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02x06 - Higher Education

Posted: 09/03/22 07:43
by bunniefuu
( Bell rings )

Okay, now.

The subject of patti's
impromptu speech will be...

"Why I like to party."

Um, why I like to party.


I don't know.

Do you stand like this
at a party?

Or like this?

Come on.

Stand like you would
at a party.

Get in the mood.

That's right--
get loose.

Remember, this
is spontaneous.

These speeches usually occur
in front of familiar groups.

There's nothing
to be nervous about.

I like to party
because I like to have fun

And, uh...

Close your eyes.

Go ahead, close them.

Project yourself mentally
into the party.

What do you see?

Music, dancing, boys.

( Laughter )

Mr. Sayles:
why do you like music,
dancing and boys so much?

because it's better

Than school, homework
and my parents.

That's it.

That's the beginning
of your speech.

Now try it.

Why do I like to party?

Because music, dancing, and boys

Are better than my parents,
teachers, and books.

It's a time to relax
and not have to think or worry.

( Watch alarm beeping )

I start thinking about
saturday's party on wednesday.

What am I gonna wear?

My shirt with the extra zippers
and my black jeans

Or maybe my oversized pink
sweatshirt and my jams.

And to finish
this thing off...

...and in conclusion.

Okay, and
in conclusion

If you want
to relieve stress

And keep your sanity

Take my advice

And party
your brains out!

You can all see

How patti's research paid off
in her presentation.

I'm sure this research
was exhausting.

Geez, you're only
minutes late.

That's a record.


Is anything wrong?

I can tell you anything,
right, mr. Sayles?


Anyone in my class can.

I think I'm pregnant.

Oh, joy.

[Captioning sponsored by
fx networks]

♪ We never thought of finding ♪

♪ The place where we belong ♪

♪ Don't have to stand alone ♪

♪ We'll never let you fall ♪

♪ Don't need permission ♪

♪ To decide what you believe ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ Your friends will be there ♪

♪When your back is
to the wall ♪

♪ You'll find you need us ♪

♪'Cause there's no one else
to call ♪

♪ When it looks hopeless ♪

♪ A decision's what you need ♪

♪ You better be ready to ♪

♪ Be ready to ♪

♪ Jump! ♪

♪ Jump street! ♪

I should have
figured it out.

I'm sorry, mom.

We talked about birth control.

I know.

Oh, baby.

I just don't know
what to do.

That's why your father
and I are here.

( Door shuts )




We have to talk
about something
as a family.

Okay, I'll bite.

Where do you want us to go
on vacation this year?

We're not taking
a vacation.

Joy is going
to have a baby.

What do you mean,
joy is going to have a baby?

I think that's

How could we let this happen?


I know.

I know.

You didn't let anything happen.

We need to talk about this
in a calm, rational manner.

Honey, we have a problem.

I'd like to talk to
the other half of the problem.

Who is he?

Jan, help me on this, please.

We need to know
the father's name.

It's his
responsibility, too.


Jimmy young.

I want to talk to him.

I don't know where he is.

Joy, we need to talk to him.

He dropped out of school.
I haven't seem him since.

It's like any other
precinct house.

Hardly-- look
at this place.

All the activity!

You've impressed
the mayor's office

Much more
than the others.

So have you.

We usually don't allow
the media in here.

I'd really like you
to guest on our program.

I don't think so.

Why? You're not undercover.

It would make
the mayor happy

To see his department
represented on our show.

captain, downtown.

Transfer it.

It's not the mayor's department.

Excuse me, ms. Westman.



Think about it?

( Growls )

I'll think about it.


( Purring )

Hey, come on,

This guy pitched
a no-hitter last week.

Harry, we've got
to see this game.


Did you see that chick?

He's in a good mood.

He can't say no.

I want to write up
this case today.

You wimp!

Come on, do it!

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Right away, sir.

( Line disconnects )


( Whispers: )

Captain, penhall and i...

Sit down.


How are things going?

Everything's fine.

Nothing special going on?


Everything is just, uh...

Are you going out
with anybody these days?

Excuse me.

Do you have
anybody steady?

Someone you're
serious about?

No, not really.


You're trying to fix me up
with someone.

Who is she?

Do you know joy prentiss

At crossland high?



She knows you.


She says you're the father

Of her baby.

You're telling me
no one knows this kid

Or where he lives?

Not exactly.

This kid got
my daughter pregnant

And you can't find him?

Mr. Prentiss,
this is captain fuller.


Now we're
getting someplace.

You can help me
track him down?

We already know
where he is.


His real name
is harry truman ioki.


No, joy said his name
was jimmy young.

He's a police officer.

He worked undercover
in your daughter's school.

A cop?

This is great.

An undercover program
that sends kids in

To have sex
with students?

He's not a kid.

He's an officer
assigned to jump street.

We're not so sure
they actually knew each other.

Now my daughter's
a liar?

He says he doesn't
know your daughter.

I'm sure he introduced

Before he invited her

Into the back seat
of his squad car.

Or was he pretending
to be a student?

Mr. Prentiss...

I will sue
you gentlemen

And the department
and the city.

And if this officer
is of age

I'll see him in jail.

I think we're getting
ahead of ourselves.

maybe not.

There was a dance sponsored
by the computer club.

Everyone was matched
by compatibility.

Joy prentiss
and jimmy young

Went out on a date.

One day I filled out
this questionnaire--

Like your favorite color,
where you were born, your age.

Later this computer kid
hands me a slip of paper

With a girl's name--

Joy prentiss.

Bingo-- she's the girlfriend
of the guy we're trying to bust.

I went to the dance.

It turns out
she's the wrong girl.

I was looking
for joy douglas.

So I went home early...

Ever see her with anybody else?

Captain, I wasn't looking.

All right.

I'm sorry, ioki

But you're on your desk
until we clear this up.

Captain, this is going to end up
being serious, isn't it?

I don't even feel like
running much today.

Hey, will you stop?

No, come on.
How about another yards?

Come on harry, I haven't done
this since the academy.

Come on, don't be a wimp.

Feel any better?

No, not really.

Thanks a lot.

Next time you want
to talk through a problem

Let's do it
on the beach.

I'm sorry, I just can't
stop thinking about it.

She must have
been something else.

Did you have fun,
take her out to dinner?

Hey, cut it out!

It's my career!

Iok, relax.

You can't be
the baby's father.

What's that
supposed to mean?

She must have panicked

Reached for a name
and came up with yours.

When the baby's born,
you're off the hook.

In nine months

I'll be a sleazoid
private eye

Or some security guard
at crazy teddy's.

Look, there's something
I want to tell you.

I really like
being a cop.

I really like
this job

But I feel
so helpless.

It's her word
against mine

And mine
doesn't even count.

Fuller knows that,
and he'll fight for you.

We all will.

The only fighting going on
is between me and the system.

You're not the only
cop on the force.

May I help you?

I'm harry ioki.

Please come in.


This is harry ioki.

I'm glad you're willing
to face up to this.

So am i.


I'm glad we have
an understanding here.

There's a big responsibility
being the father of a child.

Yes, there is, but I'm not
the father of the child.

You have an obligation
toward my daughter.

The only obligation
I have here

Is to find out
what's going on.


Do you remember me?

Of course.

Joy, go to your room.

No, you don't.

Give me two minutes.

Why are you
doing this to me?

You know why.

But I didn't.

You calling her a liar?

Yes, I am.

Get out of my house.


Out of my house!

( Lamp shatters )

I'm calling the police.

I'm not leaving
until we straighten this out.

I don't want
any trouble.

I just came here to talk.

I'd like to report a trespasser.

His name is harry ioki.

Are you armed?


Yes, he's armed.

So, what's the damage?

You're on full suspension.

That was some deal
you pulled.

I just went to talk to her.

That's not how it's filed.

Ask her.

Ask her mother.

You were out of line.

No excuses!

Her father

Got an injunction.

You're not to go
within yards

Of joy or
her house.


Captain, can't we do something?

Jump street has no authority
to investigate a case

Involving one
of its own--

That's i.a.d.

Are you sure about that?

I want you and penhall
with the girl

From the time she gets up
till she goes to bed.

What about not being able
to investigate our own?

What about it?

Let's do it.

Hanson, stick with ioki.

Try and keep him
out of trouble.

Why weren't you wearing that
this morning?

Linen wrinkles easily.


Got a date, captain?

Hope she's not

In high school.

I have a meeting--

Denise westman, producer
of the barry prince show.


I didn't say anything.

Captain, I watch barry prince
and if he doesn't like you...

I haven't said I'll do it...


Think hard.

I've seen him

Three ph.d.'S at a time,
nice and toasty.

I can handle it.

Look, guys, let's get busy.

Ioki's future could be
in our hands.

This project
teaches you

The responsibilities
of parenting.

Return the egg-baby
unbroken in a week,
you get a grade.

Take it everywhere
with you.

You can't leave it alone

Without a signed note
from a baby-sitter

Taking responsibility
for the egg-baby.

There are no boys left

So you won't
have a partner.

A single mother

At my age.

It happens
more often

Than you think.

Do you have any brown eggs?

What's with
these eggs?

You're supposed
to take care of them--

Like taking care
of a baby.

If a stupid egg's
this much trouble

Imagine having a baby.


You couldn't
do anything

Without worrying
about the baby
for years.

( To herself: )
might not be so bad.

Are you afraid to go
on the show, captain?

Excuse me?

Some people
find the idea

Of defending
what they do publicly

A little intimidating.

You're serious, aren't you?

Does this work with most
of your guests?

The men, mainly.

If it goes well
I'll buy you dinner.

You'll buy me dinner.

I'm an overpaid
television producer.

You choose the restaurant.

What's so important
about having me on the show?

You're the head of a very unique
undercover program.

What I am
is an underpaid police captain.

You're being far too modest.

I'm not interested in publicity.

But this isn't publicity,
it's politics.

The public gets
to know your work.

The public and the mayor
are behind you--

Up goes
your budget.

You've done this before.

Couple of times.

You're not afraid to step up
to the plate, are you?

Hoffs and penhall
are tailing this girl.

Yeah, and what are you doing?

I'm here with you.

excuse me.

I'm cindy and
this is julie.

I'm tom and
this is harry.


We're on vacation.

Don't think
we're picking you up

Or anything.

But we are.

Yeah, we are.

Maybe you could
show us around.

We can do that.

Good, that's what
we were thinking.

Hey, I'm on
to you guys.

Take that "show me around town"
rap and get out.

Charming guy.


Nice work, harry.

Look, I know that girl, cindy.

I've seen her
at the th

Or downtown, I can't remember,
but I know cindy.

They're from out of town.

They're from internal affairs.

They've had a tail on me.

You're going off the deep end.

Oh, yeah?

There's a gray chrysler newport

Outside that's i.a.d.



I don't see it.

They changed cars.

I don't think
this girl dates much.

no kidding.

I was in the locker room
three days

Her name never came up.


Watch it.

You're taking this egg thing
a little too seriously.

I wanted to see
what it would be like.

Ever think
about being a father?

If you're the mother,
I'm interested.

Think you can handle it?

Give me a stick of butter
and a frying pan

I know what to do
with that egg.

Oop, there she goes.


Hey, jude, take it easy!

Put madeline in her car seat,

Why don't you slow down, judith?

she's returning books
to the library?

she must have
been overdue.


The books,
the books.

That was just a joke.

Let's bust her
on this library
book thing

And see if we can
make a deal.

I don't know, joy.

Brent, please.

Just give me some money
so I can

Get out of here.

You're , pregnant,
with little education--

Where are you going?

What are
you to do?

Why won't you help me?

Look, I'd like to, but I can't.

How would it look?

A teacher giving
a pregnant student money?

( Phone rings )

Excuse me.



Nothing much,
how about you?

Yeah, today's good
for a lesson.

Why don't you come by
around : ?

Yeah, that will be good.

Okay, I'll see you then.


You're seeing other girls
from school, aren't you?

You're not the only person
I tutor.


That's what you call it now?

I'm going to tell everybody
what you've done.

Who's going to believe you?

You went past
the point of credibility

When you accused that cop
of being the father.

I feel really sorry for you...

A grown man who has to sleep
with high school girls.

You're a very bright girl
who's done something stupid.

It's your fault
you're pregnant.

You knew about birth control.

I didn't need it
until I met you.

That is not my child.

This is your child.

I've never had sex
with anyone else.

If I have to

I'm sure I can find someone
who'll say you have.

Stand by on the floor.

In five...





Good evening, I'm barry prince.

Tonight, undercover cops
in our schools.

With me is captain adam fuller

Of the jump street
undercover program

And attorney carl sprague

Of citizens
for a greater democracy.

Now, gentlemen,
cops in our schools?

What is going on here?

Mr. Sprague?

We have, simply,
a police state

At our high

It's easy to make
generalized statements

But do you have specific
incidents of police misconduct?

Not that
I'm aware of

But that's because
the police department

Doesn't release information

About their secret programs.

except for students' names

Our records are as available

As any other information
in the police department.

My point exactly.

You admit
having spies

In our schools?

I wouldn't call them spies.

They're police officers,

Responding to specific
criminal situations.


What about our children's right
to a drug-free school?

What about our children's right
to a police-free school?

I think we'd all prefer

A drug- and police-free school.

Sometimes both don't seem
to be possible.

That's a good point, carl.

Would it
be right

If you were to keep
lists of students

You thought might
become criminals?

Of course not.

Yet, you're in our schools.

You're making this program
something it's not.

But has the potential to be.

What about these reports

Of cops bringing dr*gs
into schools

To ingratiate themselves
with the users.

We have never brought
dr*gs into schools...

But they allegedly
purchase them there.

I'm not an attorney,
but isn't that entrapment?


Cops browbeating

Into selling them dope
and then arrest them?

Most -year-olds
don't sell dr*gs

But the ones that do
don't get browbeaten.

It's not called entrapment
in russia either.

your people go
into a school

Buddy up
to a kid

Pretend they're friends
then bust him.

You don't know anything
about our program.

I know we'd be better served
going after the big dealer

Instead of
the inner city child

Buying a nickel-bag
of weed.

Not to mention violating
our children's civil rights.

Let's take some calls.

Line one, you're on the air.

We're all set.

You're our next call.

Female caller:
my son was strip-searched...

We don't strip-search students.

There was a sicko principal...

That doesn't have to do
with tonight's topic.

Have we got another call?

Line three, you're on the air.

Male caller:

My daughter goes
to crossland high.

I'd like to tell you

What kind of undercover program
the captain runs.

One of his officers
got my daughter pregnant

While posing
as a high school student.

is this true,

The matter
is under investigation.

under investigation?

I'd call that a specific
incident of police misconduct.

I thought you'd choose
a more expensive restaurant.

Give me a break.

The show was great--

Highest overnight ratings

In six months.


I couldn't have done it
without you.

You set me up.

That's the nature of the show.

We'd love to have you back.

You got some nerve, lady.

You set me up

Then invite me back?

makes good television.

When people agree,
nobody watches.

How many people watch carson

When a zoologist
comes on?

What about the damage
to the jump street program?

This could be your chance
to clear things up.

With your audience
or with your conscience?

The audience.

Your table's ready.

I won't need it.

Watch what you say, hanson.

That guy over there
is from internal affairs.

Don't let him see you.

What guy?

The guy on the ladder.

The one changing
the light bulb?

I can always spot them.

That's blowfish, harry.

You know,

Yeah, blowfish.

You ever wonder what
he really does around here?

He's a janitor.



Saw you on the show, captain.

Don't rub it in, okay?

What have we got?

She went
to brent sayles' house--

That's her speech teacher.

She seemed upset
when she came out.

She didn't want
anybody to know--

Ditched her car

At the library.

What's sayles' story?

Great teacher--
kids love him.

And maybe he loves them back.

Maybe that's it.

That's an awful big jump,

That's right.

Better find out
the truth

Before you make
any accusations.

It's a possibility,

All right.

Hoffs, give it a shot.


Would you quit following me.

I came here to think

Not to talk.

About your baby?

How did you know about that?

I'm a cop, joy.

So you know the father.

Officer ioki is not the father.

That's what
I'd expect you to say.

I think it's mr. Sayles.

That's the stupidest thing
I've ever heard.

Look, joy,
I understand
what happened.

You were under
a lot of pressure

And you blamed
an innocent guy.

He turned out
to be a cop.

That was
an unlucky choice.

Now, he's in trouble,
and so are you.

Don't get yourself in
any deeper.

You must love mr. Sayles
very much

To protect him like this.


No, I don't love him.

I hate him.

What did he do to you?

What do you think he did?

Did he force you?

I knew what I was doing.

Did you want to do it?

Did you tell him to stop?


Did you?




If you wanted him to stop,
and he didn't, it's a r*pe.

Why didn't you tell anybody?

He's my teacher.

( Doorbell rings )

Mr. Sayles?

I'm captain fuller.
This is officer hanson.

We'd like
to talk to you.

Sure. Come on in.

Would you excuse us
please, miss?

Keep going over the byron
and take some notes.

So, what can I do for you?

We're here concerning
the alleged r*pe

Of one of your students.


My god, that's terrible.

What happened?

We're talking
about joy prentiss.

I don't think I know
what you're talking about.

I think you do.

The girl's a liar.

You know that.

She tried to pin a pregnancy
on a cop

And now she's pinning
a r*pe on me?

You never had sex

With her?

I was her tutor.

One afternoon
we had some drinks.

We had sex.

But I didn't r*pe her.

You could be the father
of her baby?

Anyone could be
the father of her child.

And don't talk to me
about statutory r*pe.

The girl was .

Maybe we can't make
the r*pe charge stick

But you'll never go near
another classroom again.

If you deprive me
of my right to earn a living

I'll sue you.

Go ahead.

Sue me.

But you may have to wait
in line.

Have you ever heard
of date r*pe...


This is the two of us
at the midtown street fair.

This would have been a month
after she became pregnant.

Does she look like
she's being forced there?

I didn't r*pe her, officers.

I dated her.

Now, it may have been
bad judgment

But it certainly wasn't
against the law

Was it?

I'd like to apologize

For any inconvenience
or unpleasantness

I've caused you
and your family.

I'd appreciate it
if you'd drop the charges.

I'm sorry.

I can't condone
loss of control--

in a policeman.

I didn't lose control.


Well, that's the way I see it.

I'm sorry.

We still have a great
deal more to discuss.

Yes, we certainly do.

Mr. Prentiss, I want you
to listen to me carefully.

Your daughter and brent sayles
have admitted

To having a relationship
of a sexual nature.

Mr. Sayles, her teacher?

Now the exact nature
of that encounter is unclear.

Joy has accused him of r*pe.

Oh, my god.

Have you arrested him?

This is not a simple as*ault

By an unknown assailant
against a victim.

This is date r*pe.

They knew
each other

They were
in a social setting

And things
became forced.

Sayles can prove they
continued seeing each other

For some time after
the alleged incident occurred.

This is not unheard of
in date r*pe

if the girl is naive

And misjudges
the relationship

But it makes the charge
very difficult to prove.

Her teacher?


Will joy have to go
through a trial?

Once joy lied
in the first place

Her credibility was damaged.

It will be very difficult
to make this case

Unless sayles confesses

Which seems
very unlikely.

Donald, are you all right?


Why metallica's
the best heavy metal group?

Their amps.

May I help you?


Yeah, you can.

Who are you?

I'm joy prentiss' father.

And we need to talk

About my daughter.

Wait a minute.

What are you doing?

call the police!

Call the police?

They've already
been called, sayles.

You had my daughter
so turned inside out

That she blamed the cop
who was working at this school.

You had her scared.

I hate that I sent
my daughter to a school

Where she got scared.

I hate that
cops have been here.

I hate all that.

But what I hate
more than anything

Is the fact that
there was a teacher here

Who she trusted...

Who used that trust
to get her into bed.

I know...

Young girls are pretty.

And they're willing.

But how dare you

Take advantage
of that beauty

And that energy

To get my daughter
to do something

She wouldn't dare do

Without trusting
some animal like you!

Listen, is this guy armed?

Kind of.

You take
the west wing.

Excuse me...

Excuse me.

Somebody call the police.

Call the police!

Call the police!

Are you scared, sayles?

Are you scared, sayles?

Call the police!

Hold it!

Hold it!

That's enough.

I'm a police officer.

Do you want to confess
to raping joy prentiss?

Do you?

I most certainly do not.

Always keep
the label facing up

Or you'll break the bat.

You said
you were a police officer.


Right now I'm a batting coach.

You have the right
to remain silent.

you say can

And will be used against you

In a court of law.

Do you understand?

All right! I'll confess!

I did it!
I did it!

you forced her?






You forced her?

I forced her.

I didn't mean for him
to get into trouble.

He'll get over it
in a couple of years.

He knows you were
in a tough spot.


What happened to your egg?

A friend of mine ate it.


What are you going to do
about the baby?

I don't know.