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02x08 - Honor Bound

Posted: 09/03/22 07:44
by bunniefuu
everyone's waiting two hours

To find out why this kid
k*lled his baby-sitter.

There's not a sound
in the theater.

Nobody's chewing.
Nobody's sneezing.

The lady next to me's heart
stopped four minutes ago.

As this guy is about
to break down to the cop

Patrick says...

Let me ask you

A banana costs what,
a dime?

I know, patrick
talked over the ending

And ruined the movie
for everybody.

The guy's a public menace.

A banana's about
a dime, yeah.

They charged me
a buck and a half.

I'm in the wrong business.

You're not in any business.

I've got a private party



If you were unemployed like me

You'd stay out later,
enjoy life.

Some guys got all the luck.

See you, denny.

Bye, woody.

Hey, what the..?

Lights out, f*g.

♪ We never thought of finding ♪

♪ The place where we belong ♪

♪ Don't have to stand alone ♪

♪ We'll never let you fall ♪

♪ Don't need permission ♪

♪ To decide what you believe ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ Your friends will be there ♪

♪When your back is
to the wall ♪

♪ You'll find you need us ♪

♪'Cause there's no one else
to call ♪

♪ When it looks hopeless ♪

♪ A decision's what you need ♪

♪ You better be ready to ♪

♪ Be ready to ♪

♪ Jump! ♪

♪ Jump street! ♪

Three of them...

They didn't even run.

Did they say anything?

What did they sound like?

He sounded like a kid.

They called me a f*g.

We're going
to go now.

You just concentrate on
getting better, mr. Mason.

That's five gay bashings
in the last two months.

These kids are on a roll.

Well, have you got any leads?

Are you trying or just filling
out a report?

Whoa! We're trying
the best we can.

Are you a friend of denny's?

How does he look?

He's in pretty bad shape.

Well, why don't you go seem him?

They won't let me.

Only family and
police are allowed.

Well, look nobody's around now.
Why don't you duck in?

Go on, official
police buisness.


I know it looks random

But all the victims
described their assailants

As having short hair.

All five assaults occurred

Within a mile-and-a-half
radius from here.

Norton military

Sounds a little farfetched.

When you think about it,
it's pretty obvious.

None of the victims heard or saw
their attackers coming.

Plus their beatings border
on the professional.

I thought all these assaults
happened past midnight.

don't them junior g.i. Joes
have a curfew?

World w*r ii stories at : ,
beddy-bye by : ?

Maybe they're going
over the wall.

You and hanson

Are going
to find that out.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.

What, like cadets, and
uniforms, and pushups?

That's the job.

About time you had
a haircut anyway, penhall.

I'm getting
my instamatic.

Ioki, I want you playing decoy
at the milestones cafe.

Hoffs will buy you coffee.

What am I supposed
to wear?

What you have on is fine.

Gays don't have
a separate dress code.

Shaved heads!

What are you
worried about?

Six or seven months,
you'll be as good as new.

One more thing--

This military school
is a live-in situation.

No coming here for
an update and a pizza.

You're stuck inside
until the assignment's over.

Don't count on it.

They haven't
built the school

That can hold
doug penhall.

Douglas aaron harmon.

Sign him in at hours.

Mr. Harmon, I'm sergeant major
jackson, your company commander.

Yo, how's it going, jack?

Sergeant major jackson.

How's it going,
sergeant major jackson?

When you're in uniform,
you'll salute.

Oh, no.

Who taught you
how to stand at attention?

Tulsa military academy, sir.

Apparently, they weren't
up to the challenge.



Disrespect to
superior officers.

It was a confusing
time, sir.

It was last month.

Confusion is one thing.

This is mayhem.

You are a screw-up,
plain and simple.

That stops here at norton.

Do you understand?

Repeat that last part.

Reveille is at .

Does that present a problem?

I'm usually getting in
about that time.

That's why my parents
sent me here.

You'll get used to it.

Formation's at ,
breakfast at

Followed by room inspection.

You like this stuff?

Been getting up at
since I was six years old--

Third generation army.

Tough break.

Classes start at , go
until , when we have lunch.

At , call to quarters
for tutoring or homework.

At , practice
with athletic teams.

Evening formation at ,
followed by third mess.

Extracurricular clubs at
and go until

When you have study hall.

Free time from until taps.

Lights out at .

Whole minutes.

What will I do with myself?

What's the story over there?

Phone bank.

We only have three
for cadets' use.

They're only available
after first and third mess.

Something wrong?

This school.

Got so many... Rules.

Commandant mcgee:
rules and regulations
are one thing.

Above all else
is the honor code.

Cadets will not lie,
steal, cheat

Or tolerate those that do.

Yes, sir.

I see you were once
a sergeant major

But you were busted down
to sergeant last april.

It's a fine rank.

I'm going to let you
transfer in at that rank

Just to see if you can keep it.

My guess is you can't.

Thank you, sir.

If there's nothing else

You're dismissed.

When can I get a pass
into town?

You've only been here
half a day.

Don't worry about it
until the weekend.

Who do I talk to
about this weekend?

The tac officer
will sign you out

And you're
relatively a free man.


Why don't you go ahead.

I'm still schmoozing
with the commander here.

What are you doing here?

I don't know.

What are you doing here?

Trying to get appointed
to west point.

Yeah, well, my father says

This place will give me
some direction.

It can, if you
can stay in.

Quit worrying about leaving base
and start hitting the books.

I've got drill instruction.

See you around.

Okay, right.


( Whimpering )

I gave the tailor
my wrong hat size.

I can't look like a dweeb
the first day.

I'll catch you later.

Keep that seat open, okay?

It was a lot different
at tulsa.

We was right on a lake.

The academy had these boats.

Uh-oh, check this dufe out.


Did you steal that earring
from your mama?

Why would I want to do that if
your mother gives me them free?

You think this
is beauty school?

Pick up your tray
and keep moving.

Better start looking
over your shoulder, pinhead.

Good idea, bad timing.

At my old school,
we'd take a guy like that

Hold him down

Cut his hair off
with a hunting knife.

Anyway, we'd commandeer
these boats

And we'd stay out
all day saturdays.

We'd do some sun.
We'd do some beers.

Do some penalty tours.

It was a big lake.

They never knew nothing.

Then we'd drive into town,
check out the local talent

Finish up with a sweep
of the area.

Sweep of the area?

We'd drive
to the dark side of town--

Broom out the window,
trying to hit the locals.

You think that's funny?

Lighten up, man,
it was just a game.

Guy's got no sense of humor.

Not a stich.

I haven't seen you
around before.

Uh, no, this is my
first time here.

Real nice place.

Good cappuccino,
real nice place.

Nice place.

Yeah, it's a nice place

Especially at an
outside table.

I'm willie.

I'm harry.

You here by yourself, harry?

Me? Yes...

Uh, no.

I mean

Not... Not really, no.

Am I interrupting something?

No, jude, actually I was
just talking about you.

I'll leave
you two alone.

Nice to meet you, harry.

Have a nice evening.

( Laughing )

It isn't funny.

Trust me, harry, it is funny.

Are you sure you're not putting
out some kind of signals?

Okay, it's about time for me
to patrol the block again.

Happy hunting.

( Man grunting )

Hey! Hey!


police, freeze!

come on.

Are you okay?

I'm fine, I'm fine.


They're gone, harry.

They're history.

Are you sure
you're all right?


Somebody hit me
from behind.

You don't look
so good.

Let's try to get up.

Come on.

Phone call.

Yeah, he's in the hospital.

When did it happen?

Around midnight.

How bad is he?

He's tough, he'll be okay.

Meet us at the hospital
and bring a yearbook.

I'll try and find one, sir.

I have an emergency situation.
My brother's in the hospital.

I know, I just spoke
with your father.

Seemed like a fine man.

Was he in the service?

He's a police officer,
a captain.

You're from good stock,

I wouldn't mind
meeting your father.

I'm sure he'd find that
very enjoyable, sir.

Are you sure
is fine?

Yeah, they're just keeping me
here for observation.

I'm disappointed,

You against only three
combat-trained psychos--

Did you slip or something?



Here's one.

hank demerest.

You know him?

I've seen him around.

Haven't met him officially.

Go back and meet him.


That's it, captain.

The second guy was
in the shadows.

I didn't see the third guy.

I've got a line on them.

So we bring in demerest
and see if he talks?

I doubt it.

These cadets stick together.

Must be something in the food.

More like the honor code
in action.

I know I'm new at this
but isn't as*ault covered by

"Cadets will not lie,
cheat or steal"?

That's just
for public consumption.

In my battalion the code was,
"don't rat out your buddies."


Fill penhall in

And let's try to nail
all three of these guys.

By the way,
how is penhall doing?

Boy's a natural soldier.

Left, left.
About face!

What's your name, cadet?

Harmon, sir!

he's new, sir.

Take off your hat.

Why hasn't it been cut?

Things have been hectic.

I want his head shining
by hours.

I'll drop him by
before guard duty.

Learn to march, mister.

I'm going to drive tanks.

You think that's funny?

Disrespect to an officer.

Four demerits.


All I want to hear

Is "yes, sir,
no, sir."

Give me .
Count them, jackson.

Aye, sir.

You'll be walking penalty tours
till your mouth drags.

Do you understand me?

Sir, yes, sir.


, ...

I think I upset him.

Don't be so modest.
He's enraged.


Could you give me
some instruction in marching?

, ...

I'm checking
duty roster tonight.

I could march
while you walk, sir.

, ...



, .

You owe me six more.

It's a cadet's duty
to help a fellow cadet.

Don't confuse that
with liking you, harmon.

No, no.

When you make a turn

Plant the opposite foot
and pivot.

How's this?

Tanks may be a good choice.

Column halt.

At ease, harmon.

I'll be right back.

( Imitates drumming )


( Knocking )

Cadet harmon, I presume.

I hear you're a real artist
with the scissors.

You come in with hair,
you leave without it.

Let me get that.

Oh... Oh.

I'm sorry.

Ralph, I'm really sorry.

No kidding.

You got another pair with you?

In my drawer.


Back at the house.

Why don't we regroup tomorrow?

I'm really sorry
about the glasses.

I hate when my contacts
fall down the sink.

The chicken wing keeps your
oponent face down on the mat

And sets him up for the pin.

You grab his wrist.

You stick your head
in his armpit.

Your other hand
goes around his waist.

Must have a thing
about armpits.

You got something to say
out loud, harmon?

Just admiring your technique.

Good. Show us
what you've learned.

King-of-the-mountain drill.

Looks more like
queen of the mountain to me.

Can it, harrison.

Take it to him.
Search and destroy.

( Blows whistle )

( Blows whistle )


Nice work.

Get him, hank.
He's all yours.

eat him up,

Come on, hank.

Can I have a shot?


Now we got something.

Search and destroy.

How about a kiss first?

Okay. Pucker up.

I won, didn't i?

Do that again
and you'll pack your bags.

Yes, sir.

Go take a shower.

Nice work, harrison.

You got to do
what you got to do.

At least somebody did.

These guys wouldn't know
a good time

If they stepped on it.

You any different?

We go by ourselves.

You should be more polite

Especially to someone
who can whip your butt.

I got my brother's car today.

We're riding,
if you're interested.


Sounds good.
Where are we going?

Into town.

A little search and destroy.

Find some women to wrestle?

Even better.

Pick you up in ten minutes.

Wear your civvies.



How about a warning
next time?

Just listen...


Maybe you weren't listening
back there.

Harrison, back to quarters.

I guess maybe he's not worth
the trouble.

Parking lot
in ten minutes, right?

Excuse me, I have to make
an emergency phone call.

Back off, man.

I worked it out
with my roommate...

You can call her back.

Hold on a minute, okay?

You'll have to wait
to talk to mommy.

Back of the line.

Oh, great.



Right there, cadet.

Cadet harmon?

Please come with me.

Relax, guys.
It wasn't a toll call.

I can't wait to
get to the point.

What's your
hurry, man?

These are your
formative years.

The point's got courses
on all the great battles--

Whole semesters on
civil w*r battles

World w*r ii battles

Even the greco-roman wars.

You trying for the point,

With my record?

Which is bull, anyway

Because patton
and macarthur

Weren't exactly

Patton said the point
made him a great tactician.

All right.

No doubt about it.

But that didn't
make him great.

You've got to be
born to lead.

How do you boys manage to get
away with breaking curfew?

Jackson covered for us
the first time.

You know-- buddy, buddy.

Then we held it against him
all the other times.

It's understanding
the motivation behind people.


Tell me something.

Is this the search or the
destroy part of the evening?


Rick, maybe we should
hold off on tonight.

Hey, if it's action,
I'm in it all the way.

There are three keys
to successful strategy.

Two of them--

and execution--

Can't be taught.

They need to be realized.

Just what the hell
were you doing in my office?

I needed to talk
to my father, sir.

All the public phones
were taken.

How did he get in?

Through the window, sir.

Breaking and entering's
a very serious offense.

Technically, I wasn't
breaking and entering, sir.

I didn't cause any
physical damage.

You were trespassing.

Not actually, sir.

I have a right
to be on campus.

Not anymore.

You call your father

And tell him to get your butt
out of here tonight.

Let me get
this straight.

You're kicking me out

Because I tried
to call my father

And now that I'm kicked out
I can call him?

I can't wait to get back
to public school.

I guess I don't have
to get my hair cut.

I love you guys.

Don't ever change.

Coming out of the bar.

Why him?

He's a f*g, isn't he?

That's it?

That's all you need
to know, harrison.

We don't question
orders around here.


That's correct,
sergeant hudson.

What are you
going to do?

Beat on his head
for a while?

Tactics, harrison.

We're going to execute
a gambit maneuver.

And you're the gambit.

What do I do?

Get in front of him.

Make him think you're
going to take him out.

When he turns around

We'll cut off
his retreat.

It's a classic move.

What if
somebody sees us?

What if

Let's move out.

Run past me.

Don't turn around,
just run.

I'm not going
to hurt you.

I won't hurt you.

Just run.

( Police whistle )


There he is.

Yeah, that's him.

Evening, fellas.

There he is.

Harrison, over here.

Get in.

You never leave a
man in the field.

You boys know how
to have a good time.

I don't want to
do this anymore.

Do what?

You know what they
would have done
if they caught us?

They'd have caught
me first.

A little adversity
and you're whining.

What if they caught us?

They're fags.

I think we
should shut down.

Because a few gooks

Exploited a weakness
in our strategy?

How else do we learn?

Hudson's right.

We shut down
until further notice.

Look, I say...

No discussion.

This is a strategic retreat.

The witnesses said they
hauled out at top speed.

They got a break
too, captain.

The gays weren't
taking any prisoners.

They'll go after anyone
who looks at them sideways.

Great. Now we've got

A vigilante attitude
to deal with.

Anybody come
up with a

Yeah. We got a great one...

Of hanson.

Is that on the approved list,

It's a heckler & koch

Round a*t*matic.

I know what it is.

I just wanted
a backup w*apon.

A rocket launcher
wouldn't fit in
his holster.

Don't you think
you're taking this
too seriously?

This is a great g*n.

I'm sure it is.

Look, guys,
I've got some bad news.

Denny mason died
late this afternoon.

So now we're looking at m*rder.

And with nothing
to prove it.

If these kids are smart,
they'll take themselves

Out of
the game.

Penhall said
there's a cadet jackson

Who signed in demerest
and two other guys the night

Mason was att*cked.

Jackson signed them
all in at : .

Before curfew and over
an hour before the beating.

Military guys just can't
say no to a good cover-up.

( g*nshots )

The range is off-limits
to cadets for another hour.

Relax. I'm on visitor status
till my old man gets here.

I happen to know
that five days ago

You signed in adderly
and his buddies

After curfew.

Look, harmon,
I'm sorry about your dismissal.

But accusations like that aren't
going to get you reinstated.

That's okay.

I already have a day job.

You were masquerading
as a cadet?

Adderly and associates have
been playing w*r games.

They've been beating up
h*m* for practice.

I don't know nothing about that.

Maybe you do
and maybe you don't.

But now somebody's dead.

And you came in here

The other cadet... Harrison?

Is he a police
officer, too?

If a crime has
been committed

I understand you
have a job to do.

I won't do anything
to impede harrison

From finding out
the truth.

Yeah, sure.

That's the way
it works.

Well, that's very
generous of you

But I was hoping for a
little more direct help.

There's nothing
else I can do.

Sure there is.

Starting with how you
covered their butts

For coming in two
hours late.

I stand by my
duty report.

Sergeant major jackson

Do you know how many
demerits you stand to get

For being an
accessory to m*rder?

I'm sorry.

I can't help you.

Haven't you
learned anything

In the time
you've spent here?

Nothing I want
to remember.

Somebody's dead.

If you don't help

These guys will
walk away from it.

Man, is that what
you've learned here?

This academy has
taught me honor.

That is my life.

Most of these cadets
will never see

The inside
of a real military academy

But I am going to the point.

That's something
you'll never

I understand it.

But you're wrong about
where you're going.

You're going to jail.

And all because
you won't violate

Some stupid, unwritten
fraternity code.

Maybe. If it comes to that.

I worked on him.

I appealed to his sense
of justice.

I even threatened.

Guy never broke a sweat,
and he's a good guy.

You're sure he's only ?

That's the thing
about the honor code.

A real soldier--
a mature soldier--

Can weigh the moral side
of an issue.

At this age,
he'll just follow orders

Or whatever he's taught
to the letter.

Which leads us
to hanson.

Jackson knows
he's a cop.

He figured it out
right away.

We have to bring in demerest
and jackson

And hope for the best.

Hanson could be walking
into an ambush.

Jackson promised me
he wouldn't say anything.

And you believed him?

Yeah, I do.

See, he gave me his word.

His word, penhall?

Isn't this the guy
who would rather

Go to jail

Than turn over
m*rder suspects?

That's my point.

I know it sounds crazy,
but I trust the guy.

All right.

We'll give him
a little more time.

You see this?


Sounds like this guy's

Part of a search
and destroy maneuver.

Think we're the only ones
who beat up on fags?

Besides, this happened
after curfew.

Don't tell me,
tell the cops.

After last night
they'll be crawling
all over this place.

What will you
tell them?


Harrison knows better than
to defy the code.

Hey, what do I know?

I was on a plane from tulsa
when this went down

But if you boys had
something to do with it

I believe I'd be getting
my stories straight.

Make sure ain't nobody on campus

Going to say
any different.

If it wasn't you,
you got nothing
to worry about.


They was just fags,
wasn't they?

What are we going to do?

What's there to do?

There's nothing to do.

He's right. We're covered.

You trust jackson?

Think he'll stonewall
the cops for us?

Jackson's a cadet.

He knows the code.

We k*lled somebody.

Want to turn yourself in?

The point will love that.

Forget the point.

They'll nail us
for m*rder.

Not if you keep
your mouth shut.

They'll figure it out.

I don't even know why
we were doing it.

That didn't stop you
from tagging along.

I didn't want
to k*ll anybody.

You make it sound like this guy
was somebody important.

Shut up, both of you.

If we're going out,
at least let's go out like men.

Picked a strange place to meet.

I thought you didn't
even speak to me.

So, woody...

The guy who
got beat up--

The guy
who died--

Was that the
guy that, uh...

Was that your
friend denny?

Yes, it was.

I'm sorry.

So am i.

You going to be okay?


You dress very casually
for an officer.

I'm not an officer yet.

Just a matter of time.

Dad would have been very proud--
second generation military.

At least it's
better than the life
that you're leading.

I don't understand how
you do what you do.

You can't even say it.

Come on,
say it.

Say, "my brother is a f*g."

I'm afraid that what happened
to you might happen to me.

It's not hereditary.

I don't understand it.

I don't expect you to.

Why did you come here?

What do you want?

I won't sit here
and justify my lifestyle

To my little brother.

I came here to tell you
I know who did those beatings.


I can't give you names
and places, but I know who.

Why? Were they
friends of yours?


Were you involved?

It could have been me.

I'm sorry, okay?

You already said that.

I don't know if you'll
understand this or not.

Someone I loved died
because of those beatings.

If you're anything
you claim to be

If you're half
of what dad wanted...

You'd do the right thing.

You were brought up
to do the right thing,
richard adderly.

I don't think you can.

( Knock on door )

Come in.

Sergeant harrison requesting
permission to speak to you.

You can drop the bull, harrison,
or whatever your name is.

I already told your pal

I won't testify
against a fellow cadet.

I'm sure your mother
would be very proud.

You're the only witness
in this case.

Without you, they're home free.

You're wasting your time.

You ever stop to think

That maybe everybody
isn't as honorable as you?

You haven't been
around long enough...


Thank you.

Around here, honor is
the only thing that matters.

It embodies a special
trust and confidence.

It's about valor

In the face
of adversity.

It's about courtesies granted

A vanquished

It's a load of crap.

You couldn't possibly

I understand that three
of your cadets

k*lled somebody
because he was gay.

Tomorrow it will be
somebody black or jewish

Or some other stupid label
that makes it okay.


I'll tell you what,
call commandant mcgee.

Tell him you'll need a pass.

You tell him you're
being arrested

For the suspicion
of conspiracy to m*rder.

I already called him.


One, two.

Shoulder arms.

I've got the first two rows.
You take the rest.

Forward march.

Column halt.

One, two.

Port arms.

Order arms.

Stand your ground.

Battalion commander
richard adderly

Surrendering the battalion
to you, sir.

I accept.

Sergeant hudson,
lieutenant demerest and myself

Are placing ourselves
in your custody, sir.

Surrender your arms.

Cadets adderly, hudson,
and demerest

Are restricted to quarters
until further notice.

Yes, sir.


About face.

Forward march.