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05x01 - Hostile Takeover (Part 2)

Posted: 08/30/22 15:06
by bunniefuu
(DANCE MUSIC PLAYING) Smell that? (BOTH SNIFFING) You know what that is? That's blood.

There's blood in the air.

Señor, my champaña.

By the way, Oscar, have you taken a look at my report? (SPEAKING SPANISH) Very interesting reading, Father.

David says our sales off 15% last month.

El Gato's cutting deeper into our market.

What my genius son and my lvy League lawyer refuse to understand is that there's a time and a place for everything.

Now is the time for party, not for business.

(BOTH LAUGHING) Your daddy is right, Miguel.

Come over here and give your mama a birthday kiss.

My mother is dead.

(LAUGHING) I am the luckiest man in the world.

I'm going to go and get some air.

Damn kid.

It must be wonderful to be young and to know everything.

You wanna translate that, Mr.

Carrera? Miguel, he does not realize that we are at w*r.

Until El Gato makes a move, everything must wait, even business.

Well, the kid's not exactly your seasoned combat vet, now is he, Mr.

C? Neither is that chump counselor, Sugarman.

They know nothing, even with all their fancy degrees.

Not like me and you, huh, Burnett? To the school of Hard knocks.

Hard knocks! (PEOPLE CHEERING) (g*ns f*ring) Three victims at the party were all known mechanics.

Looks like a w*r is coming down.

MARTIN: This is Jose Manolo, who was ready to make his move into the major leagues of drug dealing, until he was assassinated.

We believe by the order of this man, Oscar Carrera, patriarch of the Carrera cocaine empire.

The sh**t in the Jose Manolo k*lling was a Cliff King.

Stone cold k*ller.

He's making moves, he's connected and has Carrera's ear.

Our intelligence tells us that the old man's real problem is his son, Miguel.

College graduate, very smart.

Word is he and the old man don't get along.

This is Ernesto Manolo, Jose Manolo's brother.

Ernesto goes by the name of El Gato.

He's ruthless, brutal, and he wants revenge for his brother's death.

DEA says that he's moving straight into the Carrera market.

I want everyone on the street.

Lean on your people.

See how the battle grounds are shaping up.

That'll be all.

Lieutenant, what about him? What about Sonny? MARTIN: We've lost sight of him.

Right after he stopped being a sh**t for Manolo.

All we do know is that he's wanted in connection for the m*rder of a cop, a Detective James Yagovitch.

You call that guy that got whacked a cop? He was so crooked I heard they had to screw him into the ground.


He was in Manolo's pocket.

He was still a cop.

You know how I feel about Sonny, but that doesn't change the situation.

I need a minute, Lieutenant.

Stan and I went to the restaurant where the hit went down and talked to some of the help.

And? Now, this is an eyewitness description of the guy who took out three of El Gato's sh**t.

Sandy blond hair, sh*t m*llitary style.

Does that sound familiar? I need a man inside.

KING: Nice groceries.

Roll over, Beethoven.

Don't plan a future in mind reading, Cliff.

They came at you at your own wife's birthday party.

They sh*t up the place, waste three of your friends, and you say we wait? Oscar, now, I normally don't condone v*olence, but in this case, I think Miguel's got a point.

I got a point.

I will pick the time and the place.


Matters of mobility.

Ah! KING: Transportation.

Issue on the table is whether we update our ships and buy more planes.

Our current boats are too old and too slow, and as they depreciate, it's just wasted capital.

It's time to invest in the future.

We need a new fleet of Scarabs.

MIGUEL: That's right, at least 10 new boats.

And here are the specs on the DC-9s and the Gulfstreams.

They're quick and reliable.

And with airstrips in the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos, we can double our load, double our profits.

What do you say, Burnett? We need the boats, no question.

And planes are quicker, but there's a downside to consider.

First, there's the DEA's new radar balloons, then there's pirating from our competition.

They're using Stinger missiles now.

The bastards blow the aircraft right out of the sky, which is a loss of 30 million for the plane and maybe 80 million for the load.

So, we will stay with the boats.

Planes are too costly.

We could start with three Scarabs, the newer models.

We need three times that amount to offset the losses we've already Stop it! You will stop! Now, one day you will fill my shoes, but not today.

Do you want to do something for me? Get me two new bodyguards.

Five years ago, anybody got in Papa's way, he'd be turned into a stain, but now I hear what you're saying, Miguel.

You're only doing what you have to do.

Thinking of the business.


If only he understood that like you do, Sonny.

This El Gato, he's gaining momentum, power.

The other night at the party, he r*ped us.

Miguel Never mind.

What? Come on, Sonny, I trust you.

What is it? If what you want is to avenge Gato's little birthday surprise, I've got some ideas.

Together, we can hurt this man.

When you're ready, you come talk to me.

Sonny, thanks.

Well, well, well.

Looks like the generation gap is alive and well, and living in the south of Florida.

I just hate to see those two go at it like that.

Yeah, I just bet you do.

Tell you, Burnett.

You and I ought to talk about going into business sometime.

Doubt it, Dogpatch.

With partners, there's always that ugly moment when you gotta say, "One for me, one for you.

" Not even if I could bring something serious to the dance? Such as? I'm pretty handy with these.

Yeah, I bet you are, but the Carreras got plenty of muscle.

Besides, muscle is for people who can't negotiate.

Just keep in mind, I come for the transportation.

Nothing moves without me.

That's interesting.

Homicide just called.

An army munitions train got hit tonight.

It was parked in the yards on a stopover to Fort Benning.

You said homicide? Two soldiers were k*lled, young kids.

Inventory? M-16s and worse, Stinger missiles.

El Gato? Or Carrera.

Find out.

SONNY: If what you want is to avenge Gato's little birthday surprise, I've got some ideas.

Together, we can hurt this man.

(g*n FIRES) He was a friend.

A special friend.

(CRYING) Stupid bastard! Careless fool! The Carreras, they think they're clever.

They think that this will destroy me.

No! Not me! This makes me stronger! This makes me want blood! I swear on my brother Manolo's grave.

I will not rest until the entire Carrera family rots in hell.

That stuff fries you, like bacon.

It's no good for you.

I like things that aren't good for me.

That go for men, too? I like your father.

(SPEAKING SPANISH) Look how beautiful, no? (BOTH CHUCKLING) Get out of here.

I want to talk to Miguel.

Get out of here.

Let her stay.

She's part of the family.


You ordered a hit on Gato's sh**t.

That's right.

What should I do, lie around like a dog? Wait for them to k*ll us all? Somebody had to do something.

He's wiping out our business! Then, att*ck his business.

(MIGUEL SPEAKING SPANISH) Don't touch me, old man.

Don't ever touch me! Come on, come on, college boy.

Come on.

Come on, come on! SONNY: Friendly wagers, easy money.

Jeez, I can't believe the kid didn't have the stones to hit him.

MAN: Carrera's new sh**t is Burnett.

You can ask your quarterbacks, your comedians, your politicians, they all say the same thing, timing.

Timing is everything.

We k*ll this Burnett now, and then you bring the body to me.

What's in it for me? For you? You could be a partner of El Gato.

You like that? (CHUCKLES) We have to move on Gato.

We must hit them now.

We will not.

You know nothing of this kind of work.

We will pick our spots.

Father, I know the spot.

I say we assassinate him.

Cut off the head of the snake.

And tomorrow, there will be a new one.

You're a fool.


You're afraid of him.

If I leave this to you, we will all be crushed.

Man's here, Mr.


What? Oh, yes.

Take him to the cabaña.

And tell Mr.

Burnett to join us there.

Yes, sir.

Ah, Mr.


I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.

(IN JAMAICAN ACCENT) It's all right.

I was just checking out the view.



He handles our security.


Cooper, is it? I understand you used to do business with Manolo.


But I don't trust his brother, El Gato.


Cooper, I used to work for Manolo.

Why is it I don't remember you from his place, Mr.

Cooper? If anyone should be suspicious, it is I, Burnett.

That little rumble between you and El Gato, it's not exactly top secret around here, man.

Maybe El Gato has a problem with us, but we're conducting business as usual.

So, Mr.

Cooper, how much weight are we talking about? RICO: What are your capacities, man? I'll be in touch in the next few days, that is, if you pass inspection.

Inspection? What are you gonna do, check my bank account? Previous arrests? Yeah, something like that.

So, how long you and the Carreras been dealing? A while.

You look very familiar.

Maybe you do the club scene? You from around here? You from Florida, man? Florida? Fort Lauderdale, Miami.

You been married? You gonna tell me the truth? I'm a little happy.

I'm a little worried.

Congratulations, man.

SONNY: T hanks.

What, are you writing a book, Cooper? Or maybe you're a cop.

(CHUCKLING) Not I, man.

I'll be hearing from you soon, Burnett.

(ROMANTIC POP MUSIC PLAYING) Moves like quicksilver, eh, Mickey? So, I don't get to see you because you're worried about me? Hey, don't be copping no attitude, man, 'cause I don't need to hear it.

If you want to drop the friendship and just be partners, so be it.

RICO: Y ou didn't know how.

They don't teach that in the academy.

You learned in the street, in the world, in our hearts.

I'm going fishing.

You never told me how I was last night.

You were great, darling.

(CHUCKLES) You got Mickey's heart pumping.

I do it for you, Sonny.

You know that? I know, baby, I know.

We got 'em moving around like little dolls, don't we? (SIGHING) Is that what you want, to tear them apart? They're already torn apart.

I'm just speeding up the process.

And stepping up to the plate.

So, what happens to me when you become the number one man? Champagne and roses, darling.

Champagne and roses.

I'd do anything for you, Sonny.

I love you.

But don't ever turn me around.

You talk too much.

Told ya.

I'm gonna bring something serious to the dance.

Sonny Burnett, I'd like you to meet a few of my friends.

These men drive the trucks and fly the planes for the Carreras.

Cliff here tells me you boys are tired of working for wages.

Well, listen up.

I'm gonna stage a little palace revolt against the Carreras.

I'm talking about building an organization where the men that do the work are the ones that share in the profit.

Let me be a little more specific.

Every load that a man brings in, he's gonna take All the rest goes plowed back into the business.

As management, I'll take 25%.

But the short of it is, each and every one of you gentlemen will be millionaires in about two years.


Never thought I'd see the day when dope dealers would organize.

KING: Why not? Don't you boys take all the risks? Mr.

Burnett here is well connected.

He can take this organization places it ain't been before.

What the hell we got to lose? We ain't making diddly now.

Looks like you got yourself a deal, Mr.


(TAP MUSIC PLAYING ON TV) (PEOPLE CHATTERING ON TV) (g*n COCKING) One more step, your package is air mail.

It's me.


What do you want? (WOMAN CHATTERING ON TV) You know what I want.


Bastard, you wanted it all, huh? (YELLING IN SPANISH) Don't touch (g*n FIRES) Papa! Papa! Papa.

Papa, Papa.

(SOBBING) Papa, no.


It was an accident.

I didn't mean to do it.

Now they're going to go and lower him in the grave.

Where are you going? I'm going to change out of these depressing duds.

I don't look so good in black.

It's so easy for you, isn't it? Just put on one of your new dresses and you forget everything! I think you're forgetting something, Mickey.

I didn't sh**t him.

You bitch, it was you that caused it all.

Hey, hey, easy does it, iron might.

I'm so sorry.

I fixed your old man's death with the coroner.

We start shipping them a body a day I'm sorry.

they're liable to catch on.

(SOBBING) I can't believe her.

That's all right.


Sonny, I keep seeing his face.

I can't I can't forget it.

Take it easy.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Take it easy.

Baby, baby, lend the kid a little sympathetic ear.

Sonny, I can't stand him anymore.

He's like a lizard.

Yeah, but we might need the creep to front for us for a while.

So lay a little of that charm on him.

Sonny, I'm scared.

Of junior? Get real.

(CHUCKLES) Of what's happening to you.

You're becoming just like them.

Wrong, I'm nothing like them.



The Carreras were a joke.

And now they're history.

Don't worry about me, baby.

I'm on top of the world.

And I plan on staying there.

Now, go baby-sit the brat.

I got a meeting to go to.

Sonny, where Where are you going? You don't have to go now, do you? It's okay, Mickey.

Here you go.

Enjoy the wake.

Sonny Burnett, like you to meet Comandante Emilio Salazar, our good neighbor to the south.

Welcome to the USA, Comandante.

You're taking quite a risk being here, aren't you? Considering you're under indictment.

Course I wouldn't want anyone to run a credit check on me, either.

(LAUGHING) I hear interesting things about you, Burnett.

Like how you're now running the Carreras.

Pity about the old man.

So sudden.

Yeah, pity.

But the Lord was good to take him quick.

Boys, what do you say we dispense with the niceties and get down to business, huh? Then, let's get to it.

I intend to update and expand the Carrera organization.

And I'm gonna need access to your airstrips, Comandante.

I'm thinking about running a trucking route south of the border.

I'm gonna need your help there, too.

Straight talk, I like that.

Let me be equally frank.

I need your help with El Gato.

I have offered him a prime deal, but for some reason, he does not trust me.

Imagine that.

So, you want me to grease Gato.

That's a tall order, Comandante.

True enough.

But if your products were transported by trucks with strawberries and lettuce, they would not stop you at the border.

Produce spoils and customs does not like to be sued.

I think we just cut a deal, Comandante.

The Cooper meet goes down tonight.

If he makes good with the good faith money, we're in business.

We're riding in tall cotton, partner.

There's something about him.

I can't put my finger on it.

What did you get on the rundown? He's got pretty good references.

(CLEARING THROAT) Active account in the Grand Cayman Excuse us a minute.

Did I miss something? Where you been? I've been waiting for you.

Business, darling.

Nobody keeps me waiting.


So have another bottle of Champagne.

Maybe you'll think I was on time.

You bastard.

You're nothing but a punk in a silk suit! I thought we agreed that I was gonna make the Carrera move solo.

It's too big.

Too big? It's just a get acquainted meet.

I show them the bread, and they tell me where the drop is gonna be.

Look, I gotta win these people's trust if we're gonna dismantle their connection.

What about Crockett? I'll try to get through to him.

Too dangerous.

He's unpredictable.

You're right.

Sonny's not Sonny anymore.

If he gets in the way, I'll just have to handle it.

All right.

(SCREAMING) I know what you were doing in there.

You think I don't know? Take it easy, son.

You think I'm stupid.

That I wouldn't catch on.

You make love to my woman.

You make me k*ll my father.

And now, now you're trying to take over.

Miguel, it's not like that at all, man.

You're the boss.

I do what you tell me to do.

Don't! I was just gonna give you a little bump off the new shipment.

Pure Peruvian.

Sonny! (g*n f*ring) What the hell's going on? Miguel hired this guy, didn't he? Bet you if you checked his resume, you'd find El Gato as a reference.

Least we don't have to worry about him anymore.

Get this trash out of here.

SONNY: Good evening, Mr.


Where's your boss? I'm afraid Oscar fell down the stairs.

Serious? He's in good hands.

Is that the door prize? Sonny, don't you recognize me? Sure, you're Cooper.

Sonny, it's me.


I love you, man.

Rico? Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, sure.

I know you.

You're Tubbs.

(g*n f*ring REPEATEDLY)