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05x16 - Cryin' Won't Help You Now

Posted: 05/19/08 22:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on "One Tree Hill"...

DAN : Look, I know I screwed up as a father, but I'd Like To Be A Good Grandfather.

NATHAN : Well, you should have thought of that before you k*lled Jamie's great uncle.

MOUTH : I passed on the Omaha job.


MOUTH : I feel like I'm good at what I do, Millicent, and I'll just work hard and hope the station gives me another shot.

MILLICENT : Are you sure?

MOUTH : That I'm doing the right thing? I don't know. But about us? Yeah, I'm sure.

QUENTIN : I trusted you, all right?

SKILLS : Quentin, you needed this.

QUENTIN : I needed this?! You know what?! I needed a scholarship! I needed you to keep your mouth shut! That's what I needed!

BROOKE : Millicent... They're giving me a baby.

LUCAS : Lindsey, I love you.

LINDSEY : I love you, too, Luke, but it takes more than love to build a marriage.

LUCAS : I'm willing to learn.

DAN : This is for you.

NATHAN : You're giving me the beach house? I don't want it.

DAN : Son. I have a bad heart. I have six months to live.



Dan is in front of Keith’s grave when we see a tombstone being installed right beside Keith’s, which says : Dan Scott, Loving Husband, Brother and Father

LUCAS (voiceover) : There were many who couldn't understand, and sometimes he walked among them. But even in his darkest hours, he knew in his heart that someday it would return to him... and his world would be whole again


In Jamie’s room, Nathan is tying up Jamie’s shoes

JAMIE : Daddy, what's wrong with grandpa Dan?

NATHAN : What do you mean?

JAMIE : He didn't come to my birthday party. Everyone else came. I really wanted him to come.

NATHAN : Yeah, I know you did, buddy. But your party was still pretty cool, right?

JAMIE : Yeah, but grandpa Dan said he missed me.

NATHAN : Well, you know that old Jersey that you love so much?

(Jamie nods)

NATHAN : That was from your grandpa Dan.

JAMIE : Really?! I knew it!

(Haley walks in)

HALEY : Hey! Hey.

JAMIE : Mama, grandpa Dan got me this birthday present.

(Jamie shows Haley the jersey)

HALEY : Wow!

HALEY (to Nathan) : Can I talk to you for a second?

Nathan and Haley are in their kitchen

NATHAN : He's dying, hales.

HALEY : What?!

NATHAN : Dan needs a heart transplant. He says it's his hcm. He's got six months to live, maybe not even that.

HALEY : Do you believe him? He's not even that old.

NATHAN : I don't know. I mean, it's Dan. But he's even drawn up a will, and he's leaving us the beach house, among other things. And this time, he seemed...scared. I mean, I've seen my father be a lot of things, Hales, but never scared.

HALEY : Well, if it is true, at least now we know why he wants to spend so much time with Jamie. Nothing like a ticking clock.

NATHAN : Well, ticking clock or not, Dan's not spending any time with Jamie.


Brooke is with Angie

BROOKE : Come on, baby girl. Give me a smile.

(Angie doesn’t want to smile)

BROOKE : Well, fine, have it your way, but we got a big week ahead of us, kid. Tonight we'll me t the doctor who's gonna make you all better, and tomorrow aunt Millicent's gonna a watch you while I go to my super duper important meeting. Yeah. Are you gonna be okay without me?

(Someone knocks at the door)

BROOKE : It's open!

(Lucas enters)

BROOKE : Hey, what are you doing here?

LUCAS : Did you think I was gonna forget something this important? 7:00, right?

BROOKE : Yeah, 7:00 p.m. But I appreciate the enthusiasm, Luke. I am kind of nervous about the whole hospital thing. I'm not really a big fan of hospitals.

LUCAS : How's it going? Better?

BROOKE : Yeah. I'm starting to get it down. She's sleeping through the night now.

LUCAS : See? I told you you'd be a good mom. Is it what you expected?

BROOKE : It's a lot of work... A lot more than I ever thought it could be. But she's so cute!

(Peyton comes out of her room in her jammies)

PEYTON : Oh, god, that was, like, the best night's sleep ever!

(She’s really embarrassed to see Lucas)

PEYTON : Luke, hey. What are you doing here?

(Lucas is watching her legs)

BROOKE : He just came by for Angie's pre-op appointment. Talk about a gentleman.

LUCAS : Probably should have just called. Brooke, I'll pick you up later.

BROOKE : Sounds good. Bye, Luke!

(Lucas leaves)

BROOKE (to Peyton) : You two.

BROOKE (to Angie) : God. They're silly. Aren't they silly?!


The Ravens are practicing with Skills and Lucas

LUCAS : He knew there was practice this morning, right?

SKILLS : I told him

(Quentin enters the gym. Lucas makes the team stop practicing to discuss)

LUCAS : Bring it in. So, as you can all see, Q. is out for six weeks, which means we're gonna have to make It to the playoffs without him. Every single one of you is gonna have to step it up. Now, there's 12 games between now and the playoffs, and we can't afford to lose many. Any questions?

(The team seems devastated)

LUCAS : Hey, just because Quentin's s injured doesn't mean the season's over. Now, here's what I'm expecting from each and every one of you.

(Quentin starts leaving)

SKILLS : Q., where you going?

QUENTIN : Ain't nothing g here for me now, man.

LUCAS : Hey, Q., you can't just quit.

QUENTIN : Yeah, I just did!


Brooke and Peyton are feeding Angie

PEYTON : Mmm! Look what we got. More squash and peas. Yummy.

BROOKE : She loves it. Go figure.

PEYTON : Hey, about that. Um... I just want you to know, I am available to help with Angie. It's just my hair's been on fire trying to get the new recording studio done.

BROOKE : It's okay. You are excused from baby duty. Besides... I kind of like having the time alone with Angie, so don't feel bad. And anyway, Angie's scared of her creepy aunt Peyton, isn't she? Yes. We like uncle Lucas better.


BROOKE : I'm kidding. We're kidding, aren't we? Yes.

PEYTON : I mean, it is pretty great that he's helping out. It's kind of "Mr. Mom," but it's nice.

BROOKE : It's cute. And anyway, he's still pining over "Lindsey," so... I'm helping distract him. Yeah

PEYTON : Speaking of distractions, I actually have to get going to the studio.

BROOKE : Why? Who's recording?

PEYTON : Just this girl you might know. Haley James Scott.

BROOKE : Did you hear that, baby girl? Haley James Scott's making music again. That's got to be worth a smile. Yeah?

(Angie still doesn’t smile)

BROOKE : Get out of here, creepy. You're scaring her.


Mouth is working in the control room when his boss comes in

HIS BOSS : Marvin, do you have a voodoo doll?

MOUTH : Excuse me?

HIS BOSS : That, or did you fix the salmon mousse in the cafeteria? My sports on-air is sick as a dog. He just, uh, booted all over the station floor.

MOUTH : And you want me to clean that up?

HIS BOSS : No. Listen, I know we haven't spoken much since I took over for Alice... And I know you were close with her.

MOUTH : Um, pretty close, yeah.

HIS BOSS : Anyway, I really liked the demo piece you did on the ravens. So how would you like to fill in tomorrow?

MOUTH : Really? Uh, what about the weekend guy?

HIS BOSS : He is okay. But then how would you get your big shot? I got three slots... 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00. I need you to do sports for all three.

MOUTH : Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

HIS BOSS :Oh, and, uh, Marvin, I heard about your Omaha offer. I think you made the right decision.

(His boss leaves)

MOUTH : Sweet!


Lucas is working. Haley walks in

HALEY : Luke, do you have a second?

(Haley enters the room and closes the door)

HALEY : It's Dan. He's dying.

LUCAS : Right.

HALEY : I'm serious. It's something about his heart. He had Nathan out to the beach house to tell him.

LUCAS : And Nathan believes him? I think so. At least, he seemed pretty convinced. Dan drafted up will and everything. Why? You think he's lying?

LUCAS : Of course he's lying! All right, I... I'll get into it, anyway? But in the meantime, be careful. All right? Don't let him suck you and Nathan back into his life.

HALEY : I know. I'm with you on that. But what if he's telling the truth? What if he really is dying?

LUCAS : Well, then, all I have to say is... It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


Nathan is playing alone when Dan arrives

DAN : You'll get it back again, trust me.

NATHAN : What are you doing here?

DAN : You told me in the gym you weren't trying to come back, and I know you are... it's what I would do.

NATHAN : It's not a comeback. Sure.

DAN : You know, Nathan, you may just have to face the fact that you'll never be the same player you once were, but that doesn't mean you still won't be a great player. You just have to learn how to play differently... Reinvent yourself. The best players always find a way. Okay, try it again, but slow it down a tad.

NATHAN : Stop it!

DAN : Stop what?

NATHAN : Following me. Trying to see Jamie. This... all of it. Dan, I don't care that you're dying, okay? This isn't happening. We're done here.

DAN : Nathan, don't hate me because I'm proud of your accomplishments. Take it from someone who knows. You don't want to live a life of regret. It's not too late. You can have your dream. You just have to really want it.

(Nathan throws the basket ball toward Dan)

NATHAN : Stop it! Okay, you don't get it, do you?! Just stop it... all of it! And leave my family alone!

(Nathan leaves)


Peyton and Haley are about to start working

PEYTON : Oh, there! Check it out. How awesome is this, Haley? It's Red Bedroom studios.

(Haley seems preoccupied)

HALEY : Yeah, it's great.

PEYTON : Hey. What’s going on with you?

HALEY : Nothing. I'm fine. It's just, um...nothing. The studio looks awesome.

PEYTON : So, what is it?

HALEY : Can I just ask you a personal question?

PEYTON : Yeah, please do.

HALEY : If you had the chance to get to know your real father, would you want to?

PEYTON : Oh, wow. I mean, you know what? Before Ellie, I probably would have said no, but she was awesome. And, so, yeah, it does make me kind of wonder about my real dad sometimes. But... You know, then again, what if I meet him and I don't like him? So, sometimes I think it's just easier not to know and go with my own idealized version of him.

HALEY : Yeah.

PEYTON : Why do you ask?

HALEY : There's a chance Dan might be dying.

PEYTON : Are you kidding? Does Nathan know?

HALEY : Yeah, Nathan and Lucas both know. The problem is with Jamie. He is obsessed with getting to know his grandfather, and if Dan's really sick, he might not get the chance to do that.

PEYTON : God, Haley. I'm sorry. That's tough. Um... I mean, I will say that getting to know Ellie changed my life. And I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be standing here if it wasn’t for her. Then again, Ellie wasn't Dan Scott.


Lucas comes to visit Dan

LUCAS : Well, you look healthy.

DAN : Come on in, Lucas. Have a seat.

LUCAS : Nah, that's okay, what I have to say I can say from right here.

DAN : Well, suit yourself. But you of all people should take this seriously.

LUCAS : There's nothing wrong with my heart. If I know you, there's nothing wrong with yours, either.

DAN : I wish that was true. But I've got the best cardiologist money can buy, and even he can't help me. Dr. Thorton... call him yourself.

LUCAS : I might just do that.

DAN : Good. And when you do, you'll find out that I'm not lying. Without a transplant, I'll be dead within six months.

LUCAS : But you're dead to so many of us already, Dan.

(Lucas leaves)


Haley is playing piano

PEYTON : So, do you want to put down the piano scratch track first?

HALEY : Yeah, that's perfect.

PEYTON : Hey! Who would have thought that one day we'd be in our own recording studio making your next record together?

HALEY : On your label. It's great that you're really enjoying your work so much, Peyton. Just as long as you’re not using it to hide behind.

PEYTON (laughing) : What's that supposed to mean?

HALEY : Look, before the wedding, I told Lucas that he shouldn't marry Lindsey.


HALEY : 'Cause I just read his new novel, and when I did, I knew right away that he was still in love with you, whether he's ready to admit it or not.

PEYTON : It's a book, okay? You can't draw those kind of conclusions from a story.

HALEY : Really? What about when I write my music? Some of my subconscious always ends up sneaking into my lyrics somewhere. I don't even notice it until the song's done I think Lucas is the same way with his writing.

PEYTON : Well, I watched him up on that altar, and it's very clear to me where his heart lies, and if I can see it, I'm not really sure why Lindsey can't. You know, it's unfair to Luke. He loves her.

HALEY : I think she's just afraid of the idea of you... your history with him. Think how you'd feel if the roles were reversed.


Brooke and Lucas are with Angie. The cardiologist enters.

DOCTOR : Hi. Sorry if I kept you waiting. I'm Dr. Copeland. You must be Brooke Davis. Mm-hmm. Clothes, right?


DOCTOR : I thought you looked familiar. Which must make you...

LUCAS : A friend. Lucas Scott.

DOCTOR : Great. So I just wanted to run through the surgical procedure so you can know what to expect. Are you familiar with Angie's condition?

BROOKE : Not really. She has a hole in her heart, right?

DOCTOR : She has a number of holes, actually, but we're gonna fix them. We'll put Angie under a general anesthesia. We'll stop her heart, and then I'll do the repairs.

BROOKE : You have to stop her heart for how long?

DOCTOR : Two hours, maybe longer, depending on the extent of her condition.

BROOKE : Two hours?

DOCTOR : Yes, that... that's how we do it, Brooke. Angie will be on a heart-and-lung machine, which will keep blood and oxygen circulating in her body. Then I will graft skin from another part of her heart and use it to fix the holes.

LUCAS : How do you intend to restart Angie's heart?

DOCTOR : After the repairs are complete, we will use an electric shock. And once she's stabilized, we'll take her to the ICU, and you'll be able to see her then.

BROOKE : I know I don't have a choice here, but this seems so dangerous. Is... is there some other way?

DOCTOR : Hmm, uh, I'm sorry, but, u n no, there... there is no other way to correct Angie’s condition.

LUCAS : Dr. Copeland, what's Angie's prognosis If she didn't have the surgery?

DOCTOR : A year, maybe two.

BROOKE : And then what?

DOCTOR : She'll die.

(Brooke is kinda in shock, Lucas is comforting her)

DOCTOR : Look, Brooke, it's... it's okay to be nervous, but, um, I... I just... I want you to focus on what a great thing it is that you're doing for Angie.

BROOKE : Okay. Thank you.

DOCTOR : So, if there are no further questions, I will see you next week.

LUCAS : Actually, there is one thing. Do you happen to know a Dr. Thorton?


Quentin is playing. Nathan arrives

NATHAN : You're sh**ting like me now.

QUENTIN : Yeah, we both former ravens now, too.

NATHAN : What? Why?

QUENTIN : Oh, well, I don't know. Let's see... this thing? Hmm?

(Quentin shows his cast)

NATHAN : You're still part of the team, Q. You can't just quit because you're injured.

QUENTIN : You sound like your brother now. I mean, I expected a little grief from you, but what's Lucas know about playing injured anyway?

NATHAN : Let me tell you something about Lucas. Lucas played injured his entire senior year. It cost him a lot of playing time, but he never gave up on his team. And what if they make the playoffs?

QUENTIN : They won't. Even if they do, man, it's my sh**ting hand, Nate. I ain't gonna be ready for the scouts anyway.

NATHAN : Well, then you'll have to learn how to play differently. You're gonna have to reinvent your game.

QUENTIN : Reinvent my... man, that ain't that easy, okay?

NATHAN : Who said it was gonna be easy? But what are you gonna do? Are you gonna quit? Are you gonna throw away everything you ever worked for?

QUENTIN : No, I'm not going to. I already did, okay? You know I punched that dude for you?

NATHAN : Oh, come on. I've thrown a lot of punches, and every last one was selfish. Now, face it, Q., you punched that guy for you. Deal with it.


Millicent is playing video game

MILLICENT : You're dead, dude! Deal with it!

(Mouth arrives)

MILLICENT : Hey! These games are so addicting. I just waxed a 13-year-old kid from Arkansas. He was pretty upset.

MOUTH : Ok.. We're gonna have to keep an eye on that. Millie, you won't guess what happened to me today at work.


MOUTH : I'm gonna get a shot to anchor the sports segments tomorrow.


MOUTH : Yeah, the regular guy's sick. And the station manager's giving me a shot.

MILLICENT : Marvin, that is great! Just think of all those people who are gonna be watching you on TV.

MOUTH : You want to come? You can be there at the station.

MILLICENT : I wish I could, but Brooke has her big presentation tomorrow, and I promised to look after the baby. But I'll watch every minute of you on the big screen at the store. I'm so proud of you, Marvin. You're gonna do great.


Jamie joins Haley in the kitchen

JAMIE : Mama, where does grandpa dan live?

HALEY : Uh, why?

JAMIE : I need to thank him for my birthday present. Can you take me?

HALEY : Um, well, I...I can't do that right now, 'Cause, well, grandpa Dan lives at the beach, and it's getting kind of late. But I'll tell you what we {y:i}can do. You can write your grandpa Dan a thank-you note, and I will make sure that he gets it.

JAMIE : Cool I'll write the best thank-you note ever.

HALEY : Okay, cool.

(Jamie leaves and Haley seems embarrassed)


Brooke is putting Angie in bed. Lucas is there

BROOKE : That's my girl. Okay. Okay. I can't even get her to smile, Luke. What am I doing? What if she dies? What then? What do I tell her parents... these people that I've never met? What made me think I could handle this?

LUCAS : Hey, just remember, you're giving Angie a chance to live a full, wonderful life. She couldn't do that without the surgery.

BROOKE : Yeah, I guess so.

(After a blank)

BROOKE : Thank you for being here for us.

LUCAS : Thank you for letting me.

BROOKE : Sweet girl.


Jamie is playing video game with Skills

JAMIE : And your face dough...

SKILLS : You suck, you know that?

JAMIE : I do not.

SKILLS : Do too. Ah, you k*lling me.

In the kitchen, Nathan, Lucas and Haley are talking

LUCAS : It's true. Dan's dying. Without a transplant, he's got six months.

HALEY : And you're sure?

LUCAS : I spoke with the cardiologist.

NATHAN : So, what are we gonna do?

LUCAS : Nothing. In six months, Dan's out of our lives once and for all. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy. Maybe that makes me the one with the bad heart, but I say... good riddance.

Skills and Jamie are still playing

SKILLS : No, no, no, no! Not another 3, man! What, you scared to go to the hole, little man?

JAMIE : I'm beating you, aren't I?

SKILLS : Yeah, but why you only sh**ting 3s?

JAMIE : 'Cause 3s are better than 2s.

(That makes Skills thinking)

SKILLS : Have I ever told you that you was a genius lately?

JAMIE : Not lately. You said I suck.

SKILLS : Well, I take it back. You don't suck.


Brooke is arriving at the store with Angie


MILLICENT : Hi, sweetie! Brooke, you're never gonna believe this, but Marvin's doing the sports segment on the news.

BROOKE : Really?!

MILLICENT : It's just about to start. Now, you've got everything for your meeting, right? Sketches, sales projections, textile samples...

BROOKE : Millie, I have it!

(They look at the TV)

BROOKE : Ooh, ooh, it's starting!

SPORTS ANNOUNCER (on TV) : Now here's Marvin Mcfadden with sports.

MOUTH (on TV) : Time to fill out... those b-brackets.

(Mouth seems really uncomfortable)


MOUTH : The top seeds in this...

(Mouth is not looking at the right prompter)

JERRY : Mcfadden, Mcfadden.

MOUTH : With North Carolina's own blue devils finding themselves on top of the east...

EMPLOYEE (whispering to Mouth) : ...Tar heels.

MOUTH : ... Uh, Carolina tar heels. They're not, um... Duke is the, uh...


Brooke and Millicent are still watching the TV, surprised by Mouth’s horrible performance

MOUTH (on TV) : the links, where Tiger Woods was up to his old tricks again.


MOUTH : Today, Tiger won the Arnold hill's invitational.

JERRY : Arnold hill? Who the hell's Arnold hill?

MOUTH : Um, the Arnold palmer invitational at the pine hills country club. That's always tricky.

(By stress, Mouth spills his glass of water)

MOUTH : That's sports, and I'm, uh...


MOUTH (on TV) : ... wet.

MILLICENT : That wasn't good, was it?

BROOKE : At least it's over.

MILLICENT : No, it's not. He has two more broadcasts this afternoon.

BROOKE : Millie, Mouth needs you at the TV station More than I need you here, so come on. If we hurry, I can drop you off and still make it in time. Come on, baby, let's go.

(They leave the store)


Nathan, Lucas, Skills and Jamie are trying to figure out a new game plan

LUCAS : So... Without Quentin, we have no inside game, no defense...

JAMIE : And no assists.

SKILLS : I got an idea.

LUCAS : Let's hear it.

SKILLS : I say we push the tempo and just sh**t 3s... Like, almost all 3s. I mean, we still got some good outside sh**t, and they're in pretty good shape, so if we push it, we might just run the score up high enough to when we don't need no big man in the paint.

LUCAS : Almost all 3s, huh?

SKILLS : He I it wasn't my idea. It was him.

(Skills points a Jamie)

LUCAS : That's a good idea, Jamie. But, see, with that kind of offense, we're gonna need a really strong player to distribute the ball and get back on "d."

NATHAN : You've already got that player... Quentin.


Lindsey is on the phone

LINDSEY (on the phone) : Well, I have that breakfast meeting at 7:30.

(Someone knocks at the door)

LINDSEY : Come in.

(Peyton enters)


LINDSEY (on the phone) : Uh, I got to go.

(She hangs up)

PEYTON : We need to talk.

LINDSEY : What are you doing here, Peyton?

PEYTON : Okay, weird and totally inappropriate of me. But I'm kind of here for Lucas and for you.

LINDSEY : Peyton, I already told you, there's nothing to say.

PEYTON : Please, hear me out. 'Cause I know that he loves you, and he hasn't wavered from that. Yes, he wrote about a comet, but in his nonfiction life, he seems very much in love with you.

LINDSEY : Have you read the book, Peyton?

(Peyton doesn’t answer)

LINDSEY : I didn't think so, because if you had, you wouldn't be so sure who Lucas loves and how much.

PEYTON : Lindsey, the book was a work of fiction. But what wasn't fiction was the fact that he said "I do" to you in that church.

(Lindsey takes Lucas’ script)

LINDSEY : It's not me that has to make a decision about Lucas. It's you.

(Lindsey is holding the script to Peyton)

LINDSEY : Go home, Peyton. Go home and read his book.


Quentin is playing with Jamie

QUENTIN : All right, you ready?

(Quentin makes the shot)

QUENTIN : Oh, there it is. Hold your follow-through.

(Nathan arrives)

JAMIE : Daddy, Quentin's teaching me to shot left-hand free throws.

NATHAN : Oh, yeah?

(Nathan sees Dan waiting in the doorstep)

QUENTIN : You wanted to see me?

NATHAN : Yeah. Yeah, actually, hold that thought, okay? Jamie, um, keep sh**ting. I'll be right back.

(Nathan starts going toward Dan)

NATHAN : Oh, and, hey, Quentin, you're not quitting the ravens.

JAMIE : You quit the ravens?

QUENTIN : Yeah, I got hurt, little man.

JAMIE : My daddy got hurt too... Sometimes it makes him sad. I'd give anything to see him play again. I can tell he wants to.

Nathan joins Dan in the hallway

NATHAN : You realize I can make one phone call and have your parole revoked for coming around here like this?

DAN : Just hear me out, Nathan. Once I've said my piece, I'll go and never come back, If that's what you want.

NATHAN : Okay, you got five minutes.

DAN : I've never told anyone else this before, but when I was in prison, I tried to k*ll myself. I put a rope around my neck, and I tried to hang myself.

NATHAN : Dad, I...I...

DAN : Just let me finish. When I stepped off that chair... I'd truly given up on everything. But then the rope broke, and I took it as a sign... A sign that I wasn't finished on this earth, that my life was incomplete. So, you see, I need to fix it. I need to fix all of it... you, us. I need that peace before I die. Son, let me help you with what little time I have left.

JAMIE (from the gym) : Good shot, Q.!

DAN : Nathan... Please... Son... Don't deny a dying man his last wish.


Mouth is waiting for his second slot

JERRY : Mcfadden, sports is up.

(Mouth is scared)

JERRY : Hey, are you okay? Are you gonna be able to do this?

(Millicent appears behind Mouth)

MILLICENT : He'll be fine.

MOUTH : I don't know what happened. I got nervous. I mean, With the... the bright lights and the teleprompters. It's... it's different than I expected.

MILLICENT : Marvin, it's okay. Do you remember what you told me when you first brought me here?

MOUTH : I can't remember.

MILLICENT : You said that sports reminded you of the greatness we all have inside of us. You said that on any given day, an underdog can rise up. Well, you're my underdog, Marvin. And you can do this.

JERRY : 20 seconds, Mcfadden.

MILLICENT : This time, when you go back on the air, just talk to me. Tune out all the crew, the people watching, everyone else... Just look at me. I'll be right behind that teleprompter thingy.

(Mouth goes to the desk)

JERRY : Okay. And we're back. In five... Four...three...

MOUTH : The bobcats showed much improvement this year, and today at their annual fan appreciation day, there was genuine excitement about what lies ahead.

(Mouth seems comfortable, Millicent smiles)


Brooke arrive at the presentation with Angie. There are 5 persons waiting

MACY’S EMPLOYEE : Brooke Davis.

BROOKE : Hi. So sorry I'm late, everyone. Something sort of came up.

(She shows Angie)

BROOKE : Excuse me.

(She put Angie and all her stuff on the desk)

BROOKE : I'll just set that... set that here. Sorry. We can get started.

MACY’S EMPLOYEE : Are you sure you're prepared for this meeting, Ms. Davis? Perhaps we should reschedule.

BROOKE : Oh, no. I'm ready to go. I just, uh...

(Angie starts crying)

BROOKE : I just need one second, okay? I'll be right back.

(She takes Angie and leaves the room)


Quentin arrives and finds Skills behind the desk

SKILLS : Oh, you must be looking for Lucas.

QUENTIN : No, actually, I was, uh... I... I was looking for you. Look...I... I owe you an apology. I'm sorry. Man, I... I said some things That were just out of line. I was just upset about my wrist, and I didn't think you had my back.

SKILLS : Quentin, the day you think Lucas and I don't have your best interest at heart, that's the day I got to call you on it. I mean, you got to know that we look at the big picture and what's best for you. Now, Lucas and Nathan, they good people, man, but you got to trust us, and you got to know that we gonna do whatever it takes to get you where you want to be.

QUENTIN : Yes, sir.

SKILLS : Okay.

(Quentin starts to leave)

QUENTIN : So...about that, uh... that locker I cleared out yesterday... you didn't give it away, did you?

SKILLS : We probably could get that back. Hey, Q. Apology accepted, man.


Brooke is with Angie in the hallway

BROOKE : Okay, we're in this together. It's just me and you. So we have to work like a team, all right? It's just, this is really important to me, and I just get this one shot, so I'm depending on you. Yeah.

(Angie stops crying)

BROOKE : Good. Now, you and I are gonna go back in that room and kick a little presentation butt, all right? You with me?


Lucas and Nathan are with the team, explaining the new game plan

LUCAS : So, are you with me?

PLAYER 1 : So, we're all just gonna sh**t 3s, coach?

LUCAS : For the most part. I mean, I’m not gonna tell you to pass on any open layups, but...yeah. I want you sh**ting the ball within 8 seconds of every possession. Got it?

PLAYER 2 : But if we just sh**ting 3s, who's gonna get us the ball?

(Quentin enters the gym with Skills)


LUCAS : Meet your new point guard. If we're going out, we're going out together, g*ns blazing. All right, "ravens" on three.


LUCAS : One, two, three.

TEAM : Ravens!


Brooke is making her presentation. Angie is in the Macy’s employee’s arms

BROOKE : So, we've gone over the demos, you've seen what I have planned for the fall line, and you've heard why a partnership with Clothes over bro's would be a perfect fit, but, frankly, I still think there's something missing. And let me tell you what it is... her.

(Brooke looks at Angie)

BROOKE : Angie represents an underserved but lucrative market, and clothes over bro's is about to unveil a new line to fit that need.

(Brooke shows new sketches, for babies)

BROOKE : Baby Brooke. The future is now. This exciting new line has all the style and hipness You’ve come to expect from clothes over bro's. It's fun, it's edgy, and every cute baby is gonna drool for it... or on it.

(The Macy’s representatives laugh)

BROOKE : It's good, huh? I know. Why don't you take five minutes, discuss, and we'll be outside?

(Brooke takes Angie)

BROOKE : Come here, my angel. Yeah. That's my girl.

(And leaves the room)

In the hallway

BROOKE : Nice work, team. Yeah!


Mouth is still on air

MOUTH : With star player Quentin fields out of action, we'll have to see what coach Lucas Scott has up his sleeve to get the ravens on track. I'm Marvin Mcfadden, and that's sports. We'll be right back after this message.

(Mouth and Millicent smile)


The Ravens are practicing

LUCAS : Let's go! Let's go! 8 seconds!

(End of the game)

LUCAS : Nice! Nice job, Q. With you at point, this crazy offense might just work. Yes!

(Nathan starts leaving)

QUENTIN : Hey... hey, coach, can I get a second?

LUCAS : Yeah.

QUENTIN : Hey, hey, Nate. Hey, hey! Listen... Listen, I, uh... I just wanted to say thanks.

NATHAN : It's all good. Hell, it was Jamie's idea anyway.

QUENTIN : No, i mean, than f for believing in me. Thanks for showing me the way back.

NATHAN : Just do your best, Q.

QUENTIN : I'll do you one better. All right? I'll make you a deal. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna work hard, but you need to work hard, too. Okay? For yourself, for Jamie. You know, comeback?

NATHAN : Come back sucks,?

QUENTIN : Yeah, for now it does, but, look. You saw something in me before I even saw it in myself. Maybe this is that. A couple hours every day, practice, you and me? Huh?

NATHAN : Okay. Okay, it's a deal. Just don't call it a comeback.

QUENTIN : A'ight.


Mouth is with Millicent. Jerry comes to see them

JERRY : That was some comeback, Mouth. For a while there, we didn't think you were gonna make it. Nice work, buddy.

(Jerry leaves)

MOUTH : Thank you so much, Millie. I couldn't have done it without you.

MILLICENT : I didn't do anything. You did it all.

MOUTH : You helped.

(Mouth looks at the desk)

MOUTH : You want to try it?

(Millicent shakes her head, embarrassed)

MOUTH : Come on.

(Mouth brings her behind the desk. They both seat)

MOUTH : All you have to do Is read right off the teleprompter in front of you. Try it. Hey, guys, can you, uh, roll the prompter?

(We see the prompter. Millicent starts reading it)

MILLICENT : "ending the bulls' run of s w wins with a 101-114 loss."

(After a blank)

MILLICENT : "thank you, Millie, for believing in me."

(After another blank)

MILLICENT : "I love you... Marvin."

(She looks at Mouth)

MILLICENT : You love me?

MOUTH : Yeah, I do. I love you, Millicent Huxtable.

MILLICENT : I love you, too, Marvin Mcfadden.

(They kiss)


Haley just put Jamie in bed. She kisses him goodnight and see the note Jamie made for Dan

HALEY : Look at that, you wrote your thank-you note to grandpa Dan, huh?

(Jamie nods)

HALEY : Well, let's see what it says. Okay.

(Haley starts reading)

HALEY : "Dear grandpa Dan, I had..."

(Jamie continues by heart)

JAMIE : "... the best birthday ever. Thank you for the great jersey. It makes me feel just like my dad when I wear it. I wish you could have been at my party just like you were there to save me. I hope you can come to my next birthday and all the ones after that. I love you. James Lucas Scott, age 5." Do you think he'll like it?

HALEY : Oh, I think he's gonna love it! You're a good boy, James Lucas Scott, age 5. I love you very much. Night.

(Haley leaves the room with the note)

Haley joins Nathan in the kitchen and shows him the note

HALEY : What are we gonna do about Jamie and Dan?

NATHAN : I don't know. I just can't believe he's dying. I mean, as horrible as he's been, It's hard to imagine him gone for good.

HALEY : I know nothing's more important than this family, But if you need closure with your father, I understand. Just be careful.


Lucas is at his desk, working on his novel. He sees Lindsey connected on the chat


Haley is alone in the kitchen. She put Jamie’s note in the trash


Someone knocks at Dan’s door. It’s Nathan

DAN : Nathan, come in. Would you like a drink?

NATHAN : No, thanks. I thought a lot about what you said, and you were right about a lot of things. I know I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without you pushing me. And if there's one thing I've learned over the past four years, It's that family is important.

DAN : You're right, son. Our family is the most important thing

NATHAN : No. I mean my family. And you're not part of it anymore. That's what I came here to tell you.

DAN : Nathan, please.

NATHAN : I'm sorry that you're dying. But you have to know i can never forgive you... Not now, not ever.

DAN : So, that's it? You're just gonna make that decision.

NATHAN : No, dad. You made that decision for me the moment you pulled that trigger.

(Nathan leaves. Dan’s got angry)


Lindsey is in front of her computer and sees a video chat invitation from Lucas


We see that Lindsey declined the invitation on Lucas’ computer


Peyton is in her bed, finishing Lucas’ script, crying

LUCAS (voiceover) : And his world would be whole again, and his belief in god and love and art would be reawakened in his heart.

Brooke is over Angie’s crib

BROOKE : Thank you for being so good today. We make a pretty good team, me and you. I know this surgery is really scary, but I'm gonna be right here for you every step of the way, okay? We're gonna get through this together. Yeah.

(Brooke starts crying)

BROOKE : And I know I'm not your real mom, but i could just use a sign or something to let me know I'm doing okay.

(Angie smiles)

BROOKE : Okay. It's you and me, baby.