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02x19 - Raising Marijuana

Posted: 09/03/22 08:13
by bunniefuu
To years old?

You got to be able to drive.

You got to be able
to be bailed out.

I don't want anyone
calling your parents.

Fresh banga, man.

You know,
I'm telling you

I think I'd do
almost anything for $ , .

Bo rivers...

Ganja trucker.

Meet you
for breakfast.


It's steve-o.

In san marta.

Where are you
calling from?



Find bob for me, will you?

Can I help you?

How fast do you
think you were going?

Uh... ?

No, look, I'm sorry.

My mind was someplace else.

Write it up.

I'll keep an eye on it.

What are
we carrying?

Just stuff.


Stuff of an agricultural nature?

We got a fruit fly quarantine

In this
county, son.

Why don't you stay
right where you are?



This sure
ain't peat moss.

♪ We never thought of finding ♪

♪ The place where we belong ♪

♪ Don't have to stand alone ♪

♪ We'll never let you fall ♪

♪ Don't need permission ♪

♪ To decide what you believe ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ I said jump! ♪

♪ Down on jump street ♪

♪ Your friends will be there ♪

♪ When your back is
to the wall ♪

♪ You'll find you need us ♪

♪ 'Cause there's no one else
to call ♪

♪ When it looks hopeless ♪

♪ A decision's what you need ♪

♪ You better be ready to ♪

♪ Be ready to ♪

♪ Jump! ♪

♪ Jump street! ♪

I don't need
this from you!

I take you to
a nice place

I expect you
to act accordingly.


Shut up, judy!

We don't want
any trouble here.

Then back off!

Why don't you sit back down?

No, I think we're leaving.

They don't want us anyhow.

Where do you
think you're going?

Hey, friend

It's time for
you to leave.


We'll stay
wherever we want.

I don't think so.

All right.

We're going.

Why don't you stay
and finish your dinner?

That was really stupid.

You're welcome.

Oh, thanks, thanks, I guess.

You don't know
what you just did.

This is a nice restaurant.

That was not
a nice scene.

Don't worry about it.

He took the car.


We made you stay for this.

It's on us, okay?

Just sit, chill out,
have a glass of wine.




Hey, yourself.

Is everything
all right?

Oh, everything
is much better.

Thank you.

I didn't really thank you
properly before, charles.

Thank you.

Oh, it's okay.

It's like bandits.

We got to steal the pretty girl.

We sent bob over.

He likes that
sort of thing.


Boy, this is a nice place.

Is this, um...?

Yeah, it's my house.

It's kind of neat, huh?

I mean, with
the ocean and all.

Yeah, it's real neat.

Highway patrol found
a local high school student

Hauling cannabis
last night.

What's that,
like a $ fine?

It's like
a parking ticket.

We're halfway to
decriminalization now.

He had , pounds.

a big ticket.

Bo rivers--

Senior at
south coast high.

They've been using juveniles
to bring the stuff in.

Who's they?

Charles greening.

The guys like the biggest
trafficker in the business.

So make
a good impression.

How's everything
going, hoffs?

So far, so good.

It's funny though...

Now that I write this thing up.

I thought he was
hitting on me last night.

He wanted me
to stay over.

But I think he was
just trying to protect me

From kong here.

Thanks for your help, tony.

I guess you were
convincing, lieutenant brandt?

Lieutenant kong will be fine.

You said administrative
narcotics would be dull.

We got a break.

We knew greening
was using juveniles.

Now we know what high school.

I'm sending
ioki and penhall in.

Greening never has a load
big enough to hurt him.

The only way

To stop him

Is to take down
the whole organization.

The way to get
charles is on a c.c.e.

That's operating a
continuing criminal enterprise.

I can
help you
with that.

Let me do it.

It will require some paperwork.

Tell me about it.

What is your help
going to entail, lieutenant?

Every time you come in,
you talk, I write.

Names, places
and faces.

When we can fill in the blanks--

Connect charles to
one clean piece of business--

It can
all come down.


You got it.

I don't know anything about
boats, waves or anything.

We're going
to surfer high

And I don't
even tan.

We're going to be
the biggest geeks in the school.

Hey, yeah,
I think we are.

Peat moss...

This cop thinks
I'm hauling peat moss.

So I wind up getting busted

Because of...

A fruit fly quarantine.


Aren't we building
sculpture today?

Remember, no art supplies.

Find things,
make something?

What did you get?

I got some paper towels

Masking tape.


What are we doing?

Isn't this art class?

We're doing art.

That's a stripe.

Stripes are key.


We're the
swark twins.




We're new.

You're related?

We're twins.

You're not identical twins.

No, then
we'd look alike.

But you're twins?

Mixed marriage.

We were born
two minutes apart.

In two different countries.


Perhaps you two
can make smaller art?

Hi. How you doing?!

You're in
the art class?

Did you like
our sculpture?

You guys
aren't twins.

And you can't be
this geeky.

No one is.

Maybe they
are this geeky.

It worked in
our old school.

leave us alone.

Principals, too.

And students.

We moved because
we got lonely.

Everybody leaves you alone
so you get lonely.

That's funny.

Keg party!

Are you going?

Yeah, this is cool!

We don't
like the beach.

We don't
like water.

But we like beer.

Oh, these guys k*ll me.

It's not the first time.

We k*lled a family
of six in oregon.

I'm glad you called.

I don't know.

Maybe I had a good time
last time I was here.

Maybe it was just
a heavy rebound.



They need you

Sorry about this.

Could you get up?

Excuse me?

I need to frisk you.

You're kidding.

Or ask you to leave.

Find anything interesting?

That guy you were with
at the restaurant--

What does he do?

What's his name?

What business is it of yours?

Tony cherson.

He dabbled in import/export--

The powdered kind.


Do you have any idea
what charles does?


Then maybe you understand

A little paranoia
keeps us all alive.

Your good buddy
just decided

To frisk me.

That's bob.

Look, I don't know
what to tell you.

I guess if you really don't like
what goes on here

You could leave.

What is it with
you guys and this twin thing?

How could you
be twins anyhow?

We just are.

Maybe we
were adopted.

At the same time

Or two minutes apart.

We got
the same parents.

I don't get this.

You got your twins
that look alike.

Then those that
don't look alike.

Like us.

I still
don't get this.

Do you guys
want something?

We heard your story
in art class.

And in the hall.

It's a good story.

We want to publish
a collection of stories.

Will they let you
back to work?

Yeah, it wasn't my fault.

We're looking
for a job.

In a local industry.

You can sell burgers
for $ . An hour.

If you have
a certificate

You can lifeguard
at $ .

Or you could make
a night run for $ , .

A thousand bucks?!

That's a lot
of striped shirts.

But, hey, guys...

We don't know you.

No problem.

You could
come over for dinner.

Meet the triplets.


They're quints now?

Let's go
somewhere else.

Those guys
are strange.

You guys are kind of bizarre.

Can you
get us a job?

I don't know.


I still don't get
how you guys could be twins.


I'm not sure
I get it either.

What you got?

Charles greening
must have somebody in

At the south coast precinct.

They pulled
tony cherson's records.

They're checking
on your girl.

Cherson was your cover?

You're not
a very nice person.

You sell dr*gs.

And you've done time.

Well, they bought me
as hoffs' boyfriend.

And if they bought you,
they bought hoffs.

Your girl is in.

Okay, okay.

This is the best
of both worlds.

Tom makes the best
burgers and fries

And whoever this is
in france makes good champagne.

This is... Strange.

Fun, but incredibly strange.

Tom will boil eggs,
chop onions, make toast.

But he doesn't get
why we want to eat fish eggs.

( Phone ringing )

Yo, tom's diner.

Yeah, he is.

Hey, what am i,
your answering service?

There's a phone call
for you.


Who's in jail now?

I'm glad you came to see him.

In another day,
he'd have made me find you.

He seems real special.

He is.

Some of his ideas are...
A little strange.

But he's a good guy.

He's real

Is it any good?

No, we just imported
six tons of orange pekoe.

A lot of
the people

You see around charles--

We were all
in high school together.

He can get real lonely.

He likes to come downstairs
in the middle of the night

And find somebody
in the living room

To talk to.

Who can you work with
except friends?

You've got to have guidelines
in a business like this.

You just deal
with people you trust.

You've got to have integrity,
be reliable

And you don't use g*ns.

You stay non-violent.

Just don't do business
with those people again.



We bring stuff in now
and use local kids.

They can't go to jail.

They can't tell anybody.

And they need the money.

It's great.

Everybody makes out.

Doesn't even sound like
it should be against the law.

It shouldn't.

Then there's the last thing.

The most important thing.

Reading people.

I met you and knew
you were good people

Before I knew you.

You've got to be able
to do that.

You are good people,
aren't you, jude?



I know this sounds
a little weird.

But are you guys narcs?

Yeah, you're
under arrest.

Do we look like narcs?

No, you guys look like bookends.

What kind of books do you think
would be between us?

Come on, guys.

Where are you guys from?

Akron... Akron, ohio.

Rubber capital
of the world.


Goodyear, firestone,
blimps, radials.

You thought we meant
the other kind.

That's youngstown, ohio.

Look at the side
of the package.

Who has time to look
at the package?

You tear it open,
you're in a rush.

You were telling us
about a job.

We can be serious.

We won't embarrass you.

We won't screw up.


So what do you think?

I don't know, guys.

I just don't know.

We had dinner
at this greasy spoon.

Someplace charles went
when he was .

They bring us
champagne and caviar.

You had a good time?

They're little boys.

Little pirate boys.

Charles won't use g*ns.

He just won't do business
with people again.

Marijuana comes
into this country

In truly enormous amounts...

Hundreds of tons.

Only a handful of people
control that importation.

Charles is one.

There are enormous sums of money
at stake.

I don't want to scare you,
but don't kid yourself, judy.

If they find out who you are,
they will k*ll you.

Drive, drive.

He's old,
he's tired.

She moves.

How about shuffleboard
or croquet

Or something that suits
charles's advanced age?

How about horse?

How about a rest?

I'll make sure
the monitors are set up tonight.



Every police, federal
and coast guard bandwidth

Known to man.

Gets good stereo
reception, too.

Call blakeney.

Use the mixmaster.

Mr. High-tech, huh?

Bob gave everybody
scramblers for christmas.

Go ahead.

Wire tap this, guys.


Yeah, tonight.

Wheat pools.

Two semis.

Your guys.


I just made grand.

I love my job.

I deserve a reward.

You want to do
something silly?

Guys, as soon as I'm done
playing with this

It's all yours.

I need tony brandt.

There you go, kid.

The wheat pool's tonight.

Some load's coming in.

I've got to go.

Who were you
calling, jude?

A girl's got to have
some secrets, doesn't she?

Okay, it was my boyfriend,
tony cherson.



Now my ex-boyfriend,
tony cherson.

He left a message
on my machine.

Wanted to apologize.

Wanted to know if we
could get back together.

I guess I kind of realized
I'm pretty happy right now.

In fact, I'm real happy.

So I told him to go away.

Is that our boat?

I finally got out of there
at : a.m.

And barely.

What the hell am I doing?

You're trying to be
a good undercover cop.

You'd never ask hanson
or penhall to do it.


I would if it called for it.

This doesn't seem like
good police work to me, captain.

It feels like some
sort of cheap shortcut.

I'm just screwing around
with someone's emotions here.

It's kind of... Scary.


To me.


Look, jude...

You don't do anything if
it doesn't make you happy.

There's only one of you.

There's lots of them out there.

It's your call.

Whatever you want.

You want to shut
this thing down, whatever.

I'll back you on it.

I guess I just
needed to hear that.

Administrative narcotics
is working on

Putting pressure
on charles from
a number of sides.

We're trying to take his
major customers away.

They're posing
as marijuana dealers.

How are you
going to do that?

I'd rather you found out
about this naturally.

Tony's probably right, judy.

What happened with
the load last night?

I'd rather you found out
about this naturally.

While I'm being
natural, and/or stupid

What else can I do for you?

sooner or later, he's going
to do something stupid.

I want you there
when it happens.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

Look, judy...

You need anything,
you pick up the phone.

I guess it's just that
I think he thinks he's...

I don't know what he thinks.


Hey there, yourself.

Boy, it sure is
pretty out there.

I was thinking...

You maybe want
to go someplace?

Like an inn,
up the coast?

For the weekend?

I always forget how
beautiful the ocean is.

Never really
stopped to look at it.

Business is changing.

It's not as fun
as it used to be.

I think about
getting out.

No one wants to be
a drug dealer all their life.

You just got a phone call.

come-up-here phone call?

Last night they
scuttled the ship.

Coast guard came out of nowhere.

They had to sink it.

Total loss.

Cargo and ship.

Sank it on purpose.

Bob's always
got three plans.

It's a good thing.

Because nobody's paying
attention around here.

What's the problem?

Bail them out.

They're downloading
the freighter tonight, right?

There's no problem.

We haven't lost a ship
in a year and a half!

There was nothing on the radio.

Something got sloppy.

Or maybe they got lucky.

It's got to happen
against us sometime.

Write it off.

It's an operating loss.

why do you want
to do this so bad?

Are you saving up
for something?

We're going
to invest.

In what?

Because we've
been saving up, too.

Ahh... Franchises.

We're to invest in...

A franchise situation.

You put some money down
with an ongoing business.

The wave of the future.

you can triple your money.

If you invested $
in mcdonald's

What would you have?

Fifteen hundred bucks.

We got a lot of money saved.

No one wants to be
a criminal forever.

We could be good at anything.

We don't know what yet.

But this is good.

We could own our own business.

Franchises are part
of the american dream.

Which reminds me, we still
want to work an off-load.

I don't know,
it's a pretty big step.

So is planning for
your financial security.

You guys never
stop surprising me.

We never stop
surprising ourselves.

Get it all?

Yeah, we got
the plates on the truck.

Tons of photos, and money
changing hands on videotape.

Free trade in action.

We undercut charles greening
by percent

We'll meet
the local wholesalers.


Nice bunch of guys.

How much longer?

Till charles does
something stupid.

( Police siren )

Who the hell is that?

The cops.

Great! You set up
an undercover sting

And nobody notified the locals.

I guess not.

Let's make this
as easy for them as we can.

hands on heads.

Anybody inside?

I think there's
been a mistake here.

I said, is there
anybody inside?


It's funny the way
things go in cycles.

I meet you.

I feel great.

And the business
gets funny.

Business was going
great for a while.

And there wasn't
much point to it.

I really like you, jude.

I know.

You want to go
up to the house?

Sorry, kids.

I got to steal your fire.

It's okay.

We're going up anyhow.

I got one more load.

I'd like to stay down here
by myself for a few minutes.

I'll be right up.


You didn't have to do that.

I really care about charles.

A lot.

If this is going to end up
hurting him, do me a favor--

Get it over with now.

Just walk out of here.

I'd do anything to keep him
from getting hurt.

the moment you locate her,
have her report...

Never mind.

Where were you?

I've been trying to get
a-hold of you for hours.

Is brandt here?

I think I
found something.

Where did you
get this?

Captain bob,
charles's sidekick

Was burning a bunch
of them last night.

Lieutenant brandt was
shot and k*lled last night

Along with four other police
officers while on an undercover.

They were running
a wholesale marijuana sting.

They were shot

By a number of men
wearing police uniforms

According to
the sole survivor.

Oh, my god.

I guess tony

Finally got charles
to do something stupid.

It wasn't charles.

Oh, god, I guess it was.

( Bell ringing )


You know any of these
little towns up the coast?


We were thinking...

Of moving.


Mr. Mcsteamer.

donut boutique.

Land o' burgers.

Uncle fudge.

We've been checking
this franchise idea out.

We found some good ones.

donut boutique?


The thing is, even at
, bucks an off-load

We'll never make it,
because they all got

Something called "prior
brand identification."

Cheapest one, they want
, bucks to start.

So tonight, we're going
to take the truck and go.

If this was
some big secret

Why didn't you tell me?

You had
the map out.

So there's an off-load tonight.

You're going to steal
your truck full of dope.

Down payment, bro'.

Bad plan.

You'll die.


These guys are
mr. Non-v*olence.

A truck full of dope?

It's worth grand,
maybe more.


You'll die.

So what time
we meeting you?

For what?

The off-load.

You're working, too?

We are now.

Yeah, they are now.

Now let's
not screw up.

Last time, somebody
got busted for speeding.

Now watch it.

Let's not screw up.

move it.

( Sirens )

Right there, fellas.

getting away!

They're not even twins.


They raided
the off-load.

Everybody but bob.

You don't have
to come, judy.

I mean, no one
knows who you are.

Maybe you can...

Visit me...

Someplace or something.

Where's bob?

Let's go!

All right,
search the house.

Where are we going?

Twelve miles out
there's a freighter.

It's in
international waters.

It's ours.

Once we're on it,
nobody can touch us.

I've been thinking
about rio...

For a while.

It's a nice town.

You ever been there?


We're not
going there, bob.

Turn around.

You're under arrest.

There are people coming.

Sure, judy.

What the hell
are you doing?

She's a cop,

What are you doing?

I'm trying to
save your life.


You seem like
a nice girl.

What are you
doing here?

I don't know.

Isn't your
job done?

You brought

The big bad criminal
to justice.

Maybe we can do it

Right here
in the police station.

I'm sorry.

Why should I be sorry?

I'm the one going to jail.


Was it all a scam?


I'm a cop, charles.

I was just doing my job.

we did it, man!

We are golden.

We are golden.

We got a truck
full of dope

A t*nk full of gas,
awesome tunes.

It's the
american dream!

We're going to
own a franchise!


Uh.. Probably an
accident or something.

Oh, kenton, dude...

I think we
got a problem.