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04x17 - Hell Hath No Fury...

Posted: 08/30/22 15:01
by bunniefuu
[Male Announcer]

Twelve-year-old Alan Beaks was an altar boy for then-Bishop Roger O'Halleron.

Age 18, a National Merit Scholar, a golden boy, his father lieutenant governor of this great state, his mother an heiress to one of the South's great fortunes.

Ten years later, a convicted criminal, a r*pist, a drug addict, a social pariah disowned by his family.

Broken but unbowed, he would go on to form the first prison choir group in the state of Florida as well as a donation drive to raise $10,000 for the expansion of the prison library system.


Um, this may sound strange, but if it ever happened to me God forbid I hope it would be someone as charming as Mr.



Well, we'll make sure you two exchange phone numbers after the show.

Miss Lewis, as the assistant D.


Who prosecuted Alan Beaks, surely you must admit that his rehabilitation is a model example of our penal system at its best.

While I certainly applaud Mr.

Beaks's desire to assimilate back into mainstream society, I must remind you that the D.


Office feels his parole is somewhat premature.

Meaning the debt's not paid, or once a r*pist, always a r*pist, Miss Lewis? No.

Just that a three-year sentence reduced to 20 months is considerably less than the seven to 10 years we feltjustified in asking for.

This was a first-time offense, Miss Lewis.

I'm aware of that.

But this case was an extremely high-profile case.

The defendant was white, the privileged son of a prominent family, and the victim black.

Are you saying that all parties concerned would be better served if this man were still incarcerated? I'm saying that I believe thatjustice should, in order to be effective, be blind.

You're suggesting that a first-time r*pist deserves a break.

I'm saying that Alan Beaks's sentencing and parole should have been handled no differently than that of an unemployed field-worker.


If I may interject Murray, if I may interject something here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I would just like to say that, for the most part, I'd be hard-pressed to disagree with Miss Lewis.

L-I believe in fairness and equality, but equality cuts both ways.

If that unemployed field-worker has demonstrated a full understanding of the severity of his mistake and he's ready to reenter society, then I see no reason to prolong his stay in an overly-crowded prison system, which usually serves to harden most of its inmates.

[Scattered Applause]

Most of you are aware, I'm sure, by now of Alan Beaks's desire to publicly apologize to Ellen Mason.

Well, we asked Miss Mason to be on the show with us today, and she refused.

How about, by show of applause, we decide whether or not we try to call her right now, live, from the studio.

Let's have it.

Let's see if Ellen Mason will at least talk to this man via phone.


Don't answer it.



[Line Ringing]

The issue before us today: Is there no redemption possible for a man who has made a tragic mistake? Tomorrow: Mercenaries for hire.

Soldiers of fortune or paid assassins? [Audience Applauding]


Phillips, I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to present my side of the story.





You should have accepted the apology, you witch.

In case you didn't learn the first time, I'm gonna have to teach you.

You should have accepted the apology.

This is my case.

Not anymore.

Your involvement ended with Beaks's conviction.

Look, Lieutenant, the woman has been through hell.

At the sentencing, Beaks said he'd k*ll her, so the guy's a psychopath.

Parole board thinks differently.

Oh, right.

All this media hype he's starting all over.

She's right, you know.

You won't get an argument out of me.

Beaks is a lowlife.

But that doesn't mean she's not workin' out of policy.

Yeah, we can all sympathize, but we gotta keep the lives separate.

Yeah, well, Trudy was with Ellen Mason from the night she was r*ped until Beaks was convicted.

I won't have personal crusades.

You think you can protect this woman for the rest of her life? He's coming after her again.

I can feel it! You have to remember, Trudy, that Beaks is a first-time offender.

Come on, Lieutenant.

This reformed r*pist stuff is a crock! Convicted criminals have been known to turn around too, Trudy.


And Hitler loved dogs and kids too.

There's nothing wrong with caring, as long as it doesn't get in the way of the job.

You know the boundaries.


Hey, little girl.

Come here.



What's your name? Elizabeth.

Well, hi, Elizabeth.


Want a nice shiny quarter? Here you go.

Elizabeth, is Miss Mason your teacher? She is? Has she ever touched you like she's touching that little boy over there? No.

No? When she came into school today, what did she say? Nothing.

Miss Mason.

Over here.

Over here.

Elizabeth! Elizabeth, come here! Get away from her! Leave her alone! Miss Mason! Care to make a statement on the release of Alan Beaks? Get the children! Get them inside! Miss Mason, please.

A few questions.

Miss Mason! Over here.


Why won't you talk to the man? Call the police! Do you believe the penal system has failed? Miss Mason, look over this way.

- Can we ask you some questions? - Miss Mason, just a few minutes of your time, please.

Now, was Alan Beaks was he or was he not at your apartment that night? [Man]

Ellen! Over here.

Look this way.

Ellen, are you gonna forgive Alan Beaks? Talk to me.

[All Shouting]

Please make a statement for the public! [Woman On TV]

Outside Ellen Mason's house where, fueled by recent media attention Excuse me, waiter.

Would you turn the television up, please? support groups for both convicted r*pist Alan Beaks and victim Ellen Mason have gathered.

Recently, Beaks's attempts to publicly apologize to Miss Mason have been rejected by the young teacher.

This afternoon, both the women's support groups and various racial factions have managed to turn this quiet suburban neighborhood into a circus-like atmosphere.

Reporting live, WXT, Joanna Sauerville.

Another media feeding frenzy.

You think Trudy's heard the news? I don't know.

Let's go find out.

[Music Box]


Let me remind you all that you are watching a Murray Phillips exclusive report of this incredible event.

Most of you are aware, I'm sure, by now Where's Trudy? [Gina]

Oh, uh, she had a doctor's appointment.

Great idea.

Temperature's rising.

But we are still unable to learn the identity of the woman who, 15 minutes ago, joined Ellen Mason in her house.

As you can see, people from all walks of life have gathered here today for this incredible - Why didn't you stop her? - Hey, I turned around and she was gone.

Does Castillo know? I want her out of there.

We can all agree, though, that this tragic event has touched us all.

Excuse me.

What's your name? Linda.


And are you a neighbor of Ellen's? Who? Like Linda, we are all, somewhere deep inside, a kindred spirit of Alan Beaks.

Walt Whitman said, "Nothing human is alien to me.

" We are all equally capable of committing a heinous crime and equally deserving of forgiveness, once we have paid our debt, hmm? It is now 4:00, and Alan Beaks has still not arrived.

This could be a meeting that might reveal the kind of people we, as a nation, have become.

Ellen Mason, once Beaks's victim, now his judge, is every woman, every person.

If she can find it in her heart to forgive him, then perhaps all of us He's here! Alan Beaks has arrived at Ellen Mason's house! Excuse me.


Get out ofhere! Get me a bullhorn! Ellen? Ellen, l-l-I've come to talk.

Hasn't this gone far enough? You're in no danger here.

Please come to the door, or at least to the window.

I just want to talk.

Please, Ellen.



I beg of you, just talk to me for a minute.

Come on, Ellen.

Come on.

Just relax.

Come on.

I'll get rid of them.

You don't have to listen.

We can set an example here for the entire world.

Please, Ellen.

Please talk to me, just for a minute.

I know if wejust sit down, face to face Ellen, I'm gonna come to the door now.

I don't want you to panic.

Pleasejust come and meet me in a show of goodwill.

Ellen? Let go of your hate, please.

Please, Ellen.

Talk to me.


There's nothing to fear.

Please, Ellen.

I'm begging you.

I'm waiting, Ellen.

We're all waiting.

I'm begging you, Ellen.

That's it! Stop it! Stop it! Get this damn filth off this property! You bastard! Get your scum-sucking self off of here! I've had it with you! You're driving me nuts! Get outta here! I want you to get the hell outta here! Do you understand me? I want you back in the hole that you came from! I want you to leave that woman alone! Hey! She's been through enough, and it's your fault! Just Oh, you don't want to talk to me.

I'll make your life miserable, Beaks! You'll never forget my name! You'll never forget me! Listen, if you're a friend of Ellen's, I would like to talk to you.


She doesn't want to talk to you! [Woman]

The restraining order against Beaks was vacated so he could be on the TV show with Mason.

Mason wasn't on the TV show.

You've got to understand the state's point of view.

It's good publicity.

Here's this guy Who is harassing a woman that he r*ped.

Who's been rehabilitated by the system, who wants to publicly apologize.

When's the last time you guys had that kind of success? About the last time you did.

So we're supposed to say, "Hey, no, he can't"? We do, and we're admitting to having released a dangerous factor into society.

We're admitting failure.

Yeah, we sure don't want the state to look bad.

Off the record, I think the whole business stinks.

But as a professional, I can't recommend against it.

Beaks exhibits every indication ofbeing ready to resume a normal life.


And what happens if the evaluation is wrong? What if Beaks isn't rehabilitated, huh? Who's going to admit to that failure? [Twig Snaps]


Trudy! - What? - I heard someone outside.

Ellen, you've been hearing noises all day.

There's no one out there.

[Doorbell Buzzes]


Hey, is that the way you always greet your guests? Trudy, I thought you had decided to take a couple of days off after that 10-rounder last night.

Does Castillo know I'm here? No.

He thinks you're at home.

If he finds out you're here Yeah.

What else is new? Trudy Look, I have seen you guys go just as far dozens of times.

Yeah, but we always had somebody to pull us back.

Is that why you're here? Friends.

We didn't want you to have all the fun.



Press still out there? No.

The third r*pist.

First, what Beaks did last year, then the trial, when they made me go through it all over again, and now this.

Her news broadcasts.

Beaks r*ped me, the court r*ped me, now the press is raping me.

- You been watching these a long time? - I want a record.

Trudy, how long are you gonna babysit for her? Months? Years? Beaks may never come back.

He'll come back.

Damn it, Gina! If you were me, you would do the same.

Trudy And you would do the same! Trudy, I think you should let us take you home.

She's gonna be all right.


Look, if you guys can't help us help me don't bother.

You all right? He's out there.

I can feel him.

[Printer Whirring]

What are you still doin' here? Oh, I just got the, uh, report comin' in from the Martin case in Japan, so I'm here.

What are you doin' back here? Gina and I stopped by Ellen Mason's.

Saw Trudy.

And? Let me ask you something.


If this were your case We're professionals.

And the tables were turned, and the victim was Caitlin, what would you do? [Lewis On TV]

The privileged son of a prominent family, and the victim black.

Are you saying that all parties concerned would be better served if this man were still incarcerated? I'm saying that I believe that justice should, in order to be effective, be blind.

But you're sug [Cassette Rewinding]


Ellen, don't.

would be better served if this man were still incarcerated? I'm saying that I believe that justice should, in order to be effective, be blind.

You're suggesting that a first-time r*pist deserves a break.

I'm saying that Alan Beaks's sentencing and parole should have been handled no differently than that of an unemployed field-work Why are you doing this to yourself? Ellen.

You don't understand, Trudy.

I'm going to beat him.

He can't win.

[Phone Rings]


[Breathing Sounds]


Hello! Look, just stop calling here! Do you understand? [Line Disconnects]

[Phillips On TV]

The issue before us today: Is there no redemption possible for a man who has made a tragic mistake? Tomorrow: Mercenaries for hire.

Soldiers of fortune or paid assassins? [Audience Applauding]

[Phone Rings]


Guess you didn't learn the first time.

Leave me alone.

Just leave me alone! Ellen, you've got to forgive.

Just stop calling her! It's okay.

I'm okay.

I'm going to bed now.

[Door Closes]

You placed the ad, didn't you? I mean, do I have to spell it out? I'm only asking for help.


I'm calling about the ad.

I'm in trouble and, um, I was hoping that you could Miss Mason, Tommy poked me in the eye.

I was hoping that you could eliminate the problem.

Can you tell me where I can find Miss Mason? You haven't said anything about a price.

How much do you have in the bank? About 12,000.

Now you have six.

After I do the job, you'll have none.

You'll never see me again after today.

We will never speak.


I'm only gonna say this once.

If you ever so much as mention my name in passing, I'll find you and I'll k*ll you.

Ellen? I got breakfast.

American Mercenary? What the hell? Oh, no.

You out of your mind? I think I just started using it.

I've got to deal with my own life.

No one else is going to.


By hiring a hit man.

You can't stay here forever.

Not forever, but as long as So maybe you had just better leave now.


Here's your keys.

I've already been through one trial with you, Ellen.

Please, don't make me go through another one.



[Door Slams]

Thank you.

There was an attempt on Beaks's life.

Perpetrator got away.

What a surprise.

All this press brings out every head case in South Florida.

- How bad is he? - He's fine, for now.

Was there a description on the perp? No.


Ellen circled some ads in the back of a mercenary magazine.

I didn't think that she Well, I know she wasn't serious.

Switek, you and Gina, get on Beaks.

Intervention on your own judgment.

We're protecting Beaks? Unofficially.

Until I can secure a court order.

But keep it loose.

I don't want him to know you're there.

Well, this is great.

We're worried about Beaks.

Understand something, Trudy.

If Beaks goes down, all investigations are gonna be focused on Ellen, and subsequently on you and maybe this entire unit.

So what am I supposed to do? Nothing.

You're off the case.

Stay at your desk.

I didn't go through with it.

I couldn't k*ll anyone.

Trudy believes that.

And you don't? Let's say I'm just trying to maintain my objectivity.

Guilty until proven innocent.

Ellen, do you realize what would happen if you actually hired a mercenary? Conspiring, aiding and abetting.

The least that they would give you is an association in an attempted m*rder.

If I had taken steps to protect myself, I'm sure the state would protect Beaks.

Nobody sees more cracks in the system than we do.

Listen, l I'm not gonna stand here and tell you that the system's perfect.

You've been treated unfairly.

But we gotta consider more than just your pain.

We've got a conviction on Beaks, and now his black victim is conspiring to m*rder an already rehabilitated white attacker? Not a major step for race relations.

I'm not a violent person.

I'm not accusing you.

I'm merely giving you a little friendly advice.

Let me ask you a hypothetical question.

If this was happening to a sister or a girlfriend, what would you do? I wouldn't break the law.

No offense, Detective, but I don't believe you.

Well, Beaks is then, to your knowledge, unaware of this alleged contract? Metro reports state that he believes it to be a direct result of recent media attention.


And he has not requested police protection? No, sir.

Lieutenant, if I may be frank here, I have to say this thing reads like an effort to pull one of your own out of the fire namely this DetectiveJoplin.

We're trying to save a man's life here.

I understand that, Lieutenant.

The problem is, the existence of a contract hit is unsubstantiated.

Do you have any idea what would happen if I gave this man police protection now? TheThe press would have a a feeding frenzy.

Not with just you and me, but with the entire system.

All due respect, Your Honor, I think the judicial system would survive.

Yes, yes, Lieutenant, it would.

But what about your detective or, for that matter, Miss Mason? Now, this order will simply lead to more media scrutiny.

I'm well aware of that, Your Honor.

It's just that I feel that the situation warrants some preventive intervention.

I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but I have to believe that granting this request now would only fuel an already incendiary situation.

But if you believe there is a substantial threat to Beaks's life, then perhaps you should concentrate on the discovery of that threat, hmm? Now, if you'll excuse me, Lieutenant, I have things to do.

Thank you.

You'd think this guy would leave his room more often.

Must be agoraphobic after being in jail.

Thanks for that insight, Dr.


Yeah, hello.

Deborah Finley, please.

Tell her it's Alan Beaks.

[Woman On Intercom]

Alan Beaks on one.

What's up? What's up is that for a rehabilitated model citizen, I'm gettin' a pretty funky deal here.

Is someone bothering you, Beaks? Yeah, someone everyone is bothering me, man.

The media wants to know every time I go to the can.

I got some nutcase tryin' to k*ll me.

And the cops are parked right across the street.

You got yourself into this with the media.

Well, it's a little more than I bargained for.

I mean, it's worse than prison.

Okay, okay.

Calm down.

Now, don't do anything stupid.

You want to come in and talk? [Scoffs]

Yeah, right.

[Gina Sighs]

You think Ellen could've really bought a hit on that guy? Oh, I'm sure people were lined up around the block for the job.

That's not what I mean, Stan.

I don't know.

You know, everything I believe in and what I feel tells me that if she did, it's wrong.

But She did all the right things with the cops, with the court.

And now we're afraid that she's become exactly what she loathed.

So what do we do? We sit here and protect him.

You know what freaks me? The fact that part of me hopes there's some wacko out there after Beaks, and I hope he gets him.

I really do.

[Phone Rings]


You're off Beaks.

Judge Borges denied the protection request.

- Great.

He hasn't moved all day.

- I'll see you back at O.





Beaks is on his own.




He's out in the open.

- Well, you know who I'm rootin' for.

- What if he's going after Ellen? [Switek]

We're offhim.

We're off protective surveillance? That doesn't mean we can't follow him to his destination.

I mean, nobody can call that harassment.


Isn't that amazing? It's lunchtime already.

Thanks, Stan.


Hello, Ellen.

Get the hell outta here.

Get out, or I'll k*ll you.

Aren't you gonna talk to me now, Ellen? I mean it, Beaks.

Get the hell outta here! Come on.

I paid my debt.

L I'm not a psychopath.

I promise, I'm not gonna hurt you.

I want you out of here now.

No, you don't, Ellen.


Beaks, freeze! Hey, man.

I was just talkin' to her.

Just k*ll him.

sh**t him, please.

Let her go now, Beaks! Just sh**t him.

You have the right to remain silent.

You people are outta your mind.

I haven't done anything.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Yeah? What's the charge? Trespassing.


Come on.

It's okay.

I don't understand.

What do you mean, you can't hold him? He att*cked me! Ellen, you had the scissors in your hand.

He didn't have a w*apon.

Well, what do you think he was there for? [Knocking]

I'll get it.

Is a, uh, Miss Mason here? - They're from him.

- Who's the sender? - I don't know.

There's no card.

The guy came in and paid in cash.

- Get rid of them.

Take 'em back.


If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone now.

Just go.


[Door Opens]

[Door Closes]


Absolutely not.


Fitzgerald, I don't think you're gettin' it.

How can my readers trust me if I give you the names and addresses for those advertisers? Those names and address are eyes only.

- Top secret.

- Classified classified.

Hey, I got a magazine to get out here.

You know, if that guy that Ellen hired kills Beaks, we got a possible accessory to a m*rder here.

- You can't make that stick.

- No, but we can have a lot of fun tryin'.

Give me the classified records on the current issue.

I ran the names.

Pretty interesting group you've got there.

Sheet reads like a soldier of fortune who's who.


Yeah? We're 0 for four.

They've all checked out so far.

Who's your next name? Charles Hatch.



Two arrests: Concealed w*apon in '80, as*ault in '83.

He served four years in 'Nam.

624 South Palm.

Got it.

We'll check him out.

All right.

Well, let's see what we got here.

Yeah, 624.

- This is it.

- All right.

Let's go see what our low-rent Rambo is up to.


You part of his outfit? We're freelance.

You don't look like one of his buddies.

Well, that's funny.

I'm his cousin.

You just missed him.

He's probably out playin' at the range again.


[Chattering, Shouting]

This looks like a good place to shake out a couple of heroes.

Do you know Hatch? Should I? We thought maybe you were his brother-in-arms.

Really? Do you ever work with Hatch? Are you guys hiring? There might be enough for two, if Hatch can't handle the whole job.

Damn! You know where he is? Uh, no.

He left two, three minutes ago.

He was sighting in a scope.

Said he was on a mission, lucky slug.

But, uh, I'm still available.

Lieutenant Castillo, please.

Lieutenant, it looks like Hatch has our boy Beaks in his crosshairs.

I'll send backup.

I really did think I was protecting her.

I didn't think she'd go this far.

That's what rules are for so you don't have to think.

They need backup.

Get on it right away.

I need four units.

- [Hissing]

- [Squeals]

A black cat.


What's wrong? Nothing.

What are you doing? [Tires Squealing]

I won't be able to fight? No.



Give me that cigar! [Knocking]


Tommy! Come on.

It's my friend.

[TVContinues, Indistinct]

Hatch? Come on.

You're not gonna take down a cop, man.

You're too smart for that.

- Yeah? What if I'm not? - Then you better know you're in the k*lling zone, pal.

What outfit were you in? Come on, man.

That's gotta count for somethin'.

What, with me? Oh, yeah.


Every Memorial Day I get all choked up.

Rest of the time my sentiment's with the guy signin' the check.

Come on, Hatch.

You're gonna run outta time, buddy.

Do yourself a favor, man.

Throw down the g*n.

All right! All right.

You win.

I'm hit! I'm coming out! Nice and slow! I'm unarmed.

Hold it! Police! Anybody know what this "Your presence mandatory" meeting is about? Your behavior in the Beaks case was abominable.

You allowed your personal feelings to influence your performance as police officers.

I have to be able to treat you like professionals.

If you're not prepared to act like professionals in the future, I would like your transfer requests on my desk by the end of the day.

You can't prove I ever heard of What did you say his name was? [Woman On TV, Indistinct]


publicized case of Alan Beaks.

Beaks, who heralded from the prominent family of the same name You're taping this for your collection? Had been convicted of raping Miami-area schoolteacher Ellen Mason.

Let's go.

Today, just days after his release from prison, Alan Beaks was m*rder*d You know, Ellen, if I could bust you, I would.

If I ever find anything to connect you to Hatch, I will.

I just want to be safe.

[Phone Rings]




It's him.

Beaks? You should have accepted the apology, Ellen.


Beaks is dead.

You should have accepted the apology.

Why didn't you, Ellen? Why didn't you? Why? [Laughing]

Why? [Laughing]