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04x04 - The Big Thaw

Posted: 08/30/22 14:07
by bunniefuu
[Liquid Pouring]

[Crockett Sighs]
Places like this used to give me
the willies when I was a kid.

Holding pens for people
waitin' to die.

Yech. This stuff's ice cold.

Thermos must've been broken.

Okay, we're on, finally.

What the hell happened to you?
Did you stop for a snow cone, waffle-head?

You guys ever have to get
Judge Franklin out of bed to issue?

That must be a wonderful sight.
Plus, he didn't think we had zip.

Not even with the three deliveries
of chemicals?

He says we have no indication
whether they're restricted.

[Tubbs] Why'd he do it?
I told him I knew Mrs. Franklin
from the police auxiliary league.

I guess maybe that 20-year-old
was not his niece.

Any backup?
[Crockett] Nobody's been in or out
of this joint all night.

[Mice Squeaking]

Resync By Chuck :D

[Metal Clattering]

Hey, guys.
I think we found a lab.

Hmm. Glycerol,
dimethyl sulfoxide—

Mannitol heparin,

liquid nitrogen.

[Beeping Continues]
This is no ordinary drug lab.
This is all medical equipment.

What the heck is that?

Oh, my God.

It's Robillard Nevin.
The dead reggae singer?

I'll be damned.

He looks a little stoned.

He is. Stone-cold frozen.

What the hell's
going on here?

Oh, watch out for that ductwork
there on the floor.

Hey, Dio, clean off
Sonny's desk, will you?

I don't know why
I always get stuck with this.

Yeah, well, if it's remains,
it's mine.

I wanted it, but they're telling me it falls
in the cracks, so I can't touch it.

Yeah, well, I wish they'd decide
whether he's alive or dead.
We got enough junk around here.

What, are they finally giving
you guys new air-conditioning?

Yeah, right in the middle
of a heat wave, the bozos.

You were there for chemicals, Crockett,
for which I've got receipts.

So? Stuff the complaint box.

Hey! Take a little care.
I've got— I-I-

You crack this thing, I've got
a decomposed client on my hands.

Judge Franklin wants us
to hold on to the capsule.

He'll be issuing orders tomorrow
regarding the status of the body.
How long will that hold?

No problem.
Ninety days on a full charge—

It's hermetically sealed,
If nobody drops it.

It's not gonna pose
a health hazard.
[Crockett] What do you call this thing?

A cryonic capsule.
If it's a corpse, you're lacking proper
documentation for transporting it.

He's not a corpse!
Mr. Nevin is a patient.
He's been cryogenically frozen.

Hey, look, you can't tell me
that this body's not dead.

- [Switek]
Yeah, he's on Venus.
- Good, Stan. Very good.

Well, that's what the rock underground
said when Nevin dropped out of sight.

Robillard Nevin, when he disappeared,
left specific orders for secrecy.

He has been specifically prepped
to be thawed and reanimated.

Now you don't really expect us
to believe that you're gonna
breathe life into this Popsicle.

For your information,
Mr. Detective,

I have spent the last three years studying
at the feet of the greatest cryobiologist
in the Western Hemisphere—

namely, Dr. Alfred S. Poe.

And it is he, who with my assistance,
will breathe life into this suspended soul.

And that is absolute fact.

Absolute fact is it's 2:00 a.m.,
this is Organized Crime Bureau,
and you're on your way home.

Take this guy out of here. No press.

Rock-and-roll fanzines find out
we got Robillard Nevin,
they'll surround the building.

This is supposed to be
an undercover operation.

It'll be a pleasure.
You heard the man.
You're outta here.

Small minds, guys.
Small minds.

This is immortality
staring you in the face.

Never thought it'd
be so unattractive.

Come on, let's go. Stan,
finish that up for me, will you?

You driving, Tubbs?
Yeah. Good night, Robbie,
wherever you are.

Switek, get it off the desk.

We're gonna find out
who owns this and get rid of it fast.

I want everybody on this.

Up! Yeah. Now, Lazarus here...

has been under sedation all morning,
under submission all morning.

Came out.
Personality completely intact.

Here. Come on, Lazarus.
Up. Up. Up. Up. Up.
[Snapping Fingers]

Fine. Good. Now—
How long was he frozen?

Forty-five minutes.
Now, Methuselah here—
Look, seven times.

Seven times.

We figure she's good for at least
a couple more, don't we, sweetheart?

[Cat Hisses]

Very appropriate, Dave.


What the hell are
you doin' here?

Amigos. ?Qué pasa?

Get away from me.

[Speaking Spanish]
What the hell are
you doing here?

Investing in the future, man,
or whatever you need.

Now this is a guy
I'll pay to deep-freeze.

I am completely impervious
to any kind of ridicule.

- [Beeps]
- Dr. Poe is a man of pure genius.

Unfortunately, he has forgotten
how to feed hisself.


Where did you trip onto this guy?

He was delivering pizza.
Dr. Poe liked him, so he stayed.

Well, you haven't explained how
you got Robillard Nevin's body.

We were hired.
You and Poe?

Yes, by Nevin.

See, we were on call for the tour.

See, Nevin always thought that
that grim ferryman was right behind him.

So you actually think that you can pull
Nevin's body out of the deep freeze
like a piece of chicken and defrost it.

Well— [Stammering] That's a little more
complicated than that, but that's close.

You see, the clinical definition of death...

is not the absence of heartbeat.

People are brought back from that state
every day, and the heart restarted.

Nor is it the absence of
alpha wave main activity.
That can be resumed also.

No. You see,

as long as the body is organically intact
and not decomposed,

it can be reanimated.

Smaller bites, Izzy.

The guy drools an awful lot
for a genius, you know.

Well, how did Nevin die?
I mean, what did he die from?

Fugu poisoning.

Yeah, blowfish stew.
It's a delicacy in Japan.

Unfortunately, it's occasionally lethal.

Culinary Russian roulette.
No known antidote?

Not till last week.

Dr. Poe cracked it.

So you actually believe
that you can just thaw Nevin,

give him an antidote,
and get his heart back pumping again?

Yeah, just like a drowned person.

Only Nevin's been underwater
for a year and a half.

When's the thaw?

Well, it was supposed
to be today.

But now it's as soon as you can
give us Robillard Nevin's body back.

It's like the lieutenant said.

Whenever you can prove
that the body belongs to you,
you can have him back.

And then you can all join the circus
and take this freak show on the road.

That's it. I'm outta here.

Wait, wait, wait. Crockett.

[Door Closes]

I gave you a peek behind
the curtain of science, and you've
returned that with cynicism.

Well, that's 'cause
it's a con, Dave.

Life's a con, Crockett.
We're here for 15 minutes
and we die.

We're trying to improve that.

So what happens when you start thawing
and freezing people at random, huh?
Do all the rules go out the window?

You think that Newton played
by the rules or Einstein or Madam Curie?
[Phone Ringing]

I'm a pioneer.
I can't work in a straitjacket.

That's the best idea I've heard all day.
Let's go take a look at this tape.

You, get in.
What do you mean,
get in?

Get in!
[Engine Starts]

Dr. Poe's guests arrive
at 4:00 for the big thaw.

You don't have to pick 'em up.
I'll call later to explain
why we're late.

Make sure we've laid in
a supply of sake!

( ♪ What Is Life? - Black Uhuru ♪ )

So you wanna tell me
what we're lookin' at here?

Robillard's wife's attorney
had it delivered this morning.

Something about a monument to
the love and affection that existed
between his client and Robillard.

Supposed to be a testimony to
the emotional distress she suffered
in her search for her husband's remains.


[Drill Whirring]

Oh, God, Robbie.
Oh, Robbie.

[Sobbing Continues]

Oh, God.

Oh. Oh, no, no.

Put it someplace.

Oh, Robbie. Oh, Robbie.

For the record, your department's
lackadaisical attitude and insensitivity...

regarding the remains of
my client's deceased spouse...

has greatly increased the stress
already placed upon Mrs. Nevin.

We apologize.
We're not equipped with
an evidence lockup.

Um, pardon me,

but how did you track the body—
uh, Nevin— here?

This is supposed to be
an undercover unit.

We enjoined the medical examiner's office
to reveal Nevin's whereabouts.

Very persistent.

We've been on his tail ever since
he disappeared in Japan 18 months ago.

Rumor has it that he died.

Rumor. We weren't certain
until last night.

My husband used to drop out
of sight for months.

Your husband, for all intent and purposes,
was divorced from you.

Our romance was rekindled,
and we were headed to
a reconciliation when—

Divorce papers
were never filed.

Only because Rastas don't recognize
divorce on Western terms.

Why don't you tell 'em
why you're really here?
To finally place at rest...

the remains of my beloved Robillard.

What about the 30 million
other reasons?

I've been chasin' your con man booty
halfway around the world...

because I am entitled to that estate!

Not if I bring him back to life, lady!

Contain yourself, Esther.
You're overwrought!

I'm gonna overwrought that sucker
between the eyes!
That's enough.

And the geek in the gumball machine,
he is going into the ground in Jamaica
where he belongs.

And you, you get me my money
like you promised.

Another few days and you can discuss it
with your ex, live and in person!

Look out!

We do somethin' horrible
to deserve this?

She hasn't got a chance.

Robillard's gonna kick her out
when he gets back.

I mean, I don't know what he saw in her
to begin with, do you?

What the hell is this?

what's the call here?

I'm not sure.
Looks like poisoning.
Guy over there called it in.

That guy in the hat?

Hey, Crockett! What, is this guy
puttin' me out of business?
I can't have this body either?

You leave it.
Don't-Don't touch that body.

Hey, that's my body.
You stay away from it.

Don't touch that!
Izzy, what's goin' on here?

I didn't read far enough ahead. I mean,
it's kind of an allegorical, symbolical
early Bergman.

Oh, my God.

Hey, I need this body.
Homicide guys want a cause of death.

Izzy! Izzy, get some more ice, quick!
I gotta keep this body cold.

Come on, guys!
Help get some ice over there.
Come on!

Just put— Here. Take these buckets.
Put some ice on the—


Too late.

[Ice Rattling]

There's nothin'
you coulda done.

I should have been here.

Ah. I could have started
the freezing process sooner.

I let him down.

It's kind of ironic, you know.

World's greatest cryobiologist
misses out on his own immortality.

I believe that Poe knows
that you tried, wherever he is.

I want that woman tried
for the m*rder of Dr. Poe.

Bring her to justice.

You heard her today.
She's vicious, spewing threats.

She thinks if she gets Poe out of the way
she'd get Nevin in the ground...

because nobody else knows how
to run the big thaw.

Well, now, let's not jump
to conclusions here, Dave.

Look, it's not us.
Homicide's got the case.

It's our job to figure out
who owns the body.

A judge will issue an order.

Now, if it comes up that the Poe Institute
gets it, then Robillard Nevin—

dead, alive, frozen or freeze-dried
or otherwise— he's all yours.

- You studied with Poe
for a long time, no?
- [Dave] Huh?

The big thaw is within your grasp.
[Speaking Spanish]

Oh, well, yeah, but—
You have a responsibility to your client,
to your mentor, to your Maker.

A certain wisdom is needed here.
Just don't speak in parables.

A reanimated Robillard Nevin
will be a monument—

the ultimate monument to Dr. Poe.

You're not thinking of
bringing him back yourself,
are you?

There's a big difference between
making instant coffee and trying to bring
a Rastafarian back from the dead.

Not— Not—

Not if you've got
the instructions. Ha, ha!


Look, are you guys gonna have
this done by the next ice age?

Hey, we're doin' our best.
What happened
to the other guy?

Ah, he pulled off on
another job this morning.
I can't—

I can't tell heads or tails of
what's been done here before.

I'll tell you what's been done,

You guys have managed to turn
this place into a giant steam room.

It's like being held c*ptive
in a health club!

I hate steam rooms!
I hate health clubs! I hate health!

- I don't even like you!
- Stan!

[Shouting] What?!
You know,
that is your problem.

See, I treat my body like a temple,
and you treat your body
like an amusement park.

Well, what about Nevin's band members?

I mean, you think maybe one of them
had some reason for him staying dead?

I mean, if he is dead, because
cryogenically speaking, he is.
I'm getting a headache.

Well, every time Nevin disappears,
his band members follow suit,

citing lack of, uh, inspiration
without Nevin.

One of his band members plays in
this little club down in Coconut Grove.

The name is James Thaddaeus Davis.

Ladies, why don't you
track him down to the club?

That'll be it. Unless somebody
has something about Poe's death.

Assuming Esther and Scheck are still
the primary candidates, although
we have nothing to connect them yet.

We'll check on alibi
this afternoon.

Do that and solve this case.

Or drop it.
I'll give it to Homicide.

[Drill Whirring]
Switek, get rid of the body.

Hi there.
Your mommy and daddy home?

( ♪ Wings of a Dove -
Bob Marley and the Wailers ♪ )

- [Woman]
You come from social services?
- Miami Vice.

We're looking for James Davis.

He's not here.

It's about Robillard Nevin.


Your children?

Robbie's family be orbiting
round here. No place else to go.

I promise him I take care of them
should anything happen to him.

What about his wife?
None of these "chil" bore
by the Babylonian.

Pardon me?
She evil woman. She falsify.

Did Nevin ever disappear before?

Months. Months, man.

This latest thing in Japan though—

You mean you saw him
before he disappeared?

At supper. It was to be
the last night of the tour.

- And he got a hold of some bad fugu fish.
- Robbie always thought he was dying.

If he cough funny,
he call this Poe fella.

You mean he spoke to Poe in Japan?

And-And after that?

They took him away in the jet plane,
last we saw or heard.

And you never tried to contact him?
No idea how to.

So we come back here to wait.
Still waiting.

Still waiting.

Okay, thank you.

Very welcome, ma'am.

Irie, irie.


Forget about immortality.
Think about life extension.

Yeah, so?
So, suppose you die of
a particular illness—

terminal acne, whatever.

Then they freeze you
until they find a cure.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Then the whole process is repeated
until they finally find a cure for old age.

No, no, no. You-You're not trippin'
to the ultimate pragmatism of it.

- Pray tell?
- The point is, no risk.

( ♪ Mi Vieja - La Familia André ♪ )

Whether it works or not, it doesn't matter.
You're dead anyway.

The way I figure it,
the risk is if it does work.

What do you mean by that?
What do you think would happen to us
if we knew we were gonna live forever?

Well, we'd live out all of our dreams.
Work out, uh— live to our full potential.

No incentive.
No sense of uncertainty.

Hello, ladies.

Well, apparently,
Frobel's story's on the line.

His band members confirm
Poe's arrangements.

Plus we tracked down
a two million dollar bond
that Nevin put up.

To have Poe's "Cryonic Air"
Learjet stand by.

Then Poe might be on the level then.

And Frobel's gonna get Nevin's body.

Frobel was right about the money too.

Nevin's estate is reportedly
worth 30 million. That's including
his record and publishing rights.

But the catch for Esther is that
the Jamaicans won't distribute the funds
without a death certificate or a body.

And without one of those,
she don't get a cent.

Well, that certainly explains
her acute bereavement.

And Miss Thing tried the same thing
when he disappeared in '81.

[Phone Rings]

Yeah? Burnett.

Yeah, Mrs. Nevin and counsel
just hit one out of the ballpark.

- English, Stan.
- Scheck's secured a temporary restraining order...

against Frobel going near the capsule.

And the best part,

a federal court order giving Esther
possession of, uh, Nevin's body.

Esther got a federal court order
for Nevin's body?

On what grounds?

The desecration of Nevin's burial place
is a retroactive violation of his civil rights.

Violated his civil rights?
Because he wasn't buried?

Yeah, I know.
They conned the judge.

Hold on.
They conned the judge.

- That can be reversed.
- Can you imagine if they get
their hands on that capsule?

Within five minutes or more—
Ugh. Ooh.

By then Nevin's body is fly food.

Plus, not smelling so good.

Well, guys,

uh, they're right here, right now,
and they want Robillard.

Uh, stall 'em until we get there,
all right?


[Electricity Crackling]

Ladies, pick up the check,
will you, please?

Thank you.
Appreciate it.

Frankly, I fail to comprehend
your department's obsession
with this matter.

Our obsession lies in the fact that
we've been ordered to turn over
a disputed piece of evidence.

And we got a problem with that
because you people are suspects
in a related m*rder investigation.

We weren't anywhere near
that man that died.

But you did have probable cause.

Along with every other grieving relative
these cracks have bilked out of money.

That capsule stays where it is
until those papers are checked.
That's my rule.

Well, ticktock. Hey, gentlemen.
We're all getting older by the minute.

And you're wading right into
a civil suit, Detective.
Well, there you have it.

The papers are in order.
Judge Franklin wants
the transfer made.


Fine. That thing gives me the willies.
How are you gonna transport it?

I've arranged for a private ambulance
to meet us here.

You gotta sign here and here.

Very funny, guys.
Where is he?
Come on, Switek. Knock it off.

Get that damn body
and let's get it out of here.
I'm fed up with that thing.


This is great, Stan.
Just great.

This is some kind of plot
you're all in together.

Maybe he melted.

Oh, my God!

[Drill Whirring]

What? What?

No, no, no, not— Frobel!
How did they find us?

They received a phone call
that Nevin was here.

Get the word out that that's
what we're lookin' for.

All right. Good-bye.
Sonny, I need a signature.

Yeah, all right. What is—
Quiet in here!

What is this,
a freakin' circus or what?
[Man] You think we had a choice?

Yeah, you tell 'em Nevin's not here.
Yeah, well, it doesn't matter anyway
because they say he's here in spirit.


[Man #2]
Lieutenant Castillo?
No. No, uh, you got the wrong extension.

Hold on just a second.

You gotta get 'em outta here, Switek.
Get 'em out!

You got the commissioner on two.
I want that room cleared.

In the works.

All right. That's it.
Get down from there.
Come on. Let's go.

Let's go! All right, get all your guys
and get outta here right now.

It'll cost you overtime.
I don't care if it costs
a year's salary.

Out the door, folks.

Let's go. Good-bye.
Thank you! Good-bye.

Go lock that door. Go lock that door.
Don't let anybody back in here.

Oh, man.

Thirty million dollar lawsuit
for misappropriation of property,

and a 50 million dollar lawsuit
on Nevin's violation— civil rights.

I want the body.

How can he have rights?
He's a Popsicle.

Lieutenant Castillo?
Oh, Commissioner. Uh, no, sir.

You could try him at Lupe's Bar
in about, uh, five minutes though.

Okay. Yeah.

[Horns Honking]


[Honking Continues]


Frobel, listen. I no—
I no Icarus here, man.
I can't fly over this.

I'm pushin' the envelope as it is, eh?

We're on the move here, Izzy.
You gotta shift gears.
The Japanese are due in an hour.

All right, not to worry, not to worry.
I herald from a long line
of genetic inbreeding.

Cuban grand prix champions
dominate the familial pedigree.
Hang on a second.

I figured it was you
who took Robillard.

I want him back now.

In the higher interests of sci—
[g*n Cocks]


Come-Come in. Hey, Iceman.
Iceman— [Spanish]

Hey, you—
you-you're breaking up, man.

Frobel, I-I can't take this anymore.
Where is Robillard?

Where you can't get
your greedy hands on him.

He used to call you a philistine,
a Babylonian.

Shut up! Where is he?
Not here.

You'll never see him again.
Not till he walks in
and says to your face, "Get out!"

- You don't know how
to bring him back. Only Poe did.
- That's where you're wrong.

I found the instructions. Now it's me too.

Only you know how?

That's right. It's an exclusive,
and you can't stop me.


You okay, man? Come in.

Hey, come in, man.

Who is this?

[Horns Honking]

( ♪ What Is Life? - Black Uhuru ♪ )

Now, you mean, this-this, uh—
this living testimony here...

of the affection between them
convinced a federal magistrate...

that Robillard's rights were
being violated retroactively.

So therefore, Esther can put
the remains in the ground?

Speaking of which—

Yeah, all right.
Yeah, we're workin' on it.

You'd better be.
Otherwise this civil complaint
may blossom into criminality,

i.e., obstruction, collusion.

...where we'll have a report on
that Miami area scientist...

who will show us the body
of reggae star Robillard Nevin,

which has been frozen
for the past 18 months.

Here's Christy with the weather.
[Phone Rings]

Frobel. Frobel's got the body.

Thanks. Not anymore.
Thank you.

Yeah, Metro-Dade got a call
from a "sh*ts fired,"
and they found Frobel dead.

Then Nevin reverts to my client.

Oh, yeah?
Reverts from whom?

Yes, Detective Tubbs,
Vice Division.

Look, I don't care. Just put me through
to somebody in charge.

That's fine.

We were under the impression
it would be David Frobel,
but if he's dead—

Where's the interview taking place?
I don't know. He had arranged
to beam it in on his own.

Well, that's good.
Who the hell's got the body?

[Gas Hissing]

( ♪ Wake Up and Live -
Bob Marley and the Wailers ♪ )


Uh, 232 connector.
Turn on the power.

I got it. I got it.
Hey, what's so hard about that, huh?

The threshold of immortality.
"The future, Mr. Gitts. The future." Page two.

"Decrease pressure to anterior region
of the superior vena cava...

to alleviate the swelling upon perfusion
of the reservoir contents."


Who wrote this?
I don't understand it.


Ah, fame relentlessly beckons.

Places everyone. Let's go.

It's only me.
Don't worry about it, eh?


Okay, testing, one, two, three.

I can see those spider planes.
I can see those spider planes.

...Miami-area entrepreneur who
has contacted the heads of three
leading Japanese conglomerates.

Now, Channel 3 has obtained
an exclusive interview
with that entrepreneur.

And here with me now
is David Frobel.

Okay, the best thing we can do
is approximate the area of origin.

But it may be as large
as 20 to 30 miles.

Mr. Frobel?
Am I on?

- Good afternoon, Mr. Frobel.
- Ah, Moreno. Esai Moreno.

Cryobiologist to the stars.

Just having a cup
of Cuban coffee.


And I'd Just like to say it's a pleasure
to be "Live at 5:00" with you, Ken.

Judas priest.

Uh, I'm sorry. I thought
we were expecting David Frobel.

Mr. Frobel has, uh, had
a bad case of cold feet.
[Airplane Passing Overhead]

And I am, uh—
I am here in his stead.

Izzy has snatched Nevin.

Mr. Moreno, I'm sure you're aware of
the amount of controversy surrounding...

the disappearance and subsequent death
of Robillard, uh, Nevin.

Uh, a temporary condition.
Uh, again, I can assure you.

This from a guy who can't make toast.

Are-Are you suggesting that
we have the technological know-how...

to revive a frozen human body
in the near future?

That's a very good question.
Studio E.

Detective Tubbs.

I'd like to respond.

You've already heard the bad news.
Well, I've got the good news.

Yeah, some witnesses said
they saw a woman leaving the scene
that fit Esther's description.

Thanks, Switek.
Okay, good luck.

Which, of course, is Frankenstein
by Mary Shelley.

Looks like Esther did in Frobel.

Oh, beautiful.

I guess she's serious about
getting this body back.

And guess who's standing in her way?

Well, again, a person is dead only when
current technological wizardries...

can no longer save them.

And how does that apply
to Robillard Nevin?

Well, I'll tell you, uh, Ken, eh—
[Lazarus Barking]

Shh, shh, shh.

- [Barking]
- Just—Just put the sushi over there.

Uh, can I get some extra wasabi?
The money's on the table.

Just split the tip amongst
you all, okay?

You see, what we are witnessing here
is the dawning of a new age.

A deep understanding of
the juxtapositional processes of living,

dying, sleeping, eating, making money.

You see, we no longer, uh,
must we suffer the indignities...

and uncertainties of
the great voidness.

That total lack—
I told you to let things be.

That we'd handle this
through legal channels.
Do you listen? No.

It is time to turn a new page...

for humankind in our quest
for immortality.

Chapter 13— By thawing.
I'm leaving.

That's right, Ken.
Robillard Nevin, the greatest—
You should turn yourself—

Shut up.
I have designs on all of this.

You're not going anywhere,
or I plan to take care of you...

the way I plan to take care of him. of ours.

Yeah. Hey, hey, Manny?

You got a "leak-o" in that thing,
because we still we got a shadow
on the capsule over here, okay?

Just get a apple box over there
and put a baby on it, eh?

Didn't you read the Savini chapter
on preproduction, eh?

Okay, uh, "Return from the dead."
There's no table of contents in here.

The wizardry of scientific genius
needed to make the miracle of life
requires a little room.

I don't need a bunch of
"scorcerer's" apprentices.

Could you park it
back there, okay?


It just difficult to wait
patiently for a miracle...

and birth of a new
global industries to begin.

We are all anxious for the miracle.

You're really into that, aren't you?
It's kind of a fad for you back home, huh?

It's kind of a— a cryo-crypto, uh,
Buddha-reggae "conflaguration," no?

Sí. Bueno.

Excuse me, uh, new global industry?

Oh. Ah, yes.

Uh, we three chairmen, uh,
largest companies in Japan.

Our national fascination with
the potential for eternal life...

through technological intervention
shall sweep world.


I'm— I'm getting another
revelation here.

The entrepreneurial febrile imagination
of Dr. Moreno is at work. Look.

This is what we do.
Get little plastic nitrogen tubes.

And we put little Nevin dolls inside.
We stick 'em in the freezers.

We can hang 'em around our necks.
Break 'em. Use 'em as flashlights.

You make the dolls,
and I get 30 cents on every dollar.

- Make it 90.
- [Speaking Japanese]

We make business arrangement.

Bueno, bueno.
You are vino men of integrity.

Good. Yes. Yes!

Bueno. Muy bueno.
We got worldwide, galactic...

entertainment management
for eternity.


Let's turn up the heat and get Robbie
up to room temperature, okay?
Make some money.

Although making money is not
the important thing here.

It's the pressure.
It's the sweet pressure.

"The left brain will"—

Hey, can you read this?

No. No, I- I can-
We've done this part already. Let's-

Okay, let's, uh, turn him up,

turn him on and tune him in.

Break a leg, everyone.

Wait, please!

See, my colleagues and I
extremely interested...

in Mr. Nevin's former band members.

Mr. Frobel has suggested they should
be here for, uh, resurrection.

Where are they?
Excuse me. Are you impugning
my "impresariosness"?

My showmanship?

They are right here in
the production schedule for today.

Manny, did they get
a wake-up call for today?

'Cause I can see the signs right now
all over Tokyo...

and Yokohama and, uh—

Teriyaki, the big city, the—

Yojimbo Moreno Management presents,
back from the dead,

Robillard Nevin
and the Dreadlock Cryonic Band.


Manny, we gotta move this capsule
down by the dock, okay? Come on.
Let's move it now.

Okay, and put some tracks in here,
'cause we're gonna do
a long tracking shot...

like Orson Welles,
Touch of Evil, huh?

Yes. Okay. And get a baby in there.
Let's go.

Lazarus! Come on.
Come on. Let's go.

Get in the car.
Get in the car.

Take lunch for a half an hour.
I'll be right back.

[Engine Cranks, Starts]

You stay right there.
Stay right there.

No, stay. Here.

Stay. Okay, don't come out now.
I'll take care of this myself.


Lazarus, get back in the car.
Lazarus, get back in the car. Go.

Come here!

Get back in the car.

Haile Selassie.

- Rastafari, yes?
- Lazarus, come here. Come here.

[Barking, Growling]

I see you, uh,
speak the same language.
I am Dr. Moreno,

inspirational co-conspirator
to the Dr. Poe institute...

with an invitation to the decanting
of your beloved leader.

[g*n Cocks]

I accept.

Well, I'd say the search area
is somewhere in here.

If my euclidean's correct,
20 square miles.

We don't need
the whole haystack.

According to air traffic control,

the jet we heard was running
roughly in line with 20th Street.

Okay. That puts it right in here.

It's still three or four
square miles.

What we're looking for is an open area where
we can stage a TV transmission in this area.

Switek, tech wants
to talk to you.

Esther Nevin's got the court order
to take possession of the body.

The money's in Jamaica.
It's hers if she puts the body
in the ground.

Her attorney's on his way
to get a death certificate.

I'm sure she's on her way to Brazil
where we can't touch her
and wait for the 30 million.

With Poe and Frobel we might
be talking three deaths here.

Robillard Nevin's?
Yeah, if he could be revived.

With Izzy behind the wheel?
He ain't gonna get thawed, pal.

More likely he'll get Dixie-fried.

With Izzy or Esther,
Nevin winds up dead meat.

Yeah, unless we get to him first.

Okay, I got the first of 20 possibilities
on a six-block grid.

All right, here we go.
I'll take the map.

Let's get lucky.
All right.


There is no need for this
dehumanizing humiliation.

That'll hold him.
Give me the handle and step back.

I could save you a lot of trouble.

I withstood the brain cleaning
and the, uh, starvation tortures...

of the Cuban secret police's
political rehabilitation programs
in La Cabana.

And you think if you burn me with
your 101 -millimeter menthol cigarette...

or promise to stomp me
with your Italian high heels,
I'm gonna sing?

What if I just tow you down U.S. 1?

Yeah, that would do it.

Uh, 141 Bayshore Mooring.
It's more of a barge than it is a moor.

It's about 10 minutes away from here.

Uh, we could take my car. I'll drive.
Uh, Lazarus! Get in the car.


Get in the car.

Trudy? Yeah, we got zip
south of the airport.

Bad news.
They're ahead of us.

Neighbors in Overtown have just reported
a crazed woman with a g*n...

who's kidnapped Rastafarians
and guess who?

A Latin male tied up in a water ski rope.
She took 'em away in Izzy's limo.

Oh, beautiful.

That means that Esther has grabbed Izzy
and has got the jump on us.

Well, maybe she'll k*ll him for us.

No. I don't want Esther to k*ll Izzy.

I wanna k*ll Izzy.

- Second batch of locations?
- All right, here's Tubbs.

Second batch of locations.

126 Northwest Fourth Street.

We're striking out fast.

- Switek says no luck.
- Trudy, we're 0 for 4.
You got any intuition?

Running on empty.

And there's no help from
the eye in the sky either.

Thanks, Trudy.

All right, well, the only thing left
is that strip along Government Cut.

We'll sweep it in the Scarab.

[Tires Squealing]

[Singing, Indistinct]

Move it!


[Indistinct Spanish?]

Move it! Load it in the car!

Well, move it now!

You know, you're making a big mistake.
I mean, you can't k*ll everybody.

I don't have to.
I'll just k*ll you to make my point.

[Spanish] Who-Who am I
in the great scheme of things, huh?

I mean, I wouldn't make as good
a point as Mr. Toyama back there.

I mean, he makes a million
motor scooters a month.
[Boat Approaching]



Help, Lazarus! Help me!
Help me!

Help me, man! Help!

Ah, Lazarus!


[Esther] Oh, no!

So what now?

Well, if we get lucky,
they'll k*ll each other.

She is suspect.

Okay. Just because
it's my civic duty.

All right, that's it!
Knock it off!

Crockett, Tubbs.
Glad to see you.

You, go stand over there
and shut up.

You, you're under arrest.

- You, go back to Tokyo.
- Teriyaki.

I said shut up!

Oh, my God.

Robillard, where have you gone?


Well, if you boys hurry,
you might be able to beat it to Japan.

( ♪ What Is Life? - Black Uhuru ♪ )