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01x06 - Kip and Sonny's Date

Posted: 08/31/22 18:40
by bunniefuu
( Stephanie Mills'
"Shake Me Loose" playing)

♪ I'd like to be J. Paul Getty ♪

♪ That gig Has got potential ♪

♪ But the only thing
That's essential ♪

♪ Is having a friend Like you ♪

♪ Well, you can try
To shake me loose ♪

♪ Don't try To shake me ♪

♪ You can leave If
you got a mind to ♪

♪ But I'm gonna be
Right behind you ♪

♪ It ain't an ease ♪

♪ You ain't never
gonna Shake me loose ♪

♪ I'd like a chateau In Paris ♪

♪ There ain't no doubt
About it ♪ ♪ Ooh-ooh ♪

♪ But I can Live without it ♪

♪ If I've got A
friend like you ♪

♪ Well, you can try
To shake me loose ♪

♪ Don't try To shake me ♪

♪ You can tell me To go away ♪

♪ But it doesn't
matter What you say ♪

♪ It ain't an ease ♪

♪ You ain't never
gonna Shake me loose ♪

♪ You're stuck with me ♪

♪ I'm stickin' around ♪

♪ You're stuck with me ♪
♪ I'm stickin' around ♪

♪ You're stuck with ♪

♪ Oh, ohhh ♪

♪ Try to shake me loose ♪
♪ Shake me loose ♪

♪ You can leave If
you got a mind to ♪

♪ But I'm gonna be
Right behind you ♪

♪ It ain't an ease ♪

♪ You ain't never
gonna Shake me loose ♪

( upbeat pop theme playing)

He's dead.

He's not dead.

He's floating.

It's because he's dead.

No. You should
give him a nice fly.

He's hungry.

We should get him a
bubbling skin diver, you know?

He's lonely.

You should flush him
down the toilet. He's dead.

Uh... Amy, Kip,

I wonder if you two sweeties
would take a little walk.

I'd like to speak
with Henry... alone.

Ooh. Winky, winky, nudge, nudge.

♪ And here's to you... ♪

BOTH: ♪ Mrs. Robinson ♪

Heaven's sakes.

Mrs. Robinson.
Isn't that foolish?


Henry. You like
girls, don't you?

Come on. Come on.

I... That's kind of an intense
question, isn't it, Ruth?

Well, I'm assuming yes.

(laughs): Safe
assumption. RUTH: Good.

Good. Well, then
there's no problem.

Uh, there may
be a little problem.

I... Um... Uh...
Uh... You and I...

Different worlds, you know?

(chuckles): Henry. You
think I'm talking about

you and me?


No. I... I want you
to take out my niece.

Oh, Gloria? Well,
then, we got no pro...

We got a problem.

Hold on. I'm no
babysitter, Ruth.

No, no, no. Not Gloria. She's 8.

That would be ridiculous.

You'd only bore her.


No, this one is
Cecily. She's older.

She's in town for the week,

and I'd like you to take her
someplace very, very nice

on my credit card. Well,
uh, Ruth, that's very kind,

but I promised myself
I would never, ever

go on another blind
date, ever since I took out

my mother's cousin's
daughter, Lucinda Heffler.

(chuckles): Bow-wah! I
mean, you know, Ruth,

her... Her hips had their
own apartment, you know?

This is a photograph of Cecily.

What time should I pick her up?

Yes, I thought so.

My entire family
is rather striking.

How about tomorrow
night at 8:00?

Eight's great. Good.

Her number's on the back.

Can I keep her for the weekend?

(both laugh)

Certainly not.

Henry, don't forget. The
reason why I chose you is

I consider you harmless.

You touch her,
I'll have you shot.


♪ Ya-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

Ready to file a complaint

about sexual harassment
on the job, Dustin?

Who's complaining?

If you get your own
office out of this... No.

No, I've just, uh... I've
gotta go out with her niece.


Oh, Gloria? Little Gloria.

You're taking out a girl who
still believes Bambi can talk.


(stammering laughter)

Little Gloria has had her
hand in the hormone jar.

Her name is, uh, Cecily.

Cecily. Nice. What
are your plans?

Well, if I'm lucky,
I... I plan to get shot.

Hi, Henry. Hey, kiddo.

Hello, Kip.

Huh... Huh... How are you, Kip?

(stutters, exhales)

Jump in anytime, Kip.

You'll have to excuse him.

This morning he woke up
with just a touch of coma.

I see.

Ready, Sonny?

Boy, am I.

Gosh, his sister
Buffy is so chatty.

And he's so... Stupid?

Yeah. But in a cute way.

Bye, Kip.

Hello, Sonny. How are you?

Late. Late. You're
too late. Did I drool?

No, not this time.

( upbeat pop theme playing)

So, what do you think, Isabelle?

Would Sonny go out with me?

I don't know. Stand up.


Stand up.

Go ahead.

Okay, now, turn around.


All right.

Yeah, I'd... I'd
go out with you.

That good, huh?

It's good. It's all right.

You said "good."

Henry... yours is better.

Can we, uh...? Can
we change the subject?

I feel so cheap. Hm.

Here's your chance.

Now, Kip, don't get tense.

Oh, I'm past tense.

Look, you guys, whatever you
do, don't leave me alone here, okay?

Oh, we'll be right here.

Hi, guys.

Well, we gotta go. See you.

Bye, Kip.

Friendly folks, huh?

Mind if I sit down?


Sonny? Yes?

There's something
I'd like to do.

Go ahead.


I bet Isabelle would
go out with you.



Kip, you look like you've
got something on your mind.


Oh. Sonny... (giggles)

♪ Sonny, Sonny, Sonny
Sonny, Sonny, Sonny ♪

Excuse me just a minute.

Uh... I need some
help over here.

What part did you get to?

♪ Sonny, Sonny, Sonny
Sonny, Sonny, Sonny ♪

Okay. First, apologize
for being stupid.


Then tell her you like her.

That's brilliant!

I don't know why you
don't go out more often.

Sonny... I like you.

I like you too, Kip.


♪ Sonny, Sonny,
Sonny Sonny, Sonny... ♪

Excuse me just a minute.

Okay, we like each
other. Now, what?

Why don't you ask
her to go out with you?

Because... she'll
laugh in his face.

Well, I... I want to ask her out,
but I don't know what to say.

Say, uh, "Would you
like to go out with me?"

That's perfect! T...

You think she'll buy it?

From a smooth talker like you?

Go get her.

Would you like to go out?

(deep voice):
Would you like to...?

(deeper voice):
Would you like...?



I just forgot what
I was gonna say.

ALL: Would you like
to go out with him?

Yeah, what... What they said.

Sure. I'd be happy to.

She said sure,
she'd be happy to.


Why don't you pick me up
tomorrow night around 8:00?


(chuckles): Yeah.

Tomorrow night at
8:00 okay with you guys?

Oh, yeah. Tomorrow's
fine. It's fine.

(chuckling): Oh, Sonny.

♪ Sonny, Sonny,
Sonny Sonny, Sonny ♪

( mellow theme playing)

Gentlemen, your table is ready.

Oh, thank you.

Boy, this is great. Ha-ha.

We look great. He looks great.

Sonny looks awesome.

This is the most
perfect night of my life.

The woman I love is here...

my best friend is here.

Henry, what are you doing here?

You said you were nervous.
You asked me to come with you.

Well, that was
when I was nervous.

Now, why don't you go off

to an awards banquet
or something, huh?

Sorry. I was just
powdering my nose.

Oh. And what a job she did, huh?

Look at that. Perfect.


Oh, you two look so cute

in your little tuxes.


This is just like prom night.

I feel I should get
drunk, neck in the car,

and then throw up.

Well, why not,
huh? It's your night.

(chuckles): Live it up.

Excuse me... Oh, hey. Hey, hey.

Hands off, Frenchy.

These French guys, they do
very strange things to women.

Uh, Monsieur Desmond?


Uh, you were expecting a
Mademoiselle Cecily Dunbar?

Yes, I was. Is she
here? Oh, I'm so excited.

Well, that makes one of us.



I, uh, got you a... A-A corsage.


It's nice.

Why don't you
pin it to my cheek?

Call me a hopeless romantic.

I think they make
an adorable couple.

( upbeat pop theme playing)

Uh, I hope you
don't mind, but, uh...

I will be closing the
room to further guests.

You, uh... You, uh,
changed your hair.

Yeah. It's a lot
purpler than it was.

Yeah. I got tired
of it being green.

Um... Won't you join us?

Oh, yeah. Uh... enjoy. Heh-heh.

Uh, these are my friends,
uh, Sonny and Kip. Uh, Cecily.

It's very nice
meeting you, Cecily.

You're only saying that

'cause you don't want
me to spit on your food.

It's... It's a good enough
reason for me. Uh...

Well, I... I... I... I, uh...
I don't mean to pry,

but, uh, Cecily, uh...

eh-heh, what happened?

Cecily's dead.

I've changed my name.
Now I'm Andrea Pus.

Are you any relation to
the Philadelphia Puses?

My date, Mom, Miss Pus.

Knock it off.

Look, my Aunt Ruth
pushed us both into this.

You're not happy, I'm not happy.

But who in this
crummy life is happy?

Oh... Hey... Hey... Right here!


Best night of our lives.

Well, maybe not the best night.

Now, you see what you've done?

Maybe we got off on
the wrong foot, you know?

It can be very stimulating
when, uh... Uh, people of, uh,

different backgrounds,
uh, get together.

Different backgrounds? Henry,
she's from the planet Mongo.

We're all uncomfortable here.

You hate my guts.

And I think I'd better split.


Oh, don't split, Cecily. I
was just getting used to you.

Give a guy a minute
to adjust to purple hair.

(chuckles): Well...
At last, alone. Heh.

Oh, alone at last.

Were you doing something?

No! No! Heh.

You were doing
something with your arm.

No, no, I wasn't. I
swear. I-i-i-it's a spasm.


Sorry. Too much fruit.

Kip. I know that
this is our first date,

but is this your first date?

(chuckles): Oh, S-Sonny.

♪ Sonny, Sonny,
Sonny Sonny, Sonny ♪

Kip, why don't you just...

relax and enjoy yourself?

Oh, yeah. You're
right. Heh. Just relax.

(chuckles) Kip!

Don't relax so much.

May I see the wine list?

Kip, Kip, Kip, Kip, Kip.

(clears throat)

Oh, look at this. They
have a Chenin Blanc.

All right, I don't know, Andrea.

How many punk rockers does
it take to screw in a light bulb?

Two. One to hold the bulb,

and one to kick the
chair out from under him.

(both laughing)

That's a good one.

It's a k*ller. Well, you know.

There you go.

What is this? You two
seem to be getting along.

Yes. We had a little talk. You
know, we worked things out.

It turns out we like a
lot of the same authors.

Oh. She reads.



Now I see why
you two are friends.

You're very sweet.

So to balance it out, you
hang around with an imbecile.

In a nutshell.


would you like to
pick out your lobster?

(in French accent): Can
we interview them first?

Oh, that's funny. That's witty.

Wait a minute! Look, le beau,

I'm a little tired of you
coming on to my date.

I offer her a lobster,

not a night at the Ramada Inn.

Well, I tell you, Falco,

why don't you peddle your
lobsters somewhere else?

Peddle my lobsters? Yeah!

C'est bien fini!

Au revoir. I'm going to
get you another waiter.

Well, thank you...
Look, I'm trying to

impress a girl here, guy!

And I don't appreciate...

(indistinct shouting)


Uh... I think this
lobster would be fine.

What about you guys, huh?

Okay. Four just like this.

These'll be fine, garçon. And
how about some vegetables?

Got any snow peas?

( mellow pop theme playing)

Hey, Henry?


How'd the rest of your
night with Cecily go?

Quite well. Yeah?

Yeah, we... Uh, we stopped
off on the way home...

uh... Oh, never mind. I
don't want to kiss-and-tell.

Did you kiss her? Tell me.


(both laugh)

I think my date with
Sonny went pretty well.


No, I'm serious. I think
she's crazy about me.


So, what are you laughing at?

Nothing. I'm not laughing.


Come on. Get up.

(laughing): What are you doing?

I'm asking them over here.

No. Yep.

I've gotta find out
what Sonny thought.

(gasps): Listen,

I just got the greatest
idea for a game, okay?

(chuckles): Let's play a game.

Now, this game is called truth,

and it's a very
easy game to play.

All you have to do is,

is when you ask
somebody a question,

they have to tell the truth.

Okay? Okay. Hildy, you begin.

Lucky me.

Okay. Um...

Isabelle, okay. Uh...

how old were you
the first time you...?


Kissed a guy?


Okay, my turn. Um...

Amy. Okay. Did you
ever steal anything?

Oh, I was only 15.
You know, just kid stuff.

You know, you're
with your friends.

You want to impress them.

Yeah, so, what did you steal?

A Greyhound bus.


Peer pressure.

Peer pressure? What do you mean?

Hey, I wanted to take
my friends to the beach.

I paid my debt to
society. I had to return it.

My mom made me apologize.

Okay, my turn now,
okay? Ha. My turn. Heh.

My question is for... Sonny.

Color me surprised.

Sonny, what did
you think of your date

with my brother, Kip?

Spare no details.

Buffy. I can't tell
you stuff like that.

He's your brother.
You're too close to him.

No. Kip and I are worlds apart.

Come on, Sonny. Spill.
Kip will never know.

Everyone else has played
the game fair and square.

That's right. Come on.

Well, okay.

But remember, you made me.

First of all, Buffy...

I have never seen a
man so scared in my life.

Yeah, I bet he had that
adorable look on his face, huh?

Yeah. It was
something like, "Duh!"

Yeah. Something like that.

Sonny. You'll love this.

Tell him about the part
where he fell off the chair.

(all giggle)

Oh, gosh. It was so pathetic.

Buffy, if I were you,
I'd pass the question.

No. No, no, no. Go... Go on.

Well, Buffy... he's very sweet,

but so were Dopey,
Sneezy and Doc.

If the game is called truth,

then I... I've got to say it.

The night was a total disaster.

Anyone for Chutes and Ladders?

( somber theme playing)

(typewriter clacking)

Good morning.

Good morning. AMY: Good morning.

Kip, you disappeared
for a day and a half.

Where have you been?

Been drunk. Hm.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. Can't you tell?

I think we should clean him up.

I'll go see if I can find a
toothbrush, a bar of soap,

and a No-Pest Strip.

Hey, Kipface... Hey-hey.

No need to yell,
guy. I'm right here.

You look awful.

Well... you are what you eat.

You know, Kipstein,
I'm sure the world

looks a little
black to you now...

No. No, actually, it's kind of
this soupy-green color. Um...

Uh, look, uh, Henry...

I don't want a pep talk, okay?

I humiliated myself in
front of the woman I loved.

She thinks I'm a fool.

She thinks I'm some
kind of a jealous maniac.

Something tells me my chances
for a second date are slim.

Do I smell coffee?


So, my friend...

how long do you
think you'll be whining

and feeling sorry for yourself?

Gee, you're real
supportive, aren't you?

All right, I'm gonna be
painfully honest and brief

because I'm your friend,
and because you smell. Heh.

That's my pal.

You're a big, dumb weenie...

with no confidence.

You're... You're...
You're oversensitive,

you're insecure.

You don't deserve Sonny.

Okay, okay, I was kidding.

I... It could be a little
peppier than this. Come on.

Be a pepper. Huh.

Wouldn't you like me
to be a pepper too?

Henry, come on.

Uh... the man needs
a boost here, son.

"The man needs a boost
here..." It's a fat chance.

I deserve a pep talk.

You deserve a pep
talk? You deserve zip.

Well... Well, why not, huh?

All right. All right.

So I ma... I made a fool
of myself in front of Sonny.

Well... uh, my
intentions were good.

And so I was a
little nervous. Fine.

I think Sonny should be able to
understand something like that.

And I swear to God,
the next time we go out,

things are gonna
be a lot better.

And, hey, you can bet
cash money right now

that we will go out again.

Uh-huh... Huh.

There's your pep talk.


You're so easy.

I'm so dumb.

All right.

All right, you feel good?

I feel great.

You feel strong? I feel strong.

You ready to get back to work?
I'm ready to get back to work.


You know, you remind
me of a fish I once knew.

( upbeat pop theme playing)

( mellow jazz theme playing)

Hold on.

(in French accent):
I see you there.

Ruth, why didn't you
tell me about Cecily?

I'm bad.

She looked like she
used to date Sid Vicious.

She did.

Why'd you lie to me, Ruth?

C'est moi?

Look, I... I... I just
wanted to be a good aunt.

I mean, I... I knew you
wouldn't go out out with her

if I had told you she looked
like she was brought up

near a nuclear dumping site.

We're going out
again tonight. I like her.

You do?

Well... Well, of course you do.

She's a Dunbar.

We've always been
a very independent,

freethinking family.

Henry... there's $50 in it

if you can get her
hair back to brown.


A hundred dollars if
you can get a skirt on her.

Ruth! Two hundred
dollars cold cash

if you can stop her from putting
any more holes in her face.

What she does with her
face is her own business.

Half up front. Deal.

You won't be sorry, Ruth.

In a week, she'll look
like Debby Boone. Oh!

Two weeks, Pat Boone.


Three weeks, Richard Boone.


( upbeat pop theme playing)

( upbeat jazz theme playing)