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04x08 - Like a Hurricane

Posted: 08/30/22 14:10
by bunniefuu
( ♪ Domination - MC's of Rap ♪ )

All right, sweetheart,
so you're not wasting your gifts.

But who knows that except you?

Anybody who buys my albums.

Caitlin, get real.

Once you been up front,
how can you sit on the back shelf?

Look, give me something.

Some throwaway tracks
for old times' sake.

You're gonna make me a star again?
Is that the idea?

Why not?
I got all the promo men
in my back pocket.

- I'll break it big.
- Really?

I heard you were
king of the cut-out bin.

Eh, this is a crazy business.
You're up, you're down, you're—

Hey, it's just like the old days.
You flash the cash, you get the play.

The only difference is inflation.

- What no hookers, Tommy? No blow?
- Would you like to talk
into the microphone?

Caitlin, this is Benny Rose.

Vice President of Advertising
and Special Events.

Pleasure. I used to—

I am a big fan.

- What's the call?
- "Rubber Love"...

by my main lady
Moon and the Blowguns.

I think it's gonna be a monster.

What do you think, Ben?

Oh, I think it oughta enter...

the Top 10 anyway.


It's the silver turbo.

What do you think, Top Five?

With a b*llet.


You Tommy Lowe?
What are you,
an insurance salesman?

Racketeering strike force,
U.S. Attorney's Office.

Anything you say
may be used against you.

Let's go.
You little—

This one's for Will.
You were gonna make him
a star too, remember?

And Rocky and Lex and everyone
else you screwed over,

you mealy-mouthed,
two-faced bastard!

Come on. Let's go. Let's go.
You have had it. Had it!
You're finished!


Sixty minutes of malicious mischief.

I got that sweaty mercenary moving
200 rocket launchers and 100 Uzis.
[Castillo] Crockett—

I got the time and the place.
All we need to know is
how you want to move on it.

I don't.

You don't what?
A.T.F. Is handling it.


You know, it's—
You know, it's funny.

I— I thought I just heard you say
that A.T.F. Is gonna take this...

after I just spent a month of nights
with a bunch of guys
that think garlic's mouthwash.

Do you know a Caitlin Davies?

Yeah. I heard of Aretha Franklin—
Excuse me.

And Barbra Streisand too.

This is not Metro Dade.
This is federal grand jury.

They want someone who can
blend in with the music people.

Don't let her out of your sight
until she testifies next week.

Well, how about, uh—
9:00 a.m. Tomorrow.


Guess it's time
to get a haircut.

What in the hell
did I do to deserve this one?

Hey, man,
it's only rock and roll.

8-to-5 this is
some publicity stunt.

Just relax. Be cool.

So you get to hang out
for a couple of days with
a legend in her own time.

Legend in her own mind,
you mean.

Come on, man. You know that this gal
has got to be weirded out from too
much time under the spotlight.

Self-obsessed, worried about
whether her dressing room's big enough.

Paranoid somebody's
gonna recognize her,
freaked out that somebody won't.

You know celebrities, man.


[Doorbell Rings]

Detective Crockett.

You got some credentials,
other than that pretty face?

You satisfied?

Satisfaction's a whole 'nother thing,
but you can come on in.

So is she around?
Is who around?

Oh, come on.
This is a dumb game to begin with.
Let's not add hide-and-seek to it.

What game?

Somebody takes a sh*t at her,
I'll personally remove
your God-given talents.

Take it easy, toots. The only sh*ts
she needs to worrying about
is which profile looks best.

You're Detective Crockett.

You must be the, uh, celebrity.

Uh, Caitlin Davies.
Did I pronounce that right?


Yeah, we don't get to meet too many,
uh, celebrities in my line of work.

Mm-hmm. You only poke around
in the little people's lives.

Yeah, well, you know
those little people.

Messy little lives,
messy little murders.

So you can imagine how thrilled I am
to get to do some celebrity hand-holding.

You know, it's funny.
I thought you'd be taller.

You're not exactly
what I expected, either.

Oh, yeah, how's that?
Oh, I figured some 6-foot-4,

lantern-jawed guy
with the singular virtue
of being invisible...

and silent.

What are you gonna
protect me with, a blow-dryer?

I'm gonna go change.

Well, don't forget to put on some
clean underwear in case I have
to rush you to the hospital...

or a talk show.

I'll be in the playroom, sweetheart,
in case the babysitter
needs to know.

- Mmm-mmm.
- [Chuckles]

"I'll be in the playroom, sweetheart."

Don't talk ulcers to me, man.
You weren't the one getting
fingerprinted last night.

I'm just tellin' you
it's not gonna be that bad.

We finagle a plea,
the worst you get is a year,
reduced to six months.

Are you serious or delirious?
Let me tell you something.

In the record business,
rule number one is
don't get caught.

You do time, I don't care
if it's six months or six minutes,

your own grandmother
won't return your calls—
you're dead.

What would you like me to do?

I want you to call
the damn coast, Ralph.

I want you to kick "A"
at the record company.

I want you to tell Gordon Wiggins
and Paul Fremont if they don't—
Tommy, I negotiate with these people.

I don't tell them what to do.

Okay. Here's the speech.

"Gordon, baby. Paulie-Waulie.
How's the family, blah, blah, blah.

"I know that old son of a g*n Tommy.
He was going all out to
position your product...

and darn if he didn't get caught
on account of he was trying
so hard on your behalf."

Are you listening to this?
Are you paying attention?
Yes, Tommy.

Well, then take notes or something.
I'm not paying 200 bucks an hour
to sit there like a pin-striped Buddha!!


"And, Gordon, baby,
Tommy is confident...

"that with one word
from you guys—

"With your connections,

one word and this will all blow over
before anything ever gets out, all right?"

All right.
I'll get right on it.


It's still breakfast time
on the coast, Tommy.
They won't be in the office yet.

Well, then, you call
the freakin' Polo Lounge!


Oh, God.

[Door Opens]

So what's the deal?
You tail me in an unmarked car
or something?

- 'Cause I'm in kind of a hurry.
- Oh.

- Do you mind?
- Oh, you're in a hurry.

Yes, I'm in a hurry.

Okay. Let's go.

So where's the dark green Plymouth Fury
with the searchlight on top?

Oh, that.
Well, it's in the shop.

My partner chewed up the Naugahyde.
Besides, I definitely don't see you
in a Plymouth.

Really? Tell me,
where do you see me?

Well, maybe in a club where you gotta
brown-nose the bouncer to get in.

Maybe a 5,000-a-week
health spa in Switzerland...

for a total body transfusion
with some prince.

Or maybe a two-for-one deal
with your celebrity companion
of the week.

Companion of the week.
That's interesting.

What's your fantasy
relationship, Crockett?

Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am,

then the chick turns into a TV set
so you can watch Monday Night Football?

So glad I got this assignment.
You're such a nice person.

Don't worry about it.
It's only for a week.

Then I send Tommy Lowe
down the river. Turn in here.

So while you're sending
Tommy Lowe down the river,

there's bound to be
a fair bit of publicity down
at the old courthouse, huh?

You seriously think
I'm sticking my neck out for publicity?

You can prove me wrong.
I don't have to prove anything,
Crockett, to anybody.

I got you to hold me tight

I got you
I won't let go

I got you to love me so

"I Got You Babe"?
( ♪ Sheena Easton ♪ )

No wonder her career's
in the toilet.

This is great.
Another country heard from.

Listen, can we keep
these sessions closed, please?

Who's footin' the bill here,
you or this guy?


( ♪ Rubber Love - The Blowguns ♪ )

- What the hell was that?
- "Rubber Love" by the Blowguns.

Tommy Lowe's next big thing.

Tommy's shyster dragged me
out of bed this morning
with quite the little news item.

Yeah, he called me too.
Uh, call Ralph Fisher again
in Miami, will you?

Ralph said Tommy's gonna need
another 75,000 for legal fees.

What 75,000? We sent him 150,000.

[Woman On Intercom]
Ralph Fisher on line two.
Oh, good.

- Yeah, Ralph, how's our friend?
- A little antsy, Gordon.

He wants you to call
Judge Alfonse Watkins.

Oh, that won't be necessary, Ralph.
Tell him to hang tough.

Worst cast scenario for him
is what, six months?

We'll make sure he gets
more than enough breaking acts
to compensate for lost time.

See, that's where
we may have a little problem.

He doesn't want to
do time, Gordon.

He very definitely
isn't planning on doing time.

Oh, I understand how
he feels, Ralph. I really do.

I want to thank you
for bringing me up to speed on this.

I won't forget it.
Tell Tommy I won't forget him, either.

Well, that's that.

What do you mean, that's that?

I'm not gonna let that little cretin
steal 75,000 bucks from us.
Accounting finds out about that—

Forget about the money, Paul.

If Lowe's not gonna take a fall,
he's gonna name names.

Whose? Mine.

And who am I
gonna name, Paul? You.

And you're gonna name everybody
but the janitor on the 10th floor.

Then the subcommittee on payola
reconvenes, and we got another two years
of indictments and headlines.


So, Tommy's about to become
a very minor footnote
in the history of rock and roll.


Yeah? Max!
How you doing?

Wow. Good news travels fast.
No. No, I'm okay. I'm fine.

Yeah. I've got
round-the-clock protection.

You should see the guy.
He's from the fashion police.

Yeah. Oh, it sounds great.
You want to hear it?
Hold on a sec.

♪ Junk Music ♪

Yeah, good, isn't it?
I know, I know.

You're the greatest producer
that ever lived,
and I'm the greatest singer.

Yeah. Okay,
I love you too. Bye.

Modest, aren't we?

So tell me, are there any of the, uh,
celebrity virtues that we're missing?

Oh, I certainly hope not.

I have a responsibility to my fans.

Sure is a lot of equipment.
You need all this stuff
just to make records, huh?

Who's Max?
What do you care?

I'm your guardian angel.
I'm supposed to know all this stuff.

Why bother to find out?
I wouldn't want to louse up
your preconceptions.

Look, I'm kind of in the middle
of something good here.
So if you don't mind—


I give you 75 large and a freakin' car
and still you gotta throw freakin' strikes?
Don't get excited, Tommy.

What'd your mouthpiece
have to say?
Squat. $10,000 worth of squat.

He talks to the record company.
Know what he gets out of them?

"Let Tommy do a little time.
We'll make nicey-nice
when he gets out."

Could be worse.

Easy for you to say.
You can go grease palms
in Boise, Idaho.

Me, one conviction
and I'm history.

So convince Caitlin
not to testify,

for old times' sake, huh?

Uh, Benny, I— I gotta
take a meeting here.

Uh, let me go another frame.
I'm on a roll.
Uh, now.

I'll call you.

Be cool on this one, huh?

No S and M, comprende?

Sí. Un accidente, you dig?

All right?


Sure you'll be all right, love?

Sergeant Preston of the Yukon's
taking me out for seafood
and candlelight.

That's cheeseburgers
and a well-lit parking lot.

See you in the morning.
You two behave yourselves.
Ha. Don't worry about it.

I just don't want
any greasy junk food, okay?

I don't know why we can't order
a pizza and have it delivered.
Pizza's not junk food. Oh.

Because I'm going out to dinner.

You wanna come
and guard my body or not?

Where to?

Didn't you say you had a boat?
I know this wonderful
little place right in the bay.

Listen, sister,
I'm not an escort service.
I'm just supposed to keep you out—

Out of trouble.

I'll drive.

Not in your wildest dreams.

A woman ever driven
your "Testosterone," Crockett?

It's Testarossa.

[Buoy Dinging]

[People Chattering]

Feeling anything
from those oysters yet?

Yeah. The acute need for privacy.
Now b*at it.

"Feeling anything
from those oysters yet?"

I feel pretty good, Crockett.

Must be the salt air ripping
through my face at 60 miles an hour.

Your idea to come here by boat.

- Bet that's a speciality of yours.
- What's that?

Taking girls out in that thing
and getting them wet.

- Is everything of yours that fast?
- What'd you have in mind?

Well, your car, your clothes.
When do you find time
to play cops and robbers?

I don't play.

These clothes are confiscated
and the department loans them to me
to keep up my front.

I don't even own the damn shoes
I'm wearing.

My take home is 475 a week,
and I'm just a working stiff, lady.
Well, I wasn't implying any—

- Don't you tell me about playing.
- Oh, so what's that supposed to mean?

Every time I hear one of you rock stars
start crying the blues about
that lonely life on the road,

- it makes me want to throw up.
- I suppose you know all about it.

No, I don't know nothing.
I'm just a dumb cop.

And I'm a chick singer.

Look, I didn't make up the image.
It comes from magazines.
I'm not even interested.

Oh, yeah?
What you gonna do?

Hide your face behind a raincoat
when you go into court next month?

I think I need some air.

[Door Opens, Closes]

Not dining and dashing, I hope.
Oh, yeah.

Sixty bucks for oysters?


Caitlin, get down!

[Machine g*n Fire]

Go now and stay down!
[Machine g*n Fire]

[g*nf*re Continues]

Go. Get closer.
We got him now.

[Water Splashes]



You all right?

Oh, God.

Come on, baby.
Damn it!
[Engine Cranking]

Come on, damn it.
[Engine Cranking]

Oh, beautiful.

You sure you're okay?

The look on that man's face.


Oh, God. They sh*t
the hell out of this.

What'd you do to get on
the good side of these people?

I thought this was just
your garden-variety payola case.

Oh, it goes much
deeper than that.

Well, it doesn't look like
we're going anywhere.

So take your time
and don't hold back.

When we were first started out,
Tommy Lowe was really happening.

He'd signed a couple
of English bands and all that.
He was like the hot manager.

So, we let him
take care of everything.

And he took everything.

He got greedy.

And then things
just kinda fell apart.

The drummer O.D.'d on reds.

The guitar player joined a cult.

But the bass player
got a lawyer and sued.

Will was like that.

"Caitlin, Caitlin.
Peace and love always. Will."

Well, anyway—

Before Will could get
Tommy into court,

Tommy got a couple
of armed security guards...

to hang Will
from the showerhead in our hotel.

You know that?

But I can't prove it.

Some publicity stunt, huh?

Should be good for film at 11:00.

I'm sorry, Caitlin.

When I go to court next week,
it's for payback, not publicity.

I'm sorry.

I was wrong.


Maybe I was too.

( ♪ Conferring with the Moon
- William Ackerman ♪ )

Take it easy, girl.

And then we went our way,
and they went theirs.

One of them's taking a nice long bath.
Don't know about the other one.

You say there
was two of them?

Sonny got the guy at the restaurant.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's go.

Did you recognize them?
Your basic, uh,
bargain-basement hit men.

Thanks, guys.
Yeah. Well, that's Tommy for you.

Is the safe house checked out?

It's all taken care of.

I want a man on the roof,
a man on each corner and one man out in front.

Here you go.

You take the penthouse,
and I'll be down the hall.

[Clears Throat]

Sonny, uh—
Yeah, I know,
I know, I know.

I know this is none
of my business, but, uh,

you aren't keeping this thing
a secret, partner.

And Castillo,
he's not too thrilled, either.

I can't help that, man.

He's the one that told me
not to let her out of my sight.

I was just thinking.

About something you said yesterday.
Oh, yesterday.
That's too far back.

When you were working,
you said you were in the middle
of a good thing.

Unbelievably good.

Cait, I've been married,
and I've been divorced.

I've lived alone and not alone.

I've run around,
and I've been celibate as a monk.

So whatever happens with us,
I guess I can live with that too.

Whatever happens
is what we make happen.


Supposing this is over.
You mean this?

This. And we're back
in the real world.

I get cases all the time
where I'm out half the night.

Sometimes all night.
Fine. Sometimes I have to work
all night in the studio.

I'm not afraid of work.
I've got a kid.

What flavor?

Billy. He's eight.

So, uh—

When do I get to meet him?

Do you know what it means?
I ain't afraid of no kid.

They say our love
will pay the rent

Before it's earned
our money's always sent

I guess that's so
We don't have a lot

Least I'm sure
of all the things we've got


I got you, babe
I got you, babe

[Over Headphones]
I've got flowers
in the spring

I got you
I'll wear your ring

- [Children]
And when I'm sad
- [Caitlin] When I'm sad

You're a clown
You're my clown

And when I get scared
When I get scared

- You're always around
- You're always around

They may say your hair's too long

[All Singing]
I don't care
With you I can't go wrong, yeah

So you put your little hand in mine

Ain't no river
mountain we can't climb

[Woman On TV] Witnesses said
the apparent target of the sh**ting
was former rock star Caitlin Davies.

According to police,
the dead gunman is a Cuban national...

with a long history of arrests
for violent crimes.

In other news,
the F.A.A. Is investigating charges
of improper maintenance involving—

Oh, Mr. Lowe—
Look, I told you already.
Your check will clear in a couple of days.

- Yes. So you said. Listen, this
was messengered over for you.
- What is it?

It's the new dance remix
for the Blowguns' single.

Fremont and Wiggins want you
to listen to it right away.
Yeah, sure thing. Whatever.

[Engine Starts]

What is this, heavy metal?

- Smooth enough?
- Just like Danny Sullivan.

You know, your mom was pretty
cool this time about letting you
miss a day or two.

She's a lot looser
since she married Bob.

Oh, she is, huh?

You like Caitlin, Dad?

Yes, I do.

I thought so.
You never wanted me
to meet anybody before.

Well, that's because there
wasn't anybody to meet.


Listen, maybe—

Well, we'll see.

You take this.
This thing will give me a hernia.

What's the matter,
it's too heavy for you?

What are you doing out here?
You're not suppose to be outside.
Billy, this is Caitlin.

[Phone Ringing]
Caitlin— Excuse me.
This is Billy. Excuse me.

Get to know each other.



Yeah, Crockett.
Sonny, they iced Tommy Lowe.

How'd it happen?
Plastique. They haven't
found all the parts yet.

You're supposed to come in.

What do you mean, man?
She's a bigger target now
than she was before.

Not in the opinion
of the U.S. Attorney.

She was only gonna testify
against Tommy Lowe.

Oh, really?
Well, does the U.S. Attorney have
an opinion on who did Tommy Lowe?

Castillo says that's
not our problem now.

That's just great.

Just great, man.


Billy's big for an eight-year-old.

Direct too.
Why, he really gets
right to the point, doesn't he?

Yeah. Gets that from his mom.


Tommy Lowe's dead.



Well, who?

We don't know yet.

But, uh—

Since you don't have anybody
to testify against now,

my assignment's over.

Well, that doesn't mean
that we have to be.



I want to try.

Try what?

Well, uh—
Try what, Sonny?


What? Do you want some kind
of deep and abiding respect, huh?

Or maybe some short-term
romantic liaison?
[Chuckles] That's very cute.

Or what do you want,
a long-term friendship,
is that it? Huh?

Come on.
Gotta know.

- You're going to make me
do this, right?
- Yeah.

- The whole thing?
- The whole thing.

- Cait—
- Yes?

Oh, God, I—
[Chuckles] God's not
gonna help you now.

( ♪ When He Shines - Sheena Easton ♪ )


I love you, Sonny Crockett.

I love you too.

A r*pe case.
How's that with you?

It's all right. The second thing—

- Hi. Sorry I'm late.
- Buses running late?

Yeah, something like that.
Gina, can I talk to you for a second?

I'll be right back.
Excuse me.

Do you wanna talk?

About what?

What difference does it make now?

I appreciate you telling me this, Sonny,
but I really do have to go.

Excuse me a second.
Can I, uh, talk to you all for a second?
[Clears Throat]

I'm getting married.

In fact, the, uh, lieutenant
gets some of the credit.

Congratulations to you.
Thank you.

Really. Good luck.
Thank you, Marty.

You want to get rid of that
address book, I'd be honored.

You got it, Stan.

She's lucky.
Thank you.

Good friends,

lousy liars.

Good friends usually are.

How about you?
You gonna tell me the truth?


I'm a little happy
and a little worried.

I can understand that.

But, Rico, I know this one.

I can feel it.

She's the one, man.
That's it.

Well, I'm really happy for you, man.

But I'm just a little worried about
what might happen, you know,
a little further down the line.

Yeah, well,

we thought about that,
you know.

And I, um—

I appreciate, you know,
that you're concerned.
I-I really do, man.

But we've—we've, uh—
we've asked all the right
questions, I think,

and— and we've—

we've gotten the answers
that we're happy with and—

Hell, man,
even our work hours work.

She works all night?
Yeah, sometimes.

She's, uh, you know—
she's into the studio thing and—

I mean, wait till you hear it.
It sounds great.

But she's not gonna,
you know, blow anything
off the charts.

And she likes her privacy.

So it's not gonna
jeopardize my cover.

We're just gonna...

go for it.

Do you love her?

No. But I don't have
anything to do on Sunday.

You're crazy.
Congratulations, man.

Thanks, man.

Why would that be an issue?

Maybe, honey, you're semi-retired,
but you're still in the music business.

I can just see some little loadies now
when you show up at a party.

"Here comes Caitlin with her narc."

We won't be going to
that many parties.

Maybe you got that right,
'cause homeboy will be too busy hiding
in the bushes behind some rock house.

He doesn't do that.

Hey, I can see
you really love this d*ck.

- Detective.
- He's still a cop.

Pretty clothes or not,
it's dangerous.

Girlfriend, I don't want to
see you get hurt.

Now why would that happen?
I've got you here to take care of me.

Oh, girlfriend's in love.
She's not listening.
She's not listening.

[People Chattering]

[Cheering, Whistling]

You gonna break my heart?
Oh, definitely.

Best of luck, Sonny.
This is for the kid,
you knot-head.

Hey, where'd you find—
I haven't seen some
of these guys in 10 years.

Where'd you find them?
How do you think?
We hired private dicks.

Hey, wait! Attention!
Let me have your attention,

Attention! Attention!
Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!

Hold it!
Look, I'm gonna make this
short and sweet, okay?

[All Cheering]

As you all know,
this last-minute get-together...

was kind of, um,
you know, strange,

but we all know
whose fault that was.

[All] Yeah!
But I'd like to point out
that to the man,

every single person that I called
said that they would be here
without a doubt,

no matter how far
they had to come,

no matter what plans
had to be broken.
[Man] You're right.

And so, I raise my glass
not only to my friend and partner,

but to all his friends and all
the memories that we share
with James "Sonny" Crockett.

All right!

To a cop who's
always had the fire,

yet refuses to lose sight
of what is right,

loyal and unselfish.

Congratulations, Sonny.

New Zealand?
[All Laughing]

It's the only place we figured
you could go where you
wouldn't get yourself in trouble.

It was Gina's idea, actually.

Good luck, Sonny.

I want you to be happy.

Yeah, me too.

Man, that's terrible
about Tommy Lowe, huh?

Yeah. Heard his car
overheated in Miami.

Yeah, those imports really
aren't designed for that humidity.

So, what are we going to do
about Caitlin?

We'll see.
We'll have to see.

[No Audible Dialogue]

[No Audible Dialogue]

[No Audible Dialogue]