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03x04 - Growing Pains: Part 2

Posted: 08/26/22 14:23
by bunniefuu




I was really hoping you'd ask me to the clambake, Rick.

It's like...

It's like a miracle.

Stick with me, Tawny.

I'll make all your dreams come true.


Dad! Dad, what--? What are you doing here?

A better question is what are you doing here?

You had a 9 p.m. curfew. It's way after 10.

Now, since you were late two times,

you're gonna be home at 6 p.m. every night next week.

But, Dad, I can't.

What about the big clambake at Jones Beach Saturday night?

Well, I hope they're baking early.

You don't trust me, respect me, you don't even care about me.

Now you wait just a minute.

I wouldn't be going through all this

if I didn't care about you.

RICK [ON THE PHONE]: Well, this is your son Rick.

I'm calling to let you know I no longer live there.

Well, this is it.

RICK [VOICE OVER]: And now, Silver Spoons.

Oh, hi, neighbor.

You wanna go out and beg with me?

No, thanks.

Oh, please!



Hang on just a second.


I've got one of his friends on the phone now.

Nate, listen, Ricky's run away.

No, Nate, it is not gnarly.

Do you have any idea where he'd go?

Someplace tubular. Right.


Listen, Nate, if he shows up, if you see him anywhere,

would you please give me a call?

Thank you.


Edward, we've scoured

the underbelly of this township,

the video arcade, the record store,

the Emergency Room...

What? The emergency room?

Relax, Edward.

The Emergency Room is a teen dance club.

We also called the morgue.

That's another teen dance club?

No, it's a place where they take dead people.


Well, he wasn't there.

Have you heard from Kate?

Yeah. She checked the bus station

and the airplanes.

She's now checking the train terminals.

Police are looking.

I guess there's nothing left to do

except sit here and worry.

I'm certain he'll be back soon, Edward.

Yeah? How can you be so certain?

Because I did the same thing when I was 14.

I got miffed at my parents, ran away to join the circus.


What did you wanna be? A clown or a lion tamer?

Neither. I wanted to do their books.

What happened?

Well, I had this heart-to-heart talk

with Cupcake the Clown.

He convinced me to return home.

What did Cupcake say?

Looked me straight in the face, said, "Young man:"

That's when I realized those people were nuts.

I was much better off at home.

Sure hope Rick runs into somebody

wise enough to tell him:

Just a minute!

Ricky! Oh!

Your father and I have been worried sick about you.

You didn't tell him I was here, did you?

[SIGHS] I keep my promises.

Good. Did you have a hard time finding this place?

Not after I found a cab driver

who was willing to come into the neighborhood.

It-- It's really not that bad.

Here, here, have a seat.

I'll stand.

Hey, kid, you should have come begging with me.

Oh, no wonder.

Hey, you wanna come over to my place

and see my collection of old tinfoil?

I don't think so.

Oh, please!

We're busy. Could you leave us alone?


Can't pick your neighbors.

Uh... Can I get you something? Um...

We have Snickers, Fritos, canned tuna.

No, thank you.

I make it a point never to eat in a room

where the air freshener is a No-Pest Strip.

Well, this-- See, this is-- This is just temporary.

See, I've got plans.

I'm gonna move to L.A., I'm gonna finish school,

and I'm gonna work part-time making rock videos.

I already wrote a letter to Adam Ant.

Sounds like a plan.

So I called to say goodbye.

That's very sweet.

And to borrow some money.

That's very crafty.

It was mostly for the sweet part.

Yeah, I see.

Rick, don't you think you're reacting to your father

a little too emotionally?

Emotionally? Emotionally?

Is the whole world against me?

My dad doesn't understand

that I've grown up and I'm a man now.


He still wants to treat me like a little boy,

and that hurts.

Us men, we have deep feelings.

Oh, I know you do.

You must be going through heck right now.

I mean, to run away

and leave your father and your friends.

Not to mention Tawny Oglethorpe.

There will be other clambakes in other towns.

Certainly sounds like you've made up your mind.

Any message you'd like me to give your father?

Absolutely not.

Well, maybe just this.

Tell him we had a few laughs

but it just didn't work out. That's all.

Okay, I'll tell him.

You might also mention

I'm sorry things blew up like this,

but he didn't wanna see my side of it.

Period. The end.


You could also say

someday when he's ready to talk reasonably,

we can sit down and have a cup of coffee.

There. I'm done.

You can also tell him

we had some wonderful times together...

and I loved him a lot.

Rick, why don't you call him and tell him that yourself?

I have nothing to say to the man.

Well, I have something to say to you.

Oh, I'm gonna miss you.

I've treasured the time that you've been in my life.

And if I ever have a son, I want him to be just like you.

Oh, that was beautiful.

I'm gonna call my mom.

You know, Kate, maybe I shouldn't have...


I wish that bum would leave me alone.

What do you wa--?


Kate, why did you tell him I was here?

She didn't.

Kate, why didn't you tell me he was here?

Because I promised Rick that I wouldn't.

Then who told you?

I did.

I knew you didn't belong here.

What gave me away?

Well, you were wearing a clean shirt

with a little animal on it.

So? Little animal wasn't moving.

So I got your real name off the tag on your backpack.

Called the police.

Thanks a lot.

Hey, kid, I was only trying to help.

I figured you ran away from home,

parents were worried,

and there might be a reward in it.



Oh, by the way, sir...

if you're planning an important business meeting,

please consider our Versailles Room.




Right. Guy's trying to steal my car.

Alarm scared him off.

Oh, Rick, how could you run away to a fleabag hotel like this?

It's not that bad.

Are you serious? I feel like I've gotta wash my hands.

Dad, don't touch the water!


Couple of different guys.

Gee, I heard there was a car stolen

in America every minute.

But I had no idea it was the same car.

Son, when you were missing, I was worried sick.

I've tried to tell myself not to worry so much.

Now I see this place,

I realize I didn't worry enough.

And you wanted me to trust you, huh?

Why don't we go home, huh? It's almost midnight.

Yeah, that's another thing. You violated your curfew again.

No, I didn't.

I checked in by 9:00. Ask the manager.

Now there's a reliable witness.


Don't hang up on me.


ANNOUNCER: We continue now with our Burl Ives Film Festival

and really one of his least-known works,

Those Fantastic Flying Fools.

This is Tawny Oglethorpe.

Isn't she terrific?

I'm really pining for her.

Me too.

Alfonso. What are you doing here?


What do you think?

I'm in an as*ault group of clambake commandos.

Come on, guys.


How's it going, Rick?


Him too?

Come on, Rick. You're going to that clambake.

I can't. I've been grounded.

We're springing you.

You're going over the wall.

I can't, Alfonso.

If I got caught,

I'd be in solitary confinement for 99 years.

Okay, Edward, the category is entertainment.

Here's the question:

"Name the members of TV's Nelson family."

Ha, ha. That's an easy one. Yeah.

Ozzie, Harriet, David and...

Rick, who would never have disobeyed Ozzie

and run away to a fleabag hotel.

No, the biggest problem they ever had

was whether or not the malt shop

was out of tutti-frutti ice cream.

No, I just don't think I've been handling this right.

I'm gonna change that right now.

I'm gonna go up there and we're gonna have a talk.

What am I doing?

I always chase after him.

He wants to talk to me, he knows where I am.

Oh, look at me.

Now I'm sulking.

I'm bigger than that.

Why is it always me that has to make the first move?

Because I'm the adult, that's why.

You know, he's really interesting to watch.

RANDY: Here's another thing for you to consider.

Tawny told us to tell you she'd be real disappointed

if you can't be there to see her brand-new bikini.

NATE: Go for it, Rick.

RICK: I'd like to go, but...

RANDY: What are you worried about, the warden checking on you?

Don't sweat it.

Let's take some pillows and junk,

put them under the covers,

make it look like you're sleeping,

cut the lights.

Hey, gnarly.

RICK: It might work, but I don't know.

RANDY: Come on, Rick, it'll work great.

RICK: I'll get away with it.

RANDY: Tawny wants to see you.

Can't miss this fun, Rick.

Everybody's gonna be there, Rick.

That was fast.

I didn't go in.

Overheard Rick talking with some of his friends.

They must've come in through the window.

What are they doing there?

Trying to talk Rick into going to the clambake.

Oh, no.

Well, I hope you quashed their little conspiracy.

No, I didn't. I think lately I've been too quick to quash.

You mean you're gonna let anarchy reign?

I was gonna go in there,

but I decided, no, I'm not gonna keep making the same mistakes.

So you're gonna make different mistakes?

I can't follow him around the rest of his life, Dexter.

Rick's a good kid.

Why shouldn't I trust him to make good decisions?

I know it's hard,

but you're doing the right thing.

Well, I vigorously disagree.

Although I've only had Alfonso in my charge

for a few short weeks,

I've already developed

some exceptionally sound instincts

about child rearing.

For example, he asked to me

if he could go to that clam gathering,

I refused.

Because he's got an important exam coming up.

Right now, he's at the library studying

with Nathan and Randolph.

Dexter. There's no disciple problems

in the Stuffins household.

What is it? Dexter.

Alfon-- Alfonso!

Hey, Alfonso! Alfonso!

You didn't see Rick with them, did you?

Well, they all ran by so fast.

I love my son and I trust him.

I'm sure Rick had the good sense not to go with them.






DUMMY: My brother's in communications. He's a telephone pole.


Rick, son, you're here!

Why wouldn't I be?

Well, I--

Well, I-- Yeah, I--

I noticed the dummy in your bed.

Oh, oh, oh, that.

Well, you see, I--

So I always wanted to see what I look like

when I was sleeping.

But you see, I can never see myself when I was sleeping

because when you're sleeping you're asleep.

Well, good night, son. Good night.


that's not the real reason why the dummy's in the bed.

A bunch of the guys climbed up here

through the window.

They wanted me to go to the clambake with them.

Boy, was I tempted.

I told them I couldn't because I was grounded.

I'm glad you did that.

Me too.

Son, I have something to tell you too.

I came up here before

and I overheard you talking to your friends.

I wanted to barge in. Boy, was I tempted.

But I decided to trust you.

I'm glad you did that.

Me too.


Oh, Rick, everything's changing, you know?

I guess I'm just--

I can't stand the thought of losing that little kid

I used to have so much fun with.

If I tell you something,

will you promise you'll never use it against me?


Sometimes I miss that little kid too.

It was easier when I was younger.

It was easier for me too.

When you were younger,

I would tell you what to do and you would do it.

I was so innocent then.

Dad, I really don't want

this stuff happening between us anymore.

Makes me feel terrible.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't we make a pact, huh?

Next time something like this happens,

we'll work it out.

Like men.


Why don't we do what Kate suggested, huh?

You go to that clambake tonight,

I'll ground you sometime later next week.

You mean it? Yeah.

Great. Go ahead, get dressed.

I'll drive you.

Don't worry.

I'll drop you a block from the beach.

Dad, this clambake, it's gonna be fantastic.

Yeah, gnarly.

