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03x01 - Heavy Hangs the Head

Posted: 08/27/22 16:14
by bunniefuu
[COMMANDER] Shields up!






[COMMANDER] Hold position!



Shield formation!

[SCREAMS] Hold the line! Hold...


[COMMANDER] Hold! Hold them back!


There's too many of them. [GRUNTING]

Fall back! [GRUNTS]

Go! Go!





[GRUNTS] Let's go!











[COMMANDER] Drop the gate.




[INHALES SHARPLY] How glorious
the pain of childbirth, Maghra.

Ah, you never told me. [MOANS]

You forget quickly.

[GROANS] Liar.


- [HARMONY] Queen.
- [MAGHRA] What?

- Queen.

What is it?

There's still no birth water,
only blood. Too much blood.


- Try and be calm and...
- Oh, you be calm.

torn open from the inside out.

- [MAGHRA] Help her to her feet.

- [MAGHRA] Yes.
- No.

Yes, Sibeth.

Come on.

- [MAGHRA] Yes. Yes.

- [MAGHRA] Straps. Bend.

- [MAGHRA] Yes.

And the other one.

All right.


Sibeth, I need you to stop pushing.

[SIBETH] I can't! [GASPS]

You must. The baby is still in its veil.

It must be born in its water
sack or risk having no breath.

So get it out with the sack!

- [MAGHRA] Wait.


I'm protecting it. Now... Now push.







[SIBETH] Harmony.

Why do I hear nothing? Make my baby cry.

- We are trying.







[SIGHS] It's a boy. [SIGHS]


A veiled birth is a good omen,
a baby consecrated by water.

God Flame has blessed me with
a sighted prophet. [CHUCKLES]

We'll name him Wolffe after our father.


He's hungry.

Maghra, please let me feed him.

We have a wet nurse ready for that.

[SIBETH] You would deny the
baby his mother's milk? Huh?

[MAGHRA] Don't start, Sibeth.

A queen who can deliver a baby.

I forgot you once were
an Alkenny peasant.

It was Paris who taught me.

And you would do well remembering
her name when you ask for sympathy.

That mountain woman
wanted to take my baby.

[MAGHRA] Well, now
I am taking your baby.

Are you going to k*ll me as well?

You never know.

- [TAMACTI JUN] My queen.
- Already?

- Time is of the essence.
- I told him he was rushing things.

- You said the time was now.
- I was being ironic.

Maghra, clearly this is
a deeply emotional moment.

And I know...

The Trivantians will
soon know of the baby.

When Ambassador Trovere arrives,

she'll be expecting to
take custody of Sibeth

to take her trophy back to Trivantes.

These are the terms you agreed to.

There's no stopping him once he gets...

- Harlan!
- But he's not wrong, strictly speaking.

Maghra, you did promise the Trivantians
your sister once she delivered.

Would either of you
like to feed the baby?

- No?

Well, then you are
of no use to me right now.


What will you say to Trovere?


Oh, I'm glad you asked. I have no idea.



Thank you, Maghra. Thank you.

Only until the wet nurse arrives.

There you go, little man.

Little Wolffe.

Can you see me?

Can you see your mama?


You're the child of prophecy
sent to me by the God Flame.



Don't you worry. I will not
let them take you from me.

That was our third company
retreat in as many days.

What is happening out there?

They are a bunch of savages.
We are Trivantian soldiers.

[COMMANDER] They move with
the wind. We hear nothing.

And now they know where our camp is.

[SIGHS] They're going to
find a way down here.

We are outnumbered.
We can't defend this position.

Captain Wren, do you hear yourself?

We were sent here to quell
a primitive uprising,

and instead, it is turning
into a full-scale w*r.

- [TORMADA] And it's a w*r you're losing.
- Who is that?

Lieutenant Commander Tormada of Base ,

under the direct command
of the late General Edo Voss.

Tormada, I've heard of you.
Edo's chief scientist.

[COMMANDER] I didn't think
Base was still operational

after the general's passing.

Wren, you were at Base , weren't you?

- Yes, sir.
- [TORMADA] Captain Wren.

Edo spoke highly of you.

Thank you, sir.

You were a survivor of Greenhill Gap.

Without poor Edo to shoulder
the blame for that defeat,

I imagine there was more than enough
to mete out for everyone else.

It is no doubt why you were exiled here.

My apologies, Lieutenant Commander,

but why would the military send
a scientist out to the front lines?

Because science
is gonna save you, Colonel.

Science is gonna win this w*r for you.

Wren is right.

The Ganites will be here
by morning, if not sooner.

Well then, my friends,

you will be reporting
complete victory by morning.

With all due respect,
Lieutenant Commander,

you have no idea
what we're up against here.

With all due respect,

you have no idea
what I've brought with me.

[MAGHRA] ♪ Hush, little baby
don't say a word ♪

♪ Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird ♪

♪ And if that mockingbird don't sing ♪

♪ Mama's gonna buy you a bell to ring ♪

♪ And if that little bell gets broke ♪

♪ Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat ♪

♪ And if that billy goat won't pull ♪

♪ Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull ♪




Hold your son.

I don't know how.


Every parent knows how
to hold their own child.

He is not my child.





- Here.

How'd you find me?

Your mom may be queen,
but it's still my city.


One for me and another for
my young friend here, please.


- Thank you.
- Thanks.

if Baba Voss were here...

He's not.

No, I know he's not.
Thank you. I'm just saying...

Well, don't.

You might have married his wife,

but that doesn't mean you're
any kind of father to me.

I have enough of those as it is.

[SCOFFS] I think you know
me well enough by now

to know I don't want to be
anybody's father ever. Thank you.

All right.

My own father worked for
your grandfather.

He was a good man.

He was very kind, very fair,
very affectionate.

He had this big laugh.

My mother was a different story.

She was smart, cunning, and very cold.

You know, I don't think she ever
so much as held my hand

when I was a little boy.

Naturally, she despised
my father, thought he was weak.

And, yeah, sometimes so did I.

As I got older, I began to understand
he wasn't weak at all.

His was a... a quiet, subtle strength.

That's all.

I mean, to endure my mother for
as long as he did. f*ck me. Gee.

Anyway, I like to think my understanding
of my own father means

there's more of him in me than her.

Why are you telling me this?

Because, having never been one,
I have no advice for a new father.

But for a confused son, you know,
I may be something of an expert.

So, you ready?

You've had a child with
a deranged, murderous woman.

- Oh, f*ck, Harlan.
- You know it. She is insane.

But my point is if any son
ever needed a father,

it's not you, you prick.

It's him. It's your boy. All right?

Your son.

And that hasn't helped at all, has it?

- Uh... Not really. No.

Well, if all else fails,

let's ditch this piss and
get some good mulled wine.

I'm not sure you're gonna
find something like that here.

Shut up. Roddy, the good stuff, please.

[RODDY] You got it, Harlan.

- What?
- Told you. Still my city.




[SOLDIER] Keep moving.

Ayura, report.

[AYURA] Two hundred strong,

advancing quickly
from the north and south.

[TORMADA] Excellent.

[COMMANDER] Attack formation.


That won't be necessary.


Thirty heartbeats.


They are almost on top of us.

No one moves!


[COLONEL] Get ready to charge!

- [TORMADA] No! Stand your ground!
- [PANTS] What?

If we do not fight, we will die!

Not today.

Ten heartbeats.

My friends, prepare yourselves.

[SIGHS] For what?





[CHARLOTTE] It's actually not
as uncommon as you think.

- [HANIWA] Thank you.
- I grew up in the foothills of the Cleves,

and there was more than one grandmother

who was also her grandchild's aunt.

In this case, the mother
is also the aunt,

which I admit is a bit complicated.

As the father is the mother's nephew,

which would make Kofun
and his son cousins.

No, wait. I think. Yes, that's right.

And that makes you the baby's
aunt and cousin as well.

Whew! If you think
this is complicated now,

wait until someone has to
explain it all to that baby.

I wonder what the baby should call me.

Aunt Charlotte. Kind of a nice ring.

- Aunt Char-Char.
- [ROW VANO] And these came in when?

[SHOPKEEPER] Just this morning.



[TORMADA] Edo understood
the potential of sight

and the glorious
technology it could unlock.

Unfortunately, we were unable
to perfect our expl*sives

before his march on Paya.

If we had, my friend
would still be here.

I failed him, and that failure
haunts me every day.

So, I will complete
the task he set for me.

The Triangle was very opposed to
Edo's strategy when it came to vision.

[SCOFFS] The Triangle.
They've gotten too comfortable.

Their failure at Greenhill Gap
is a perfect example

of just how dangerous
that can be for us.

Edo beat his drum over and over
again, and they refused to hear it.

But you believe they will hear you.


Well, I think you'll agree
we now have a much louder drum.

You were very loyal to Edo.

And he protected you.
You and your special gift.

Ah, yes.

Edo had no secrets from me.

And now I suppose neither do you.

Together we can finish what Edo started.

I'm assuming I can count on you, Wren?

Of course, sir.

I just...

I'm not sure what you're
asking me to do.

Oh, I'm not asking. I'm ordering you.

The w*r with the Ganites
is as good as over.

We must now turn our
attention to the east.


Fertile lands, endless coal,

and must I remind you, the man
who m*rder*d our beloved Edo.

You'll be happy to hear that my spies
have been tracking Baba Voss.

And Edo will soon be properly avenged.

So this all ends with us k*lling
Baba Voss and conquering Paya?

[TORMADA] No. That's where it begins.

What lies beyond Paya? And beyond that?

There are reports of cities to
be conquered in every direction.

We now have a w*apon
that makes us truly unstoppable.

We will build the greatest empire
this world has ever known.

[WHISTLES] Maddox.

Sadly, I must leave you.

This is Lieutenant Maddox,
my right-hand man.

He doesn't say much, which is
one of his many attributes.

He will help you finish your work here

and then escort you back to Trivantes.

I should stay with my battalion.

Oh, I think we both know you
are far too valuable for that.


Well, miles to go before
I sleep. [CHUCKLES]

[HANIWA] I'm telling you,
I know what I saw.

Maybe you did.

Or maybe you just wanted it to be true.

There have been no
sighted people for so long,

we cannot simply expect to
start finding them everywhere.

Well, maybe there are more
than we know of.

They just didn't want
to be burned as witches.

Maybe they still don't.

You cannot change
the minds of the masses

with a simple decree
like Sibeth believed.

It will take years for the unsighted
to accept the sighted.

It was our sight that helped save
the Payan kingdom at Greenhill Gap.

- It was the Hidden Tribes that saved us.
- [HANIWA] I said helped.

Look, whoever this Row Vano
is, you should leave him alone.

If he wants to hide his sight,
then let him. I wish I could.

How can you deny who you are?

Because I'm not defined
by the fact that I can see.

Of course you are.

Y-You sound like Jerlamarel.

- And you sound like an ass.
- Haniwa, that's enough.

We finally have the power
to be able to build a world

where people like us
don't have to live in fear.


Don't you want that?

If not for you, for your son?



Has he even seen his baby?

I'm sure we can both understand

this is not how he imagined
becoming a father.

He will need time.


Papa would make him
take responsibility...

- ... for his son.

Well, he's not here, is he?

And as far as I'm concerned,

Baba is in no position to tell
anyone how to be a father.

- He will come back! You know he will.
- All I know is that he left us.

He left me.

[SCOFFS] You left him first.

You lied to him, to all of us.

And then you just expected
him to accept all of this.

What, your palace?

Your new husband?

What I did, I did for you.


But what you did destroyed him.
And I don't blame him for leaving.














What's wrong, buddy?

Are you a wolf?

Okay. I'm here to help you.

Please don't bite me.

I don't wanna have to k*ll you.




Good boy. Good boy. Oh, yes, good boy.

- What are you doing up here?

- What is that?

- Oh, yeah. What is this?

- [SHUSHES] It's okay.

Yes. I'm gonna get this off. [SHUSHING]

- It's okay. It's okay.

Yes, good boy.


I have a... [PANTS]
Oh, a little bit of food.

Yeah. Okay.

[GROWLS] Tastes pretty good.

Yeah, smell.

- Yeah, it's right there. There's more.

There! No, no, no. Okay, okay.

I'm gonna let you go now. Please
don't come at me, or I will k*ll you.









Ah, f*ck off!

[SIGHS] You gonna help me up?


No one could ever sneak up on you.

No one's as noisy as you.

One day, I will surprise you.

That would be a surprise.

- [BABA VOSS] Don't move.

[ACQUAINTANCE] Do it, just do it. Do it.

[BABA VOSS] You ready?
Tradition is tradition, my friend.

- And you are the loser. [CHUCKLING]


Oh, it stinks! [GROANS]

I would think you'd
be used to it by now.


Your time is gonna come, Baba.


- You done?
- [LAUGHS] For now.

Good. Let's go climb.

You just scared away dinner.

I'm gonna have to go
track down another buck.

Oh. We have enough meat.

In the time you've been here,
you've managed to k*ll more deer

than we could ever eat.

Makes me wonder what
you're really chasing.


Come on. I can feel your
dark thoughts from here.


Let's go climb.

Clear that shit out of your head.

Clear the shit off of my face.


- Let it out. That's right.

You want some?

No, thank you.

It helps with the big questions.

Like what?

[SIGHS] Like why you're here.

[GRUNTS] It's because
I belong nowhere else.

You know that.


You have spent your life
running and jumping

and slashing and burning
in the service of others.

Now you're alone, brother.

Time to live in service to yourself.



I have spent my life
trying to protect my family...

but I always lead them into more danger.

And I feel like I have cursed

everyone that I love with death and w*r.

You blame yourself for Edo.

I did not mention him.

Oh, he's always there,

floating between your words.

- We already talked about this.
- We have,

but we will continue to talk about it

until it no longer has
any power over you.

Baba, I remember your father.

He was a cruel fucker of a man.

You became who you became,
and Edo became Edo.

But at some point, it's not
your father's fault either,

and it certainly isn't yours.

We are responsible for who we become.

And if climbing teaches
you nothing else,

it should teach you
your own insignificance.

[CHUCKLES] Even you, Baba Voss,

are nothing more than a speck of shit
on the ass of a bug. [CHUCKLES]

[SNIFFS] You talk too much.

- Maybe it's the herbs.



- No! Go away!

Shoo! Go! Leave me alone.

- Your dog is hungry.
- He's not my dog.

Tell him that.


What's his name?

I guess his name's "No".

"No"? That's... That's not a name.

That's the only thing
he comes to, isn't it?

- Go away!

Going to be one confused dog.

You should give him a nice name.

You name him.

He's not my dog.

- My love!

- [PARTNER] Ranger!
- Baba's got a dog.

I don't have a dog!



Ranger, you said you were bringing meat.

[CHEWS] He wanted fish.

Yeah, it's better for your brain.

The herbs you smoke have taken
what is left of your brain.

[GROANS] Only the bad parts.

Baba thinks I'm wise, don't you, Baba?

I think I should remain silent.

- I think you should leave.
- [RANGER] Lu.

Don't "Lu" me!

You told me he would stay for a
few days, and it's been months.

[RANGER] Here we go.

He brought about the death
of the Alkenny, my people.

That was the Witchfinders, not Baba.

But you ask me to
hear his voice every day.

I'm not asking.

Do you even remember
the Alkenny, Baba Voss?

Every day.





You shouldn't be traveling up here
by yourself. This is wolf country.

You shouldn't be here either.

No one should, except maybe the wolves.

[LU] This is our home.

A guest should show more respect,

especially one who shows
up uninvited the way you do.

I don't wanna be in
this sad little hiding spot

- any more than you want me here.
- Bow Lion...

[RANGER] We're not hiding.

We're just not wearing
the old knots and bones anymore.

Nations, kingdoms, tribes,
they're all the same.

Can't be a part of any of them
without giving up a piece of your soul

you can never get back.

[SCOFFS] You don't believe
any of this, do you, Baba?

You were a great leader.

A great leader responsible
for ending an entire tribe.

That wasn't your fault.

No? Whose was it?



Go home, Bow Lion.


[BOW LION] I will. When you do.

I thought you promised your mother
you would stop stalking this man.

She insisted. I didn't promise.

Oh. Well, if your mother is
queen, and you disobey her,

can you be hung for treason?

Not if she doesn't find out.

Treason or not, this is a bad idea.

[ORATOR] Like all of you,
I served the monarchy

in the name of the God Flame.

I fought for them.

I bled for them.

And they betrayed me.

They betrayed all of us.

[STAFF TAPS] Queen Kane betrayed us.


Tamacti Jun betrayed us,

and the so-called
Queen Maghra betrays us,

twisting the word of God
for her own purposes.

[CROWD BOOING] Down with the queen.

And so it falls to us,

the Payan people,

to serve the true word of God

by continuing to drive
out the evil of sight,

until the monarchy
comes to their senses.


let's have the witch.

No, please let me go!
You are making a mistake.

I am not a witch! I am not sighted!

- Liar!
- Come on.

We know you can see.
You deal in the devil's magic.

I cannot see. I swear to you.
I am not a witch! [GROANS]


- They can't do this.
- There's too many of them.

You're sworn to protect the sighted.

That's what I'm doing. Let's go.

- What about him?
- We go now!

[GRUNTS] Stop this! Stop!

He is an innocent man.

And what proof do you have of that?


Because I can see his eyes.

- Okay, shit.

I am Princess Haniwa,
daughter of Queen Maghra,

and in her name, I command
you to let the man go.


- The witch child of Queen Maghra.

You do understand
we are burning witches here,

not taking orders from them.

Grab her!

- I got her!

Please, please, please.

- [CROWD] Eyes! Take her eyes!

In the name of the God Flame
and all that is holy...

- ... we send your corrupt soul

back to the devil himself!





- Stay back! Haniwa!

I'm here.

I see you!

I see all of you!

You'll pay for this!

Reports are coming in from the border.

I will keep the military on high alert.

Our concerns are justified,
Captain Gosset.

How do we know that
handing the Trivantians

Sibeth's head will guarantee the peace?

- Hmm.
- This is Trivantes we speak of.

There's no reason to believe

the Trivantians will
go back on their word.

You cannot be certain of that.

No, but I know what happens
for certain if we decline.

I've spent the past months haggling
with Ambassador Trovere,

and I believe her to be truthful.

And if you're wrong?

We have increased production
on Lord Harlan's orders.

If the truce fails, we will
be ready for the armories.

I have received word that Ambassador
Trovere will be arriving soon.

How soon?

Her delegation should
be at the city gates

by the rise of the God Flame.

- What?
- They're moving swiftly.

Maybe it's a good sign.

[CIVILIAN] The Trivantians
are not the only danger we face.

There are reports of religious riots
on an almost daily basis now.

Your Majesty's continued support
of the queen's edict on sight

continues to divide the people.

Why are we listening to this commoner?
He shouldn't even be here.

He serves, as you do,
at the pleasure of the queen.

Why don't we just put some
Trivantians on the council?

They'd likely be more productive
than certain entitled Payans.

- Lord Harlan...
- [LORD HARLAN] Don't forget,

it was Queen Maghra who
negotiated this peace

when none was thought possible.

And do I really need to remind
you that nine months ago,

Lady Benik, our people
were dying on the b*ttlefield,

and it's only thanks to the
wisdom and skill of this queen

that we're not all slaves now.

We have a Trivantian problem.
We have a local problem.

Sibeth's death will solve the first.

I'll deal with the second.

k*lling Sibeth is more dangerous
than you might think.

Some people still
believe in her prophecy.

Her death could martyr
her and cause an uprising.

Queen Maghra, do you have no opinion?

You have not spoken since
the council came to session.

I am sorry if it takes me a moment

to figure out how to
best k*ll my own sister.

We merely have to let the people
think Sibeth died of complications

from childbirth.

Some already know
she survived the birth.

The truth will come out.

[LORD HARLAN] First rule
of government, Torrance.

Tell a lie enough times,
it becomes fact to the people.

If we don't make peace with Trivantes,

it won't matter what our people think.

They'll be dead.

[SIGHS] My sister got us into this w*r.

If giving them her head
will get us out of it,

then I must consider it.

- [LADY BENIK] Your Highness...
- I said I will consider it.

- This council is adjourned.

There's something you need to know.

The Trivantians want a public trial.

I don't know. The Triangle need to
declare some kind of victory here.

They want her alive?


They will spend years torturing her.

Most likely.

Consider the alternative.
There might not be another way.

It seems to me

you're waiting for an act of God
to take the decision away from you.

But maybe it was that act of God

that put you in this spot to begin with.

It would be a grave error
to go to w*r for this.

I think you know in your heart
what needs to be done.


There's no need for you
to be directly involved.

I'll handle Trovere and the delivery.

I'll let you know when it's done.

I wanted so badly not to be like her.

You're nothing like her.


Ambassador Trovere, welcome back.

Lord Harlan.

I assume your people know
by now where to set up camp.

You will wanna wash up, get some rest.

Where's the queen? Will
she not be greeting me?

The queen has entrusted me with
the resolution of this matter.

Has she now?

Yes, she has.

How exciting.

And is it resolved?

I'll have it resolved by dinner.

Well, then, I'm very much
anticipating our dinner.

As am I.

[TROVERE] Set up camp!

[SOLDIER] Fall out!

- Ready for this?
- Stupid question.

Right. Make way.

[MAGHRA] Stand down, Tamacti Jun.

- Yes, Tamacti Jun. Do stand down.

Don't worry about the nasty man.

He may make some scary noises,

but he's empty inside. Weak and hollow.

I'd be quiet, Sibeth.

Maghra? What are you doing here?

I don't know exactly, but we will
not be handing her over today.

You would defend her at
the cost of your own kingdom?

It's not her kingdom.

A queen who gives away her own
sister in the name of peace

will appear weak and desperate.

Not this sister.

[SIBETH] Poor Tamacti Jun.

He'll have to take
his revenge some other day.

Let me take her.


I'm sorry.

Maghra, I do believe
your general is sulking.

You think I'm making a mistake?

Oh, you know me.

Enormous changes at the last
minute are my stock-in-trade.

Thank you.

That said,

we do now find ourselves
in something of a predicament.

I know the ambassador is
more than a little fond of you.


Yeah, it... it seems...

... she's not completely
immune to my charms.

Well, then, you'll have
to be exceedingly charming.





You have been here for two days.
Don't you have somewhere to be?

Don't you?

I'm no longer needed. [SIGHS]

Your family will always need you, Baba.

We will not talk about that, Lion.

[BOW LION] Then let's
talk about something else.

The tribes answered your call
to fight at Greenhill Gap.

Now there are many
orphans without a parent

to teach them how to hunt and
track. No one to guide them.


I have spent enough time raising
other men's children. [GRUNTS]

[BOW LION] Baba?

Bow Lion, go home!


What is that?

We're not alone.


Baba Voss?

Do you know him?



Are you there?

I'm not really asking.

I know you're there.

Our trackers followed
your friend from the tribes.


- Baba...

Did you really think we'd let
the m*rder of Edo go unpunished?

Give me the butcher.
Grab your staff. We fight.

[TORMADA] He was not my brother,

but I loved him like one.

And it is that love that brings me here,

to the brother who k*lled him,

to end your life and
bring peace to his spirit.

I can't hear you.
You should come closer.


I'm closer than you think, Baba.

And you, you're already dead.

You just haven't
the sense to lie down yet.

You k*lled your father,
and now your brother.

Tell me, is there anyone in
your family you haven't k*lled?

Your wife?

Your children?

As you are but moments
from your own messy death...

I give you my word.

I will track them down and cut
their throats on your behalf.

- [w*apon CLANGS]
