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02x16 - Orpheus 3.3

Posted: 09/03/22 08:12
by bunniefuu
You're really
breaking up?

Yes, why is it so important
to you that I break up with amy?

You've been dating
amy for weeks

And talking about
breaking up for .

Driving you crazy?

You're driving both
you and her crazy.

Just do it--
quit being a wimp.

I'm not a wimp.

I like her.

I care about her.

You've got to handle
these things carefully.

It's not fair
to her.

You said
a hundred times--

You're bored,
there's no passion.

I know.

I've always had
a problem with breaking up.

I don't like
to be the bad guy.

Maybe you'll be
the good guy.


You know what
I always do?

I drive a girl
so crazy

She finally says,

And breaks up
with me.

So you don't feel guilty?

You ever try that?

She's too even-tempered.

I hate that.

Will you tell me
what's bothering you

Or should I guess?



Is this about not wanting
to go to chez lui?

I just don't like
that place.

You'd rather have burned
hot dogs and sauerkraut.

I like burned hot dogs
and sauerkraut.

Okay, we'll go get
burned hot dogs and sauerkraut.

No, we'll go

To chez lui.

It's all right. It's cool.

Let's get burned hot dogs
and sauerkraut.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

You're very even-tempered.

Meaning what?


Let's just have
a quiet night at home.


Last time the neighbors
wanted to call the police.

It wasn't my fault.

I never said it was.

We already had
this conversation.

What is the matter?


Could have fooled me.

Let's save this so the neighbors
don't miss anything.






Nobody move.

Anybody talks,
they're dead.

Empty the register.


Come on.

Come on!

Come on.




♪ We never thought of finding ♪

♪ The place where we belong ♪

♪ Don't have to stand alone ♪

♪ We'll never let you fall ♪

♪ Don't need permission ♪

♪ To decide what you believe ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ Your friends will be there ♪

♪ When your back is
to the wall ♪

♪ You'll find you need us ♪

♪ 'Cause there's no one else
to call ♪

♪ When it looks hopeless ♪

♪ A decision's what you need ♪

♪ You better be ready to ♪

♪ Be ready to ♪

♪ Jump! ♪

♪ Jump street! ♪

Hey, sam.

Hey, guys.

Hey, how you doing?


We was worried about you.

Don't be.

It's been tough,
but I'll be okay.

Did you go to the funeral?

Next week.

Did I miss anything?

Not much.

It's been pretty quiet.

What are you
working on?

Just routine
locker room dealer stuff.

Hey, hanson.

Hi, captain.

How you doing?

Pretty good.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.

Thank you.

Come into my office.


You guys want to have lunch?

We'll go get burgers.

Sounds good.

All right.

He's taking that
rather well.

Typical hanson,

Guy bounces back
from anything.

Yeah, he's strong.

Real strong.

You feel like
you're ready to work?

Yes, sir.

You look pretty good--

All things

It's been tough, but I think
I've gotten through it.

You're not through it yet.

You have to see
the department psychiatrist.

That's standard procedure

For anybody involved
in a sh**ting, right?

Yeah, that way they don't
single out any individual.

They also want you
to stop by homicide.

Be interviewed by the detectives

to the case.

Whatever it takes.

There's nothing I'd like to see
more than this guy behind bars.

It wasn't your fault, hanson.

I know.

You had no way of knowing
he would sh**t.

You couldn't just drop
and k*ll him.

Times out of a ,
the perpetrator points a g*n

Takes the money and leaves.


But you know what
I've come to realize?

It didn't make any sense.

It was a senseless k*lling.

You never really know
what that means

Until it happens to you.

I really am
sorry for you hanson.

I realize that you loose someone
there's nothing your friends
can say to make it better.

Go see the shrink.

He's not going to make me
lie down on a couch, is he?

Tom, I want you to know
this isn't an inquisition.

I just want to make
sure you're okay.

Sure, I understand.

How are you coping?

I'm hurting a lot, but time
will take care of that, right?

Time should help.

Have you shared this
with friends or amy's family?

No, I've been keeping
to myself a bit.

It's the only way I know
to deal with the pain.

This is a different
kind of pain.

Mourning is part
of the healing process.

I know a little
about the healing process.

My father died when I was .

I don't find consolation
in tears.

If crying made me feel better,
I would do it.

I've got to deal with this thing
the best way I know how.


How about guilt?

What do you mean?

You're a cop--
a pretty good one.

It's normal for a cop to feel
guilt under these circumstances.

I can't change what happened.

Nobody could have stopped
that guy from k*lling her
in . Seconds.

How do you know that
it took . Seconds?

I saw the tape.

The tape?

The tape from the store camera.

You looked at a tape
of the sh**ting?


How many times?

Just once, doc--
I'm not crazy.

( Reciting alphabet rapidly )

( Reciting alphabet )

What about his eyes?

Wired-- coked out.


Not that
I could smell.


You can tell speed freaks
from their perspiration.

Did he touch anything else?

No, he took the money,
turned and fired.

A . ...

Blue steel, regular handle,
four-inch barrel.

Was he nervous?


Any hesitation?

What do you mean?

He just turned and shot?


Was there an opening?

A moment for you
to get your g*n?

He had his g*n on the clerk.

The whole time.

Except when it was on me.

It went down fast--
he whirled, and bang.

You couldn't do anything?

I told you,
I didn't have a chance.

I didn't mean
anything by that.

It's okay.

Let's take a break.



No, thanks.

( Door closing )

Nobody move.

Anybody talks,
they're dead.

Empty the register--

Come on, come on.




Come on, come on.




...come on.





( g*nsh*t )


Come on.



( g*nsh*t )


Come on.



( g*nsh*t )


Come on.



( g*nsh*t )

( Gasping )

how does he look to you?

He looks all right.

Hanson's a tough kid.

He'll bounce back
as fast as anyone.

Adam, I said he
looks all right.

What do you mean?

How did he get the tape
of that sh**ting?

I didn't know he'd seen it.

He told me how much time he had
to stop the k*lling.

. Seconds.

What are you saying?

There's denial going on in him.

He's talking a good game

But I don't think
he believes it.

I need to interview his friends
as soon as possible.

I'll get you a list.

Maybe even you.

No problem.

Stafford, richert.

How's it going?

All right,

Any new developments?

We're working
on it.

Hang in there,

What about that k*lling in
lombard last night, you think it
was the same guy?

Hey there's lots of fast and

It could be another guy all
together out there despite what
the papers say.

Could I take another look
at the reports?

In case I missed

You've seen it three times
in the past day.

It's the same.


I forgot to tell you something
about the guy.


The jacket he was wearing--

There's a patch--

A military patch.

You told us yesterday.


Yeah. I forgot.

Did you know you can take all
the peperoni off a pizza
in . Seconds?


I'm just saying . Seconds is
quite a long time.

Yeah, I guess it is.

Well you were asking me if there
was something I could have done.

Well, I could have taken all the
peperoni off that slice.

another round--

On me.

Corner pocket.

I believe you owe me $ .

I don't think so.

Come on.


Tell you what--

Why don't we go
another game?

Lay $ on me,
then we'll go another game.

Let's go
another game.

Are you trying
to stiff me?

Stiff you?

No, I'm not
stiffing you.

Come here.

I want to show you

You see this mole?

Yeah, that's nice.

My father's got
the same mole.

I'm impressed.

But he ain't got this.

How about another game?


Hey, what's
going on?

Not much.

This must be hell.

Break up with her--
now she's gone.

If you need
to talk...

We didn't break up.

I loved her.

We were
getting along great.


Yeah, I changed my mind.

I didn't know.

Don't feel bad.

I'm fine.

Was that weird
or what?

Real weird.

Should we tell fuller?

No, he just needs
a little break.

Let's hope so.

You're famous, man.

You're the convenience


What the hell
is this?

I wasn't near
lombard last night.

They blame me
for everything
in the city.

Come on.

Let's find
the clown in charge.

( Phone rings )

Stafford, homicide.

I'm the convenience k*ller.

I blew that chick away,
and I can prove it.


That's what I got.

I was nowhere near lombard
last night.

That was not me.

Get your facts straight.



You shouldn't mess
with cops like that.

Come on.

They can trace
your phone.

That girl's
was a cop.


If he was a cop--

Where was his g*n?

(Security tape audio)

( Knocking )

( Knocking continues )

Can I come in?


I'm coming in.

We're watching movies.

Thank you
very much, sir.

Want anything else?

That's it.

Would you
like pretzels?

They're marked down.

Twisted ones that look
like little hearts.

No, that's enough,
just the beer.


I kind of like
the sticks myself.

But these are
very fresh--

Nice and crisp.

You charged me too much
for tax.

You owe me another
buck fifty.

Gee, you're absolutely
right, sir.

I'm sorry, sir.

Have a nice night.

I want to open
the safe.

I can't.

Give me
the combination.

They don't give me
the combination.

It's for my own protection.

I think they do,
for you own protection.

( g*n clicks )

Now what's the combination?

And what's the tax
on a case of beer?

You okay?

What are you doing?

Well, you fell asleep
during the movie, hanson

So I put some
music on.

Where's the tape?

That tape is sick.

I can't believe
you're watching

Your girlfriend
getting k*lled.

Where's the tape?

You've seen it
enough, man.

Where is it?

I'm taking it back.

Where did you get that?

You're not even
supposed to have it.

It's police evidence.

I'm a police officer.

What else could you
possibly see on it?

It's the same ending.

I promise you.

How many times
have you seen this?


But I don't watch
the whole tape.

I watch . Seconds.

. Seconds that slipped
through my fingers.

. Seconds where I could have
done , different things

But I didn't move.

Know what you can do
in . Seconds?

You can take off
your shoes, pop a beer

And sh**t someone
in . Seconds.

Come on, hanson.

You can press
the remote control

And pass stations
in . Seconds.

You can open a tuna fish can

Shuffle a deck of cards

Or twist off six bottle tops
in . Seconds.

Hanson, please...

Ring a doorbell

Lock a dead bolt four times

Or sing the alphabet
in . Seconds.

Hanson, please!


What should I do?

I don't know.

He was really strange.

I got a call
from homicide.

He had a very bizarre
conversation with them.

Can't we do something
to move the investigation along?

There were murders
in this city last year.

Since amy was k*lled,
another .

Downtown has a task force
on this guy.

Sure, but some of these
convenience stores

Get robbed four times a month.

calling him

The convenience k*ller

But we could be talking

About guys.

White male,
' "

Greasy hair,
sunken eyes.

That's half
the police department.

How bad was
he really?


His place
was a wreck--

Empty beer bottles,
empty whiskey bottles.

The only thing clean
was his g*n.

He was shouting?

Especially about
these . Seconds.

What happened when
you took the tape?

He went wild
and took it back.

Have you seen him
that agitated before?

Hanson, never.

I'm really worried about him.

He's the most dedicated
cop I know.

He's almost perfect
the way

He goes about things

Right down to the spelling
on a report.

Has he always been that way?

Ever since I've known him.


He'd go to the dictionary
and look up a word.

Has he said anything
to you about amy?

Not a word.

And I think I know why.


I think he's repressing
a deep-rooted fear

That dates back to a traumatic
childhood incident

That was compounded
by his father's k*lling.

The inability
to let the emotional dam burst

Is manifesting itself
in some eccentric behavior.

Did you take psychology
in college?

Psych . Got an "a".

Not bad, huh?

Not bad.

Is there anything else?

I won't answer that.

I just want to know how much
time you spend together.


To get a feeling
for your relationship.

We didn't have a relationship.

We're just friends.

Can I go?

You can leave anytime you want.

Do you want to leave?

What do you mean by that?

Why don't you just relax.

This won't take long.

What are you writing?

Just a note.

It's about me, isn't it?

Have you ever been
to a psychiatrist before?

Why do you want to know?

I'm curious.

Are you going to write it down?

I think that's enough for today.

Well, I'm glad I could help.

By the way, I feel a lot better.

Hey, kid, let's not
get started again.

Sorry about
the other day.

I was freaked out.


I heard you
got a break.

I heard the guy
phoned you.

Yeah, he did.

What did he say?

You're a good guy.

Why not give
us a little room

And let us do our job.

Sure, I just want to know
you're getting somewhere.

We really don't
have that much.

Anything. Just
give me something.

We know he called
from a pool hall.

We could hear balls hitting
in the background.

That's the big clue?

There has to be pool
rooms in this city.


I can't believe this.

You can't watch them all.

What will you do?

We're going to do

What we're going
to do.

Why don't you ease up
on yourself.

Ease up?

You've had this for days.

You're getting nowhere.

This will go

In a dead file

And no one will look at it

For six months.

Don't tell me
to ease up.

This is your car phone?

Yeah, it's my car phone.

But, daryl,
you don't have a car.

That's why I
don't need it.

Yeah, what's the number?

This is the number.

This phone is stolen.

I make a call

They'll trace it
and bust me.

How will they
trace it?

You're in the car,
down the street.

Yeah, that's right.

Plus, they won't know
where to send the bill.

All right.

I'll take it.

Twenty dollars.

Twenty bucks for a phone
you don't pay for?

Fifty bucks.

Man, come on.

I'll tell you what
I'm going to do.

I'll give you
my new number--

Seven twenty-three.

You want to make a deal.

The convenience store k*ller--

I know who he is.

Daryl, don't waste
the lady's time.

Stuff has been
in the papers.

But I know the one that k*lled
the cop's girlfriend.

Where does he live?

Don't know.

But I know where he hangs out.

( Knocking )



Can I come in?

This is not a real
good time, captain.

I can see that.

I haven't had
time to clean up

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I know
what you mean.

I know what
you're going to say.

I'll get through this thing.

No, you don't know
what I'm going to say

Because I don't know
what I'm going to say.

I came by to see

What kind of shape
your head's in.

All I see is chaos.

I'm in mourning.

You're in mourning?

You didn't even go
to the funeral.

It's not till next week.

Amy pearson was buried
three days ago.

You didn't even know that.

And you didn't love her.

No, you're wrong, captain.

I love her.

I didn't love her.

In fact, I was trying
to break up with her.

But now that she's gone

I love her.

I keep thinking

If I had driven
a little slower

Or if I had taken
a different street

Or if I had said
yes to chez lui


Five minutes either way
we wouldn't have been there.

You can't blame
yourself, hanson.

I should have
done something.

The guy turned
his back.

If I'd done the right thing

I could have saved her.

Every day, every person
on this planet

Does something they wish
they could take back.

It doesn't
work that way.

You must leave
it behind.

I can't.

You've got to, hanson.

Nothing can bring
that moment back.

Bury the dead.

I can't just let
her go like that.

I need something.

What do you need?

I need to know the job
is being done.

And even if I didn't
get the guy, somebody will.

Somebody will.

What are you saying?

I'm not saying

Don't do
this to me.

You know

You've got
to tell me.

Please, I need it.

If I tell you what I know

I'll feel real stupid

If you hit the streets
looking for revenge.

I won't--
you've got my word.

Before this happened

Your word would
have been enough.

Betray me, and things will never
be the same between us.

I won't.

Please, I've
got to know.

( No audio )

Police! Freeze!

Empty the register--




( Electronic monitor beeping)

Hello, daryl.

Who the hell are you?

I'm the cop who wants to know
about the sh**t.

I won't ask
as nicely as the d.a.

I'll pull the trigger
on you, I swear.


Where does he live?

I don't know.

Come on.

I don't know.

Where is he?

Doing a job.


Liquor store.

Dockside and third.

You really a cop?

I used to be.

( g*nsh*t )

A in progress

and third.

Need emergency

officer in pursuit

Requesting backup.


Fast'n ready,
clerk injured.

Hanson called again.

I'll get back to you.

( g*nsh*t )

Drop your g*n.

You got three seconds.



You got him.

Yeah, I did.

Good job, hanson.


You did everything the way
a good cop is supposed to.

Did you get back
that . Seconds?
