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01x17 - The Maze

Posted: 08/30/22 14:28
by bunniefuu

So I said to the guy Right? "Either you connect me to the source, or I start playing jai alai with your head.

'" Nice guy, huh? So the guy takes off like a bat out of hell.

But I nailed the guy.

Man, I grabbed him and threw Hey.



Okay, okay.

Hey, easy.

You ever hear of the Miranda act, or is that just another Latin dancer to you? Hey.

I mean, with [Chuckling]

With the Syndicate squeeze you guys got around here, an actual arrest is cause for celebration.

Oh, man.

Come on.

Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire.

You got it.

That way everybody gets burned.

You give this guy a couple more Cuba libres, he'll start in on the courts next.


Look, I just happen to believe there's a better way of doing things.

Well, there is a better way.

But it starts at the grassroots level, pal.

Look at this neighborhood.

Six months ago, it was a w*r zone.

- Now look at it.

- Yeah.

Yeah, you guys came in and cleaned the town up.

Okay, wise guy.

No, Tim.

The people they did it themselves.

Neighborhood Watch programs, community cooperation, small businesses helpin' each other.

You know, a little pride goes a long way, Duryea.


I should have brought my violin.


L I told you I forgot something.

I forgot I forgot my violin.

- He's your partner, Dickey.

- All right.

Come on! Hey! Come on, you guys! Lighten up.

You are too intense.

Look at these eyes.



Get your hands off my car, you nut.


I didn't realize that was your car.

[Glass Shattering]

Hey! [Yelling]

Shut up! I said shut up! - I said shut up! - Maybe next time we come to you, you treat us with a little more respect.


Duryea! He's got a g*n! [g*nsh*t]

Throw me a g*n.

I'll cover ya! [Machine g*n Firing]

[Hurried Footsteps Passing]

[g*n Cocking]


They shot Dickey.

He's dead.

[Phone Ringing]

That turkey's responsible for the death of a good cop.

We gotta let him just sit out there as if nothin' happened.

I filed my report.

That's all I can do.

Homicide wants our help on this.

Store owner wouldn't talk.

Neither would anyone else in the neighborhood.

The Escobars? These punks.

They can't even get out of their own way.

Strictly small-fry.

Not anymore.


As I recall, the Escobars have a coke sheet that goes back four years that I know of.

I thought those guys were in detention up in Marianna.

Somebody want to check that out? Trudy.

[No Audible Dialogue]



You better tell me.

Have you seen the Escobars? No, I haven't.

Huh? You sure? Sure.

You still stealin'jewelry? No.

All right.

What are you doin' out of school? Whoo! [Laughing]

?? [Synthesized Pop]

? Prehistoric ages And the days of Ancient Greece ? ? On down through the Middle Ages ? ? When the Earth kept going through changes ? ? There's a business going on ? ? Cars continue to change ? ? Cars continue to change ? ? Nothing stayed the same There were always renegades ? ? Like Chief Sitting Bull ? ? Tom Paine ? ? Dr.

Martin Luther King ? ? Malcolm X ? ? They were renegades ? ? Yes, renegades ? ? Of the atomic age ? ? So many renegades ? ? Now hand clap The renegades ? ?? [Synthesized Rhythmic Clapping]

? From a different solar system many, many galaxies away ? ? We are the force of another creation ? ? A new musical revelation ? ? And we're on this musical message to help the others listen ? ? Improve momentum and ? ? Seek the electronic chance ? ? Like ? ? Astrology ? ? Like ? ? Technology ? - ? Like ? - ? God's creation ? ? Like ? ? The Zulu's nation ?? [Laughing]

Deney Terrio, eat your heart out.

Not now, man.

My feet are on fire.

Whoo! Oh, we can fix that.

Hey, man.

These are my dress shoes.

Have the Escobars buy you a new pair.


You gonna talk to us, pal, or do I have to extinguish your whole suit? ?? [Continues]


Fleet feet.



Telltale two-tones.

Anybody home? We could, uh, flush him out.

- Give me a break.

- Yeah, you're right.



We're looking for the Escobars.

- Chill out.

- I don't run with those punks anymore.

You guys know that.

You still sellin' your services to car alarm companies? You bet.

Security consultant, If I can't get in, nobody can.

Hey, I'm thinking about incorporating.

First, think about the Escobars.

What do you guys want with them anyway? They're punks.

That's all.

They've graduated, Pepe.

Last night they became cop K*llers.

- Where they holed up? - In a place called the Maze.

- You got an address? - You can't get the Escobars out of the Maze.

It's a labyrinth, man.

And you'll need a whole army.

[No Audible Dialogue]

You want some lunch? What are you doin'? I'm pitchin'.

Can't you see that I'm pitchin'? Sorry.

Would you like to have a little lunch? [Crockett On Radio]

Zito, this is Crockett.




We think the guys that k*lled a cop are at 7212 San Domingo.

The guy that owns it is Jim Bostwick.

He's got an office in the Americana Bank Building.

Get over there right away and get as much about the building as you can.

We'll be there in 10.




I guess we'll eat on the way.

Let's go.


Place could be loaded with entire families.


Day of reckoning, pal.

Humiliation looms.

My handicap's edging on 12.

Well, I beat you last week.

I'll see what happens.

Rental information's down the hall.

So, Saturday, 7:00 a.


, we tee off.

It'll be? I'm gonna have to talk to you later, Jimbo.

Vice? This must be a mistake.

I pay people with green stuff, not white stuff.


Bostwick, are you familiar with the situation at your building on San Domingo? City planning says that, uh, you're the owner of record.

We're gonna need a comprehensive blueprint of the building.


I got a lunch date now.

But I'll put my secretary on it right away.

I think it's pretty safe to say [Phone Clatters In Cradle]

Lunch is a wash, wouldn't you? I do.


The rear exit's bolted up.

We'd make too much noise trying to force it open, so the front door is the only logical way in.


What about the squatters? [Duryea]

Just kick the door down and tell 'em to duck.

Ladies and gentlemen, this year's Nobel Peace Prize goes to Tim Duryea.

Excuse me, Crockett, but these punks gunned down my partner.

You wanna sit this one out, Detective? No, sir.

We'll send a man in to evacuate them.

Someone who speaks their language.

And can do it quietly.

You have someone in mind, Lieutenant? [Man]

You give me no respect, man.

You don't really own this building.

You don't tell me what to do.

Throwing the garbage out of the window? What do you want me to do? Live in it like your family? No.

You do not talk about my family.


[Chattering Angrily]


? I live the life of Solomon ? ? Sail the seven seas ? ? Carry the cross ofJesus ? ? Prayed in Gethsemane ? ?? [Vocalizing]

? Touched the shores of China ? ? Love in Ethiopia ? ? Started revolution in Europe ? ? Love was what I did it for ? ? Living the book of my life ? ? Turn the pages different stages ? ? Living the book of ? ? Living the book of ? [Jamaican Accent]

I love these security buildings.

? I worked the diamond mines in Ghana ? ? Drilled oil in Arabia ? ? Planted sugarcane in Jamaica ? ? Turn the pages different stages ? [Squeaking]

? Living the book of my life ? ? Turn the pages different stages ? ? Living the book of Living the book of ? ? Living the book of ? ? Living the book of my life ?? Go away.

[Jamaican Accent]

I just pulled in from the island yesterday, man.

I got no place.

You're not welcome here.

But this is a big place, man.


What the hell is taking him so long? This is ridiculous.

Duryea! No one fire.

Tactical people in now.


We got cops everywhere, man.

That's cool.

Tubbs, Miami Vice.


You guys are blowin' my cover.

What the hell are you doing here? Back off, or these people die.

Like now! Hey.


What's your line of fire? [Man]

Northwest corner.


All right.

Let's get started.


That's his partner in there with the Escobars.

I'll talk to him.

Detective Crockett, your partner got a g*n? Who are you? I'm the man in charge of this mess.

He's got a.

38 strapped to his ankle.

He ever been in a situation like this before? He knows how to handle himself.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I'm glad somebody does.

I thought Tubbs might have run into trouble! You were hotdogging.


Crockett, they already k*lled my partner, man.

I just didn't want to lose yours.

Could have fooled me, pal.

If I didn't need every available body, I'd send you home, Detective.

As it is, I don't want you to make any more decisions.

And don't leave this room till the final as*ault.


We can't storm the place.

With all the squatters in there, and us not knowing where they are, it would be a bloodbath.

Had to get some air.

Every time I look at Duryea, I get mad all over again.

It's understandable.

I'm worried about Tubbs.

Everything's under control for the time being.

Davis seems like a good man.

He is.

He has a lot of experience.

He's gonna need it with these kids.

They've grown up runnin' the streets, thinkin' they're indestructible, thinkin' they can get away with m*rder.

And you know what? So far they have.

They stopped being kids when they started using g*ns.

So what's next? As long as everything stays calm, we'll try to stall 'em.

Maybe get them to release some of the hostages.

In any case, time's on our side.

Four hours isn't a lot of time, Lieutenant.

Let's let Davis handle it.

I just wish there was something I could do for Tubbs.

There is.

Yeah, I know.

I know.

Stay cool.

Hey, coconut.

What you lookin' at, huh? Nothin', man.


?? [Woman Vocalizing]

Lady, why don't you just shut the hell up? ?? [Continues]

You've been drivin' me crazy with that.

You think she drive you crazy? She more make crazy me! - Your wife's got a big mouth.

- Yeah, but at least she keeps it shut.

- Hey! - [Baby Cries]

I said shut up! [Baby Crying]


There's something I don't understand.

You people got all this room back there so many that you don't even have to see each other if you don't want to but you're always fighting over one little place in the back.

For what? We were here first.

[Speaking Spanish]

- Hey! - [Spanish Continues]

You know, my mother used to sing that hymn.

Back up! You back off! Everything cool, man Everything's irie.

[Davis Over Speaker]

This is LieutenantJack Davis.

You hear me in there? [Baby Crying]


Can you hear me? You give me everything I tell you, or these people are dead.

What's on your mind? We want a helicopter to take us to the Bahamas, and we want $100,000.

We can get you that.

What are you gonna give us? Give you? What guarantee do we have that you're not gonna k*ll these people after we give you what you want? You have my word.

You have four hours.


Show a little good faith in that.

Send out the women and children now.

No way, man! Whoo.

! Yeah.

! Yeah, right.


You let 'em have it, man.

Right in their fat faces.

Yeah, man.

We're on top now.

All right.

Listen up.

! I want everybody here to keep quiet.

Except for you.

You're too quiet.

You dumb or somethin'? I can talk.


That's real good.

'Cause that's kind of like a an added attraction.

- Get away from my sister.

- Hey, you got a problem, man? Come on.

Make a move.

Come on.

Boy with a g*n.

Don't tempt me, man.



Talk to me, Escobar.


Elio's playin' a game, mon.

- [Tubbs Laughs]

- Shut up! [Crying]

? The sky turned to black ? ? Would he ever come back ? ? They would climb a high dune ? ? They would pray to the moon ? ? But he'd never return ? ? So the sisters would burn ? ? As their eyes searched the land ? ? With their cups still full of sand ? ? Tea in the Sahara with you ? ? Tea in the Sahara with you ? ? Tea in the Sahara with you ? ? Tea in the Sahara with you ? ?? [Vocalizing]

?? [Stops]


Get over there.

[Baby Crying]



How long you been here, man? Too damn long.

Since last August.

So, what happened? No work? [Georges]

Plenty of work.

No card.


Nice necklace.



Let go of her! I'll blow her away.

[Baby Crying]

- Where you takin' her, man? - Just passin' time, bro.

Just passin' time.

Cool out, Georges.

You're no good to your sister dead.

What are you gonna do? Scream? Send everything crazy? You don't want to get anybody hurt.

[Baby Crying]

You don't exist.

Just like me.

So let's party.

- [Screams]


! Please.

! - Georges! No.

! [Screams]


What the hell is the matter with you? Open it! Go! All right.

Drop him.

I said drop him! All right.

Get inside.

Get inside.

Get inside.

Get inside! [Crying]

[No Audible Dialogue]

[Crying Continues]

[No Audible Dialogue]


[Crying Stops]


Place is a nightmare.

Thousand places for a sh**t to sit and pick us off as we come in.

We gotta pinpoint exactly where they're keepin' the hostages.

Hostages are what got us into this fix.

We'll lure them to the roof.

With what? With a helicopter.



You watchin' me? I'm watching you.

Water's gettin' deeper and deeper, man.

Already you're in over your head.



! He att*cked one of my men.

We k*lled him in self-defense! I believe you.

Let's pack it in now before it gets any worse.

Let's not.

We want some food for these kids.


I got a better idea.

You give us the kids, and we'll feed them.

No way, man.

The chopper will be here in half an hour.

What difference could it make? I don't have to bargain with you, man.

Talk to me, Escobar.

[Baby Crying]

Let 'em go, Raul, man.

They're just kids.

No, no, man.

Don't give 'em squat.

We're callin' the sh*ts here.

I'm callin' the sh*ts here! [Davis]

Talk to me, Escobar.

[Baby Crying]

All right.

They're driving me crazy anyway! [Horn Honks]

It's cuttin' off my blood.

[Speaking Foreign Language]




Check her out, man.

She putting a curse on me? What, man? No, man.

She's in shock.



That dude had it comin'.

He att*cked Elio.

Had no w*apon.

What kind of attack? What if we can get someone in there? What are you thinking? If I can slip inside, I can pinpoint where the hostages are.

There's gotta be some sound coming down.

Yeah, it'd help.

Worth a shot? I mean, we could send one of my men.


I want to go.

Raul's my man.

He's gonna get us to the Bahamas.

Don't you have family down here? - So? - You can't come back.

You'd be a criminal down here, man.

Tied in to that m*rder.

I didn't k*ll nobody.

You be part of a conspiracy, man.

I didn't k*ll nobody! Get that, mon? Jaime.

Don't mess with him.

You'll be drownin' soon.

You'll be dead.


[Chattering Continues]

I found 'em.

They're in the southeast corner of the building.

The mezzanine level.

I'm right below them in what looks like a bar.

I found a crawl space at the back of the building.

Have your men enter there.

Good work.

Come on home.

[Davis On Radio]

Move in.

Move in.

! [Davis]

Sonny, there's no way you can be anything but backup in an S.




You better find one, 'cause I'm here, and I'm stayin'.

We haven't got any time to argue this out.

You're right.

I'll be waitin'.

Everybody up! Move! Street's quiet.

All right.

Go back in front and keep watch until you hear the helicopter.

And then meet us in the stairs.


You're all going to the roof with us.


Move! [Screams]

Except Natty.

Natty we maybe k*ll.

Watch him.

We don't move until we hear the helicopter.


I got this terrible itch, man.

On my right knee.

Can you come and lift me cuff? Jaime, please.

Call me for a thing like that, coconut? They're gonna k*ll you.

They leave you for that, man.

I don't wanna die with an itch.

You're crazy.


I'm a cop.

Drop that g*n.

Untie me.

[Helicopter Whirring]

Where the hell is everybody? Where's Xavier? Go getJaime.

Get up.

Move, damn it! Now.

[Helicopter Whirring]

Nobody's going to the Bahamas.


Jaime, let's go.



! Back off, or I'll k*ll her! No! No.

All right.

Freeze! Hey.


! [Switek]

What are you doing? Switek, take the kid.

You're trigger-happy, man.

You don't deserve to be a cop.

Let's go.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.