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01x09 - Glades

Posted: 08/30/22 14:21
by bunniefuu
? In this dirty old part of the city ? ? Where the sun refuse to shine ? ? People tell me there ain't no use in tryin'? ? Now my girl you're so young and pretty ? ? And one thing I know is true ? - ? You'll be dead before your time is due ? - [No Audible Dialogue]

? I know ? ? Watch my daddy in bed and dying ? ? Watch his hair been turning gray ? ? He's been workin' and slavin'his life away ? ? Oh, yes, I know ?? Don't go away mad, Muskie.

Just go away.

I've got to figure out how to get into that jail cell, Vince.

Deputy Dawg only throws lawbreakers in there, Muskie.


Now, if Deputy Dawg thought I was a lawbreaker.

Come on, Vince.

I'm gonna "salt'"and batter you there, boy.

Hey, Bramlette, you wanna crank that down a notch, babe? Help me, Deputy Dawg.

I'm watching it.

I'll turn it down.

Help, Muskrat's beating me This is some low-rent program you guys got.

All I ever get is day-old Danish.

Better than eating fresh Colombian lead, Bramlette.

Do your bit in court on Monday and we'll take you out for filet.

Hey, slick.

What are you doing over there, posing for GQ or that courtroom reporter? ? Today I'll be dancing ? [Knocking On Door]

[Men Shouting]

[Cocking g*ns]

Yo, Sonny.

Oh, you were looking to get your sinuses cleaned out there, Stan, or what? What's with you bozos? So we're a little early.

- Mail call.

- How's it going? You don't mind, do you? I was watching cartoons.

Come on, Tubbs.

We're out of here.

Yeah, we just thought we'd relieve our two best buddies an hour early.


Charity begins at home, huh? [Switek]

Yeah, you know.

Albert "Schmeitzer'"and those guys.

Is this it? [Woman On TV]

If you're average in a 12-month period, that means you're eating - [Switek]

It's good though.

- Oh, I get it.

Bramlette, you gonna be all right with these guys? [Tubbs]

You all right? [Woman On TV]

Come on, Tubbs.

Sixty-three donuts.

Oh, no.

! Fifty-five pounds of oil and fat.

How did you know that undercover Agent Zucotti was shot in the back of the head? To the best of my recollection, that information was not passed out by the media.

No, sir.

I read it in an interagency report.

I see.

So that when Joey Bramlette, a small-time dealer, mentioned Enrique Ruiz, what was your state of mind? That he was just blowing smoke, trying to cop a plea on an important dope supplier.

And when Bramlette told you that he'd seen Ruiz k*ll a cop in the Everglades, did you still think he was just "blowing smoke"? No, sir.

Because of the details of the sh**ting, the kneeling, the sh*ts in the back of the head, I took it very seriously.

It even checked out with the coroner's report.

And that's when you called Agent Price? My partnerJames "Sonny" Crockett and I did.

Yes, sir.

No further questions, Your Honor.

No questions, Your Honor.

Court will recess until 8:30 Monday.


All rise.





, huh? F-O-R-G-E-T l-T.

My, my, my, sheer poetry in motion.


You guys are doing a pretty good job.


Spare me the understatement.

I'd say we're doing a hell of a lot better than pretty good.

We'll all get well if you can lock up Ruiz.

That guy's taking the fall, guaranteed.

Pretty smug under the collar for a guy taking the fall.

Means nothing.

He's just trying to keep his macho image jacked up.

After Bramlette's testimony on Monday, he's buried.

[Woman On TV]

What is it? What's the matter, Jason? This is so unreal, man.

This is so unbelievable.

Can you imagine people watching this day in and day out and day in and day out and day in? No.

No, she can't be with him.

He's a sleaze lawyer! [Scoffs]

This is driving me crazy, man.

She's gonna marry him.

Marry him? She was supposed to marry Sham and Shay in the last show.

You want a sandwich? She's marrying him.

That's what they just said, man.

Are you listening? She was supposed to marry Sham and Shay in the last show.

Yeah, well, who cares? They were the two construction workers.

They were the greatest.

What are you talking about "Sham and Shay'"? This happens to be my favorite show, Lawrence.

Yeah, it's your favorite show.

That's because you're an idiot, Stan, you know that? Oh, thanks a lot, pal.

[Blowing Nose]

My favorite show.

[Woman On TV]

Oh, Jason, my head is spinning.

[Man On TV]

Just let it spin.

Four and a half months of work down the drain.

We were protecting him, Lieutenant.

Who'd have thought he'd take a flier.

Uh, let me get this straight now.

You let this guy just walk out.

He didn't tie you up.

He didn't pull a g*n.

Shut up, Crockett.

Look, I had to take a whiz, okay? Beautiful.





It was Bramlette's idea to testify.


That's right.

Why this? [Tubbs]

When we were leaving this morning, I noticed he reacted strange to something that was in his mail, like it freaked him.

- Ricardo, what are you talking about? - Did he say anything to you guys? Not a peep.

He just sat there staring out the window.

Well, we have to have Bramlette in here by Monday morning.

If he doesn't testify, Ruiz goes free.

Ruiz is probably responsible for flushing him out in the first place though.

- And for only one reason.

- We gotta find him before Ruiz does.

Or we'll find one dead Bramlette.

The only safe place that Bramlette knows in town is Harry's.

Is that the place you picked him up? Look, we lost him.

We'll find him.

You got till Monday.

?? [Rock]

? Hey, in the silence ? ? I think of you ? ? I send a message ? ? I hope it gets through ? ? Think of the distance ? - ? Think of the miles ? - [Cheering]

? Over the valleys ? ? Could take a while ?? [Imitating Howard Cosell]

This reporter hasn't seen action like this since the Thriller in Manilla.

In fact, I have never seen such a lingering left.

Harry has turned into a regular Don King.

Hey, sweetheart.

How are you? Harry, how you doin', old pal? Okay.

What happened to your mud wrestlers? It was too messy.

It used to splash all over the lunch patrons.

Foxy boxing's what's in now.

So, it's good to see you two fellas again.

Just in the neighborhood? [Chuckles]

Get out of here, Harry.

Nobody's ever just in this neighborhood.

You heard from our mutual friend, Joey Bramlette? You're kidding.

That crazy swampie was here just a couple of hours ago.

Lightened my cigar box by a few bills.

I'm a soft touch.

What can I tell ya? I like the kid.

Did he head back to the Glades? - How bad's his trouble this time? - It's bad.

It's real bad.

But we'd like to help him, you know? Try Okeechobee Springs out in the Glades.


Thanks, Harry.

Take care of yourself.

?? [Ends]

?? [Rock]

? I tell you now ? ? And I won't tell you twice ? ? Where when and how ? ? I got some bad advice ? ? I never thought I could handle a girl with g*ns ? ? And let me tell you ? ? You can bet that I'm not the only one ? ? Oh, no ? ? Stand tall Don't think small ? ? Don't get your back against the wall ? ? sh**t straight I can't wait ? ? Aim for the heart and fire away ? ? Now ? ? I've come around ? ? I understand today ? ? She's the target now ? ? I'm gonna have my way ? ? Everybody says don't go messin'with a girl with g*ns ? ? They don't need you They couldn't love you ? ? They couldn't be any fun ? ? No ? ? Stand tall Don't think small ? ? Don't get your back against the wall ? ? sh**t straight Don't wait ? ? To fire away ? [Crockett]

Why in the hell would he go back to Okeechobee? [Tubbs]

'Cause the dude lives down there.

I just don't understand why he'd wanna get right back in the middle of Ruiz's boys.

There's only one kind of party they'll give him.

What the hell is an umbrella rig? Maybe it's in case it rains.

? Stand tall Don't think small ? ? Don't get your back against the wall ? ? sh**t straight Don't wait ? ? To fire away ? ? Stand tall Don't think small ? ? Don't get your back against the wall ? ?? [Continues]

?? [Ends]

This is weird.

Yeah, fishing must be real good this season.

Yeah, a fisherman helps on an off-load, he could make more in a night than he could make in two or three years of crabbin'or guidin'.


Jovial old boy.

You know, isolated or not, this town is very obvious.

How come they never sent nobody in here before? D.



's been in here twice undercover.

How did they do? Don't know.

They never came back.

What was their cover? Don't tell me fishermen.

Well, now that you mention it.

?? [Folk On Fiddle]


How you boys doin'? Howdy.

Bet those boys come down from Miami to do a little fishin'.

[All Chuckling]

As a matter of fact, that's right.

What kind of fishin' you boys plannin' on doin'? Mostly bass.

What kind of tackle you boys use? Spinnin' gear, a six-pound test and about an eight-inch plastic worm.

Texas rig.

That's a light tackle.

It's more fun when some of'em get away.



I was hoping maybe we could fish some lily pads.

I like using a flippin' stick.

You know, go after them big boys.

That's a nice set of wheels you boys got.

- Thank you.

- Foreign job? I buy American.

Well, I buy whatever I feel like buyin'.

You boys want a beer? Sure.

Thanks a lot.

Mammy, bring us another round.

Put it on my tab.

I'm Sonny Bates.

This here is Leroy Reece.

Floyd Higgins.


This here's my brother, BillyJoe.

Hey, BillyJoe.


We was wonderin' if maybe y'all could help us.

We're lookin' for a guide that we used a few years back.

I believe his name was, uh Bramlette, I think.


Aw, sh**t.

We got lots of Bramlettes in these parts.

We got fat Bramlettes, skinny ones.

We even got ourselves an albino Bramlette.



I think this old boy's first name was, uh, Joey? Does that sound right to you? Yeah, Joey Bramlette.

That's his name.

Joey Bramlette.

sh**t, why didn't you say so? Me and BillyJoe will run you over to his place if you've a mind.

No kidding? That'd be real hospitable of you.

Where in the hell are we? What did that dude Clyde Eastman say in that movie, Floyd? Go ahead, ruin my day.




You know how many big city hotshots like you two gone in the mouths of our gator population? - [Spits]

Do you, buddy? - No.

What do you want with Joey Bramlette? We just wanna go fishin', damn it.

Smell like cops, Floyd.

If they was cops, they'd know where Bramlette was.

I wanna go fishin', damn it.

We just wanna go fishin'.

[Starts Engine]

I think we made an error in judgment here.

All right.

See this tree? Moss always grows on the north side of the tree.

So if the road's inland, then we gotta go that way, which is east.

Is the road inland? Not necessarily.

So if the road isn't inland, then we gotta go that way, which is west.

Is the road inland? Aw, hell with it.

Let's go this way.


[Muttering, Indistinct]

This is some weird stuff, man.

Thick with mosquitoes.

No kidding.

Wait a minute.

If moss grows on the north side of the tree, then what the hell is the sun doing in the wrong spot? The sun is in the wrong spot? Come on.

You know, this reminds me of a section of the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, that part where it's got these crazy plants that eat things.

I fed one a piece of a Big Mac once.

Wait a minute.

How big do those plants get? Mosquitoes.

Damn, I got you that time.

You got moss on a damn tree that's supposed to tell us where the road is at.

Can I help it if the moss doesn't know which side of the tree to grow on? The sun is in the wrong place? Hey, Jack.

Let me tell you something.

I may not be an astronomer, but I know one damn thing.

The sun is never in the wrong place.

Yeah? Well, if you know so much, why don't you hail us a taxi? I wish I could, buddy.

Hey, listen.

I may be a little rusty at my Boy Scout stuff, but I know one thing.

The damn point here is Well, the point is, we gotta get All right.

Hey, wait a minute! Time out.


Uh, you know what? This is getting weirder all the time.

You're Crockett and Tubbs.

Well, if you're not gonna tell us where we're going, why don't you tell us your name? - Cassie.

- Good.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Say, Cassie.

Where we going? Boy, I'm getting damn tired of feeling like I'm in a pinball machine.

First we're sitting in a bar having a nice, friendly beer, and then a couple of yahoos drag us out into the swamp and then get us lost.

And then three maniacs show up with shotguns, march us through the woods, don't say a word.

Now we're sitting in this boat going God knows where.

With a chick that don't talk either.

Why don't you just relax and enjoy the scenery? Lo and behold.

The lady speaks.


How you boys doin' today? See what I mean, man? Nothing makes any sense.

We're in the damn Twilight Zone.

What took you guys so long? My wife, Cassie.

Hey, here's Pa Ryan.

This is his house, now him and Ma.

This is their daughter, Jenny Lee.

And Hank, Jimmy and Bobby.

You wanna knock off the how-do-you-dos, Bramlette? Why did you book from custody? And what the hell are you doing here? I owe you guys an explanation.

Isn't that nice? He owes us an explanation.

We got big trouble.

Me and Cassie, we got us a nine-year-old daughter, Tammy.

It was the letter in the motel.

Ruiz had her kidnapped.

I testify, she dies.

Why didn't you just clam up at the trial? I know that Ruiz.

He would've k*lled her anyways.

He tried to get at Cassie, only she got away.

So what is this, a safe house? Right.

Ruiz has the whole town under his thumb, except for the people you see here and a few others in town, but they mostly keep their opinions to themselves.

[Door Opens]

Well, that dude's got a strange way of keeping his opinions to himself.

That's Paul.

Him and Hank and Jimmy and Bobby, they all had close relations blown away by Ruiz for freelancing.

- Freelancing? - Bringin' in pot for other groups.

Ruiz don't allow that.

So everybody's a smuggler? Most people in this town just gets paid to look the other way.

Everybody in this room's a smuggler.

But we're not murderers.

So you were gonna roll over on this dude and testify, huh? Yeah, but Tammy's getting snatched has changed all that.

Well, I just know one thing, pal.

Come Monday morning, you're gonna be in that courtroom.

Why do you people think you're here? You two know about this hostage stuff.

Please, you gotta help us.

Help you? Lady, our job is to bust people like you.


- Where is she? - They got her in this house near town.

They got those Higgins brothers, Floyd and Billy, watching her.

All right, that's only two.

We can handle that, no problem.

- And about 20 Colombians.

- What? How many we I mean, how many you got? - Oh, we got us five here.

- [Pa Ryan]


And the two of you, that makes eight.

Two against one.

Do they have a*t*matic weapons? Yeah.


It can't be done.

It just can't be done.

There's too many of them.

Won't be so busy tomorrow night though.

Hey, Pops.

You were the fiddler at the bar.

Overheard Floyd and BillyJoe.

Gonna be a drop tomorrow night.

At least half of them Colombians gonna be real busy.


Come on, man.

Even with an experienced team, maybe.

With this bunch? - Forget it.

- [Cassie]

Please, you gotta help me get my baby back.

It's gonna be dark in a couple of hours.

The least we can do is check out the house.

All right.

We'll take a look.

Tammy's in there.

[Chattering, Indistinct]

That damn Floyd.

[Chattering, Indistinct]

[Engine Starts]

I'm gonna take a look.

[Mosquito Buzzing]

We need a diversion.

They got a shipment coming in tomorrow night.

How about we sh**t up the off-load? That'd create a lot of confusion.

That could work.


Clem, where and when is that shipment coming in tomorrow night? I didn't catch that part.

We gotta know.

Well, come tomorrow morning, I'll just have to find out.

You're a good man, Clem.

People around here depend on each other.

At least they used to.

Hot biscuits.

Hell, I can remember when my grandaddy used to deliver liquor in here during prohibition.

And I can't hardly make a living just fishing and guiding.

- So you started running weed? - Yeah.

A man's gotta feed his family.

In the beginning, oh, six, seven years ago, was just a bunch of old longhairs runnin' a few bales on their sailboats.

Nice guys, really.

No g*ns or nothin'.

I appreciate this help, Clem.

I can't figure it.

That new Chevy of mine's only got about 2,000 miles on it.

Well, they don't make 'em like this no more.

You reckon you gonna use this truck tonight? Don't reckon.

Why? I had a mind to borrow it.


What time? Late.

About 2:00 a.


Y'all got a load comin' in tonight? You know I ain't supposed to talk about that, Clem.

I'm just curious, Billy.

Hell, you know my mind done gone to hell.

What we talking about anyhow? [Chuckles]

And then Ruiz shows up with his money, fast talk and big loads.

We got sucked in real gradual.

Yeah, next he brings up his own little army, making threats.

k*lling people.

Airdrop over Pine Key.


Already guessed that, you dumb old coot.


You're dense as a pine knot.

You ain't never gonna get it.

Try another.



[Chattering, Indistinct]

[Static On Radio]

[Clem On Radio]

There's a dumb old coot, dense as a pine knot.

Got something to say.

Is that frequency safe? Yep.

Speak to me, Clem.

[Clem On Radio]


Town dock.

Gonna arrive about dawn.


All right then.

We're on.


All right, we're gonna get into position at night and take it down as the plane lands.

Now, it's gonna be y'all's job here to cover the front, all right? Don't let anybody get inside.

Since I played lucky last night and didn't get blown to hell, I'll go around that end of the house, 'cause I know where the trip wires of the claymores are.

Claymores? Antipersonnel mines.

Mines? Don't worry about it.

Listen, just do what you're told, and maybe we'll get lucky again.


Okay, let's run it again.


Okay, me, Jimmy, Bramlette, we nail all the Colombians on that front porch when you get inside.

You got it.

Hank? Yeah, Pa Ryan, me, Bobby, Tubbs, we're gonna keep 'em busy down at the off-load in town.

You men wait till I fire first.

It's our job to keep the Colombians at the docks pinned down.

All right, now, y'all remember.

I'm gonna be inside with his daughter.

And the g*ns we're using will rip through this old house from stem to stern.

So you've got to cover this front and don't let anybody get inside.


I'm a-goin'too.

My, my, my.

What is this? That's my daddy's gator getter.

Smoothbore muzzle-loader.

Now that bad boy will knock a tree down.

It'll get their attention.

Y'all need a real marksman for this job.

[All Chuckling]

- You want him? - Well, you're the one that needs the marksman.

[All Laughing]

Okay, Pops.

You're with me.

[Chattering, Indistinct]

[Chattering, Indistinct]

[Chattering, Indistinct]

[Chattering, Indistinct]

[Chattering, Indistinct]

[Men Chattering, Indistinct]

[Chattering, Indistinct]

[Chattering In Spanish]

[Chattering Continues]

[All Shouting, Indistinct]


[g*nf*re Continues]

Dang, dang, dang.

You'll never get an alligator like that.


[Shot Ricochets]

You let me out ofhere, or she's dead.

You don't walk out ofhere with that child.

If I twitch, she's gone.

Maybe you won't even twitch.



It's okay.

It's okay.

I'm a police officer.

It's all right.

It's okay.

I'll take you to your mommy and daddy.

Joey, Joey, no.

Come on, move, move.

Come on, move.

Come on, move.



Tammy! Tammy.

! Mommy! Daddy! Got about two hours to get you to court, pal.

You got it.

Hey, buddy.

! [Chuckling]

Thanks, Pop.

Your Honor, if the court pleases, our witness, Mr.

Bramlette, will be here any minute.

We'd like to ask for a short continuance until this afternoon.


It's been over two hours now.

Sufficient time for Mr.

Bramlette to have arrived.

We will proceed at this time.

Do you have any other witnesses? No, Your Honor.

Well, then, based on these circumstances, I have no choice but to dismiss Your Honor, the state calls Joey Bramlette to the stand.

You may proceed.