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02x25 - Dances with Wanda

Posted: 09/02/22 07:09
by bunniefuu
I'm so proud of my
little one and only.

She came up with it without
prompting, all by herself.

- You go ahead
and tell him, honey.
- The civil w*r.

"Gone with the wind
but not forgotten."

That's great. It's
very hot right now.

Yeah. Cleavage was in
back then, wasn't it, doog?

(Clears throat)

Oh, yeah, right.

By the by,

Wanda's not going to the prom.

Really? That's a shame.

Why don't you ask her, doogie?

She broke up with me, remember?

Someone will ask
her, that's for sure.

Lots of guys have asked her,
but she's turned them down.

I'm telling you guys,
this is not my concern.

Anyway, you just want me
to pay for half of the limo.

Well, that, too.

But it's our last
major event together.

Wanda will be going off
to art school in chicago.

- Doog, she wants to go.
- What if she said no?

I don't want to put
myself through that.

There are times when
a person says "no"

When they really mean "yes,"

Except in my case.

- Trust me on this, doogie.
- Yeah, give it a shot.

- She's pining away for you.
- Your picture's still
on her nightstand.

- Really?
- I saw lip marks
on the glass.

No kidding?

It wouldn't be like we'd be
getting back together or anything.

You look damn sharp in a tuxedo.

All right, I'll take her.

(Line rings)

- Hello.
- Hi, wanda.

This is dr. Douglas howser...
Tall, blond, used to date you.

Oh, yeah, I think
I remember you.

Look, I know you
dumped me and all,

But to show what
a big person I am,

I thought we should
go to the prom together.

Oh, um... That's really
nice of you to ask,

But... I don't think so.

Oh. Okay.

Vinnie and janine said you'd
say that. They thought if I asked...

I'm sorry, doogie.
I don't want to go.

I hope you don't feel
stupid or anything.

Me? Oh, no.

Uh, I'll talk to you later.

- She's pining away
for me, huh?
- Let's go.

(Theme music playing)

- Man: right away.
- (Phone rings)

(Camera shutter clicks)

Girl: doogie.

Thanks for letting
me do this, doogie.

This place is a regular
photojournalist's dream.

Future photojournalist.

This is absolutely fantastic.

It's really exciting.

- Well, enough
excitement for today.
- Just one more.

Hold it.

Are you going to immortalize me?

Someday. You can bet on it.

Come on, kiddo.

So, how are you doing, champ?

Well, a little short
of breath and weak,

But, other than that, tip-top.

- A little hospital lunch
will perk you right up.
- Yeah, right.

So, what's the up to
the minute on my heart?

Well, you're stronger
than when you checked in.

Your renal functions are
better, creatinine is low.

You're looking like
a prime candidate.

Now it's just the waiting
game for a transplant donor.

- You just got to
stay positive.
- You got that right.

No way I'm checking out before
I have my own retrospective.

County museum of art, may 2021.

- This is my stop, kiddo.
- See you, doogie.

Here it is.

Evanston high senior prom.


That is quite a strapless
number you're wearing there.

Katherine: it was the most
beautiful shade of blue.

Amazing how gravity
just holds that up.

It was held up by a little more
than gravity, thank you, vinnie.

Oh! (Chuckles)

What was the theme to
your prom, geeks on parade?

We went with a
statement for the times...

Peace, love, and
power to the people.

Hmm, it's very political,

Yet groovy.


Whoa. How about your date?

Ronald mitchell.

Was he voted most
likely to take a hostage?

Hi, mom. Hi, vin.

- Hi.
- Doog...

Take a look at your
mom here at her prom.

Oh, yeah, I remember
that picture.

You look great,
mom. Who's the geek?

That's ronald. Last I heard,

He was the hairstylist
on "star trek."

See ya, fellas.

Are sideburns stupid or what?

- (Vinnie grunts)
- (door closes)

Oh, doog,

- About wanda...
- Look, I don't want to hear it.

I've been humiliated enough.

I got news that changes
things. It's serious.

- What?
- She made janine promise
not to tell anybody.

So, of course, she
told me right away.

- You can't let on
that you know.
- What is it?

Wanda's not going to school in
chicago. She's not going anywhere.

She's decided to stay home
to take care of her family.

That's crazy. That's all she's
talked about for six months.

You got to snap her out of this.

Ever since her mom got k*lled,
she's just shut everybody out.

I don't know anything
about psychiatry,

But this kid is definitely
more than a little blue.

Yeah, I'll talk to her.

(Doorbell rings)


(Playing "wild thing")

This is the craziest
thing you've ever done.

It was a favor. I yanked the music
director's gallbladder last month.

("Wild thing" continues)

All: wild thing!

- All right, I'll go.
- Excellent!

Wild thing! (Cheering)

- (Beeping)
- excuse me.

- (All cheer)
- (whistle blows)

(Band resumes
playing "wild thing")

- What's up?
- We have a possible donor.

- Terrific. How's kelly?
- I just checked her.

She's got atrial fibrillation,

And she has a third
and fourth heart sound.

We have the consent
of the donor's family

To turn off life support
whenever we're ready,

But he's b-negative and
he weighs over 200 pounds.

Kelly's a-positive
and 98 pounds.

Yeah, but she's
clearly a class four,

And she's in refractory
heart failure.

We can do the transplant without
the blood group being an exact match.

That's true, dr. Howser, but
the size could be a problem.

And there's one other
factor... Another candidate

In intensive care over at
cedars, adult male and b-negative.

What about this factor...
She's a kid and she's dying?

She's got to have
the transplant.

Dr. Howser, this
is dr. Issacs' call.

The other patient is sicker.

He has a wife and children.

And he's a better match
in size and blood group.

As the team leader, I recommend
we transport the heart to cedars.


Okay. It makes sense.

I can tell her.

No, I'll do it.


Woman on p.a.:
In cardiology, stat.

Dr. Kircher, you're
needed in cardiology, stat.

It's not going to happen, is it?

It was a less than
ideal situation

With potential complications.

So the call was to wait.


How long do we have to wait,
and what are the odds now?

I can't say.

I'm sorry, kelly.

Don't worry about me.
I'm not going anywhere.

We'll wait until it's right.

Nothing less than
ideal for this kid.

Don't look so sad.


I think I'll title that one

"Dejection before elation."

I'm telling you,
doog, it's a fact.

68% Of all women put
out on prom nights.

They're more vulnerable on this
night than any other in their entire lives.

Get out of here. Where'd
you get those statistics?

Bob guccione, "penthouse forum."

The world's foremost
authority on sex

And serious bedroom business.

You're not going to
dampen my parade, bud.

You know...

I'm prepared.

Yeah, you're
definitely prepared, vin.

Oh, and get a load of this.


"The tiki wiki lodge.

Off-ramp close."

- That sounds real romantic.
- Janine doesn't stand
a chance.

(Knock at door)

- Katherine: ooh!
- Oh, my, my!

- Ooh!
- Don't we
look sharp?

Two mighty handsome fellas here.

- May I do the honors?
- Absolutely.

I... I know it goes
without saying, fellas,

But, uh... Prom night is

Always a huge one for parties,

And, uh... Well,

I just want to remind
you to watch out.

Be responsible and safe.

Not to worry,
dr. H. I'm carrying.

I was referring to
drinking, vincent.

Oh, right.

I'm not carrying any of that.

Don't worry about us, dad.

You're also going
to be out all night.

Prom is a special time...

A time of intense feelings
for young men and women,

Romantic feelings,

What, with all the beautiful
gowns and corsages.

The smell of freshly
shampooed hair,

The bare shoulders,

The female curvature
silhouetted on the dance floor,

Hips pressed tightly
against chiffon.

Well, yeah, I'm immune
to all that junk,

Believe me.

What is this?

(Katherine gasps)

Oh, those stupid tuxedo people,

Always leaving the previous
rentee's objects in the pocket.

It's a cheap place. Probably
the only one they have.

- I better drop it
in the mailbox.
- Yeah.

- We gotta go. Bye, mom. Bye, dad.
- Yeah, later.

- Katherine: bye.
- Be careful now.

Remember, you'll have to look at
yourselves in the mirror in the morning.

Katherine: is that your mother
or your father talking?

Man: ♪ another night, oh, no ♪

(Chatter, laughter)

♪ I was holding you so tight ♪

♪ And I just may
make you my wife ♪

♪ But you know it feels good ♪

♪ To know that you're
mine, it feels good... ♪

- So, you want to dance?
- Not really.

Time for the evening's toast.

(Clears throat)

A year ago, the four of us

Were going along
without a care in the world.

Everything was
zippity-doo-dah time.

But now we stand
on the threshold

Of the future, on the
verge of a new life.

Who knows where we'll be

A year from tonight.

Possibly scattered

Like so many faceless
pebbles on the beaches of time,

Flung to the four
corners of the earth.

We may never be
together like this again.

Janine, stop me before
I start misting up.

Shut up before I
really make you cry.

Right. Anyway...

♪ Here's to good friends ♪

♪ Tonight is kind of special. ♪

I don't know what
that meant, vinnie,

But I'm sure it was
incredibly heavy.

Short and sweet,
here's to you guys.

You're definitely the best.

You are so beautiful tonight,

My darling.

You're like an angel,

- My angel.
- Oh!

Come on, let's go
get belly to belly.

Woman: ♪ how many
times have I tried ♪

♪ To turn this love around? ♪

♪ I don't want to give up ♪

♪ But, baby, it's time... ♪

- This is super, isn't it?
- Yeah.

Something in your
jacket keeps jabbing me.

- What is it?
- Oh, nothing. Nothing.

(Gasps) no!

- You mean yes, right?
- I mean no.

No way, not in this lifetime,

"Not until life as
we know it is gone

From the face of the planet and
the earth is sucked up by the sun" no.

♪ Oh, rain will come down ♪

♪ From the... ♪

Here you go, davis.

Knock yourself
out. It's my gift.

- I'll get my coat?
- I'll get the car.


(Sighs) look, you
don't want to dance.

You're uncommunicative.
You're not having a good time.

If you were going to be
like this, why did you come?

I didn't want to come. The three
of you practically forced me.

Fine. Then let's go home.

If that's the way
you want it, fine.

- So how are we doing?
- Both: fine.

Not only are you the most
mixed-up person I've ever met,

But you're making
everyone crazy.

We're trying to help
you, and you're pushing

Us away. You won't
let anyone get close...

- Wanda. Wanda...
- You want to get close?

Let's get close.

- Wanda, stop it.
- What's the matter? Don't I turn you on?

I don't think I'm
turning you on.

Besides, I don't want to lose my
virginity as part of a hostile takeover.

Everybody else wants a piece of
me. Why should you be different?

What is this about?

It isn't about me, and it
certainly isn't about sex.

I don't know. Everybody is
leaning on me to take care of them.

Who do I lean on? Maggie's
going away to camp this summer.

My dad's dating. He says he's
not, but I know what's going on.

How can they just go on
living like nothing's happened?

Wanda, they're
doing the right thing.

They're not letting
your mom's death

Stop them from getting on with
life, and you shouldn't either.

I can't help it.

I feel so angry and
hurt and guilty inside.

Come on.

- Where are we going?
- Come on.

Woman on p.a.: Nurse kent
to nurses station three, please.

Nurse kent to
nurses station three.


- (Knock at door)
- doogie: kelly.

Wow! Aren't you two spectacular.

I knew you'd look
super in a tuxedo, doogie.

- Kelly meyer, this
is wanda plenn.
- Hi.

Of course it's wanda.
Nice to meet you.

What are you two doing here?

You should be out
dancing the night away.

Uh... It wasn't all that swift,

So we decided to take a break.

Can I leave wanda with
you for a few minutes?

- I've got to check
on a few things.
- Doogie...

Doogie said you're an artist.

I need your opinion.

Which do you like better?

The mother and
the baby, definitely.


That kid was in an
incubator for seven weeks

Before she could go home.

- That'll be the cover
of my first project.
- For college?

No. No, but I'm going

As soon as I get my new heart.

Doogie said you're headed
for the chicago art institute.

Good school.

Yeah, um...

Actually, I got accepted, but...

I'm not too sure
I'm going to go.

You're kidding. Well, why not?

I'm not ready.
Maybe in the future.

Hey, take it from me,

Life is too precious to wait.

The future is right now.
You've got to go for it.

When I'm well, I've got a
list of wants a mile long...

Scuba lessons for
underwater sh*ts,

Jet skiing... That's a must...

The colorado river.

Have you ever seen
the sunset at yosemite?

- No.
- I'm going to try
and duplicate

Some of ansel adams' sh*ts.

This is great. This old
man's face is incredible.

Isn't he sweet? He just found
out he was going into remission.

Well, you've got a great eye.

Thank you.

So, how was the prom really?

I guess it was
really kind of neat.

Everybody looked fantastic.

How was the band?

My friend vinnie
got a super deejay.

The decorations were fantastic.

It was kind of like the old
mansion in "gone with the wind."

Man: ♪ no sign of life ♪

♪ Anywhere ♪

♪ No sign that it's
keeping this love alive... ♪

So let me get this straight.

You're a no tonight.
Is it a definite no?


- That's a... Yes to the no?
- Yes.

Is there any chance in
the not-too-distant future

That the no will
turn into a yes?


That's a yes-yes, not a no-yes?


And this could
happen at any time?


Yes! Davis!

Davis, I'm going to need
that key back. Davis.

Hi, you two... You
missed the whole thing.

Mary ellen beaumont, the prom
queen, had so much mousse in her hair,

They're going to have
to cut the crown out.

Do you want to dance?

I'd like that.

Man: ♪ I could
hardly believe it ♪

♪ When I heard the news today ♪

♪ I had to come and... ♪

Thank you for tonight.

I'm sorry I att*cked you.
That was a jerky thing to do.

Forget it.

I can't believe high
school's really over.

It's kind of sad,
kind of exciting,

Because now I'll be
going off to chicago.

Scary, huh?

New town, new school.

♪ Tell me about the
plans you're making... ♪

I think it's going to be great.

- You think my dad
and maggie will be okay?
- I know they will.

You'll come visit me?

Maybe you and
vinnie and janine can...

Of course I will.

There is such a
thing as airplanes.

(Janine laughing)

- You guys...
- (Overlapping dialogue)

♪ How am I supposed to live ♪

♪ Without you? ♪

♪ And how am I
supposed to carry on ♪

♪ When all that
I've been living for ♪

♪ Is gone? ♪

(Theme music playing)

(Orchestra playing
vivaldi's "four seasons")