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05x04 - Bad Timing

Posted: 08/30/22 15:08
by bunniefuu
RICHARDS: Detective Mills, when you were at IAD, did you ever interview Detective Crockett? Many times.

Did you form an opinion of him as an officer? Yes, I did.

May we hear that opinion? In my view, Detective Sonny Crockett is a liability to this department.

He's insubordinate, erratic, and I believe this so-called memory loss is a scam and an outrage.

I think he should be booted from the force.

Isn't it true that you saw Sonny Crockett m*rder a fellow police officer? Yagovitch was a bad cop.

Sonny k*lled him in self-defense.

RICHARDS: Detective Crockett also tried to k*ll you.

RICO: Yes.

When he thought he was Burnett.

Afterwards he also saved my life.

When he was back to Crockett again.

If it hadn't have been for Sonny, Cliff King would have k*lled me.

See, I've worked five years with this man side by side.

And I know that Sonny Crockett is no k*ller.

And once his memory returned? He came back to the OCB on his own accord.

And subsequently broke out of jail.

To prove his innocence.

He exonerated himself by bringing down Cliff King and the remaining members of the Carrera drug family.

All Detective Crockett did was his job.

Detective Crockett has sustained a severe head injury and I see nothing there to contradict the diagnosis of amnesia.

What about the fact that he's unable to remember any of his actions in the two months in question? Couldn't that be a convenient lapse of memory? The answer to your question is that I'm a neurosurgeon.

You're questioning Detective Crockett's mental capacities.

That determination should be made by a psychiatrist.

Not me.

As you know, this is not a police hearing.

No charges of m*rder have been filed.

However, given the circumstances, it is my recommendation pending further investigation in the aforesaid Manolo, Carrera, and Yagovitch homicides that you shall be placed on furlough until further notice.

You should submit yourself to a psychiatric examination, after which your status will be re-evaluated.

Hey, don't look so glum, partner.

It could've been worse.


Hey, look, you go see the psychiatrist, he checks you out, and you're back in business.

Yeah, sure.

I just listened to what everyone said in there.

The things I've done, the things I can't remember.

I can't believe that that was me.

Jesus, Rico.

What kind of a person am I? (UPBEAT POP MUSIC PLAYING) (SINGING) Man this sucks! (PRISONERS SHOUTING) MAN: Hey, hey, give us a break, come on.


I want to take a trip.

MAN: Yeah! MAN 2: Take one now! Take a long swim to Alcatraz! Oh, man! No.

I think I'm gonna take a boat ride all the way to Rikers Island.


I think I wanna do some time, some long time in Sing Sing! Man, this is bad! (SHOUTING) Get me the hell out of here! (MUFFLED SPEECH) MAN: (MUFFLED) Come on, man, you got 10 seconds to get me out of here.

Hurry up.

Come on, hurry up! I can't breathe in here.

Hey, man, we're here.

It's about time, you putz.

DRIVER: That ride was too much, man.

You should've seen Mr.

Motown out there.

Talking freaked out.

It's just made things easier, you know.

Did you bring what we asked? These things work? They should.

Yeah, they work.

Rock and roll.

Was that how you got all these diplomas, Doc? Sitting around and not saying anything? That's a hell of a job.

I ought to have this job.

What's wrong with your job, Detective? That's good, Doc.

That's very good.

You gave me an opening.

(SLOW MUSIC PLAYING) Don't you just love this new age music, Scotty? I mean, it's so restful.

I never really looked at the lawn before, and now I hear the music and I hear the grass and all the little insects, and everything.

I mean, it just gives me goose bumps.

Oh, really.

Scotty? Scotty! Scotty, I've been thinking a lot lately about crystals.

What do you think? You think I should get into crystals? Scotty? Of course you do.

You feel things very deeply.


Do I need this? I think not.

Let me be very direct with you.

You, as in both of you, are not wanted here.

I'm sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear.

Let me put this to you another way.

Good bye.

And good luck.

Oh, well, that is real polite.

Scotty! Scotty, this animal almost knocked me down! Will you do something? Cruz, Wilson.

WILSON: I hope you've got something to drink.

And the treasure map.


Scotty, this is our tango class night.

You tell them to go back under whatever rock they came out of.

WILSON: What a bimbo! Scotty! Scotty McKenna, I'm talking to you! I'm in these scenes all the time, where I, you know My job, I go undercover, and I've had to live these lives where I forget who I am, bury my identity, take on another.

Maybe that's the reason, huh? Maybe because I never had one.

Since I came back, (SIGHS) I felt so distant, like I'm on the other end of this tunnel, this long tunnel, and everybody else is way over there and I'm sitting here in this black room, all by myself.

You know, when I When I'm under, I have to deal with all these low-lifes, sleezeoids, but I'm not afraid.

In fact, I feel most comfortable there.

But these days, now, I'm scared.


Hey, no problem.

(MUSIC STOPS) I thought you guys would never get here.

Hope the knots weren't too tight.

Hey, Scotty, I always knew you weren't no rocket scientist, but Miriam? That's a whole new bad thing.

Hey, the broad has a job, okay? We got a pool, cable.

She's a real shanker, man.

$15? $15? Fifteen frigging lousy dollars? Aw, hell, Cruz.

That's all the cash Miriam has on hand.

Ain't you got no credit cards, Scotto? No, Miriam has the cards.

I knew we should have blown you off.

Shut up, Cruz.

Scotty's a real stand-up guy.

Oh, yeah.

Besides, tomorrow we'll have everything.

Hey, buck, you heard from Doc Jerry lately? When anything went down my friends were always there for me.

Rico, God, I love that guy.

But now he's afraid of me.

Rico thinks, they all think that I could become Burnett again.

And that scares me, too.

Would you trust me? God, I'm not even sure if I trust myself anymore.

What do you think, Doc? Am I ready for Bonkersville? No.

You've been through a terrible trauma, your fears are very real.

It's just gonna take some time for your friends to come around.

You think they will? Yeah.

But first, you have to take care of yourself.

You need a vacation.

Cash or credit? Neither.

What? I'm supposed to get a discount.


What kind? One hundred percent.

Afraid you're out of luck, mister.

That won't do you any good.

This here, bulletproof glass.

And I'm locked up in here snug as a bug.


So you can just take your little friend there and stuff it back in your pocket and go back into the hole you crawled out of.

I need that.

And just take it on out of here.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, what're you doing? Pretty hot out here.

Must be what, 90? It's gonna get real toasty in there.

Hey, now, now, let's not get salty here.

I'll tell you what.

You give everything you got in the register, forget about pumping gas and we'll be on our merry way.

The purse, too.

Please, go away now.

No! No, don't! No! No, don't! (SHOUTING) Whoa, whoa! Hold it there.

MAN: Got a rod? The bass supposed to be biting this time of year.

You ever do any fishing? Yeah.


Where at? Where'd you fish at? I'm sorry, old man.

Good luck.

I want to show you something.

Come here, right over here.

You can get an absolutely fantastic view of Cassiopeia.

That really sounds wonderful.

We can use our binoculars.

I think we need to buy a telescope.

Listen, with all the money you're gonna save on this property, you could set up your own observatory.


Must be someone else wanting to look at the place.

You guys think about it.

Let me know what you think.

We're talking steal, here.

Real steal.

Be right back.

Hi, there.

I don't think you people are on my list.

What a shame.

Doc Jerry's on our list.

Where is he? Doc Jerry? There's no one here by that name.

This is 435 Mayberry, right? Yes, but there's Then, he's here.

Wait a second, you can't just march in here like you own the place.

I'm calling my supervisor.

Meet my supervisor.

Doc Jerry? Yeah, that name does ring a bell.


Throw in a sh**t.

You got it.

That's my favorite song.

Tune's been punched so many times, it sounds all scratchy like an old Louisiana hayride.

Yeah, it sure brings back some memories.

My daddy used to bring me to an old snooker hall when I was a kid.

(CHUCKLES) I can still see the yellow cone of light shining down on the green felt, balls clicking together.

And old Hank on the box.

My daddy'd lean down, lean over me, and show me how to line up the sh*ts.

There wasn't a man in the country who could b*at him at snooker.

How long has it been since he d*ed? Long time.

I'll buy you a drink? Rules of the management say never drink while you're pouring.

To hell with the management.

To dark bars and fair women.

Kathleen Gilfords.

Sonny Crockett.

You waiting for someone in particular? Maybe.

Tell you what, you sit a while, Sonny.

I get off at 6:00 a.


Maybe you'll get lucky and I'll show you my country music collection.


(ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC PLAYING) (SCATTING) What do you think? Guy's polluting the atmosphere.

Let's check it out.

(PLAYING AIR GUITAR) Only when he came home from the sea.

And then he spent most of his time in some bar with his buddies getting wasted.

It's been 20 years since You don't want to hear this stuff.

When I want you to stop talking, I'll let you know.

(CHUCKLES) Hey, I'll pick up some toast and coffee and I'll scramble your eggs.

My place is just a couple blocks away.

What's the matter? Jesus! What's the matter? Get up against the car.

Spread your legs.

Come on, spread 'em.

Keep your hands on the car, don't move, don't turn around.


I'm a cop.

I'm okay.

I'll get you an ambulance.

No, you go after them, I'll get the ambulance.

Are you all right? Yeah.

All right.


Come on, get out.

Hey! Hey! Sorry.

Where's your badge? I'll send it to you.

Hey! Hey! Oh, man, you're nuts, certifiable.

sh**ting cops.

They were in the way.

Yeah? Then why'd you go and grab her? Nice lips.

(ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC PLAYING) (CLICKS) (MUSIC STOPS) Hey, you sure we're on the right road? The lady said Doc Jerry's place was out in the sticks.

It's out past Pine Key.

I got the map right here.

We're home free.

Oh, yeah? Then who's that? Blondie.

(COCKS g*n) Who is this guy? A friend.

Yeah? Say bye-bye.

(GROANING) RICO: It's an ugly scene, Lieutenant.

One dead, the other one's gonna make it but he's sh*t up pretty bad.

They grabbed the girl.

Sonny took after them with this guy's car.

Hatch said they've already got an APB out on these three crazies.

Cruz and Wilson.

Broke out of the state pen two days ago.

They were doing 15 years for an armored car rip-off.

A million dollars never recovered.

They refused to roll over on accomplices.

Bet you ten bucks, they're gonna beeline for the money.

Wilson's b*at three as*ault charges and a m*rder rap till he got nailed for the armed robbery.

Cruz is worse.

Total sociopath.

He wants something, nothing stands in his way.

The man who engineered the break's already dead.

Third man's the driver.

Until we got something more, Sonny's on his own.

Hell of a vacation.

Get out.

Get out of there.

Wait a second Go on, move! Get out.

Get out.

Go stand over there.

Did you see a white Mercedes blow through here? Yeah, headed toward Pine Key.

A couple of hours from here.

All right, now listen, I'm a cop.

You get to a phone, you tell the police to meet me there.

Anyone can get one of those.

Get to a phone.

Move! Hey, wait a sec! You can't just leave a guy here! Hey! Hey, Doc! You got company! Man, this place is empty! Go in there and check the other rooms.

Bitch clawed me trying to get away.

Doc Jerry fly the coop? Good.

Don't talk.

(r*fle COCKING) He must have been expecting company.

There's more stuff in the bedroom.

Great! So what do we do now? We wait.

You stay away from me.

(MIMICKING) You stay away from me.

Come on, Cruz.

There's no need for that.

I just mean Oh, God.

Broke my nose.

Stay away from me, you (MIMICKING) Stay away from me, you pig! KATHLEEN: Stay away from me! Let go of me! Let go of me! (KATHLEEN SCREAMING) All dressed up and no place to go.

(CRUZ MOCKING) If you ever want to wear a hat again, drop the g*n.

You got 10 seconds to tell me who you are and what you're doing here.

(CLICKS) Time's up.

Long time no see, Doc.

You never called.

You never wrote.

I can explain.


We're dying to hear it.

Oh, you shouldn't have come here, Blondie.

Come on, I'll make you a nice cup of tea.

Get in here.

Come on, we'll have a little party.

Get in there.

(KATHLEEN WHIMPERING) What kind of man are you? You a hero, huh? You're a tough guy? Huh? What are you, Blondie? You a good man? Maybe a bad man? Huh? Now, you're not answering me, Blondie.

Stop it! He's a cop, damn it.

He's a cop? He's a dead cop.

Cut it out, Cruz.

WILSON: Now, let's get down to business here.

Yeah, I want to see some green.

I want to see him dig a grave and lie in it.


We need a hostage.

He needs the stash, Doc.

It's not here.

Maybe you'd like to take Blondie's place? I can take you there.

You watch Blondie.

He moves, k*ll him.

(DOOR CLOSES) (ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC PLAYING) He held me at gunpoint, he took my new jeep and if anything happens to that Blaupunkt Did he say where he was going? He's headed toward Pine Key.

Which way is that? About 20 miles from here, at 67.

Yeah, all right, all right.

Scotty, think they're gonna come back for you? Sure they are.

They're my buds.

Your buds, huh? And you think your buds, Cruz and Wilson, will come all the way back here for you? To split up, how much is it, a million dollars? They're gonna come all the way back here to split up a million dollars three ways when they can walk away and split it up two? Wilson would.

Maybe, but Cruz is calling the sh*ts.

He broke your face, man.

And you lick his feet.

Cut it out! Shut up.

I don't All right, I'm sorry, man.

I just hate to see you mixed up in all this mess.

You know, you could still walk away from all this, Scotty.

I can tell the judge that you cooperated.


No way.

Or you could take the fall right along with those other two.

A cop-k*lling rap.

Do you know what they do in the State of Florida to cop K*llers? Shut up! I mean it, now.

You ever seen somebody take the juice, Scotty? First they jerk.

Then all the hair on their body starts to burn.

You ever smell hair burning? God, I miss Miriam.

I don't know.

I just want Miriam.

Scotty, get over here and cut me down right now.

You don't want this.

Come on.

Come on, now.


You get over here and cut me down right now.

Do it! Oh, thanks, Scotto.

Sorry, Scotty.

Sleep well.

It better be soon, Doc.

(SHUSHING) I'll lose count.

(GASPS) Surprise, Cruz.

There is no money.

That's not good for your health, Doc.

You told me to take care of it, right? I invested it, in the market.

Remember the crash? It's all gone, Cruz.

You don't want me.

You should talk to my broker.

See, I knew if you got out, you'd come after me.

That's how come I kept my little treasure chest buried right here.

This is all that's left for you, Cruz.

(CLICKING) That's too bad, Doc.

Bye, Doc.

CRUZ: Damn, Doc Jerry.

I never liked him.

This sucks! I gotta get some pleasure out of all this.

(ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC PLAYING) That moron! He's supposed to be with Blondie.

I'm gonna wrap that thing around his neck.

I'll take care of it.

Not so fast, Red.

You and me got some unfinished business.





I like that.

(g*nsh*t) Toss you g*n away.

You're a real tough guy, aren't you? You can't k*ll me, Blondie.

You're a cop.

(BOTH GRUNTING) Bye, Blondie.

(g*n COCKS) (g*nsh*t) Hell of a vacation, huh? It's just another day at the beach, partner.


Well, here's to better days and quiet nights.

Sounds good.

So, I guess you'll be heading back towards Miami? Well, actually, I had thought of moving on.

I always wanted to see more of the coast.

Had? Well, the scenery's pretty nice around here, too.

Unless you've got other plans.

I don't ask much of a man, Sonny.

He doesn't have to be rich.

He doesn't even have to stick around that long.

I only ask three things.

Only three? That he treats me kind, that he's a good dancer.

Yes? What's the third? Well, two out of three ain't bad.