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05x14 - What Do You Go Home To?

Posted: 05/04/08 19:05
by bunniefuu

Lucas is waking up

LUCAS (in the mind) : Lindsey. She's the first thing I think about every day. "How is she?" "Does she miss me like I miss her?" "How do I get her back?" And then another day without her begins.


Peyton is waking up

PEYTON (in the mind) : Lucas.


Jamie is waking up

JAMIE (in the mind): Chester.


Brooke is waking up

BROOKE (in the mind): Brooke. Oh, my God. I have to pee.

(She gets up in a hurry)


Skill is waking up

SKILLS (in the mind): What day is it? What time is it? What the hell did I drink last night?


Mouth is waking up

MOUTH (in the mind): Mmm, Millicent... you smell so good. I have to go to work. Sure, I guess I can be a little late. What do you mean I'm fired? I wasn't even that late! How am I gonna pay my rent? Would you like fries with that, Sir?"


Haley and Nathan are waking up

HALEY (in the mind): Jamie.

NATHAN (in the mind): Jamie. God, my girl is hot.

HALEY : Morning.

NATHAN : Morning.

(They want to kiss put Jamie’s feet are on the way)

NATHAN : You know, I'm hungry this morning.

HALEY : I am starving.

(They start eating Jamie’s feet)


Dan is on his couch. We hear a g*n shot. He wakes up.

DAN (in the mind): Keith.


Nathan enters the kitchen. Haley and Jamie are already there

NATHAN : Smells good in here.

HALEY : Yeah, I made some french toast.

NATHAN : Nice.

JAMIE : It's totally good, daddy.

HALEY : It's totally good.

NATHAN : That's not what I meant, but that smells good, too.

(Nathan kisses Haley)

HALEY : Good morning.

NATHAN : What's your day like?

JAMIE : Mostly just playing.

HALEY : My day's not bad either. I'm just gonna finish grading these papers and then go over to see Peyton for a little bit, and then you and I have to interview the N-A-N-N-I-E-S.

JAMIE : I hate it when you spell.

HALEY : Don't say, "hate."

JAMIE : Sorry. I just think it's D-U-M.

NATHAN : Add a "B" to the end of that, or you will be, too. Jamie, what do you think about going to practice with me today?

JAMIE : Can I?

NATHAN : I don't know. It's a big step. What do you think, mom?

HALEY : Please be careful.

JAMIE : Sweet! I'll go get my jersey. Thanks, mama. I L-O-V-E you!

HALEY : I L-O-V-E you, too, smarty-pants.

NATHAN : Kids got your brains. I just figured out that you were spelling "nannies."

HALEY : Whatever. They're getting here at 5:00, by the way. And if you run into Quentin at practice, will you tell him he's doing a really great job with his chapter reports on "Les Mis"?

NATHAN : That's good. Now if only he could figure out his jump shot. I'll see ya.

HALEY : Bye, baby.


Skills is sitting at the desk. Lucas arrives.

LUCAS : That desk looks good on you, coach.

SKILLS : Welcome back, coach Scott. So, how my boy doing?

LUCAS : Boy's good. Sorry I was out of touch for so long.

SKILLS : Hey, you got to do what you got to do, right? I just wish I was able to help you somehow.

LUCAS : You did. You ran the team for the last month. How they doing?

SKILLS : You know. You win some. You lose some.

LUCAS : And how many "some" did you lose?


Lucas and Skills are watching the board

LUCAS : You lost eight games?

SKILLS : Yeah, but we won four. Well, three plus the first one, but you was here for that one. Look, I know this is not what you was hoping for. And I'm taking all the blame for this. But I'm gonna keep it real with you. "Q" sucks, and it's all his fault. I mean, he ain't hit a shot since you left.

LUCAS : Because they're doubling him.

SKILLS : No. His hand is messed up. I mean, we ice it constantly, but it just ain't been right since he punched that knucklehead over at Tric.

LUCAS : What's "Q" say?

SKILLS : He said he had it checked out.

LUCAS : All right. I'll talk to him.

SKILLS : See, that's the thing. He asked me not to say nothing to you about this. He think the injury gonna cost him a scholarship.

LUCAS : What's gonna cost him a scholarship, is playing injured and going 4-8.

SKILLS : Yeah.

LUCAS : Let's get him in here.

(Jamie and Nathan enter the gym)

JAMIE : Uncle Lucas!

LUCAS : Hey! There's the man!

(Jamie runs to Lucas)

LUCAS : I missed you, boy.

JAMIE : Daddy said you were on a ship. Did you see any pirates?

LUCAS : Yeah, I saw a couple pirate ships, but they didn't want any part of me. You want to show me your jump shot? All right.

NATHAN : Welcome back, Luke. You good?

LUCAS : I'm working on it.


Mouth opens his mail

MOUTH : Oh, my God.


Brooke is about to leave the store. Millicent is there.

BROOKE : Oh, my God. The Macy's presentation! I forgot!

MILLICENT : I remembered. It's all right here. We just need your design sketches.

(She gives her a folder)

BROOKE : Thank you. You have really stepped up, especially with you-know-who out of the picture. But...

MILLICENT : But what? Am I in trouble?

BROOKE : No. I was actually thinking that you are way too valuable to just be my assistant anymore, so how would you feel about a little raise and a little promotion?

MILLICENT : Oh, my gosh! I don't know what to say. What's my title gonna be? Something cool, I hope.

BROOKE : We'll figure all that out, but we have to get you back to New York first.

(The phone rings. Brooke takes it)

BROOKE : Clothes Over Bro's. This is she. Oh. No. Absolutely, I can. I mean, I will. Yes. Thank you.

(She hang up, totally in shock)

MILLICENT : Brooke, I'm so happy, really, but... I'm not sure I can go back to New York.

BROOKE : That's okay. Change of plans. I'm gonna need you here.

MILLICENT : Oh? Oh, good! Why? What's wrong?

BROOKE : I'm gonna be a mom.

MILLICENT : Brooke, I don't understand. What do you mean?

BROOKE : That was the lady from the agency.

MILLICENT : Who said she wouldn't recommend you for adoption?

BROOKE : She said it's like a special case, like a foster-care thing.

(Brooke is trying to put the folder in her purse)

BROOKE : Oh, my... I have to get ready, and I can't get this in my bag!

MILLICENT : Okay. First of all, you don't need this. What do you need? What can I help you with?

BROOKE : I don't know. I've never had a baby. I don't know what babies need. I just... I have to go, and I cannot get this in my bag!

MILLICENT : Once again, you don't need this. Now, just calm down.

BROOKE : Okay, where are my keys?

MILLICENT : They're in your hand. But I'm not sure you should be driving. Let me get you some water.

BROOKE : Millicent. They're giving me a baby.


Nathan and Jamie are watching the jerseys on the wall

JAMIE : There's something missing up on the wall.

NATHAN : There used to be another one.

JAMIE : What was it?

NATHAN : That was your grandfather's jersey.

JAMIE : Grandpa Dan? Why'd they take it down?

NATHAN : Because of the bad things he did. People decided they didn't want it up there anymore.

JAMIE : You do bad things sometimes, daddy, and yours is still up there.

NATHAN : Not that bad.

(Quentin enters the gym)

QUENTIN : Ho, ho! There he is!

QUENTIN (rap singing) : "I said it's J. Luke Scott. The boy is hot Wherever he goes, homey, that's the spot"

JAMIE (rap singing) : "His name is "Q", he's better than you If the spot is hot, then he's there, too"

QUENTIN : My man.

NATHAN (rap singing) : Yeah. "I'm the dad and I'm not so bad"

(Nathan stops as Quentin and Jamie stare at him)

(Lucas and Skills arrive)

LUCAS : Ah. Mr. Fields.

QUENTIN : Well, well. The prodigal coach returns... and rockin' a tan to boot. What's going on, coach? You trying to get all dark and sexy like me?

LUCAS : It's good to see you, too.

(Lucas wants to shake Quentin’s hand)

QUENTIN : Aw, man. Come on, now, coach. You know how we roll. Even big game James know that.

LUCAS : Yeah, I know, but this is how I roll.

(Lucas shakes his hand, which hurts Quentin)


Peyton has few demos on her desk and is listening to some. Haley walks in

HALEY : Hey, knock, knock.

PEYTON : Hey, foxy, what's up?

HALEY : I like that outfit.

PEYTON : Oh, thank you. There are perks to having a very famous designer as a roommate. You get tons of free stuff. Speaking of, check out all these demos.

HALEY : Wow. Looks like things are picking up, huh?

PEYTON : Well, mostly because your instincts are pretty kick-ass, Haley James Scott. Mia's album is k*lling it. And are you ready for this? She has sold... 40,000 copies!

HALEY : Wow! That's great! That's really great! She... she's really the kind of girl that deserves it, you know?

PEYTON : I know. Now I just need to find another one.

HALEY : Well, I already did... you. You deserve all the success you're getting and more, and I'm really proud of you.

PEYTON : Thanks, Haley. That really... that means a lot to me coming from you.

HALEY : That was just to butter you up, 'cause I need to ask you for a favor.

PEYTON : You are a crack-up. What is it? Anything.

HALEY : So, you know how you're looking for the next great artist and you really trust my instincts and everything?

PEYTON : Do you have a demo for me?

HALEY : I do.

PEYTON : Haley, that's awesome. Who is it?

HALEY : Haley James Scott.

(Peyton throws all the demos)



Lucas is checking Quentin’s hand

QUENTIN : Look, man, the doc says it's gonna be a little swollen from time to time. Why y'all sweatin' it so hard?

LUCAS : Because we're 4-8.

QUENTIN : Maybe that's 'cause of the coaching.

NATHAN : Easy.

QUENTIN : Look, I'm just sayin', man. One of them disappeared for a month. The other one can't be trusted.

LUCAS : All right.

(Lucas takes two basketballs)

LUCAS : I want you to palm these.

QUENTIN : Please.

(Quentin holds the balls few seconds)

QUENTIN : There. You happy?

LUCAS : Not quite. Palm the balls... and hold them there.

QUENTIN : For how long?

LUCAS : I don't know. 30 seconds? Shouldn't be a problem, right?

QUENTIN : I do this, and all this nonsense goes away.

LUCAS : 30 seconds.

(Quentin starts holding the balls)

LUCAS : You see, the thing is, "Q," it's not so much that we're 4-8.

SKILLS : We're 4-8, and you sh**ting like trash.

QUENTIN : That's 'cause they doubling me, man.

NATHAN : Double-teams never bothered you before.

LUCAS : See, you're one of the best sh**t I've ever seen, "Q," when you're healthy. The other ones... they're right here in the gym.

JAMIE : Even me, uncle Lucas?

LUCAS : Especially you, Jamie. See, you and Quentin are the best sh**t we got.

(Quentin drops the balls)

LUCAS : When you're healthy. Nothing like a second opinion. And this time, we'll come with you. Go.

(Quentin leaves the gym, angry)


Mouth enters the shop. Millicent comes toward him

MILLICENT : I have news, boyfriend. I might be getting a promotion and staying in Tree Hill!

MOUTH : I might be getting a promotion and leaving Tree Hill.

MILLICENT : What? Why?

MOUTH : Before I got the job with the station, I sent audition tapes everywhere. There's a good station in Omaha, they saw the Ravens feature I did, and... they're offering me a job.

MILLICENT : In Nebraska?

MOUTH : Yeah.

MILLICENT : The nearest Clothes Over Bro's location to Omaha is this one.

MOUTH : Yeah, I figured.

MILLICENT : Well, is it really that much better than where you're at, Marvin? I mean, like you said, you've already done one feature here. Maybe you'll get to do more.

MOUTH : Maybe, but it was really just 'cause they were in a bind. This would be a full-time on-air position. It's a small market, but it's a great opportunity.

MILLICENT : You should take it.

MOUTH : But...

MILLICENT : If it gets you closer to your dream, then you should take it.

MOUTH : I don't think it's that easy.

MILLICENT : Why not?

MOUTH : Because you're part of my dream, too. Milly, I know we just started out, but I love being with you, and I... I guess I was hoping we had a future... together. Was that too early? Did I freak you out? I freaked you out, didn't I?

MILLICENT : No. No, no, no, no. There is no way those words could have been too early... not coming from you.

(She kisses him)

MILLICENT : Just promise me that if you do take the job that I can have your room, because I'd really like to find a place to stay that's not pay-by-the-day.


Peyton and Haley are listening to Haley’s demo

HALEY : I know it's really rough, but I was thinking...


HALEY : But it's okay if you want...

PEYTON : Will you stop? The answer is yes, okay? I've been waiting for the opportunity to buy the next Haley James record, so of course I want to record it.

HALEY : It might be kind of fun, huh?

PEYTON : Well, you did have a major-label debut that did pretty good, so it is good business for me, but, yes, it's gonna be a blast.

HALEY : Yeah.

PEYTON : What do you say?

HALEY : I say it's exactly what I need right now.

PEYTON : Well, guess what. Me too.

HALEY : What?

PEYTON : I mean, you never know where the next miracle's gonna come from.

(The phone rings)

PEYTON : It's Brooke.

(Peyton puts the phone on speaker)

HALEY : Hey, Brooke!

PEYTON : Hey, what's going on?

BROOKE (on the other side) : It's a miracle!

PEYTON : Yeah. We just said that. What, did you bug my office?


While on the phone with Peyton and Haley, Brooke is buying some stuff

BROOKE : They're giving me a baby!


PEYTON : Hold on. What?

HALEY : What?


BROOKE : The lady from the agency called this morning, and they're sending me...

(She sees a plush)

BROOKE : A purple monkey?


PEYTON : You're adopting a purple monkey?


BROOKE : No, not adopting and not a monkey. I'll explain it all later. Peyton, how crazy is this?


PEYTON : No, Brooke, honey, that's awesome. God, Haley and I thought we had big news.

BROOKE (on the other side) : Why? What's your news?

HALEY : We're gonna make an album together.


BROOKE : Oh, whatever. I'm getting a baby. I have to go. I'll call you later. Excuse me.


HALEY : Wow. Today's kind of fun.


Quentin just has a cast done. Lucas, Skills, Nathan and Jamie are with him

LUCAS : Listen, I know it looks grim, but we'll have that thing off by the Playoffs.

QUENTIN : Playoffs? Man, we 4-8.

LUCAS : Hey, we're gonna figure it out. All right? Just, uh, hang in there.

QUENTIN : Yeah, I'd like to speak to coach Taylor, if you don't mind... alone.

LUCAS : We'll be downstairs.

NATHAN : "Q," keep your head up, all right?

(Lucas Nathan and Jamie leave)

SKILLS : Listen, kid...

QUENTIN : Thanks for nothing, man. I trusted you, all right? I put my ass on the line for you every single night, man.

SKILLS : Quentin, you needed this.

QUENTIN : I needed this?! I... you know, I needed a scholarship. I needed you to keep your mouth shut. That's what I needed. But you went all uncle Tom on me as soon as massa Lucas got back, huh?

SKILLS : You know what? When your wrist heals and everything's okay, I'm gonna let you take that back. But for now... just consider yourself lucky.

Nathan, Lucas and Jamie are in the elevator. The door opens and Dan is there

JAMIE : Hi, grandpa.

DAN : Hi, Jamie.

(He walks into the elevator)

DAN : You boys want to jump me again, now's your chance.


Dan is leaving, Nathan catches up with him

NATHAN : We're not having this.

DAN : Not having what, son?

NATHAN : You following Jamie around. I've seen you outside of the school. I've seen you driving past the house. And now you just happen to be at the hospital?

DAN : Nathan, stop. I was in prison for a long time, okay? I was just getting a checkup. But the truth is, I was hoping...

NATHAN : No. Don't, Dan. Don't hope. You hear me? There's no hope for you.


Lucas and Jamie are sitting on the stairs.

JAMIE : I guess I just don't understand. Grandpa Dan seems nice. How come everyone's always mad at him?

LUCAS : You love Chester, don't you?

(Jamie nods)

LUCAS : Well, what if grandpa Dan hurt Chester and took him away so you could never see him again?

JAMIE : I guess I would be really mad at him... and sad, too.

LUCAS : Yeah. Well, that's how we feel.


There are toys all over the place. Brooke is on the phone

BROOKE : I just think that's kind of an awful thing to say. Yes, I'm mad. Oh, you don't think I should be mad? I thought I was just gonna have one baby in my life, but fine.

(Peyton and Haley arrive)

BROOKE : I have to go.

PEYTON : Holy cow!

BROOKE : Stupid Owen. A little baby talk, and he totally freaks out.

HALEY : Nothing like foisting a baby on a guy you've almost kissed.

PEYTON : And a confirmed bachelor, at that. What'd he say?

BROOKE : Whatever. He's gonna come over later, and we're gonna talk about it or fight about it, but it doesn't matter because baby and Brooke are gonna be fine.

HALEY : Yeah, I think "baby and Brooke" needs a little explanation... like who, when, and how, for starters.

BROOKE : Okay. So, the adoption agency has this program where babies from other countries who need major surgeries and stuff come over to the U.S. and doctors donate their time to fix them up and then they go home.

PEYTON : That's great!

BROOKE : It's kind of a "whenever they can squeeze you in" sort of thing, and the agency had a family that was supposed to host the baby drop out, so they said this could be a great trial run for me.

PEYTON : When does the baby show up?

HALEY : Is it a boy or a girl?

PEYTON : And are his parents coming, too?

(Peyton and Haley are talking at the same time)

BROOKE : Okay. She's a girl, and she gets here tomorrow. Her parents don't come with her, they didn't tell me what's wrong with her. They're just sort of gonna hand her over, and we go from there. And check it out. I got her... a purple monkey like the one I used to have.

HALEY : That's so cute! And did you get her anything else?

BROOKE : Yeah, I got all this stuff.

HALEY : I mean, like, you know... food...

PEYTON : Or, I mean, a crib.

HALEY : And stuff.

BROOKE : I got a little sidetracked?

HALEY : Okay. Why don't we go to my house and go through Jamie's old things?

BROOKE : Really?

HALEY : Yes.

PEYTON : Come on, you purple monkey.

HALEY : I'm so excited!

BROOKE : Me too.


Mouth arrives at the store. Millicent is on the computer

MOUTH : Hey, what you doin'?

MILLICENT : Looking for places to live.

MOUTH : Well, stop, because I've found you a place. With me. I passed on the Omaha job.

MILLICENT : Marvin...

MOUTH : I feel like I'm good at what I do, Millicent, and I'll just work hard and hope the station gives me another shot.

MILLICENT : Are you sure?

MOUTH : That I'm doing the right thing? I don't know. But about us? Yeah. I'm sure. I don't want to leave you, Millicent. But you said you needed a place to stay, and I thought... you should move in with me.

MILLICENT : But... I can't. I mean...

MOUTH : Look, I know it's soon, but you'll save a fortune on rent, and you'll get to see me every day. I mean, what do you say?

MILLICENT : I'd like to, but I just can't. Sorry. But I'm really glad you're staying.


Haley is collecting some stuff with Brooke

BROOKE : Haley, thank you. This is great.

HALEY : Sure. Listen, have you given any thought to how difficult it's gonna be to give this baby up after the surgery? You know you're gonna fall for her, Brooke.

BROOKE : I know. But she needs help, right?

HALEY : Yeah.

(Nathan and Jamie come home)

NATHAN : Hey. What's going on?


JAMIE : Hi, aunt Brooke!

BROOKE : Hi, best boy ever! I have a surprise for you.

JAMIE : What is it?

PEYTON : I found the car seat.

(Peyton enters the room as the same time as Lucas)

BROOKE : Surprise.


Lucas and Peyton are taking a walk

PEYTON : So, it must have been good to spend time with your mom and Lily and Andy.

LUCAS : Yeah. I think we all needed it. Plus, the view wasn't too bad, either.

PEYTON : I'm sure it was beautiful.

LUCAS : So, you and Haley are gonna make a record, huh? That's great.

PEYTON : Actually, I was meaning to ask you... it's totally cool if you say no, but I was thinking, to cut down on studicosts, maybe I would build a small studio in the office. But it's your space, so...

LUCAS : I think that's a great idea. I mean, I'll ask my mom, but, yeah, I think it's smart.

(After a blank)

LUCAS : I don't blame you, Peyton.

PEYTON : Luke...

LUCAS : At all for any of it.

PEYTON : I feel bad for you, I feel bad for Lindsey, and I feel responsible somehow. And I really hope that doesn't come off as arrogant, okay? But I know this hurt you.

LUCAS : She's coming back, Peyton. She loves me. And I love her. It's gonna be okay.

PEYTON : I hope so.


Brooke is alone, looking at the crib and the purple monkey when someone knocks at the door

BROOKE : It's open.

(Chase walks in)

CHASE : That kid's a lot hairier than I thought he'd be.

BROOKE : Very funny. And "he" is gonna be a "she." I guess you talked to Owen.

CHASE : Yep. How you doin'?

BROOKE : Okay. A little freaked out but okay. Is he with you?


BROOKE : Weird. He's coming over soon.

CHASE : Actually, he's not. That's kind of why I'm here.

BROOKE : Okay.

CHASE : You know, Brooke, Owen's my friend, and I know he's really into you, but... he's just kind of always been about his independence, too, you know?

BROOKE : I guess I didn't know.

CHASE : He's just a little threatened with all the baby stuff.

BROOKE : Yeah, he said that on the phone. Look, did he send you over here to talk to me? Are we in junior high now?

CHASE : He didn't send me over, and he's not coming by either.

BROOKE : Then why did you?

CHASE : Well... I'm taking off. I thought I'd say goodbye and congratulations. And maybe I want to see your face one more time. Probably why Owen's not coming by.

BROOKE : What is that supposed to mean?

CHASE : Well, he probably figures if he looked in those eyes one more time, he'll cave on the whole independence thing. Anyways, call me if you need anything... someone to talk to, new carpets... I don't know, a husband... I'll see you around.

(Chase starts to leave)

CHASE : Hey, Brooke? Don't take the Owen stuff too personally.

BROOKE : I won't.

CHASE : Yeah, you will. I know how you are. It's... it's just a big deal. It's kids. I mean I know it's just one, but if you really want a family, something that's like forever... "forever" scares a lot of us.

(Chase leaves)


Mouth opens the door to Millicent


MILLICENT : Hi. Can I talk to you?

MOUTH : Sure. Come on in.

(She comes in)

MOUTH : What's... what's wrong?

MILLICENT : Hum... Maybe nothing... I hope.

MOUTH : Okay, just have a seat. What's up?

(She starts sitting)

MILLICENT : Well, I think I'll stand. Actually, do you have something to drink... some water or an apple martini with a cherry, if you have it?

MOUTH : Okay, you're kind of freaking me out. The last time someone entered the apartment like this, it was Skills, and he thought he'd k*lled Chester.

MILLICENT : Jamie's bunny?

MOUTH : Yeah, but it turns out he was just, like, a really heavy sleeper, apparently.

MILLICENT : Well, it's not that. It's just I know I sort of freaked you out when you asked me to stay here, and, well, there's a reason.

MOUTH : Great. I knew it.


MOUTH : I figured this was just too good to be true.

(Mouth is pouring some alcohol to Millicent)

MILLICENT : There's just a reason we can't sleep in the same bed.

MOUTH : Oh, no.


MOUTH : This is like "the crying game," right?


MOUTH : Hairy back?


MOUTH : Well, it's either that or you're completely repulsed by me.

(She drinks the glass bottoms up)

MILLICENT : I'm a virgin.

MOUTH : Really?

MILLICENT : Yes. And considering your last gross boss-lady hookup, you're clearly not, and I am just not ready to...

MOUTH : How did I find you?


MOUTH : Such a perfect girl who's smart and sweet and... so awesome.


MOUTH : Milly, I would never pressure you about sex. I just... I want to be with you.


MOUTH : I mean, we could even get two beds, if you want... Although, if I catch you sneaking into mine, I'm telling Skills. I am so into you, and... I want you here. Will you say yes?

MILLICENT : Okay. Yes. If you think it can work.

MOUTH : It can. It does.

(They kiss)


Nathan and Haley are interviewing nannies. The first one is pretty and kinda looks like Carrie

HALEY : So, I see you know CPR, and you're also a lifeguard.

GIRL 1 : Yes.

HALEY : Have you ever kissed any of the husbands you worked for?

The second one is a blonde, pretty girl

HALEY : Okay... No.

The third one is young and pretty too.

HALEY : Well... Sorry.

The next one is a guy

GUY : So, Nathan... Haley tells me you like to watch your nanny swim naked in the pool?

NATHAN : I guess I deserved that.


Brooke is sitting on the couch with the purple monkey on her hand. She seems sad. Lucas walks in

LUCAS : Hey, Brooke. You okay?

BROOKE : I think I made a big mistake.

(Lucas sits with her)

LUCAS : I think it's a little late for that, isn't it?

BROOKE : If I wanted a "little late for that," I would have called Peyton. You are supposed to say, "no, you didn't. You're gonna be fine."

LUCAS : No, you didn't. You're gonna be fine.

BROOKE : It doesn't count now.

LUCAS : So, you got a purple monkey, huh? Just like you had.

BROOKE : You remember that?

LUCAS : Of course. I do know some things about you, Brooke Davis. You're gonna be a great mom.

BROOKE : I'm not even gonna be a mom. I just fix her up, and then I have to send her back.

LUCAS : Well, if you didn't do it, who would?

BROOKE : Owen thinks I'm being selfish. He thinks I just want what I want.

LUCAS : I'd say it's the opposite.

BROOKE : Right?

LUCAS : I think it's great that you're willing to help this little girl get the care that she needs and get to the rest of her life.

BROOKE : So do I. What if I do something wrong? What if I hurt her? If I break her? I mean, I rushed into this, and I'm scared.

LUCAS : You know what? When it comes to single moms, I had a pretty special one. And it's good that you're a little scared. But you're gonna do great.

BROOKE : Thanks. Thanks for coming over. You think she'll like the purple monkey?

LUCAS : I think that she's gonna love the girl who gives it to her.

BROOKE : Yeah.


Haley is looking at the resumes. Nathan joins her

NATHAN : Jamie's out cold. I wish I could sleep like that.

HALEY : Yeah, tell me about it.

NATHAN : So, I'm sorry you couldn't find a nanny that you could trust around me.

HALEY (laughing) : Too soon.

NATHAN : All right.

HALEY : The truth is, I just want Jamie all to myself right now. But I also want my job and I want my music and I want alone time with you.

NATHAN : You should take a break from that. Let me go through those things. I'll try to find a person that's really ugly with a lot of great references.

HALEY : Actually, you can't, because I thought you might want to get a workout in. (She gives him a basketball)

HALEY : Our therapist said that we should focus on the things that we love, so... I think she's right.

NATHAN : I'm probably really gonna suck, you know.

HALEY : You got to find out sometime, right?

NATHAN : Thank you, Hales... for everything.

HALEY : You're welcome. Thank you back.

(Nathan leaves)


Nathan walks into the gym and finds Quentin

QUENTIN : You lucky, man. I was gonna break that scoring title and pull that old laundry up off the wall.

NATHAN : Luck has nothing to do with it. I'm just better than you. How you holding up?

QUENTIN : How you think? If somebody would have told me your old sorry ass would be back playing before mine, I would have laughed their ass out the gym. What you trying to do... make some kind of comeback?

NATHAN : Trying to make a free throw.

(Nathan tries but misses the shot)

QUENTIN : Let me show you how that's done, old man. Left-handed...

(Quentin makes the shot)

NATHAN : You're gonna be just fine, "Q"... even if you have to go to a junior college first. That's what I did.

QUENTIN : Wow. And look where it got you. Let's see what you got. Let's see what you got. Come on, Nate.

(They start playing)

QUENTIN : Oh, here we go. Nathan Scott. Biggest Raven of them all. Look at you, huh? Heard they clipped your wings. What you got, Raven? Nathan Scott.

(Quentin takes the ball from Nathan)

QUENTIN : Just like I thought. They must have put salt on your tail, boy. You ain't got no chance of flying again. Me, on the other hand...

(Quentin makes a dunk)

QUENTIN : I can beat you with my other hand, and that ain't even my sh**ting hand. Some comeback, Mr. Jersey on the wall.

NATHAN : Sometimes you got a big mouth, Quentin.

(Nathan leaves the gym)

QUENTIN : Aw, Nate. Nate! Come back, man! Where you going? Come back. That's it? That's a sorry-ass comeback, Nate. Nathan Scott, ladies and gentlemen.

Later, Nathan comes out the locker room and finds Dan looking at the jerseys on the wall

DAN : Hello, son.

NATHAN : What are you doing here?

DAN : Just regretting it all. You too, huh? Thinking about playing again?

NATHAN : No! I'm not thinking about that! I can't even make a damn free throw.

(Nathan leaves)

DAN (to himself) : At least your legacy's safe, son. Just do your best. Unlike some of us, you have nothing to be ashamed of.


Skills is doing some bodybuilding, angry. Mouth arrives.

MOUTH : Hey, man, you got a second?

SKILLS : Just don't come too close right now, man. I'm kind of pissed off.

MOUTH : Why? What happened?

SKILLS : Just some nonsense Quentin said to me. You know, sometimes that kid's got a big mouth, man. What's up?

MOUTH : Millicent is gonna move in after all.

SKILLS : Fine with me. Hey, about time we classed up the place a little bit, huh?

MOUTH : Well, speaking of, you think we could? You know, straighten up a little and straighten up a little?

SKILLS : Oh, you talkin' about all the sex talk and foul language, right?

MOUTH : Yeah.

SKILLS : Good luck with that.

MOUTH : Come on, Skills. I'm not saying everybody has to be a saint, but Millicent's a girl, you know? And she's my girl.

SKILLS : All right. I'll talk to the fellas. It's all good, baby.

MOUTH : All right, thanks.

SKILLS : You think she could walk around...


SKILLS : I didn't think so.


Haley is playing guitar and singing with Jamie next to her. Nathan walks in

NATHAN : New song?

HALEY : Yeah.

NATHAN : Nice.

HALEY : Thank you. Actually, I think I'm gonna record that album with Peyton.

NATHAN : Really?

HALEY : Yeah.

NATHAN : That's great, Haley.

HALEY : Yes, it is. How'd your workout go?

NATHAN : Not so good. But you know what? Whatever happens, we're gonna be fine.

HALEY : Yeah, we will.


NATHAN : Who is that?

JAMIE : That's the new nanny mama hired.

(Deb walks in)

DEB : Did someone call for a nanny?

JAMIE : Grandma!

DEB : What did I tell you about that? Grandma Deb is way too young to be a grandma.

JAMIE : Sorry. Nanny Deb!

DEB : I like that so much better.

NATHAN : Hi, mom.

HALEY : - Hey, mom, you look great.

DEB : Ooh, thank you.

DAN (voiceover) : It's been said that the saddest thing a man will ever face is what might have been. But what of the man who's faced with what was? Or what may never be? Or what can no longer be?


Lucas is having a drink with Skills

LUCAS : You did the right thing, Skills. And one of these days, "Q" is gonna realize that. Now we just got to figure out a way to win without him.

(Peyton walks out of her office, sees them, but chooses not to go see them)

DAN (voiceover) : Choosing the right path is never easy. It's a decision we make with only our hearts to guide us. But sometimes we find our way to something better.


PEYTON : Hey, Brooke, come on. We got to get to the airport to pick up that baby.

BROOKE : I think I need to do this alone. I'm gonna be okay.

PEYTON : Okay.

DAN (voiceover) : Sometimes we fight through the regret and remorse of our mistakes... our malice and our jealousy and the shame we feel for not being the people we were meant to be. And that's when we find our way to something better... or when something better finds its way to us.