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05x10 - Running to Stand Still

Posted: 03/17/08 20:18
by bunniefuu

Nathan comes home with Jamie, it takes place right after the end of 509

JAMIE : Ravens win! Mommy, Ravens win!

NATHAN : Haley... That's weird. I thought mommy would have beat us home by now.

(Nathan phone rings)

HALEY : Nathan, hi. I'm so sorry. You got Jamie, right?

NATHAN : Yeah. Um, what happened? Where are you?

HALEY : I just got locked in the library with Lindsey and Peyton. I missed the whole game. I'll fill you in on all the gory details as soon as I get home. I'm on my way, okay?

NATHAN : All right, well, I'm just about to put Jamie to bed, and then I'm gonna take a quick shower. Oh, and, Haley, I love you.

HALEY : I love you, too.


JAMIE : Do I really have to go to bed, daddy?

NATHAN : PJ's, brush teeth, bed. Five minutes. Come on. Chop-chop.

JAMIE : Do I have to wear PJ's? Can't I sleep in this?

NATHAN : Okay. But just for tonight, all right? Now, come on. Let's go.

JAMIE : Awesome!

Nathan is in the shower, Carrie joins him but Nathan thinks it’s Haley at first

NATHAN : Missed you tonight.

CARRIE : Oh, I missed you, too.

(Nathan realizes)

NATHAN : Carrie, Carrie! What are you doing? This is not okay! You have to get out of here!

CARRIE : It's okay, Nathan. I love you, too.

NATHAN : What are you talking about? You think I love you? Carrie, you have to get out of here. Here, take this. Go. Get out of the shower. Carrie, get out of this bathroom right now!

(Haley walks in)

NATHAN : Haley, this... oh, my god. This... this isn't this, okay? I swear to you, I didn't -- look, I haven't... Carrie, tell her!

CARRIE : Nathan loves me, and I love him back.

HALEY : I want you to get the hell out of my house right now!

NATHAN : Haley, look, I know this looks like...

HALEY : you get out, too!

NATHAN : Look, I didn't...

HALEY : Get out!


Peyton arrives and John is sitting at her desk

PEYTON : Oh, I'm sorry. I must be in the wrong office. No, wait, that's me... Peyton Sawyer, label president.

JOHN : Touch?

PEYTON : What are you doing here, John? The big corporate label finally fire you?

JOHN : I happened to catch this new artist's live performance that perhaps you know her... Mia Catalano.

PEYTON : She's my artist, John.

JOHN : It's a pretty big office for such a small label, don't you think?

PEYTON : Well, I have got a good act, and that's one more than you've got at your great big label.

JOHN : It's good to see you, sawyer. By the way, what are you feeling about the first single... "Only fooling myself"?

PEYTON : John, stay away from Mia.

JOHN : Let me ask you something, Peyton. If a great song is recorded but nobody gets a chance to hear it, does it really exist?


Peyton walks in, Mia is already there.


MIA : Hey, Peyton, check it out. Haley made the finished version sound so much better than the demo.


MIA : And you were so right. "Only fooling myself" is definitely the single.

PEYTON : Mia, I need to ask you a question, okay? Were you approached by a record executive named John knight?

MIA : You mean that creepy, old guy who said he used to be your boss? No wonder you left l. A.

PEYTON : No, no, no. This is serious. What did he say?

MIA : Nothing. He said he saw my myspace video and that he wanted to hear the whole record.

PEYTON : Is that all he said? Mia, come on. What else did he say?

MIA : He said I made a big mistake in signing with you and you don't have the experience to launch me.


The club is empty, Owen is behind the bar, Brooke arrives

BROOKE : Hey, handsome. Peyton in her office?

OWEN : She was. Just took off. Looked like she was on a mission.

BROOKE : She wasn't armed, was she?

OWEN : I don't think so, but didn't get a chance to pat her down.

BROOKE : Easy, tiger. Is it too early for a Brooke Davis on the rocks?

OWEN : Suit yourself. I just pour them. You know something? I think I missed my cal.

BROOKE : Really? How's that?

OWEN : Should have gone into the clothing-design business. I mean, if you can run a multimillion-dollar company from a barstool while sipping AM Cocktails, how hard can it be?

BROOKE : Plenty hard. You have no idea.

OWEN : That's your story.

BROOKE : Don't write checks you can't cash, buddy. I'd be happy to whisk you up to New York anytime and show you how impressive and complicated it all really is, bartender boy, but if I did, who would tend to the bar? Flights leave on the hour, so I dare ya.

OWEN : All right. You're on, Brooke Davis.

BROOKE : Okay.


Lucas received a card from his mother which says "Lily wants to knows if you need a flower girl? So happy for you. Love. Mom" and a letter from NC dept. Of corrections parole board which says that Dan is eligible for parole.

Then Nathan knocks to his door

LUCAS : so, you've heard?

NATHAN : Haley kicked me out. I need a place to stay.

(Nathan looks at the mail Lucas is holding)

NATHAN : What is that?

LUCAS : It's Dan. He's up for parole.


Jamie is having breakfast with Haley

JAMIE : There's supposed to be a smiley face.

HALEY : What?

JAMIE : Where's nanny Carrie? She knows how I like them.

HALEY : Nanny Carrie is not home right now, and it's probably gonna be a little while before she comes back.

JAMIE : How long?

HALEY : I'm not sure yet, sweetheart.

JAMIE : Who's going to take me to school?

HALEY : I am. In fact, I got everything ready. I made your lunch, and I packed your backpack. Yummy.

JAMIE : You cut my pb&j sideways. Carrie cuts it in half. I like it cut in half.

HALEY : Well, it tastes the same both ways, I promise.

JAMIE : Kate cuts her sandwiches sideways, and she's always trying to kiss me.

(Nathan arrives)

NATHAN : yuck.

JAMIE : Daddy!

HALEY : Jamie, can you go upstairs for a few minutes, sweetheart?

JAMIE : Why?

NATHAN : Hey, why don't you go upstairs and fire up the playstation. Mommy's gonna let you play for 10 minutes before you go to school.

JAMIE : Sweet!

NATHAN : Sweet!

(Jamie leaves)

NATHAN : Look, I have to go to Dan's parole hearing, but before I do, I need you to hear me out.

HALEY : Dan's up for parole?

NATHAN : Yeah, he pled guilty to second-degree m*rder, he served good time, and it's been about five years, so, yeah. But that's not why I'm here.

HALEY : All right. I'm listening.

NATHAN : There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Carrie.

HALEY : Didn't look like nothing.

NATHAN : Haley, she's got some kind of weird crush, and she thinks the feeling's mutual, but it's not. There was some flirting, and I let it go, and I shouldn't have, but I swear to you that's all there was.

HALEY : What else, Nathan?

NATHAN : Nothing. I just... I mean, I guess I-I knew that she was getting attached. I was gonna say something to you, okay? I was. But I just need you to know there is nothing going on between us.

HALEY : Damn it, Nathan. I really thought we were, like, rounding this corner of everything, you know? I-I don't... I don't know how to... I just... I need some time to think and just be alone.

NATHAN : Haley, please, just...

HALEY : can you just... can you just go to Dan's hearing, and then we can find a time to deal with this later? Please?

(Nathan starts leaving)

HALEY : Nathan. There better not be more.


Peyton is talking with John

PEYTON : I will be damned if I let you steal my artist, John.

JOHN : It's not stealing if she wants it to happen.

PEYTON : Did she say that? What did you tell her, a bunch of lies to make her feel that way? Like you did with that little actress out in LA? How'd that go?

JOHN : Oh, admittedly, that could have gone better.

PEYTON : 'Cause, see, I heard you convinced her to quit her hit tv show in order to tour for this record, but I guess your ghost writer and your cool producer didn't really work out, did they? Because now, thanks to you, she doesn't have a music career or a tv show. Johnny, you forget... I worked for you for two years, okay? I watched you churn and burn all your artists in your corporate greed machine, and I will not let that happen to Mia. She deserves way better than that.

JOHN : Are you finished? That's a nice speech, Peyton. The only question is, can you back it up? You got a lot of great albums on that wall, but the sad truth is, you wouldn't have heard of half of them without the support of a major label. I should know. I signed four of them.

PEYTON : You know what? Mia's gonna make it. We'll be just fine.

JOHN : Are you sure? Just look at that wall again. All those artists have two things in common... great songs and a major label. I'll be honest...I'd love to sign Mia. I want to get her music out there into the world because it is great. She deserves to be heard. And you do not have the resources to do that yet. You're not even close. You're just gonna k*ll her. I'm in town till tomorrow morning. Do the right thing, Sawyer.


It’s practice

LUCAS : Mitchell. Sub in for q.

QUENTIN : Man, why you pulling me, coach? Come on.

LUCAS : Let me see your hand.

(Quentin seems hurt)

LUCAS : All right, we'll get a doctor to take a look at that. Grab some pine.


Jamie is walking inside of his school, Carrie is there

CARRIE : Jamie! Jamie!

JAMIE : Why are you sad, nanny Carrie?

CARRIE : Well, I'm sad because... I have to go away.

JAMIE : But I don't want you to go away. Why do you have to leave?

CARRIE : I really don't want to leave you. It's just... Your mommy doesn't like nanny Carrie. She wants me to leave.

JAMIE : But I want you to stay.

CARRIE : So do I. But your mom's the boss, and what she says goes. I wish you were my little boy. I always will. Bye, Jamie.


Brooke and Owen are arriving at her apartment

OWEN : Okay, you have 4,000 square feet on central park west. What's this place?

BROOKE : Well... This place is a good investment. And it doubles as a crash pad when I want to partying the east village.

(They enter the apartment, and it’s a total mess)

BROOKE : Somebody's here.

(Owen walks in the bedroom and finds Rachel lying on the floor unconscious)

BROOKE : Oh, my god. Rachel.

OWEN : Brooke, get a shower running. Make it cold. I'm gonna need some towels. Rachel. Rachel, can you hear me? Brooke, shower... now!

Owen put Rachel in the shower and try to wake her up

OWEN : Come on, come on, come on. Rachel, come on. Come on, baby! Come on, baby! Baby, come on! Wake up! Rachel, wake up! Come on, come on. Wake up. Open your eyes. Open your eyes, sweetie. Come on. Wake up! Wake up! Come on! Come on, wake up!

BROOKE : Please don't let her die.

OWEN : Come on, baby. Baby, wake up. Rachel! Rachel, open your eyes! Open your eyes! Wake up! Please, wake up!

Later, Brooke is in the living room, Owen comes out of the bedroom

BROOKE : Please tell me she's gonna be okay.

OWEN : If by "okay, " you mean she's not gonna die, then yes. But no, she's not okay.

BROOKE : Do I need to take her to the emergency room?

OWEN : No, her color's back, she's breathing, she's out of any immediate danger. But... Just let me keep an eye on her a little bit longer. We'll see.

BROOKE : Okay.

OWEN : How do you know her?

BROOKE : She's a friend from home. I hired her to model for the company. I haven't seen her in a while. I knew she had problems, but not like this. She started screwing up photo sh**t, and Victoria insisted I let her go. I need to help her. What do I do?

OWEN : Start by getting rid of this. Don't put it in the trash.


OWEN : When she wakes up, that's the first place she'll look.

BROOKE : Okay.


Quentin is alone with the doctor

DOCTOR : Well, I'm afraid it's not good. You have a hairline fracture of your right carpal radius.

QUENTIN : What's that mean?

DOCTOR : Well, it means you need a cast on that wrist for the next four to six weeks.

QUENTIN : Man, I can't do that. I'm gonna miss too many games, man. I'm... you're... you know what? This is my last season, okay, to impress the scouts if I want to play college ball, all right? Help me out, man.

DOCTOR : You need the cast, son. You don't have a choice. I'm sorry.

Haley is here to pick him up

HALEY : Hey, baby. How was your day at school?

(Jamie is not answering)

HALEY : What's wrong, James?

JAMIE : Why did nanny Carrie have to go away?

HALEY : Little man, you know, with grownups, sometimes they just need to move on with their own lives, and nanny Carrie decided that it was time to move on with her life.

JAMIE : That's not what she said. She said you sent her away 'cause you hated her. She didn't want to go.

HALEY : Wait, wait, wait, wait. When did she tell you this?

JAMIE : Today, at school.


Peyton is there with Mia

PEYTON : The man is a complete snake. I've seen him do it a thousand times. He offers you the moon and throws you out there, and the second you fall short, he drops you just like that.

MIA : Look, I don't care about him. I love this record, and I'm sure we'll be okay.

PEYTON : No, we will. You're right. We will be okay. We'll be better than okay. And you know why? Because I have got a plan. We're gonna roll out your first single on college radio. We get you out there on tour, then we'll do guerrilla marketing, like fliers and wild postings in all the mass markets. Ooh, and I have got a lot of street-team contacts out in LA. That I know would love to work with you.

MIA : That sounds great.

PEYTON : No. No, it doesn't, Mia. God, he's offering you, like, a five-course meal up in first class, and I'm offering you a sandwich in couch.

MIA : No, Peyton, don't feel that way. I don't.

PEYTON : But it's true, honey, okay? You made a much better record than I thought you could, and you deserve the spot on the big tour and the kind of airplay and big promotion that I just... I can't give it to you.

MIA : No. It doesn't matter. You're the one who got me here, and I want to stay with you.

PEYTON : You really mean that?

MIA : Absolutely.

PEYTON : Okay.


Haley’s in the kitchen, Carrie walks in

CARRIE : I need to get my stuff.

HALEY : It's in the garage. Boxes are marked "whore". I'll have the keys now.

CARRIE : I'm sorry, Haley. I never meant for it to turn out this way.

HALEY : Did you go by Jamie's school today?

CARRIE : Jamie looks at me as family. I was just saying goodbye.

HALEY : No, you are not family. I invited you into this home, and I trusted you with the two most important things in my life... my husband and my son... and you betrayed that trust.

CARRIE : I know you're upset. Just know that I never meant for Nathan to fall in love with me.

HALEY : Oh, honey. He's not in love with you. I can promise you that.

CARRIE : Did he tell you he kissed me? He didn't tell you, did he? God, that is so Nathan. Well, he did kiss me. And he watched me swim naked, and he liked it. You see, he wanted me in that shower. I'm sorry that it's hard for you to face, but it's the truth.

HALEY : I have told you once, and I am not gonna tell you again... stay the hell away from my family!

(Jamie was watching)

JAMIE : I hate you!

HALEY : Jamie!


Rachel is waking up, Brooke is at her side

RACHEL : Well, well... Am I dead?

BROOKE : You o.d’d. You're alive, but you're really stupid. Rachel, what happened to you?

RACHEL : I don't know. Life happened, I guess.

BROOKE : But... dr*gs?

RACHEL : They just made me feel better. Then they just made me feel.

BROOKE : Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you let me help you?

RACHEL : We were friends, Brooke. You fired me.

Owen is in the kitchen, someone knocks at the door

BROOKE : Who is it?

OWEN : Brooke, lock the door. Don't come out till I say.

(Owen opens the door and acts like a junkie)

OWEN : Hey, man. Come on in.

GUY : Who are you?

OWEN : It's cool. Rachel said you were gonna be stopping by. Come on in, man. Come on. We're all in the waiting room, here.

(The guy comes in)

GUY : So, uh... Where's Rachel?

OWEN : She's, uh, she's right here.

(Owen starts hitting the guy)

GUY : Let me go, man! I didn't do nothing to you!

OWEN : My friend is falling out on your junk back there! So where is it?

GUY : I don't know what you're talking about.

OWEN : You ever come in here again, I will break your neck! Do you hear me?

(Owen throws the guy out of the apartment)

GUY : That bitch owes me a lot of money, man!

OWEN : Yeah?

(Owen gives him some cash)

OWEN : Consider that payment in full. Get the hell out of here.

(Owen shut the door, Brooke comes to see him)

BROOKE : Owen, who was that?

OWEN : Nobody that's coming back.


Nathan and Lucas are going to Dan’s hearing

LUCAS : So, how'd it go with Haley?

NATHAN : She's gonna need more time.

HALEY : Well, give it to her. You owe her that.

NATHAN : I just wish he would have helped us more, you know? It would have been really nice to have a father today... someone I could actually turn to for advice.

LUCAS : Yeah. You know, for the past four years, I pretended that Dan didn't exist. Then I get this letter, and it hit's me... that one day, we may have to face having him in our lives again. Let's not let that be today.


Nathan and Lucas are sitting in the room. Dan is bringing in

DAN : Hello, son.


Peyton is sitting at her desk, John walks in

JOHN : Hello, Peyton. I was pretty sure I'd be hearing from you.

PEYTON : Well, I thought about what you said, and I think you're right about Mia.

JOHN : So the assistant to the assistant finally learns the business. Congratulations, Peyton, it's about time.

(Mia walks in too)

MIA : About time for what?

PEYTON : Mia. It really is in your best interest.

MIA : That's not what you said earlier today. You said he was an evil snake that couldn't be trusted. So which is it, Peyton?

JOHN : In spite of what she said earlier, I think you should listen to her now, Mia. She's making a lot of sense.

MIA : Oh, really? She's making sense now? Listen, you can do whatever deal you want with her, just know that I will never play for you... never. I am an artist, not a business transaction. You know, Peyton, I really thought we had something special. Thanks for selling me out.

PEYTON : No, mia! Mia, wait!

(Mia leaves)


DAN : Good afternoon. When I was 17 years old, I fell in love. Her name was Karen. And for a long time, she loved me back. We had a son... Lucas. But we never became the family we should have been. Instead, my brother, Keith, assumed that role. And in my heart, something died. I deserve to be in here. There's no excuse for the crime that I committed. And believe me when I tell you I spend every moment wishing I could take that fateful day back. Keith Scott is dead because of me. And that's something I have to live with for the rest of my life. So I'll just make one pledge here today. If at some time you decide to grant me my freedom, know that I'll spend every living moment trying to mend the lives of the people that I hurt by my actions. Because I have lost more than my freedom. I've lost something far more important than that. My family. These young men stand at the dawn of their adult lives. So far, because of what I put them through, they've had it pretty rough. They deserve better. They deserve a father. I hope someday you'll give them that.

MAN : Thank you, Mr. Scott. Does anyone else wish to speak at this time?

LUCAS : Yes. Um, I'm Lucas Scott. I'm his son

MAN : Please, go ahead.

LUCAS : My father abandoned my mother when she was pregnant with me. He left us to struggle on our own, even though he was a man of means. Growing up, I only had one person to look after me... Keith Scott. And this man k*lled him... his own brother... in cold blood at point-blank range. Next week, I'm getting married. Keith... Would have been my best man. But he's not gonna be there, just like he didn't see my state championship or see my first novel published. Dan took all that. And he did it with malice and premeditation. Dan is an educated man, and if he is nothing... He's very persuasive. Do not let him fool you. He has a very dark and ugly heart. And he should never be allowed to walk the streets a free man. So as you deliberate his fate, I ask you only one question. How can a father hope to influence his sons when they never even came to see him? Never even once.

MAN : Thank you. Um, actually... It looks here that, uh, Nathan... You've been to visit your father recently. Is that true?



LUCAS : What the hell? You went to go see Dan, and you didn't tell me. Why?

NATHAN : 'Cause I was done with him, and I wanted to tell him to his face. I didn't think it mattered.

LUCAS : Well, it did matter. Just like getting up there and telling them who he really is mattered. Don't you get it?

NATHAN : Get what?

LUCAS : If they think you still need Dan in your life, they might let him out. You know, it's not me I'm worried about. Or you. It's Jamie. Dan's gonna try to get to him. You know that. The only way to keep your family safe is if Dan stays locked up.


Owen is cleaning the mess.

BROOKE : Can I ask you something? How'd you know who the guy was and what to do with Rachel?

OWEN : Let's just say I have been there.

BROOKE : You mean you had a problem?

OWEN : No. I'm saying I'm an addict... a junkie, Brooke. You ever wonder why you never see me take a drink behind the bar? Been sober eight years.

BROOKE : How'd you make it back?

OWEN : I had a friend. He helped me. I'd be dead right now if it wasn't for him, no question. He never gave up on me. See, Brooke, I can understand the whole "cutting off Rachel" on the business side, but I'm struggling with the whole "friendship" side.

BROOKE : You don't know my mother. Victoria is relentless when she wants something, and it's easier to just do it than to fight her.

BROOKE : You ever wonder where you'd be if at some critical moment, when you needed it the most, your friends just weren't there for you?

BROOKE : Can she ever be okay again?

OWEN : I don't know. Maybe. You know, what Rachel needs right now... Is to go to rehab. This is the place that helped me. Their facility here... it's the best in the city. And I can take her there for you, if you need me to.

BROOKE : I need to do it. I have to step up for her. She needs me.

OWEN : In that case... I'm gonna go. Do not give up on her, Brooke. You are better than that.

BROOKE : Some first date, huh?

OWEN : Is that what this was? You know, I have to say, your life is really impressive... the real estate, the business, the money. That's just not what really interests me. What's under all the clothes, Brooke Davis?

(Owen leaves)


The gym is empty, Quentin is there thinking. Nathan walks in

NATHAN : Didn't expect to find you here.

QUENTIN : Oh, you know... ain't nothing like an empty gym when you want to be alone with your thoughts, man. What you doing here?

NATHAN : The same. What's on your mind?

QUENTIN : Oh, man, just, uh, planning my big move on your scoring title. Man, that... that last season you had, boy, that... that must have been something special.

NATHAN : Truth be told, i, uh, took it for granted a little bit. I mean, breaking all those records and the scouts coming to see me play, the state championship... I wish I could go back. I'd appreciate it more.

QUENTIN : I just want it so bad, man. You know? Is that okay to say? 'Cause I...

NATHAN : sure. And you'll get there. And when you do, just be sure to enjoy it, 'cause it only comes once. In the blink of an eye, it can all be gone.


BROOKE : You got to trust me, Rachel. This is the best rehab facility in the city, and I'm gonna take care of everything. I don't care what it costs.

RACHEL : Please, Brooke, please. I don't want to be alone again, all right? I don't want to go to some strange place. I'll be good. I promise I'll stop.

BROOKE : Honey, we both know that's not realistic. You have a problem, and you need to go.

RACHEL : Brooke... Y-you're my only friend. If you... if you leave me this time, I won't make it. Please don't give upon me. Look, can't I just stay here with you?


Lucas is at his computer, Nathan walks in

NATHAN : Look, man, I'm ... I'm sorry about what happened today with Dan. I let you down. I could have done better. I just... he got to me. You know? And I know you're always looking out for Jamie, it's just --you got to understand, I would never let anything happen to him.

LUCAS : Then go be his dad. Work things out with your wife.

NATHAN : It's really bad, man.

LUCAS : And remember, it might be better to save your marriage than to be right on this one, okay? I mean, besides, since Haley's gonna be Lindsey's maid of honor, I'm really gonna need my best man to be getting along with her.

NATHAN : Thanks, man. I, uh, I know that was supposed to be Keith. I'm... I'm honored.

(Nathan leaves and Lucas looks at a picture of Keith)

LUCAS : I miss you.


Haley walks in

HALEY : hey, jim-jam. Time for bed, buddy. Here we go. Want me to, uh, read you a story? How about, "go, dog, go! You like that one, right?

JAMIE : Where's daddy?

HALEY : Mommy and daddy are just having a little... Bit of a tough time right now. He's staying with uncle Lucas.

JAMIE : Is daddy gonna be sad again, like last time?

HALEY : I don't think so. I hope not.

JAMIE : Daddy stopped being sad when nanny Carrie came to live with us. He liked nanny Carrie.

HALEY : I know this is probably really hard for you to understand 'cause you're... So little. Nanny Carrie wasn't a very nice lady, and she needed to go away.

JAMIE : I wish nanny Carrie was my mama.


Peyton’s playing pool, Mia arrives

MIA : So?

PEYTON : Don't freak out, okay? But what if I told you that "only fooling myself" is gonna be your first single? Your record will be distributed nationally in six weeks. You will stay on red bedroom records, which John will now distribute worldwide. You have final say on touring, image rights, and album art, and you get to keep your publishing, which means you own all your own songs.

MIA : And?

PEYTON : And we get to stay together as a team.

MIA : You did it!

PEYTON : No, you did it with that performance! That was incredible! Dude, did you see his face when you freaked out on him? It was awesome! He was practically tripping over himself to give us this deal.

MIA : You know, it wasn't that hard a performance. I meant every word. Except the part when I called you a sellout... not that part.

PEYTON : Well, I think you've got to go home and pack your bags now, 'cause you're opening up in Houston tomorrow.

MIA : What?

PEYTON : Yeah, and for someone who I think that you know. Um, have you heard of Ryan Adams?

MIA : Oh, my god! That's amazing!

PEYTON : What? What's wrong?

MIA : Oh, I-It's just... It all happened so fast. I'm not sure I'm y to say goodbye.

PEYTON : No, you're ready. And it's not "goodbye". This is just the beginning of your dream come true. And I want you to know, I am really, really proud to be a part of it. Now go out there and be great.


Brooke is with Rachel

RACHEL : I can't be alone again.

BROOKE : You're not gonna be. You're coming home with me. Come here.


Lucas is taking the picture of Keith

LUCAS : I love you, Keith. I just hope I can behalf as good an uncle to Jamie as you were to me. I miss you.


MAN : After careful considerations, we have come to a decision. Mr. Scott...


Nathan arrives

NATHAN : Haley, I'm sorry, okay? And I'm sorry for the way this looks, but before you say anything, just know that it's my fault. I should have done something earlier. I should have... I should have said something to you from the start.

HALEY : She said that you kissed her.

(Nathan stays still)

HALEY : Did you?

(Jamie arrives)

JAMIE : Daddy's home!

NATHAN : Buddy, what's up? Mommy and I need to talk right now, okay? So why don't you go out back and sh**t around? You know what? Try to make five free throws in a row. And I'll be out there in a sec, okay?

(Jamie goes outside)

HALEY : It's a simple question, Nathan. Did you kiss her?

NATHAN : No... But... She kissed me.

HALEY : You looked me in the eye and you said that there's nothing else. And I have been through a lot with you, Nathan. I've been through better and worse, in sickness and health, but I will not do infidelity.

NATHAN : It wasn't like that, okay? I wasn't into her.

HALEY : You call kissing Carrie and watching her swim naked not being into her?

NATHAN : I didn't kiss her! How many times do I have to tell you that? It wasn't me. It was Carrie.

HALEY : No, it's you! It's always you! When are you gonna learn? When are you gonna stop making bad choices that thr*aten everything that we've built?

NATHAN : Everything I have ever done was for this family, Haley!

HALEY : Well, excuse us for being such a weight around your neck.

NATHAN : I didn't say that, okay? And you know I didn't mean that. Don't put words in my mouth.

HALEY : Well, somebody needs to, because you have a really nasty habit of neglecting to mention important details.

NATHAN : Haley, you know what? I'm really trying hard to be honest about all this right now, but sometimes for you, it's just never enough, okay? And I can't take it anymore!

HALEY : No it's my fault because I put so much pressure on you, and the best part is, you screw the nanny, and Jamie ends up hating me!

NATHAN : I did not screw her!

HALEY : Where is he? Jamie!

While they were arguing, Jamie falls into the pool. Nathan and Haley run outside. Nathan jumps into the pool and gets him

NATHAN : Jamie.

HALEY : Jamie! Oh, god! Please! Jamie! He's breathing, right?

NATHAN : I don't know!

HALEY : Come here! Jamie! Jamie, open your eyes! Honey, wake up. Jamie, wake up.

(Jamie coughs)

HALEY : Okay.

NATHAN : I'm so sorry.

HALEY : No, you stay away from us! This marriage is over!

NATHAN : Haley!

HALEY : I w... I want a divorce.