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05x10 - Fifth Horseman

Posted: 08/28/22 10:37
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[dramatic music with drums]





What are you doing?
We need the boy alive!



Hurry! We can't let him
get away!

My honored Lord,
I have disturbing news.

Your less worthy servants
have allowed

the vessel of your glorious
return to escape.

How could you?

The hounds have
surely recovered

the mutant by now, my Lord.

The boy will be placed
upon the altar

the time of the conjunction,
I assure it!

I have drifted too long
in this suffocating void,

waiting for
the celestial alignment
that could free me.

I shall not miss it!

I understand, my Lord.

The world aches
for your return.

Serve me well, Cortez,

and I shall make you the most
powerful mutant on Earth.

Yes, my Lord.

And, Cortez,
do not disappoint me again.

Hear me, for I bring you
the word of the master!

Your fathers and your fathers'
fathers have honored him,

made sacrifice unto him

and preserved
his temple of rest

for the time when he should
once again walk among men.

That time is almost upon us.

The very Earth shall tremble
at the footsteps of Apocalypse!

[all chanting] Apocalypse!

[Jubilee speaking Spanish]

You should have
come in, Hank.

The store owner guy
was so nice.

Perhaps. Though here,
as elsewhere on our journey,

your more conventional

has proved less alarming.

Yeah, maybe.

And anyway, I got something
for you.

I know it's kind of cheesy,

but I really do want
to thank you for bringing me.

Your company and thoughtfulness
have been quite welcome.

But this Andean dig
will be our last.

Though the world's
great wildernesses

have proved fertile ground

for my archaeological research,

I find now
that I yearn for home.

Ooh. Yeah.
Traffic, smog, mutant haters?

Can't wait to get back
to all that.

True, civilization
has its drawbacks,

but nature
has its own dark side,

brutal, merciless
and mysterious.

Kind of like Wolverine
before he's had his coffee.

[bangs door open]

Master, we could not recover
the boy.

Leave us.

You worthless fool!

Do you realize what your
incompetence will cost?

It wasn't our fault.

-Please, no!

I drag you out
of the Morlock sewers,

I give you power
beyond your feeble imagination

and you repay me
with incompetence?

I should have left you
as I found you,

pathetic, despised and weak.

Find the boy,
or another young mutant

powerful enough
to serve as host

to our Lord Apocalypse
at the appointed moment,

or I will see you
fed to the hounds!

[stammering] Yes, my Lord!

Uh... Hank, do you see
any bridges on that map?

No, I'm afraid we are
in terra incognita.

To my knowledge, there are
no accurate maps of this--

-[tires screeching]

[Beast] Oh, my! It appears
we have run out of road.

Nah, we ran out of road
hours ago.

Now we're out of ground!

Well, no way across.

Guess we might as well
head back

to that cool little store,

Actually, a local tribe

seems to have provided
for our crossing.

Thank you, local tribe.

[Beast] It seems safe.

The stone moorings
are centuries old,

but the ropes are contemporary.

People live here?

So it would seem.

Let us get the packs
out of the truck.

We will have to go
the rest of the way on foot.

Just what I was
looking forward to,

a little hike at 12,000 feet.

[Jubilee echoing] Just what
I was looking forward to,

a little hike at 12,000 feet.

A mutant!

Young, and with great power!

Hounds, come!
We have found a new vessel!

this makes no sense.

This stelae is centuries old

and the pictographs
appear to be Mayan,

from the classical period.

But unless we have hiked
3,000 miles north,

I do not see
how that's possible.

What about the temples
at Machu Picchu?

No, they're Incan.

This is definitely
northern Mayan.

My Yucatecan is
barely serviceable,

but this is a road sign
of sorts.

It says that

"A few miles ahead is a temple

"consecrated to the end
of the world"?

That's a pretty weird thing
to build a temple to.

Uh... Didn't the Mayans have,
like, human sacrifices?

In fact, Mayan civilization

elaborate systems
of writing and mathematics,

and one of the first
accurate calendars.

Scholars believe they may have
even developed

the crucial concept of zero.

What a concept.

But what were they doing
3,000 miles from home?

Wait a minute.

It seems I made
a slight mistake
in my translation.

The temple is not consecrated
to the end of the world,

it is "consecrated
to Apocalypse."

-[both scream]

Surrender the female child!

Are you talking to me?

Not now, Jubilee.

I believe we made a wrong turn.

Our humblest apologies
for our thoughtless intrusion.

Get them!


"The better part of valor
is discretion."

That means run, right?

In so many words.








[Blade] Caliban!

Stop! Stop the vessel!




-Fool! What are you doing?

This sure is
a learning experience.

Don't move!

Fine. My appointment book
is wide open.


[Caliban] Jubilee!

-[Jubilee screaming]

-[Jubilee screaming]
-Hold on.


I won't let anything
happen to you.

It is good
you saved the vessel.

Now perhaps Cortez
will let you live.

I'm sorry you came here.

[Whip] On your knees!

What spooky jungle movie
did we step into?

[Beast] I would venture to
guess they have been

worshiping Apocalypse
for centuries.

This place appears to be
a duplicate Lazarus Temple,

similar to the one Cable
destroyed in Egypt.

-[Beast] Fabian Cortez?
-Dr. Henry McCoy!

How flattering that you
remember me.

But how...

How is it that I am here

when you thought I had perished
on Asteroid M?

It's very simple.

I was saved
for a higher purpose.

I am the chosen one

charged by the almighty
Apocalypse himself

to help him return to Earth.

But Apocalypse was destroyed.

Apocalypse cannot not exist.

He is now without
a physical body,

trapped in a pitiless void,

but his essence lives.

That is why I was chosen

to prepare the way
for his return.

Before he was taken,

Apocalypse sent me
to wander the Earth,

to create the hounds
as his personal soldiers.

Then he led me
to this forgotten place,

a failsafe built eons ago,

a final insurance
should all other plans fail.

This temple of Apocalypse
is the portal

through which he shall return
to our world, his world.

Cortez, your quarrel
is with me.

release my young charge.

The child will not be harmed.

What is it
with this "child" thing?

Apocalypse will only betray you

as he has done
to countless others.


Betray me?

He has empowered me!

[screaming in pain]

I've never tested its limits
until now.

-You're destroying him!

If the good doctor survives,

he shall serve Apocalypse
as a hound.

If not, there will be one less
traitor to mutantkind.



[all screaming]

[Beast growling]


[people screaming]

[Cortez] Forget about him!

The celestial conjunction
is nearly upon us.

We must make ready
for the coming of Apocalypse.

Take our honored guest below

and prepare her
for the ceremony.

Oh, Hank!

[Cortez] My Lord,
all is in readiness.

What of the vessel?

She is being prepared
as we speak.

You serve me well,
Fabian Cortez.

Thank you, my Lord.

You dare sully my communion
with Lord Apocalypse?

Explain yourself!

I'm sorry.

Caliban would like to look

for another vessel.

Fool! [thwack]

Is this sympathy I hear?

For an X-Man?

Nothing must endanger

our master's return.

She will be sacrificed!










The time of the crossing
is upon us.

Bring forth the vessel

and place her upon the altar.

[Jubilee grunting]
Let go of me!

The faithful will be rewarded

when our Lord Apocalypse

The Earth will be cleansed of

infidels and the weak!

Caliban, you don't have
to do this. Help me!

You think she cares
about a freak like you?

Yes. Take me instead, please!

You? A Morlock as the vessel

for our Lord Apocalypse?


You disgust me!




Stop him!




You are unworthy of the power
of Apocalypse.

Return to
your wretched existence!

[screaming in pain]

I would have destroyed you,

but it is not my place.

Apocalypse shall cull the weak
from the herd.

You will bear witness
to his return

and he will pass judgment.

It is time.


My moment is at hand!

My Lord, accept this vessel.

Your humble servants await
the glory of your rebirth!

[Beast growling]

[all screaming]

What sacrilege is this?


[people screaming]


[Beast growling]


-[Blade grunts]



You will not leave this place!

Get back!

Get lost!

[screaming in pain]

The whole place is coming down!




Hank! No, don't do it!




My will be done.

Hank, are you okay?

Not really, no.

Let's go.
We've got to get out of here.


Defilers! Assassins!

I shall avenge...


Cortez! We must save him!

But the whole place
is coming down!


I think the truck is this way.

Erm, about the truck,

Come on, Caliban,
we're going home.


Caliban does not
deserve Jubilee's help.

Cortez messed with your head.

It's not your fault.

I'm just glad you were there
for us when it counted.

Thank you.

My Lord!

Forgive me.

I no longer have a vessel

for your return.

But you have provided me

with a vessel, Cortez.

I don't understand, my Lord.



[theme music playing]