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02x13 - A Big Disease With a Little Name

Posted: 09/03/22 08:10
by bunniefuu
( Alarm clock buzzes )

are you taking harley?



It might be nice.

It's his fifth one
in two months.

It's our third house
in two months.

Dan, please.

( Sigh )

Tell him to take
the motorcycle.

He doesn't want
to ride with me anyway.

You used
to tell him

To never ride
in the street.

It was too

What difference
does that really make now?

Oh, hi!

How you doing?

Did you cut yourself?

Give me a break.

I'll live.

You've got to watch it.

I'm immortal.

How goes the hardware wars?

How goes algebra?

You got a "d".

credit where it's due.

I'm late.

You get to school

Yeah, sure.

a helmet

And be careful.

( Protesters chanting: )
no aids in school.
No aids in school.

No aids in school.
No aids in school.

No aids
in school.

That's him
over there.

( Protesters jeering )

You're not going
to school with my kids.

Are they transferring?

We're not
letting you in.

I'll give lester maddox
your best.

You're not
getting inside.

Stop me, pal.

Why are you
doing this?

I've got
a court order.

So what?
They don't
want you here.

Why not take

You wouldn't let me
lick the stamp.

You could
get hurt.

Like a boo
on my elbow?

Just keep these jerks
off of me.

♪ America, america ♪

♪ God shed
his light on thee ♪

♪ We never thought of finding ♪

♪ The place where we belong ♪

♪ Don't have to stand alone ♪

♪ We'll never let you fall ♪

♪ Don't need permission ♪

♪ To decide what you believe ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ Your friends will be there ♪

♪ When your back is
to the wall ♪

♪ You'll find you need us ♪

♪ 'Cause there's no one else
to call ♪

♪ When it looks hopeless ♪

♪ A decision's what you need ♪

♪ You better be ready to ♪

♪ Be ready to ♪

♪ Jump! ♪

♪ Jump street! ♪

she's terrific.

Wait till you meet.

You haven't even
met her.

Okay, yeah. So?

I'm moving in slow
on this one.

I've seen her
and she's seen me.

I hang out at the place
where she works, right?

There's been that moment
where our eyes meet

And we look at each other

And things are spoken
without using any words.

She deaf?

Or blind.

Thanks, captain.

Hanson, can you
give me a minute?


Love is
a wonderful thing, doug.

Don't screw it up.

Don't call her.

The trouble with you

Is you got no romance
in your pants.

Sit down, tom.

I want to talk
off the record here.


An assignment
has come up.

I think you're the one
for it.

But I want to explain,
it's tough.

Do I have to wear a dress again?



Last time, some mook
sent me a dozen roses.

How much do you know about aids?

Not much--
I never thanked the mook.

I'm serious here, hanson.


Uh... I don't know.

I know what everybody knows,
I guess.

You get it.

You die.

It's pretty scary.

Does it scare you?

When I think about it, yeah.

Harley poolish is a senior
who just transferred in

Over at huntington high.

He's got aids.

At least he's been tested
sero-positive for the virus.

And he suffers from symptoms
of the disease.

What has that got to do with us?

It's not against the law
to have it...

Not yet.

No, but it's against the law
to beat up on some kid

Because he's tested positive

To keep him
out of school.

How did he get it?

Does that make a difference?

Kind of.

Blood transfusions, they think.

Poolish is a hemophiliac.

If he keeps getting beat up

One of these times he will die
because his blood doesn't clot.

It's real dangerous.

Someone's got to make sure
it doesn't happen.

Someone like me, I take it.

You want the job?


Okay, I'll ask someone else.

Hopefully, they won't want
to wear rubber gloves.

I don't think
anybody else
will want it

So you might as well
give it to me.

I've seen you
around here.

That makes sense.

Considering you've been
at both shows

Every weekend
for the last two months.

I've got a thing
about big fish.

Whales aren't fish.

I was being

Ooh, good word.

I'm penny able.

Doug penhall.

I know.

I've got a thing
for big fish, too.

a police officer?

No, I'm a cop.

My friend, tom hanson,
he's a police officer.

How did
you know that?

These guys can never
keep a secret.

All right, that's it.

Forget my greenpeace
donation this year.

No, really,
how did you know?

Your police officer
friend, tom hanson.

He called--

Told me you
were a good guy.

Said if I didn't go out
with you

They would have to

Put you
to sleep.


But before we go out, there is
something I want to ask you.

Do you have a girlfriend?


No, the whale.

Of course not.

Wait, don't answer so fast.

I'm asking for the truth here.

You know, honesty.

No, I really don't.

'Cause I'm really
tired of that.

You know, dating some guy who
has a whole other life.

Me too.

I mean about dating some girl.

Okay, good.

I know this great
fish fry place.

Shh! Not in front
of the children.



You must be
harley, right?

I'm tom hanson.

I know.

Then I guess you know
why I'm here, right?

More than you do.

You can bet on it.

You like motorcycles?

Yeah, I like motorcycles.

Yeah, me, too.

I like scaring the heck
out of myself

You know?


You race
this thing?

Yeah, I used to.

Back when I could
pass the physical.

So you're
a cop, huh?


You don't look
like a cop.

I'm not supposed to.

That's why they give me
this kind of assignment.

You like it?

Being a cop?
It's all right.

No, I mean, getting
this kind of an assignment?

Baby-sitting some kid

So he doesn't bite someone
or breathe on them, huh?

That's not why I'm here.

Are you collecting
for the police benevolent fund?

I'm here because
your civil rights
have been violated

And you're getting
kicked around at school.

I'm supposed to make sure
it doesn't happen anymore.

I've been told that
someone with your...


Could die if you get
too bruised or something.

Look, it's a condition.

Laverne and shirley
is a situation.

Okay, being a bleeder,

Anyway, I hear
it's a real bitch of a disease.

It's hemophilia, okay?

And it's a condition

But it is a bitch.

Now, aids, on the other hand,
is a disease.

You've got a hell
of a bedside manner.

I'm a cop,
not a doctor.


Did they tell you
I'm going to die, doc?

Everybody's going to die.

Yeah, but most of us
don't know when.

That's the thing
about aids, man.

I've got about two years max.

You mind if I smoke?

That, yeah.


It's against the law.

So what?

This is going to be hard
as it is.

Look, pal,
understand something--

A guy with a death sentence

Doesn't worry
about breaking laws.

You better worry with me.

( Loud knocking )

Patience is a virtue.


Hi, doug.

Dorothy pezzino?

Doug penhall?

This is sort of...



What are you doing here?

Waiting to be invited in.

I see you're still a slob.

So, this is the place.

Yes, I am
and it is.

What are you
doing in it?

Come on, don't
play games with me.

You know.

I just want to hear
you say it... Quickly.

How have you been?


Have you turned
into a flit?

What's going on?

Wow, you look great.

I don't feel great.

It's been
two years.

Two years, three months
and days.

Two years, three months
and days--

Living with todd rubach.

Seven days.

I left him
last wednesday.

But what do you think
you're doing here?

Why are you
so hostile?

Last time you called
the cops on me.

My pop called
the cops.

( Buzzer )

You got
somewhere to go?

No, i...

This is bizarre.

Doug, do you have a date?

No, i...

Yes, I do.

That's great.

For two years you've
been living with a guy

Who sells starch blockers.

You have a date?

Yes, dorothy, I do.

Okay, fine.

I can deal with that tonight

But what about us?


You promised that if
I ever wanted to come back...


Even in a million years...

You promised to take me back
and love me forever.

I said that?

a lot.

I want back.

Am I interrupting?



This is
dorothy pen...


she's my sister.


Good night, penny.

Good-bye, doug.

And to think, some people
wondered what I saw in you.

(Protestors chanting)

So does anyone else
know you're a cop?

That's not usually
how we do it.

That would make it tough

To bust some kid
smoking a joint in the john.

Thank you.

I'm not here to bust kids
for smoking pot in the john.

Just in the garage.

You don't have
to talk to me.

I don't get paid extra.

What if I tell them
you're a cop?

What would you do?

I would thank you.

Then they'd have
to get you a new boy.

Hey, tom!

Right here.

They got room for us.

You don't mind,
do you?

Come on.

You've got plenty
of lunch time left.

Where you going?

I'll catch you guys
after school.

I'd think
someone in your situation

Would want to be making friends
instead of losing them.

You think I would make friends
with these guys?

Their parents are outside
holding the signs.

God forbid I kiss
one of their daughters.

Not a chance.

You're real tough--
you and james dean.

This cowboy wants
to die alone.


First, I don't want to die.

Second, from what I get,
everyone dies alone.

There's no chaperon.

Just you, hanson.

Just you and your stuff.

What about god?

Yeah, well...
I'll let you know.

I wasn't always
such a horse's ass.

I hope not.

But dead men don't
make friends easily--

Especially with kids

Who think
they'll never die.

Like you--

Like everybody
in here, but me.

I wish they weren't
so afraid to even touch me.

Nobody touches me anymore.

Not my dad--

Hardly even my mom.

It's the worst part.

I'm giving them rubber gloves

For their anniversary.

I forgot my milk.


I don't like chocolate.

Yeah, well...

No one does.

just tell her I called.

Penny able.

Tell her doug penhall called.

I know I called before.

I know how many times.

Just please tell her
I called, okay?

( Phone ringing )


We've got to talk.

I've been calling all morning.

You were right here.


Do you want peas,
corn or carrots?

Doesn't matter.

Yes, it does.

Which one?

Whatever you want.

Doesn't matter.

Okay, corn.

Not peas?

Okay, peas.

I thought you wanted corn.

I do, but peas are fine.

Carrots, lizard eggs--
it doesn't matter.

So now you're mad.

No, I'm not.

I'm... I...

I think we have to talk.

That's why I called.

Peas, corn or carrots?

Where's your helmet?

I don't wear one--

Too safe.

When I raced,
yeah, full leathers

But then
the bummer virus.

My mom freaked.

My dad had a man-to-man with me.

He said life wasn't fair,
and to live every moment.

Then he cried.

Doesn't talk to me much now.

How's that for a death benefit?


Great move,

Poolish, I'd beat
the crap out of you

But I'm afraid
I might catch something.

I'll give you something.


Both of you.

Get out of here.

Hey, looks like
your boyfriend's here.

Leave him

We're trying, man.

We're going.

We're gone.

Don't worry about it.

Bye, boys.

You all right?

You didn't get
cut or nothing?


Let me give you a ride.



Hello again.

What are you
doing here?

I came
to apologize.

That isn't

Not to you,
to the children.

I'm sorry.

You told these guys
you're sorry.

They accept.

Go home.

I've dated all the liars
I will ever need.

I'm not a liar.


I only lost out
on a free dinner.

No big deal.

I'm not a liar.

It doesn't matter.

It does to me.

Last night,
that girl--

She was my girlfriend.

The one you said
you didn't have.

I didn't.

Like I said, she was
my girlfriend in high school.

She took off.

I said she could
always come back.


Well, she came back.


There was nothing I could do.

You could have said
it's too late.

Maybe it isn't.

You see, that's it.

You guys are always

Afraid to make
a commitment.

Something better
might come along.

Dorothy didn't
just come along.

She came back.

You don't need to explain.

You're going to let
dorothy stay?

Yeah, I figure
I owe her that much.


Because I said I would.

Oh, yeah, right.

You don't lie.

If it doesn't work out
with dorothy...

Don't even...

Right, I won't call.

He wouldn't say
where he was going.

He didn't go
to school.

I went
looking for him.

He wasn't there.

I know.

Last night he told
his father and me

He's decided
to quit--

That he didn't see
much point in it.

He said, "you don't need
good s.a.t. Scores

To get into heaven."

Quitting school
might not be the best thing.

At least, harley's raising
awareness of the disease.

My little boy is dying.

But I guess you know that.

Yes, ma'am.

Or that's
what they say.

I don't mean
the doctors

I mean
the newspapers.

Doctors won't tell you
anything except

"Well, research
is being done

On some guy who's
lived with aids."

Read the newspapers--
all I read is body count.

In two more years

More people will be
dead from aids

Than from
the vietnam w*r.

This is easy to say,
and maybe I have no right

But there's always hope.

I mean,
I hope there's hope.

Do you know what hope is?


Hope is all that's left

When you're afraid
to face what's real.

Harley is dying.

But that's
nothing new.

People have
been dying

From this for eight years.

Yet, our president

Has never even publicly
mentioned the word aids.

I bet he would
if his kid had it.

Yeah, probably.

Maybe then those dr*gs

That are five years
down the road

Would be
available today.

But they're not.

Thank you for spending
time with harley.

Even if he
didn't tell you

He likes you.

I can tell.

I'd really like
to see him.

Could you, uh...
Tell me where he is?

He asked me not to.

I thought you
said he liked me.

He does.

But you make him
feel like a leper.


Next time,
drink the milk.

It won't k*ll you.

Don't move,
don't move.

Is it against the law
to quit school now?

Are you all right?

Yeah, never felt
better in my life.

I had her
working there, huh?

Relax, I go down
like this all the time.

That sounds
like a blast.

It is.

What do you want?

You can check out
now, hanson.

Don't need
your protection.

Never really did.

How did you find me?

Your mom.

I asked her not to.

Hey, look,
I'm sorry about the milk.

Relax, hanson,
you got nothing to worry about

Unless we have sex or share
the same hypodermic needle.

I don't know
about you.

I'm not interested in either

Of those

You want to give me a hand?


Your mom's very cool.

she's a great lady.

It's too bad, too.

She had big plans
for me.

I had big plans
for me.

Let's check
it out.

She'll hold up.

Want to take her for a spin?




One down, five up


Watch that clutch.

It's a k*ller.


Watch the clutch.

No problem.

Just watch it anyway, big shot.

I've ridden before
on a police motorcycle--

A harley.

Ooh, big deal.

Bigger than this.



Come on, I can handle it.

Just watch that clutch.

I'm watching it already.

On a police
bike, huh?

A harley?

I wasn't used to the clutch.


I wasn't.

I'm going into turn two.

It's flat out right.

I'm , open class

In my fourth race.

I'm on the guy
for third.

He misses
a down shift.

Bam! I tag him.

Some jerk won it
with a bike his dad bought.

I couldn't
believe it.

Did you ever win one?

No, came second at a qualifier.

Only raced in two nationals
before I got sick.

Three, but I finished in th.

It was cool,

Man, it was
very cool.

You know, I've been thinking.

What I don't understand is,
if you're a hemophiliac

And you can't risk
getting hurt

How can you race motorcycles?

Because it's a lie.

You don't race motorcycles?

No, I'm... Not hemophiliac.

You made it up?

I didn't, my dad did.

We got all this attention

About me being kept out
of school.

He had to tell them something.

Why not just tell the truth?

Are you kidding?

My dad?


There are three ways
to get aids--

Blood transfusion, needles...

I don't use needles

And I've never had
a blood transfusion.

So figure
it out.

Your dad wasn't real cool
about it, huh?

He's like the anita bryant
of the hardware business.

And, well...

I'm not.

( Clears throat )

You can relax, hanson.

We don't bite.

for you.

Oh, I'm not worried.

I'm glad.

Look, I'm
really sorry

You got involved
in all this.

It wasn't my idea.

I feel bad.

Once we fooled them
that I was a bleeder--

They figured I needed protection

Because there was going
to be trouble.

Like at the other schools.

Got way out of hand.

Are you dying of aids?


So then this whole thing
is crap.

I have aids.

But I'm not going to die
from it.

I'm going to beat it.



I'm going to flat out beat it.

Good to hear that.

You know how you beat aids?

Don't let it k*ll you first.

When you're not happy anymore

Take yourself out.

Wait, are you talking
about su1c1de?


If I'm going to die,
at least I'll know when.

Is this one your deals
or is it serious?

That depends...

On whether
you're a friend or not.

Know how many friends
I have, hanson?



I mean, uh... If you are.

Yeah, I'm your friend.

Which means you can't go
and blab this to your boss.


And you won't try to stop me.

Nobody can stop you
if you want to do it.

I want to do it, all right.

Yeah, right.

Check it out.

On my birthday.

Right down to the very minute.

The eighth of this month,
at : a.m..

That's day after tomorrow.

What a coincidence.

I'm going to fly my bike
off the end of clear canyon

And see if I can touch the sun.

who is it?


Doug, is that you?

It's me.

Where were you?


Out is a big place.

I'm a big boy.

I was worried.


I think we ought
to give this thing

One more shot.

I'm still not over you yet--

And I must not be
if I'm going through all this--

And I figure

Maybe there's something
there, you know?

Of course
I know.

What are you doing?

What does it look
like I'm doing?

You're taking
off your clothes.

And they say you're not
a rocket scientist.

I'm not a rocket scientist.

I'm going to bed.


That's where
I usually do it.

I think that's where we made
our mistake last time.

Let's wait.




Just until you're sure.

I'll never be sure.

This thing has turned
into a giant mess.

I don't know
what to do.

What should you do?


We could have him picked up

And put into
protective custody.

I can't do that.

He made a su1c1de threat
to a police officer.

That's a crime.

Only if he goes
through with it.

Besides, I wasn't a police
officer when he told me

I was a friend.

Which is something, I guess

People with aids
don't have a lot of.

I gave him my word.

Is your word worth more
than saving his life?

That's the thing--

Nobody can save his life,
not even him.

Okay. Is your word worth more
than making it a little longer?

I don't know.

Come on, hanson.

It is to him.

I believe this is
what he wants to do.

Or-- he's just seeing
how good a friend you are.

I am nobody
to play god
with this kid.

Doesn't harley have the right
to die when he wants to?

There's only one guy
who has that right.

He doesn't ride

His robes get caught
in the spokes.

So you won't help me?

I don't have to.

I figured you
would turn cop--

Wimp out.

I didn't wimp out.

It looks like
you did, though.

I mean about trying to stop me.

You gave me
your word.

I gave you my word
that I wouldn't
tell anybody.

And I did.

If you're going
to catch my lie

It might as well
be the right one.

Still friends?

We were...


Let's pretend
we still are almost.

So the next time
you want to k*ll yourself

Don't tell me.

I can't take it.


I can't take it either.

I'm glad you came.

Nobody else would have.

I don't want to die, man.

I know.

But I am.

I'm sorry.

Would you do me a favor?


Just hold me, man.

How is married life
treating you?

I'm not married.

I'm in hell.

You're just about married.

What did I say?


I am never
getting married.

Some girls have
all the luck.

There's meat loaf,
mashed potatoes,

Peas, carrots,

Who wants


Not corn?

Take all three.

Trust me.

( Phone rings )

I'll get it.

which one veggie
would you like, captain?



Yeah, I'll get him.

Hanson, it's for you.

Quite a little woman
you've got there.

Yeah, hanson.

Tom, I thought you should know

Harley died this evening
of pneumonia.

I'm sorry.

He told me to tell you

It's okay about the milk.