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05x02 - Redemption in Blood (Part 3)

Posted: 08/30/22 15:06
by bunniefuu
Sonny, don't you recognize me? Uh, you're Cooper.

Sonny, it's me, Rico.

Rico? Yeah.


Yeah, sure.

I know you.

You're Tubbs.


And you're a cop.

Bad cops, Rico, there's nothing lower.

CLIFF: What the hell happened? Cooper's in heat.

What're you boys waiting for? Christmas bonus? Move! (MAN SPEAKING IN SPANISH) (MAN YELLING IN SPANISH) That's him! MAN: He's this way.

(MAN YELLING IN SPANISH) Come on! Split up.

Come on.

Come on.

(ENGINE REVVING) (g*n f*ring) MAN: Heads up! Heads up! I got him over here.

Move! MAN 1: Don't let him get away! MAN 2: Get him! Jesus! Sonny! Yeah, that's right.

We're having a tough time identifying Tubbs' stiff.

How tough? Our boy's definitely third world, but after that it's a brick wall.

Stay on it.

What about Sonny? Any idea where he might have moved the Carrera operation? Nothing yet, but we're working on it.

Damn, Lieutenant, there was one moment when I thought I was really getting through to him.

Are you saying he's turned? Man, I wish I knew.

(GASPS) Oh, my God.

Sonny, it's gorgeous.

You like it, baby? Oh, I love it.

Well, then wait till you see the necklace that goes with it.

(GASPS) Whoops, cat's out of the bag.

Necklace? Say hello to Morris.

(GROWLING) (EXCLAIMS) Easy does it, or you'll be cat chow.

Oh, you wouldn't hurt me, would you, baby? No, he just might want to put some scratches on your back.

Ooh, this sounds like fun.

Sonny, you're something else.

SONNY: I think I've been in the business too long.

It's like I'm starting to fall for the players.

It's one of the things I admire most about you.

I need you.


Something else.

(g*n CLICKING) You dropped something.

(WHOPPING) This is better than sh**ting squirrels.

(YELLS) Don't go beddy-byes on me yet, boy.

Can't have you missing all the fun.

SONNY: Lose the Kn*fe, hayseed.

Getting a little information, Sonny boy.

These boys can lead us straight to El Gato.

Maybe you didn't understand me the first time.

Hell, Sonny, that was you up there, you think El Gato would give you a break? Cut them down.

Cut them down? What're we doing, electing them president of the company? No.

But I'll bet they wouldn't say no to a job.

A job? How much booze did it take you to come up with that lame idea? Excuse me, you running this company now? Cut them down.

EL GATO: They have stolen the dr*gs I have k*lled men for.

They have ruined my line of credit.

I am forced to use my own money.

That tin major from the banana republic and that redneck moron and that Burnett, they're all going to die! This is not the end of El Gato! We got ourselves a king-size problem, Comandante.

Burnett's losing it.

What do you mean? The daddyjacker's doing five grams a day.

He's turning into a coke n*zi.

Yesterday he threatened to k*ll me.

So? I must tell you I'm deeply impressed by his handling of El Gato.

You got it all wrong, Comandante.

It was me who got the shore commission to cough up the shipping routes, and I'm the hombre who blew El Gato back to Bogotá.

Burnett's on a snow boat to nowhere.

That is a problem.

Do what you must.


You from around here, Florida man? Florida? Fort Lauderdale, Miami? Great truck, isn't it, Rico? Tubbs.

SONNY: If the supplier can't deliver RICO: T hen his real customers will start to shiver.

You're a poet, Rico.

And my mama knows it.

Sonny's looking a bit wasted tonight.

What's the matter baby? You should feel good after slam-dunking El Gato.

Care to join me in a little aerobics? Breathe in, breathe out.

Can't forget teacher's pet.

Don't give any to that cat.

Damn cat's wired enough as it is.

You ought to chill out on that crap, too.

That crap's for losers.


Oh, Caitie.

What? Who the hell are you? (YELPS) You think you can just turn me on and turn me off whenever you feel like it? After I slept with Mickey and helped you take out the old man.

You think you can just walk out on me! You drunken bastard! Cliff, I didn't know you were joining us? Where's Sonny? Oh, he's probably out getting drunk somewhere.

Have a seat.

You ought to try the veal, fabulous.

(LAUGHS) I'd like to know what you're serving first, Cliff.

That's what I like about you, Celeste.

You just come right out and say what you want, don't you? Take it, too.

Just like Sonny.

Look, I don't have time for this, okay? I wouldn't be getting so high and mighty if I was you, Celeste.


You know, back where I come from, there was this dairy farmer, and he had himself a whole slew of cows.

But he had this one in particular, call it Sandy.

Well, Sandy was the best of the whole lot.

He produced more milk than all the rest of them cows put together.

So this dairy farmer got to purely depend upon Sandy, sold off the others.

He was doing fine.

Had himself a great, big spread.

Until one day, Sandy went and dried up.

(CLICKING TONGUE) And that spelled the end of the farmer.

And all his nice Things.

Well, that's a mighty sad story, Cliff.

So what's the point? The farmer d*ed.

But it was a senseless thing.

All he had to do was find himself a new cow.

This is for Enrique.

Now it's your turn, Sonny.

Come on, work him, Anthony.

That a boy.

(BELL DINGS) Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nice job, Whitey.

All right, buddy, we'll catch you later.

Nice work kid, yeah.

Thank you.

Car will be right around, Mr.


All right, good.


Yeah, the kid looked pretty hot tonight, huh? Yeah.

I think he's gonna be ready in a couple of weeks.

Play your cards right and I'll give you a piece of this fighter.

The only piece of him that interests me is his tush.

(LAUGHING) Who don't know that.

Why anybody wants to watch two Neanderthals punch each other's faces in is beyond me.

So maybe next time I'll take some one who will appreciate pugilistic endeavors.

(SCOFFS) Car's ready, sir.

All right.

Let's go.

I left my purse inside.

Go ahead, and I'll meet you.

All right, hurry up.

Stay with her.

Sonny! Oh, my God.

Comandante, we got to stop meeting like this.

People are starting to talk.

(LAUGHING) Highly amusing.

Are you sure Burnett is dead? Hell, we hit him with enough C4 plastics to turn downtown into a scar.

I admire your ambition.

I only hope you are as productive as Burnett.

By the time I'm finished, you're gonna forget all about Sonny Burnett.

DOCTOR: It's too soon.

The other wounds will heal, but the eyes need more time.

CELESTE: Look, I don't want your opinion, Doc.

Just remove the bandages and bank your fee.

Easy does it.

How do you feel? Stiff.


It's a miracle you survived the expl*si*n.

And that you still have your sight.

What? How'd it happen, anyway? CELESTE: Thank you very much for your services, Doc.

You can leave now.

(GROANING) Where'd you find Albert Schweitzer? Coming out of the emergency room at County.

He could open his own clinic for what I paid him.

Who's looking for me? Tubbs? Tubbs? Who's Tubbs? Doc just said something about an expl*si*n.

You don't remember? (GASPS) It was Gato.

Wasn't it? Yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

How did he know though? How could he know? Wait a minute, I remember I was I was at the arena.

And you had You forgot your purse, you went back for your purse.

And then And then I saw the car It was you, wasn't it? No, Sonny It was you.

I didn't want to do it.

Cliff made me do it.

Cliff made you do it.

(YELPS) Sonny! Cliff made you do it? Why? I got confused.

I was scared.

Please, Sonny.


(CRYING) Please, Sonny, please.

I love you.

You got a funny way of showing it.

(EXCLAIMS) Oh, yeah.

That's me, all right.

I'm just happy to be back in the real world.

Come here.

Come here.

I'm sorry.

El Gato! What is it, Pedro? That g*n.

What are you doing? Look at this place.

This pukehole.

Once I was like a king.

I had money and power, women.

Now El Gato has nada.

You must act, remember? You are El Gato! Yes, my friend.

You are right.

I am El Gato.

And And you should speak to me with more respect.

You have not d*ed in vain, amigo.

El Gato will take all your strength.

El Gato is a player.

I remember a boat.

Some kind of summit meeting.

And there was an expl*si*n.

A hospital, and then I went to work for Manolo.

(SIGHS) And then Carrera.

You remember sh**ting a cop on the pier? No.

What about sh**ting Tubbs? He was wearing a vest.

I'm not looking for absolution here.

Just a little help, a little understanding.

I know I got to prove myself.

You just name the tune and I'll dance.

You want Cliff King? El Gato? I can bring them down.

Plus I can throw in a Newsweek cover boy named Salazar.

I got to book you, Sonny.



I don't know where to begin.

(SIGHS) I remember the The boat blew up.

After that everything's a long, dark hallway.

We were friends.

No, we were more than that.


You tried to k*ll me, man.


Yeah, I know.

That's the problem, Sonny.

That is the problem.

Rico, I'm back.

I can take these guys down.

But you got to help me.

I can't.

Rico, please.

We can get these guys.

But you got to get me out of here.

We can nail them, man.

I got to nail them.

Do you know what you're asking, Sonny? Yes.

Your yellow sheet makes Dillinger look like Bambi.


This is the only chance I've got to prove myself.

I can't.

I can't make it.

Take him down.

I'll sleep on it.

There's no time to sleep.

Trucks are rolling right now with a quarter of a ton of blow on them to dump on our streets.

How you been, Stan? I'm okay.


Hey, Bob.

Man, of all the guys, I never thought they'd turn you.

That guy used to be the best cop in the business.

A cop, huh? Hope some of my friends and I see him on the inside.

You're looking good, Stan.


You must have lost, what, like 20 pounds or something? I'm just doing my job, Sonny.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, me, too, Stan.

(GROANING) Sorry, Stan.

Bobby? Cliff.

Hey, how's it going? Good, good, good.

Listen, you still in the laundry business? Well, that's good, 'cause I got a whole load of greens to wash.

Now, what's gonna be the burn? Bobby, I'll get right back to you, all right? Well, I'll be damned.

Hiya, Cliff.

Man, I thought you was dead.

You thought I bought the farm, huh? Yeah, I bet El Gato thought the same thing.

Evil little bastard.

I knew he had a hand in it.

So you been minding the store, Cliff? Oh, best I can, you know.

But don't you be thinking I been trying to replace you or nothing.

Hell, who could do that? Fact is, I've been working on a big deal.

Hell, did I say big? I meant huge.

Big wheels moving north, eh, Cliff? You and the major been staying real busy? All due to your good work, Sonny boy.

And El Gato's running scared like he's got hellhounds on his tail.

But like I've been saying to the Comandante all along, you deserve all the credit.


Get back to work.


Try this on the gypsies.


Any sign of Crockett? (SPEAKING IN SPANISH) (SIGHS) You know, Lieutenant, when I was talking to Sonny in the interrogation room, I really thought he was being straight with me.

But there's no doubt, he's turned.

We'll get him.

I spoke to a friend of mine in Justice.

He says your missing body was a Panamanian that worked for Emilio Salazar.

Salazar? He's under indictment.

He's a fascist.

Wonder what kind of knots he's tying with the Feds? Hey, Sandy, sit down.

Brad, hey, how are you? What's the plan, Dogpatch? Produce trucks arrive tomorrow at 6:00 a.


, approximately, and we got the whole green grocer.

We got the tomatoes, we got the lettuce, and 500 pounds of Peruvian flake.

Arriving where? Rented a place in West Dade.

What is this, a game show? I got to guess the location? It's an abandoned water plant.


We store the stuff there until we turn it over the following day.

Got any shoppers? If this were a bakery, I'd have to ask them to take numbers.

Hell, with El Gato on the run, we are the market.

(CLEARS THROAT) Excuse me.

Where you going? Relax, Cliff.

Okay, I'll have a turkey sandwich hot with lots of gravy A man might get the distinct impression that you don't trust your partner.

Eh, Cliff? Good as gold.

Man, your security sucks around here.

What you talking about, partner? That dude, he's heat.

I never did like you, Burnett, or whatever the hell your name is.

Cletus, fetch me that there rope.

By the time I'm finished with you, boy, your neck is gonna be looser than a Christmas goose.

MAN: Attention below, this is Metro-Dade Police.

Drop your weapons now.

MAN: Get down! RICO: I got him, Lieutenant.

MAN: You are completely surrounded.

All exits are blocked.

Drop your weapons.

Freeze! Drop it.

On the ground.

(EXCLAIMS) I'm slipping! Grab hold! Grab hold! Took your own sweet time getting here.


I didn't even know if I was gonna be invited.

Thanks for calling, Sonny.

Where you going, man? I got a little piece of unfinished business.

There's someone I don't want to get b*rned.

Where you headed? Don't know.

Used to play this game when I was a kid.

Spin the globe, close my eyes and point.

That's where I'd end up.

Only problem is, I can't find my globe.

You don't have to go.

Oh? You gonna take care of me? You're a smart woman, Celeste.

With a little hard work, you could probably take care of yourself.

First thing you got to do, is get rid of the blow.

Who knows? Maybe one day I'll put it all together.

EL GATO: But not today, baby.

So you crawled out from under your rock, huh, Ernesto? I think I'm too young and too handsome to retire, don't you? You going to k*ll us? Maybe.

Maybe not.

I need something to tide me over until I get on my feet again, you understand? Maybe if you tell me where your safe is, I'll let you live.

Come on.

Come on.

Which one of you lovebirds want to watch the other one die, huh? What safe? I think you are lying.

Why did you look this way? You're hallucinating.

It's not in there.

It's not.

EL GATO: I think it is.

Ernesto, it's not there.

Don't go in there.

It's in there, isn't it? Money! (SCREAMING) (PANTHER ROARING)