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04x08 - Beyond Good and Evil: Part 1

Posted: 08/26/22 05:57
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

I am the instrument

to purify the world.

The evil of human and mutant
must be cut away!

Those who oppose me
shall perish

through my agents
of destruction.

Famine. Pestilence. w*r.

And my greatest creation,

This is what
I've feared the most,

a powerful mutant

driven completely mad
by his powers.

I am Apocalypse!

All who oppose me
shall be crushed!

[theme music playing]


Tyler, you must understand
why tonight is so important.

For over 5,000 years,

the world has had to put up
with Apocalypse's brutalities.

You know what
he's meant to us.

We're gonna stop him tonight,
Father, I can feel it.

He's in the pyramid,

forcing life through
those decaying veins of his.

Five hundred centuries
of research points to it.

We get this chance
once in a lifetime.

We leave victorious.

Or we don't leave at all.

Watch your backsides!

Apocalypse is vulnerable now,
but he's not stupid.

The door to his Lazarus Chamber
ought to be here.

how do we get inside?

Analyzing. One moment.

Locate the snake glyph.
Press it.

I hate snakes.

Cover me.

Not a great start.

Feeble mutant!

You dare challenge
Apocalypse again.


You defile
my secret chamber.


Your attack was foreseen.

I allowed you to get this far
so I might gain

the one great power I lack,

a passport
to the dimension of time.

You presume
to attempt to destroy me?

Mutant, you shall pay
for your hubris.

Right now!

We have to get inside.

Go on.

Take your best shot.
You'll never win.

Never win, insect?

[laughing menacingly]

Others will come after you.

The world won't stomach
your evil forever.


I am not malevolent.

I simply am.

Which soon will be
more than I can say for you.

But then again,
I am given pause to wonder.

Is it possible
you are correct, mutant?

I have been battling your kind
for thousands of years.

I ought to have triumphed
long ago.

But what if,
like tortured Sisyphus,

I cannot win. Ever?

What a cruel joke.

Am I doomed
to struggle with such filth

until the end of time?

Perhaps my newfound power
can show me the answer.

I've got your answer,
right here!



Did you find him?


But he took off
with my computer.

Now I can't time travel
and he can.

What bothers me is that
he didn't finish me off.

Like he didn't need to,

like nothing I could do
to him mattered.

Sorry, pal.

Oh, you'll be fine

in a day or two.

I hate this!


It's incredible how one kid
could mean so much

to so many people.

What now?

With him alive,

we ain't even supposed
to exist.

I don't know!

Why are we still here?

As long as your armbands
are on you and functioning,

you'll both exist
outside of time.

-How long?

The charge only lasts
a couple of days.

It was good, darling.

Here he comes.

Forge, what is it?

I do not understand!

The portal
is functioning properly.

There is a massive impediment
in the time stream.

Do something!



[laughter menacingly]




What is this place?


A visitor! Just in time
to catch me if you can!

Hey! Wait!

So close yet so far.
So far, so good. So long!

What the...

I'm not half the man
I used to be.

You can't catch me,
you can't catch me.

I'm neither here nor there.

I'm over here. No,
I'm not there. I'm over here.

Stop it! Give me
some straight answers!

Okay, okay, I'll spill!
Call me Bender, so few do.

But that's because you're
the only other one here.

That's crazy!
And where's here?

The Axis of Time.

No time like the present.

Can't run away from your past.

But your future's so bright,
I can hardly see you!

Been here over 10,000 years,
give or take!


Oh, your molecules,
they get a little unstable
after a while.

But how did I get here?

Through the Axis, how else?

All time travelers pass
through there.

[chuckles mockingly]
Anyone knows that.

Some big guy
threw you off course.

If the Axis is the way
out of this dump,

that's where I'm going.

Oh, we're going on a trip!

How exciting.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road.


This clown's wearing thin.

[Bender] Pictures!
Someone's playing with time!

The X-Men!


You can't k*ll time, silly.

Don't you like
those people?

Anybody who can get me
out of here will be
my friend for life.

Don't everybody volunteer
at once.

"And the brass will crash

"and the trumpets bray.

And they'll cut a dash
on their wedding day"

Professor, you have
outdone yourself.

Well, Jean and Scott deserve
nothing but the very best.

Ah! Here we go.

[whispering] Weddings are
so totally cool!

[whispering] That all depend
on your point of view, chere.

A joyous day,
long in coming.

"The joys of marriage
are the heaven on Earth,

"Life's paradise,

"the soul's quiet,
Sinews of concord,

earthly immortality,"
John Ford, 1630.

For my first two X-Men,
I pray it is so.

[guests applauding
and laughing]

That's it.

If you don't make her happy,
don't let me find out.

You came to me as children,

now look at
the extraordinary people

you have become.

Thanks, but we still have
a lot to learn.

I am not so sure. Perhaps.

[women clamoring]

Whole lot of good
it's gonna do me.

Gambit fix their car good.

[all cheering]

After what happened the last
time they tried to get married,

I am pleased that
this has gone so smoothly.

-[both screaming]
-[tires squealing]


As practical jokes go,
that seems a bit excessive.

But Gambit just soap
the window!

I shut the
defensive perimeter down

-for the wedding.
-[all screaming]

It's Ruckus.

[people screaming]

[Storm grunts]
Can't fly!

This party ain't over yet!

The Nasty Boys
got Jean and Cyclops!

That means, Sinister!

That's no way to start
a honeymoon, huh, chere?

[metallic creaking]

Nice work, Slab.
The boss is gonna be psyched!

Toss the woman in the portal
and let's blow this dive.


Jean Grey!
Scott Summers!

The mighty X-Men,
ours to play with.


Leave him. This wedding day
belongs to the bride.

Ruckus, Vertigo,
Hairbag, move it!

We're travelin'.

Storm, I can't sense
Jean anymore.

That cannot be!

We shall search
for her, Professor.

Jubilee, get rid
of the guests.

Uh, sure, I'll think
of something.


He don't look so good.

Where is she?

Cyclops will be all right.

How'd the Nasty Boys
show up out of nowhere

and then disappear?

And it is curious that
they would take only Jean.

[Wolverine sniffing]

They were here all right.

But I can't tell
which direction they went.

They better hope
I never find them.

[Beast] There's nothing more
we can do here.

Perhaps this was simply a ruse

to draw us away
from the mansion.

Rogue, you and I
shall take Cyclops back

and check headquarters.

The rest of you,
see if you can find

some trace of the Nasty Boys.

If I can't smell 'em,
we ain't finding 'em.


The guests are all gone.

I still cannot find Jean.

There have been a few spikes
of unusual energy.

[Mr. Sinister]
Like me?


[Mr. Sinister]
I missed the wedding.

I'm hurt.


Get away from him!

Foolish girl, do you think
your puny powers

can affect me?


Xavier, don't let him
take you.

You don't like the movie,
change the channel.


Why am I seeing these things?

Is this happening now?

-Beats me!


Someone to play with!

Look, I've got no time
for games.

Give me some
straight answers,

and I'll take you
out of here with me.



There is no way out!

We'll see about that.

I can find nothing wrong
with the time portal.

Your brother should
have arrived safely.

Then send me back
to find him.

If something happened to Bishop

while he was traveling
through time,

then he could be anywhere,

or in any time.

The only trace indicators point

to the north-eastern
United States,

in the late 1990s.

The X-Men.
That's a start.

Send me there.

Are you sure you want
to try this?

If we lost Bishop,
we may very well lose you.

Where's my portal?

You're Mr. Sinister!

Who dares defy me?

A friend
of Charles Xavier's.

Drop him! Easy.

No chance.

[Jubilee groaning]

Easy, kid.

Who... Who are you?

Shard. Bishop's sister.
I'll explain more later.

Right now, we must help
the Professor.

[Gambit] Mmm. This more
my kind of time travel.

[Jubilee] All right,
the cavalry's here.

I smell something Sinister!

Come on, he's got
the Professor inside!


George, it is time.

Say farewell
to your world, old man.

Don't count on it, Sinister.

George, I need you
and the others! Now!

Setback, sir?

Stop them!

And get me out of here.

How'd you get in here?

Where's Jean?

Get her out of here.

Cover your ears.

Vertigo's powers attack
the equilibrium.

[Gambit] So we turn
her music off.


This boy better lay off
the ice-cream sandwiches.

Hey, this isn't a date.


Somebody, open a portal.

Xavier was your job,
Sinister, not ours.

I'll see what I can do
about transportation.


[Beast] Despite his newfound
time travel abilities,

I believe Mr. Sinister
is caught between

the proverbial rock
and a hard place.

Do we find out
where Jean is now

or after?

What have you done
with my wife?

Mrs. Summers is just
another broken blossom

floating through
the winds of time.

What do you mean,
floating through time?

[laughing cruelly]

Follow to find her,
if you dare.

Oh, no, you don't!

[Cyclops] I'll follow you
to the ends of the earth!

They've taken Jean to
the one place you can't get to.

Another time.

But you can! Show me how!

Where am I?

Can anyone hear me?

Am I still alive?


I guess so.

Looks like
I can expect company.

Sinister, what is this place?

Why have you kidnapped me?

Because I told him to!

[footsteps thumping]

[laughing menacingly]

[theme music playing]