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04x12 - The Cows of October

Posted: 08/30/22 14:13
by bunniefuu
Anything got anything yet?


Not even a mouse.

Look who's joined the party boys.

Come on baby.

That's it. There you go.
Good girl.

She made the drop. Pick her up but
wait until she's a few blocks away.

-How long we gonna wait for this guy?
-We won't wait long.

Roxy's not about to let 20 Ks
of blow stay there much past dawn.

What the hell is going on here?

l'll go check it out.

Cowboy Bob's knocked out cold.

-What is this?
-l don't know, but it's not Roxy.

No, but that is.

Hello officers. Lovely night for
a cattle drive, don't you think?

l do not believe this.

l want to know who the hell this guy
is and who let him in here!

We're blown.
We've been blown before.

What's this?

lt's a b*mb!
Everybody back!

lnteresting b*mb.

One of my lab techs it might be
some form of liquid plastique.

So he ran through a scanner.

-You can see them swimming.

May l?

This stuff could cause an expl*si*n...

l knew it!

-ln the cow population.
-What is it?

Bull semen.

-Bull semen?
-Bull sperm?

There it is. There it is.
That's my t*nk...

Hey bud. Let me in man.

-You're should be in the hospital?
-Will you tell 'em it's alright?

Guys, it's alright.

lt's defrosted!

What kind of people would let
frozen bull semen thaW?.

-Must be our warm hearts.

l come in from Texas...

with two tanks of Gargantua's semen
to ship to my partner in Belize.

One gets stolen, and the other
ruined. Defrosted by the cops.

-l named him for his...


1000 units of t*nk,
100 buck a unit...

100 grand for bull sperm?

Yeah. What am l doing?
l'm just minding my own business...

sleeping in my truck,
by the agriculture dept. export place.

-And lucky we were right next door.

l get bushwhacked!

l'll tell you what.

Texas Rangers never would have let
them little sperms out of the corral.

That's for dang sure.

This is Agent Timothy Anderson,
from Washington here to let us...

-know what happened last night.
-Great, another expert.

lt's imperative that we locate
this husbandry material.

Husbandry material?

We got to bring in every unmarried
Holstein in Dade County.

The department is very interested
in the recovery of the bull...

-Unborn cattle rustling?

The government
needs a local liaison.

What are we supposed to do?

Question happy cows with
that sexual aftergloW?.

For your information
most cows don't enjoy it.

That's why they have such sad eyes.

Milk from one of these animals is
the most complete food in the world.

Four legged miracles!

l was explaining to Mr. Cooper
this morning: true beasts of beauty.

You knoW?. One of the first things
you boys gonna have to learn is...

is how to pick up on animal disease.

You gotta look for the glaze
in an animals eye. That...

That can mean a fever.

You gotta check for warts,
abscesses, ringworm...

Got to be cautious of puss and fungi.
Don't want to contaminate yourself.

They sometimes have gut infections.

Watch out for loose bowels, diarrhea.

That could be a sign
of some infestation.

-Sounds great.
-Yeah, well...

Paco! Come show these two how to...

check out a cow for pregnancy.

Gina, absolutely
positively overnight.

-What you got? Family photo?
-lt's Gargantua.

Calvin's bull. Want to see it?

-l've seen Calvin's bull.
-Hey man.

There's the finest bull l ever had.
Key to my whole operation.

They only lost one t*nk.
Why don't you just go back...

and get a fresh supply?

He's dead.

-Natural causes?
-He was servicing a heifer...

stepped in a hole and broke his leg.

l had to sell him for slaughter.

-You mean he was...?
-He died for love.

5 dollars for a bull whip.

Kids! You gonna buy those whips?
Are you gonna by those?

Do you have 5 dollars?
Don't finger that... Get out!

Get away from there
with those snow cones!

Don't be coming around here.

Manny, polaroid!

Would you please hold this whip
in a possibly suggestive position?.

Reintroduce playtime in the bedroom.

This is Rojas?

Do you think that fella knows
something about my stolen t*nk?

lzzy's got his finger on
the pulse of the underworld.

l have located the Texan.
l have established surveillance.

Very nice. lsn't she nice?
l'll take that, thank you.

Come on now.

l'm doing a remake
of ''Red River''...

with the original dialogue intact.

-Look at this guy!
-Who's he, Randolph Scott?

l know Howard Hawks didn't want
the Duke die, but that's how it goes.

-lt's going to be low budget but...
-Hey Buffalo Bill!

Give your name and number to Manny
and we'll get in touch with you.

Manny, get her name and number!

Caballeros, l got
my work permit here somewhere.

l got my peddler's license renewed.

l can get you a special rate
on these for the police force.

You got a line on
any bull semen thieves?

You got a line on 50 bucks?
l'm kidding! l got your man.

You do?

Yes. l know some very heavy
cattle breeders who know this guy.

They say he's into
artificial ''insubordination''.

l want you to go to your friend and
tell him you got an interested buyer.

Sorry, but l'm gonna be busy
the rest of the afternoon.

Then maybe a certain parole
officer would...

like to find out where
his girlfriend spends Friday nights.

-Got a quarter?
-He's not good for her.

No. You got a quarter?

l just trying to give back
her self-esteem!

Yeah, l got a quarter.

l'll make a phone call for you.

Here's a quarter.

l have my own.

-The guy's a nut!
-Listen Paco...

-it's like l tell you on the phone.
-You sure he's cool?

He's a standup guy. You're gonna
walk away with your down payment.

They have arrived.

That's the sign.
Yes! Come on!


Howdy partners.

You're busted!

ln the name of the...

ln the name of the US Government
l place you under arrest.

Put the t*nk on the ground.
Lay your hands against the truck.

Put your hands in the air.

Who's sh**ting?

The sh*ts came from over there.

Who started sh**ting? There was
not supposed to be any sh**ting!

What are the Feds doing here?

Anderson, you can call
the A-team out. lt's all over now.

All clear.

The t*nk?

Looks like our friend Paco
was cowed by all the noise and split.

-What is it with this stuff?.
-You're not cleared to know that.

Not cleared?

Looks like you're an uncle.

lt's that Cuban pig Rojas.

Cuban intelligence?

What could Cuban intelligence
possibly be interested in here?

Miniature cows.

Miniature cows!

This gets better and better.

Oh yeah.
This is a picture of Gargantua.

This has got to be a gag,

l didn't know cows came that small.

They do. The USA plans to be in
the forefront of bovine miniaturization.

ln lndia: high yield rice
impervious to nuclear fall out.

Bat guano power plants in Guatemala.

Herring farms in the Dead Sea.

''The way to people's hearts
and minds is through their stomachs.''

Mao Tse-Tung.

lt's a sentiment that Cuban
intelligence seems to share.

Señor Rojas and l have
locked horns from Trinidad...

Speaking of horns, when you getting
off red herring and onto the bull?

Eyes only.

Up until now the dairy protein needs
in the 3rd World were met...

if at all in powdered form.

ln times of draught
the results have been tragic.

What you're seeing is the answer.

Little Bossys and their tiny teats?
What do they put out? Evaporated milk?

Try 2 thirds the production of
a full size cow on 1 tenth the land.

The perfect low cost animal!

When did Rojas find out about
Cowboy Calvin's big secret?

Lesson number one, Detective:...

ln the intelligence community
there are no secrets.

Except the secrets
that keep themselves.

Darn it! l wish them cloak and dagger
boys would butt out of this.

You afraid that international good
will may bankrupt the sperm bank?

Good will?

Stanley, there is some serious
long green to be made...

off of them little cows of mine.

How serious?

Do you know how many sperm can
swim around on the head of a pin?

l never looked.

Millions. Millions. So just think...

of how many potential cows
is in that t*nk see.

l mean that's at least one cow...

for every family in the entire
teeming underdeveloped world.


-Even at a buck a cow that's...
-A lot of moolah.

You know, it's not that l don't
have confidence in law enforcement.

lt's just that l wouldn't be
getting up on the off side.

l just thought, and Stan
here agrees with me...

that you're the man
to head up this posse.

Well, l just started casting
''Red River Part 2'', but...

l can always check my calendar.

He's incredibly busy.

lf you wasn't busy, how would you
go about contacting this Paco...?


Well, probably
in the role of the neo-crypto...



80, 82, 3, 4, 5...

Call that 86.5.

You tell Mr. Hermosa...

for the return of my bull futures.

No questions asked.

We are totally simpatico, my friend!

l guarantee that l can...

get your vital fluids
returned to your personage...

faster than you can say...

-Lash LaRue.
-l knew you was a Range Rider...

the minute l saw you.
Didn't l say that about him, Stan?

-l got one question.
-What's that?

What's in it for me? Right lzzy?

What's in it for me?

Think 86.5 will get it Stan?

More than enough if Hermosa
is as low rent as lzzy is.

Of course 86,500 is kind of...


-lt's an odd number.
-An odd number?

Look you're obviously a bright guy
but in the big city...

-l'm just a big hick.

Oh yes l am!

-Just speak your peace.

We work with these
fast operators all the time...

and one thing you recognize:
round numbers.

-Round numbers.
-Yeah. You never see a guy...

offer a bribe, say for
72 dollars and change.

lt's always 100 bucks.
10 grand.

Or 100 thousand. But see...

Stan, all l got on me
is 90 grand because...

you know, l didn't expect to get
rolled in some strange city.

-l didn't prepare for it or...
-Well, l've got some savings...

l was gonna put into mutual funds...

but with the market so crazy and all...


l'd be proud to invest
in the future of a better world.

No, l couldn't let you do that,
see, 'cause...

Well. l'd have to insist
on one condition...

-What's that?
-That your contribution entitles you...

to a 2º/º- 5! 5º/º ownership...

in Teal enterprises, because...

l'd just as soon that you got
something for your money...

instead of just letting me have it.

And besides if you're gonna be
standing behind me, as an investor,...

l'd be honored if
you was my partner too.

lt's a deal!

Good deal!

-How about lzzy's house?
-That place is a dump.

Come in,
Agent Anderson.

Well you're a tough little puppy
to keep in the crosshairs lsador.

l don't let the grass grow under
my feet. Everything here is legit.

Good for you.

Guess that means you're ready
to help the right side, right?

l salute the flag on your lapel,
Agent Anderson, but...

-But what?
-But l'm already engaged.

Well l have some friends in the lNS
with info that may disengage you.

Seems your immigration status
is a little precarious.

lngrid and l had
a very special relationship.

She taught me
how to use the bullwhip.

We were divorced right
after l got my Green Card.

Well, l've got two outstanding
warrants in...

-Puerto Rico, one in Guantanamo...
-Where have l heard this before.

Ok. Alright. l will help you.

l'll tell you now Hermosa knows
how valuable that t*nk is.


And Rojas doesn't have that t*nk?

No, Paco Hermosa.

And he's not gonna take
a dime less than 200...



200,000? l could raise that.

lt'd be wrong but...

No, no, 200,00 is well within
the purview of my authorization.

lt might be more though.
l can't tell.

Red River Productions?

-This is Rojas.

l have just received
a fax from Havana.

You still have
many outstanding warrants.

Shall l read them aloud to you?

No, no, no. That's ok,
comrade Rojas.

l see. You are interested
in the amazing bull product.

Well, l don't know,
we are a nation of...

card sharks?


-Give me the whole thing.
-Play along.

Yes. l'll see what l can do,
but it'll cost you...

something in the neighborhood
of two hundred fifty...

nine... thousand... dollars.

Oh yes!
There are many pros and cons.

Yes, especially the cons.
One second.

-He wants to make the deal today.

Yes. We can do that for you today.
l will meet you alone.

Yes. You have my word.

You and comrade Rojas...

and one billion unborn cows.

Compact minicows?

Limousine sized cows
for our commie creep.

-You know Rojas?
-No, l don't know him.

No? Great. Fine.

lt's a beautiful winged sloop,
you got here.

l can't believe it.
16 boats in an hour.

15. He checked one twice.

You here?


-How are things friend?
-Very well, thanks.

-You got what l need?
-l don't see any money here.


Don't fool around...

What the hell is going on?

Get in!

This is me! This is me!

What the hell are you doing?

Nice going Mr. Covert Operation.

You have a lot to learn about
the chess international intrigue.

Yeah? Like what?

Like the fact that our side
just won a major battle...

in the Cold w*r
of animal husbandry.

Mr. Rojas just bought a load
of our oversized cud chewers.

-You're welcome.
-Who is this guy?

There's gratitude for you.

l told you Anderson tried
to pull a big con on you.

The t*nk is bogus.
l was just the bagman.

Let me down please.

Pig! Why don't you tell me
who you're really working for?

l can see there's no Eastern
block translation for...

the free market entrepreneurialism.
l'm getting busy.

So you are...

a capitalist pig
who'd do anything for money.

No! lt's more of
a informational processing...

A very distinctly sought after
in this most inhospitable world...

-Where you...?
-Surely not as inhospitable as...

-La Cabaña.
-La Cabaña?

La Cabaña? No, that's not me.

You're thinking of somebody else.
lt's not me!

lt's really not me.
l've heard of La Cabaña but...

l've never spent any time...
She work out with weights or something?

lsador Francisco Moreno,...

crimes against the Revolución.

-Define ''la Revolución''.

Don't say that to me.

Either way l go home
with the spoils of capitalism.

You or the minicows.

Maybe l will take both.

So who has my t*nk?


lt's some guy named Paco,
who works for the USDA.

Also a US agent?

No. He's just an opportunistic
capitalistic... you know.

Sibling actually.

You know, he's just trying...

to make a name for himself.

He's already entertaining an offer
from that Texas boot stomp.

That sod buster made a bid
for the t*nk of two hundred...

and fifty nine thousand...

You are of course to outbid him.


This briefcase is bugged
and rigged...

to detonate...

on my command.

So as to protect you
from your socially...

inbred tendency of greed.

Any deviation from my instructions...

and we will be forced to abort you...

and your mission.

Any chance of this
going off by mistake?

-We're gonna need case 22?

-Hi Calvin.

They told me these was the last two
in the entire state of Florida.

-That's nice. Thank you.
-Thank you Calvin.

You're welcome.
Kind of hard to come by 'em...

so far from Texas.

-That's sweet.

lt seemed like the least l could do
after the time we had last night.

You check out Romeo back here?

-Pangs of jealousy surfacing?
-Get out of here.

l think he's already
closed the sale on Gina.

-l'm sorry.
-That's alright...

8 to 5 she sees right through him.

You sure you want to make that bet?

Maybe you guys could
take some notes here.

Kind of a nice color on you.

-How about we just pull his file?

Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Paco! How are you? Hold on.

Tell me what's happening.

-What is it?
-l don't know. He's breaking up.

Paco, listen the Cubans
have come up with a better offer.

Yeah. lt's about...


lt's about 275,000.

lzzy just cut a deal for Rojas
to sell them for 275,000.

All these people,
prospering off of my hard work.


At the trestle today,
near the Albondegas bridge.

And bring that bull gizmo.
Yeah, of course.

Close encounters of the weird kind.

Of all the people
in the world to be entrusted with...

the forefront
of bovine miniaturization.


-Who's there?
-lt's me man.

-Who are all these light freaks?
-l don't know man. You got the money?

lt's in here. Careful
of the red light. You got the stuff?.

-Yeah. lt's right here.
-Go! Run!

Let me see! Let me see!

Come on. That t*nk's got
to make it back to the ranch.

-You really care for this, don't you?
-No, no. l just...

hate to see a good old boy get
the shaft. That's all.

Not so fast, my capitalist friend.

What we need here is
a SALT like nuclear disarmament...

No way! Those miniature cows
belong in the free world!

Why does Anderson always
show up at my drops?

l should be martinized
for trying to prevent WWW lll.

Get up bonehead! Before
we martinize you into the ground!

Where's the money, lzzy?

Rojas is going to k*ll me!
He'll think l've double crossed him.

You got to help me get into
a Federal protection program.

Let me sh**t him, ok?
Can l sh**t him?

l got a round in here...
Sure l do.

Bunco division, Los Angeles.

Bunco division, Denver.

Land fraud division,
State of Louisiana.

Who's that?

Cowboy Cal,
a.k.a. ''Chuck Teasdale''...,

''Clyde Tearose'', ''Calvin Tuttle''...


Yeah. Sorry Gina.

That miserable 10 gallon rat!

lf it's any consolation to you,
he took some investment bankers...

for about 100 grand
in a phony mutual funds...

a couple of years ago.

Got off on a technicality.

100 grand...

Nice round number.

Who is it?

lt's Calvin.

Calvin! Yes, the...

key is under the mat.

Hey man. Pay attention.
l'm gonna show you how to get rich.

lt's my sense of distrust
is temporarily overcome by the...

need for finances
to blow town.

May the wind always be at your back.

For a hundred years.

-Looky here.

Any more alleged perpetrations and
l lose all semblance of credibleness.

Relax man. All them other tanks
was fake. This is the real enchilada.

You didn't think l was really gonna
part with the genuine bull sauce?

Did you?

Mr. Teal.

You're a credit to free
enterprising vertebrates.

Damn right l am!

So as l see it,
we got a perfect opportunity...

to employ your God given talent.

The telephone is my instrument.

l was born to play it.

Just like Mozart was born
to play the piano...

Bo Jackson was born
to play baseball.


Mr. Charlie.

Drives a lot of ball players loco.

Hello, this is...

This is Anderson.

Yes. By strange,
circuitous route...

the actual bull semen has found
its way into my possession and l...

wanted to give you first dibs.

We are opening the bidding at...

say... half million.

Moreno, is that you?

Listen you Cuban cockroach!

lf you've got the genuine t*nk,
you better fork it over now, before...

-Could you please hold.

Buenos dias, trading in
minicow futures is open again.

And l am entertaining a bid from...

Agent Anderson,
of the federales, for...

5.5 points US.

What a load!
Listen to me Moreno,...

Marielito trash,...

how dare you negotiate with
the People's Republic of Cuba?

Fish or cut bait.
l got Washington on the other line.

So, how do you open Andy?

Why should l believe anything
a fruit fly like you has to say?

'Cause he's got the t*nk.
lf you don't start adding on zeros...

them baby bulls gonna be
mooing en español.

Ok, ok.

l'll go 550 but l want Moreno's skin
hanging from the wall when it's over.

-Yeah, yeah.
-Which reminds me...

-10 º/º.


You're at 550,000 please hold.

Did you get that?

What l get is 300,000
of my Cuban money.

And for every additional dollar
it'll be one pound of your flesh.

You hear me Moreno?

l cannot let personal endangerment
conflict with Keynesian economicals.

Going once, going twice...


Cubans 6,
gringos 5.5!

-Top of the eighth?

Conference them.


Los cubanos. The number
on the table is 7. Repeat 7.


One million
US dollars.

Señor Anderson,...

Oh-two count.

Bottom of the ninth.
We are waiting.

Listen, we took a big budget
hit this year, we...

we're not prepared to go that high.

So, the capitalist running dogs
fade in the stretch.

Selling these bulls
to the communists is...

lt's downright non-American!

Listen Federal breathe,
if you can sell Cola to the ChiComs...

l can sure sell cows to Castro.



Congratulations, Señor Rojas,...

you just got yourself a full
quart of half-pint short-horn studs.

Now l want that money delivered in,
unmarked, unused, unconsequetive...

fifties and hundreds to my buddy
who's boating along the Miami river...

between noon and 6 today.
You got that?

Of course l do.
But don't cross me.

Now way, José.

-Muy bien.

Moreno give me the damn t*nk.

-No Rojas will k*ll me.
-What he don't know won't hurt him.

Thank you.

-Give me the other t*nk!
-Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

Not bugged and rigged, is it?

Bless my soul!

Have a nice flight back
to Cuba, ok?

Just give me a push there,
and l'll be alright.

-Like clockwork, no?
-Yeah, clockwork orange.

Listen. l'm a little paranoid
of Rojas, so...

if l could just get my 20º/º,...

l'll take it with me and withdraw
to sunnier climes.

Fast money always fades first.

Too bad, 'cause l was planning on
introducing you to permanent wealth.

Permanent Wealth? What do you mean?
The M word or the P word?

l mean so much money your children's
children couldn't spend the interest.

What's that?

Signed contracts with the Saudis
for 20 tanks of bull semen.

This paper alone is worth
a billion five.

l've been getting inquiries
from the entire lslamic world.

Now, l's planning on cutting you in...

for 10º/º off the top, but...

But? But what?

Well, see...

high finance is a game
for men with a certain...

confident view of life. And...

You got all you can do to hang
onto your little green card.

Hey, l understand that.

Take your 200,000 and scoot.

Of course, by the time
l deliver on that paper,...

l'll be dropping 200K on tips.

Wait a minute.

lf you're really serious about
bringing milk to the desert...

l am.

l wouldn't mind getting in on the...

ground floor of some of this honey.

You're sure?

Start the ball, Tector.

That's taking the long view, Moreno.


l want you to hang on to these, ok?

You put 'em in a safe place...

and keep 'em there. And...

l got a 7 pm flight to Dubai,
l gotta catch.

-l'll cable you from there, ok?
-Ok. Well...

l'll keep these in a safe place.
Let me ride down with you.

-That's ok. You take care now.
-Ok. Hold the elevator.

l'll tell the doorman
you're on the way.


Well yeah, come on in man.
You want some...

Champaign? lzzy, give...

give the man some Champaign.

What tipped you?


l started looking at this picture.

There are a few things in here
that bothered me.

So l sent it over
to photo analysis...

and had them take a look at it.

lt's a composite.

See the shadow...

from his leg here is from
a picture taken at 12 noon.

And the shadow on the bull here
is from a picture taken after 5.

Very nice.

And Paco Hermosa...

has been working for you
from the beginning.

You are good.

lt'd be a cold day in July before
someone put one over on you.

l'm gonna take a wild s*ab here
at an explanation.

You can tell me how it fits.

What's in that brief case
belongs to me and lzzy.

-Yes, that's a given.
-Shut up.

Because we sold that bull sperm
to the Cubans...

and they paid for it, coin
of the realm, fair and square.

And what's in that brief case there...

it's ours.

Geopolitics and really my thing,

But l'm a little put off about how
you tried to burn my friends.

-l am ashamed about that.
-So l suggest you come up...

with a real good reason why
l shouldn't haul your ashes into stir...

right now.

Ok. Well.

You know that t*nk of mine?

That wasn't real stuff.

Well Sonny,
there never was real stuff.

-There's only about 19 of them...

and they're off on
some ranch in Mexico.

See Sonny, l never did
break a single law.

The Cubans paid for something
they perceived as valuable.

You got the money.

Ain't no harm been done,
except the...

harm that Rojas is gonna do me...

once he finds out that
he's been hosed, so...

Sonny l am asking you as
a Southerner and as a gentleman...,

to let my behind go.

You really think l'd let
you just stroll out of here?


l'd be obliged.

The money stays.

You'll not regret this Sonny.
This is an act of Christian charity.

-''Ciao'' you'll!
-Tell Stan and Gina...

l'll make it right with them
as soon as l get back on my feet.

Where the hell
do you think you're going?

You're very nice.
Very nice.

You know what we've got in there?
Letters of transit.

lt's time to get out of Casablanca.

This ain't the beginning
of a beautiful friendship, lzzy.

When l hit it big it'll be because
l picked the right 6 in the lottery...

not because l joined
a joint venture...

with some Castroid reject
fleece artist.

l'm beginning to smell wages
on you partner.

This is gonna go
to the Fallen Policeman's Fund.

Look, let me just say
goodbye to the boys.

Franklin, Grant and all the others.

l think l really got to know them
in the time we've been together.


-What time does his plane leave?
-At 7.

ln Alice Springs we don't have need
for the minicows 'cause we got space.

But you, when you take over
in Hong Kong in a few years,...

l reckon you gotta use all
the space you got. Let's start...

a pilot project now and then...
Thank you.

ln another few years you'll have
little herds of cows in Kowloon.

Have a look at that little bugger.
He's no bigger than a wallaby.

You know we're developing
the dwarf clover so that...

you'd be able to feed him
right out of your window box.