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04x06 - Sanctuary: Part 1

Posted: 08/26/22 05:43
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[cosmonaut 1] Yes, yes, I know.
Do not take so long.

[cosmonaut 2] Americans.

Disarming warheads
is not digging potatoes.

[speaking Russian]


[delegates chattering]

[US delegate]
Five armed satellites disappear
in a two-month period.

And now the shuttle!

And you tell me your people
know nothing about it!

What about our missing
aerospace scientists?

I suppose we took them also!

Your stolen scientists
were all mutants,
know what I mean?

Perhaps you sold them
into Genoshan sl*very?

The Republic of Free Genosha
objects strenuously

to the use of the term

Mutant powers are a resource
to be managed like any other.

[Magneto] The mutant race
will no longer be managed,

Mr. Delegate.


You will all remain seated
until I have finished.

Ladies, gentlemen,
you have been chosen

to witness the announcement
of a momentous event

in the history of our planet.

The liberation of mutantkind

has begun.

Too long have we suffered
under the oppression
of humankind.

I have witnessed firsthand
the barbarous
treatment of mutants

on your wretched little island.

I will not allow
this madness to continue!

Mutant lover!

[Magneto] We have seen
communities torn apart

by the jealous hatred
of our mutant gifts.

They're evil! All of them!

Roving mobs of vigilantes...

Bring out the muties
or we'll burn them out!

[Magneto] out the infirm
among us.

I'm just an ordinary mutant.

[Magneto] Some mutants
conceal their true power,

living a charade of normality,
while their spirit suffocates.

Others have gone into hiding
beneath your cities,

huddling in the darkness
like rats.

There are those
who have tried nobly

to enlighten
their human brethren,

to strive for freedom
and equality for all men.

Perhaps you self-appointed
social engineers don't realize

the crucial role mutation plays
in species evolution.

Get him!

Their efforts have been repaid

with brutality and hatred.

The missing mutant scientists
and I have built
a mutants-only asteroid.

Where any mutant
may live apart from humanity,
free from its cruelty.

The first exodus will begin
in 24 hours near Genosha.

Thereafter, mutants who wish
to join us shall gather

at designated pick-up points,
once the first pilgrims
are settled.

My mission is peaceful.

Any intervention
would make it otherwise.

The decision is yours.

Oh, Magnus,
we have been through so much.

Can my failure be so complete?

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

There must be more seats!

[mutant] I'll pay $2,000!

So long, you rotten muties!

[woman] Get out of here!

Byron Calley,
running off with Magneto.

What you think
they doing up there?

Much as I am doing right now,
I suppose.

Magneto had access
to the advanced technology

he found in the Savage Land.

No doubt they're adapting it
to their own uses,

as we are adapting
the Shi'ar devices
to achieve Earth orbit.

But what for?

These mutants are scientists,
not soldiers.

Why they join up with Magneto?

I reckon they got tired
of getting beat up
and treated like dirt.

Still no reason
to pack up and leave.

I don't know, chere.

We stay here fighting
all the time,

things don't get much better.

Gambit's point
has a certain validity.

Despite our most
earnest efforts, we seem
to spend more time

fighting for our lives
than for mutant rights.

You thinking about
moseying skyward?

Just thinking out loud, chere.
You know Gambit
follow you anywhere.

Mr. President,
any hostile action now
against Magneto

could start
a nuclear holocaust.

Don't you think I know that?

But people are scared
and angry,

and they expect me to act.

Professor, Magneto's
got missiles up there.

He says they're defensive.
But how can I take that chance?

I know Magneto.
He won't lie to me.

If I can speak with him,
I'm certain we'll find
a peaceful solution.

All right, we'll play it
your way for now.
I won't call in the military.

You've got 12 hours.

I shall call the rest
of the team together.

That won't be necessary.
You and I will go alone.

The full team
would provoke him.

This is a peace mission,
not combat.

We'll have to go to Africa
and meet him face to face.

I'd like to go with you
to see Magneto.

I want to go up
to the asteroid.
I need to see somebody

-already up there.
-What's going on, swamp boy?

Don't worry, chere.
Gambit's got no bags packed.

You're coming back, Cajun?

Promise, chere.

[birds chirping]

[Gambit] I never seen
so many mutants.

How he gonna get
all these folks up there?

Look! I see something!


Magneto has come for us,
just like he promised.

Come, my children.

Soon you will be free.

Enter the transport
and I shall take you
to your salvation.

Charles Xavier.

I assume you have come
to dissuade me.

I simply wish you
to consider the consequences
of your actions.

Your separate mutant nation
will solve nothing.

The world distrusts
your motives.

Every government on Earth
is on full military alert.

The irrational anxieties
of the human governments

are not my concern, Charles.

Now, I have an appointment
on Genosha.

An example, I believe,
of humans and mutants
working together.

Care to join me?

All mutants are welcome
on Asteroid M.

Even X-Men.

Very well, Magnus.
It'll give us a chance to talk.

How odd.
He appears to be weakening.


Hear me, mutants of Genosha!

You will suffer no longer
under the yoke
of your human masters.

Cast off your bonds and join me
in your new homeland.

[Magneto] Do not provoke me.

I do not wish to harm you,

but I shall
to protect my people.

[Anderson]The mutant citizens
of Free Genosha

will not be going anywhere!

By order
of the sovereign government
of Free Genosha,

I place you under arrest!

[Cortez] Lord Magneto has come!

We will be held down no longer!

Destroy the human oppressors!

[Beast] It appears
a local resistance group
has been emboldened

to aid Magneto
through this confrontation.

Destroy the human oppressors!

Long live Magneto!

We are free!

Now! We need them now!

Surrender, mutants.


[Gambit] Over here!

Rock solid chrome...

coming down!

[sentinel 1]
Primary target acquired.

Neutralization imminent.

Lord Magneto!

Lord Magneto,
I am Fabian Cortez.

My mutant power will heal you.


[soldiers screaming]

You are rejuvenated, my lord.

Now you may destroy
the flat-scan human tyrants
once and for all!

I come to rescue my people,
not to avenge them.

Gather your troops.
We are all going home!

Remy, long time!
When did you sign up?

Just having
a look around, Byron.

[Cortez] The journey
has fatigued you, my lord.

Let my power heal you again.

[Beast] He does not appear
to be healing Magneto,

so much as recharging him.

[Xavier] Yes, I fear
Magneto may come
to depend upon it like a drug.

Magnus, we must speak.

You are dangerously
overexerting your powers.

And you fear for my life?
How thoughtful.

Please, join us for dinner.
We have a world to create!

-I don't believe it!

We have nothing to say
to each other.

-Amelia, please.

Of all mutants on Earth,

I certainly did not expect
to see her here.

Lord Magneto,
my followers and I
pledge our allegiance

to your righteous cause.

We shall be
your loyal servants.

I thank you for your devotion.

Now get off your knees.
I need hard work,
not adulation.

[footsteps approaching]

-[Magneto] Yes, Mr. Calley?

Sir, the repairs
to the NASA shuttle
are nearly complete.

The astronauts
will be ready to depart
within 12 hours.

Excellent, keep me informed.

There are humans here?

They are my guests.

Yes, of course, my lord.

Kinsmen and honored guests.

Welcome to your new home.

I propose a toast. To freedom!

[all] Freedom!

As a great man once said,

"The price of freedom
is eternal vigilance."

We are under attack.

Several armed satellites are
closing on our position, sir.

I asked for so little.
Just to be left alone!

Counterattack, my lord!
Punish them
for their aggression!

No, Cortez.

Then make an example
out of the astronauts.

Non-mutant humans
perceive this colony
as a threat.

They are acting out of fear.

Or, sir, they are acting
out of self defense.

One of our own missiles
was launched
prior to the attack!

What? I gave no such order!

The flat-scan humans
will not rest

until every mutant
has been destroyed.

-They must be taught a lesson.
-That is enough, Cortez!

Mr. Calley, cloak the asteroid
and move it to a new orbit.

Send our regrets and an offer
of immediate restitution

to President Kelly.

Advise him there will be

no further aggression
on our part.

Starting to get interesting
up here.

What's with the Professor
and that redhead?

Gambit get the feeling
they got a history.

Very observant.
Her name is Amelia Voght.

They met in a hospital
in India.

Xavier was bitter
and frustrated.

The Professor had just lost
the use of his legs
battling Magneto,

and Amelia was his nurse.

Amelia refused
to let the Professor
give in to self pity.

In time, they fell in love.

When Xavier returned
to America,
Amelia went with him.

In the end,
it was the Professor's dream

that drove them apart.

Amelia hated being a mutant.

She wanted the Professor
to live a private,
sheltered life with her.

She told Charles
that there wasn't room
in his life

for both her and the X-Men.

When she left,
it was as if a part of Charles
had been destroyed.

He sealed away his emotions
and lived only for his X-Men.

His dream became
his entire world.

He never saw Amelia,
never spoke of her again.

[Gambit] Till today.

-[Xavier] Amelia.
-What do you want?

I... It has been a...
a long time.

[laughs] Is that the best
you can do?

-Amelia, please, listen to--
-What are you doing here?

I get a chance at a new life,

so you want to
screw this one up for me, too?

I didn't ruin your life.

I wanted to make our lives,
the lives of all mutants,

Well, I got news for you,
Charlie. You failed.

Your X-Men's fight for
mutant rights has made it
impossible for mutants

to live quietly
anywhere on Earth.

Magneto may have
built Asteroid M,
but you made it necessary.

[Xavier] Is this the life
you want, Amelia?

Sealed in a floating prison,
like an insect in a jar?

You're right. It's not fair.

I don't think we have
anything more to discuss.

Well, Mr. Cortez.

To what do I owe this visit?

You don't seem surprised,
Lord Magneto.

Certainly not.

It was you
who launched the warhead.

You are a reckless young fool!

Coward! You let flat-scan
humans eat at your table!

I rule here!
I will not tolerate

-your endangering my asteroid.
-I renounce you!

You renounce me?


You are unfit to lead!

My powers. I can't even...

You exhausted your power
on Genosha, old man.

I have sustained you
and I can destroy you!

You don't have enough power
to hold your own
molecules together.

Soon you will fade away
into nothing!

You will serve our cause
much better as a martyr.

[alarm buzzing]

[Cortez] Help!

This way!

Help! Help!

Traitors! They have destroyed
our beloved Magneto.

Charles! What have you done?

What do you mean?

When we arrived here,
we saw only Cortez!

Liars! I saw them
jettison the chamber!

[Cortez] Assassins!

Gambit think we're outnumbered.

for our lost Lord Magneto!

[theme music playing]