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01x12 - Mean Streets and Pastel Houses

Posted: 08/31/22 11:42
by bunniefuu
Let's do it, people.

Let's go, guys.
Come on.

( Radio and television
playing )


Open the door!

Do it.

Stay where you are!

this is what we're looking for.

( Woman screaming )

leave him alone!

Let go of him!

Keep your hands
off of me!

I know my rights!

Get in there.

Keep away from me!

You know
who this is?


Lacey king.

She's a big porno star.

Made about 70 pictures.

Get up, sweetheart.

Remember when barton
got married?

The movie they showed--

Susan sails
the seven seas?

Remember that guy
from the coast guard?

This little cutie was the star.

♪ We never thought of finding ♪

♪ The place where we belong ♪

♪ Don't have to stand alone ♪

♪ We'll never let you fall ♪

♪ Don't need permission ♪

♪ To decide what you believe ♪

♪ You're gonna learn something ♪

♪ When we meet you
after school ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ Your friends will be there ♪

♪ When your back is
to the wall ♪

♪ You'll find you need us ♪

♪ 'Cause there's no one else
to call ♪

♪ When it looks hopeless ♪

♪ A decision's what you need ♪

♪ You better be ready ♪

♪ 'Cause you're
running out of time ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ 21 Jump street! ♪

You've looked
better, lacey.

You remember me?


Fuller, right?

Big-time pornographer
who turned out to be a cop.

So what?
We beat all those busts.

You don't look like
you're beating much today.

What do you want?

You used to make two,
three grand a film.

Then what? $500?

Then 50?

Then fluffer?

How old are you, lacey?

I'm legal.

By a couple months maybe.

What's the point?

The point is, you've been
working since you were 15.

14. I look old for my age.

You said it.

Who started you out, lacey?

Come on, fuller.

Give me a break
with all this, okay?

I had a hard night.

It's been a hard
couple of months.

Busted three times.

Once for prostitution.

Twice for smoking crack.

What's upriver for you?

What happened

To that big
feature movie you
were going to make?

My agent couldn't close
the deal.

I wanted a motor home
and a driver.

He wanted me to date
the national guard.

How long have you been
smoking crack?

Long enough.

Think anyone out there
has a brush?

I want the guy who started you.

So do i, but he doesn't return
my calls.

He'll return mine.

( Laughs )

I want this guy.

You tell me
who he is

I'll let
you walk

On the coke beef.

You can't do that.

Anyway, you wouldn't
even believe me.

Try me.

How did it happen?

How did the famous lacey king
get started?

( Dance beat playing,
audience applauding, cheering )

( Song playing )

you like this?

( Cheering )

You're supposed to like this.

While you're getting off on this

Remember two things.

All these fashions

Are from shops
right here in the mall.

And this is just one of a series

Of shows that you can be
a part of.

You can sign up for auditions

For the teen scene school
of modeling over there.

Girls, you might want
to hang on

To your boyfriends
right around now.

This is a little more expensive

Than most of the pieces
in the mall.

Maybe you can get your moms
to spring for it.

And, guys, I know

You're wishing you
could afford it, too.

Trust me-- you can't.

No, frank. No way.

Forget the bleachers.

You get us down
behind first base.

Field level.

Push down that list
of yours

Till you come to a row
with a single-digit number.

Yeah, he is a special
out-of-town guest.

He's my son.

( No voice )

Okay, frank, thanks.

A son?


What did you learn
at the show?

Do you have any pictures?

Can we stick
to the business here?

Hey, okay, it's just that...

We didn't really know
you were married.

I'm not.

Is he?

He's too young for you, hoffs.

Hey, I'm still
in high school.

Mmm, he is fine!

Are you sure he's yours?

Don't push it, hoffs.

I divorced my wife

Because she had
a sense of humor.

You really
have a kid?

Yes, ioki,
it can happen.

Two people meet,
they fall in love

They fight, they
meet somebody else,
they split up.

Such a romantic!

he is a good-looking kid, huh?

Yeah, takes
after his mother.

What's his name?


Short for kipling.

I wanted to name him
hank, after aaron.

But the wife, she had
this thing for poets.

Wait till you
meet this kid.

He's president
of the student council.

Heck of
a curve ball.

I'm going
to pick him up

This afternoon--
we're going to...

What am I telling
you guys this for?

The fashion show, guys.

Oh... The fashion
show-- it was...

( Clears throat )

It was very

You want us all
to audition?

Lacey claims this guy
who runs the fashion school--

Mike ferris--

Was the one who started her
in the porn business.

If this guy's
still active

I want to know.

I want him put away.

Are you sure
about this information?

I spent 18 months undercover
in the porn industry, hanson--

The most depressing point
in my life.

You're trusting
some cokehead

They found in a rock house?

She'd do anything
to get on the street.

You may be right.

( Music playing )

have you guys had your
photographs taken or not?

Look at this.

These kids take it
so seriously.

New shirt, harry?

This old thing?

The trick is... Look natural.

you have
your numbers.

Go over
to the side.

We'll be right
with you.


Take a number.

Jordi will take your picture.

I'll tell you what
to do afterwards.

I haven't had
my picture taken.

( Chattering )

( Chattering continues )

on being chosen.

It was a hard call.

modeling classes
start saturday.

The first two
classes are free.

Those of you
who decide to enroll

Will be eligible

For the fashion shows
we do at local malls.

This could be the
boost that you need

To start
a modeling career.

Who knows?

You could be standing next
to the next superstar.

Or... The next star
could be you.

It's almost as if I've
seen you in print before.

It's not that your look
isn't entirely you.

It's that it is
so entirely you.

You have something
as unique

As a lot
of the girls

That are working
all the time.

But they're all models.

They're special.

No, no, that's
not how it works.

They were girls
just like you.

And they started
at your school?

I mean, look at
this great hair...

And those eyes.

I always dreamed
about this

But I never thought
it could come true.

Maybe it will someday.

You never know.

Hey, girls

We're going to stop
by the coffee shop.

Why don't you
come along?

Can we?

I'll see you
in class, okay?


( Girls giggling )

Really great work.

You, too.

he's preying on insecurities

These girls had reinforced

By every elle and vogue
they've ever bought.

I used to buy
baseball cards.

You tell a girl
she's beautiful

And then ignore her.

She's so unsettled

She doesn't know
what to think.

So fuller's right?

The guy's a lowlife
whether fuller's
right or not.

Look at this guy.

He becomes a model

And gets himself
a fashion consultant.

Enjoy it
with a friend.

Enjoy it
with a friend.

Enjoy it
with a friend.

You sure your hair
can do that?

Loitering, panhandling...

Then he tries
to sell me incense.

No selling-- giving.

the giving of alms.

Enjoy it
with a friend.

He's a cop.

He's got no friends.


Enjoy it
with a friend.




Della day, mon.

Oh, doris's son.

Can you believe this?

They lost my son.

He didn't get off the plane.

They don't know where he is.


Dad, mon!


( Music playing on stereo )

( Switches music off )

Take it easy,
dad, mon.

Lay them bones
down, eh?

You think you could speak
english just long enough

To tell me
what happened to you?

It be a blessed thing.

I've embraced the teachings
of marcus garvey.


Marcus tell you
to wear a tablecloth

And knot up your hair?

Me locks?

They sing commitment,
don't they now?

Antenna to the lord.

Come on, kip,
you're a bright kid.

How did you get suckered
into this... Stuff?

I told you I no longer
be going by that name.

If you think I'm
going to call you

Dread della della day

Then your antenna
needs adjusting.

Look, you have problems

We'll talk them out, huh?

I haven't got a
problem in the world.


Give me a minute.


What happened?

I found jah, mon.

One love.

I find a happiness inside.

( Sighing contentedly )

Penhall, you'll love it.

You'll learn how
to walk and smile--

Makeup tips.

I won't love it.

I'll hate it.

How did it go
with ferris?

Penhall and I made it.

He said I had
some primitive appeal

And that I'll be a big star.

That's not funny, penhall.

This guy uses 14-year-olds
in pornographic films.

Get me a list
of students

We can cross-check
against vice.

And hoffs...

Let ferris
know that...

I'd do almost anything
to become a model.

That's the job.


I'm just having a little
trouble with my kid.

That's okay--
I understand.

Well, I can't.

I barely understand
a word he's saying.

Maybe you need
a rasta-to-english dictionary.

Kip's only what, 16?

Don't tell me
it's just a phase, hoffs.

That only works

When it's
not your son.

( Clears throat )

( Sighs )

I've never seen fuller lose
his cool like that before.

Wait till I turn up
on a magazine cover.

make believe it's
a real fashion sh**t.

I just want to see

How you move, how you
play off each other.

Okay, doug,
bend the arm.

A little more...
That's right.

Let's go for
that total body
profile, okay?

Good, good... Nice work.

Move in a little tighter
for that composition--

That ensemble look.

Good, good, good.

Judy, judy, you are really
getting dangerous now.

I love it,

That's going
to work.

That's good.

Trina, you are going to make it
hard to sleep tonight.

Great look.

The secret is creating
a smooth, even base.

And remember, a day base

Is totally different
from a night base.


And always use



( All giggle )

Hey, girls, how's it going?


I talked to my mom

About taking
extra movement courses.

She says it's probably
worth the money.

Your mother's
very smart.

I'm really impressed.

This is the kind
of dedication

It takes to
really get ahead.

Well, my dad's
a little worried.

Good fathers are supposed
to worry about their kids.

I worry
about you guys.

Judy, listen.

I'd like to take your
head sh*ts personally.

You're going to need
someone with experience

To bring out

That, uh... Electricity
in your eyes.

You don't mind?

Now, why would I mind?

Great. Great.

Keep up
the good work.

You flush
my smoke, man?

Into my private
things you went?

No illegal substances
in my home, kip

Especially for you!

But illegal search
and seizure

Is okay
in your home?

I can't allow
ganja in my house.

I am a police captain.

Down to the bone you are.

You know...

I am getting tired
of apologizing to you.

I'm still waiting for
the right kid to show up.

Where is that happy,
good-looking boy I remember?

Maybe when you left,
I wasn't so happy no more.

Look, kip...

I told you I no longer

Be going
by that name.


Let's keep trying.

Look at this
bathing suit.

They went to crete
to take this picture.

I think it's mykonos.

Can you imagine
living like that?

beautiful clothes

And going to exotic places
just to be photographed.

It doesn't sound
too bad, huh?

I would do anything
to live like this.

Look at this.

I can't even figure out

What they're trying
to sell here.

How many people
are in the picture?

You don't get it,
do you?

Exposure in a
national magazine--

Who knows where
it could lead?

What a trip.

If it's in a fashion
magazine, it's erotic.

If my brother buys it
and hides it under his mattress

It's dirty pictures.

All right.

Don't move.



Don't work
so hard, judy.

Don't try so hard
for the camera.

It's just you
and me here alone.


So, what do you say, mike?

Should I go for a more...
Sophisticated look?


Yeah, that's it. That's it.

And another.


What's the matter, mike?

It's funny--

I think you read
a little older

Than I thought you did.

Is that bad?

No. No.

How did
we do, guys?

These girls check out
as legitimate models.

Vice never
heard of them.


How did the
photo session go?

Truthfully, I think
we're wasting our time

And lacey king
gave you a line.


Because ferris made you feel

Like a pretty girl
with a future?

That's what he does.
That's the point.

Look, I've been
around a bit myself.

I just don't think
this is the guy.



The girl with the hat on.

you know her?

I wish.

That's dominique.

Dominique's daydream?

Come on, it
was a classic.

she runs the modeling
school with mike.

she's a
porn queen.


Yeah, nikki--

Just a
pretty girl

Who used to have
a future.

( Music playing )

Relax, dad, mon.

It's for eating,
not smoking.

Oh, everything
sure smells...

Good for me.

Very good for you,
dad, mon.

Seaweed, alfalfa shucks...

in-the-husk barley.

Couldn't you find the bologna
in my refrigerator?

Carcinogens, red dye
number nine.

The poisons
of babylon.

No respect for the soul.

You used to live off bologna.

You mean I used to die on it.

What are those?

Dessert-- brownies.

I made them myself,
enough for everyone.

( Knock at door )


Excuse me, captain fuller.

Got a moment
for a private screening?

( Music playing on tv )

Does the same
guy score

All these films?

What I meant to say, jude...

This is the third time
you've been to my office.

Your teachers tell me

You're daydreaming
in class--

Not paying

Yes, sir, mr. Kay.

Exactly what are you
daydreaming about, dominique?

All right, it's her.

Shut it off.

Wait. This is

Where the home ec.
Teacher comes in.

Hey, I don't need this!

Sit down.

What did I say?

You guys just don't get it,
do you?

The copyright
on this film

Is four years old.

She was 15

When she made this.


( Actors moaning,
panting on tv )

Check this store out.

Someday I'll figure out

Why fall fashions
come out in june.

Oh, look at this.

This color would look
really good on you.

You don't like green?

My older brother... Sometimes
he and his friends will, like...

You know, rent movies.

And, uh, one of these...

One of these movies
had you in it.

You were in a movie called
dominique's daydream.

Nikki, don't be mad.

I'm just concerned.

Everybody at the school
thinks so much of you.

You can't help wondering
where it all leads

If that's where
you ended up.

I did not
end up there.

How old are you, nikki?

Older than you.

Did he make you do it?

Nobody made me
do anything.

You thought stripping
in front of a camera

Was a great career move?

I don't need
your lecture.

If you had
the same opportunity

You'd do the same thing.

No, I wouldn't.

Once you get to where
you want to go

You don't have
to do it anymore.

Look, he was starting out.

I was starting out.

Modeling is a tough business.

We did some crazy
things to pay the rent.

we were partners.


That look is so special.

That's it. Fabulous.

Okay, up a little.

Turn out more.

That one.

Let me get that.

That's it.

Turn out.

Out. Oh, yeah.

Okay, now.



Mischievous now.

Playful... Yeah!

Okay, now, turn out to me.

Turn out to me.

Now, drop the shoulder.

Another inch.

Yeah, yeah.


That's great.

Relax a second.
I'll change cameras.

You're going
to like this stuff.

It's, uh... It's a good look.

Look is very good.

What? What's wrong?

Why is it just good?

The look is great, trina.

You're way ahead of the game.

Look is rock solid.

Probably get some
catalog work right away.

Catalog work?

You mean like
in the sunday paper?

Trina, don't knock it.

Work is work.

Anyway, that's the look
you're giving me.

The camera doesn't lie.

We'll run with it, okay?

What's the matter?

You want me to stop?

What... What if I wore
something else?

I don't know.

Everything you brought
is the same kind of look.

Relax, trina.

I'm a photographer.

I've done this lots of times.

What's the matter?


It... It's stuck.

Okay, trina.

Don't worry about a thing.

It's just you...

And me.


You home?

I hope you
don't mind.

I got
into your tools.

How was work?

You know... Okay.

What, no music?

I didn't think

You did anything
without your music.

Sometimes I like the quiet.

It's good
for thinking.

Sit down, mon.


I've been working
on this thing for a while.

Helps me relax,
gets me away from the job.

But I still never seem
to have enough time...

To finish my weekend projects.

Look, it's not that I'm against

What you're doing
with your life.

It's just
that it's...

It's so out
of the mainstream.

I mean, couldn't you
have started out

With christian science?

At least mary baker eddy
spoke english.

I'm sorry.
I guess that really wasn't fair.

Is it a rage at school
or something?

I'm not capable of doing
something on my own?

That's not it.

You've never been a follower.

Now all of a sudden

You're interested
in my life, dad?

I'm sorry.

I guess I'm being unfair.

Look, dad.

I'm a long way
from being a true rasta.

But what I am
really works for me.

You don't have
to worry about me

Running off to go
live in jamaica.

My grades are okay.

I'm fine.

I really am, dad.

I'm glad.

I really don't mind
the accent.

It just takes

A little getting
used to, that's all.

Like my music.

No, no, no, no.

If you really want
to know the truth

I really kind
of like your music.

I mean, it's, uh...

( Jazz plays )

I kind of like yours, too,
dad, mon.

Nikki, forget it.

So she saw a movie.

Half of north
america's seen it.

Judy's such
a sweetheart, mike.

I don't know.
It brought her down.

if she said
she'd keep her mouth shut

Then we're fine.

Maybe we should close
the school for a while.

We don't need it, right?

What are you talking about?

The school is important.

If we close it

What will you do?

What do you want me
to do, michael?

We both feel better
after a sh**t.

Nikki, listen to me.

The sh**t this weekend?

I want you to forget
about it, okay?

That's what
I'm saying.

That's what
I'm driving at.

Nikki, you know
this industry.

You, at 15, were
a sensation for me.

But you and I don't define
the parameters of this business.

The industry makes
its own demands.

We work within those parameters
or we don't work at all.

We have no product.

Nikki, you and I

Are going to be around
for a long time.

But what's not fair to you

Is for you to try and
be that 15-year-old kid

For the rest of your life.


Man, used up at 18.

Great business, huh?

You know any
other industry

That's grown 600%
for seven years straight?

no wonder.

People watch this
stuff at home.

An industry doesn't grow
like this

Without meeting a public demand.

They don't know
these kids wind up

Turned out
on the streets.

Or hooked on dr*gs

Or tossing themselves
off of balconies.

I'm using her
hearsay confession

To nail down

A warrant.

Penhall, put together
a half dozen backup.

The rest of you,
get ready.

We'll turn this guy's
school upside down.

Let's go do it.

It's an old
story, jude.

Parents get busy--

Forget to tell their kids
how special they are

And we lose them
to the first person that does.

You feel better?

I don't think
I want to do this.

Can I just go home?

There's time and money
invested, trina.

All these people are
here because of you.

But it was just something
we were talking about.

Besides, you said

I could change
my mind.

Who do you think you are?

Do you think you're
special, huh?

What makes you so different?

You think there's something
especially wonderful about you?

Do you?


Well, there is.

You are special... And
that's why you can't let

A chance like this
slip away.

I'm just
still not sure.

I think we're way
beyond that, trina.

Come on.

no, sorry. He's
not here today.

I'll tell him
you called.

Hey, guys.

How you
doing, cutie?

What's with
the crowd?

Where's michael ferris?

The school's closed today.

Where is he, joanie?

I don't know.

He's gone
for two days.

We've got a warrant.

Look at it

Then call your boss.

I don't know where he is.

All right, your mistake, sister.

Let's do this, guys.

What are we looking for?

Two days is how
long it takes

To make one
of these movies.

Find out where
they're sh**ting.

Look for invoices
from hotel rooms

Contracts from
real estate agents

Leasing agreements
on warehouses, homes, vehicles.

How much time
do we have?

Don't even ask, jude.

he wants the next shot
over here.

Light this corner,
but keep them low.

okay, come on, people, let's go.

Set up for the next scene.

Come on, move it.

See, nikki?
She's a good kid.

Very free,
very good instincts.

I told you everything
was going to be fine.

( Shrieking and screaming )

Love the look.

Not real

Drop your
shoulder, frown

And put your hands
behind your back.

That's it--
fabulous, fabulous!

I want all
this tagged.

I want all the film.


Give me that film.

Give me the film.

Give me
the film, trina.

We have to process this film
to take ferris to trial.

( Sobbing )

I just can't turn and
walk away from this.

I'm sor...


Judy's a cop?

She's with you guys?

What's going to happen

Without the film?


What if I testify?

you have the right
to remain silent.

You have the right
to an attorney...

Hey, wait a minute.

Where are you
taking her?

What is this?

She's riding
with us, ferris.

Nikki, what are you doing?

Nikki, don't
do this.

Nikki, listen to me!

Don't do this.


You listen to me.

Don't do this.


Sit down.

You could have blown
the whole case, hoffs.

Trina wasn't lacey
king, captain.

She wasn't three years
into the business.

All I saw was her whole life
being ruined by that film.

There were other ways
to bury that film

Without destroying

The evidence.

I'm sorry. I went too far.


Michael ferris
is going away.

Nikki gave us
a full statement--

How old she was
when she started

The purpose
of the school

And the other underage girls

That ferris used
throughout the years.

I guess we got lucky.

Sometimes you do.

( Knock at door )


You all set?

Yeah, I got my seat
on the plane.

No selling your ticket

This time?

It was good
to see you... Dread.

You know, when it
comes down to it

I'm just glad
that you're happy.


Enjoy it
with a friend, mon.

Hoffs, what do you
think I'd look like

With my hair
like that, mon?