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05x16 - Victims of Circumstance

Posted: 08/30/22 15:20
by bunniefuu
(MAN SHOUTING) Stay away from me.

(BANGING) You come in here, I will hurt you.

(POUNDING ON DOOR) Where are you? Where are you? ERNESTO: So the dude asked me, "What happened to Chuey?" I told him, uh, "Chuey don't work here no more.

He went fishing.

" "Fishing?" he says.

"Yeah," I says, "fishing.

" He was the bait.

(ALL LAUGHING) The bait.

Yeah, I get it.

I'm gonna check some of those franchises, man.

You saw last month's takes, right? I know some of those homeboys gotta be skimming.

Yeah, maybe it's time some of them went fishing.

That's real funny, man.

Your bill.

Now, get out of here.

But, Sy, we was just getting comfortable.

You want to hang out and kibitz all day? Rent an apartment.

I got a business to run.

Oh, yeah, yeah, like you got customers lined up around the block.


Roll out of bed at the crack of noon, 12:30.

Yeah, you drink coffee until about 3:00, do a little shopping, maybe get a little dinner, maybe catch a show.

Then cruise your chain of crack houses, and collect the cash.

Some life, huh, Rico? You looking to change jobs? What, and give up the richly rewarding life of law enforcement? Enter the kid brother, Angelo.

Ready for the grand tour? Why not? Beats the hell out of sitting here, breathing exhaust.

(TIRES SCREECHING) (TIRES SQUEALING) Whoever it was, they split.

Oh, my God.

MAN: Give me a hand.



Whatever happened to the old-fashioned hit man, who'd go after a guy and nail him, you know, nice and clean? These guys today, they don't care how many innocent people get wasted.

Yeah, no professional pride.

Just aim and splatter.

Is that the owner? Yeah, old Sy.

He's had this place forever.

We used to come in here when we were teenagers.

The busboy was just a kid.

Yeah, he's the one he found out back one day, picking through the garbage for food.

Brought him in, gave him a job.

That's the kind of guy he was.

Those the Alvarez brothers? Ernesto and Enrique.

But there's another brother, Angelo.

He left before the fun started.


SONNY: You're a hard man to find, Angelo, you know that? ANGELO: What the hell is this, man? It's about your brothers.

Yeah, well whatever they're laying off on me, man, they're lying to you.

Sit back down there.

Where are you going? Your brothers just got k*lled, Angelo.

Right after you left them at the coffee shop.

You're lying, man.

No, we ain't lying.

Some timing, huh, Angelo? Those stupid dumb beasts.

Who did it? That's what we were gonna talk to you about, Angelo.

You think I had something to do with it, man? They were my brothers, man.

They were my blood.

That's the only family I ever had.

I swear, somebody's gonna wish that their parents never met.

I swear to God.

So why don't you help us, man? You heard of the Diablos? Yeah.

New guys in town.

Get their action by ripping off other people's deals.

They been moving on you, Angelo? Yeah.

Me and a lot of other people.

You never heard this from me, but word on the street is that the Fuentes are getting a big load in tomorrow.

So maybe the Diablos are gonna go out and do some shopping, huh? (SIGHS) You're doing the right thing, kid.

Sorry about your brothers.

(CHUCKLES) Well, Angelo was half right.

The Fuentes just got hit with a major blizzard.

(MAN CHATTERING IN SPANISH) FUENTES: You got it? Nice doing business with you.

Let's go.

Angelo must be psychic.

Look who's there, the Diablos.

Move in.

It's going down.

Hey! (SHOUTING) FUENTES: What are you doing? DIABLO: Back up.

Keep backing up.


Let's go! Hit it, man! MAN ON SPEAKERS: Police officers! Stop! (SIREN WAILING) (TIRES SCREECHING) Hands up! Get them up! End of the line, cowboy.

Get out.

Move! This one's done.

Get straight, you took out the Alvarez brothers yesterday as a warm-up for today.

I told you.

I wasn't anywhere near that diner.

I was best man at my buddy's wedding.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

You were in church all day, right? Yeah.

You know, you're looking at 25-to-life, and here you are playing altar boy with me.


You guys are real funny.


I'm the most serious guy you will ever meet.

(KNOCKING) You're not going to believe who's here.

That's him, all right.

You know this man? Certainly not by choice.

My son-in-law, Todd, picked him as his best man.

I told my daughter not to get involved with that crowd of Neanderthals.

But for some reason she thinks they're colorful.

What time was the service? PRIEST: 11:00.

And he was there? Oh, yes.

You can't forget him.

Certainly not.

That lowlife lost the ring.

I'm getting sick and tired of these dead ends.

Okay, so those guys didn't k*ll the Alvarez brothers.

Look on the bright side, all right? At least we took down the Diablos and the Fuentes.

Yeah, you know, Rico, there was a time when I would have called that a good day's work.

Now it's like, so what? We lock them up only to open the door for a couple of more slimeballs.

Then we'll go after them.

Look, at least we'll never be hurting for work, man.

Yeah, right.

The good news and the bad news.

Sonny, Bailey just called from Homicide.

There's been another hit.

Same M.


Never be hurting for work.

He said it's not a pretty picture.

(MAN SHOUTING) (DOOR RATTLING) I hear you out there.

You won't think it's so funny if you come in here.

(POUNDING ON DOOR) (BANGING ON DOOR) Who are they? Husband and wife team, name of Kravitz.

Lived in the hotel across the street.

The manager says they played here every night.


I don't get it.

Yeah, well get this.

The manager's description of the hitter matches the ones we got from the coffee shop the other day.

Same aim, same lousy sh**t.

Think they were after the kid? Unless I'm losing it, he doesn't look like a player to me.

Look at this.

Prison camp survivors.

We may have this pigeonholed all wrong, partner.

Detectives Crockett and Tubbs, Dr.

Leo Krebs.




A pleasure.


Krebs is the head of the Krebs Foundation, which captures and deports n*zi w*r criminals.

When I read about Sy Rosenthal being k*lled, I thought, like everyone else, an innocent bystander, a tragic accident.

But when I read about Art and Sylvia Kravitz, I know it's no accident.

All three were witnesses to the crimes of Hans Kozak, a high-ranking death camp official.

I'm trying to extradite him.

According to Dr.

Krebs, this Kozak lives somewhere in Miami under an assumed name.

I visited Rosenthal and, uh, the Kravitzes to ask them to testify.

I'm afraid in so doing I signed their death warrants.

So you think you were followed? Here.

"Cancel the liar Krebs' speech, or be prepared to pay the price.

"The Great Revolution is at hand.

"In all of the earth the blood will flow, that of the spawn of Yahweh's foe.

"Signed, the Patriotic Brigade.

" I know this group.

It's a neo-n*zi group, run by that guy, uh, what's his name? Baker.

John Baker.

John Baker.

Yeah, he's an ex-Klansman who turned in his sheet for a career in politics.


Krebs Yes? Are you still planning to make that speech? I've stood up to demagogues like Baker my whole life.

I'm not about to be scared off now.

There are two more witnesses who can make a case against Kozak.

One, Jacob Hoffman, is in a local nursing home.

Thanks to God I had not yet visited him.

I've stationed guards there around the clock.

And the other witness? Me.

STAN: This ought to be interesting.

Get back to redneck America.

(PEOPLE CHATTERING) Never forget that Charles Manson is considered a mass m*rder*r because he k*lled six people.

That would be a minute's work in the Holocaust.

If one chose to be a n*zi butcher, one must pay the price.

The Holocaust did not end in 1945, my friends.

It continues today in Russia, in the Middle East and right here in Miami.

(AUDIENCE APPLAUSE) PEOPLE: (CHANTING) White is right, white is might.

The forces of order will win the fight.

White is right, white is might.

The forces of order will win the fight.

White is right, white is might.

The forces of order will win the fight.

White is right, white is might.

The forces of order will win the fight.

White is right, white is might.

The forces of order will win the fight.

Silence! You people have no place in a civilized society! You are the people who have no place here.

You will leave here at once, or I will have you arrested for trespassing! What's the matter, you afraid of a little debate? KREBS: Sit down! Yeah, it's America! Let him speak! Sit down! Why don't you sit down? Easy, homeboy.

I said sit down! Hey, boy, you got a problem? Yeah, I got a problem! (WOMEN SCREAMING) No, get out of here! Never again.

Thank you, friend.

(SCREAMS) BAKER: Look at them.

Mongrels, subhumans.

It's getting to be where us true Americans are strangers in our own country.

SONNY: Well, our day's coming.

We'll take care of them.

My name's John Baker.

How come I haven't seen you two around here before? We've been out of state.


Name's Burnett.

This here's Stan.


SONNY: I gotta tell you, we were real happy to see some other patriots in that there meeting room today.

STAN: Yeah, Miami used to be a happening place.

Now, what with your immigrants, your coloreds, your infidels, God-fearing white man can hardly get a job anymore.

Yeah, and then the bastards blame us for everything that's wrong in their miserable lives.

The Patriotic Brigade shares your point of view, gentlemen.

What's the Patriotic Brigade? It's a small, select, primarily religious group.

Warriors for God.

Sounds interesting.

Maybe we ought to get together, if we ever get out of this hole.

Oh, we're getting out.

So are you and Stan.

Bail's being arranged for all of us.

Well, that's damned nice of you.

Well, if you boys are looking for some action, me and Stan'd like to show our appreciation.


Oh, my God, it's so hard.


Baker, my name is Helen Jackson, and, uh, I'm writing a book on the radical right.

As the movement's most eloquent spokesman, I'd love to interview you.

John, the children are waiting.

At your convenience, of course.

I'm sorry, Miss Jackson.

I'm afraid an interview is out of the question.

You'll call me? You can count on it.

Excuse me.

Gentlemen, didn't I see you at the meeting? Are you friends of Mr.

Baker's? Sure, I guess you could say that.

Please help me.

I couldn't speak to him with his wife waiting, but I'm a good reporter, and, uh, I'm not unsympathetic to his point of view.

Can't you help me get an interview? Sure, lady.

I'll give him the message.


Here's how you reach me.

Thank you.

Just could you tell him that I'd like to get his story across.

You got it.

(SIGHS) SONNY: stakeout over here.

Hey, slugger, what's happening? Hey, man, how's your chin? It's cool.

No problem.

You know, my sister punches harder than that? Hey, man, I pulled that punch.

I couldn't believe how easy you went down.

Can't you tell a t*nk job when you see one? Now, this lady that was outside lockup, Helen Jackson.

She wants to do an interview with, uh, Baker.

I figure if we can set it up, it might be a good time to listen in.

Yeah, I read you, partner.

Everything's clear down on Fifth Street.

All we need are the clowns.

STAN: Hell of a way to start a redevelopment project.

RICO: Well, HUD's planning to tear it down anyway.

Good evening, gentlemen.

Ready to rock? You still haven't told me what this is all about.

Search and destroy.

We're gonna send these people a little message.

And we're not talking Western Union.


(DWAYNE WHOOPING) Go for it, brother! Ah, you ain't seen nothing yet.

SONNY: Rogers.


DWAYNE: Go for it! Outstanding.

The Patriotic Brigade remains on a constant state of alert, Burnett.

We operate on a wartime strategy, we follow the rules of engagement.

Know your enemy, and where his forces are deployed.


We maintain extreme vigilance.

We know we're being watched, but our enemies underestimate us.

We're also watching them.

Let me show you something.

Now, imagine all the resources of a patriotic Aryan movement combined and linked together into one computer.

Well, sir, that time has come.

Must be a tough job updating these files.

Communists, Jews, blacks, feminists, h*m*, undesirable elements in the State Department.

Criminals who will soon be set free to pillage and m*rder.

They're all here.

Cross-referenced, indexed.

That is very impressive, Mr.


It seems to me that if we could get this information out to the general public, we'd be flooded with new supporters.

(GROANS) Well, there's no way.

The liberal cabal controls the media.

They'd twist our message against us.

They wouldn't allow the truth to be aired.

Well, now I'm aware of that.

They got a stranglehold on things, but not all the way yet.

There are still some reporters out there that haven't been brainwashed.

Why? You know someone we can trust? As a matter of fact, I do.

That reporter that you spoke with outside the jail the other night.

Helen Jackson.

I think you ought to give her an interview, and just lay it all on the line.


Baker, there is a whole army of people out there just waiting for a general to lead them.

I'll call her tonight.

There's an operation tonight.

I want you in on it.

See for yourself what the Patriotic Brigade is all about.

I'll be there.

BAKER: Well, Miss Jackson, I gather you're not unsympathetic to our cause.

I believe in telling the truth, Mr.

Baker, not in liberal hand-wringing.

Well, maybe you do, at that.

My heart is heavy, Miss Jackson.

The press wants people to believe I'm the devil so they won't listen to me.

Of course they do.

SONNY: Poor little fascist.

Nobody understands him.

BAKER: My God, look what happened to my daddy.

He believed in this country.

He fought for it during Korea, he came home, he got a job in the mills, he worked hard, supported his family.

And then the mills closed.

I mean, there is no way a genuine American working man can compete with w*tbacks, willing to work for chump change for wages.

So, Daddy was out of work.

His bosses babbled something about failure to meet international competition, but he started attending meetings.

And he found out the real reason.

An international conspiracy of Jews, in league with other mongrel races, conspiring in secret to deprive white Americans of their birthright.


Oh, you know it! And worse, too, we're talking about an attempt to subvert the real America.

A conspiracy of the impure.

BAKER: They hate us deeply, and they're smart.

But we're gonna be smarter.

You hear this crap? You think he was once a kid? How? Yeah.

The kind that used to t*rture little animals for a laugh.

Miss Jackson Darling We must get the word out, to appeal to the true patriots.

Exactly what I had in mind.


But articles and speeches are not enough to win this w*r.

We're engaged in more militant activities.

We are gonna kick some butt.

HELEN: But whose, Mr.

Baker? Come on, Baker, hang yourself.


Excuse me, sir.

Don't forget we have a strategy meeting in five minutes.

BAKER: Oh, damn! Oh Dwayne.

Miss Jackson, I'm sorry.

I apologize.

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that our interview is gonna have to be suspended for today.

I hope you don't mind.

But I tell you what, why don't you come by the office tomorrow around 11:00, and we can continue then.

I'd be delighted.



You got that same one here? Yeah.

These guys are a bunch of maniacs.

Warriors for God, give me a break.

Yeah, well this thing's going down in a few hours.

Any way to find out if Krebs' witness is the target? No way.

Baker's playing it too close to his vest.

So, do we play along, and wait for Baker to get inside the nursing home, then grab him? (SIGHS) I hate to take it that far.

The old man in the home, he doesn't need that.

Come on, let's go.

Maybe we can get him to talk on the way to the hit, and we'll nail him before it goes down.

I'll be right there, Sonny.

This is one SOB I can't wait to slam.

You mind telling us what's on tonight's agenda? All in good time, Burnett.

The masses are awakening.

A racial and religious w*r is at hand.

We're privileged to be in the front ranks.

Why do I feel like Alice going down the rabbit hole? DUEY: Every day the other side is growing and they're stealing our jobs, our land, our women! Are we gonna let them? CROWD: No! That's right! 'Cause our side is growing, too.

And soon there ain't gonna be no way they're gonna stop us from taking back what is rightfully ours! (CROWD CLAMORING) A long-forgotten wind is starting to blow, brothers.

A w*r is coming down.

It's a w*r we gotta win It's a w*r we will win, as long as we all fight together! (CROWD ROARING) That's Craig Duey, leader of our Fort Lauderdale conclave.

A real up-and-comer.

It's his turn to address the faithful this month.

Don't you guys do anything but give speeches? We do plenty.

Just listen.

You might learn something.

We've been waiting for the moment to strike, waiting for years.

The wait is over.

The moment is now! Forget it, Rico.

We've landed in a fascist pep rally.

Take back our country! Dead end.

(BEEPING) I hear you out there.

(MAN SHOUTING) (BANGING ON DOOR) You won't think it's so funny if you come in here.

(POUNDING ON DOOR) Dad, it's been 45 years since you saw this man.

Who knows if you'll even be able to recognize him.

Elliot, let me tell you something.

One day I may forget my own name, but Hans Kozak's face? Never.

Can't you see you're in danger? Two witnesses are already dead.

So what are you telling me? You don't want me to testify? You want me to tell Krebs, "Go find another witness"? Dad, please.

I want you to come stay with me.

I'll hire guards.

I got more guards than the President.

They watch me day and night.

You think I like it? I don't care about myself.

I've lived a long life.

Nobody can hurt an old man.

No, I do this for the others.

For the ones who didn't survive.

And to let the world know that it can never happen again.

Time for your exercise, Mr.


You see? I'm well taken care of.

BAKER: So I want you to call Mr.

Raymond at the computer house.

Check that out about that file Very nice.

Okay, thank you.

Thank you, Dwayne.

Thank you.

Your, uh, message said urgent.

Our security was breached last night.

This room was broken into.

Maybe the enemy has something better to do than sit around and tell campfire stories.

Well, the enemy's not as smart as he thinks, Burnett.

It didn't take us long to find out what was missing.

He tripped the security lock on the computer when he turned it on.

You sure it wasn't the police, just trying to bug the joint? Well, what would the police want with this prison camp survivor file? This is Krebs' work.

Krebs? Are you sure? I know what he's up to.

He's trying to make me look bad.

Well, we'll see about that.

You claim to be a man of action, Burnett.

Well, you just may have a chance to prove it.



Just got word from homicide.

Jacob Hoffman was k*lled this morning.

What? At the nursing home.

How the hell did that happen? What What were Bailey's men doing? I don't know.

We don't have any details yet.

All right, I'm on my way.

I've taken care of all of them, Daddy.

Nobody can hurt you.

Now, I want you to get some sleep.


No more nightmares tonight.


I wish it were possible.

But they're all dead.

There's nobody to torment you anymore.

Krebs can.

It's his word against yours.

What can he do? He'll find other witnesses to lie for him.

That's the kind of man he is.

I see.

Until Krebs is gone, I'll always be waiting for the knock on the door.

I won't let anybody harm you.

Don't you know that? (GROANS) I don't know what the hell to say.

A nurse took Hoffman for a walk, and someone whacked both of them.

Doctor, Crockett, Vice.

What have you got? Both of them were shot twice in the head.

Same caliber b*llet.

But they weren't both k*lled at the same time.

The woman's been dead at least 10 hours.

But a nurse took Hoffman for a walk So it's a possibility that the k*ller was a woman.

Baker's files were broken into.


(CLEARS THROAT) Did any of these people see the nurse that took Hoffman for a walk? Yes, this gentleman here.

Let me ask you something, sir.

What did the nurse that took Mr.

Hoffman for a walk, what did she look like? Like a nurse.

Real pretty.

Long blonde hair.

Uh, piercing blue eyes.

Helen Jackson.

The reporter.

Gotta be.

Those three people that were k*lled were all three survivors of the same concentration camp.

The only ones left alive that could identify Kozak.

That n*zi.

There's gotta be a connection.

That means that Krebs is next on her list.

You got it.



Yes? My name is Helen Jackson.

May I talk with you for a minute? I'm a reporter.

I'm sure you are a very good one, my dear.

But I've decided not to give any interviews until after I receive the award.

This really isn't an interview, Mr.


I'd just like to ask you a few questions.

You see, my father was in the same camp with you.

Come, come.

(CLEARS THROAT) Who is your father? Saul Lentz.

Did you know him? Regrettably, no.

But there were so many.

So how can I help you? Well, I'd like to ask you a few questions about Hans Kozak.

He's the real reason you're here, isn't he? You are a very good reporter.

This man Hans Kozak, your father spoke of him? Many times.

Then you must know what kind of a man he is.

I am here to bring him to justice.

What if there's another point of view, Mr.

Krebs? What if he were only following orders he had to follow, doing his job? Your father told you that? My father told me many things.

BAKER: Krebs! Krebs! You hypocrite! You think I don't know who stole that file? Where did you plant it? What file? Get out of here, you paranoid maniac.

What are you doing here? You wanted my story, and that's why you're talking to him? I don't give a damn about your organization, or you.

You just get out of here.

You wanted this, here it is! Now, you get out of here! You used me.

I don't like that.

Would you please leave me alone with this man? You used me.

You! You You are the one who has been k*lling my witnesses.

Including Jacob Hoffman.

A few hours ago.

I'm Hans Kozak's daughter.

The man you've been persecuting for years.

Young woman, there can be no persecution for that man.

You shut up.

I know.

I know why.

He was ridding the world of its criminals.

Do you honestly know what your father did? I once saw him m*rder a young woman and her two children.

She clung to his knees, begging for mercy.

She begged him to spare her children.

So he shot the children first, while she watched.

He is a monster, who kills innocent people.

Just don't you tell me that they were innocent.

I almost pity you.

In your desire to protect him, you have become him.

Freeze! (EXCLAIMS) Rico, get her! No! Let me k*ll him! (HELEN SCREAMING) Let me do it! You all right? Yes.

Would you clear these people out of the way, please.

Okay, let's get back RICO: Thank you, thank you.

COP: Get back.

Why? After all that these people have been through, why'd you do it? It was for my father.

He was a great, great man.

He was always there when I needed him.

He's like no other man could ever be.

There's nobody like my daddy.

Yes, there is.

My brothers.

Angelo! (PEOPLE SCREAMING) Freeze! (WOMAN CRYING) They just found Kozak in Coral Gables.

Is she Yeah, she's dead.

Think she's been dead a long time, Rico.

Since way back when her father ex*cuted all those people in the death camps.

Unfortunately, what she stood for didn't die with her.