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03x13 - Dangerous Reunions

Posted: 09/04/22 07:23
by bunniefuu
Oh! Ha ha! That's us The night we played spring fling April 5, 1971.

The best concert mother earth and the pagans ever gave.

You were a hot item even in your college days, Mrs.


That's Todd gruber.

He's a tax lawyer now.

And the drummer Billy "the bong" skolnick He's a real estate broker.

And that's howlin' wolf Goldstein My boyfriend.


Now he's an orthodontist.

You mean you went out with a guy who went shirtless in public? Doog, your mother is a very, very complex woman.

I wonder what happened? His plane landed an hour ago.

How long did you go out with this creep? Four years.

Four years? That's like being married.

It's nothing like being married.

How important could the guy be? She hasn't bothered to see him since college.

Actually, Wally was very important.

You never forget your first love.

Together again after 20 years.

That is a very romantic concept.


Mother earth and the pagans, reunited at last.

Hey, lighten up, doog.

We're just playing songs at my college reunion just for fun.

Think about it.

Imagine you run into Wanda again.

It's not the same thing.

How come? This is my mother.

You see your mother.

I see a sensuous flower child.

Were the sixties were a sexually liberated time in American history? How would you know? Mom! So, you going to do all your old songs on Saturday? Uh-huh.


Aquarius, strawberry fields, in-a-gadda-da-vida.

Ooh! You should have heard Wally do in-a-gadda-da-vida.


Goose bumps.

We'd end every concert with I got you babe.

I'd go They say we're young and we don't know Won't find out until we grow And then he'd go Well, I don't know if that's true 'Cause you got me And, baby, I got you I saw this taxi drive up Ba ba, ba ba I got you babe Ba ba, ba ba Ba ba I got you babe Ba ba, ba ba I got you babe I got you babe You look confident.

I know this stuff cold.

You'll do great.

Thanks, bro.

Z-man? What's up, man? Baby Dee? Ain't you dead yet, man? What's up, man? I'm not kidding, man.

I heard somebody stuck you when you were in the joint.


So, how come you never came back to the 'hood? Where you been, man? What are you doing here? Oz got sh*t in a drive-by.

Blew away half his stomach.

Good luck, Raymond.

Hey, thanks.

Oz o.


? Yeah.

The boy's tough.

Look, I got to go.

Hey, stop by and see oz.

Room 405.

So, today's the big day, huh? You take the exam? Mm-hmm.

This time next week, I will be an emergency medical technician.

No more changing bedpans, no more minimum wage Yeah, right.

Hey, we should celebrate.

Friday night.

How about it? You got it.

And, since you'll be making the big bucks, you can pay.


Break a leg.

When the garden of flowers They are dead, and Your mind, your mind Is so full of bread Don't you want Somebody to love? Don't you need Somebody to love? Wouldn't you love Somebody to love? You better Find somebody to love When the truth is found To be Lies And all the joy Within you Dies Don't you want Somebody to love? Don't you need Somebody to love? Wouldn't you love Somebody to love? You better Find somebody to Love love Oh We had it! We had it! We had it, and you lost it.

Nice, mom.

Thanks, honey.

Ha ha! I'm sorry.

Shall we do it again? Is it still in there? I don't know.

Here we go! One, two Boy.

Did you see the way he was strangling her? So what? I don't know.

I mean, don't you want somebody to love? Vinnie, what do you want them to do, the singing nun's greatest hits? I mean, tons of songs are romantic.

Yeah, right.

Lucky he's married, that's all.

Well, actually, he's not.

He got divorced last march.

The man is single? Alone? On the make? Lying in bed at night in his lonely hotel room? He's not staying in a hotel room, he's staying here.

Mom thought the hotel was impersonal.

Impersonal? I hope your dad's got a good lawyer.

You're crazy.

Maybe, but imagine this.

She throws herself on you.

But my mom's not throwing herself at Wally.

No, Wally's throwing himself at her.

See, Wally's Wanda, your mother is you.

That makes your father your wife, and you're your own daughter.

Shut up, Vinnie.


Your mother said it herself.

You never forget your first love.

Now, just picture it.

You see Wanda, right? She looks good.


But restless.

No, no, I'm sorry but that's where you lost me.

This is my mother we're talking about.

She's not restless.

Looking for adventure In whatever comes our way Born to be wild Born to be wild Yeah! All right! All right! You made it! That's great! Yes! All right! You made it! So, take it again.

They're giving it again in march.

Some people just don't test well.

My aunt took the New York bar exam a bunch of times before she passed Stop it.

I'm not going to listen to that "you can do it" crap anymore.

What up, g? Baby Dee! Ray, those guys are gangbangers, aren't they? I have a right to pick my own friends, don't I? Wait up.

Where you guys going? Yo, red, good to see you.

We's about to get some burgers.

Want to roll? Let's do it.


Ha ha ha! The ones over your bed? Uh-huh.

Oh, packing curtains.

What was I thinking? Oh, I was so nervous.

I was nervous, too.

Then we got to the bus station.

It was 4:00 in the morning.

I worried about what to tell my parents.

That you were running away with me to New York to be a rock star.

It was very levelheaded.

Ha ha! A rock star.

We were so young.

You remember that funky bus? The green rabbit? L.


to New York.

No seats, just wall-to-wall mattresses.

You said, "I can't do this.

" Just like that.

You were standing right outside the bus.

Then you started crying.

You always were a crier.


Kath When you think back on You know, all the plans we had All the great things we were going to do Do you ever have any regrets? Dad.


Come in.

I just couldn't put it down.

The Nebraska journal of endocrinology? Real page Turner.

Dad I don't know how to say this.

Simply say Dr.

Goldstein is still in love with your mother.

She is a beautiful, intelligent, charming woman, Douglas.

What can I say? You turned a page already.

I'm skimming.

You're serious? You're just going to sit here reading, while some ex-hippie who calls himself howlin' wolf is downstairs with mom, doing who knows what? Talking, I presume.

Dad, look at him.

He's smart, he's cool, he's young, he's rich, he's a vegetarian.

Maybe you should be the one downstairs with him.

Dad, she almost went to New York with him.

She almost married him.

Actually, I think the plan was to shack up.

You know? Everyone has a past.

Before I met your mother, I had a rather passionate fling with a hospital dietitian.

A lovely girl.


This is a nightmare.

Did you really think that your parents were born as your parents? No, but this is her first love.

You never forget your first love.

It's like Wanda and me.

Look I know it's upsetting, but your mother's an individual.

She has her own feelings.

I can't tell her how to feel.

She needs to make her own decision.

You think a decision's involved? I think, uh Whatever she's going through right now, she needs to go through it.

If I stop her, she'll always wonder how she really feels.

And I'll wonder, too.

Sometimes You just have to stand back and let someone live their own life.

Otherwise They never come to terms with the past.

Yo, red, hold on.

Ray, the patient in 407 needs to go to X-ray.


I'm on break.

But you're her favorite orderly.

She asked for you.


He's hanging out with those jerks? Can we transfer him off the floor, get him away from those guys? No.

It's his life.

It's up to him now.


So, what you think, oz? Does he look cool in his uniform? They paying a whole to mop floors? I told you it's only temporary.

How you feeling, man? Good.

Real good.

Z know about b*ll*ts.

Got sh*t at my house, watching the raiders.

Bam! b*ll*ts coming through the window.

sh*t me in the shoulder.

Man, did it bleed.

Blood, broken glass all over the place.

You're cool now.

Show him your scar.

Maybe another time.

Want to see a good scar? I got one.

Check this out.

They sh*t you in the head? Somebody sh*t you in the head? We're not calling him the weasel.

We're calling him the miracle man.

Miracle man, let me rub that scar for good luck.

Get busy, miracle man.

Oh, yeah.

I feel better already.

Ha ha ha.

One more inch, and you would have been dead.

That's not cool, man.

That's pathetic.

No, man.

Pathetic is you in that uniform.

"Scrub that toilet.

" "Yes, sir.

" "On your knees, boy.

" "Yes, sir.

" "Faster!" "Sorry, sir!" What have you got to hope for That you die next year instead of next week? Man You already dead.

Baby Dee, it's cool, man! Here, man.

Z, chill out.

I'm out of here.

Just say No! No! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! I know I know.

You're bursting with pride.

I'm an inspiration.

What can I say? I just didn't work hard enough.

I figured, a couple days of reviewing, I'd have the thing nailed.

I just got to work harder.

You'll bust a gut, you're so proud of me, aren't you? Well Hasta mañana.

Ooh! Bye! You're wonderful.


Ha ha ha! Well, tomorrow is it.

Are you nervous? No.


Yes, you are.

You're twisting your watch on your wrist.

I can't believe you remember that.


And the way you blush.

Oh, stop.


No, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have let this go on.

It was my fault.

It was my fault.

I just got so caught up in remembering it all.

I've felt 21 again.

Is that So bad? It was a wonderful time.

It was crazy and exciting and unpredictable.

The amazing thing was, the best part of my life was still ahead of me, and I didn't even know it.

He makes you happy? Yeah.

I'm glad.

Incredibly jealous But glad.

Look, I think you should probably stay at a hotel.




, I'll get my stuff.

See you tomorrow on the quad? Yeah.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Good evening.

Artichokes? Mm-hmm.

Potato galette.


Mmm Rack of lamb? I thought he was a vegetarian.

He is.

He's not invited.

I see.



, where is he? He's not invited.

What a shame.

Unfortunately, neither are you.

Who's hungry? Not me.

I hope I didn't hurt his feelings.

Yes! All the joy that love can bring Ha ha ha! I will be remembering the shadow of your smile