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03x02 - Stone's w*r

Posted: 08/28/22 15:56
by bunniefuu
[No Audible Dialogue]

(Mercy - Steve Jones)



Hustle! Come on! Come on, Art!
Move it, Art! Move it!

A Class "A" firefight, and we're
the only ones here to enjoy it.

Come on! You got it?

There. You see it?

Vince! Vince!
On your left!


Finish Jose under that Chevy!

You see that priest over there?
You got him? You got to follow the priest.

Vince! Vince!

Can that bastard!

- See that priest over there?
- I see him.

You got him. You got him?
I got him, Ira.

- He sees us.
- [Screams]

Help mel Help me.
I'm shotl I'm hurtl
All right. Oh, God.

Please help mel
Please help me, Stoney.

Stoneyl Stoneyl
Come backl Come backl


Come on, Crockett.
Come on, Crockett.

Where are you?
All right.

[Man On P.A., Indistinct]

"Stone, Ira M."

Purpose of your visit
to Nicaragua, Mr. Stone?


And your previous
international trips?
Tourism also?

Yes. Uh-huh.

You pick some unusual
places to visit.

Anything to declare?

I see.
Open your bags, please.
Oh, man.

- What are these?
- Videos of my trip.

I'm going to have to detain them
until they can be viewed.
You can't do that.

It'll take four days.
We're looking for copyright violations,

pirated films, p*rn.

Lady, I smell Big Brother.

No. You smell yourself.

Take a bath, Mr. Stone.
You may go.


Damn it.

Oh, am I glad to see you.
I wish I could say the same.
Come on.

Where's the Ferrari?
Get in.
Beggars can't be choosers.

This better be good, Stone.

How's footage of U.S. Combat troops
fighting in Nicaragua grab you?

Oh, man.

You sure it's, uh-it's tight in here?

Well, Ira, if you don't like it,
you can always split.

I'm sorry, man. I mean,
of course, uh, you can relate...

to why I'm so sensitive
about security.

Well, no. Not really.

My ticket... to the Peabodys.

More to the point, why the collect call
from Managua, Nicaragua?

Where's, uh-
Where's your television set?

I want to plug this in
and show you.

Wrong! I don't have a TV.

Hmm. Okay, here.
You look through the viewfinder.

I'll play back
through the camera.

Ira, why me?

Okay, I'm freaked
in the Managua airport, right?

I ask the man, "Next flight out?"
He says, "Miami."

I think, " Stone, you need
professional protection."

Computer comes up
with one name: Crockett.


Now, here, watch.

You're not gonna forget this.

A nowhere place-Ascensión.
It's not even on the map.

I mean, we're there
because the Sandinistas
didn't kick us out.

I mean, probably they took one look
at this two-bit equipment and figured
it wasn't worth the effort.

What the hell's this?
What is this?

Uh, that's a priest.
They k*lled him.

These are American troops?
That's right.

They sh*t your cameraman?

Yeah. I wasn't sticking around
for more target practice.

No sale, pal.

They would've nailed you
before you got 50 yards.

It happened.
What can I say?

Oh, yeah, it might've happened.
But only because you set it up.

Every news service in the world
has got reporters in Nicaragua,

and you're trying to tell me
that Ira Stone copped the only
exclusive out of there...

on a- on a home movie camera?

Huh. It's a fake.
This grieves me deeply, Sonny.

All right, why were there
two g*ons after me in the airport?

I didn't see anyone.

Now, come on, Ira.
What's your real scam?

Scam? This is a huge story!

Right, remember how freaked
the public was after the Nixon
secret Cambodia bombing?

This is bigger! They would k*ll me
to keep this quiet.


Ira, come on, man.
This is America.

You know, the First Amendment,
freedom of speech, all that doodah?

Nobody's gonna sh**t at you here.

So go on and sell
your, uh-your story.

Can I crash on your boat?

I'll tell you what I'll do.

You tell me why you're really here
in Miami, and I'll let you stay one night.

All right. You're sharp.

My rep's not so hot in New York,
so I figured I need a local station
to front my sale to the networks.

Gee, I wonder why
no one trusts you, Ira.

Look, this part-
this part about the protection,
this is real.

All right?
Tomorrow I unload my tapes.
I vanish. I promise.

You're lucky I'm not in bunko.
Yeah, right.

All right, uh, listen.
I'm-I'm a little wired right now.

Do you think you might have
a little grass left over
from some bust or something?

Stone, you need a bath.

Yes, well, remind him I don't have much time.

I have two bids pending.
Thank you.

Yes, he has my number.
Thank you very much.

[Elvis Hisses]
Ira, don't forget to close the hatch
when you leave today.

And feed Elvis.

Feed him?
What does he eat?

Feet, if he gets hungry enough.

Hello. Yes, this is Mr. Stone again.

I had to step out of my office
for a minute.

I think I may have missed
Mr. Keelor's call.

Will you tell him
I will be right here? Thank you.

You know, he's just
pulling your strings, man.

He probably tried to run that
old buddy stuff. "Hey, man, Vietnam."

Oh, no. He's got a new scam this time.
He's got American troops in Nicaragua.

How did he hook you into that?

I'm just taxi and hotel service.

He's out of here by noon today.
Hey, Lieutenant-
If you believe that, I got one for you.

Lieutenant, I know that there are
certain procedures that have to be followed...

and that what we're dealing with here
is an entrenched bureaucracy,

but it has been one month- one month-
since the Daytona bit the dust.

Now, I'm trying to maintain
a departmentally-approved cover here,

and if I keep showing up for six-figure
drug deals lookin' like Li'I Abner,
it ain't gonna cut it.

It's out in back.


340 horsepower,
180 miles an hour.

New paint, new rubber.

Absolutely essential
for any type of serious police work, huh?

Got that right.

[Engine Revs]


Yes, l- Believe me, Keelor.
I understand.

The sperm bank piece was not perfect,
but it did capture the essence, right?

Look, this time
I really have a great story.

It's a very hot property.
You- Keelor?

Damn it.
[Phone Rings]

Mmm. Yes? Hello?

Mr. Stone, this is Rolando Lujan,
news director at WXER.

I understand
you're selling a tape.

Yes, to the highest network bidder.
I'm very sorry.

I appreciate your calling.
I'm afraid I could not possibly
consider this.

You are a local station.

Well, if it's good, uh,
I'd be willing to pay you
more than the networks.

Say, $25,000.

Of course, uh, I'd like
to view the tape first.

Could you have it delivered
to my office?

I happen to be extremely busy,
but I think I could possibly arrange it...

about, say, in an hour?

And thank you, Mr. Stone.

Yes, so there were these 12 guys
with these machetes. You know what I mean?

And-And so I said to Castro- I said,
"Fidel, a lie gets halfway around the world-"



Here, man.

Here. Oh.

What the hell are you doin' here?
We're in big trouble.
I got sh*t at.

No. It was downtown.

At the station
when I went to sell my tape.

It was the dude from the airport.
I told you, man!

All right, just chill out. What'd he do?
Did he sh**t you in the hand?

No. L-I cut this
when I dropped my bottle.
Yes, my tape is hot.

I know this. All I gotta do
is connect with the right people.

All you've gotta do is help me.

Wrong. I'm not involved.
I don't know what's goin' on.

I don't want to know
what's goin' on. That's it.

Sure, sure. You'd rather
just drive around in snappy cars,
busting coke dealers. Wow!

You're pushing me.
Damn straight, man!

What does it take
to get you behind me?
Nothing. You can't.

We're talking about reruns of Vietnam
in Central America.

That's what this tape
was all about.

Well, good. Somebody'll buy it.
They'll put it on the air and run it.

People will scream.
You'll be a hero. Great!

But I don't want to have
anything to do with it.
Crockett, this is history!

No, you are history! As of tomorrow,
you're out of here! Capisce?

Good morning, class.
Sonny, this guy sound familiar?

"Stone, Ira.
White male, early 40s.

"Wanted in connection
with the m*rder of Art Eaton,
American, in Central America,

the week of 10/12."

Isn't he a friend of yours, Sonny?
Yeah, I know him.
Go on, Trudy.

"Eaton was posing
as a news cameraman.

"Both men were actually involved
in a heroin smuggling operation.

"Stone is suspected
of fleeing to Miami.

Warrant issued
by Federal District Court, Miami. "

Hey, Elvis.

How about it, buddy?

Nobody's here.
I found nothing.

I didn't see your name
on my appointment book.

What are you doing here?
I'm here for a tape.

What's your name?

Just think of me as a-
a nephew of Uncle Sam.

There'd better be an eagle
on your I.D.


If that's what they're teaching you
at Quantico,

then Uncle Sam's in a lot of trouble.

Now, I'm gonna tell you somethin', pal.

I don't know where Stone is or the tape,

but I'm startin' to get convinced
that there's some credibility to his story.

So I suggest that you communicate
to whoever you're working for...

that if anything happens
to that little jerk, I'm-

[Phone Ringing]

[Ringing Continues]


- Yeah?
- Finally. Where you been?

Out. What the hell's goin' down?

Well, I made a real sale.

Yeah, to a network,
through its Miami affiliate.

Then I heard a phone tap click in.
They knew where I was.

I figure I'd better split,
and I got to the airport,

and they got two new guys
here following me.

You're at the airport?

Specifically at the Global Express
ticket counter.

You've gotta pick me up.

I'm staying in the wide-open spaces
where these g*ons don't work so well.

All right,
here's what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna come
to the south end of Departures.

I'm gonna flash my lights three times.

When you see that,
you haul butt for the door.
You got it?

Crockett, you're a hero.

As a watch gator,
you'd make a hell of a suitcase.

Oh, gee, l- I hope you don't mind
if I stay here.

I do mind.

Well, I would like to book reservations
to fly around the world.

And since you have a frequent-flier deal,
I would like as many connections as possible.

Stop 31, your return to Miami.

Aw, l- I forgot my credit card.

Still think I'm paranoid?

(When The Rain Comes Down - Andy Taylor)

We lost them in the parking.

No such luck.

Go for it! Go for it!


Wanna call for help?

Nah, we don't need it.

All right, easy. Hold it.
I'm gonna go around.
All right, now! Get him!

Oh, hey.

I think we might want to duck.

[Mouths Curse]

All right, the truth, Ira, right now!

There's a federal warrant out
for your arrest for the m*rder
of Art Eaton in Costa Rica.

- You were moving smack.
- You picked me up.

I was in Nicaragua.
I had return reservations.

Check out the flight schedule
on my arrival. You saw me at Customsl

All right. Until I can get this worked out,
I'm taking you to the only place
I know that's safe.

Where is that? Jail?
As a matter of fact-

Well, that's great, Crockett.
That's just great.

What about my meet
with this legit reporter, huh?

I'll cover that.

Alicia Mena?

I'm Sonny Burnett.
I'm a friend of Ira Stone's.

Oh. And where's he?

Well, he couldn't make it.

Uh-huh. And the tape?

I gotta see some press I.D.

Official, aren't we?

Ira Stone's credentials can't bear up
to even this much scrutiny.

There's a chance that this is genuine,
so be careful with it, lady.

There seems to be a lot of people
interested in k*lling it.

Oh, yeah? Well, before I put my name
and my news department behind this,

I'm gonna know exactly what I've got...
or it doesn't air.

That's fair.

And when you see Stone,
tell him...

that clandestine meetings
with, uh, slippery characters...

don't make his news any more accurate.

You're a real charmer,
aren't you, lady?
I try.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.
And welcome, Judge Zarvo.

Let me introduce you
to the committee.

Charles Faulk, WLVE.

Eaton Salvador,
United Grain Company.

Joseph Tichenor,
Equinox Investments.

Patriots all.
Now, look, gentlemen.

We all want the same thing, and thus far
our limited operation has been successful.

A second wave is assembling.
We leave in 24 hours.

They will stay in the fields
with our contra partners and win.

Then American public opinion
will join us.

That could be a very long haul.

Remember, they do not have
the same interests we share.

They will support a winning army,
and that's what we're creating.

It's an admirable sales pitch,

but I look at headlines from Nicaragua,
and I see no results.

We have several million dollars invested,
much of it with you,

and we have no way of determining
whether we're getting our money's worth.

I anticipated your skepticism.

What are these?


Sandinista ears.

Your ears are very impressive,

however there are three million
Sandinista ears in Nicaragua,
not a couple of dozen.

That's what we're going to correct.

[Clears Throat]
Morning, Sonny.

I just stopped in over at Metro
to check on Stone.

And he was transferred.
That's right. Why?

Some federal grunt showed up here
about an hour ago with some paperwork.
I okayed it.

When you, uh, put Stone in the cooler,
didn't you tell him to sit on him?

Damn it! He wasn't supposed to travel.
Where is the abstract on the warrant?

Right, uh- Here it is.

There's no badge number,
and there's no I.D. Number
on this guy O'Hara who picked him up.

Look, he had a federal warrant.

He showed me his badge.
Everything played legit.

Yeah, Officer O'Hara.

Yes, I'm sure about the name.

Well, this is the onlyJustice Department
office in Miami, isn't it?

Detective Switek, Miami Vice.

No, no, I don't have a badge number.

Great. Thank you.

Would you like for me to tell you
what he looks like?

He's about as big as that wall,
he's ugly, and he looks like a fed.

Sonny, line three.


Yeah, I recognize the voice.

I'll be there.

Forget about it.

- So what was that all about?
- That was one William Maynard.

Body bags, heroin-
that Maynard?

Good ol'Captain Real Estate?

The very same.

I thought he'd be held up
in some South American resort by now.

He's got Stone.

If I don't bring him the tape,
the little wimp is history.

Alicia Mena, please.

They look American
and sound American.

God, Stone struck gold.

Maybe, maybe not.

This could be a fabrication.

I mean, between
Stone's questionable reputation
and government denials,

I don't know whether
or not I have a story yet.

Well, somebody sure as hell
wants to suppress it.

And whether it's real or not,
Washington's gonna deny it.
You know that.

No. There are some
reliable channels, you know.

Like the network, for instance,
of which I am a part.

You can ask the right questions
of certain State Department personnel...

and get some unofficial answers.

I asked.

And they never heard
of this covert operation.

Listen to me.
The guy that called me about Stone
is an ex-C.I.A. Spook.

Now, maybe your sources are right,
or maybe they just don't know
about outside contract operations.

Well, I gotta have confirmation.
I need facts!

This is the guy. This is him.
The guy that I saw.

- You were there?
- No, he's here. He's here.

He's with the people that have Stone.

Alicia, if that is true, those people
are not gonna cut you any slack.

Well, if this tape is accurate,
I'm gonna have it on the air
before they can suppress it.

All right, listen.
How about you make a copy?

You keep the copy,
give us the original.

These people pay you a visit,
you send them to us.
We take the heat off you.

How gracious. No, thanks.
This is my story and my tape,
and I'll keep it.

Listen, lady, I gotta have that tape
as a bargaining chip for Stone.

I want to keep him alive,
and it's something you obviously
have no interest in.

We obviously have
no more to discuss.

I've got to have that tape.

Good-bye, Detective!


He's kind of intense.

He's rude!
He's not intense! He's rude!

Yeah, uh, look, Alicia.
We're all looking
for the same thing.

And what is that?

If I had a Nicaraguan contact,
I'd ask about a priest...

that got k*lled
by the contras last week.

Find out if that tape is true.

I've already got a call in.


Crockett and Stone
go back a long, long time.

They're gonna k*ll Stone.

All right. You guys
are makin' me crazy.

I'll make you a copy.
I'll refer the call.

You need anything else?


[TV Newscaster]
Citing an avalanche of local support,
the Hialeah City Council last night...

overwhelmingly approved
a controversial measure...

to ship weapons
confiscated in criminal cases...

to contra forces in Nicaragua.

Opposition to the emotional proposal
came in the form of protestors
displaying banners...

urging non-involvement
in Latin American affairs.

[Continues, Indistinct]
You want some shrimp, shrimp?

I'll call Alicia.
I'll tell her the tape's a fake.

If she has that tape,
you're gonna be telling a lot more
people than her that it's bogus.

Weather for the Gulf Coast-
[Continues, Indistinct]
[Choking, Gagging]

There's a chance
of afternoon showers.

What's the matter, Ira?

The highs reaching the mid-90's.

You don't like Chinese?
Winds 10 to 15 miles an hour.

Well, well, Sonny Crockett.

Still on powder patrol
for the local P.D.?

Show me Stone.
My pleasure.


Tape, please.

Come on, Maynard.
Can't you watch this thing at home?

Pop some popcorn.
cr*ck open a beer.

Let's go.

Copy! Did you really think
you could get away with that?

You're more stupid than I thought.

So I'm not Phi Beta Kappa.
So what?

Very simple.
It's just as I told you.

You bring me the original,
you get the little rodent back.

I'll be in touch.

Don't waste my time again.

[Men Shouting On Video]

(Red Rain - Peter Gabriel)

What do you want?
The tape.

Don't. You'll die.

Very good. Very smart.

Now, give it to me.

(Electronic Humming)


Sorry, baby.
No loose ends.

Now, what about the body?
All right. Thanks. Yeah, thanks.

All right,
we got no sexual as*ault,
no prints, no witnesses.

But a hell of a lot of blank tape.
Now, what's Vice's angle?

She was a friend.

Every tape is erased.
Now, we sure got motive.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Is Stone still alive?

Maybe. Maybe.

They didn't plan on k*lling her.
It was too sloppy.

Rico, check this out.
"Mena, per your inquiry:

"Priest k*lled, town of Ascensión,
FatherJoseph Mattingly.

Passport shows Dayton, Ohio.
Hasta luego, Ziggy."

Transmitted 11:00 p.m., Managua.

American missionary, I'd guess.

Now, Maynard's got
the original and the dupe.

Our hand's looking kinda shaky.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Switek? What was the name
of the judge who signed
the warrant for Stone?


Zarvo. Z-A-R-V-O. Got it.

Yeah, thanks.

Have one more card to play.

[Elevator Bell Dings]

This one's full.

Judge Zarvo?

Does this warrant
look familiar to you?
Who are you?

Concerned citizens
from Miami Vice.
I'm in a hurry.

To do what?
Issue some more false warrants?

The warrant was genuine.

Federal agents I have
a working relationship with...

presented a valid request.

I had no reason to believe
it wasn't authentic,
and I still don't.

Stone was pinched on your warrant,
but he's not in custody.

And he's not on the street.
He's kidnapped.

We'd like to believe that
when you issued the warrant...

you thought that Stone
was on his way to jail.

My warrant will hold up under scrutiny.
You are detaining me, gentlemen.

Listen, pal. If we don't find Stone,
Maynard'll k*ll him.

So I hope you can handle the heat
from a homicide beef...

'cause we're gonna be the ones
lighting the fire.


What do you need?

We want to find Stone.
Where's Maynard keeping him?

I don't know precisely.
He- He didn't tell us much.

He left a number for emergencies.



What's that address?

Okay, thanks, Tina.

Yeah, you name the time,
and I'll name the place to dine.

Kiss yourself for me.

It's clear.
So much for the phone number.

Maynard can call in from anywhere
and get messages.

Sonny, look.

It's still damp.

Doesn't look too good
for Senor Stone.
Maynard'll keep him alive.

I wouldn't be so sure
about that part.

And he will until he's sure
the story won't break.

If it does, my guess is
he'll march Stone out
and make him deny everything.

And with Alicia dead,
he'll just be waiting
for the evening news.

We don't have
too much time, you know.

I'll do the inside,
and you do the out.
All right. Cool.

"Report to 530 Northeast 51 st Street
for ground transportation."

Hey, Sonny, come here!

"Ground transportation
to Copeland departure site, 0400 hours."


Man, that's a rangy-lookin' bunch.

There's Maynard.
I got no sign of Stone.

I wouldn't want to lay odds
on whether he's still breathing or not.


Stone, I can whittle on you
a long time with this.
No! No! No!

I've seen a man
take 14, 15 sh*ts from a.22.

- Who else has a tape?
- There isn't any more.

Come on, Stone, talk to me!
This is your last chance to tell the truth.

- Don't blow it.
- Go to hell, O'Hara!

[Hammer Cocks]
You first.


Captain Maynard,
Stone's not giving us much.

What do we do?

Well, see what you can get
out of him in the next 15 minutes.

Then close the books.

You are nothing if not persistent.

Yeah, when you deal with lowlifes,
it becomes a habit.

Just be cool, Captain.

Is Stone still alive?

You mean you actually care?

Yeah, I think it'd be fun
knowing a famous journalist.

His big story? Man's incapable
of sophisticated thinking,

as, obviously, are you.

[.22 Calibre g*nsh*t]
[Stone Screaming]

[Screaming Continues]

All right, Ira, come on!
Come on, Ira!

Yeah, there we go.
Comfy? Huh?

All right, now. Show you
what a hell of a guy I am.

Your choice.
Where do you want the next one?

- Freeze!
(Lives In The Balance -Jackson Browne)

Move it.


Take your left hand
and very slowly...

pull it out of the holster
and put it on the floor.

You can't stop the inevitable
flow of history, Crockett.

Well, you never know.
I can try.

(Lives In The Balance -
Jackson Browne)

- [Stone Groaning]
- Take it easy, Ira.

We'll have you out of here
in a minute.

None of these
are gonna k*ll you, my man.

This must be my lucky day.


The show's gotten out, right?

Yeah. It's gonna be
on the evening news tonight.

You're gonna be famous.

That's nice. That's real nice.

[Woman On Radio]
This just in to the newsroom.

Independent sources today confirmed
Jesuit missionary FatherJoseph Mattingly...

was m*rder*d by the Nicaraguan
government Sandinista forces
in the village of Ascensión.

Contra freedom fighters
had vainly attempted
to rescue the kidnapped priest.

A formal U.S. Protest
is expected.