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06x02 - One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning

Posted: 09/22/08 02:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree ill

Dan is hitting by a car and Carrie kidnapps him.

Carrie: I hit you with the borrowed car, and now i am going to k*ll you. But first, I'mgonna get Jamie back.

Lucas asks Peyton to get married.

Peyton: I love you. Yes.

Lucas: You didn't let me ask you.

Peyton: Yes baby yes

Lucas: This isn't right.

Peyton: No, it's... It's okay. It is. I just want to be your wife.

Lucas: This is supposed to be a dream comes true.

Skills and Deb hide their relation to the others.

Deb: You right. We just gonna have to go public.

Skills: Yeah. I'mgonna say,"Nate, look, I'mdating your mom, sleeping with her, doing all kind of freaky stuff to her."

Skills: You want to tell him or should I?

Nathan works hard to replay basketball, with Quentin's help. But he's got back's pain.

Quentin: What's up? What's up? There it is.

Nathan: For the first time, I, uh... felt like I was on my way back.

Haley: I'mso glad for you, Nathan.

Jamie: Hey, daddy, when you play in the NBA, you should play for the bobcats. Q says they need a sh**ting guard.

Nathan: You and Q. Come here.

Brooke and Victoria quarrel about the company.

Brooke: It's my company.

Victoria: No,it's our company.

Brooke: Without my designs, you have nothing.

Victoria: We'll see about that.

Brooke: I want you to lock it. She's not getting anywhere near the new line.

Brooke is att*cked in her store.

Beginning of the episode

Nathan and Haley's house (day)

Jamie is jumping on his bed.

Lucas' voiceover: When I was a kid, I used to love to jump on the bed and pretend I could fly and pretend I could dunk.

Hotel's room in LA (day)

Lucas is lying on bed with Peyton next to him.

Lucas: I was happy, and then my mom would pass by the room and shout, "Lucas Scott, if you break that box spring, you're gonna be sleeping on the floor the rest of your life."

Peyton: Well, here's the good news. If you have to sleep on the floor, I'll sleep there with you.

Lucas: For the rest of your life?

Peyton: Definitely.

They laugh.

Shot on Jamie who's jumping on his bed, shot on Peyton and Lucas who are also jumping on their bed.

Nathan and Haley's house (day)

Haley walks past Jamie's room.

Haley: Jamie Scott, if you break that box spring, you're sleeping on the floor the rest of your life.

Jamie laughs and keeps jumping.

Haley: And get ready for school, you goof.

He stops and leaves his room.

Skills comes in.

Skills: Good morning.

Deb gets a big smile but Haley comes in the kitchen.

Haley: Skills! What are you doing here? Hi!

They hug.

Skills: Haley James Scott, good morning, baby girl. Hey, I was just in the neighborhood and thought maybe Nathan could use a ride to morning practice.

Haley: It's because of Deb, isn't it?

Deb looks surprised.

Skills: What?

Haley: You don't fool me, Skills. Well... Look, Mouth and Millicent are out of town. Nathan told you what a great cook deb is. I get it. Come on in. Breakfast is served.

Skills: Hey, can't fool you, Hales.

Skills takes Deb in his arms.

Deb: What are you doing here?

Skills: Just picking up Nathan... and kissing your sexy ass.

Deb: mmm. Well, breakfast is served.

They kiss but Jamie comes by surprise, setting them "in flagrante delicto".

Jamie: Hey, uncle skills.

Skills: Hey. There he is. Um, let me check.

He pretends to verify if Deb has nothing in her eye.

Skills: Oh, yeah, I...I...I think you're good. She just had some, uh... Yeah, she good.

They seem embarassed.

Jamie: Good morning, grandma.

Deb: "nanny deb."

Jamie: Nanny Deb.

Skills: Okay, well, I'mgonna just, uh... you know... hey, locks it up, little man.

Skills fists his knock against Jamie's one.

Skills: All right. See you later, grandma. Right.

He leaves the kitchen.

Deb: Let's get you some breakfast.

Jamie: And they thought the last nanny was crazy.

Carrie's house (day)

Carrie arrives with a tray in her hands.

Carrie: Breakfast is served. You're gonna need to eat if you want to get big and strong before I k*ll you.

Dan tries to speak but he can't.

Carrie: Still can't talk, huh? You are, like, the perfect man. I mean, if you were younger and better-looking. No biting.

She puts him a towel around the neck and removes the bell which covers the plate. Cockroaches are mixed in the porridge; she takes a spoon and approaches it of Dan's mouth.

Carrie: Oh, okay. Here comes the choo-choo.

Deb's car (day)

Jamie is sitting in his automobile's seat behind the car.

Jamie: Do people just kiss all the time?

Deb: If they love each other.

Jamie: Do you love uncle skills?

Deb: What? Why?

Jamie: You were kissing him.

Deb (embarrased): uh, no... No, I wasn't. When?

Jamie: This morning, in the kitchen.

Deb: No, no, honey. I...I had something in my eye, and he was helping me get it out.

Jamie: With his mouth?

Deb: Jamie, I was not kissing Uncle Skills. I mean, first of all, he's your parents' age and one of Uncle Lucas' best friends. It just... It wouldn't be right.

Jamie: I think it'd be cool.

Deb: Yeah?

Jamie: Yeah. "Grandpa Skills."

Tree Hill's gymnasium- Basketball practice

The Ravens are training, a guy sh*ts and misses the basket.

Skills: Hey, we got to release way sooner than that.

He whistles.

If we don't get out ahead of the ball, we might forget about. Now, can anybody get this thing right?

Nathan: I'll give it a shot.

Nathan gets off his pants and his T-shirt.

Skills: It's about time. Q, you got a new sh**ting guard.

Quentin (Imitating the sports presenters): Ladies and gentlemen, years from now, you'll be able to tell your friends you was in the gym the day Nathan Scott got back in the game!

Nathan: Just give me the ball and get out of the way.

Skills: Eight seconds and the shot goes up. Skins, we block out, kick the ball to Q, fill the lanes, and push it. All right? Let's go.

Haley arrives next to Skills, he whistles to start the match.

Guys: Go, go, go!

The opposite team marks, Quentin gets back the ball; he goes back up the court. He crosses the ball to Nathan who sh*ts and marks.

Quentin: Don't call it a comeback, baby. Don't do that.

The team keeps playing.

Haley (smiling): How was breakfast?

Skills: So damn good.

Haley: Good.

Hey, will you remind Quentin that he's got a tutoring session after practice today?

Skills: Yeah, I will.

Haley: Okay, thank you.

Skills: How's he doing?

Haley: Great, actually. He's doing better with "les mis" than I did in high school.

Skills: Yeah, that's great... whatever that is.

Haley laughs and Nathan puts a basket.

Quentin: Ohh! Somebody getting sexy!

He gives a pat to Nathan on to buttocks.

Haley: He's right about that. That boy looks damn good on a basketball court. (raises her voice) Hey, 23...

Nathan looks at her, she makes a telephone with her hand.

Haley: Call me.

Quentin: Damn, I got to change my jersey number.

Haley: I'll see you later.

She starts to leave the gym.

Skills: Hey, Haley. How's Luke doing?

Haley: Something tells me Lucas is gonna be just fine.

Hotel's room in LA (day)

Peyton is still jumping on the bed, she falls down on Lucas when a cleaning lady comes in the room.

Cleaning lady: Ooh! Excuse me.

Peyton: It's okay. We're getting married.

The cleaning lady leaves the room and closes the door.

Peyton (laughing): Thanks. Um, okay. So... you know how you said our wedding should be a dream come true?

Lucas: Oh, boy.

Peyton: I just... I never wanted my wedding to be like "princess for a day", but I do think it would be fun to have your mom there and...

Peyton's cell phone rings, she looks who's calling.

Peyton: It's Brooke. Can i tell her?

Lucas: Sure. You can tell her we're coming home for the ceremony.

She takes the call.

Peyton: Hey, best friend!

Brooke: Hi. You didn't come home again.

Peyton: Oh, yeah, well, that's 'cause I'min LA with Lucas. And we wanted you to be the first to know... We're getting married.

Brooke (with a strange voice): That's great Peyton. I, uh... I'mjust... I'mat the store, and someone needs help.

Peyton: Yeah, no, okay. Um, you sure everything's okay?

Brooke: Yeah. I'm just really happy for you. I got to go.

We can see Brooke's face which is full of marks of blow, alone in her house.

Brooke's house (day)

Brooke is calling someone.

Brooke: Hi. It's Brooke. I know this probably seems out of the blue, but do you think you could meet me at my store?

On a plane (day)

Lucas comes back to his seat, he sits down next to Peyton.

Lucas: I thought you were gonna come meet me.

Peyton: I chickened out. You're just gonna have to join the mile-high club on your own.

Lucas: I just kind of did.

Lucas: I'mkidding, I'mkidding. So, um... When would you like to get married, Peyton Sawyer?

Peyton: Oh, I love that question. Um...I don't know. Why don't we find a place we both like, and then we could pick a date?

Lucas: Okay. Well, until then, how do you feel about living in sin by moving in with me?

Peyton (laughing): Well, considering the last 48 hours, I'mpretty sure we already have been living in sin.

Lucas: Yeah.

Peyton: I'd love to. I do want to spend one more night with Brooke, though. She sounded sad on the phone, and I'm gonna miss her.

He kisses her on the forehead

Lucas: You got it.

Clothe's Over Bros (day)

Deb arrives at the store which completely returned and discovers that Brooke was assaulted.

Deb: My god. Brooke?

Brooke is wearing sunglasses.

Brooke: Hi.

Deb: Honey, what... What happened? Were you robbed?

Brooke turns back and take off her glasses, Deb is shocked when she sees her face.

Brooke: Yeah. Last night.

Deb: Oh, my god.

Brooke: I'mnot gonna cry.

Deb takes her in her arms.

Deb: Oh, it's okay.

Brooke: I'mnot gonna cry.

Jamie's school (day)

Haley is waiting in front of her car to pick up Jamie who's going out of the school.

Haley: Hey, baby. How was school?

She makes him a kiss on his head.

Jamie: Pretty good.

Haley: Come on.

She takes him by his hand when Jamie shows her a black S.U.V.

Jamie: Hey (showing the car with his hand). Grandpa Dan.

Haley: Come on. Let's go.

She opens the car door, Jamie goes in the car and Haley seems worried about the situation.

Tree Hill's gymnasium

Quentin and Nathan are training.

Quentin: What's up, man? What's up, boy?

Nathan takes the ball, dodges Quentin, he sh**t and marks a basket.

Quentin: My god, man. You are getting it back.

Nathan: Slowly but surely.

Quentin: Slowly? Dude, you're playing like me.

Haley and Jamie arrive in the gym.

Haley: Hi, boys.

Nathan: Hey.

Quentin starts a rap song, following by Jamie.

Quentin: "I said they call him J Luke, so put up your duke, is the boy blowin' up and the boy done shook us, hey! "

Jamie: "They call him Q Fields, he's a pretty big deal, he's working my corner, he's keeping it real"

They pretend to box.

Quentin: Give me some. Man, it looks so much cooler when you're rocking that cape, man.

Jamie shows him his red cape.

Quentin: Yeah, I see. I like that, man. I wish I had me one of them. That's hot. (He slams fingers ) Wait a second. I brought you something, man. I got you a little something. Hold on one second.

He leaves looking for something in his sports bag. During this time Haley talks to Nathan.

Haley: Hey. Dan was at school again today. It just bothers me that he keeps coming around.

Nathan seems annoyed by what says Haley, then they look Quentin and Jamie on the court by smiling.

Quentin: Check this out. (He shows to Jamie a small box made in wood) Now, when I was a kid, I used to put all my little treasures in here. See that? Hmm? Now you can, too.

Jamie (so happy): Cool! Thanks, Q!

Quentin: Oh, man, it was nothing. You got it.

Haley starts living.

Haley: Q, I'm gonna be in my classroom.

Quentin: All right, I'll be right there, miss H.J.S. All right, baller, I got to go, man, but, uh... See if you can beat your dad in that cape.

He starts living the gym.

Quentin: Oh, yeah, it's easy. It's nothing. You can do it.

Nathan comes on the court.

Nathan: It's a pretty cool gift, huh? Let's see what you got, Dr. J.

He passes the ball to Jamie who marks a basket.

Nathan: Yes!

They beat themselves in hands.

Nathan: Nothing but net.

Clothe's Over Bros (day)

Deb is putting some make up on Brooke's face in order to hide her overalls.

Deb: Did you call the police?

Brooke: No, and I don't want to.

Deb: Brooke, you have to file a police report, or your insurance company won't accept the claim.

Brooke: I don't want to. I have plenty of money for this.

Deb: Well, do you know what's missing?

Brooke: The computer, cash from the register, and the sketches for my new line.

Deb: Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. But I really think we need to call the police.

Brooke: No. I don't want the press involved in this. So you can't tell anyone, okay? Not Haley and Nathan or Peyton or anyone. Please.

Deb: Okay.

Brooke: Thank you.

Deb: Come here.

Brooke: Deb, you own a g*n, right?

Deb: I do.

Brooke: I want you to teach me how to use it.

Carrie's house (day)

Carrie returns at home, she puts her business on a piece of furniture and approaches Dan.

Carrie: Jamie was happy to see you at school today. Haley didn't look very pleased, though. Pretty soon, when Jamie goes missing, she'll remember that Grandpa Dan kept coming around. As a matter of fact, she saw his car there practically every day.

Dan turns his glance and Carrie takes his head with her hand.

Carrie: How does it feel to be the prime suspect, huh?

She leaves the room.

Tree Hill's gymnasium

Nathan stops playing and comes to sit next to Jamie and Skills on terraces.

Nathan: What's on your mind, Skills?

Skills (annoyed): Oh, nothing. Actually, when you first started dating Haley, how hard was that for you to keep that from Lucas?

Nathan: It was probably harder for Haley 'cause they were friends, but I didn't like Lucas.

Jamie (surprised): You didn't like Uncle Lucas?

Nathan: It was a long time ago, big ears.

He pulls him ear.

Nathan: Why? Where's your head?

Skills: Just thinking about the rules of it all, you know... How sometimes the heart just wants what it wants.

Nathan: So, what's going on, Skills? You sneaking around with some hot girl and not telling us?

Jamie (with a roguish air): Yeah, what's going on, Sk-i-ills?

Nathan: Hey.

Jamie: My ears aren't that big.

Skills and Nathan laugh.

Haley's classroom

Quentin read "Les Miserables" while Haley corrects his copy.

Haley: Well, Mr; Fields, you've certainly come a long way. It almost seems as though you're starting to enjoy "Les Miserables."

Quentin: Oh, come on, now. Don't get crazy on me. You asked me to read the book, and I'm reading the book.

Haley: I've also noticed how you are with Jamie and Nathan. I appreciate it.

Quentin: I'm telling you, man. Jamie, that kid right there, he is gonna be the man. I'm serious. He already got some things going for him.

Haley: Well, I think he likes it, that the star of the basketball team makes him feels special.

Quentin: Well, I got a little brother his age. Yeah, he always watching me and copying me and whatever. I ju... I don't know. I just try to keep it fun for him before he grows up and life gets harder.

Haley: Quentin, what do you want to do with your life? Besides basketball.

Quentin: Besides basketball... I don't know, I guess, uh... get married, raise a family.

They smile.

Haley: Yeah? You want kids?

Quentin: I mean, I think about it sometimes. When I look at my little brother or when I see J Luke, I don't know. I think maybe I'll have a son of my own someday or, you know, a little girl. That'd be all right. Yeah.

Haley: Well, like I said, you've certainly come a long way. (She shows him his copy) A plus, Mr. Fields.

Quentin (making big eyes): A plus?

Haley: A plus.

Quentin: What? I got A, nice. So, I guess this means I get to go ahead and stop reading this book?

Haley: No.

Quentin: I, not even, I can't...

Nathan and Haley's house

Jamie stands on the back of Nathan who's lying on the ground. He masses him the back.

Nathan: Okay, that's good. Just a little lower now.

Jamie: Okay.

Jamie comes down a little more low and we hear the Nathan's back to crack.

Nathan: Ahh. Perfect.

Haley arrives in the lounge and discovers them, she's amused.

Haley: Hi.

Jamie: Hi, mama.

Haley: What is this? I won't let you hop on the bed? So you're hopping on the pop?

Jamie: It's fun. You should try it.

Haley: Maybe I will.

Haley puts her heel's shoe on the shoulder of Nathan and pretends to rest.

Nathan: Hey!

She squats towards Nathan.

Haley: Um, where's Deb?

Nathan: I have no idea, again.

Skills' appartment

Deb enters the apartment.

Skills: Hi. Hey.

Deb: Um, I... I don't have very long.

Skills: Oh, okay. Good.

Skills begins to put off her dress, but she stops him in her moose.

Skills: Sorry. How was your day?

Deb: I had to lie to Jamie about us. Then...something else happened.

Skills: Wait. Come on. Sit down. What's going on?

He takes her hand and they go sitting.

Deb: Well, I... I can't really talk about it, but, um... I have a friend who's going through some really emotional stuff. And she wants me to keep it a secret.

Skills: Okay.

Deb: I'm just not sure I should.

Skills: Well, how'd you find out about it?

Deb: She called me.

Skills: Well, without knowing the situation, I'd say that she called you for a reason. And if she ain't really tell nobody else about it, then that means that she respects you and probably thinks that you're the one person that just might understand what she going through.

Deb: Yeah.

Skills: That makes a lot of sense. I mean, is there anything I can do?

Deb: You just did it.

She smiles.

Deb: Hey. We just had our first real conversation.

She laughs.

Deb: It was nice.

Skills: Yeah, it was kind of nice, huh? I mean, it wasn't better than that cheerleading outfit, but... It was nice.

They kiss.

Brooke's house

Peyton arrives home and calls Brooke.

Peyton: Brooke, I'm home!

Brooke: Okay, don't freak out.

Peyton: Why?

She is surprised when she discovers the face of her friend full of marks.

Peyton: Oh, my god. Brooke, what happened?

Brooke: Lindsey came by and said, "Peyton's a bitch." and i said, "Peyton is not a bitch." And she said, "Yes, she is." and i said, "well, maybe you're the bitch, bitch." and... but you should see her face.

Peyton: Brooke...

Brooke: I was doing laundry, and I got all tangled up in one of the sheets, and I felt face-first down the stairs.

Peyton: Oh, honey. I'm sorry I wasn't here. Why didn't you call me?

Brooke: I did, but you said you were getting married.

Peyton: Is that why you sounded so bad on the phone? Oh, I'm so sorry.

She approaches Brooke to hug her but she stops her.

Brooke: No, it's okay. Really, I'm too sore to hug.

Peyton: Okay.

Brooke: But congratulations.

Peyton: Thanks. It's kind of sudden, right?

Brooke: Are you kidding? The rest of the world's been waiting on you two idiots since high school.

She opens the freezer and takes a package of deep-frozen vegetables.

Peyton: He asked me to move in with him.

Brooke: Really? Do married people do that?

She puts it on her eye.

Brooke: I am really happy for you, P. Sawyer. I might be a little happier if it was your bony ass that fell down the stairs, but still...

Peyton: I'm gonna miss this.

Brooke: Me too.

Nathan and Haley's house

Jamie arrives quite slowly behind Haley who plays the piano, he imitates a small monster.

Haley (playing piano and singing): "I smell a little monster sneaking up behind me"

She turns back and they scream together.

Haley: What's up, beastie boy?

Jamie: Can you help me make a cape?

Haley: sure. How come?

Jamie: Well, Quentin really likes mine, and I thought maybe we could make one for him, too.

Haley: I think that's a very nice idea. I'd be happy to help you, sir.

She shakes hands with him, Lucas arrives behind noiselessly.

Haley: Do you smell that?

Jamie: No.

Haley: I, I smell a bigger monster.

He embraces Jamie.

Jamie: Uncle Lucas!

Lucas: You're getting heavy.

Jamie: Did you know that Daddy didn't like you once?

Lucas: What? When?

Jamie: When he was dating mama. I have big ears.

He shows his ear with his hand.

Lucas: Good looking out.

They beat themselves the fist and Jamie goes out of the room.

Lucas: Kid's got my back.

Haley: So, speaking of sneaking around, uh, where have you been the last few days? With Peyton, maybe?

Lucas: Actually, we're engaged.

He smiles.

Haley: Get out!

She strikes him friendly.

Haley: Dude, I just shaved your head from your last engagement gone wrong!

Lucas: I know. I know it sounds crazy. But we just spent the last couple of days together, happier than either one of us can remember. And I know I have been all over the place. But my best friend told me, "Pick a team" and you were right.

Haley: You're happy?

Lucas: We both are.

Haley: That's all that counts. Besides, the only people that tear happy people down are those that are unhappy, so you go do your thing. I got your back.

Lucas: Thanks.

Brooke's house (night)

Peyton is sitting on the sofa and Brooke is above lying, the head on Peyton's knees.

Peyton: Thank you.

Brooke: For what?

Peyton: For always helping me, for giving me a place to live and for the record label and... For being my best friend. You really are a good person, Brooke Davis.

Brooke: And what do I get out of it?

Peyton: Great friends... Great life... Good karma.

Brooke: I don't believe in karma. I try to be a good person, and bad stuff happens anyway.

Peyton: Like what kind of bad stuff? Like falling down the stairs?

Brooke (with tears in her eyes): Yeah, something like that.

Peyton: You missing Angie?

Brooke: I don't really want to talk about it.

Peyton: Okay.

Peyton: Uhm, let me ask you something. If you don't believe in karma... What do you believe in?

Brooke: Justice.

Nathan and Haley's house

Haley and Jamie unwind the tissue to make the cape.

Jamie: Make sure we make it bigger, mama. Q's a li-i-ttle bigger than me.

Haley: A little?

Jamie: You think nanny deb wants help?

Haley: Oh, I think Nanny Deb's taking a nap right now.

Haley makes the drawing but does not find her scissors.

Jamie: She sure has been tired a lot lately.

Haley: Yeah, she has, huh? Where did I put my scissors?

She opens the drawer in the bathroom, she takes the flask of medicines which is empty.

She opens the door of the room, puts the light on and Deb wakes with a start, a green mask on her face.

Haley: Hey. Masked avenger, get up.

Deb: What?

Haley: I know what you've been up to.

Deb: I was gonna tell you.

Haley: Deb, I will not have a junkie around my son.

Deb: Oh, wait. What?

Haley shows her the flask.

Haley: I found the pills.

Deb: O...kay.

Haley: Come on, Deb. Nathan's pain medication for his back. This bottle was full a week ago, and now you're out all night and you're always tired.

Deb: You think I took those pills?

Haley: Well, unless you've been fighting crime in that thing, where the hell have you been?

Deb pust off her mask.

Deb: I've been having sex.

Haley grimaces.

Deb: Well, I have. And i haven't taken a single one of those pills. I believe your husband's back has been bothering him lately.

Shot on Haley and Deb, who are sitting in the lounge in front of Nathan.

Haley: We know what you've been up to, Nathan. And don't try and blame it on Deb, because she has been having sex.

Nathan (He grimaces): ugh.

Haley: Have you been taking these pills? And don't say...

Nathan: Yes.

Haley: Yes?

Nathan: Yeah. Those are my pain pills for my back, and my back's been in pain.

Haley: This bottle was full a week ago.

Nathan: I know. I've been taking two a day, which is what the prescription says. But, you know, contrary to popular belief, some people can take pills without turning into a junkie.

Deb puts her mask on her face and leaves the room.

Deb: I'm going back to bed.

Nathan: Look, if it makes you feel any better, I could probably play through the pain, but those pills really seem to help.

Haley: I just want you to be careful.

Nathan: I will. Are you okay?

Haley: Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Can we at least just go see the doctor and talk to him about everything now that you're playing again?

Nathan: Sure. We'll go tomorrow.

Haley: Okay.

Carrie's house

Carrie is putting some flowers in a vase.

Carrie: You know what the worst part about being a fugitive is? Being a fugitive. All that sneaking around, constantly being pursued. See, that's where you come in. Grandpa Dan, just out of prison, hanging around the schoolyard, and then Jamie's missing and Grandpa Dan's missing. I'm sure the manhunt will be extensive, but they'll be looking for you in a black s.u.v., not in a shallow grave out by the swing set.

She puts the flowers on a table next to Dan's bed.

Carrie: You know what I love most? The fact that no one checks up on you because no one likes you. Yeah, they'll all miss Jamie, but no one's gonna miss you. All I have to do is burn your i.d. and that pager. And, by the way, a beeper. What are you, a drug dealer on "miami vice"?

She opens the drawer and takes the pager.

Carrie: You did get one page, though right after I hit you with that car. So I guess your table's ready at the cheesecake factory.

Dan is trying to speak.

Carrie: It's alive! Well done. What does it want to say?

Dan: Your plan sucks.

He laughs.

Tree Hill's hospital (day)

Doctor: You know, that pain you're experiencing is your body telling you to slow down. You can't handle the pace you kept before your accident.

Nathan puts back his T-shirt.

Doctor: Which is not to say you can't have a basketball career again, if you're smart about it.

Haley: What does that mean, exactly? Can you tell us the risks to him if he plays again?

Doctor: Well, it's the "exactly" part that's a little tricky, Haley. Nathan's back is held together with medical ingenuity and a few miracles. The miracle part isn't exactly scientific.

Nathan: But it's possible that I could play for 10 years and be fine, right?

Doctor: Oh, yeah, it's possible. But here's the worst-case scenario. You cause your spine enough trauma to end up back in that wheelchair... Possibly for life.

Haley looks at Nathan with a worried glance.

Brooke's house- Peyton's room (day)

Jamie and Lucas are making Peyton's boxes.

Jamie: How come Peyton's moving out?

Lucas: Because she's moving in with me. We're getting married.

Jamie: What happened to Lindsey?

Lucas: It's a long story, kid.

Jamie: Were you ever in love with mama?

Lucas: What do you mean? Like love love?

Jamie says yes with his head.

Lucas: No, we were always, uh, just friends. Why?

Jamie: Just wondered. Were you ever in love with Aunt Brooke?

Lucas: Long story. Here. Make yourself useful, knucklehead.

Jamie goes down from the stool and takes the box which gives him Lucas. He stops and turns around towards Lucas.

Jamie: When you get married, do I have to be the ring bearer again?

Lucas: Not if you don't want to.

Jamie: Good. 'cause last time, it didn't work out so well.

Jamie leaves the room and Lucas is smiling.

Carrie's house (day)

Dan is lying on his bed and Carrie is cuting some flowers.

Dan: Your plan sucks.

Carrie: Really? The guy can finally speak, and he's a frickin' talking parrot. Don't make me get the ball gag.

Dan: Now you're just turning me on.

Carrie (by sighing of nervousness): Okay.

She turns back.

Carrie: I'll play your little game, parrot. Why does my plan suck?

Dan: The pager. There's a number on the back of it. Call it.

Carrie: Is this a trick?

Dan: Call it and find out.

Carrie: My plan doesn't suck.

She is getting angry.

Rivercourt (day)

Nathan is standing on the court, while Haley is sitting on a table.

Nathan: They're getting married, huh?

Haley: Yeah.

Nathan: The doctor scared you, didn't he?

Haley: Right about the time he said "paralysis."

Nathan turns back, he joins Haley and sits down next to her.

Haley: I was watching you practice with the team yesterday. You looked so happy, somebody that was doing exactly what they were born to do. You still love it, don't you?

Nathna: Yeah. I do. And the truth is, I could probably slow down and try to play a little differently.

She gets closer to him.

Haley (smiling): No, you can't. That's not who you are. You can't do that. Can i tell you a secret, though? That's what I love about you. I remember the first time I saw you play, when I was tutoring you. You were like a rock star out there.

Nathan: Masonboro. You sat with Keith, (with a derisive voice) and you wore that goofy hat.

Haley: Whatever.

She puts her head on his shoulder.

Nathan: I scored 35 points that night and each basket was like my own personal version of a Haley James pickup line.

Haley: It worked.

Nathan: I played that game for you, Haley, and you know what? I'd give it up for you, too. 'cause as much as I love playing the game and the person that I am when I play it, I love being a husband and a father more.

Brooke's house

Peyton is calling Brooke but she's got no answers. Lucas arrives in the Kitchen with a box in his hands, foolowed by Jamie.

Lucas: This is the last of it. No Brooke?

He gives the box to Jamie.

Peyton: No. She was gone when I woke up this morning, and she's not picking up her cell or at the store.

Lucas: That sucks. I really wanted to see her.

Jamie: A little help here.

The box is too heavy for Jamie, so Lucas takes it.

Lucas: Whoa. I got you. Hey, Peyton. It's a beginning, not an end.

He gives a wink to her and leaves. Peyton wait a few time and leaves too. We can see Brooke who's on her bed, locked in her room.

Carrie's house (day)

Carrie makes hundred steps in the room by fiddling with the pager in her hands. Dan on his bed is smiling.

Carrie: Stop smiling!

Dan: Call the number.

Carrie: Aagh! "Call the number, call the number"! You want me to call the number? I'll call the damn number!

She takes the phone and calls the number.

Carrie: Pay as you go. No caller i.d. My "plan sucks," says the cr*pple in the restraints.

Paramedic (on the phone): Emergency medical response team. May I have your name and the number on your pager, please?

Carrie: I... I'm sorry. I think I've dialed the wrong number. Who is this?

Paramedic: Emergency medical response team and unless you're on the waiting list for a heart transplant, you've called the wrong number.

Carrie: I'm sorry.

She hangs up her phone. Dan is laughing.

Carrie (screaming): Shut up. I said, "Shut up!"

She throws the phone against the door, it brokes.

Brooke's house

Brooke is alone at her home, she's looking Peyton's room which is empty. Then someone is ringing on the door.

Deb: Brooke? It's Deb, honey. Brooke?

She opens the door by sighing.

Deb: Hi. I was in the neighborhood. Thought you might want to have a little girls' night.

Brooke: No, thank you.

De: Brooke... I lived a lot of years feeling powerless and alone. I was pissed off and medicated and scared to death. That's not going to happen to you... Not if I can help it. Now, get dressed.

Carrie's house (day)

Carrie gets angry after her phone call.

Carrie: What does that mean emergency response team? Huh?! Speak!

Dan: It means... I have less than six months to live and even if I kidnap my own grandson, then I'm only a suspect for a few months. Then I'm dead. And where is he?

Carrie takes her head between her hands.

Dan (laughing): Which means your plan sucks.

Then she threatens Dan with a knife.

Carrie: Stop saying that! You hear me?! Stop saying that, and keep your mouth shut, or I promise you I will k*ll you right now!

Dan: Without that heart... I'm already dead.

Carrie leaves the room.

Lucas' house

Peyton is emptying her suitcases, then she calls up at Brooke, but she falls on the answering machine. She listens to the message, smiles and hangs up.

Answering machine: "Go! Hi. This is Brooke. And this is peyton. Leave us, call us, you said I was supposed to go next. No, I did not. Yes, you did! Leave a message. Bye. I told you I was gonna go next."

Carrie's house

Close-up on Dan which tries to remove the hand of the belt, he smiles.

Tree Hill's gymnasium

Nathan puts a basket.

Nathan: Game.

He begins to leave.

Quentin: Damn. One more, man. Let's go.

Nathan: That's it. I'm done today, man.

Quentin: What? That's soft, man. You ain't never getting to the association like that.

Nathan (smiling): All right, we'll see about that.

Quentin: So, you're leaving? Just like that? What the hell are you thinking about, Nate?

Nathan: I'm thinking I got a really hot wife and an awesome son waiting for me at home.

Quentin: Hey, Nate. I'm happy to be a part of it, man.

Nathan: What's that?

Quentin: The comeback.

Nathan: Don't call it a comeback, man.

Quentin: Oh, it's a comeback, baby. It's a beautiful thing to watch, bro.

Nathan: Tomorrow morning... Rivercourt. And, Q... Thank you.

He leaves the gym.

Nathan and Haley's house

Haley is finishing sewing the cape for Quentin, under the happy glance of Jamie.

Jamie: It's so awesome, mama. Quentin's gonna love it.

Haley smiles.

Tree Hill high school - Lucas' office

Lucas comes in his office and finds Skills who's there.

Lucas: Dude. Don't you have the apartment all to yourself now? Where's the party?

Skills: Yeah, well, you got a whole house all to yourself.

Lucas: Not anymore.

Skills looks amazed.

Lucas: Peyton's moving in. We're getting married.

Skills: Well, well. You want another drink, or should I just wait till you propose to Brooke?

Lucas: Nice. How about I buy you a drink, huh?

Skills: Okay.

Lucas: I mean, unless it's a bad time.

Skills: Nah. I was just gonna talk to Q about something. But I'll see him tomorrow.

Lucas: All right. Let's go.

Skills: Let's roll.

They leave the office.

Gas station (night)

Quentin parks in front of the pumps of the gas station, he comes down() from the car and enters the shop. The man in the store seems bizarre.

Quentin: Hey. Can I get 20 on pump number 1, please?

Quentin perceives an inanimate man and tracks of blood behind the counter. He pays and turns around.

Man: Have a nice night.

Shot on a p*stol, a blow is pulled. It's Brooke who's training in sh**ting with Deb.

Lucas' house (night)

Lucas's mobile rings in the middle of the night, he answers.

Lucas: Hello? Oh, my god.

He seems swamped by what he learns.

Peyton: Lucas, what is it?

Lucas: Quentin Fields was shot tonight. He's dead.