

I saved Jandra
because I care
about her.

But I also have
a starship to

and fusion fuel
doesn't come cheap!

You mean we're out
here fighting the Shi'ar
police so you can get rich?

you're not
listening to me!

Some father!

For all I know,
the Lord Chamberlain

hired you to
k*ll the witness!

Storm, find Jandra
and keep her safe.
From everybody!

I have to
find out the truth.

Shi'ar patrol,
hold your fire!


is my prisoner.
I'm turning him in.

Haven't you understood
anything I've told you?

The Starjammers
are protecting Jandra
from these Shi'ar police.

They're in with
the Lord Chamberlain.

They're bad cops.

We'll see, Dad.
Get in and shut up.

We'll find Jandra,
and then we'll talk.

The galaxy is in
your debt, Cyclops.

I have agreed to nothing.

When we get the girl,
we'll see who's lying.

This is Cyclops.
Storm, come in.

Scott, I am moving
toward the location

of the
beacon light
we saw coming in.

Nothing yet.
Wait a minute.

I may
have picked
up their trail.

Scott, I am under attack!

Surrender now, flying one!

Save your breath
for saving yourself.

Words to live by, Storm.

I would suggest
that calm weather

holds the key to
your continued

I've got a fix on
their location.

I apologize, Cyclops,
but I can't allow
you to interfere.

Navigator, I leave
our guest in your care.

Corsair, what a pleasure
to see you looking so well.

I need to know
how you learned
that I am the one

the Lord Chamberlain
hired to dispose of
the witness.

I don't betray friends
to murderers like you.

That's what I was hoping
you would say.

do you Starjammers
treat me as an enemy?

Did we not
fight side-by-side
against the tyrant D'Ken?

True. Though
we have maintained
communications silence,

Corsair's open communicator
allowed us to hear everything.


to evil Commander!

X-Men the ones who act
like enemy, not Starjammers!

I am glad you are back.
But why is the lady tied up?

Her friend
betrayed our location to
the false Shi'ar officer.

On the other hand,
from the lies
Cyclops was told,

it is no more
than we expected.



Is it true you
are Corsair's son?

Not by choice!

Watch and learn.

What are you going
to see is the ship's log
for three days in the future.

But that's impossible.

MAN: 1821 hours.
Encountered magnetic
storm of force 10 intensity.

Life support
temporarily failed.

Six crew injured.
The witness, Jandra, lost.

This faked sequence
was programed in

to cover up
what was really
going to be a m*rder!

Exactly. I went to
your father for help,

he was the one man
I knew with the guts

to rescue Jandra
and see that
justice was done.

Until I ruined it.

My mistake could cost
all of you your lives.

We'll see.
For now, just try to have
a little faith in your father.

I gave orders
that I wasn't
to be...


That's the Scott Summers
I gave my last parachute

Took you long enough!

Plan the family picnic later.
Let's go!

Follow me!

Corsair, sorry to break
communications silence,

but I strongly suggest
you alter your course
13 degrees to the north.

Fools! We have them now.

And remember
Aldebaran 5.

I remember it well.

Professor Xavier
sends his regards.

Xavier is half-a-planet away,
and Aldebaran is in another

What are they up to?


I don't know what happened
on Aldebaran 5,

but it better
have been good.

It was.



Let power pour from the sky.



You'll have
to forgive Ch'od.
He gets carried away.

That's okay, Dad.

I think
I understand
how he's feeling.

Get up here, everyone!
We have a trial to get to!

And a renegade cop
to turn over to
Shi'ar justice.

What made you
change your mind?

Let's just say
I like long odds.

Seems to run
in the family.

Our talk got interrupted.

There's so much
I want to know.

We'll get to it. All of it.

I've got
a question
or two myself.

Then stay!


I don't mean forever.
Just a few hours.

You're not
telling me your hot
spacecraft can't make up

a few hours
flying across
a whole galaxy!

Well, I...

I guess we could spend
a little extra time in

Oh, no. Break out the cards!

Better save your fuel.

Looks like we're
going to be here
a while.

So, you're gonna
marry that redhead

that beat the pants
off of the Imperial

CYCLOPS: She's calmed down
a bit since then.

Reminds me
a lot of your mother.


CORSAIR: Maybe I should wait
to tell you till after
you're married.