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02x01 - In the Custody of a Clown

Posted: 08/31/22 11:43
by bunniefuu
Hey, Brian!

Come on!

- Man, what are you
packing in here?

This thing weighs a ton!

Give it back, McFarlane.

- I forgot to do my
homework last night.

Would you mind if I have yours?

- I
said, give it back!


Would you like a bag?

Come on, Brian.

Come on.

BULLY: Hoo hoo!


BRIAN: Come on!

Hey, come and get it!

Come on, come on!

All right.

All right!

Jeez, you little dweeb.

Next time, don't get yourself
so worked up, Sheffield.

We're just playing
with you, man.

How'd you ever make it to
the ninth grade, anyways?

Way to go, boy.

Homeroom in five, Sheffield.

I got the clock on you.



Come on!

Come on!



Help, help!

Man, that guy jumped Brian!





BRIAN: Help, help!



thought of finding

a place where we belong.

Don't have to stand alone,
we'll never let you fall.

Don't need permission to
decide what you believe.


I said, jump!

Down on Jump Street.

I said, jump!

Down on Jump Street.

Your friends'll be there when
your back is to the wall.

You'll find you need us 'cause
there's no one else to call.

When it looks hopeless, a
decision's what you need.

You better be ready
to, be ready to jump!

21 Jump Street.

- You guys remember,
uh, Spencer Phillips?

FBI, right?

Never forget a haircut.

- A kid was grabbed from
Lafayette High this morning,

Brian Sheffield.

Possibly a kidnapping.

Although parental abduction
is not out of the question.

- His parents are
divorced and there's

a history of custody violations.

We want to establish the
extent and nature of the crime

before the Bureau gets involved.

- So you just want us to
keep this warm for you.

- Do you have a problem with
my handling of this situation?

- We don't have any
problems here, Phillips.


These things usually clear
themselves up in 24 hours.


- Ahh, I hate these
emotional types.

- Attitude aside,
Phillips might be right.

Parents don't get what
they want in court,

they take it to the street.

Let's hope that's all it is.

HANSON: Has Brian
ever run away before?

Of course not.

This is his home.

He has everything he needs.

Oh sure, sure, his
father's a lot of laughs

and I'm the bad guy, right?

The disciplinarian.

- Why do you think your
husband has abducted your son?

- Because he's tried it
before and I caught him.

Big deal.

Let me tell you something.

I take my son to Dallas
on a business trip

and she hires a private
detective to follow me.

- Under your custody,
Mr. Sheffield,

taking Brian across state line
is a violation of the law.

Come on, man, he's my son.

You're making it sound like
I'm some kind of criminal.

I didn't say that.

I did.

And OK, maybe it wasn't blue,
but it was definitely dark.

- So we're talking a dark
'72 Lincoln something.


The guy was 72.

He wasn't that old.

He moved too fast.

And he was wearing a clown mask.

A clown mask?

Just like that sneak.

Well, let's see how he
likes visiting Brian

from behind bars.

- Well, we can't arrest
your husband just off

of these photographs.

- They're photographs of
him and my son in Dallas.

Obviously he's been
planning this for months.

- Look, I've hardly
seen the kid in months.

Those pictures were
from a birthday party.

I don't even have a
say in how he's raised.

I mean, come on, let
the kid out a little.

Let him make some mistakes.

Let him have some fun.

Totally irresponsible.

He lets Brian drive the car.

- Has Brian seemed
anxious lately?


Not at all.


- Well, what was Brian "kinda"
doing right before it happened.

- Uh, we were knocking
him around a little.

Teasing him, you know?

It was no big deal.

Hey, it's my fault
some perv grabbed him?

- I shouldn't be surprised
that he'd stoop this low.

He gets a little lucky in
business, and all of a sudden

he's invincible.

He wants the house.

He wants Brian.

She wants everything.

We're in the middle of
a property settlement

and there is nothing--
nothing-- she wouldn't do.

She won't even let me come to
the house and pick up my stuff.

What kind of stuff?

You know, stuff.

Tapes, a couple pairs of jeans,
right there in his knapsack.

Even his toothbrush is missing.

- All right, Ms. Sheffield,
I guess that ought to do it.

We appreciate your time.

- If you think of
anything else, you

can contact me through
your principal's office.

- You've got to get
him back, Officer.

His father is bad for him.

He hates his father.

It's his mother he hates.

You can ask him that yourself.

No, we, um, can't.

He's missing.



MRS. HOFFS: Hi, Sweetie Pie.


I'm sorry!

I must have lost
a week somewhere.

I could have sworn it was next
week you guys were coming.

Where's Daddy?

Lying down?

No, honey, I'm sorry.

He couldn't make it.

You're kidding.

- Oh, well, he's
disappointed, too.

But if we aren't
more careful, we

are liable to have
more fun without him.

- You haven't eaten
yet, have you?


- Good, because I have
been waiting for you

so I could take
you out to dinner.



- After all these years, I
finally got my own card.

Hm, they tried to give me
your father's line of credit,

but I didn't want his.

I wanted my own.


It's psychological, I'm sure,
but every meal I buy with this

just seems to taste better.

Well, that's great.

Just give me one sec, OK?


HOFFS: You know, Mom,
I've been meaning

to talk to you about that.

Very important that
women establish

their own line of
credit, you know?


HOFFS: I mean, it's
nothing against Daddy.

It's just the responsible to do.

- Well, I guess a lot
of it's my own fault.

I let things get
way out of hand.

I was suffocating in the
shadows of Dr. Anthony Hoffs.

HOFFS: Suffocating?

- The slightest deviation and
your father can't accept it.

The man's intolerant,

- Mom, is everything all
right with you and Dad?

- Now Judy, you know your father
and I would never do anything

without first giving
it a lot of thought.

So there's no reason
for you to be upset.

We've decided to separate.

PENHALL: The dark blue,
possibly brown Lincoln,

built sometime in the
'70s, driven by somebody

from this planet.


How long as Sheffield had
his apartment in Dallas?

- Oh, just a couple
of months, Captain.

Dallas police got in for a look.

No Brian, but an awful
lot of his clothes.


Captain, speaking of it.

Yeah, Fuller.

Yeah, give me 15 minutes.

I'll meet you at the house.

School janitor just
turned up a ransom tape.

BRIAN : They
won't let me sleep.

I stand for hours at a time,
with almost nothing to eat.

You have to get $75,000 in cash.


They must have
grabbed the wrong kid.

You have 24 hours.

Would you shut up?

which time you'll

receive delivery instructions.

Do not involve the police,
or they'll k*ll me!

- You work hard, you
pay outrageous taxes

so he can go to a decent school
where he's grabbed by some nut?

All right.

All right.

All right.

Uh-- --
$75 grand, huh?

- Where are we gonna
get that kind of money?

- We're going to have to
mortgage the house, dear.

My house?

Who's going to
make the payments?

According to your
attorney, you're broke.

Have you got a better idea?

- I know that you two are
upset about your son,

but we'll handle the
money end of this.

All right.

Just let the man do his job, OK?

- Look, I think we make a big
mistake meeting any demands

until we're sure Brian's OK.

That's not your decision.

- Look, folks, your son
has a much better chance

if we buy some time while
we try and locate him.

But the tape said no police.

- Well, what are you
going to do, huh?

What, are you going to
fight this thing alone?

So what do you think?

- I think someone grabbed a
kid from a nice neighborhood.


- I think I want to
know a bit more first.

I'll have one of my guys
trace this tape's lot number,

find out when and
where it was bought.

That won't be necessary.

I'll swing by in the morning.

You can turn the file over.

OK, let me put it this way.

A kid is grabbed from
one of my schools,

I make it my
business to find him.

- Legally, after 24
hours, transportation

across state lines
can be assumed.

Then it's my business.

- 24 hours ago, this thing
was going to clear itself up.


How long you
planning on staying?

Oh, a couple of days.

Depends on the fishing.

- Can I see your fishing
permit and driver's license?

Oh, certainly.

Here you are.

- Lot of equipment for
just a couple of days.

- You should see what
I have in the trunk.

Where's your plate?


Oh, I have it here somewhere.

Here it is.

Keeps falling off.

I'm gonna wire it on with a
coat hanger, first chance I get.

$7 a day.

Pay when you leave.

You're in space G.

You're in space G.

OLD MAN: Come on,
get out of there.

Let me get a good look at you.

We did it, Grandpa.

Yeah, we sure did.

Now let's drop a
line in the water,

'cause the sun is falling
and I'm getting very hungry.

BRIAN: They'll k*ll
me, I swear they will.

If you don't follow these
instructions exactly,

you'll never see me alive again.

- You don't think you
sound too frightened?

- Grandpa, I've
been kidnapped, OK?

Heavy-handed stuff works.

This is not ween out.

- Edison Coulter
does not "ween out. "

- Yeah. We're
gonna be fine here.

Hey, and once we get settled up
there, why, we can eat dinner

out under the stars
every night, if we want.

Oh, you see these firs?

We had those all
over our property.

And you see that right
there, that clearing?

That's where the dock
and boat landing will go.

And right behind
it, up there, is

where you and I are gonna build
that tackle and bait shop.

- How long do you
figure it'll take?

- Oh, working after
school and on weekends?

We ought to be in business
by this time next year.

Next year?

Forget it.

We're hiring help.

With what, son?

- We're budgeted
right to the penny.

So up the ransom.

- No, no, no, we
figured exactly what

we needed, no more, no less.

You get greedy on me, son,
I'm gonna have to whop you.

All right, all right.

- We don't have to
do this, you know.

We can stop whenever you want.

I don't want to stop.

I'm in their way.

I'm not gonna live with
people that hate me.


Oh, Brian, you're wrong.

They don't have you.

They hate themselves.

MAN : Hi.

Guess who?

It's Robert.

I'm just calling to
say I hope you're

having a nice visit
with your daughter,

'cause I miss the
sound of your voice.

I'll talk to you soon.


Who's Robert?

A friend.

- My friends don't miss
the sound of my voice

after just a few days.

- He's someone I met
at the bookstore.


Delores Hoffs, don't
walk away from me

when I'm talking to you.

I asked when, before or
after this decision of yours?

- Judy, don't you have
any male friends?

- Well, if he's just a friend,
then why has Daddy left you?

- Because 26 years into a
perfectly good marriage,

your father suddenly decides
he doesn't trust me anymore.

Are you sleeping with this man?

BRIAN: Vo: Just
across the footbridge,

you'll see a statue.

You are to be standing at the
base of this statue at exactly

6:00 PM.

My parents are not to
make this drop themselves.

IOKI: Hello?


All right, Ioki's in place.

You ready with that?


- Pick up the walkie-talkie
at the base of the statue.

All right, we're up.

Let's go.

Go around to the left
and keep your eyes open.

Now look behind the statue.

See that life preserver?

Put it on-- and I mean on.

Zip it up tight.

Now head towards the waterfall.

What would your parents do?

Would they pay $75
grand to get Doug back?

Doug who?

- Just to the right of the
waterfall is a small pine.

See it?

Put the money on the
ground and cover it

with the needles
from that pine tree.

All right, now set the
walkie-talkie down.

Turn around.

Now carefully, very
carefully, feel

the lining of that
life preserver.

What you're feeling
is enough expl*sives

to blow you into
the next county.

You understand?

Call the b*mb squad!

Ioki's in trouble.

Come on.

All right.

Now slowly, very slowly,
walk back to the statue.

Now don't-- repeat,
don't-- turn around.


HANSON: Excuse me, folks.

I'm a police officer.

You're going to have to
leave the park right away

FULLER: Get them out
of here. ,

clear the whole park.

Everybody just stand real still.

Don't-- Brian.


Just do exactly what
they say, Brian.

Take it real easy
and move real slow.

Ioki, b*mb squad's on its way.

Stay real still.


They need more time.

What's the matter, he
couldn't sell his golf clubs?

- Aw, $600 will
still go a long way.

Grandpa, we've been jacked.

Some b*mb.

Four road flares and
some telephone wire.

- You get a feeling
there's something vaguely

amateurish about this?

- Captain, we've got something
on those ransom tapes.

Both plot numbers trace back
to a drugstore in Michigan.

- According to Hoffs,
Mrs. Sheffield's father

rents a cabin up
there every summer.

The boy's grandfather?

That's right.

Mom, I'm really sorry, but
things are just crazy today.

It's OK, honey.

I like it.

And I like what you're doing.


Great, put him through.


What a surprise.

- We don't have time to waste
on 100-to-1 sh*ts, Captain.

Time my unit bought, Phillip.


Dad, hold on.

Mom, I gotta go.

Take down his
flight information.

- Go ahead, Anthony,
if you think you

can trust me to get it right.

- When was the last time Mrs.
Sheffield talked to her father?

About a year ago.

They had a big falling-out
when Mr. Sheffield wouldn't

let Brian go to his
grandmother's funeral.

- All right, give
me everything you

can on the father--
pics, prints, the works.


- I haven't given you the
go-ahead to proceed, Captain.

And I didn't ask you, either.

Brian hasn't crossed any
state lines yet, Phillip.

- All you've got to
show for 36 hours' work

is a recovered walkie-talkie
with your unit's fingerprints

on it.

- Why don't you take
that walkie-talkie and--

MRS. HOFFS: Judith
Marie Hoffs, how dare

you put me in that position?


I'd like you to meet my mom.




to meet you all.

- You've raised a fine young
lady there, Mrs. Hoffs.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, excuse me, Officer.

Who me?

I'm a maintenance engineer.

- Why don't you take
that walkie-talkie,

have your lab dust
the batteries?

My money says the prints
will match the grandfather's.

BRIAN: Where have
you been all day.

I thought they
nailed you for sure.

- I'm doing a little
research, son.

We need a game plan before this
thing unravels any more on us.

- All this stuff's about
other kidnappings.

- When you've got a problem,
you turn to the experts.

Here, I thought you'd
get a kick out of this.

- "Brian Edison Sheffield,
born to Mr. and Mrs.

John Sheffield of
Huntington Park.

8 pounds, 6 ounces. "


You didn't start off small.

What were they like back then?

- Oh, like ants in
the pants, son.

Worst case of youth I ever saw.

Selfish, self-centered.

Even tried to elope once.

Would have made it, too,
except that idiot father

of yours forgot
to bring a ladder.

So that night, we all sat
down in the kitchen over cocoa

and planned us a wedding.

You doing all right here?


I'm doing fine.

So, could we use
any of this stuff?

- One of the most successful
crimes in history.


The Getty kidnapping.

Paid almost $2 and 1/2 million
for the return of his grandson.

Let's do what they did.

They lopped off his ear.

Let's find something else.


I like your ear where it is.

But you know, I think I've
found a way of letting

them know how serious
we are about this.

$600 we gave them,
a note saying it's

not enough, and Bozo's ear?

- - I told you
your father was nuts.

Ever since her mother died, he's
been totally out of control.

- I can't believe my dad would
do anything to hurt him.

- Yeah, well, he's in control
enough to steal from the best.

The instructions, the ear?

Right out of the
Getty kidnapping.

- Isn't there something
that we can do to stop him?

- Are you up to following
these instructions?

Because he wants you to
deliver the ransom this time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- I'm not having her
drive back roads

tossing money out of windows.

We may not have to.

How good is your
father's eyesight?

- They don't pay me
enough for this.

- Yeah, pantyhose
are so expensive.

- All right, keep your
heads down, guys.

Got someone coming up behind us.

I'm doing 30 and he's
still not passing.

All right, there's the lights.

Grandpa at six o'clock.

All right, this is Fuller.

Give him a half a mile
and then close it up.

Get ready, guys.

PENHALL: Let's go, Harry!

- All right, come on out
of the car, Grandpa.

Come on out.

EDISON: All right, all right.

Put those things down
before you hurt someone.

Spread 'em.

All right, OK.

Would you mind if
I sat down, huh?

Are you finished?


You OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

- Well, at least
I've got something

to tell them back in Washington.

You think you can
handle a conviction?

Or do you want to turn
Bozo's ear over to me?

- It could've been
worse, Phillips.


They could have sent his nose.

EDISON: So my friend is holding
me up on top of the shoulder,

see, and I'm hanging out way out
over Waveland Avenue, outside

of, uh, Wrigley Field?

Now bases are
loaded and upcoming

is Big Bill Nichols,
right to the plate.

Oh, what a hitter.

And they used to call him Swish.

Anyway, Leo Durocher is
managing the Dodgers.

Leo the Lip.

Right, Leo the Lip.

Now the Lip lives in
mortal fear of Nicholson.

So get the picture-- I mean,
top of the ninth, 3-2 Dodgers,

bases loaded.

And Durocher orders the pitcher
to walk in the tying run,

because he's afraid to pitch to
the Swish. True story.

I was there myself.

That still doesn't

excuse what you've
done, Mr. Coulter.

Kidnapping is a very
serious offense.

- Mr. Coulter, you'd make
things a lot easier on yourself

if you'd give up the boy.

- Not until I have
my say in court.

- You understand that these are
felony charges being brought up

against you?

All right, I broke the law.

I desecrated a clown mask.

What do I get for that?

Three to five?

This isn't a joke.

You're telling me, son?

All right, I may be facing life,
but if I didn't do something,

my grandson would be facing
life with two people that

don't care a thing about him.

And to me, that's worth it.

Please, tell us where he is.

I told you, he's fine.

HOFFS: What he is is alone.

And probably scared
half to death.


Who are you guys?

Let me out of here!

Got anything to eat?

- We'll get you
something downtown.

Is my grandfather all right?

Yeah, he's fine.

Is he going to jail?

But we planned it together.

I'm sorry, Brian.

Minors can't give legal consent.

Am I going to jail?

- No, you're gonna go home,
'cause we, uh, saved your life.

- No more star-filled nights,
no more rainbow trout

over the open flames.

The nightmare's over, Brian.

Come on, you guys.

Don't you understand?

My grandfather and
I need each other.

We're the only family we
got, and you're ruining it.

Don't make me go
back to my parents.

- Well, your parents
deserve to know you're OK.

I don't care what they know.

And I'm not going
back to them, either.

If Grandpa's doing
time, I'm doing time.

- Look, Beav, ease
up on us, will you?

We're just doing our jobs.

Do your job, OK?

Stick me in a home where I'm
not wanted and don't belong.

And don't sh**t me
in the back, either.

I'm not armed.

I'm not even tall.


Well, I feel like hell.

How about you?

- I don't get paid
to feel like hell.

It just works out that way.

HOFFS: Daddy, you're
not listening.

MR. HOFFS: Oh, I see.

You approve of your
mother's boyfriend?

Tony, he is just a friend.

He's a boy and he's a friend.

Yes, Delores, I
know how that goes.

And you spend an incredible
amount of late hours

with your friend.

We go to the theatre.

We have a drink afterwards
and we talk about the play.

- There isn't a play
in the world that

can't be thoroughly thrashed
and analyzed by midnight.

- Aren't you guys being
a little unreasonable?

BOTH: Unreasonable?

Your credit card bill?

Thursday the 18th, a charge for
$135 at the Palmer House Hotel?

The cost of a suite?

Is that reasonable
enough for you?

Delores, it's him or me.

You can't have it both ways.

- Which means I have
to have it your way.

- Call me old-fashioned, but
I still believe in fidelity.


Those charges were for
lunch at the restaurant.

There were four of us.

I didn't have enough cash,
so we put it on my card.

HOFFS: You expect for
me to believe that?

Believe whatever you want.

But it felt great.

Oh, will you guys grow up?

BOTH: That is not the point.

Then what is?

- If your father distrusts
me this much after 26 years,

then this marriage
isn't even worth saving.

- Oh, terrific, then go marry
that new best friend of yours.

- I thought you were
my best friend.

Nothing happened.

- Well, then what's
with the aerobics,

and then going to plays,
and your credit card?

- Tony, I have to have
something that is mine.

There's ours, there's
yours, but there's no mine.

And I don't need any ultimatums.

What I need is room.

- You think that card of
yours can handle dinner

for three tonight?

MR. HOFFS: Come on.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Sorry, excuse me.

Mr. Brabeck, we're the
arresting officers in this case.

Hey, not to worry.

Conviction's in the back.

- You sound pretty
sure of yourself.

I know Judge Simon.

We give her a clean felony
bust, she gives us a conviction.

- Yeah, yeah, but there's some
extenuating circumstances here.

Relax, will you?

Simon's the original
hanging judge.

She'd send George Burns away
for smoking in an elevator.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.


Excuse me.


Excuse me.

Excuse me.



BAILIFF: All rise.

The Honorable James
Desmond presiding.

- All right, all right,
all right, sit down.

Sit down, sit down,
sit down, sit down.

We all know the routine.

Uh, Judge Simon is, um, having
root canal this morning,

and uh, I'll be
sitting in her place.

All right?

Let's get
this thing started, OK?

I object.

Mr. Coulter, you can't object.

The trial hasn't started yet.

- Look, I don't care if
he's on his lunch hour.

Tell him I gotta talk to
him and it's important.

I object!

Mr. Coulter has the
right to refuse counsel,

but-- but not to
badger Mr. Sheffield

with relevant questions.

- Mr. Coulter, if you
have a point to make,

make it before Brabeck
here has a stroke.

We doing all right here, Jack?

Fine, Dad.

Just fine.

- Jack, do you mind telling all
these people why you wouldn't

let your son attend his
grandmother's funeral?

- - Uh, well, because
that particular weekend was

my weekend.

Your weekend?

MR. SHEFFIELD: Yeah, I get Brian
two weekends out of the month,

and I had tickets
to a ball game.


Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Too bad she couldn't have
died during a road trip.

BRABECK: I object.

Don't bother.

I'm done with this
guy anyway, Judge.

BRABECK: And after
Captain Fuller

informed you that the abductor
was in fact your own father,

did you feel a sense
of, uh, relief?

I felt better, yes.

But not relieved?

No, I was still worried.

That's all, Your Honor.

EDISON: Hold it.

Where's she going?

I got a couple of
questions, Your Honor.

Hiya, Kitten.

Hi, Dad.

We doing all right here?


- I spoke to the lady up at the
state custody office yesterday.

She was telling me
that Jack requested

a third weekend of visitations.

You turned him down.


- Because he's taking him
to these power clinics.

Brainwashing is what it is.

Whoa, whoa.

I'm trying to get the
boy out of himself.

You've got his nose buried
in a book 24 hours a day.

You're out of order.

- Did you ever
think that he might

want to go to those clinics?


- And did you ever think
he might not want to go?


MR. SHEFFIELD: He never told
me he didn't want to go.

He never said a word
to me about that.

- Look, I don't
care what he wants.

That man is not taking
my son to those meetings.

- No further
questions, Your Honor.

Your Honor, that is my grandson,
and I do care what he wants.

He's not a javelin for these
two to throw back and forth

at each other.

So pardon me for stealing him,
but that's the way I feel.

You have a Rolaid, Your Honor?

I didn't have any breakfast.

- Your Honor, Mr.
and Mrs. Sheffield

are Brian's biological parents,
yet we're subjecting them

to cross-examination
when he's the one that

committed the crime.

Counselor, this is a hearing.

And that's what we're doing.

We're hearing.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Don't mention it.

- If there's anything you
would like us to hear,

this would be an excellent time.

- Yes, Your Honor, as a
matter of fact, there is.

The ransom tapes.

They're being transported
by a bonded justice

courier from Jump Street.

Now if you allow
them into submission,

I believe I can get this
hearing back on track.


Is that evidence here?

Yo, somebody waiting for this?

And you are?

Sal Banducci, Your Honor.

I don't believe we've met.

- You have the
evidence Mr. Banducci?

Yep, and it's all here, too.

I double-checked
it on the way over.

But I gotta tell you,
this is pretty funny.

Look what I brought
to a hearing.

- Are you a bonded justice
courier, Mr. Banducci?

- Nah, I'm a
maintenance engineer.

- Counselor, you
realize, of course,

that I have to rule this
evidence inadmissible.

Your Honor, please--

This man is a janitor.

I object!

To the term "janitor. "

You can't object.

Sit down.

Uh, approach, Your Honor?


- I still think I can bring
a judgment against him,

Your Honor, even
without the evidence.

I doubt that, son.

You weren't doing a
very good job out there.

And, uh, unless you are hellbent
on putting this gentleman away,

this brings us back
to a misdemeanor, hm?

Now step back.

All right now.

I'll tell you what we've got
here, and it isn't felony.

We've got a mess.

Will the family
approach the bench?

I find the defendant,
Edison Coulter,

guilty of illegal
restraint, a misdemeanor.

On the charge of
abduction with the intent

to hold for ransom, due
to a lack of evidence,

the charge will be dropped.

Mr. Coulter, you unlawfully
took your grandson

without legal
right or authority.

And even though this
is only a misdemeanor,

I'm going to be
very hard with you.

I'm giving you two years.

Imposition of
sentence is suspended.

The defendant will be placed
on six months' probation

under the following terms--
that during that six months,

you will be under
a restraining order

and aren't to go within 70
feet of Brian or his home.

70 feet?

40 feet.


50 feet.

You got it.

Brian will remain in the
custody of his mother.

Thank you.

- I hope you all
understand me clearly

and have learned
something from this.

I don't want to see any of
you in my court again, hm?

And that goes for you
too, Mr. Banducci.

I hear you, babe.

And that is contempt of court.

That will cost you
$25, Mr. Banducci.

Any objections?

How about $10?

It is now $50, Mr. Banducci.

Any further objections?

None, Your Honor.

And, uh, Edison--

Oh, thank you, Your Honor.

- Next time, think things
through a little better, hm?

I will, Your Honor.

This court is adjourned.

You doing all right?


Come on.

I like to see my guys happy.

Get your smiles in now,
fellas, 'cause when we get back

to the chapel,
there will be none.

Sal Banducci?

What do you do
for a living, Sal?

I'm a maintenance engineer.

Not a bonded justice courier?

Oh, no, sir.

But it does seem like an
interesting line of work.

Listen up.

You ever interfere,
participate in, or even get

too close to any police
activity around here again,

and I will personally
see to it you

are the maintenance
engineer at San Quentin.

Is that clear?

Very clear.

About that $50--

Get out of my office!

You broke the law, guys.

You obstructed justice.

You tampered with evidence.

- Hey, what's good
for the president--

- Stow it, Penhall,
this isn't funny.

You knew what you were doing,
and you knew it was illegal.

- Sir, I'm not trying to
justify what happened,

but could you send that man
to jail for what he did?

- Hanson, I understand
what you're saying,

and I want you to understand
that I understand.

But sometimes you have
got to play by the rules

even when they
don't sound right.

Am I understood?

BOTH: Yes, sir.


Now get out of here.

Oh, and guys?

That's a two-day
suspension without pay.