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04x14 - Love in Vain

Posted: 08/26/22 06:02
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]


You all have no idea
what you got there.

What I'd give!

[grunts in frustration]




Who started the w*r?

[creature moaning]


Something's down there.

And it don't smell human.

Whoa! Cockroaches from Mars.

Large economy size.

[lasers zapping]

[grunts] This should be fun.


Go ahead, pal. Take a good look.

[all exclaiming]


Just like roaches,

find one,
you know there's plenty more.



Hey, what do you...



What was in that?


What determination. What vigor!

Just as we expected.

He will make an excellent
addition to our specimens.

Take him to the ship.

[knocking at door]

Come in.

What's this?

The most beautiful
woman in town,

alone on a Saturday night.


I was reading about love
and adventure, Gambit.

What more could a gal want?

The real thing, chere.

Gambit at your service.

[sighs] Even crazy swamp rats
need a gal they can touch.

[phone ringing]

Now who in the world
would be calling...


Cody? How on Earth
did you find me?

I can't believe he's here.

I wonder what he looks like now.

Oh, my goodness.

It's really you.

Do I want it to be you?

[clears throat]

Cody? Cody!


Don't you dare call me that!

[tires screeching]

-No, stop!
-[car honks]

[Rogue] [grunting] Got you!

I remember those arms.

You blame fool!
You could have got hurt.

Not as long as
you're doing the catching.

Oh, honey-tongue, Cody.
Nothing's changed.

Except, I finally found you.

Haven't you heard of
a forwarding address?

Well, that's a long story.

Then how's about
you telling it to me
over dinner?

Oh... You always could
read a gal's mind.

And we do have
a little catching up to do.

Starting with "Possum."

They're like family, I guess.
They're mutants, too,

so they don't get their
britches in a twist
like everyone else.

You never gave me a chance.

You left before
I got out of the hospital.

But now, I have you back.

Whoa, partner.
One coma in a lifetime

is usually enough
for most fellows.

There's nothing
to fear, darling.
We can be together.

I figured it out.

[stammers] I wish
I could believe you.

You used to want this, Rogue.

Well, things are different now.

All that love you got
pent up inside,

well, finally
you can let it out.

Cody, I...

Do you still love me, Rogue?

'Cause I sure still love you.

There's just no use.

I said, do you love me?

That's all that matters.
You and me.

We're gonna be together
like it was always meant to be.

Everything's gonna be okay.

[electricity buzzing]

[gasps] What's that?


[laughing] Cody!

Cody, I can touch you.
It's true.


What have I done?

[creature growling]

[grunts softly]

I'd hoped it was a nightmare.


[groans] Do I feel lousy.


[coughs] Whoa!

These bugs just don't look ugly.

[sniffing] Wait,
there's something else here.

What do you know? It's alive.

Tough setup, pal.

Bet it wasn't your idea
to be a roach motel.



I was hoping
you'd try that again.




-[electricity buzzing]

Playtime's over.

He was more powerful
than we thought.

[clan mother] All the better.

He and his friends will make
a strong addition to the colony.

The first of many
from this planet.

Especially this one.

-Morning, sleepyhead.
-Mm. Morning?

[exclaims] Did I sleep
all night in a park?

Why didn't you wake me up?

Why, I didn't have the heart to.

How do you feel?

[sighing] Wonderful,

like I'm floating. I'm so happy.

Then run away with me,
right now!

I know
a great place for a weekend.

What, just like that?
I don't know.

Oh, sh**t. Yeah, I'll do it.

Who says an X-Man
can't have a little fun?

That's great!

I have to tell the others first.

Well, of course, my love,
of course.

-[keypad beeping]

-[line ringing]

[phone ringing]

Logan? What is it?

[Wolverine] [breathing heavily]
They're here. You must...

[groaning] Roaches...

Too many... No!

Where are you?

[Wolverine] [groaning]


Wolverine don't
normally make sense,

but this makes
less sense than usual.

I shall trace the call's origin.

There are you, chere.

Not nice making
poor Gambit worry about you.

I know this is sudden,

but I need
some personal time off.

This is a bad time, Rogue.

Wolverine is in
some sort of trouble.

In all the years I've been here,
I never asked for
a minute for myself.

Looks like you all got
plenty of folks
to babysit Logan.

Rogue, is this gentleman
your guest?

So that's Cody?

This is what's so personal?

It's none
of your blame business,
Mr. Ladies Man!

-Or any of you!

Why this joker suddenly turn up?

And why did Rogue
bring him here?
It's not like her.

[clears throat]

Let us contemplate
less personal matters, Gambit.

Wolverine seemed
in acute distress.

Yes, find him at once,
and report back to me.

I kept you from your work,
haven't I?

They can handle it.

I don't want to leave you.
Not when I just found you.

I know you'll love this place.


Sugar, are you all right?

Yeah. Let's get going.

[Rogue] Stop being
so mysterious.

You promised
to let it be a surprise.

Well, I hope this place
ain't too far out of the way.

[Storm] There's someone
down there, on the sand.

It's Logan.

Wolverine! Can you hear me?

Stay back.


Logan, what has happened to you?

I'll be okay, Storm.
It's them we got to worry about.

[Beast] What on Earth?

Remember, do not damage them.

You want to play
with Gambit? Okay!


Let him go, roach,
or your head is shish kebab!

Be gone, hissing vermin!

[gasps] That's the Blackbird.


What's going on?

What's wrong with you, Cody?
And why are we here?

It was the only way, darling.
I swear.

[Storm] [groans]


What are those things?
What've they done to her?

They said they
wouldn't hurt anyone.

What is happening?

[Rogue] [gasping]

Any suggestion as how to
deal with your newfound friends
would be welcome.



[both groaning]

Logan! What is happening to you?



You brought us here! For them!

They didn't tell
me about the others!

It's for the best, darling.
You'll see!



[Cody] They need us, Rogue.

Just like I need you.


It's happening to me, too,
isn't it?

Professor, we need your help.

[Wolverine] [groaning]



I'm gonna get this out of me!


How could you do this to me?

Rogue, I love you.
Don't you see?

This way we can
finally be together.

We can touch, we can kiss.


No! I won't let it happen!

There is no use
fighting it, Rogue.

You were dusted with spores
while you slept.

Soon you will have the honor
of being in the colony.

Never! [groans]

The creation is hard. Be strong.

Thousands will soon
depend on you,
as they have depended on me.

We do not have
children as you do.

We need host bodies
for our race to continue.

As I prepare for the passing,
you will learn from me.

Do not be
hard on your friend, Rogue,

he never chose to be one of us.

You mean,
you just used him to get to me?

Yes, we have been watching you
and your planet for decades.

You were too strong for us.

We could not risk
attacking you directly.

I'm sorry, Rogue. I...


Cody, it's me
who should be sorry.

I've done it again, haven't I?

If it weren't for me,
you'd be home, safe and sound.

Without you.
Rogue, I do love you.

So finally we can be together.

[crying] This isn't
what I wanted.


[Wolverine] No!

We will be together!
You can't stop this!

[grunting] Wanna bet, pal?

Wolverine, don't hurt him!


Absorb my healing powers, Rogue.

Force it out of you,
like I did for myself.


What does he mean?

I took his powers.
I can stop the spores!

[Cody] Don't do that.

Rogue, we could be together,

like we dreamed
since we were kids.

You said you still love me.

I'm sorry, Cody. I'm so sorry.

Rogue! I can't lose you again.


You are not leaving!
Our future depends on you.

Then you have no future!

You never asked me, lady.

My spores.
The host bodies must not escape.

Launch the ship!

[Wolverine] The ship's moving.

They're leaving.
Rogue, we got to hustle.

Out of my way, roaches.

Professor, help us.

[Professor] I've been trying,
Storm, but the creatures'
minds are impenetrable.

However, I do sense
another presence.

The Acanti.
What an extraordinary being.

Gentle, fast.

Of course.
The colony needed it as a ship.

Enslaving its mind,
it remains conscious,
but unable to do anything

to stop the colony's
implacable search for hosts.

What a terrible fate.

Perhaps we can
help each other, my friend.

Go on. I'll hold them off.

-[Rogue] [gasps]
-I said move!


Secure them!

Secure this!




Good. Bring her
to the spore chamber.

What about this one?

He has the power
to purge the spores.

We did not know this.

Get rid of him.

No! No, stop! You can't do this!

[Acanti] [vocalizing]


[screaming] Stop!
Stop that excruciating sound!

What do you mean?
It's... It's beautiful.

[vocalizing continues]

Who freed the Acanti?

The Acanti? Who's the Acanti?

Right here, Rogue. Right here.


Chere, come on. Hurry.

Cody, please come with us.

I bet the Professor
can find some way to help you.


Let him go!
He's one of them now.

Bye, old girl. We owe you one.

-You did all you could, kid.

Take it from a guy
who's lost a few.

[Acanti vocalizing]

[theme music playing]