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05x18 - Goodbye Norma Jean - April 4, 1960

Posted: 08/30/22 11:00
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could time travel
within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped
into the Quantum Leap accelerator...

and vanished.

He awoke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own...

and driven by an unknown force
to change history for the better.

His only guide on this journey is Al,
an observer from his own time,

who appears in the form of a hologram
that only Sam can see and hear.

And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong...

and hoping each time
that his next leap...

will be the leap home.

Oh, you're so lucky.
I would just k*ll for your job.

- You would?
- What's she like?

I mean, really like-- in private?

Uh, well, she's, uh--
she's a little hard to describe.

Spending every day with her,
getting to know the real person--

- Yeah.
- Here she comes!

- We love you! We love you!
- Marilyn? Miss Monroe?

- Stay back there, please.
- Marilyn?

Come on, Dennis.
Take me away from all this.

Oh, boy.

Some quantum leaps
are like nightmares--

getting pummeled in a boxing ring,
working on a chain g*ng--

so if you'd told me I'd find myself
chauffeuring Marilyn Monroe...

around Hollywood
in a big V8 convertible,

I'd say I'd died and gone to heaven.

I was only a kid when Marilyn
was at her peak,

but in college I used to love
sneaking off to the movies...

so I could get lost in the magic
of those big, luscious blue eyes.

Al, on the other hand,
had been around for the real thing--

Marilyn's sensational marriages
and love affairs,

her tours with the troops,

her meteoric rise
and her sudden, tragic fall.

Right now, though,
everything seemed fine.

Marilyn was getting ready
to start her next big picture,

and she was on top of the world.

Something in her eyes,
something in her voice...

told me she was a woman in trouble,

and I wondered just how far away we were
from the dark day the world would lose...

one of its brightest stars--

the day we all lost Marilyn Monroe.

Dennis, be a sweetie
and grab the mail, okay?



Al, what am I doing here?

- Who cares?
- "Who cares?"

Oh, no. I mean-- I mean, who knows?
I mean, we don't know yet.

Look, will you please get a handle
on your hormones and find out?

- I'm very nervous here.
- You're nervous?

- Yes.
- You're the luckiest guy on the planet.

Are we anywhere near
the date of Marilyn's su1c1de?


- Geez, you're right. We're close to it.
- That's what I thought.

Don't you think you should go
back and give Gooshie a hand?

You think you're here to
keep her alive, maybe?

- Just go, all right?
- Okay.

Uh, I'm gonna do a lot of observing
on this leap.

Of course, they still
haven't signed a leading man.

Naturally my agent asked
for casting approval.

Hello, Miss Monroe.

Who are you?
Please get out of my house.

We had an appointment...

for an hour ago.

- We did?
- I'm Barbara... Whitmore.

You did tell your agent you needed
a secretary, a gofer, an assistant.

Actually, George told me
I should hire someone.

Tired of my being late
for everything, I guess.

I know I should
have waited outside,

but the gardener saw me
waiting for a half an hour...

and he let me in.

Really, I'm very embarrassed.

I'm sorry, honey,
but I'm not hiring today.

Sure you are. I mean,
you know, you should be.

It's amazing to me that somebody as busy
and as important as you...

doesn't have someone
looking out for her appointments,

keeping her affairs in order,
providing companionship.

It's not good to be alone.

I get by okay.

Well, sure, "get by."
But I mean--

I'm sure Miss Monroe doesn't lack
for companionship.

But I can promise that I would be
very efficient, Miss Monroe,

and you'll never even know
that I'm here.

Besides, it would give you a chance
to concentrate...

on the things that make you happy--

the new script, picking that leading man.

It would be so much more
than just a job to me, Miss Monroe.

What I mean is, I have admired you
for as long as I can remember--

your art, your performances.

Most of my performances
aren't worth remembering.

Oh, no.
No, they're all worth remembering.

I even rented one of your old apartments.
You know, the Voltaire on Crescent Heights?

I can't really afford it,

but I figured it was as close
as I'd ever get to meeting you.

Now here I am.
I'm-I'm talking to you in the flesh.

At least I can say I met you.


I'll pay you 75 a week, 50 with
room and board if you'll live here.

Here? With-With you?

There are more bedrooms
than even I can use.

Oh, you won't be sorry,
Miss Monroe.

Where do you want this stuff?

Oh. Uh, right there.

- Okay.
- Thanks.

Uh, where's the rest?

- That's it.
- What do you mean, "That's it"?

Two suitcases and a cardboard box
is your whole life?

My whole life is Marilyn.

Doesn't sound too fulfilling.

Are you kidding?

I've seen every film she's ever made,

from Dangerous Years
to Let's Make Love--

most of them two or three times.

- What's your favorite?
- Uh, Some Like It Hot.

Oh. I like Bus Stop.

Well, look, I'll-I'll get out of
your hair here. Okay? Let you unpack.

I can't believe I'm actually here,
in her house.

- Me either.
- Oh, my God.

Marilyn is the whole reason
I left Tyrone.

Your boyfriend?

No. My hometown.

- Tyrone, Ohio.
- Oh. Sorry.

Was your family upset,
you moving so far away?

Yeah. See,

I got married when I was 17 years old,

and Bobby joined the air force,
and he was sent over to Germany.

One morning a telegram came.

He was k*lled in a training exercise.

I'm sorry.

Mama and Daddy--
They held this wake.

Everybody in town
was feeling sorry for me.

I-I couldn't stand it.

The Prince and the Showgirl was playing
at the Palace walk-in on Main Street,

so I snuck out of the house, I paid
my 65 cents and I sat in the dark.

I stayed through four shows.

Changed the course
of my whole life.

Uh-- come on. I mean, you can't base your
whole life on an image on the screen.

- Why not?
- Because it isn't real.

Marilyn is better than real.

She's the most amazing woman
in the whole world.

Is it true?

- What?
- What they say--

You know, about her being involved with
a certain senator from Massachusetts?

- Oh, right. Well, uh--
- Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
You don't have to answer that.

I wouldn't want you
to betray her trust.

Look, I admire Marilyn a lot,

but I think you could us
a little, uh,

more perspective.

Oh, come on.
Haven't you ever had an idol?

Me? Uh, well, sure.

- Who?
- "Who?"


Albert Einstein.


- I--
- What?

I would just say that I'm a lot closer
to my idol than you are to yours.

Oh, but Albert Einstein is--

Sam, we gotta talk.

Uh, why don't you call me
if you need anything else, okay?


- See you later.
- All right.

What's wrong?

What's wrong is
that you were right.

There's only four days
until Marilyn's su1c1de.

And I'm here to stop it?

Well, there was so much mystery
surrounding Marilyn's death...

that Ziggy's afraid
to make a guess.

But what else could it be?

We're talking about some pretty...

major history changing here, Al.

Hey, we're in
the wrong-righting business,

and Marilyn's death was one of the
big-time wrongs in our lifetime,

and there was a lot of us that never
bought it as a su1c1de in the first place.

All right, look. I want you to get
Ziggy, and get me an answer right now.

Am I here to stop Marilyn's death?
Yes or no.

92.4% sure.

For the next few days
I was Marilyn's shadow,

and my strategy
seemed to be paying off.

Barbara turned out to be
a great companion,

and Marilyn ate up
the constant flattery.

But Marilyn was also a night owl.

Her appetite for high living
and champagne...

was matched only by her stamina
for partying hard and long--

and I wasn't sure how much more
of it I could take.

But I didn't dare leave her alone.


- Al, why do you always do that to me?
- Oh, God, you gotta come quick.

- What? What is it?
- You gotta come. It's Marilyn Monroe.

- Where?
- At the pool.

Oh, I hope you're not too late.


Sam, hurry, hurry, hurry!

Sam, look at that.

Well, good morning.

- Is something wrong?
- Uh--

- You brought me out here for this?
- Are you kiddin'?

It's like looking at Helen of Troy
or Botticelli's Venus. Naked.

- Right.
- Wrong.

It's okay. You can look now.

I didn't mean to offend you.

Oh, no, you didn't offend me.

I-I was just, uh, leaving anyway.

I had to go to the, uh, garage,
to see if there was any...

you know, gas in the car.

The garage is that way.

But I needed to get a little
exercise. That's why I was running.

Well, then, come on in.

- Yes!
- No.

No, thank you.

I never thought I'd see the day
a man turns me down for a skinny-dip.

I must be losing it.

No, you're not. No.

You're not losing it. You--

- You got lots of it.
- Lots.

- Lots and lots of it.
- Lots and lots and lots.

Y-You're terrific.

- How you feeling today anyway?
- Who, me?

- Yeah.
- Just wonderful.

It's a beautiful day, a new house,


- Who needs a life?
- You do.

- I mean--
- I'll get it.

Oh, double your pleasure,
double your fun.

Our choirboy is too
bashful to swim au naturel.

- How sweet.
- True, but not much fun.

Do you really think you should be
drinking champagne before breakfast?

This is breakfast.
You did a good job on your makeup.

- A little bit too much eyeliner though.
- Can you help me?

- Sure.
- Great.


- Thanks.
- Uh-huh.

Oh, Dennis?
Have the car ready in an hour.


I think I'll be in
the mood for a ride.


I hate towels.

What made you decide
to study acting?

Watching my own movies.

I love this place.

I must have seen Rebel Without
a Cause at least five times.

That's right. This is it.

That's-- That was
here. Rebel Without--

The Hollywood sign.

That was a great movie, with the hot
rods and-and the chicken thing at the end.

- Mm-hmm.
- Man.

Poor James Dean. Sometimes I think
I'll go like him-- young and fast.

Don't say that.

I'm kind of surprised you're
getting away with this.

With what?

With being out in the public, you know,
without being spotted.

Only Marilyn Monroe
gets spotted.

Today I'm Norma Jean Baker.

Come on, boys.
Here we go.

They look like little angels.

I always wanted a family.

- You too, right?
- Who me?

No way.

But you did when you were married.

I mean, I know you had
a tough childhood,

and sometimes that makes people want
to do better by their own children.

I bounced around foster homes
like a Ping-Pong ball.

Think I want to put some
poor kid through that?

What makes you think you would?
You'd be a great mother.



Marilyn, look, I know
that for every good thing...

that this life has given you,
it's also given you--

A punch in the nose?
A thorn for every rose?

Something like that, yeah.

Those are clichs, Dennis.
They don't play.

Look, I'm not trying
to be a writer.

I'm just--
I'm just trying to tell you that...

your life can be so wonderful,
if you let it.

You've gotta hang on to it
with everything you've got.

- What's gotten into you?
- People adore you.

"Adore." That's great if you're
some kind of a stone statue.

No, no, look.
That's not what I meant.

People really care about you.

You're one of the most loved people
in the world...


Then why can't I feel it?

I don't know.

Just promise me
you won't stop trying.

Give me a few minutes
alone, okay?

How's she doing?

I don't know if
I'm reaching her.

You better keep
a close eye on her.

You know, her cause of death
was listed as--

I know. Barbiturate overdose.
You've only told me five times.

And you don't have to
remind me what happens

when you mix downers
and champagne.

- Well, it's bad.
- Al?

Would you think I was
crazy if I told you that--

If you told me what?

Never mind.

I'd say welcome
to the human race, Sam.

Every man that ever met her
fell in love with her.

Just take good care of her
and don't let her die.

Nobody that beautiful
should ever die.

I wore this for you, Mr. Senator.

Look what I didn't wear.

Barbara? Barbara?

Be a dear and pour me
a drink, hmm?

How about if I fix you
a snack instead?

- A sandwich maybe?
- Party pooper.


Come on. I--
I just feel like, you know--

Oh, come on.
Leave the champagne alone.

- Barbara?
- Honey, no.

Right here.

Be a love and get Peter Lawford
on the phone, will you?

Oh, he called while you were out
about his party this afternoon.

What party?

Peter's throwing one of
his famous beach bashes.


Yeah, but weren't you just
saying that you were tired?

That's right,
so I'm calling to cancel.

- Oh, great.
- You can't cancel now.

I mean, he was so counting
on you to be there.

Peter will be drunk by sundown.
He won't even miss me.

Well, he sort of hinted that maybe
there would be some guests there...

that you wouldn't want to miss.

Think he meant from out of town.

From back East?

From Washington, D.C.?

Would that be who I think it is?

Did he say what time?

He said whatever
time you could make it.

He's kind of a flirt, isn't he?

Oh, Peter? Shameless.
Why? Did he get fresh with you?

Oh, no, no.
He was perfectly polite.

Just playful. He actually asked
if maybe I could go along with you,

but I told him I couldn't
possibly do that.

- Why not? Do you have plans?
- No, I just wouldn't dream of--

I-I wouldn't want to horn in.

Who's horning in?

I can't. I don't have anything to
wear. No dress, no bathing suit.

I only have a hundred.
I think I can loan you one.

Sam, this is not good.

Lawford's parties were legendary--
sex, booze, dr*gs.

- What are you gonna do?
- I don't know.

Tell you what though.

I want you to have Ziggy check on
Barbara Whitmore from Tyrone, Ohio, okay?

Is that little doggie of yours still
messing up the living room carpet?

As a matter of fact, she is.

- Read the new script yet?
- Half of it.

Uh, she liked it.

I mean, you did like it,
didn't you?

Take it, darling,
and offer me the lead.

I think you should take it. I mean,
I think you should take the picture.

Well, no offense.
I'm sorry, I mean--

I didn't mean that--
I mean, I didn't--

I meant-- Oh, God.

She should give you
the part if she wants to.

I didn't say that.
I'm just saying-

Look, why don't you quit
while you're behind?

Don't mind Dennis. As a critic,
he's a wonderful chauffeur.

I'm just saying that I think
she should take the movie.

The public is crying
for a new Marilyn Monroe movie.

After my last picture,
they're just plain crying.

Don't say that, darling.
They love you.


I'll wait downstairs.

So, why haven't I
seen you here before?

I'm new in town.

But didn't I see you come in
with Marilyn Monroe?

Yes. We're friends.

Good afternoon.

Gentlemen, how are you?
Nice to see you.

- Isn't that John Huston?
- In the flesh.

One of the all-time greats.

Oh, he's someone
I would really like to meet.

That's no problem at all.

I'm starting a film tomorrow.

I'd like to do that very much.

- Mr. Huston, this is Barbara.
- Hello.

- She's with Marilyn.
- How do you do?

Mr. Huston, it is such
a pleasure to meet you.

I just think your
work is so wonderful.

Thank you.

I've seen all your movies
at least two or three times.

- How come you're not with Marilyn?
- I'm just the hired help, remember?

Yeah, you see the other hired help? She's
over there acting like the guest of honor.

Sid, this is Barbara Whitmore.
She wants to be an actress.

What did you come up with?

Uh, not much.
We've got problems.

You sure she said Tyrone, Ohio?
There's no Tyrone, Ohio.

- There's a Tyrone, Kansas.
- Oh, well, try that then.

I did. Came up with a Wentworth
and a Wendling, but no Whitmore.

Maybe it's her married name.

She said she was married to a
flyer who died overseas in training.

That's still gonna be tough, because
Defense is very stingy with their info.

Do we have a doctor here?

- It's Marilyn, isn't it.
- Don't bother me now. I need a doctor.

I am a doctor.

What's wrong?

- Is she all right?
- Is she gonna be all right?

Oh, my God, Al.
There's no pulse.

What are you doing? Good
God, man, you're crushing her.

Now stop that.

I know what I'm doing.

- You're her bloody driver.
- I'm trying to save her life.

For God's sake.

My brother-in-law's on his
way. He's running for president.

If she dies--

Sam, I think she's comin' around.

Okay, easy.

- Thank God.
- Look, just breathe.

What did you give her?

Give her?

Damn it, man,
what did you give her?

She begged me for a
couple of Nembutals.

I-I only gave her one.
There's more in the medicine cabinet.

- She may have found them.
- Dr. Pullbrook's on his way.

Don't just stand there.
Go down and start a cold bath, okay?

Then get some coffee

and mix up the vilest mess of
things you can find in the kitchen--

vinegar and molasses,
anything, all right?

- But why?
- To induce vomiting. Now go!

We've gotta keep her conscious
until the doctor gets here.

That's it. Come on. Come on.

Easy, easy. Okay.
Just take-- That-a-girl.

That-a-baby. Okay.

Easy. Okay.

The doctor finally arrived...

and told us Marilyn
was gonna be okay,

but he left us with strict orders
to make sure she stayed sober...

and got plenty of rest.

I'd saved her life,
but I still hadn't leaped,

so now I didn't have a clue
as to what I was supposed to do.

Good morning.

- What's cooking?
- Scrambled eggs.

- You like 'em?
- It smells absolutely... revolting.

Come on, come on.

Doctor's orders.

Dr. Dennis?

- That's me. Dr. Dennis.
- Hmm.

- Madam.
- Mmm. Thank you.

May I?


Oh, come on. Come on.
You're gonna hurt my feelings.

Pretty great, right?

Oh, it's not that bad.

You saved my life.

I just kept you up and walking around
till the doctor got there, that's all.

No. No, no, no, no.

I read somewhere,
in Africa-- or Asia--

that when someone
saves your life,

they're responsible for you
for as long as you live.

Yeah, but this is California.

That's where it was.



Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Marilyn, we can't do this.

- Yes, you can.
- No. Please. Listen to me.

It's not that I don't want to.

I mean, every man
on the planet wants you.

They don't want me.

They want Marilyn.

But I'm not her.

She's somebody that I put on, like
a cashmere sweater or a mink coat.

Somehow I think you're
the first man I've ever met...

that really understands that.

I'm sure there were others too.
I just-- Maybe you weren't listening.

I listened.

Men didn't.


I am very,

very flattered...

that you feel this way,

and, uh,

I care about you a great deal.

I mean, you are the most
incredibly attractive woman that--

But I can't let myself
get involved with you.

It wouldn't be fair
to either one of us.

Why not?

If I told you that,
you'd think I was crazy.

- Try me.
- Look.

A lot of people have let you down--

too many people--

and as much as I'd like to,

I can't promise you
that I'd always be there for you.

Marilyn. Don't--

You're a stronger man than I am.

- Going somewhere?
- Out for a walk.

Thought you might like
some orange juice.

This is a mimosa.

It's very, very weak.
I'm sorry.

My dad always said it was
the easiest way to taper off.

- I'll go fix it plain, if you like.
- Mmm.

You know, I'd never even tried
champagne until I met you.

If you say so.

I can't thank you enough
for all you've done for me.

It's nothing.

You've been my friend.

You have introduced me to
the most wonderful people.

I just can't wait
till you feel better

so we can take Mr. Lawford
up on his invitation.

What invitation?

Dennis didn't tell you?

Peter invited us up to the
CalNeva for as long as you like.

Dennis didn't tell me anything.

Oh. Well, he's worried
about you.

Anyway, Frank Sinatra
is going to be singing,

and apparently he
wanted you especially--

Stop it, Barbara.

What do you think you're doing?

We're discussing Peter's
invitation to me.

- Do you have a problem with that?
- Yes, I do.

I don't think that a jet-set casino is
any place for someone in your condition.

Well, I don't pay you
to make those decisions.

No, you don't, but you pay your
doctor to, and he agrees with me.

Besides, you're supposed to start rehearsal
for your new movie tomorrow, right?

Nursemaid, cop, driver--
Is there anything you don't do?

I'm responsible for you, remember?

Africa, Asia, California?

As I recall, that was one job
you didn't want.

Don't be too hard on him, Marilyn.

- He means well.
- Everyone means well.

- Not everyone.
- What do you mean?

Ask her.

- I don't know what he means.
- The hell you don't.

Tell her.

Tell her that your real name
is Mary Jo Vermullen.

You're not from Tyrone, Ohio.
You're from Pasadena, California.

And you've been in the Actors Guild
since you were 12 years old.

Dennis, why are you
saying these things?

Because Marilyn deserves
to hear the truth.

You've been lying to her.
I want to know why.

You're being ridiculous.
This girl is no actress.

No? She conned you
into going to Lawford's party.

- She didn't con me.
- Sure, she did.

So that she could go too.

So that she could meet John
Huston or somebody like him.

"I don't have anything to wear.
I don't want to horn in."

- Dennis, that's enough! That's enough!
- Ask her about her late husband,

the flyer who
crashed over Germany.

The one who doesn't exist.
What was his name?

Dennis, I've never been married.

She told me this whole story...

about being married
and being widowed young,

and her parents didn't understand.

- She told you too, right?
- This is the first I've heard of it.

You're not the only one.

Don't you see?
She's trying to use you.

She's never asked
me for anything.

There's no such place as
Tyrone, Ohio.

- She made the whole thing up.
- Get out, Dennis.

- What?
- You heard me. You're fired.

- Marilyn, just listen to me.
- If you don't want me, that's one thing,

but you're not gonna tell me where
to go, who to see, what to do,

and you are not going to hurt
this sweet kid.

Now be out by the morning
or I'm calling the police.

Good morning, Sam.

I got fired.

- You got fired?
- That's right.

When I left, Marilyn was
practically proposing to you.

What ha--

- Oh, a woman scorned?
- There was more to it than that, Al.

Barbara set me up.

After I brought her in-- I mean,
how stupid could I have been?

I thought she'd help Marilyn.

No, the only one that Barbara
would help is herself.

Did you tell Marilyn what
we learned about her?

Sure. Sure, I did. I told her
everything, but she didn't buy it.

I tried to talk to her all night long,
but she locked herself in her bedroom.

I know she was in there
getting plastered again.

And I'll bet Barbara
was doing the pouring.

What am I gonna do?

Come on, Ziggy.

- What's wrong with Ziggy?
- She's just acting temperamental.

She says the Hollywood types
are too unpredictable to predict.

The farthest she'll go is to say that it's
something to do with Marilyn's new movie.

And she can't be any
more specific than that?

No. It's not clear.

You see, in the original history,
Marilyn finished the movie,

but now there's a 78.3% chance that
she doesn't finish the film. I dunno.

It's gotta be Barbara.

Right? I mean, she's the one variable
that I brought into this thing.

Is Marilyn ready to work?

Well, she better be.
She's got a rehearsal today.

Look. I'm gonna go get her
on her feet.

- You go find Barbara.
- Okay.

It's 10 after.
I'm sure she'll be here any second.

You don't know Marilyn.

They should have given her
her own time zone.

John, I called her house.

Got no answer,
so she must be on her way.

Not necessarily.

Look, Junior, I'm not your problem.

I know Marilyn well enough
to be patient.

Uh, he's a different story.

Excuse me.

This is a closed rehearsal.

Oh, I know.
That's why I'm here.

Hi. I'm Barbara Whitmore.
Marilyn Monroe's assistant.

We met at Peter Lawford's.

I told you how much I
admired the performance

you got out of Marilyn
in The Asphalt Jungle.

Well, the woman does have
some talent of her own.

I know, but not every director
can find it.

- Where is Marilyn?
- She's...

indisposed today.

- "Indisposed"?
- It's not serious,

but she didn't want
to hold things up either.

That's why she sent me.

She and I have been working
on the script together.

We've been rehearsing scenes, and I've
been taking down her notes for the rewrite.

Why, you lyin' little--

Marilyn says I know the
material backwards and forwards.

She said I should
stand in for her today.

We don't need a stand-in.
We need our star.

Look, I know I'm not
Miss Monroe, but--

Actually, Junior, I would
like to hear the words aloud.

You got any opinion on this, Clark?

Beats waiting for the princess.


Marilyn, come on. Wake up.

- You gotta go to rehearsal.
- Leave me alone.

Come on. You gotta get
up and go to rehearsal.

I fired you yesterday.
It's none of your business.

You are my business,
and you are going to rehearsal.

Now come on.

Come on. Wake up.

How come you're not turning
your back this time, choirboy?

Because we've got work to do.

Now let's go. Come on.

Come on. That's it.

- Let's go.
- Oh, I think I'm gonna throw up.

No, you're not. Come on.

Come on.

Hey, turn that shower off. It's cold.

Maybe the problem is
you're just not used to it yet.

No, the trouble is, I always end up
right back where I started.

No one ever cared about me.

What about your mother?
You had her, right?

How do you have someone
who isn't even there?

She'd go off with some man
for months at a time.

You know how long
a month is to a kid?

- This is hot!
- All right, all right, all right.

Just-Just put it down--
For a second.

Just let it cool down
for a minute.

All right. Let's try again. Okay?

"Maybe the problem is
that you're just not used to it yet."

- Come on, Marilyn. It's your line.
- Oh, leave me alone.

- Come on. Just try. Please?
- Leave me alone.

Marilyn, listen to me.
Now come on.

The lights are on. The
camera's rolling. You're on.

- Now, maybe the problem is--
- The problem is that I am still stoned,

and I'm sick,
and I can rehearse tomorrow.

Sam, you were right.

That little hussy's down at the
studio right now with Huston and Gable,

and she's reading Marilyn's lines.

The problem is
there may not be a tomorrow,

because right now there's
a young, beautiful girl...

named Barbara Whitmore
with Gable and with Huston,

and she's reading your lines,
she's standing in your shoes,

doing everything she
can to convince them

that you're an unreliable,
undependable drunk.

How do you know where she is?

Trust me. I just do.
Now come on.

Just like you knew all those
other horrible things about her?

Everything I told you about her
was the truth.

And here's more.

I don't know why, but...

you've gotta make this picture.

There'll be other pictures.

I don't know
about the other pictures,

but this one will never come again,

and this one needs you.

It's needs a brash, beautiful,
glorious, untamable misfit.


Come on.

"The problem is...

you're just not used to it yet."

No, the problem is I always end up
back where I started.

No one ever really cared about me.

You mean, you don't have a plane to catch
or school to teach or something?

Me, a teacher?

I didn't even get
through the eighth grade.

That's real good news.


Smart women
ask too many questions.

Always trying to figure a man out.

Maybe they just want
to know you better.

Well, there's only one way to
get to know a man better, honey.

You mean you'd lie?

Maybe not.

Then again, maybe I would.

And... cut.

- That works pretty well for me.
- I don't understand you guys.

There's only one Marilyn Monroe,
and those are her lines!

Why don't we try the scene
where I ask you to stay with me?

I think Gable's interested in her.

Well, of course he is.
Aren't you?

Look. If Marilyn can't pull herself
together, maybe we can get Liz.

- Call her agent when we're through.
- Yeah.

In the meantime,
keep your mouth shut, Junior.

You're liable to get credit
for discovering the starlet.

I hope you can stay on here.

Any chance?

Would it make any difference?

It might make all the difference.

Shall we dance?

I haven't danced like this... ever.

Not even with your wife?

She was nothing like you.

She had no style, no grace.

Why didn't you teach
your wife to be graceful?

- May I cut in?
- Not a moment too soon.

Cross your fingers.

You were saying?
Well, I, uh-- I--

Why didn't you teach her
to be graceful?

Well, gracefulness isn't something
you can teach or learn.

You've either got it or not.

How do you know for sure?

Your wife died before
she ever got to see you dance.

Somehow, at this moment, I don't
feel like discussing my wife.

What I meant was,

when you really love someone,

you both should be willing
to teach each other everything.

We're all dying. Aren't we?

All of us.

Old folks...

and kids,

husbands and wives,

and we're not learning a damn thing.

Barbara, why don't you
get us all some orange juice?

- That was lovely.
- Well, that's it, Sam.

Marilyn does the film, and a lot of people
say it's the best work of her career.

Um, and, uh, get this--

They re-title the film
at Marilyn's insistence--

because of something that you said.

- What do they name it? The-
- The Misfits.

What about Marilyn?

She dies in August, 1962.

Barbiturate overdose
and alcohol complications.

But that's the same thing
that hap--

I know. There's some
things you just can't fix.

Are you telling me that I saved her
life so she could be in one last picture?

- But what a picture.
- Dennis.



No, don't--

Samuel? What's wrong?

It was him. He was here.

- Who was here?
- Bigfoot.

- "Bigfoot"?
- I swear it was him.

Oh, boy.