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02x10 - How Much is That Body in the Window?

Posted: 09/03/22 07:45
by bunniefuu
( Pop instrumental music )

( Audience applauds )

That's my music, jordan.

I heard it first.

How's that ankle?

That ankle's fine.

Mine hurts
like hell.

Instead of sneering
at your team mates

Why don't you sit

And show them
a little support.

Sign yourself out
and get off that foot.

I've practiced
in more pain.

Nice music.

( Girls scream )

Get an

[Captioning sponsored by
fx networks]

♪ We never thought of finding ♪

♪ The place where we belong ♪

♪ Don't have to stand alone ♪

♪ We'll never let you fall ♪

♪ Don't need permission ♪

♪ To decide what you believe ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ Your friends will be there ♪

♪When your back is ♪
to the wall ♪

♪ You'll find you need us ♪

♪'Cause there's no one else
to call ♪

♪ When it looks hopeless ♪

♪ A decision's what you need ♪

♪ You better be ready to ♪

♪ Be ready to ♪

♪ Jump! ♪

♪ Jump street! ♪

Heart attack is
the official cause of death.

A -year-old
with the blood pressure

Of a wall street

Officers hoffs
and penhall.

U.s. Assistant attorney,
jack culliton.

She'd been stacking
a weird mix

Of diuretics and
synthetic hormones.

She had herself
down to % body fat.

Her heart
couldn't take it.

It's the worst case
we've seen.

Worst case of what?

Steroid abuse.

Bone structure

Kidney damage,

She was even taking
a brake drug--


Medroxy... Med... Brake drug?

Stops a woman's growth.

Gives them a few more years
in a sport

Where is over the hill.

Laura jordan hadn't had a normal
menstrual cycle in years.

These dr*gs
are schedule fours.

They're not even
controlled substances.

We're pushing to have
these dr*gs reclassified.

the deeper
we bury them

The richer
the black markets get.


Catch her

We're talking
voluntary manslaughter.

Then maybe we can make noise.

You two are going
into her school.

As what, jocks?

For penhall, yes.

You're a straight "a"
student to tutor

Jody moreland,
laura's team captain.

She needs help keeping
her g.p.a. Above failing.

Of the few
u.s. Olympic hopefuls

Augustana had two.

But with only
six team spots

They both
couldn't go.

Ironic, isn't it?

Other user signs include
high self-esteem

A positive attitude
and, of course, a nice physique.

I should have such problems.

Tell that to laura's parents.

the department's all over me
about your grades.

Bower's here to help you.

Work with her,

I don't want to cut you
from the squad.

to jock high.

Quite a line up
you got there.

state titles--

Eight national.

I quit counting
the guys that went on

To play pro ball.

We even had one guy
on the p.g.a. Tour.

your name's
all over these.

Don't be impressed.

The competition
here is pathetic.

I can beat them
in a wheelchair.

( Bell rings )

Coach is helping me
train for the zone meets.

Olympic try-outs?

She took the silver
in ' .

She knows how to beat
world-class athletes.

She knows the tricks.

She pushes hard

But at that level,
you have to.

I hear a girl died.

That's pretty obnoxious.

Gee, I'm sorry.

Was she your friend?

The girl abused the sport.

She didn't take care
of herself.

No, she was not my friend.

Mr. Deje...


Doug dejepetti.

Don't hurt yourself,
doug's fine.

give us a break.

( Whistles
and catcalls )

no shoes, no shirt,
no service.

It's hot in here.

The rest of us
are quite comfortable.

Mr. Ogletree,
we've all seen

Your magnificent torso

But school policy says
to admire it

From behind a shirt.

Does my nakedness offend you?

We're all proud
when one of our athletes

Is desired
by so many colleges.

We're anxious to see you
return to the playing field

Where, hopefully, someone
will stomp these delusions

Of grandeur
out of you.

What colleges?

Arizona, u.c.l.a., Maybe state.


Sissies and wieners.

I thought
you were serious.

So what do you consider
a big school, hot shot?

Big eight, big guy.

Yeah? So what's
your bench, big guy?


With your baby fat?

This I got to see.

we do -week cycles

At sub-maximum levels

Then there's a slow increase
in reps and intensity.

All I'm trying to say is

If you're looking
for racquetball

And some tinkerbell to feed you
that jane fonda baloney

Olympic center's not for you.

The real question is this...

Uh... I'm sorry...?



The real question is

Are you happy
with your looks?

I was thinking ten pounds
in the right places...

Harry, this is
the right place.


I'm harry.

I was thinking more
like , pounds

If you're willing
to push yourself.

Yeah, but I was hoping
to do it quickly.

Meaning what,

I'm willing to do
whatever it takes--

Diet, vitamins,

As long as I'm big
by friday for a date.

Maybe you want to find
another gym, huh?

Have a nice day, carl.

So I jumped the g*n
a little bit.

The guy wasn't exactly
mr. Subtle, huh?

One more gym
to check out.

You mind getting
thrown out alone?

I'm going to try
and make that meeting.

You're going
through with it?

Yeah, I'm going
through with it.

Something wrong
with that?

I'm just asking.

If it works for you,
I might try it myself.

fingerprints are checked

And personal references
are required.

The big brother's association
isn't discouraging you

But helping a fatherless boy

Is a big

Careful screening is required.

We can save a lot
of paperwork.

He can be
my little brother.

I'm sure you remember
what it meant

To have a man around
to talk with.

That relationship was
probably responsible

For who you are today.

Thank you for coming.

If it's right for you, please

Let's hear from you.

excuse me.

Maybe you should save
this for someone else.

What changed your mind
so quickly?

I just don't think
it's right for me.

I'm not sure why I'm here.

The department has a
big brother drive every year...

Police department?


Every year, no one responds.

I wanted to come and see
what it was about.

Look, getting the right people
to come is half the battle.

Go ahead and read it.

If it's not right

Pass it on
to someone else.

Lot of good kids
out there.

Bad ones, too.

Wonder why.

kid needs someone like you
to help make these decisions.

you never let up, do you?

Ogletree's a natural
for state ball.

A kid his size would start
his freshman year.

We'll review your proposal.

And three campus visits
is an n.c.a.a. Violation.

Just leave
your card--

I'll talk to the boy.

Guess I'm out of cards.

Let me know
if you need anything.

Two-ten, my friend.

I'm closing in.

The man who would
be king.

So much for the home field

You want them,
they're yours.

school record's

I should know,
I set it myself.

Where have you been?

We were supposed to start
half an hour ago.

I stopped by
to see the action.

come on, these guys
are muscle-heads.

I love that look
in mike's eye.

He may be obnoxious,
but he's got great psych.

I'd k*ll
for his confidence.

I've got better things
to do than tutor

Some pathetic jock.

No, wait.

We'll start tomorrow,
I promise.

two-forty, all right!


If there's
going to be
a new record

I'm going
to set it.

Coach watson:
hold it a second.

Are you trying
to k*ll yourself?

Just showing the new kid
what we're made of.

We're not made
of pulled groin muscles.

the new kid?

-pound junior.

Instead of risking injury

Why not show him how
to turn baby fat into muscle.

What's with
this "baby fat"?

I was a shoo-in
for first string.

My dad changes jobs--
I'm screwed.

Got to start over...
Baby fat.

We'll get you
in shape.

What kind
of vitamins
you doing?


I did wilma this morning.

Thinking about doing fred
or dino tomorrow.

Breakfast of champions.

Ten milligrams
before and after reps.

You pump twice a day?

Once, I'm coming off
a leg pull.

Take two now.

Tonight for dinner
slam some complex carbs.

Vitamins, right?

Sort of.

No water.

Take them now
or give them back.


Now you look like a guy
with possibilities.

power pecs-- I want
the -count bottle.

to perfection

For today's discrete
body builder."

This is what I call a guy
with a well-toned body.

That's what they call
eileen padova.

She's still the best looking
guy I've ever seen.

What is your problem today?

Can't a guy
be in a good mood?

Not if he's you.

Cut it out,
you're scaring us.

Cups, cups, cups!

No, no, no!



Grouchy this morning,
aren't you?

So what?


By the way, thanks, sal.

Uh, you're welcome.

What for?

You didn't move my file cabinet?


Had a little extra time
this morning.

In my office, penhall.

Why didn't you
regurgitate the drug?

Puke? I can't do that--
never could.

You're an undercover cop.

You learn to puke.

How do you feel?

I feel fine.

I've got energy to burn.

Ogletree's not
your typical dope dealer.

I don't think

Anyone knows
what he's doing.

Then find his supplier,
link it to jordan

And take it down.

I'm reading the guy.

Read this!

Make a buy and make a bust.

Don't compromise your health
or this program.

Consider us
very clear on that.


That's my boy.

Just doing my job.

Is the applicant's handshake
firm, medium, or limp?

That's question
on the big brothers'
employer evaluation.

Oh, yeah.

Do you think
I'm making a mistake?

That's your call, not mine.

I can't look at a kid
without thinking

In a couple years I'll be
slamming him against his locker

Reading him his rights.

Cynicism? You?

I need some perspective.

It might take some
of the sting out of the job.

Think you might be right.

You mail it.

Forget it.

No car, no deal.

Next case.


Moonroof, air,
power windows!

Go on, I'm listening.

State's losing six defensive
backs to graduation this year.

If you put another pounds
on this summer

It could mean
a lot of game time.

Twenty pounds.

Do I get an apartment?

You report to camp
and early registration.

With summer classes
still in session

They've got
to put you up in one.

Just never move out.

All right!

They're still alive.

Got anything
for a shoulder casualty?

I can't
move my arm.


I never felt like I could
take on the world.

You can--
just not all at once.

Glad this works better
than it tastes.

A little dab will do you.

It's coach's private stash.

It's legal, just not
school board-approved

So keep quiet.

Where can I get more
of yesterday's stuff--

Hit up
the coach?

Don't say anything
to him about this.

I've got money.

You move fast
for a kid from oklahoma.

All right,
I'll hook you up.

After school?

I go to the gym
after school.

Booster set me up
a membership.

You wouldn't believe
the equipment at this place.

Perks, my friend.

Can I watch
your work-out?

No, you're leading
with your hips.

You're all over.

Where's your

I told you
I don't feel good.

Do I have
to write it down?

Shower and we'll
go over these tapes.

Give me a minute.

I'll get it back.

Let go of it, jody.

You and laura were two
entirely different athletes.

Her form was better,
her psych

Her creativity.

I'm a waste of your time.

Maybe you're not
the physical athlete she was

But sheer desire
can put you on top.

I've seen it.

We need your
aggression back.

I told you, I'll get it back.

I thought you told me
you did your work earlier.

You have plans
this evening?

Fine-- go on!

There's no point in continuing

With that attitude.

Sorry I'm early.

Let's grab a pizza
before the movie.

I have to review
some tapes.

Maybe another time.

Lighten up--
school's out.

Maybe this is just a bad idea.

So, how are you finding
life here?

A little obsesvise, thank you.

Look, jodi's worked her whole
life to get ready
for next summer.

This just isn't a good time to
be starting a friendship.

Well, shouldn't that be her

You really want to help her?

Stick to the tutoring
and leave her alone.

coach watson
pretty much agrees.

I think we're doing state.

Great dinner,
mrs. Ogletree.


When your family
settles in

I'll have them
over for coffee.

When I'm in the n.f.l.

I'll set you up
in a real place.


( Growls )


orals are okay

But your stomach
churns them up so fast

You loose a lot of gain.

They're huge--
which is which?

Bosworth, achilles--
great, huh?

They're great
to break off cycles

But they pass
through your vitals.

The fish?

No, the orals.

That's when you
have complications.

Last season, I got
sharp pains in my side--

Passed a little blood.

I laid off a month.

Did I take a beating!

Sat out two games.

There's a thousand guys

Out for every

I ain't the biggest
out there--

Not even the best.

Me? I thought
that was for you.

I told you,
I'm cycling.

Uh, look...

I hate

Just give it
to me.

I'll take it
tomorrow morning.

Stuff's wasted now.

I'll pay you back.

Just tell me
where to buy it.

Made the fish happy.

I guess you're just not ready
for big gains.

How much do I owe you?

Forget it--
they're yours.

You're giving them to me?


Go work out and
be aggressive, would you?

( Screams )

Hey, animal!

It's sack-time for you.

Kiss mom?


( Vomiting )

That was rude.

I was telling you

police business.

If you'd stop eating
official police evidence.

Relax, iok took the vial
to culliton already.

I got a questionnaire
yesterday, big brother.

Seems like a pretty
big time commitment.

Doesn't it cut
into your bowling?

So I take the kid

And dates--
what about dates?

You want to teach your patented
left-to-right slider

To a full-grown woman
or some booger-faced kid?

You're missing the whole point.

Ogletree's got half the colleges
in the country all over him.

His biggest thrill in life

Is putting his kid brother
to bed.

You don't want to write
the letter, say so

But don't compare me
to some dope dealer.

Why are you picking on him?

Why are you
defending him?

I think I'm harassing
a good kid.

He's not dealing

And I don't think
he's connected to her death.

Then find out who is
and come back down to earth.

I can't take a few days
to know my suspect?

You're so wrapped up...

( Bickering )

hey, guys!

They i.d.'Ed the vial you got.

The testosterone is synthetic--

The same one used
in the black market operation

The d.e.a.
Thought they shut down

And it's the same stuff found
in laura jordan's body.

the stuff comes from
a pharmaceutical lab

In mexico--


We got our first buy?

He keeps giving
them to me.

Maybe somebody's
giving them to him--

Like his coaches?

We checked out
all the coaches.

They're pretty clean.

Maybe it's time we stuck
a badge in ogletree's face.

I can do that, sir, but...

I'd like to do this without
screwing up the guy's future.

Maybe he was just as generous
to the jordan girl.

Where are we with u.s. Customs?

Case records against
nativos are on their way up.

Should be
about files.

I envy the guy
who gets to wade through that.

We can do it
in one night

If you'll join me.

You and hanson can join him.

Here, file these.

I just laugh at
some of these girls.

Music is the only thing that
will make them standout.

And half of them still
pick the same sound.

You've wanted this for
a long time, haven't you?

You know, it's hard to believe

You and laura weren't
better friends.

Look at this.

You guys were first and second
in every meet.

It's hard to be
friends with someone

Who stands
in your way.

Laura would have made
the olympic team, not me.

She cheated.

How do you cheat
in gymnastics?

She was a twig.

What weight she had
was muscle.

She didn't work very hard.

Maybe that's what you get

For cheating.

Let's get back to this.

I thought that stuff

Was for football players
like mike ogletree.

Do you know him well?

We were better friends
before he got full of himself.

Even tried to date once.

What a nightmare
that was.

See, I used to get these

He didn't think that was pretty.

I think I scared him.

I don't get them anymore.

I'm sure I'm okay.

I just don't feel as good
all the time.

Hope the place isn't
too much of a mess.

I forgot about
the surprise visit.

It's fine.

I'm sorry we have to put
you guys through this

But it's the only way
we can find out

What your lifestyle
is really like.

Thanks for bringing
these files.

I think you're right
about this kid, greg.

Sounds like we'd
get along real good.

We had matched him
with a terrific guy

A few years ago.

But his employer
thought he was
terrific, too

And transferred him
out of town.

But I think I found
someone just as terrific.


Should I apologize
for that?


This isn't, by any
chance, how you met

The first terrific
guy, is it?

You didn't like my kiss?

No, that part was fine.

I'm talking about before that...

The motivation.

I thought
you wanted me to kiss you.

I did.

Did you want to?

I did.


I think I see what
the problem is here.

Maybe I should
leave these files

For you to review
by yourself.

I didn't say
you had to leave.

Under the circumstances,
it would be better.

You come
to my apartment.

You're dressed
like this...

I wore this to work.

I was joking.

It was a joke.

I'm sorry, tom, it wasn't funny.

I think someone else should
handle your application.

Good, now you can stay.

Maybe next time.

He sounds great.

What's his name?


But I'd have to deal
with this pushy coordinator.

You know the type--

Stuffy, professional...
Beautiful eyes.

You really hate
to make commitments

Don't you, hanson?

This is it, every delivery
nativos made to this area

In the last six months.

U.s. Customs
keeps great records.

Nativos isn't
stupid enough

To list illegal dr*gs
on their delivery forms.

Of course not.

But we can identify
buyers not licensed

To sell prescription dr*gs.

Subpoena their bank records,
and maybe find our dealer.

Penhall should sit ogletree down
with the facts.

I don't know.

Steroid users are protective
of their sources--

Like coke

When they
look in the mirror

They get just as high.

They didn't waste time
getting you a car.

You just signed
your letter of intent.

State wants me bad,
what can I say?

They don't want me
to change my mind.

Powered through
that bottle I gave you?

Figured that would last
a wuss like you forever.

Thanks, but I got my future
to think about.

Let's take care
of that, okay?

Those recruitment guys last year
wouldn't pay attention to me.

He's brittle,
he'll snap--

No height,
no weight

No yards' speed.

Think I should incorporate?

The pros do.

Might be a little premature.

forgot your bag.

Thanks, man.

This kid would
forget his head

If it wasn't so big.

proud of you.

You're going to love
the campus life.

See you, doug.

Know how I beat
the forty?


Blood packing.

Blood packing?

Two weeks before
they time your forty

You take out cc
of blood.

Store it
in the refrigerator.

Your body restores it.

Day before you run,
you pack it back in.

You're turbo-charged.

Look, I got cash.

$ For ten
vials, right?

You still think this is
about money, don't you?

Maybe it is.

Ten -milliliter vials
run you about $ , market.

You sell six--
that gives each of us two.

You're not
writing this down.

I won't forget.

Just see
that you don't.

Always wrap it
in something.

Don't let the bottles
rattle around.

Where am I
getting it?

Get down,
I already fed them!

I didn't mean to, mike.

Don't let on
to anyone.

They don't know and
I want it that way.

You mail me
what I need.

I said get down!

It was
an accident.

You little goof!

Leave my things...

Ease up.

I didn't mean
to k*ll the fish.

I just
fed them...

( Shattering
glass )

You're under arrest.

I didn't sell you nothing.

I didn't sell you squat.


You are a very
confused woman.

Somebody calls you
on your little scheme

Somebody rejects you,
so you reject them.

Think about it.

If you're done, maybe
you'd like to read this.

Your third letter
of personal reference came today

It's pretty strong.

I'm sorry we got off
to a bad start.


I'm not
rejecting you.

Based on that letter,
I must reject your application.

you're still leading
with your hips.

You're all over the place.

Where is your concentration?

What was wrong
with that?

I thought
it was great.

If I went to the zone meets
like that

They'd think I came
to sell t-shirts.

This is from just
before the state finals

Two months ago.

that's psych.

That's the edge.

that's you?

When I was good.

Can't you see the difference?

Give it some time.

You'll get it back.

Mrs. Ogletree:
it was roughhousing.

They do it all the time.


If I wasn't there

He'd have
beaten you both.

How is your
younger son?

He just had the wind
knocked out of him.

( Clears his throat )

Mrs. Ogletree, your son mike
is taking steroids.

The side effects
can be very dangerous.

I don't know anything
about that.

My son only takes
prescription dr*gs.

He knows the identity

Of a person in this area
selling them.

A girl died, mrs. Ogletree.

Captain, does it look like
my son is dying of anything?

Can we leave now?

If you'll give me a moment,
I'll sign you out.

Even if he
didn't sell to me

Can't we get him
for furnishing?

It's a schedule
four drug.

Even if it made court,
they'd just laugh.

But the guy's
going to walk.

So he'll walk.

We can't encourage juvies
to incriminate themselves.

If his kid brother was in danger
you did the right thing.

Let it go.

test him.

He'll test

They'll throw out
his scholarship.

They only test
before bowl games

And there are ways
around every test.

Look, I'm sorry...


And I was worried
about your future.

We subpoenaed bank records
from a local company

Run under the name
modern fitness and health.

$ , Worth of business
last year with nativos

But no license
to sell dr*gs.

We got all kinds of stuff

Including $ ,
in canceled checks

From laura
jordan's father.

Guy's name is
dave reinhardt.

I believe he's
a friend of dougie's.

Yes, no?

Call culliton.

Get a warrant
and get some buy money.

And whatever it is
between you two...


Put it on the back burner.

Ioki, catch up
with hoffs.

Let's try
to wrap this up.

okay, cap.

She let you
read my letter?

I thought
it was confidential!

Don't talk to me!

I should have asked harry

To write me the letter
of recommendation, not you.

Doug, good to see you.

Mike said I might
be seeing more of you.

Weren't you the guy poking
around here last week?


Persistence counts
for something, I guess.

Come on up.

I assume mike covered
this stuff with you?

The cycling,
the amount?

I'm not
a doctor.

I don't want to see
anybody hurt themselves.

We're covered.

A receipt?

A lot of my customers
pay by check.

They need it for their records.

Do you sell
rowing machines?

No, but I might start.

I'm thinking about opening up
a legitimate

Place of my own
across the street.

I've got to start writing

Some of
this off.

Business is so good
I started taking plastic.

You lose something there, pal?

Is this where you keep
customer receipts?

Got some bad news
for you, dave buddy.

And I don't have any customers
who are cops, right?

Gentlemen, what's
our problem here?

Involuntary manslaughter,
among other things.

What? Like who died?

Apparently, a pretty good
customer of yours.

Laura jordan--
leotards and tights.

Going to sell those, too?

This is very thin, gentlemen.

Can't be
too thin, dave.

Or too rich, dave.

Is everything
all right?

Yeah, except for this.

Looks like your friend jody
was here this morning.

Get down from there,
I want to talk to you.

Laura jordan died because
some creep sold her steroids.

We have receipts.

You've been buying
from the same guy.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You bought
this morning.

You don't need them.

What you're doing
to yourself is crazy.

What am i, a genius?

A beauty queen?

I'm an athlete.

I can deal with sacrifice.

You're a young woman.

We're talking about serious,
irreversible damage.

Talk to me next summer.

Next summer's
too late.

One of these days
you may want to have children.

You've arrested him,
haven't you?

He's out of business.

He's out of your life.

Fine, I'll get them
from somebody else.

Oh, jody...

I'm going next summer

And I'm going to win.

Nobody's going to take that
away from me.

Hi, this is tom.

Please leave your name
and number

At the sound of the beep.

And thanks for calling.

Man, this is crazy.

How long you plan on hating me?

I know you're there.

We've got to talk about this
sooner or later.

Don't you think I had
a good reason

For doing what I did?

Guys like you do things
for weird reasons sometimes.

Guys like me, what, who care?

Who care a lot, but who jump
into things without thinking.

This wasn't right for you.

I'm hanging up.

You were making a mistake.

Maybe I was, but it was
my mistake to make, not yours.

What happens to the kid

When you realize you don't
have enough time?

Give me some time
to think, all right?

I've got to go.

I am sorry.

Me, too.

I don't know.

He sounds like
a good friend to me.

He sure was right
about that void
in your life.

But don't you hate it
when somebody else

Has to point it
out to you?

Not this time.

Get over here!