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02x11 - Christmas in Saigon

Posted: 09/03/22 07:46
by bunniefuu
( Impersonating brando ):
remember that night in the

You come down
to my dressing room.

You said, "kid, this
ain't your night.

We're going for the
price on wilson."

You remember that?

This ain't your night.

My night?

I could have taken
wilson apart, charlie.

So what does he get, huh?
What happens?

He gets the title shot
outdoors in the ball park.

What do I get?

A one way ticket
to palookaville.

You was my brother.

You should have
looked out for me.

You should have took care
of me a little bit

So I wouldn't have
to take them dives

For the short
end money.

You don't understand.

I could have had class.

I could have been
a contender.

I could have been

Instead of a bum,
which is what I am

Let's face it.

( Applause )

not bad, not bad.

You ought to take that
on the road.

You know what
was interesting

Is that you do
a brando circa...


on the waterfront.


But you, you do
a late model brando--

Say, ?

The godfather.

Either way, we're
talking genius here.

Here, here.

merry christmas.

Let me get you
a drink.

Hey, jude, I thought
you was out of here.

And miss
"dueling brandos"?

No way.

But in two hours,
I'm headed

To chicago for
a real christmas.

Speaking of which

You coming with,
or not?

Club paradise,

And all the single
women you can...


Well, that's it,
I'm out of here.

Merry christmas, douglas.

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas.



I'm going to my mom's

And trim the tree.


Bringing amy to meet your mom?

Yeah, I think so.

Sorry I'll miss that.

watch this,
watch this!

What about you,

Going east?

No, I'm going to spend
a traditional christmas

Watching football players
beat each other

In meaningless
bowl games.

bet for me.

No way I can watch it.

I've got
the in-laws coming.

Maybe I could come
to your mom's house.

H.t. Ioki?

That's me.

I'm h.t. Ioki.

I'm miller,
internal affairs.

This is ms. Hogan,
immigration and

I realize
this is a bad time

But we need you
to come downtown.

Better pack your bags, ioki,
it's straight to tokyo.

Want to tell us
what's going on?

Merry christmas,

We have reason to believe
h.t. Ioki is an alias.

What are you, nuts?

And that this gentleman

May have entered the country

And committed fraud.

Whoa, wait a second.

He's not h.t. Ioki.

You're not harry ioki?

No, I'm not.

[Captioning sponsored by
fx networks]

♪ We never thought of finding ♪

♪ The place where we belong ♪

♪ Don't have to stand alone ♪

♪ We'll never let you fall ♪

♪ Don't need permission ♪

♪ To decide what you believe ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ Your friends will be there ♪

♪When your back is ♪
to the wall ♪

♪ You'll find you need us ♪

♪'Cause there's no one else
to call ♪

♪ When it looks hopeless ♪

♪ A decision's what you need ♪

♪ You better be ready to ♪

♪ Be ready to ♪

♪ Jump! ♪

♪ Jump street! ♪



We have this problem--

He's not h.t. Ioki.

We know that.

The computer says
h.t. Ioki is deceased.

Right, they paid him
death benefits.

Which he cashed.

Wouldn't you?

Turns out the computer is right.

H.t. Ioki is dead.

Been dead
for the last years.

Twenty years?

The department tied into
the social security main frame

Did a confirmation
of social security numbers

Looking for
like that.

Guess who turned up deceased?

H.t. Ioki.

Died december th, ,
san francisco

Then who is he?

I don't know. He won't tell me

Says he wants to
talk to you first.


who the hell are you?

All right, harry.

Let's start
with an easier question.

Where the hell
are you from?


North or south?


What region?


What neighborhood?

Catanate street.

Over near the embassy?

You know that's not where it is.

I meant by the ritz.

Closer to the central market.

The caravelle hotel.

Not such a good neighborhood.

We did all right.

( Knocking )

( Knocking )

Come in!

Captain fuller.

Miller, wish I could
say it's a pleasure.

That's the wonderful thing
about internal affairs.

No one's ever
happy to see you.

You ready to talk?

More or less.

Let me make this clear,
officer ioki.

Your best chance,

Is to tell me everything
right up front.

The last thing
you want to do

Is to lie...

To me.

I understand.

This is david miller.

Second interview with h.t. Ioki

Captain adam fuller

It's all yours, son.

My real name is vinh van tran.

I was years old
in april of

And I lived in saigon.

It was five days
before the fall of the city.

( Speaking vietnamese )

my first thought was
to find my friend, thai kieu.

If we were leaving,
he better know right away.

There weren't really good
or bad neighborhoods in

They were all bad.

I mean, you could live
in a big house and have money

But you still lived next
to people with no money.

As a matter of fact

I wasn't supposed
to leave the house.

Thai kieu was a great guy.

My best friend
in the whole world

And he was
always saving my ass.

His father used to be
the baker.

My mom used to send me
every morning before school

To pick up a loaf of bread.

That's how me and thai
became friends.

His dad went off to the w*r.

Then his mom died.

He was sort of passed around
from relative to relative.

His dad never came back.

A lot of dads never came back.

Thai kieu was smart.

He could hustle.

He was also the captain
of the starship enterprise.

That was okay because
I was thes.w.a.t.commander.

I told him I was leaving.

He was cool about it.

He said he'd probably
be leaving, too.

Me and thai didn't worry
about the w*r.

We figured, saigon
was the best place to be.

Besides, if the vietcong
ever broke through the

We would head over
to the presidential palace.

They would certainly let us in.

What were they going to do--

Turn away as.w.a.t.commander

And the captain
of the enterprise?

How did you
get out?

That's where the story
gets interesting.

It's pretty
interesting already.

I don't get it.

If you're
vinh van tran

Who's h.t. Ioki?

He's an infant

Who died in san francisco
years ago.

That didn't take long
to find out, captain.

Let me see if I can
put it together, harry.

Before you applied
to the department

You went to san francisco

And got access
to the death files.

I posed as a writer
for a student newspaper.


You found
a japanese infant who died

And stole his social
security number.

Very good.

You should have been
a detective.

And you soon may not be.

Why did you do that?

I didn't think
a vietnamese refugee

Would have a chance

Of getting onto
the department.

Probably right.

Why didn't you legally change
your name to h.t. Ioki?

I was going to--

I even filled out the papers.

I didn't want to open
a can of worms.

It's open now.

Whoa, got to punch out--
early dinner tonight.

How are the in-laws?

Great, they got snowed in
in new jersey.

See you.




What's the damage?

There's good news
and there's bad news.

Tell him the good news first.

You're not suspended.

That's good.

Bad news is you're desk-bound
pending an investigation

To determine if there's
a review board hearing.

What's the likelihood
of a hearing?

It's going to happen.

You're not to interact
with the public

As a police officer.

He knows the routine.

We got a problem, captain?

Yeah, I think we do.

We have another session
in the morning.

Don't be late.

Take it easy.
At least you're not suspended.

Yeah and they can't take
christmas away from ya.

So come on, we're gonna
be late for hanson's mom.

With the...future ex-mrs.

Look, why don't you guys
go ahead. I hate to ruin
christmas for you.

I passed up club paradise
to see this thing through.

What are you gonna do,
harry? Walk the streets on
a cold night?

Desperate and lonely.

Only to find yourself
drinking alone in a bar.

Hitting on some strange woman
who has nowhere to go for


Who charges you for her company!

I think I saw this movive.
Hi-yok, or what ever
your name is.

It's christmas and mrs. Hanson
has a tree to trim.

I'd really like you
to be there harry.

I don't know
about this.

It's so
last minute.

I didn't get
her anything.

Amy, relax.

Mrs. Hanson introduces us
to new guys all the time.

Then, we help her move.

Why don't you
give her this?

Great idea, but I think
this little card

That says, 'love, tommy'
will give me away.

Hey, iok!

You with us or against us?

I know, I know,
christmas cheer.

♪ Chestnuts roasting
on an open fire... ♪

This is for you.
Merry christmas.

Why, thank you.

That's very
sweet of you.

Mine is...

Still at the store?

Sort of.

So, I heard about your
problem with the department.


I hope we can straighten it out.

I hope so, too.

What do we call you?

Harry is fine.

Can they deport you, harry?


It's a reasonable question.

Look, harry's fine.

You said he
was depressed.

Isn't he cute
when he's embarrassed?

I always felt
the same thing.

You ever see
that look

When he knew
he knew the answer?

Yeah, I've seen that look.

Answer the question, harry.

What question?

Can they deport you?


We were given immediate
resident alien status.

They gave us
green cards

Right when
we got here.

Here's your green card--
open a restaurant.


Harry was telling us
about tv over there.

They watched
the same shows we did.


We watched a lot of tv--

The wild, wild west

Voyage to
the bottom

Of the sea.


They ran combat
on tv in vietnam?

Oh, yeah.

It was... A big hit.

Then, the w*r
started coming to us

Live and in person.

I could have gotten
in a lot of trouble

But what the hell
was my father going to do--

Leave me behind?

My mood changed
pretty quick though

When thai kieu told me
his relatives were staying.

When I said good-bye
to thai kieu the night before

I knew it wouldn't be
the last time I saw him.

No way. He was too good.

What do you think?

I think it's
the most unusual case

I've ever been
involved in.

What's going
to happen to me?

You lied on your
department application.

That's cause
for dismissal.

I know that.

What are my chances?

What do you think they'll
do at the hearing?

I have no opinion.

I just gather facts.

That's something
you should ask your lawyer.

Captain fuller?

Jeffrey liebster.

Nice to meet you,

I'm h.t. Ioki.

A pleasure
to meet you.

You're quite
a celebrity downtown.

Thanks, I guess.

It can't hurt.

It pressures
the review board

To avoid
unpopular decisions.

Liebster's department defended
my drunk driving charge.

Yeah, I remember.

How are you guys on fraud?

I guess we'll find out.

I'll need the officer's
complete packet.

No problem.

Your interview
with the headhunters

Is quite a story.

I hope the review board
appreciates it.

A lot will ride
on the testimony.

Plus a recommendation
from your commanding officer.

Thanks for the support, captain.

I'll do what I think is right.

There's more
going on

Than you being upset

Because I lied
on a piece of paper.


I thought you would understand
where I'm coming from, captain.

I understand
where you're coming from.

I spent
months there.

The problem is
I don't know who you are.

We didn't know then

And I still don't know now.

Maybe you should think
about what happened to us

When you people pulled out.

( a*t*matic r*fle sh*ts )


( Speaking vietnamese )



I was exhausted
when I got to the boat.

It was harder to climb
the rope ladder.

I thought for sure
my parents had made it.

It was a big boat.

I looked for several hours.

They weren't there.

They never made it
off the beach.

Where was
the boat going?


It was the first time
I'd ever been on a boat.

My parents were dead.

Thai kieu was dead.

You see, the food situation
was pretty bad.

It was like having people
show up for dinner--

On a tuesday.

It was like this for days, man.

You'd be in line
for two or three hours.

Then I got an idea.




I had picked up some english.

Mostly from a sailor
on the boat.

How you doing?

What's your name?

Your name?

Vinh van tran.

Hey, vinnie.

My name's mckay.





Nice meeting you.

Corporal mckay had a kind face.

I wanted to be his friend.

But what I really wanted
was a job.

No more waiting in line.

I was the line.

It was fun for awhile.

Then it became work.

I got tired,
but I knew I was on track.

I had started thinking
like thai kieu.

I had to think fast

Because more people
were arriving every day.

We were running out of food.

No one was prepared for this.

Hey, sport.

How you doing?

Good, mckay.



Fire away.

You have food?

I already ate.

I'm full.

Come. Come.


Hey, where are we going?

You still hungry?

You've been eating
on the line all day.



Who's hungry?


Forget it.


I could get
in trouble for this.

You're not even
supposed to be out here.

Come on, give me
a break, huh?


Look, you hide this.



Hide, exactly.


I could feed the people
in my tent.

I was a hero.

But all I could think about
was my mom and dad.

And about thai kieu.

Harry, are you okay?


I'm okay.

I just thought

I had put all of this
out of my mind--

Put thai kieu out of my mind.

You feel guilty, huh?

Whenever I think about him.

Harry, he made a choice.

But if it wasn't for me...

He'd still be in vietnam.

You know what happened
when the cong came.

What kind of life
would he have had?

At least he'd have been alive

To live it, okay?

I'm sorry.

I didn't even ask about you.

How's your trip?

Great trip.

There's no snow, just rain.

My parents are fighting.

I've caught a cold

And my best friend's
getting divorced.

Other than that,
it's been a blast.



Thanks for calling.

( Knocking )

Come in.

Can we talk?


Close that door.

It's about harry.

What about him?

He's pretty freaked out
about this thing.

Yeah, I know.

What will you do?

What do you think I should do?

I think you should show him
a little support.

After he lied to me?

He didn't lie to you.

You're right.

He lied to all of us.

You know what I mean.

I think
there's more.


Meaning... I don't know.

There's something else
going on here.

I don't know.

Something went on
over there.


A w*r went on over there.

Harry was not
the enemy.

Oh, no?

I figure you were
about four years old

When I was shipped
over there.

I know that

We fought
the vietcong

And the north

We fought everybody!

The only people on our side
were us.

That's bull.

Let me tell you something.

Everybody's got
a story about the w*r.

Mine's about a buddy
that lived through two tours--

Twenty-two months.

Sergeant reggie peterson
from roanoke, virginia.

Reggie saved my butt
a couple of times.

We were coming
out of a cafe
one day in saigon.

This was towards the end
of the w*r.

Reggie goes across the street
to get the jeep

While I go to get cigarettes.

The next thing I hear
is the jeep exploding.

A -year-old kid
is running away.

He'd rolled a grenade
under the jeep.

I chased him.

I couldn't find him.

That has nothing to do
with h.t. Ioki

Or who he is now.

I don't care
if he changed his name.

I don't care
if he lied to the world.

He did it for
a good reason.

Do you know how many
vietnamese native officers

We have in this department?

How many?



I went from guam
to fort chaffey, arkansas.

I was sponsored out

By a methodist church
in st. Louis.

It didn't take long
to be sponsored

Because I had
no mother and father.

I lived with a woman
named bessie mason.

Mrs. Mason
had a big, old house.

All her children were grown
and had children of their own.

At first
I called her mrs. Mason

Then she became gramma bessie.

How are you ever going
to learn english

Watching policemen
sh**t at each other?

I like this...



You'll like
this one better.

( Sesame street: )
hi, bert.

Hi, ernie.

Isn't this
a nice letter "q" I have?

It's nice.

It's big and round...

I must have been
the only -year-old

Who had to watch sesame street.

I was the first vietnamese
person in st. Louis.

I went to high school there

And did pretty good
once I learned english.


I couldn't
hear you, bert.


You're welcome,
you're welcome,
you're welcome, bert!

I started thinking
about my future.

Right then and there

I knew what I wanted

To do for a living.

After graduation, I came here.

I had taken a trip
to san francisco

And found a new name

Which you know all about.

I didn't think
a vietnamese refugee

Would have a very good chance
of getting into the

Anyway, I was accepted
as h.t. Ioki

And went through the academy.

♪ I want to be
an airborne ranger ♪

♪ I want to be
an airborne ranger ♪

♪ I want to live
a life of danger ♪

♪ I want to live
a life of danger... ♪


( Gasps and wakens )

I finished
in the top %
of my class.

I was then assigned

To the jump street program
under captain jenko.

Thank you, officer.

What officer ioki
has left out of the story

Is the next four years
of exemplary work

In the line
of duty--

A near perfect jacket
and three commendations

And he's part of
a unique undercover program.

Moral issues of the w*r
in vietnam aside--

The people of vinh van tran's
country have suffered plenty.

Yes, he lied--

On his

Yes, that is cause
for dismissal

But let's face
the truth, gentlemen.

This police department has
two discrimination suits

Pending right
at this moment.

We don't have an exemplary
record in that area.

H.t. Ioki

Had no real
criminal intent--

Fundamental in how we
determine what is a crime.

He had no intent to harm

But, rather, an intent
to serve the public.

I'd like to call
captain adam fuller.


Do you have a statement
you wish to make?

Yes, I do.

When an officer thinks
he's done right

And then suffers the full force
of government coming down on him

It's a pretty
terrifying thing.

I understand
what he's going through

And have sympathy for him.

H.t. Ioki is
a very good police officer.

He has my full

I implore you to allow him
to stay in this department.

Do you recognize
this, harry?


This is one
of my name change applications.

Where did you
find it?

In captain jenko's
old file cabinet--

Found it last night.

No kidding.

he filed it away

he died.

So what does this mean?

One more piece of evidence
for the review board.

This might pull your head
off the chopping block.


It demonstrates
your willingness

To correct
the original application.

I'll submit it now--

Decision's not
till tomorrow.

That's great!

You're as good as back!

Give me the $
you owe me.

Well, guys,
happy ho-ho-ho.


Thanks, guys.


Thanks, captain.

You guys want to give
us a minute here?


Look, harry, I just
wanted to tell you

I would have done exactly
the same thing you did

If the circumstances
were reversed.

I appreciate that.

I was somewhere
I didn't want to be

And I had no control over it.

I was forced to go somewhere
I didn't want to go.

I guess I had no control
over it either.

At least I had somewhere
to go back to.

I guess we're just
a couple of victims.

Yeah, I guess so.

Don't you have
some work to do?

Relax, captain--
it's christmas!

Kids are out of school.

Whatever crimes
they're committing

They're committing
in florida.

Yes, yes, yes!

Turn in your uniforms...

Yeah-- come in.

Got a minute,


I'm not one to be
cynical, but...

A christmas miracle?

Well, yeah...

These things happen...

This time of year.

A two-year-old piece of paper
from the bottom of ioki's drawer

Winds up in jenko's
old file cabinet?

Why not?

Because jenko never filed
a thing in his life.

Maybe he's filing things now.

Hanson's mother:
you work at the chapel?

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, you're the...



Sal's licensed to work

At a nuclear power plant.

Uh, yeah.

Just waiting
for an opening.

( Children giggling )

( Dishes crashing )

I'll get it this time.

I'll go with you.

I remember when tommy
was that age.

I went through
three sets of dishes

Before we went plastic.

My kids can
shatter plastic.

all right,
that's enough.

Knock it off!

Very effective.

Watch this!

Quite a little circus
you've got there, sal.

They love getting
out of the house.

So do i.

I'd like to make a toast.

I just think
it's great

That we're all here together
to share the holidays

And I'd like to make a toast--

To the family.

To all of us--

However we got here.

to thai kieu

Who never did get here.

To reggie peterson
of roanoke, virginia.

And to everyone else
we left over there.