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04x04 - Justice - May 11, 1965

Posted: 08/28/22 06:55
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could time travel
within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped
into the Quantum Leap accelerator...

and vanished.

He awoke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own...

and driven by an unknown force
to change history for the better.

His only guide on this journey is Al,
an observer from his own time,

who appears in the form of a hologram
that only Sam can see and hear.

And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong...

and hoping each time
that his next leap...

will be the leap home.

And now by the powers
vested in me,

as the Grand Dragon
of the Ku Klux Klan,

I dub thee, fellow Klansman.

Oh, boy.

- Well, you made her.
- Yeah, I guess I did, huh?

Sort of knocks the wind
right out of you, don't it?


You know, it felt exactly the same
to me when I got initiated.

Except now, brother,
you in for the really tough part.

What's that?

Eatin' cold chicken after
stayin' up all night.

Here you go, Clyde.

This is the first Klan meetin'
your brother Bo's missed in 13 years.

Yeah, he's gonna miss
a hell of a lot more of 'em too.

That reaper chewed his foot up
pretty bad.

Doc Weaver's not even
sure he can save it.

How's he gonna make harvest?

Charlie and me'll bring in the back 20,
and we'll have to let the rest go to seed.

Well, damnation.
We could all clear that field in a day.

Hey, y'all, listen up.
Brother Bo can't bring in his crop,

so what do you say we go over
and give him a hand?

Is he gonna fix us lunch?

That's real kind of you guys,
but when the hell you got time to do that?

We'll make time,
particularly if a brother's in need.

Ain't that right, Brother Clyde?

That sounds awful nice.

Yeah, say Sunday.
Sunday after services.

How about Sunday instead of services?
Hey, the way I figure,

helpin' a neighbor's
every bit as good as goin' to church.

- Grady, you a genius.
- Just a bunch of good old boys.


Yeah. Careful. We got company.

Well, now,
I sure am proud of you.

Clyde... That's you.

- Proud?
- Yep.

You know, I've always
thought of you as a son.

I mean, it wasn't just 'cause
of losin' Andrew.

But now, we-we're close
and-and we're family now...

not just 'cause you married Lilly...

because we got the same fight,
and now we're on the same team.

I'm awful proud, son.

Go ahead. Shake his hand, Sam.

At least until you know
why you're here.

Let's hear it for Brother Clyde,

the newest member of
the Knighthood of the Sword!


- What am I here for?
- We don't know.

Clyde! Ha!

- I can't do this, Al. I can't do it.
- Take it easy.

Hey, Clyde... Sam.

Hey, slow down a little bit, will ya?
You're makin'me jumpy.

What am I doin' here in...
in whenever it is?

It's 1965.
May 11, to be exact.

- And we don't know why you're here.
- What are you doin' here?

Well, I came to check on you
when I heard this guy Clyde...

in the waiting room
reciting the oath of the Klan.

This stands for everything my parents
told me to fight against, Al.

I can't change these people.

Well, maybe you're not here
to change them.

Look, we're gonna find out
what you're here to do,

then you're gonna do it,
and then you'll be history, okay?

So take it easy.
Just take it easy.

I'm gonna go find out what it is
you're here to do.

I'll be back as quick as I can,
all right?

Now, don't lose it.

In all my leaps, I don't think
I had ever felt more confused...

by the people I had leapt into.

There was part of me that liked
Gene and Tom and Grady.

They were farmers,
just like my parents were.

Simple people that cared about
their families and about each other.

And yet somehow, somewhere along the
line, time had passed them by,

forgetting to tell them it was okay
to let go of the hatred and the anger.


- Don't I get one of those?
- Oh, I'm sorry, Daddy.

I'm just so happy I could bust.
I love you.

I'm sorry we kept
your husband out so late,

but we had one hell
of a celebration.

You're all just in time for breakfast.
Ada just made a fresh pot of coffee,

and I made
Mama's strawberry shortcake.

Mmm-mmm! This old man's got to get to
bed, honey. I'll take a pass.


I'll see you later and see you
tomorrow night for supper. Clyde?

- Yeah?
- Here's your robe, son.

- What's that for?
- 'Cause I love you.

'Cause you're a wonderful daddy
and a terrific husband...

and 'cause you love me enough
to join Daddy's huntin' club.

- Huntin' club?
- I know you didn't want to.

I know you did it for me and Cody.

I love you for that.

Y'all keep on spooning like that out here,
and you won't want these treats.

Ah, come on now.
Dig in.

Looks great.

Lord, Mr. Clyde, you eat your shortcake
just like my boy Nathaniel.

- They never do grow up, do they?
- No, they don't.

You know, my mom
used to make the best...

Clyde, your mama
couldn't boil water.

Coffee. She used to make the best coffee
that would go great with this.

Oh, coffee.

Or would you rather have a large glass
of cool milk with Miss Lilly's shortcake?

He said he wanted coffee, Ada.

- Look, I'll go... I'll go get it.
- No. No, you sit down.

You let Ada fetch it.
Come on. Here you go.


Cody! How many times has your father
told you not to point that at anyone?

Come here, son.

Come on.
Give me the g*n.

It's all right. Listen, I want you
to sit down. I wanna talk to you.

When you get a little bit older, I'll
teach you how to sh**t a g*n, all right?

But... you said you'd teach me
how to sh**t today.

Well, yeah, of course I did.
But I'm sure that I also must have said...

that a g*n is a w*apon,
not a toy, all right?

But, Dad... But, Daddy...

Look, when you're older, I'll teach you.
All right?

But Grandpa says I
should learn to sh**t for protection.

He says there's n*gg*r*s
in the woods.

Cody, I want you
to apologize right now.


I want him to
tell Ada he's sorry.

- Ada doesn't mind.
- I mind.

Clyde, what in
tarnation's gotten into you?



- Apologize!
- I'm sorry, Ada.

Excuse me.

- Finished?
- Uh, no.

- I'm sorry about that, Ada.
- It ain't his fault.

I know the boy doesn't mean it.
He just pick it up from his grandpa.

I spent the rest of breakfast
trying to explain to Lilly...

that thinking all
blacks were bad

was just as closed-minded as
thinking all whites were good.

Her response made me realize
just how blind bigotry could be.

All I could do was hope Al
could tell me what I was here for,

so I could get it done and leap
to someplace I understood.

Hey, Clyde, you beat me here
this mornin'.

That's a first. Especially considerin'
you was up all night last night.

- Yeah.
- Excuse me.

Ain't you boys here
a little early?

It says right there the
registration office opens at 10:00.

Office opens when we get here.

Well, Mr. Thompson
would like to register to vote.

Oh, uh, yeah, okay. I'll get some
papers out, and we can get started.

No, no, we don't need to do that.

We can handle this right here.

First, I got a couple
of questions for the boy.

Mr. Thompson is 58 years old,

and he's been an employee
of this county for over 30 years.

- I'd appreciate it if you'd address him...
- "I'd appreciate it"?

You watch your mouth.

Now, who was the 19th president
of the United States?

- Rutherford B. Hayes.
- What's the Eighth Amendment?

Excessive bail
shall not be required,

nor excessive fines imposed,

nor cruel and unusual punishment
be inflicted.

Read this.

"We, the people of the United States,

in order to form a more perfect union,

establish justice,

insure domestic
tranq-q-q... tranquillity"...

- You call that readin'?
- Sounded like readin' to me.

Well, I clocked him
at 12 words per minute.

Law says you gotta read at
least 30 words per minute.

What law?

Look, he answered your questions,
and he read what you asked him to, so...

You wait here a minute.

What the hell is wrong with you?

What do you mean?

I thought this was all over
when you joined us last night,

or have you forgot
about that oath you took?

- Look, the man has a right to vote.
- He's a n*gg*r.

- This isn't why you're here, Sam.
- What?

I said, he's a n*gg*r,
and if we don't stop them,

they're gonna have us
all out of our jobs.

Then why am I here?

- It's Nathaniel...
- Same reason I'm here.

Ada's son,
the young man standing behind me.

They hang him, Sam.

Oh, boy.

White folks have gotta stick together,
or the n*gg*r*s'll take over.

Hell, they're outbreedin' us now.

Gene says in 30 years
we'll be a minority.

- Agree with him, Sam.
- No.


I'm startin' to wonder whether givin'
you this job was such a good idea.

If you wanna save Nathaniel, you gotta
get this jerk to think you're on his side.

- I can't.
- You can't what?

Sam, it's like being
behind enemy lines.

If you want to spy on the enemy,
you gotta act and talk like the enemy...

You can't what?

To get the info to save the good guys,
even if you have to do something hateful.

I can't let those...

n*gg*r*s register.

Hey, what's a man have to do to
get a cup of coffee around here?

Hey, Otis.

Hi, Tom.
We were tryin' to register to vote.

You were bein' uppity with me.

If questioning your testing
methods is getting uppity,

then maybe we should have a
look at the registration laws,

assuming you can read them.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Now, just hold your horses.

Now, Tom, there oughta be
somethin' we could do.

I'd love to, Sheriff.

But he has to pass the literacy test.
Ain't that right, Clyde?

Enemy lines, Sam.

The law is the law.

And just what does
that law say, Clyde?

It says that, uh, you...
you boys have to go home...

and study a little bit harder,

then you can come back
and-and-and try again.


But you only got two more chances
till, uh, next election.

Clyde, why don't you, uh... Why don't you
show these fine gentlemen to their car?

It's a long ways, and I wouldn't
want 'em to get lost.

I'll thank you, no.
We can find it ourselves.

No, wait a second.

No, you let me get you down there
to your car,

'cause it is a long way,
and I'll just lead you down there, guys.

It's right this way. Come on.
Come on. Right down here, huh?

Here we go.

Right over here.
Let me get the door here for you.

There you are.
Your chariot awaits you.

Look... I thought you were the
one white man I could count on...

but now you're callin' us
n*gg*r*s and boys!

- I don't understand you!
- I'm sorry.

You set us up!
You made us look like fools!

I set you up?

Oh, come on. I can't believe
you're gonna deny it now.

Who else told us
to come down here?

I don't know
if you did or you didn't.

- Maybe I did, but...
- Maybe?

And maybe you wrote me
all those letters in college...

about all men being equal,
and it's time for a change, huh?

Maybe you forgot about that too!

Listen to me. Everything I said up
there I did not mean, all right?

What if I called you a rednecked,

white-butted stump,
dumb cr*cker?

That still stings, doesn't it,
even if I didn't mean it?

I feel like I'm gonna throw up, Al.

Yeah, I can understand it.

I mean, the guy I'm here to save
probably, and I completely tick him off.

- This is not working!
- You just gotta hang in there.

No, I don't have to
just hang in there!

I-I-I can... I can do something else.

- I can solve this another way.
- You can't do somethin' else.

Ziggy doesn't even know
why he was hung.

You're just gonna have to act like you're
in the Klan and see this thing through.

Ziggy doesn't even know
why he was k*lled.

Well, there's no data
on that kind of stuff.

Nobody prints it in the newspapers.
Nobody puts it on the county records.

It just happens,
and it gets buried.

But I'll bet it had somethin' to do
with voter registration.

- I gotta talk to Nathaniel.
- He's not gonna listen to you now.

No, he's not gonna listen to me,
because you told me I had to act...

like I was on the side
of that jerk Tom!

Well, that's because
if you didn't do that,

you wouldn't find out
how or when Nathaniel gets hanged.

- Now, just chill out!
- Chill out?

I'm the one in the K.K.K.,
not you. You're not...

I know you're gonna hate it,
but go on up into that courthouse...

and find out what's on
those worms' minds.

Worms, yeah. Worms.

I never could stand worms,
even if I was usin' them for bait.

Hey, Clyde, you all right?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

I, uh, was just, uh...

just yellin' at some...

some n*gg*r kids to stay
away from your car.

Well, I appreciate that.

I spent the afternoon finding fault
with every black applicant that came in...

and felt smaller and smaller
with each one I sent away.

But the real horror of the day was
when I ended up alone with Tom.

And found myself sitting through
one sick black joke after another.

I hated it.

Boy, well,
they almost got that one.

I think the good Lord loves
the off-key ones the most,

'cause he sure helps
them to sing the loudest.

Ain't that the truth.

If I don't hurry up and get this done, I'm
gonna be late for choir practice myself.

Here, you want some help, Ada?

You like stringin'
beans, Mr. Clyde?

No. No, not really, but, uh,

I don't imagine you care for it
much yourself, huh?

Amen to that.

- Ada?
- Mmm?

I want to talk to you about
what happened this morning.

- Didn't nothin' happen this mornin'.
- Yes, it did.

I'm talkin' about
what Cody said.

I'm sorry about that.
It was wrong and...

It's not about wrong
or right, Mr. Clyde.

It's just the way things is.

Well, I don't believe that.

I know you don't, Mr. Clyde.
You never did.

But yours is just one voice
speakin' in a hurricane.

Yeah, well,
sometimes one voice is all you need.

That's what my Nathaniel says.

Your Nathaniel's a
very bright young man.


And he's gonna make
a difference... someday.

But right now,
he's gotta be very careful.

You can't make spirits
like Nathaniel's be careful, Mr. Clyde.

The Lord gives them the fire
to want to change things.

Do you know he talked me into
goin' down to register tomorrow?

That is,
if I can pass the test.

I'll help you pass the test.

Okay? But you've
gotta help me stop Nathaniel.

From what?
Helpin' colored folks learn?

No. No, from tryin' to take on
the whole town...

when things don't happen
as fast as he wants them to.

I can't change him, Mr. Clyde.

Once that boy makes up his mind,
there ain't no talkin' about it,

not from you and not from me.

- Boo!
- Goodness!

I'm a ghost, I'm a ghost, I'm a
ghost, I'm a ghost, I'm a ghost!

Cody, Cody, Cody, take this off.
Take it off right now. Take this off.


- What are you doin' with this?
- I was just playin'.

Well, this isn't somethin'
that you play with, son.

But Bill's daddy has one,
and he lets him wear it.

I don't care
what Bill's daddy does.

But you're in the huntin' club
with him.

It's not a huntin' club, son.
Then what kind of club is it?

You know, for a little kid,
you ask a lot of big questions.

I'll tell you what.

Let me go inside and get
changed, all right?

- Okay.
- Hang on here now,

so your mom doesn't tan my hide
gettin' anything dirty.

Thank you very much.
Then we'll go outside,

I'll teach you how
to sh**t this g*n the right way,

and maybe we'll talk about the
huntin' club a little bit, okay?


All right now. Watch those cans up there.

You watchin' 'em?

Here we go.

We're probably too far away
for this short of a barrel, you know?

Let's move up here.

Look, son, you know what it means
to be in the Klan?

It means we're gonna stop
the coloreds from taking over.

- Taking over what?
- I don't know.

- You like Ada, don't you?
- Yeah, she's nice.

Would you ever hurt her?

Why would I want to hurt Ada?

Maybe because her skin's
a different color.

Some people are afraid
of things that are different.

It's not just skin color.
It could be religion or...

But then why didn't God
just make everybody the same?

Then it wouldn't matter.

Yeah, see, now,
that's exactly the point, Cody.

It doesn't matter
unless we make it matter.

But Grandpa says it matters.

His papa told him,
and his papa before him told him,

and nobody thought to say "stop."

See, it's up to you and me to say,

"Stop. This is wrong."

Now, what do you say?
Let's see if you can hit that can.

All right?
Tuck your shoulder in there.

All right. Aim it up real good.
I'm gonna put the safety off.

Got it aimed.
Now just squeeze that trigger.

I hit it! Daddy, I hit it!

Yes, you did. Yes, you did.

This must be a kid's g*n,
I guess, huh?

Cody, why don't you
come on in now?

Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss.

Wash up for supper.

I thought this was over.
Every generation has to learn it anew.

Please, Clyde, I don't want you fillin'
his head with things that ain't true.

- But it is true, and you know it.
- Clyde! Oh, Clyde!

Come get your robe!
We got some work to do.

- What's goin' on, Daddy?
- This is when they grab Nathaniel.

- What are you talkin' about?
- I'm talkin' about club business.

That's what I'm talkin' about.
Now, let's go.

Nathaniel leads a march right
through the center of town tonight,

and Grand Dragon-breath
there and his boys

are gonna be waitin' for
him with g*ns and bats.

This is where they hang him.

If this is about Nathaniel,
maybe I could go talk to him.

We don't have no time to talk.

You don't have any choice, Sam.
It's the only way to save Nathaniel.

Terror, like the night,
knows no boundaries.

By the time we had our robes on,
it was dark.

And instead of being taken
to a confrontation with Nathaniel,

I found myself running towards
some new conflict...

one that I feared
could only end in disaster.


What's goin' on?

You remember little old snipe
hunts, don't ya, Clyde?


Looks like a practical joke, Sam.
What a bunch of simps.

Yeah, well, uh,

I thought we were gonna be,
you know, d-doin' somethin'.

Oh, Brother Clyde,

we got to give ourselves some excuse
to get away from the womenfolk.

That's right. And Klan business
is the best excuse I know.

Except we got a good one anyway...
your one-day anniversary as a Klansman.

Come on. Let's hear it!

Drinks on me!
Come on, guys!

Excuse me, boys.
Clear the way, boys.

I got another surprise
for you, Clyde. Huh?

Oh, no, thanks.
I'm really not hungry.

Well, now, Dot made this
special just for you.

Don't go makin' me a liar,

'cause I know she's gonna be
askin' me how much you liked it.

Yeah, okay. Thanks.
Thanks. Excuse me.

Ziggy says that Nathaniel
still disappears tonight.

- It's okay.
- It's okay?

It's not "okay" okay, but this'll give me
an opportunity to find out what happens.

That way I'll have an edge.

Oh, so you can head
'em off at the pass.


Gentlemen, brothers.

Brother Tom has just given me
some very disparaging news.

Nathaniel Simpson
and some of his n*gg*r friends...

are gonna demonstrate tonight,
violently, in town...

because of unfair voter registration.

Are we gonna stand for
this, gentlemen?


Are we gonna let these people
defile our great, white city?


let's exercise our duty as Klansmen.

- Let's go to town!
- Yeah!

I need to borrow your car.
You can ride with me.

No, no, see, I gotta... I gotta
go home and get my g*n.

Good. Good. I'll meet you at
the courthouse.

- All right.
- That's good thinking, Sam.

I'll meet you at the church.

Come on, boys.

Martin Luther King says
injustice anywhere...

is a threat to justice everywhere.

And so I'm askin' you now: Don't forget
our sacrifices on Bloody Sunday.

Let us follow the brave footsteps of those
who marched from Selma to Montgomery.


Hey, Clyde.
What are you doin' here, Clyde?

You can't march.

We are entitled to express
our opinions in a public forum.

That right is guaranteed
by the First Amendment.

- This is not about the First Amendment.
- That's right.

This is about angry, frightened men
who want to make an example out of you.

- Get him out of here.
- What's he talkin' about?

They're waiting for
you at the courthouse.

How do you know that?

- 'Cause he's in the Klan. That's how.
- That's right. I am.

We're not afraid of you!
Well, you should be.

We outnumber you three-to-one.
We got g*ns, and God knows what else.

We're gonna tell the townspeople
that we're not afraid of them...

that we won't stand for injustice.

This isn't working, Sam.
He still gets hanged.

I'm askin' you... to trust me.

- I did, remember?
- I was wrong.

You come back tomorrow,
I'll make all that right.

Oh, like you did this morning?
No, thank you.

You're just tryin' to set us up again
like you did at the courthouse!

- Yeah!
- No, I'm not trying to set you up.

I just don't want to see
anybody get k*lled.

- It'll be a peaceful march.
- No, it won't.

The Klan's not
gonna let it be.

Well, maybe we got a
few surprises for them!

- Let's go!
- No, if you're gonna go,

you gotta go through me.

You can't take us all on,
Mr. Clyde.

No, stop! Everybody, stop!

- Maybe it's time we hung one of them!
- Yeah!

No. No. Let him go.

- All right. The march is off.
- What?

Listen. Now,
if he's tellin' the truth,

then we won't accomplish
what we set out for.

That's it, Sam. That's it.
You changed history.

- The attack doesn't happen.
- Thank God.

- What'd you say?
- I said, thank God.

Now... Now nobody's gonna get hurt.

Well, Mr. Clyde, we might not
march tonight, but we will march.

- I know that.
- And we will win.

I know that too.

Great job, Sam.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Back so soon?
- What?

- How was your party?
- Oh, uh, it was fine.

How'd you know about it?

It wasn't exactly the biggest secret
in the whole wide world.

It's just that we...

womenfolk like to let our big,
strong men think that it was.

Cody's asleep.

Yeah, yeah.

Listen, Lilly, uh,
how do you feel about Ada?

Please, Clyde, I don't want to argue
about the Klan right now.

I really think we need
to talk about this.

Why are you so concerned
about the coloreds anyway?

Why aren't you more concerned
about us?

The coloreds,
they got that N.A.A.C.P.

Us whites are out here
all by ourselves.

The Klan is the only thing
we got fightin' for us.

What are you so afraid of?

I don't want coloreds
sittin' in my restaurants.

I don't want 'em livin' next door
and destroyin' the neighborhood,

marryin' whites,
takin' our jobs.

Listen to me, Lilly.

They're people.

They're just like you and me.

And all they want
is to be treated like we are.

Now, they shouldn't have to die
to get that.

Mighty strange you didn't
show up at the courthouse.

Neither did your march-happy
co*n friends.

I guess that means you told 'em.

Tell them that's not true, Clyde.
Tell them.

Tell them it's not true.

I couldn't stand by and let
innocent people be m*rder*d.

You defied the Holy Order
of the Brotherhood.

Daddy, he was just worried that
somebody was gonna get hurt. That's all.

He's a spy for the n*gg*r*s or the feds.

Will you say somethin'?
Tell them it's not true!

The only reason he joined us,
Lilly, was to take us down.

I had to try and stop
one night of v*olence.

Well, you did it, so now we
gotta do somethin' drastic.

We gotta do somethin'
so that your colored friends...

will understand
that this is a white man's world.

Daddy, what are you gonna do?

They've decided to
blow up the church.

I'm gonna do what
Brother Tom said...

There were 15 little
kids in there...

and two adults, including Ada...
all k*lled.

You know, you're worse than a n*gg*r.
You're a white n*gg*r.

And the penalty for that
is death.

So the truth is, you don't care
who you k*ll... black or white.

- Hey, boy!
- Grady!

Son, I... I just
don't understand you.

You know how I've always
liked you and respected you.

Maybe sometimes
I didn't show it.

My daughter and my grandson,
they love you a great deal.

Damn it, I just tried to show you...

what I was doin' to protect my part
of the world and my family!

That's all I did.

If you love your family,
don't do this to them.

I'm not doing it to them.

You b*mb the church,
they'll put you away for that.

And if you k*ll me,
who's gonna take care of your daughter,

raise your grandson?

I'm not gonna k*ll you.

You don't know me at all,
do you?

I don't know any man
who'd dynamite a church.

I'm not just any man.

Sam, you gotta get outta here!

Come on! Get up! That church
is gonna blow in seven minutes!

- I'm tryin', Al.
- Well, you gotta try harder.

We gotta find somethin'
to untie you.

We gotta find somethin'
to untie you. Uh, here.

Come on over here and knock this sign
off the wall and break the glass.

Maybe you can cut the ropes.
Hurry up!

Seven minutes.

Come on! Knock it off the wall, Sam!
Don't look at it!

Come on!
We haven't got any time!

- Al. Al.
- What?

Go over to the church.

"Go over to the church"?
What can I do? I'm a hologram!

They're children, Al.
Little children.

That's right! That's right, that's right!
They're kids!

God bless the children!
All right. Uh, cut the rope!

Everybody stop singin', stop singin',
stop singin;! You gotta be quiet!

For heaven sakes, children,
what is the matter?

There's a ghost!

It's not a ghost.
It's an angel.

No way.
Not with those clothes.

Who are you talking to, child?

I'm here to try and help you.

- It's the Lord.
- What?

- No, I'm not the Lord.
- It's Abraham Lincoln.

No, it's not. He has a beard.
That's some crazy white man.


Listen, I may be crazy,
but you've gotta tell the big ones...

that you've gotta get
out of the church!

Get out! Get out!

Children, children, children,
come back here!

Lord, save my soul. Will somebody
please tell me what is happening here?

There's gonna be a big boom here!
Get the kids out!

Stay in the car!



God! I tried to stop 'em!
I swear I tried!


Al? Al!

No, Clyde, don't!

Sam, I got all the children out.
They're safe.

- Oh, thank God.
- Come on. Come on, kids.

That's it, that's it.
Little ones with the big ones. Come on.

- You bastards!
- No, Nathaniel, no!

- Get him over there by the tree!
- Let's string him up!

- You hold him here. You stay here.
- Daddy! Daddy!

- Please take care of the children.
- Get up here, boy.

You like this heat? Well,
that's just a taste of where you're goin'.

Friends, I stand before you
in the name of justice...

and of the holy white race.

This man has tried
to destroy our way of life,


And now he must pay
the ultimate penalty.

I agree with the Grand Dragon.

What? What's he doin'?

I agree with
the Grand Dragon 100%.


I think we should hang this man.
Tie this off.

And while we're at it,
I think you should hang me too.

have you gone completely crazy?

Daddy! No, Daddy!
You gotta stop this!

Because I don't want to live in a world
where fear and hate...

hide behind a call for justice.

Where men, women and children,

born as free as you and me,

are denied, among other things,
the right to vote.

And if they try
to do anything about it,

you hang 'em...

or you blow 'em up in a church.

They're so proud of what they're doin',
these dispensers of justice,

that they have to hide
behind masks to do it.


Cody, you look at me, son.

This is not justice.

This is merely a desperate attempt...

to hang on to the past...
a shameful past...

that can never and should never
be restored.

So go ahead.
You hang us now.

But you cannot stop the future,

because you cannot k*ll everyone
who was here tonight,

and they will never forget
what they saw.

Hell, I say if he wants to hang,
let's get it over with!

Clyde, no!

Grady, start her up!

Put her in gear.


- Take 'em down.
- What?

You heard me.

He betrayed us.
He deserves to die.

Take him down and Nathaniel too.

Listen, old man,
if you ain't got what it takes,

maybe there's another man here
better to get the job done.

I lost one son.

I don't intend to lose another.

Oh, my God.

I'm okay, Mama.

Sam, that was unbelievable.
I don't believe it. You did it!

I'm so proud of you.
I love you so much.

- I'm so glad you're here.
- I am too.

Oh, Sam, uh, on August 3, Lyndon
Johnson passes the Voting Rights Act,

and Nathaniel becomes one of
the first black mayors of Alabama.

Hey, Frank! I swept the floor
and took out the trash.

Uh, can I go to Phil's
for some candy?

- Sure.
- Really?

You haven't rinsed her yet!

- Is that... Is that too--
- Frank, it's too hot.

Yeah. Um...

Where's Kyle?

He went to, uh,
Bill's to get some candy.

You mean Phil's?
I'm sorry. Phil's. That's right.

Frank, are you crazy?
Laura never lets him go out alone!

Why not?

Oh, boy.