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08x10 - Lists, Plans

Posted: 12/14/10 11:51
by bunniefuu

CLAY: We should probably make this Agent thing official. Just get me your college transcripts, and I'll set it all up.

NATHAN: I never graduated.

CLAY: You've got to have a college degree to do this. So I think you should go get those credits.

MIA: Oops, didn't realize you already scored. My bad.

ALEX: With Chase or in the game?

BROOKE: They're fighting over Chase.

JULIAN: I know who he likes.

CHASE: I think I should just be by myself for a while.


Brooke and Julian marry in front of their friends. They all are equipped with way countries

BROOKE(Voice-over): Okay, Brooke Davis, this is it, the day you've always dreamed about. Don't cry. You still have pictures. And don't trip. You'll ruin your dress.

JULIAN: You look real pretty, baby.

QUINN: All right, y'all, say cheese.

JULIAN: Cheese!

FARMER: All right, y'all, we're fixin' to watch... Brooke and Julian get hitched.

HALEY: Whoo!

JULIAN: Yeah! Whoo!

FARMER: Now, where'd those rings run off to?

BROOKE: James Lucas Scott, are you drinking a beer?

JAMIE: What kind of backyard hootenanny and pig roast would this be without it?

BROOKE: Pig roast?

JULIAN: Yeah, that's right, baby. Remember, we got the edible-ring-bearer special to save money?

BROOKE: This is not my wedding.

JULIAN: It sure is, and I think it's time you accept it.

ALEX: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo-hoo!

JULIAN: Yeah, baby! Let's forget about the ceremony and drink to the honeymoon.



Brooke makes a nightmare.


Jamie revises his homework before going to school.

HALEY: "Impossible."

JAMIE: "Impossible." I-m-p-o-s-s...i-b-l-e? "Impossible."

HALEY: See, there you go. Nice work. Sometimes it pays to go with your gut. All right, let's do, uh... "Broccoli."

JAMIE: Oh, gross. That doesn't go with my gut. Please don't put that in my lunch.

HALEY: Only if you spell it wrong.

JAMIE: Okay. "Broccoli." B-r-o-c-o... no, no, no, no. "Broccoli." B-r-o-c-c-o-l-I. "Broccoli."

HALEY: Nice save. Let's put it in dad's. So, are you getting excited for your spelling bee?

JAMIE: As much as I can for a spelling bee.

HALEY: What? I loved spelling bees when I was your age.

JAMIE: Yeah. Dad said you were a nerd.

HALEY: Hey, you tell our kid I was a nerd?

(Nathan comes in)

NATHAN: Yeah, many times. I'm not gonna lie to the kid, Hales. You do realize I'm going to college, not third grade.

HALEY: Oh, you... you don't want chocolate pudding?

NATHAN: Come on. I'll drop you off.

JAMIE: Sweet.

HALEY: Here you go, kiddo. Have a fun day at school, boys.

JAMIE: Oh, yes! I got ho hos.

NATHAN: Nope. You got broccoli.


Clay prepares the luggage of Quinn.

CLAY: I wouldn't even consider leaving you if it weren't really important. But I need to check in with my clients to...

QUINN: Don't worry. I understand.

CLAY: Then why won't you come with me?

QUINN: Because I have a lot of work to do on my photos. And I think I might go see Taylor. But I am gonna miss you.

CLAY: I'm gonna miss you, too.


Haley makes her gym, her portable sounds. This is Mia.

HALEY: Hello?

MIA: Haley, are you sitting down?

HALEY: Um...Sort of.

MIA: Okay, good. Because I just booked Kid Cudi at Tric.

HALEY: You w... What? When?

MIA: Tomorrow night.

HALEY: Oh, my God. That's amazing.

MIA: Yeah, he had an opening on his tour, and I just grabbed it. Plus, I was thinking Erin should open.

HALEY: Oh, I love that idea.

MIA: Yeah, just sucks that nobody shows up for opening acts.

HALEY: Yeah. Let me see what I can do about that.


Nathan searches Kellermman's office.

STUDENT: Nathan Scott? It is you. What are you doing here?

NATHAN: Finishing up my degree. I'm actually just trying to decide which business course to take -- Stewart or Kellerman.

STUDENT: Oh, Stewart, no question. All the athletes take him because you can sleep through the classes and still pass. It's cake.

NATHAN: Yeah, but do you learn anything?

STUDENT: You learn how to sleep sitting up. But I definitely wouldn't take Kellerman. I hear he's impossible.

NATHAN: Thanks, man. No problem.


Nathan knocks on the door.


NATHAN: Hi. My name is Nathan Scott, and I'd really like to take your class, but I need your permission to enter late.

DR. KELLERMAN: I have no problem with that. The class has already gone through the first half of this one.

NATHAN: In only two weeks. Wow. Okay. Well, I'm really looking forward to this.

DR. KELLERMAN: We'll see.



Quinn comes to talk with Dan.

QUINN: Excuse me?

DAN: What can I help you with?

QUINN: m*rder.


Dan talks with Quinn.

DAN: You look familiar. Did we sleep together?

QUINN: No. I'm Haley's sister.

DAN: Oh, so you slept with my son.

QUINN: That was Taylor.

DAN: Oh, right. So, you're the sister who wants to talk about m*rder. Why come to me? I'm not a hit man.

QUINN: Because you're the only person I know who's ever m*rder*d someone, and anyone else is gonna try to stop me.

DAN: But not Dan Scott, the reprehensible monster who flips burgers for a living.

QUINN: That's not what I meant.

DAN: What did you mean?

QUINN: A woman tried to k*ll me and the man that I love. And I'm angry, and when I'm not angry, I'm afraid. Or at least I used to be. Not anymore.

DAN: You're not afraid anymore? You should be. Have a seat.


Brooke says to Haley she have no inspirations fro her wedding dress.

HALEY: So, how are the bridesmaids' dresses coming along? When do I get to see mine?

BROOKE: Honestly... I have no idea. Your dress, even my dress... inspiration has been nonexistent lately. I literally had my entire dream wedding planned out. And now I'm redoing everything, and the more that I think about it, the more frustrated I get.

HALEY: I'm sorry, Brooke.

BROOKE: It's okay. Inspiration was just so much easier to find when I had money.

HALEY: Okay, you know what? Out of sight, out of mind. You need a clear head in order to find your inspiration.. It's obvious this book is only confusing you.

Nathan makes homework. Jamie asks if he plays with him.

JAMIE: You want to play "Madden" with me? I'll let you be the Falcons.

NATHAN: I'd love to, buddy. But I really got to concentrate on this right now. This is a really hard class. Why don't you call Chuck?

JAMIE: Can't. He's grounded for using his name in the "banana-fana-fo-fana" song.

NATHAN: What? What's wrong with that? Oh. Yeah.

JAMIE: So, why is your class so hard?

NATHAN: Because I've never really been good at school. And I got a really hard teacher.

JAMIE: Yeah. Hard teachers suck. Try having Miss Lauren for two years in a row.

NATHAN: But I chose this teacher.


NATHAN: Well, because sometimes the hardest things are the most rewarding. Do you know what the most important basketball game I ever played was?


NATHAN: It was Kansas my sophomore year. They were ranked number one.

JAMIE: And you beat them?

NATHAN: No, we lost by 3. But we were supposed to lose by 27. And if Kansas wasn't such a hard team, we would've never learned to play defense the way we did that game. And without that defense, we would've never made it to the Final Four. It's when you face the hardest things in life with will and hard work that you learn the most. And that's why I chose the hard teacher.

JAMIE: That's good for you, I guess. I just wish Miss Lauren was a little easier, you know?

NATHAN: It'll pay off. Trust me. Hey, speaking of which, isn't there a spelling bee you're supposed to be studying for?

JAMIE: Oh, yeah. I'm ready.

NATHAN: Oh, yeah? Okay. Spell "arbitrate."

JAMIE: A-r-b-I-t-r-a-t-e. "Arbitrate."

NATHAN: How did you get so smart?

JAMIE: I have my mom's genes, too, you know.

NTHAN: You also got her height.


Julian and Brooke find things.

BROOKE: It was nauseating watching them chum it up at Thanksgiving dinner. How are you not at all annoyed that our mothers have hit it off so well that they've scurried off to New York together?

JULIAN: If it means my mom being gone and giving us time alone, I'm all for it. What are we looking for, anyway?

BROOKE: Inspiration.

JULIAN: Ohh. What's this?

BROOKE: No, we can just get rid of that. Ah.

JULIAN: "Learn to speak French watch every James Bond movie." What's this?

BROOKE: It's a list Millie made for me years ago when I was rich of all the things that I always said I wanted to do.

JULIAN: "Climb K2"?

BROOKE: Is "lose my entire company" on there? 'Cause we can go ahead and just cross that one off.

JULIAN: "Go into outer space. Get drunk at Oktoberfest." Did you ever do any of these?

BROOKE: No. But it was comforting to know that I could've anytime I wanted to. Maybe not space, but...

JULIAN: Why didn't you ever do any of these when you were rich?

BROOKE: Too busy getting rich, I guess.


Quinn explains what it's happened.

QUINN: She shot us both at close range. A surgery and a seven-day coma later, I survived. And now I spend every night afraid to sleep in my own home, worried what's gonna happen when she finds out that we both lived. And on the rare nights that I do actually sleep, I have nightmares.

DAN: What kind of nightmares?

QUINN: About her coming back to finish the job. I'm not gonna let her do it.

DAN: I've always preferred offense over defense, but m*rder?

QUINN: We can't live like this. I can't live like this anymore. So I'm not going to. And I don't trust the police. They couldn't even find her. And I did.

DAN: She's pretty. I can see why Evans was sleeping with her.

QUINN: He wasn't.

DAN: That's too bad. If you do this... You'll lose a piece of yourself that you'll never get back.

QUINN: I've already lost that part. I'm trying to do something so I don't lose everything else, too.

DAN: All right, I'll tell you what. Go get some sleep. And tomorrow, if you still want to k*ll someone, you come and see me.


Brooke enters in her car.

BROOKE(at phone): I know that we said a 150 but we're actually gonna trim it down to 75. Well, how can it be more money for less people? Well, now there's zero.

(Brooke starts the car)

MAN(at CD): Bonjour! Je suis Paul. "Au revoir," "c'est la vie," "merci beaucoup" these may be French phrases you're familiar with now, but soon, you can live in Paris and never have to speak English again. How does that sound?

BROOKE: That sounds amazing, actually.


Nathan arrives at his class but he is requested by students.

STUDENT: Wow. Nathan Scott.


BOY STUDENT: Uh, can I get a picture?

NATHAN: Yeah, sure, man.

STUDENT: Thank you. Thank you so much.

NATHAN: Nice to meet you.

GIRL STUDENT: Can I get an autograph?

NATHAN: Yeah, sure.


DR. KELLERMAN: If Mr. Scott doesn't mind, I'd love my students back so I can begin my class. Let's start in chapter 12.


Dan explains how to make a success of a perfect m*rder.

DAN: You'll need an industrial-grade hacksaw to properly detach the body piece by piece, lye to speed up the decomposition process, biodegradable plastic wrap to properly seal and transport the pieces, a shovel to bury them, obviously. Now, make sure you section the body into 20 pieces, spreading them at least five miles apart and no less than 4 feet underground, although I recommend 6. Oh, and a hammer. Don't forget about the dental records. Those will come back to haunt you. Finding someone's easy. Making sure they're never found again -- that's the hard part. From the look on your face, you never thought of any of this. This is what you want, isn't it?

QUINN: I just... I want it all to stop.

DAN: No. You don't just want it to stop. You've decided you're the one that's gonna stop it, and that's a whole new ballgame. And in that game, those are the rules.


Chase arranges some bottles in the bar.

CHASE: Alex. Hey.

ALEX: Hey.

CHASE: I've been wanting to talk you.

ALEX: Oh, yeah?

CHASE: Yeah. Apologize for the way I've treated you lately.

ALEX: That won't work.

CHASE: Don't want me to apologize?

ALEX: I prefer top-shelf liquors to my right and well brands to my left, and we'll need twice as many pint glasses.

CHASE: Okay. Why?

ALEX: Haley asked me to celebrity-bartend tonight. And about that other thing -- don't worry about it. It's fine.


Mia is angry, Haley doesn't pick her.

MIA: That is so not fine. Why did you ask Alex and not me?

HALEY: Because Alex knows how to bartend.

MIA: Well, who do you think taught her?

HALEY: Chase, right?

MIA: But who taught him? Me. Uh-huh.

HALEY: I don't know. Alex has like a million followers on Twitter.

MIA: Okay, my 237,000 followers are a very dedicated group, Haley.

HALEY: You want to bartend?

MIA: Hell, yeah.

HALEY: All right. You better go get ready.

MIA: I will.

HALEY: Done and done.


Brooke is back and sees a gift in a chair.

BROOKE: Julian, are you home? Someone broke into my car this morning and planted a French CD. And I'm really hoping it was you and not some psycho euro stalker. "put this on." Mettez cela sur. Oh. Ew.

Brooke puts the costume. Julian comes to her.

BROOKE: I'm all for trying new things, but I'm not sure I'm sold on this one yet.

JULIAN: It's Oktoberfest.

BROOKE: It's not October.

JULIAN: Oktoberfest is a state of mind.

BROOKE: Ohh. You're very clever with my list.

JULIAN: Can I also interest you in a James Bond marathon, Miss Moneypenny?

BROOKE: Okay, that was a terrible German accent.

JULIAN: That's not German. It's Sean Connery.

BROOKE: That was an even worse Sean Connery.

JULIAN: I'm pretty sure I do a pretty good Sean Connery. Let's hear yours.

BROOKE: Okay. Uh... I'll have mine stirred, not shaken. All right, fine. We'll go with yours.

JULIAN: Splendid. Shall we begin, darling?


The teacher asks to Nathan to answer to a question.

DR. KELLERMAN: Can someone please explain, using the terms from the book, how taking this class is like entering into a contract? Mr. Scott?

NATHAN: Um... Um...

DR. KELLERMAN: I know the book has the answers, Mr. Scott. I wrote it. I'd hoped you had the answer.

NATHAN: I'm not sure.

DR. KELLERMAN: Ms. Helbeck?

HELBECK: By taking this class, we've made an offer to you that you've accepted based on our facility of intelligence, therefore setting the value at a standard worth your time and our money.

DR. KELLERMAN: And to violate the contract is not only disappointing, but it makes your presence here irritating.

The teacher finish his class. Nathan goes to see him.

DR. KELLERMAN: Uh, I'll be back in my office, 4:00.

NATHAN: Professor Kellerman? You couldn't have given me a couple classes to catch up?

DR. KELLERMAN: $97,795.


DR. KELLERMAN: $97,795, Mr. Scott. That's what a university spends, on average, for each athlete. Non-athletic students receive about $13,000 in academic spending. On top of that, nearly every school in the country operates their athletic programs at a severe loss, including your very own University of Maryland. Yes, I know who you are. I've been required to pass marquee athletes for years. And I'll have to pass more in the future. But I don't have to pass you.

NATHAN: You know, I had a choice of professors. I chose this class. I intend to hold up my end of the contract.

DR. KELLERMAN: I won't hold my breath.


Brooke leaves the dustbin, she sees Julian on a motorcycle.

BROOKE: I don't think there was anything on my list about squeezing two grown people on an oversized toy.

JULIAN: You wanted to ride a motorcycle.

BROOKE: I am quite certain that that is not a motorcycle.

JULIAN: Motorcycle is a state of mind? It's all they'd let me rent without a motorcycle license. Come on. It's pretty fun, actually. It just feels like riding a jet ski, but on land.

BROOKE: Oh, it sounds much safer now, thank you.

JULIAN: Everyone in France rides one. They're quite fashionable. Hop on, mademoiselle.

BROOKE: Is this thing even legal to take on the roads?

JULIAN: Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.


Mia and Alex prepare drinks for tonight.

ALEX: Maybe we should split the bar so we can each handle our own fans. I've got like 150 replies so far that say they're coming, so...

MIA: Yeah, I'll have a ton of people, too. In fact, do you want to make a little competition out of it?

ALEX: Okay, you're on.

(Chase comes in)

MIA: Hey, you.

CHASE: I'm not sure I like this...the two of you bartending together. You know, after the whole football-game throwdown.

ALEX: What? Are you worried about us becoming friends?

CHASE: No. I'm worried you'll destroy my bar.

MIA: Your terrible drinks already did that.

ALEX: She's right. Things can only improve. You know, you should probably stay away from making drinks tonight and be our bitch.

MIA: That's a great idea.

ALEX: I know. Awesome.

MIA: Wow.


Jamie wants to play with Nathan.

JAMIE: Hey, dad, any chance we can play catch later?

NATHAN: Sure, buddy. Just let me get some more studying in.

JAMIE: What's the matter?

NATHAN: Well, my teacher was mean to me today. Promise me you'll stay away from anyone with "Keller" in their name.

JAMIE: Well, you could pull a prank on him. Chuck has a really good one with fire ants and honey.

NATHAN: Thanks, Jame, but, uh, I'm okay. I just... I have to work harder to be better prepared for this next class, and it's gonna be tough for me because I have a lot of lists to memorize. And I've never really been good at memorizing things.

JAMIE: Lists are easy. I have a really good trick. What's the list?

NATHAN: Well, it's essential elements of forming a contract. Offer, acceptance, consideration, facility, and intent to create legal relations.

JAMIE: Okay. O-a-c-f-I. Outside animals can't...Fart inside. So, if you just remember that, you'll always remember the list.

NATHAN: All right. First tutor girl, now tutor son.


Erin meets Haley in the cabins.

ERIN: Haley.

HALEY: Ah, there you are.

ERIN: Wow. This is amazing. Thanks so much for inviting me. I love kid Cudi.

HALEY: Good, 'cause you're about to meet him.

ERIN: Seriously?

HALEY: Mm-hmm. Hi. Sorry to interrupt, guys. Hey, Scott. I just wanted to introduce you to Erin. Erin Macree, this is kid Cudi.

ERIN: It's so nice to meet you. Can I just say...I love your stuff.

KID CUDI: Thank you. I appreciate it. From what I heard, you might be the one everyone leaves here talking about tonight.

ERIN: I'm sorry?

KID CUDI: Well, if you're half as good as what Haley's been saying, you're gonna be a tough act to follow.

ERIN: I'm opening?

KID CUDI: You're opening, yes. And I'm really looking forward to hearing your stuff. It's gonna be a great night.

HALEY: Okay, so, we'll leave you alone to relax. Let me know if you need anything.

KID CUDI: Cool. Sounds good. Good meeting you, Erin.

ERIN: Oh, my gosh. I can't believe you're letting me open for kid Cudi tonight. How do I ever thank you?

HALEY: Don't thank me. Thank Mia. This was all her little brainchild. Now, don't be nervous. All you have to do is remember to play. Don't think about

ERIN: Nervous? No way. I'm gonna k*ll this.


DAN: So, how are you gonna k*ll her? That's cute. You're gonna need an untraceable g*n. Contrary to what you've seen in films, you're gonna have to get in nice and close. In fact, the only reason you're still alive is that she shot you from across the room. Mm. So... If you're not close enough to feel the blood splatter on your face... Then you're not close enough. I suggest the heart. Head's too messy.

QUINN: You're just trying to scare me.

DAN: Scare you? No. I'm just trying to prepare you the best that I can. 'Cause watching the light go out in someone's eyes and knowing you're the one that took it, that's something that'll never leave you. And just remember this...the moment you pull that trigger, you'll never be the same again. For the rest of your life, it'll be there... With every breath. Are you ready for that?


Brooke and Julian are on the point of jumping in parachute. Brooke wants to change opinion.

BROOKE: Whoo. Absolutely not!

JULIAN: But it was on your list! You've always wanted to do it!

BROOKE: I changed my mind! A girl can change her mind!

MAN: Okay, now's the time. You guys ready?


JULIAN: Give us just one minute here. I promise you it'll be the second-most exhilarating 45 seconds of your life.

BROOKE: What's the first? Oh, a sex joke, which might be cute if we weren't 15,000 feet in the air with a quarter of the plane missing!

JULIAN: Brooke, life is not which breaths you take when...wait, wait, wait. Life is not about taking the breaths that...

BROOKE: what?

JULIAN: Hold on!

MAN: We're gonna miss our window.

BROOKE: It's okay.

JULIAN: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

BROOKE: Did you seriously just quote "hitch"?

JULIAN: Yeah, because it's a really great quote. Life is about breathtaking moments like this. Let's take the plunge.

MAN: It's now or never, guys.

BROOKE; Fine! Now, before I change my mind.


BROOKE: I hate you.

JULIAN: I love you. Bon voyage!


Haley introduces Erin.

HALEY: Hi, Tric. Thanks for coming out tonight, everyone. I wanted to personally introduce our newest addition to Red Bedroom records. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a very warm welcome to the lovely and talented Erin Macree.

Mia and Alex serves drinks.

ALEX: I'm up to 450 replies, singer girl.

MIA: Right on your heels, drama queen. Never underestimate team Mia, right? Hey, you got a bottle of vodka over there?

ALEX: Yep. Coming at you.

MIA: Oh.

ALEX: Watch out, little guy.

MIA: You might want to stay clear of the bar so you don't hurt yourself, Chase.

ALEX: There you go.


Nathan and Jamie play while revising.

NATHAN: "Deficit."

JAMIE: D-e-f-i-c-i-t. "Deficit."

NATHAN: Very nice.

JAMIE: Now, what does it mean?

NATHAN: It's a negative net worth.

JAMIE: Sounds right.

NATHAN: Okay, next one. You ready? "Fiduciary."


Julian and Brooke look the moon.

JULIAN: I know you wanted to go to outer space, but due to budgetary restrictions, I thought maybe I could bring the moon to you.

BROOKE: It's beautiful.

JULIAN: It's made of cheese, you know.


JULIAN: At least that's what they say.

BROOKE: "They"?

JULIAN: Yeah, you know, the people that say those kinds of things.

BROOKE: This one actually never made it onto the list because I didn't think it was possible.

JULIAN: Outer space? No, I'm pretty sure it was on --

BROOKE: No. Finding a man who adores me as much as you do... And getting to keep him forever.


Chase helps a little girls.

ALEX: This is a lot more fun than fighting.

MIA: Yeah, you know, I think we should just call a truce on the whole Chase thing for a while.

ALEX: Fine with me. Thanks, barmaid.

CHASE: It's bar manager.

MIA: Not tonight, rookie.

CHASE: What can I get you?

MAN: I'll wait for Alex Dupre.

CHASE: Okay. How about you?

OTHER MAN: I'm waiting for Mia Catalano, bro.

CHASE: Would anyone rather me get them a drink than wait in line for 20 minutes?

MAN: No, but I will take a beer from Haley James Scott if she's serving.


CHASE: Okay. I'll just stand here, then.

MIA: Actually, the Hefeweizen tap needs to be changed in the back.

CHASE: You did this to me.

Erin finish her song.


DAN: You're gonna need an airtight alibi, so be thinking about that. And the final thing you're gonna need is to prepare yourself for a life on the run in case anyone finds out. So get your goodbyes and I love yous taken care of now.

(Cellphone ringing)

QUINN: Don't! Don't. Just --

DAN: Does he know about this? I think we should tell him, don't you?

QUINN: Please just give me my phone.

DAN: He was shot, too. I'm sure he'd be happy to hear the plan.

CLAY(at phone): Hello?

QUINN: Please don't.

CLAY(at phone): Hey, Quinn? Hello? Hello, Quinn?

QUINN(at phone): Hi, honey. No, sorry. Uh, the reception is horrible here. Um, but, uh, Taylor says hi. Yeah, um... I'm okay. It just, uh... It's just been an emotional day. But, um, can I -- can I call you later on tonight? I love you, too.

DAN: You couldn't tell him 'cause you know this is wrong. Look around you. Is this the life you want? A life of complete isolation from everyone you ever cared about? I ended two lives the day I pulled that trigger. And one of them was mine. Save yours. Don't do this.


Kid Cudi starts to play. Chase talks with grils.

CHASE: I'm gonna go fetch some more clean pint glasses, since I'm, like, your guys' servant or something.

ALEX: I'm gonna go get some more Tequila.

MIA: Okay.

(Alex leaves and Erin comes in)

MIA: Well, look who it is. It's Tree Hill's newest rock star.

ERIN: Thanks so much for setting me up to play tonight.

MIA: I was just paying forward the opportunity I got from someone who believed in me.

ERIN: Fair play. So, do I have to get in the back of this line to get a beer?

MIA: Please. Rock stars don't wait in line.

ERIN: Thank you.

Alex joins Chase in the reverse.

CHASE: Hey. You good?

ALEX: Yeah, just grabbing some Tequila. You know we're just kidding around with you tonight, right?

CHASE: Yeah, I know.

ALEX: Good. Because that's not how I really feel about you. Not even a little. Don't tell Mia.


Nathan and Jamie take dinner.

JAMIE: The Falcons are doing good. Troy might be able to play in the super bowl.

NATHAN: Yeah, maybe so.

JAMIE: Hey! Okay, what are the fundamental elements of forming a contract?

NATHAN: Outside animals can't fart inside. Offer...

JAMIE: Mm-hmm.

NATHAN: Acceptance...

JAMIE: Uh-huh.

NATHAN: Consideration...

JAMIE: Mm-hmm.

NATHAN: Facility...

JAMIE: Mm-hmm.

NATHAN: And intent to create legal relations. All right. Mm!

JAMIE: Well done, Mr. Scott.

NATHAN: Goofball.


Kid Cudi finish his song.

KID CUDI Thank you. Tric, make some noise!

HALEY: Ladies, thank you for filling the place tonight. What a great job. We actually had to turn people some away, you know. So, who won your little competition?

MIA: Team Mia kicked some team Alex ass.

ALEX: Yeah, yeah, whatever. She's from here. Hometown advantage. Anyways, I'm proud of what I did tonight.


Quinn goes home, she cries.


Julian and Brooke dinner.

JULIAN: So, you had a good day?

BROOKE: If it's affirmation you're fishing for, Mr. Baker, fish no more. I'm sorry I've been so up and down lately. They say the only thing that's worse than being poor is being rich and then poor. And I certainly haven't handled it well.


BROOKE: Mm-hmm. You know, the people that say those kinds of things. They would probably also say that I'm still richer than I've ever been... Because no matter how much money I have in my bank account, I know that my dreams can still come true because I'm with you.

JULIAN: That's my girl.

BROOKE: And it didn't even come from "Hitch."

JULIAN: You should know that... I plan on making every one of your dreams come true, for richer or poorer, even the last one on that list.

BROOKE: Which one's that?

JULIAN: I will give you a baby, Brooke Davis. Whatever it takes...fertility, adoption... Kidnapping. I can't wait to have a family with you.

BROOKE: J'adore.

JULIAN: Wow. One day, and you're already speaking French?

BROOKE: Mm. And I've already picked out my favorite french word.


BROOKE: Fiance.

JULIAN: You'll have to learn the word for "husband" soon.

BROOKE: Not soon enough. Aah!


Haley goes home. Nathan and Jamie sleep.

NATHAN: How was the concert?

HALEY: Mm. It was great. Erin was awesome. How was class?

NATHAN: Outside animals can't fart inside.

HALEY: What?

NATHAN: It's gonna be okay. Jamie's a great tutor.

JAMIE: "Tutor." T-u-t-o-r. "Tutor."

NATHAN: There's an "o" in "tutor"?

HALEY: Mm-hmm.

NATHAN: Man, he's even a genius in his sleep.


Brooke finish to draw her wedding dress.

BROOKE: Voilà.


Kid Cudi comes to congratulate Erin.

KID CUDI: Yo. I was just heading out. You have fun tonight?

ERIN: Yeah. Tonight was amazing.

KID CUDI: Well, you know it only gets better from here on out, so...

ERIN: I bet.

KID CUDI: All right, I'll holler at you. Oh, Erin, you should know that your stuff's really great. Believe in it. You know what I mean? Just be you, do your thing. You'll be all right.

ERIN: Thanks.

KID CUDI: All right, babe. Peace.


Quinn launches the revolver in water.


Katie is back to Tree Hill. She is singing.

KATIE: “Mmmmmmmmmmmm you think you're gonna take me and put me on a shelf I'd rather die than see you with somebody else never gonna give you up no matter how you treat me never gonna give you up so don't you think of leavin'”

MAN(voice-over): Have you heard about this giant storm brewing down south? Looks like it's headed this way. Better get ready, because things are gonna get crazy.

End of the episode.