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03x18 - Nightcrawler

Posted: 08/25/22 09:48
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[owl hooting]

I saw the fiend!
It had fangs! And claws!

It was horrible! It haunts us!

We must do something!

We shall destroy him!

[crowd clamoring]


[woman 1 screams]

[gasps] The demon!

[speaking in German]

-[man 1 in English] Get him!
-[crowd shouting]

[man 2] Destroy the demon!

[woman 2] Hurry! The thing is
trapped in that dead end!

[crowd shouting]

[man 3] sh**t him!

It's vanished into thin air!

Heartless fools.
They know not what they do.

[Gambit] "I know," she say.
"Let's take a trip," she say.

"It'd be fun."

Huh! Some fun!

After what we've been through
lately, I figured we could
use some time off.

But you didn't tell me
we'd have a chaperon.

Don't whine to me.

This ain't my idea
of a good time.

Hey, hoser,
I thought you like to ski.

This is sitting around
drinking cocoa

and getting funny looks
from rich people.

Yeah? Well, next time,
plan your own darn vacation!

Oh, chere, wait.
Well, I hope you're happy.

Don't know
the meaning of the word.

Come on, a demon?
You must be kidding.

I heard it on the train.

The whole town thinks
they've been under attack

by some dark creature
for months!

Must be some local
yokel superstition. [chuckles]

Tell me more.

I'll make it up to you.
We'll fly to Monte Carlo.

We eat nice,
lie on the beach...

[Rogue] Where're you going?

Demon hunting. Interested?

What hunting?

Exactly how far
is this Neuherzl?

A couple of more miles.

Why? You quitting?

It is getting kind of late.

Maybe I ought to fly us there.

What, and spoil Gumbo's fun?


Okay. So we don't ski much
on the bayou.

[giggling] You sure
you don't want help?

Of course not.
Gambit a natural athlete.


Hold on! We're coming!


Ah, that better.

Where's Gambit?

Come on, Remy. Say something.


Man doesn't break a sweat
against Apocalypse or Magneto.

So... so what nails him?
A pine tree.

-Wait. Uh-oh.


I'm coming! Grab on!

[Wolverine yelling]

[metal clinking]




What in tarnation?

Please, do not worry.

This is home
to 20 members of our order.

We minister to many
ski accident victims.

[Rogue] Logan!

-How is he?
-Gambit will hurt a while.

-He'll be okay.
-Praise be to God.


Who's the snoop?

[Brother Michael]
Ah, Brother Reinhard.

Please show our guests
to the visitor accommodations.

Brother, is it wise
to have strangers around
at this terrible time?

They are not
the usual travelers!

Those in need are always
welcome, Brother Reinhard.

Please have faith
in our mission.

Y'all are monks?

So, I'm the only woman here.


would you be kind enough

to accept something more
appropriate to wear
during your stay?

Don't wanna make
the natives restless.

[Brother Michael] You should
take care where you walk.

Some doors on the upper levels
open into thin air.

The abbey was heavily damaged
during the w*r.

So, Johann, besides praying
and ministering,

what do you boys do all day?

Our mission is to give shelter
and comfort to all travelers.

And, of course,
to offer a place

to renew one's relationship
with the Lord.

Being close to heaven didn't
help us this afternoon, Father.

Are you sure, sir?

Have you lost your faith?

What is it that you seek?

Action. For instance,
I hear you got a demon
hanging around here.

You mean down in the town,
in Neuherzl.

Yes. Odd rumor, isn't it?

Uh, personally,
I never met a demon.

I better go check on Gambit.

Oh! Pardon, Reverend,
I didn't expect...

Hey! What are you doing?


[groans and coughing]

Can't catch nobody
wearing this thing!

[gasps] Oh, no!
They must serve the demon!

[grunts] Ow! Tight fit!




There! You are safe now!

-Please! You do not understand!



Try hopping over these, pal!


I do not wish to fight.


You and me
are through dancing, Mr. Demon!

No! You mustn't!

Why not?

Because he is my brother.

I don't see the resemblance.

in the ecclesiastical sense.

That is,
a member of our monastery.

I am sorry
I startled you, Fraulein.

I did not know you could fly.

It's okay.

I didn't know you could do

whatever that was you did.


I think of a place
I'd rather be, look to it,
and I am there.

Gambit rather be
in Monte Carlo.


Think you can work that out?

Enough small talk!

Are you the guy
who att*cked Gambit?

Of course not!

Brother Nightcrawler
is a man of God.

But, you are the demon
we heard tell about?

In a manner of speaking, yes.

Like yourselves, I am a mutant.

But unlike most mutants,

my condition was obvious
from the moment I was born.

[baby crying]

[both gasp]

[Brother Nightcrawler] The
villagers drove my mother away,
for bearing such a freak.

I never even knew her name.

She abandoned me.
But I did not die.

Instead I was found by a family
of traveling performers.

I became Nightcrawler,

the star attraction
of their little circus.

For their freakish world,
I was perfect!

But when the spotlight
went out,

I was still an outcast.

Shunned and hated.

Guess there no peace
for the wicked-looking.

-No, he's right.

Though all people are flawed
and all struggle
with the capacity for sin,

none likes to be reminded
of our shared human weakness.

My appearance
does not make it easy.

Don't it make you crazy?

It did once.
But then I found peace

by devoting my life to God.

He directed me to this place,

where they value
the character of my heart,
not my appearance.

What are you talking about?

We're mutants!

God gave up on us
a long time ago.

No, my friend,

God does not give up
on his children,
human or mutant.

He is there for us
in our times of joy,

and to help us
when we are in pain.

If... we let him.

Don't give me that
easy answer garbage!

I've tried!
Don't you think I want that?

I don't need a sermon
from some circus-boy preacher.

-Looks like you touched
a nerve.
-I am sorry.

I did not mean to upset him.

[Gambit] Fine.

Now Gambit got a question.

If you're not the guy
who tried to put me out
for good, who was?

[Brother Reinhard]
People of Neuherzl!

I can no longer allow
such sacrilege!

The beast you seek is there!

In the monastery!

Are you mad?
Those are men of God!

The Evil One
has defiled that holy place!

It must be destroyed!

[crowd shouting]

You are searching for me?

Nah, looking for
a moment alone.

We are alike, you and I,
angry at the world,
and ourselves.

My pain drove me to seek God.

Yours drove you away.

Don't tell me about God!

What kind of God
would let men do this to me?

Our ability to understand
God's purpose is limited,

but we take comfort in the fact
that his love is limitless.

[scoffs] I used to
buy into all that.

But I've lived too long.
And I've done too much.

Life will always be hard.

I understand this
better than most.

Yet despite it all,

people of every faith believe
there is a God who loves them.

Can so many be wrong?

Open your heart, HerrLogan.

Would it hurt so much
to see the world
through different eyes?

Brother! There is a mob headed
up the road from Neuherzl.

They must have discovered
you are here.

And they want to rip you
into little pieces.

Tell me, preacher.
What's God's purpose in that?

Neuherzl is isolated.

The people know nothing
about mutants.

Perhaps I am here
to help open their hearts.

I must leave
so no one will be hurt.

Running away, preacher?

What's wrong?
Lose your faith?

Why? Why must they
always hate me?

[crowd clamoring]

Remember, Logan.
Those people aren't bad.

They're just scared.
Be careful.

Careful? Fifty against two?

[Gambit] Trois, mes amis.

Don't you know
Gambit's ready for anything?

You sure you're up to this?

Course, chere.[groans]

Soon as the room stop spinning.

[crowd shouting]

Welcome Wagon's arrived.

Devil! Out with you!

[man 1] Destroy the demon!

[man 2] Out with him!

Again! Harder!
God is with us!

First, you got to
get past me!


[all] Get him! Get him!

Okay, people, now settle down!

Don't touch me!

[men groaning]

Stop the demons!
Our families!

They want to hurt us!
Destroy them!


Get out of my head!

I'm trying not to turn
you bozos into hamburger.

Now, back off!


Bitte, Frau Kohler!
You know us!

-Please listen!

You are a pawn
of the Evil One!

Tell us where
your monster is hiding!

I am not hiding!

[woman screaming]

The library?
How did we get here?

[groaning] Gambit not enjoying
this vacation one bit.

-Get him downstairs!
-What are you going to do?

I will surrender.

It is the only way to prevent
anyone else getting hurt.


Brother Reinhard! Stop!

This is the end, demon!

Be careful! The whole place
is catching fire!


The demon is attacking
Brother Reinhard!

I shall surrender!


You have corrupted this place!

I must purify it!


[all exclaiming]

Go ahead, demon,
do your worst.

Why do you pause?
I have betrayed you!

It is not for me to judge you,
Brother Reinhard.

The question is,
how will God judge you?

Look around you.

This is the fruit
of your labors!

Not mine!

Lord, help me!

I was wrong! I have sinned!

What have I done?

Thank you, my friends.

Your presence here
was a great blessing.

What do you mean, blessing?
Look at this place!

-We blew it!
-I disagree.

Brother Reinhard understands
his tragic mistake
and has repented.

The townspeople no longer
look at me with fear
in their hearts.

There was no loss of life.

All are reasons to be thankful.

What about the monastery?

A great tragedy.

But it was only
stone and mortar.

The foundation
God has built in our hearts
can never be destroyed.

Man, I don't get you.

Here, I've marked
a few passages
you may find rewarding.

Remember, HerrLogan,
"Different eyes."

[Gambit sighs] Paris.

Back in the civilized world.

I don't know.

Those quiet little monks

were starting to grow on me.

Face it, chere,
those monks kid themselves.

We on our own in this world.
Life is random.

Deal you a full house
or a busted flush.

What'd I say?


What if he's right?

What if there is nothing else?

[Wolverine] "I will give
thanks to you, oh, Lord.

For though you were
angry with me,
your anger turned away,

and you comforted me.
I will trust
and will not be afraid."

[theme music playing]