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04x06 - God's Work

Posted: 08/30/22 14:09
by bunniefuu
It's showtime, Switek.
Rico's comin' in.

One more check around the horn.
Sonny, do you read me?

Five by—You got the same
three outriders, but no Francesco.

Frank never likes to show up first.
He likes a flamboyant entrance.

All right, guys.
Here's the way it goes.

We do nothing till
we make the deal and he gives us
the location of the merch.

[Over Radio]
Switek, radio check.

Your date's here early, Rico.

Must be impatient
to wanna get in the bag.

Okay, as soon as I get the location,

crash the party and don't be shy.

If you hear me say "overhead,"
back away and save it
for another day.

Let's hope not.

We owe the Cruz family
a nice vacation.


?Qué tal?
Allí, chico. ? Ytú?

Hey, you know, I can't complain,
as long as you got the goods.

First the money.
Tú sabes.

Ah, sí and no. I heard
your papa would pour a drink,

pass out cigars,
talk about politics, philosophy,

jai alai and still take care
of business.

Well, yeah,
but I do business my way.

And you got quite a flare
for it too.

So where's the merchandise?
You get the location
when I get the money.

And all that happens inside.

So what are we talking?
Coming off.
Six containers.

Twenty-inch Trinitrons,
auto-focus cameras,
P.C.2 's with software.

[Speaking Spanish]

You set me up, Cooper, you're dead.
Boat's supposed to be clean.

- Hey, what the hell, Sonny?
We got a new player.
- Let it run, Swi. Let it run.

[Over Radio]
Any moves, we lose Rico.

Hey, easy.

There's a thin line
between rude and unfriendly.

I know you been a little jumpy
all night, but... just be cool.

Only thing I'm trying to do
is give you a hundred grand
for some hot merchandise.

He's right, Frankie. You're too nervous.

Have your business meeting another day.
Come here and greet your brother.

- Sorry about that.
- Yeah, no problem.

It's all part of the overhead.

Cute. Real cute.

Like a coral snake is cute?

I thought he turned his back
on the family business.

Yeah, he did. But he's been making
big bucks in the market.

You know, Dow Jones.
Legit, but hardnose.

N.Y.P.D. Said they got zip on Felipe Cruz,
but they don't miss him.

Well, if Don Ho had called
his number-one son home,

you can bet
that trouble is not far behind.

We could use what we got.
Not enough.

Months of tips and taps.
Nothing solid.

Well, maybe we can get Francesco
back on track.

He might be tied up trying
to off his brother—

the prince.

Felipe's arrival in town's gonna tilt
the balance of power in the Cruz family.

You know, Francesco's like
Fred Flintstone compared to Felipe,

but he'll fight hard to hang on
to the family business.

Social editor of the Times puts Felipe
on Manhattan's Most Eligible list.

Berkeley, Yale Law.

This guy is capable of taking
huge chunks of his daddy's dough...

and transformin' it into
offshore Bahamian corporations.

Now you see it,
now you don't,

because the man from Wall Street
takes it to the cleaners and
it comes out venture capital.

- But why now, huh?
- [Castillo]
Until Felipe wears the crown,

Jorge Cruz is still in charge.

Felipe or no Felipe,
I want the Cruz family brought down.
Full-court press.

Tubbs, stay undercover on the docks.

Trudy, lean on all of Bolita's bagmen.

Gina, Felipe's your newest best friend.



Crockett and Switek,
you guys got the Cruz mansion.

Uh, the best surveillance point's
in the middle of the bay.

Oh, then we'll use a boat.
You remember what that is,
don't ya, babe?

It's a new invention.
It's just like a car, only it floats.

Yeah, but I'll get seasick.
Bring a bag.


Maria, come say hello to Carlos.
[Carlos] Maria.

( ♪ Mambo Terrifico - The Cal Tjader Sextet ♪ )

The rest of us get old,
but Maria, she stays young
and delicious.

Carlos, you never change either.

This is what a happy woman
looks like, that's all.

My family's home.
Together for the first time in years.

- [Carlos]
It is certainly a joyous occasion.
- Have a drink.

Excuse me.

Oh, no man could feel more pride
than you for a son like Felipe.

I have two sons.

Well, Francesco—

Forgive me, Jorge.
Francesco lacks habilidad.

Felipe's got the touch—
the touch to build on
what you have begun.

Well, Mother, dear,
I must say,

you still give the absolute
best parties in all of Miami.

If you came home for these parties,
Felipe, I'd give one every day.

- Salud.
- Your father seems happier
than he has for years.

Well, a good son
makes his parents happy.

A good son always tells
his mother the truth.

The truth?

Okay, the truth.
I've come back to Miami...

because the people I love
are all here.

Damas y caballeros,

please join me
in welcoming my youngest son.

Sorrow when he's away,

joy he has come home
to help his papa.

Felipe, salud.


To the Cruz family,
together again.

To my brother,
the prince of Wall Street.


[Wolf Whistle]
I think this guy took the wrong turn
at the cheese and wine shop.

- What's your problem?
- It's closed.

Oh, really?

Felipe, ?cómo estás?

Listen, Rickie, this sidewalk
may be public property,

but it is my public property, okay?

Take a hike, please.

Now you say,
"Thank you very much, Father.
That's a good idea."

Yeah, thanks, Father.
That's it.

Come in.

He showed up right in time.
[Felipe] Yeah, well, he's my uncle.

He's got a knack for, uh,
rescuing me, you could say.

Uh, Gina Dominguez.
I'm sorry. Felipe Cruz.

Nice to meet you.
Um, some business.

It's okay.

I will be back for you.
Good timing.

He wants to have lunch.

Have a, uh, community relations problem?

Yeah. Take your time.
I'll come back later.



Thank you.

[Camera Shutter Clicks]


I'm gonna blow this monkey away,

It's your call!

Get outta here!

Ya know, Cooper, you don't come
pokin' into my warehouse without
no invitation around here, huh?

We had a deal.
I've got customers...

who expect me to deliver.

You know, Cooper,

you're a comadreja.

I mean, I can give you
all you want...

when I'm ready.

You're being real careful, Frank.

Don't try to con me.

From what I hear, your brother
makes all the decisions now.

That's bull, Cooper.

My father and I run
this whole business.

Nobody else.

Felipe's a real player.
He'll give me a better deal anyway.

Eso no es verdad.
That's not true.

I don't know.
You hear me, Cooper?

You wouldn't be blowing smoke
at me, would you?

I think it's verdad.


Cruz is losing his stranglehold
on the docks.

Shippers don't pay tribute
unless they're scared of you.

So Felipe is home to try to fix it,
but why? Why is it happening?

Gina took these.

St. Vincent's.
Al DS hospice in Little Havana.
Not too popular with the neighbors.

Felipe went there to visit
his uncle,

Father Ernesto Lupe.
A Catholic priest?

Jorge Cruz's brother-in-law.
Wife's younger brother.

He and Felipe have always been close.

So, what's going on?
Are they tryin' to use
a church-run Al DS clinic as a cover?

A drop stash?

Lieutenant, you want us to swoop
on this priest and squeeze him?


He's never had any tie-ins
with the Cruz business.

Are you sure?
Cruz family's got that
neighborhood wired...

from the material to the spiritual.

He's for real.

Front line since the '60s.

Civil rights work
got his head knocked in.

No. Addicts, homeless—
that's his game.

Advocates like that turn off...
Cruz's contacts.

No, he's my guess why,
uh, business is slow.

Well, I say we take it to
the grand jury on a RICO violation
before Felipe can work his magic.

He's wiggled out
of that one before.

I want Cruz all the way,
no outs—

importation, the works.

There's a lot here that
doesn't figure, Lieutenant.
That's right.

Nothing figures.
I want answers.

Maybe his uncle and the hospice
will be our route to Felipe.

Just watch the streets.
Gina will cover Felipe,
Crockett, the docks.

Don't go near the priest.

[Castillo Speaking Spanish]

[Man Speaking Spanish]

[Both Continue Speaking Spanish]

[Spanish Continues]

I'm on time.

Anything on this list that you
can find will be appreciated.

And the hospital beds
were a true blessing.

[Liquid Pouring]


What happened?
Sure you didn't forget anything?

No. You think
I missed something?


I'll try to help out
as much as I can.

I think my nephew Felipe...

surprised me
as much as he did you.

I'm happy to hear that.
That way I won't
have to ask you about it.

So much for that.

[All Speaking Spanish]

How's the softball game?


Don Arturo was telling me that,
uh, you lost to Christ the King.

Yeah, it's true.

Ernesto, they got
the worst infield in the city.

Well, uh, their
pitching's improved.

They have great pitchers now.

[Father Ernesto]
?Don Arturo?

Don't laugh at me.
That's not funny.


( ♪ Nine Million Rainy Days -
Jesus and Mary Chain ♪ )



sh*t him up pretty bad,

Not exactly your surgical hit.

Whoever did this
was carrying a lot of anger.

Any ideas?
No more than you.

Doesn't look like
anything was taken.
No forced entry.

I'd say someone he knew.

Or a stranger.

And he was trusting.
He was like that.

Who found him?
Sister over there.

Says she saw one of the neighborhood punks
who'd been bashing this place
headed the other way.

Kid named Rickie Diaz.

He's done a rabbit,
but we're checking.

Felipe Cruz know yet?

He's on his way.
The sister called him too.

Thank you.
Yeah. It's gonna be all right.

Besides being the nephew
of the deceased, does he play into this
some way I should know about?

Possible O.C.B. Connection.

I'll keep you posted.

If you come up with anything,
I want it.

[Police Radio, Indistinct]

[Gina] Maybe Father Ernesto
threatened to blow the whistle
on Felipe's angle at the hospice,

whatever it is.

[Tubbs] Maybe Jorge’s crime buddies
didn't like his brother-in-law
runnin' an AIDS hospice.

Somebody's sending Cruz a message.
Maybe it's just a local kid.

Rick Diaz.
This might help.

I crossed all the faces
from Gina's sh*ts at the hospice...

with direct Cruz contacts
in Miami and I got nothing.

But when I spread to New York,
one positive.

His name's Louie Garcia,
son of Franco Garcia.

Papa's New York chief.
And now for the good stuff.

Louie grew up with Felipe. Same age.
Buddies since the sandbox days.

New York Strike Force logged
Felipe making contact with Louie
three times since January.

So our pal, Felipe, Yale, L.L.D.,
do not pass go.

Do not intern in the streets
and make your bones.

Go directly into the family firm.
Hook up the whole Eastern seaboard
with Louie Garcia.

You got Papa in Miami,
Louie Garcia in New York...

and Felipe is on the move
and a bigger player
than we thought.

What's he using the AIDS hospice for?


Nobody wants to stake out
or search an Al DS clinic.

Drop for dr*gs? Lab?

Maybe this explains why somebody
put a hit on Father Ernesto.

Let Felipe think he's still
ahead of us at the hospice.

Get on this one, Gina,
as fast as you can.
I want some answers today.

[Bell Tolling]

[Man] Mr. Cruz, are you working
closely with the police?
Back! Back! !Sácalo!

- Do you know who k*lled him?
- Jorge.

Not in the memory of Ernesto.
Please, we could be polite.

Can you trust the police,
Mr. Cruz?

My brother-in-law has been
viciously m*rder*d. A priest.

The animal who did it will be caught.
He will be tried.

Maybe he will go to prison.
When he's done with all that,

then he's gonna have to deal
with me and my sons.

You can quote me on that.
Now, please, we are in mourning.

I'm sorry to intrude, Mr. Cruz.

I just wanted to say that I admired
your uncle for many years.

Que tenga paz.
I'm so sorry he's gone.

Thank you.
You're very kind.

Besides wanting to tell you
about, uh,

how much I respected your uncle,

um, the other day when I visited
with Father Ernesto,

I... told him, uh,

about a friend of mine.

He's very sick.

Now you wonder if the hospice
will take in any new clients?

A few people
still don't want it there.

As in "most"?
Might as well be everybody.

You know, he was an outcast.

But Ernesto—

Ernesto... was my hero.

Did you tell him?

No, you couldn't tell Ernesto that.

Just doing his job, he'd say.

Call it "God's work."

You mentioned your friend.
I think I can help.

Um, okay.

Why don't you come
to the hospice with me.
Oh, no, it's okay.

You have a lot on your mind.
No, no, no, no.

This isn't for me or for you.
This is for your friend.

They may have k*lled Ernesto,
but not his work.

I know you are a busy man,

but when I inquired downtown,
they urged me to call you.

The cause of his death
is connected, not the priest.

It's an attempt
to hurt the family.

We don't know that.

We do know that some neighbors
hated his hospice.

That's a Catholic neighborhood,

People do make noise,
but k*ll a priest over a social issue?


What can we do for you?

Your colleagues in Homicide
will be talking to media.

The less Father Ernesto's memory
is tainted by social hostility...

or connection
to the Cruz family, the better.

Very simple.

[Crowd Chanting Angrily]
Please, don't.


[Chanting Continues]

God. Felipe, read this.

Oh, what can they
be thinking, Sister?
God only knows.

They just started moving us out
half hour ago with no warning.

I didn't know until one man said
they'd just ordered him
out of his bed.

I called the police.
Where are they?

Inside helping.
It's legal.

[Chanting Continues]

God! Vacate the premises
within 24 hours!
What am I gonna do?

I've made arrangements
until we can come up with a plan
or some money.

Don't worry about the money.

Sister, is that the kid?
Yes, that's him!

Felipe, wait!
Wait, Felipe!

Hold it!
Hold it right there!

Don't try anything, kids.
I hate surprises.

Who doesn't?

You're not gettin'
the message, Rickie.

You're on the edge
of a steep cliff...

and I got reason to push.

I told you, it wasn't me.
We all look alike, right?

I love originality.
But you know what?

At Homicide,
they don't give a damn!
They're harder.

You better talk to me, kid,
'cause if you don't talk to me,
I'm rollin' you over!

They don't scare me.

You got a lot of friends, Rickie.
Alibis all the way around.

You mean we're gonna have
to let this chump go?
Guess so.

Rickie, a heroic type.

Homicide doesn't scare him.
We don't scare him.

Well, that's good
he's so fearless, 'cause the Cruz boys
are gonna come and take you home.


You didn't know?

It was Cruz's brother-in-law
that got k*lled.

And they think you did it.

You know, your alibi flies here,
but it's not going to impress
Senor Cruz.

But don't worry, Rickie.
Just tell them
they don't scare you either.


I was there,
but I didn't k*ll him.
I was only spray-painting the wall.

Those Cruz people don't have
any reason to hassle me.

- Tell that to the don.
- I saw a guy in a suit and tie.

Trudy, we may have a possible I.D.
From one of Gina's snapshots.
And what else?

Louie Garcia.
Track him down.


Come in.
[Door Opens]

Lieutenant, Trudy just phoned in.

No trace on Louie Garcia.

She checked the phone tapes.
Louie's father spoke with Jorge.

They spoke some business,
and then Mr. Garcia said,
"My son made it to Miami."

That's it.


Are you okay?

I know what I gotta do.

The hospice must remain open
beyond this investigation.

Somebody didn't like what
Ernesto was doing in his work.

Work that angle while I'm gone.

This isn't Catholic Charities, Lieutenant.

I'm in business.

No business puts dying people,
dying children out into the street.

The people in that neighborhood
have kids too, Lieutenant.

They're worried about
their families, like you and me.

Can I use your phone?

[Tapping Keys]

Yeah. Let me speak to Gina, please.

Yeah. Gina?

Give me a rundown on
a J.P. Moore Management Agency.

Everything. Taxes,
building violations, works.

Thank you.
How about if I save you
a little legwork?

How about it?

Well, you never heard it here,

but I didn't rent that space
to Father Lupe.

At least not directly.


The church leased that property.
Pulled out of the lease.

Forfeited a hefty security bond
in the bargain.

We sent the papers
over yesterday.

We'll get back to you later,

[Castillo] Evicting patients?
[Priest] Lieutenant,
it's a very difficult issue.

What about Father Ernesto's

As soon as we can find
someone to replace him,

we'll relocate
where it's not so dangerous.

We backed that hospice
from the beginning.
We back them all over the country.

I urged him to pick
a more receptive place for it.

We leased the building.

You caved to his reputation.
We all did.

He was a persuasive man,
what can I tell you?

He defended people also.

What about his patients?

Some things are not simple.

Headlines— " Archdiocese evicts
Al DS patients" is simple?

I thought we had an understanding
about the press.

Reopen it.

Isn't that what the police call
"blackmail," Lieutenant?

Sometimes even a simple cop...

has to be a soldier in battlefields
not of his own choosing.

You are a very dedicated soldier.


His memory.

[Engine Sputtering]

[Engine Stops]

- Switek, you there?
- Yeah, I'm here.

Felipe's leavin' the house
and he's in a real big hurry.

Looks to me like he's heading west
on the 79th Street Causeway.

He's on your side of the bay.
Relay it to Castillo.

And it looks like I'll be takin' Francesco
on a little tour of the Intercoastal.
Back to ya later.

[Engine Starts]

( ♪ Yin and Yang and the Flowerpot Man -
Love and Rockets ♪ )

[Horn Honks]

I'm gonna get you!

Louie. Louie, why didn't
you call me sooner?

[Labored Breathing]

Your father a-and your family.

I didn't wanna
ruin things for ya.

I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

But I'm-I'm here now, okay?

Um, everything's gonna—
What would it be like to die?

Louie, don't say that.

Don't say that, please.
Come on. I'm here.

I'm so scared.
Louie, please.

Louie, just hang on.
Don't leave me alone, Felipe.

No, no, I'm not.
I'm not going anywhere, okay?

Um, please, just hang on.

Don't leave me alone, okay?

Now listen.
I'm gonna get you outta here.

No. I don't feel like moving.






[Crying Continues]

( ♪ Modigliani (Lost in Your Eyes)
- Book of Love ♪ )


Oh, God. Louie would have
laughed his head off—

me talking about this
to a Vice cop.

Are you here to take over
your father's business?

Lieutenant Castillo,
as I've stated before,

Louie and I were...

in a relationship
quite a while back.

And he came here a couple of months ago,
because of his sickness,
to be with Ernesto.

When things took
a turn for the worse,
my uncle called me here.

That's why I've come back.

I've never wanted to run
the family business.

You and your family
are under suspicion...

for the m*rder
of Ernesto Lupe.

He was my uncle
and my confessor.

He knew everything about me.
He always had.

He taught me compassion...

and love is what Christianity
is all about.

He stood his ground
whether or not it was popular.

I know. We stood
shoulder to shoulder once...

in a different time
for a different cause.

He was my friend.

Well, if you'll excuse me.

Today's a big day for the truth.

It's time Jorge Cruz met his son—

his real son.

Don't leave the city.

Who k*lled Ernesto Lupe?

We learn more, but not
the one thing I want to know.

We've been ignoring one key piece
of the puzzle all along—

Jorge Cruz.

He talks to Louie's father,
finds out about Louie's condition.

Keep going.
He knows that Louie
and Felipe are close.

And he guesses the rest.

Jorge figures out Felipe
will never make him a granddad
and he freaks.

How could this happen
to King Macho?

- Why Ernesto?
- Was he inclined?

Good-looking woman would spin
his head faster than anybody's.

He had real doubt 25 years ago
about maintaining
his vows of chastity.

He never changed.

His ideas, his views, his hospice—

Just assume that Jorge
knew about Felipe.

And his brother-in-law,
the priest, says it's okay.

Where does that lead you?

Move on Jorge.

My own brother.

Makes me want to throw up.
Excuse me.

You should be delighted
I didn't come here to take over
the family business.

Who could possibly care about
any of this now?

Is this really what it's about—

greed, money, power?

Always—Always the same with you.

Don't lay this off on me.
I'm always here. I'm normal.
[Bangs Desk]

All that is over now.
This family is going to be normal.

I see.

Just like that, Jorge,

because you order it.

Always been like that.

Why not now?

Hay que tomar las cosas con calma, chico.

We are going to forgive him,

I'm not asking.
I'm telling.

Family forgives anything.

We have worked out
family problems before.

This one too.

Papa, this is not like
who gets the biggest piece
of the birthday cake.

Everything is going to be fine.

I'm amazed at how calmly
you're taking all this.
I didn't expect it.

You underestimate me.
You both do.

First of all, I knew.

Franco Garcia.

Louie told his father he was dying.

He was devastated.
We don't keep secrets.

How could you have
done this to us?

I thought it was going to k*ll me.

My son.

- Then I realized it's not your fault.
- Fault?

I blame myself.

No one's to blame!
This is who I am,
like brown eyes and gray hair.

I should've spent more time
with you.

Now it'll change with you home,

with your family...
and with Ernesto gone.

Ernesto? Ernesto had nothing
to do with this.

May he burn in hell!

You had him k*lled?!

He polluted your mind.

Oh, my God. You are crazy!
You had him k*lled?

[Felipe Panting]

I k*lled him myself.

Get off him!

No! Oh, God help you.

Where are you going?
Come back!
I need my sons!

No, you've just lost your sons.

- No digas eso.
- You don't get it, do you?

You just don't want to get it.

But these are the facts, from the son
your money has educated so well.

First of all,
you don't switch on and off
your sexual preferences.

I was 12 when I knew.

I cried myself to sleep every night.

Not so much for myself as for you.

I didn't want to hurt you.

But Ernesto—

Ernesto was the only one
I could talk to.

How could you have k*lled
your own brother?

No, I will not let you
get away with this.

Your son is a lawyer,
and I've sworn to uphold the law.


Jorge Cruz, you're under arrest
for the m*rder of Ernesto Lupe.