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05x08 - Hard Knocks

Posted: 08/30/22 15:10
by bunniefuu
(BIG LEAGUE PLAYING) Yeah, it's the Bug.

No, I don't have your money yet.

Come on, Chi Chi, give me a break.

I'm good for it.

I just need a little more time.

You know I am.


Just another couple of days.

Hey, girls, get your fat butts in the right place! MAC: Okay, Kevin, let's show them something! Okay, let's get split right, motion left, blue 52, bang-bang pass on two.

On two, gentlemen.

Ready, quick.

They just passed checkpoint four.

They're headed up the Sixth Street ramp.

MAN 1 ON RADIO: This is mobile six, we got them.

MAN 2 ON RADIO: Looking good from Air One.

We're right on them.

(PHONE RINGS) Mobile control.

Just ask and you shall receive, amigo.

Let me know when we hit town.

You got it.

(HORN HONKING) Blue 52, blue 52, set! Hut! Hut! (ALL EXCLAIMING) Damn it, Kevin, think! Cool it, Mac.

You're gonna freak him out for the big game.

Looks like the information was good.

Let's rock.

MAN ON RADIO: Don't lose him, Air One.

You got it.

Suspect heading south on Blue Jay.

Uh-oh, better clean it up back there, we got heat.

Frank, you take the boxes, come on.

Yeah, Phil, Phil, come on! Get the clothes out here.

(GRUNTING) A pitchout? What kind of lame crap? He calls that against State on Saturday, they're gonna hand him his lunch.

(GRUNTING) Hurry! Hurry up.

(SIREN WAILING) (GRUNTING) I'm cutting loose here, amigo.


(TIRES SCREECHING) About time he used his head for something besides a helmet rack.

Mac, he's AP All-American.

What more do you want? What more do I want? That he shouldn't end up a cab driver! MAC: You gotta do better than that, Kevin! All right, girls, come on out! I'm laying eight-to-five your next phone call's to your lawyer.

SONNY: It's just too bad Chi Chi got away.

MARTIN: You people are to be congratulated.

The State's been trying to dismantle Chi Chi Vasquez's gambling organization for years.

I'd like to take the credit, but somebody dropped a dime on Chi Chi.

Any idea who the informant was? He hung up too quick.

Couldn't make his name.

Who's complaining? We got 10 of Chi Chi's bookies.

Thousands in betting slips, and we sent a semi to the G.

Boy, oh, boy, from what I hear, Saturday night's game is really generating some action.

It's like Wall Street out there.

You gotta be an idiot to go with the spread.

State and six and a half points? Give me a break.

I want everybody on this.

We've arranged low bail for the bookies, hoping they'll lead us to Chi Chi.

Yeah, but a game of this magnitude might be beyond a local boy's resources.

Find out.

That'll be all.

Stan, can I see you for a second? Just heard from the promotion review board about your appeal.

They turned me down again, right? Afraid so.

They emphasized it's not personal.

Just a lack of funds.

Not personal? Lt'll be two more years before I can apply again.

Two more years of sitting in that rolling black box.

If it's a matter of money, there's always the credit union.

No, it's not just the money, Lieutenant.

It's the whole damn thing.

The job.

I don't know how much longer I can take it.

Well, if it's any consolation, you're the best we've ever had at what you do.



Just picked up this place.

Guy owed me more than he could pay.

All of a sudden, he disappears.

(CHUCKLES) Funny, eh? Yeah, you run a fine organization, Chi Chi.

My associates in New York are very impressed.

You got it.

And you know what, Marvin? No way would I ever, ever sell out to you guys.

Anything you say, Chi Chi.

I just hope the cops don't get any more of those anonymous tips.

Hey, what you know about that, huh? Hey, what you know about that, huh? You playing telephone games with Chi Chi or something? You don't mess with my business, New York! (PEOPLE CHATTERING) Coming up, coming up.


Thank you.

WOMAN: Your martini, sir.

Ma'am? Are you in? I need a drink.

Thank you.

I may need about nine of these, so hang close.

MAN: Here we go.

Kevin! Hey, Stanley! Hey, this is a friend of my father's.

Dropped the first pass I ever threw.

This is my girl, Valerie, and my agent, Jerome Horowitz.

What are you doing here, Kevin? Aw, come on, Stan, it's not like I'm a virgin or anything.

I was raised in a bar, for God's sake.

Besides, I'm only playing the slots.

And the game of your life on Saturday.

Oh, come on, Stan.

Chill out.

Come with us.

We'll have some fun.

I can't.

He used to be such a gas.

He probably would've jinxed you, anyway.

Come on.


Hey, Hoss.

Back again? How's my credit tonight? Triple A.

Give me a dime.

Here you go, kid.

Lots of luck.


Nice boy.

How much he owe you? Hundred grand.

Hey, what the hell you want here? What do you (GRUNTING) (PEOPLE CHATTERING) Hey, hey, Leo, this thing's still moving.

Just kidding.

MAC: Leave her alone, Stan.

Yeah, you got a great joint here.

The cook specializes in food that d*ed of natural causes.

(IMITATES RIMSHOT) Okay, so I'm not a comedian.

How's business? Nothing's changed since you used to hang out here, just the drunks speak in a foreign language now.

Well, you're in a delightful mood.

What's eating you? You know what it is, Stan.

It's the damn kid.

I've busted my hump to give him every opportunity to make the big time.

Running plays with him, practices, workouts.

I mean, the whole nine yards.

And don't get me wrong, it'll be worth it, if he makes it.

But? Well, you think he'd show the least bit of gratitude.

Gratitude? Kevin loves you, Mac.

Isn't that enough? Look, it isn't my place to talk about this with you, but don't you think Kevin needs a little positive feedback? Oh, positive feedback? What are you, one of those new age head shrinks? No, but a blind man can see you're too hard on him.

If he is headed in the wrong direction, it's even more important you be supportive.

Suppor Hey, listen to you! MAC: Who busted his butt night and day practicing with the kid? I know that, Mac, but it's not always what you do.

You know something, Stan? It took me till now to realize it, but you're a jerk.

Soft, full of crap.

Just like all the rest of them.

So, someone drops a dime on Chi Chi Vasquez.

Only one of the biggest bookies in south Florida.

Then they whack him and leave him in a dumpster behind his own club.

Talk about having a bad day.

The way we hear it, Lieutenant, this guy's about as popular as a tub full of roaches.

I have talked to dealers, pimps, business associates.

There is a list to whack this guy.

What about competitors? Well, that makes sense.

There's always some fool out there trying to knock the king off the mountain.

Check it out.

Where's Switek? MARTIN: Wasn't he supposed to be working on this, too? He's at the dentist.

Something about filling a cavity the size of a titlist.

What's going on with Switek? That's the second time this week.

I don't know.

I think he's still bent out of shape about not getting that promotion.

What he needs are some strokes.

You know, make him feel appreciated.

I hear you.

If we get a chance, let's have a chat with him.

(YELLING) You're into Chi Chi Vasquez, heavy.

Word is on the street, he's gone on to a better world.

You think you're off the hook? (GROANING) Well, you're not.

You got the bread? I'm trying to get it.

Same old song.

We heard that tune.

What are you gonna do? k*ll me? Maybe you could help yourself.

Yeah? How? Big game Saturday.

We hear you're pretty tight with the quarterback.

No way, I couldn't.

Couldn't? Okay, okay.

I'll think about it.

Think hard, Stanley.

Enjoy your dinner.

What do you want? (GRUNTING) It ain't your autograph, hot dog.

Hey! Get off of me! Ow! Lose the attitude or you're gonna eat it.

I don't have no money.

Money? We're done talking money, honey.

You know what the man wants.


Rah-rah, kid.

(MAN TALKING ON TV) We gotta talk.

I'll get back to you.

You got some stones, kid.

Bullying in like this.

Hey, Jerome, I need cash, bad.

Not with your gambling habit.

You need a shrink.

Hey, cut the comedy, Jerome.

I'm down.

200 grand! Well, that's tough, kid.

What am I supposed to do? Borrow against your future Super Bowl rings? Oh, no, that's not what you were saying when you started taking me to these clubs.

So now I'm the heavy.

I put a g*n to your head.

I made you play craps? That's not what I'm saying.

I need money.

These are not nice guys.

I know, kid, and I wish I could help you.

I really do.

(BELL RINGS) COMMENTATOR ON TV: And they're off! Bang-bang 62, bang-bang 62! Hut! Hut! (GRUNTING) (WHISTLE BLOWING) Hey, hey, break it up, break it up.

(WHISTLE BLOWS) What are you doing in here? STAN: Mac, lighten up.

You ain't supposed to be in here! STAN: Lighten up! What the hell's the matter with you? Starting a fight with your own teammate! You wanna know what's the matter with me? Huh? You wanna know? You look in the mirror! You punk! No, all my life you've pushed, pushed, pushed, and I'm sick of it! "Kevin, throw harder.

Kevin, run faster.

" Oh, look at him, crying like a little girl.

No, you listen to me, Pop! You listen to me for once in your life.

I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry you blew out your knee.

Okay? I'm sorry it ended your career, but that doesn't give you the right to make me pay for it every day of my damn life! You got it wrong! I made you! MAN ON TV: With Detroit over Boston, 107-99, and the Lakers down Dallas, 110-100.

Now, turning to other news.

Shut it off.

Boston, six point favorites.

Bunch of old men! It's just a game, Stan.

Just a game? That's a stupid thing to say! What the hell do you know about it? Stan, what is wrong with you? What's your problem, Stan? You've been so edgy lately.

I'm sorry.

I haven't been able to sleep.

I keep hearing these voices, people talking.

Goes around in my head like a tape loop.

Deals going down, who's gonna get whacked, how much dr*gs they can buy.

It's stress, hon.

You've been working way too hard.

(SCOFFS) That's me.

Good old Stan.

A regular glutton for punishment.

I should've learnt.

You know what I am now? Yes, I do.

You're a cop.

And a damn good one! No, I'm not.

I'm an eavesdropper.

I spy on people.

I'm no better than they are.

Stan, do you want me to go? Come here.

(SIGHS) I'm sorry.

I want you to stay.


(SIGHS) (PHONE RINGS) Yeah? MAN: Stanley, you got the bread? You know, you'd better make it right, Stan.

I told you, I'll get the money.

I'm working on it.

Yeah, well, get your mind right, 'cause we want that game Don't ask me! and Kevin.

I love that kid.

And his father's a great friend.

I'd sure hate to see anything happen to your girl, Stan.


I'll get the 75 grand, but don't ask me to do this.

Are you there? (MUSIC PLAYING) (PEOPLE CHATTERING) You know, I've seen better legs out here.


Hey, watch this.

(LAUGHING) All right! I love this place.

(EXCLAIMING) Stan, you are a wild man.

Hey, hey, so are you, buddy boy.

I guess you, me and the old man, we got all the wild genes.

My old man, Mr.

Straight and Narrow, he never broke bad a day in his life.

No, I don't know, straightness has its virtues.

Yeah? Like what? Like nobody comes and breaks your legs when you owe him money.

How'd you know? I hear things.

I'm a cop.

Remember? Oh, Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, how did you get into this mess? I don't know, Stan.

Jerome, I guess, he started taking me to those nightclubs, the after-hours joints.

It was exciting.

Well, you know what it's like.


I know what it's like.

So it was your agent who turned you out? Oh, no, it wasn't like that.

It was just fun, you know, fun that was out of control.

Jerome knows people.

How much you out? Two hundred grand.

These guys you owe, they're bad news.

You know them? Then bust them, Stan! Nah, it wouldn't help.

They'll still collect.

I only see one way out of this.

Well, what can I do? You're gonna have to throw the game.

Throw it all away.

Give it all up.

According to lzzy, Vasquez was being courted by a suitor with heavyweight connections up north.

Somewhat of a storybook romance.

This suitor have a name? Yeah.

Marv Goodman.

According to NYPD, he's an underboss for the Capiletti family.

He oversees their gambling operations.

Yeah, he comes on like a an investment banker, except he's got this cute little twist, he likes to close all his deals with a little muscle.

Now, apparently, Chi Chi hurt Marv's feelings by not taking him up on his offer to merge.

Oh, yeah, he's very sensitive.

He retaliated by sticking a blade in Vasquez's soft little stomach.

Let's stake out Goodman.

Yeah, well, we haven't been able to locate him yet.

He's keeping a very low profile.

But we will.

Hey, Counselor, you want some lunch? Here, try the scallops.

My chef had them flown in from the Bahamas.

They're a very, very succulent kind of a thing.

I didn't come for lunch.

I came to talk about Kevin Mulhern.

I feel lousy setting the kid up like that.

You don't see his kind of talent every day.

WOMAN ON TAPE: the last demographic report in front of you.

We seem to be losing the woman's audience.

MAN 1 ON TAPE: I can't believe you're doing this to me.

MAN 2: Listen, this is wrong MAN 1: This has been going on for two years.

HOROWITZ: I don't know if we can count on the kid.

He's full of pride.

GOODMAN: He'll see it our way.

You can bet on it.

So, Horowitz, is your conscience really bothering you? Or are you bucking for a bigger retainer? Huh? It's funny how people get principles after they get their money.

Come on, have some wine.

Come on, maybe it'll put things in perspective.

Go ahead.

HOROWITZ: I just hope the kid's a team player.

Oh, man.


I'm up.


Stan! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stan! Stan! Sonny.

Hey, hey, how are you, big boy? Okay.

You wanna go over to my place and have a drink? Sure.

What do you got over there? I got plenty of furniture for you to b*at up.

Let's go.

STAN: Rico.

RICO: How are you doing? SONNY: Thank you, thank you.

You wanna tell us what's going on? Nothing.

I got drunk, that's all.

This is not a one-time thing, Stan.

We've been watching you.

Something's eating your gut.

You wanna talk about it? It's Holly, man.

That's it? It's just about Holly? Yeah, you know how chicks get about marriage.

They make life hell.

That doesn't seem like such a bad thing.

I mean, Holly's a great lady.

Yeah, but you haven't lived with her.

That's amazing, man.

You know, I just don't get that from her.

I mean, that doesn't She doesn't come across that way.

In fact, she's waiting for you, right now, over at her place.

So, I'll call her when I feel like it, okay? I mean, what the hell do you guys know about it? You haven't lived with her.

You asked me what's bothering me, so I told you! So butt out! (GRUNTS) Enjoy the ride, sport.

I thought it was time you and I finally met, Mr.


Who is it? Doom.


Hair of the dog.

Have one on me.

You're the Man.

Yeah, that's right.

I'm the Man.

And you, Mr.

Switek, are a very serious gambler.

Poker, football.

You're very serious, but you never win.

So consequently, you owe me a lot of money.

Look, I tried to talk to Kevin.

He wouldn't listen.

Yeah, I know, that's what his old man said, too.

Mac? What'd you do to Mac? Nothing.


You know, you guys ought to be feeding him lunch.

If you lay a hand on him Hey, shut up! Shut up! You sick degenerate.

You owe me a lot of money.

And you do not goof on me.

Now, unless Junior swallows a few passes on game day, you and a washed-up quarterback are gonna end up a couple of channel-markers.

You understand? (DOOR CLOSES) Kevin, we gotta talk.

Stay away from me, Stan.

Listen to me, Kevin.

I said take a hike, and I ain't gonna say it twice.

There's something you don't understand.

No! I ain't gonna throw the game.

Never! You don't have a choice.

They grabbed your father.

MAN ON TV: All right, the South Central Ramblers break the huddle up to the line of scrimmage.

They lead 7-0.

As Henning settles under center, marking those seconds.

Long count.

Now he's back to pass.

What's the matter with this kid? Come on, play some football! (MAN CHATTERING ON TV) Hey.

None of my business, Stan.

I mean, you got the blues, that's cool with me.

Just do me a favor, don't bust up the place.

MAN ON TV: by Kevin Mulhern.

He's been intercepted twice, the second interception setting up this latest drive by South Central.

Kevin Mulhern brings the team to the line of scrimmage.

Give to the tailback, he's nailed behind the line of scrimmage.

Loss of three yards on the play, it'll be second down and 13.

The state university trailing in this ballgame by a count of 7-0, the Ramblers scoring on a 49-yard touchdown What are you doing here? Where is he? What? Who? I don't know.

You're lying! Goodman would k*ll me! You see Goodman around? Where's Mac? I asked you a question! All right! All right! They got him at Chi Chi's.

You're crazy.

You can't go there.

Right on A, wrong on B, Counselor.

You show up there, Goodman'll k*ll me! He'll know it was me! (g*n f*ring) (g*n f*ring) (GRUNTING) (YELLING) STAN: Sonny, they got the kid's father at Chi Chi's Club.

I'm going in to get him.

Stan, you listen to me.

You're not to try and take these guys alone.

You understand me? We're on our way.

There's no time.

Come get the bodies, guys.

Stan! MAN ON TV: And another big sack on Kevin Mulhern.

That's the third today.

Manny, go get sandwiches, come on.

What're you doing here, Mr.

Goodman? I figured you'd be watching the game on your yacht.

Well, it's one thing to watch a football game on TV.

But to watch him watch his son throw it, now there's an afternoon.

That's what I like about you, Mr.


You're a real competitor.

(GLASS CLINKING) What the hell was that? Get the lights! Lights! Looks like some of Stan's handiwork.

Freeze! Miami Vice! (g*n f*ring) Mac.


Hold it, Goodman.

Police! You're a cop? Oh, that's cute.

But you're not gonna bust me, 'cause I know all your little secrets.

What happened? He reached for a g*n.

How the hell did you find me, Stan? Yeah, how'd you know they were here? I put a bug on Horowitz.

He was in on all this.

You put a bug on him without a court order? STAN: They were gonna k*ll Mac.

There was no time.

What else was I supposed to do? (CROWD CHEERING) All right, they got lucky that half, but this one belongs to us.

Let's show them what we worked for.

Let's go get them.

ALL: Yeah! (ALL EXCLAIMING) You're benched, Mulhern.

I gotta do it.

You just You don't have it today.


Hey, Stan.

Hey, nice job out there today, Kevin, huh? You're gonna make them forget Joe Willie yet.

Yeah, from what I hear, I'm not the only one that pulled it out of the fire.

Why'd you do it? You're gonna be on probation for a while.

Yeah, I know.

If I play ball with the D.


Hey, Stan, you don't want to talk about it, that's cool.

But I want you to know they're not gonna get your name from me.


I owe you that.

All right.

Believe me, Kevin, I'm gonna b*at this thing.

How about you? You make the call yet? Yeah.

My first meeting's tomorrow night.

Gamblers Anonymous.

I mean, who would have ever thought a high school acey-deucy game would have led me to this? That's great.

Hey, Stan, why don't you come with me? I can't, kid.

I got a lot of loose ends I gotta tie up.

Maybe next time, though, okay? Yeah.

Next time.

(SIGHS) How you doing? I'm okay.

You want some pizza? No.

No, thanks.

I just came by to see if you were okay.


I'm fine, no problem.

You did a hell of a job today.

When I heard they had Mac He's like family.


I found it on Goodman's body.

Your name's all over it.

I'm a good cop, Sonny.

I believe that, Stan.

Look, you're the only one who really knows what went on here.

And I guess you'll have to live with that.

I don't know, Sonny.

We'll help you, Stan.

Hell, we're your partners.