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05x04 - Black, White & Brown

Posted: 09/06/22 09:50
by bunniefuu
Hi, guys.

Here you go, miles--

The copy
for my campaign story.

Sorry I'm late

But there was a power failure
outside of clinton headquarters.

Word has it that bill,
al, hillary, and tipper

All turned on their blow dryers
at the same time.

Hey there, murphy.

How's the baby?

Come up with a name?

I'm kind of leaning
toward gandhi.

Gandhi-- that's an interesting
choice for a little boy.

Why don't you just name him

"Throw the volleyball
at my head" brown?

Right, miles-- I'm really
going to listen to a man

Who's named after
a unit of measurement.

I'll have
a cheeseburger, phil.

Murphy, murphy,

Splurge a little.

We've been working double-time.

I'm charging lunch
to the network.

Technically, this isn't

A working lunch

But after four years
of producing this show

I can pick up a check

Without having to run
for permission.

Phil, pie
for everyone.

Not now, ted.

Oh, god,
it's mr. Kinsella!

No pie! No pie!

Get away, phil!


Okay, that's
one cheeseburger for murphy

And a valium shake
for the big shot.

Quick, everybody scribble down
work notes on your place mats--

Names of countries,
world leaders, anything!

He's not coming over.

Why would he?
The man hates me.

Frank, why do you think

Every little thing
is about you?

Maybe he's waiting
for a proper invitation.

Somebody should go
and ask him to join us.

Anyone but frank.

for heaven's sake.

I'll go.

Jim, I need to do this.

It's time I broke through

That barrier
between boss and friend.

Maybe I won't even
call him mr. Kinsella.

How's this sound?

"Hey there, gene."

"S'up, gene?"

"Genie, my man!"

He's right behind me, isn't he?

Hi, gene... Mr. Gene...

Mr. Kinsella...
Mr. Gene kinsella.


Do you have some sort
of arterial flow problem?

No, just overworked.

See? Zimbabwe.

Hello, brownie,
jim, corky.

Fontana, you have ketchup
on your face.

Join us--
miles is charging

Everything to the network.

Ha! Ho! That will be the day.

Well, I have
executive matters

To discuss with
silverberg privately.

We were
just leaving.

Yeah, after I do my famous
"ketchup on the face" bit

We usually head back
to the office, right?

What did
you sit in?



Executive matters?

Get real, miles.

I've got
a cheeseburger coming.

Well, you'll hear the news
later today anyway, brownie.

That's -year-old scotch there,

Oh, I'm not
a scotch drinker.

They're both for me.



Well... Got a call
from new york this morning.

I'm being promoted
from vice-president of news

To senior executive
news consultant.

Congratulations, sir!

That is so exciting.

What exactly does a senior
executive consultant do?

Nothing, you fool.

It's a do-nothing job created
to get me out of the way.

They want to replace me

With this high-tech
hotshot from chicago.

Are they out of their minds?

Our ratings
are through the roof.

Well, looks like

I'll have to pay
the network brass a visit.

I'll have this cleared up
in no time.

Forget it, brownie.

This is bigger than you.

Gene, how could it
be bigger than me?

How could they
do this to you?

You've devoted

Most of your life to television.

Oh, grow up, silverberg.

Television is nothing
but a game of three-card monte

Designed to keep
the natives distracted

While the nation goes to hell.

They don't care
what garbage they put on

As long as it sells product.

They're vicious, greedy,
miserable swine.

I know-- I've been one of them

For years.

I know you have
a lot on your mind

But could we just get back
to this "bigger than me" thing?


Mr. Kinsella

If you feel this way

How can you possibly
continue working here?

I can give you the answer in
one word, silverberg: pension.

I got a year and a half
to retirement

And they're trying
to humiliate me into quitting.

Well, if they think
I'll choose dignity over money

They don't know gene kinsella.

You see
this grin here?

Well, every time you see it

You'll know
that while my body's here

My mind is sinking a putt
on the th green.

Point of clarification:

Was "bigger than me"
just a colorful phrase..?


Good, you're
all here...

Except murphy.

Okay, that's
not a problem.

She gave me her word
she'd be here

To meet
mr. Kinsella's replacement.

She's not coming, is she?

She's in editing

And she said she'd
"never leave just to bow down

"To the new network mouthpiece

Stoogie boss
corporate oppressor."

Oh, did she?

I'm executive producer.

When I send a message
for her to come out here

She will come out here.

Marv, call editing.

Tell them there's
a fire drill.

Once again, it's
the old network shuffle.

Experienced men like
gene kinsella are cast aside

And, suddenly, stone phillips
is doing the news.

I always like to get my news
from igneous rock formations.

Well, I'm sorry

But I'm glad gene's out.

Not once did he acknowledge
my contribution to f.y.i.

It's got to be better
with the new guy

Unless it's worse.

What if he doesn't like me,

At least gene tolerated me.

This guy could fire me.

God, I miss gene.

I don't want mr. Kinsella
to go, either.

for the past four years

I've lived in fear
that I'd blurt out

The fact that he's bald,
right in front of him.

I don't know why,
but when someone has

An obvious physical thing
they might be touchy about

I'm afraid
I'll just blurt it out.

Hey! Hey, come on!

Get back here!

It isn't even a real fire drill.

There isn't even an alarm.

Well, well, well,
fire chief silverberg.

Thanks to you, I have
a highly paid editing staff

Running down
flights of stairs

Feeling doors for heat.

Stay here and meet
our new v.p. Of news.

Oh, I've met his type--

Arrogant, white-bread
ivy leaguers

Who think they were born
to run the world.

Hear, hear!
Believe it.

Hey, now...

We don't know anything
about this guy.

He sends a memo

Inviting us
to this little roll call?

It's a power play.

Maybe I'll stick around

And show him
a power play of my own.

You tell 'em.
Network stoogie.

Fire drill's over.

Murphy, edit, edit!

Oh, no. You wanted me here,
you got me.

(Elevator dings)

Well, everybody's here

And all's right
with the world.


I'm extremely happy

To introduce the newest member
of our happy team

Mitchell baldwin.

Nice to meet you,
mr. Baldwin.

Miles silverberg

Executive producer

Let me introduce you to...
Let's see, clockwise:

Corky sherwood-forrest.

Nice to meet you, corky.

You're the first corky
I've ever met.

Nice to meet you,

Baldwin. I don't know why
I said that.

You're not bald.

Jim dial, senior anchor.

You're from
the windy city?

Between the weather
and the cubs

I'm very happy to be here.

Sure, hell, why not?

It's a happy, happy place.

And, uh, this
is frank fontana.

Frank, I'm a big fan

Ever since your story
on three mile island.

My kind of reporting.

Well, thanks.

I, uh...
I don't know your work

But I'm sure
I'll like it.

I like it already.



So... That's everyone.

I think you're
forgetting someone.

No, no. I'm not.

Who could I
be forgetting?

There's, uh...
Jim, corky, frank.

Oh! Murphy.

What is wrong
with me?

Murphy brown.

It's a pleasure.

Now, you're probably

The new guy
is going to come in

And start making big,
drastic changes.

I don't think...

That's exactly right.

Right now,f.y.i.

Is good,
but from the hip

You've gotten a little lazy.

Don't worry.
I've got lots of ideas.

I'm not a guy who sits up
in his office all day

about sailing or golf.


Bottom line: I'm here
to bring f.y.i.into the ' s

And up to its full potential.

Any comments?

(Clears throat)

Well, I'm...
Certainly open

To hearing
your ideas.

I think you'll find
we're adaptable.


Now, miles,
show me around

So these people
can get back to work.

Oh, sure.

Gene, you coming?

I'd be happy to.

Playing through.

Where's the water cooler?

Where's the doughnut area?

Oh, god, where's f.y.i.?

Didn't you get baldwin's
latest memo?

Enough with the memos.

Look at this.

Memos on new story areas.

Memos on new promos.

I'm a tweed file cabinet!

This is too much change
too fast.

If he keeps pushing us
like this

Something is going to explode.

(Elevator bell rings)


Attention! Attention!

I have lost another baby pound.

Doughnuts for everyone.

(Cheers and applause)

Oh, very good, frank.

Really funny.

Where did you put
the doughnut counter?

It's in my office, right?

I didn't take it, murph.

I hate to tell you this

Especially when you're armed
with cream-filled pastries

But baldwin ordered it
ripped out

In order to put in
a video tape library.


Well, we could use
a little less coffee

And water.

After all, our bodies
are already % liquid.

You keep adding to that,
and you're asking for trouble.

(Elevator bell rings)

Good morning, everyone.

Well, things are progressing
nicely down here.

Yeah, you bet--
old-fashioned glazed?

No, but as long
as I have you all here

You'll be getting a memo,
but I've decided

To cut the length
of individual stories

From to ten minutes.

You said "cut,"
as in "shorter"?

Right. I'd like to use the time
working locations, montages

Giving the show
more visual impact.

Interesting idea.

It's very interesting

But it's already difficult
to tell a complete story

Within the limited time
we have-- right, guys?

Kind of tough.
Hard to do.

I don't know.

Maybe there's
another solution

No, murphy

I'm convinced
that this is the way to go.

All right, then?

Give it a shot.
Could work.

Give it a try.


Murphy, I don't believe
we've heard from you.




What did you say?

I'm fine with it.

Trust me on this, everyone.

I'm sure you'll come around.

Thank you, I'm late.

Uh, frank--
I saw a rough cut

Of your piece
on helicopter paramedics.

Nice work.

Really? Thanks a lot.

God, I'm easy.

(Pencil sharpener grinding)


Hi, there.

When you've hit

The gold band before the eraser

That's as sharp
as it will get.

Did you have a reason for coming

Besides that helpful hint,
o wizard of lead?

Nope, no reason.

You told kinsella
if he cut our stories

You'd fill his lexus
with two-day-old squid.

What's your point, blue bmw
license plate number - ?

I was wondering,
in a curious, wondering way

Why you backed down
from baldwin just now.

I gave him the benefit
of the doubt.

It's his first week on the job.

Now, if you'll
excuse me, I have...

The first day I worked here

You put my silk tie
through a three-hole punch.

I just couldn't help noticing

That you seem
to treat baldwin differently

And I was just... Wondering if

Maybe it's because...

He's... You know.

What? He's what?

You know.

No, I don't know.

What are you talking about?

Yes, you do.

I think you didn't yell

At baldwin out there
because... He's...



You actually think I care
that baldwin is black?

No, I didn't say you care.

I know you don't,
and I certainly don't.

I said perhaps
you treat him differently

Because he's black.

That's ridiculous.

Baldwin's being black
is not even an issue here.

Then why are we whispering?!

You hate these cuts,
but didn't confront him.

That's not like you.

You didn't yell
because he's black.

That's crazy.

I yell at you all the time.

Does that make you think
I'm anti-semitic?

On some level, yes.


Frank, come in here.

We want to ask you

No, we don't.


Do you think that maybe

We've been acting differently
around baldwin

Because he's... You know?

Now that you brought it up,
don't you think it's weird

That he's been here a week

And not one of us
has even mentioned it?

What is this? ?

I can't believe we're
even having this conversation.

What are you all doing
in here?

What are you all
talking about?

Our new boss is black.
There. I said it.

Baldwin is black.

Not that it means anything--

His being black,
but he is... Black.

Actually, miles, I think

The correct term
is african-american.

Oh, god,
I'm politically incorrect.

Excuse me,
but my coffee mug is missing.

It's pink and blue,
shaped like a fish.

I'm offering a small reward.

Jim, we want
to ask you something.

Leave jim out of this.

Out of what?

What do you
think it means

That no one has even
mentioned the fact

That baldwin is black?

He is? I hadn't noticed.

You don't expect us

To believe that you
haven't noticed.

That's my story
and I'm sticking to it.

If you'll excuse me

We shouldn't be having
this conversation.

What is the big deal?

The man is black.

It's just
an observation.

No judgment, no prejudice.

Come on, everyone, admit it.

When he walked off
that elevator

What did you notice first?

That mr. Kinsella was bald.

I noticed
that baldwin was black.

It took me by surprise.

There aren't
many blacks

At the network corporate level.

Is that why murphy's afraid
to stand up to him?

Why are you all
putting this on me?

This is not an issue with me.

I don't remember
having any difficulty

Expressing my anger to idi amin
or al sharpton

Or lionel richie.

You all think there's

Some white liberal guilt
at work.

You should all take a look
at yourselves.

I simply came in
to look for my mug.

Murphy, don't be silly.

We can't stand up to him.

I'm from the south.

Miles has a problem
with authority figures.

Jim is in denial.

And frank's just happy
somebody likes his work

But mr. Baldwin
is the first person

I've ever seen you

Back down from.


But listen

I'm not going to fold on this.

I'll wait.

Murphy, what a nice surprise.

Something came up
I wanted to talk to you about.

I thought,
"I don't need an appointment."

Wrong. Unacceptable.


No, bob, not now.

I'm backed up.

Make an appointment
with my assistant. Good.

Now, murphy,
what can I do for you?

Would I be out of line

If I asked you
to take off the headset?

I once had a nasty run-in
with julie

The time-life operator.

Of course.

Have a seat.


We have a problem.

I don't know any other way
to say this

So I'll just say it.

I have been behaving
differently toward you

Because you are black.

I see.

Behaving differently how?

I have been open, attentive,
and very supportive.

And you've been open,
attentive and supportive

Because I'm black?

Well, I don't have
a problem with that.

In fact,
keep up the good work.

You don't understand
the problem.

Our problem is,
that's not who I am.

Do you usually have a problem
with black people?

No, I'm telling you

I usually have a problem
with all people

Regardless of race, creed,
or color.

That's who I am.

But as much as I'm ashamed
to admit it

When you stepped off
the elevator last week...

I treated you nicely.

as soon as I took this job

People called me to warn me

About how impossible you are
to work with.

I got calls
at the office.

I got messages at home.

I got a sympathy card
from president bush.


The country's falling apart

And he's browsing at hallmark.

My point is
that I was expecting the worst

And when I stepped off
that elevator

And walked into the middle
of all that white liberal guilt

I thought, pay dirt.

I better make my changes
while I can.

Are you saying you knew
what was going on

And you used it?


Wouldn't you?

You're good.

I have to be good because
of who I am and where I am.

I have so many obstacles

That when I see an opening,
I go for it.

Bottom line:
you saw black, I saw white.

We reacted.

It shouldn't matter...

That I'm black?

Being a black man

Has everything to do
with the way I do my job.

It's who I am, like being
a woman must influence you.


Maybe what you say is true

But I'd like to think
that one day

People won't be judged
by the color of their skin

Or by their gender

But by the things
that really matter...

Like their taste
in music.


Country western.

All right.

I guess
that's everything.

It's only fair
to let you know

Well, I figured
that you might

But you have to admit

I got a lot done
in my first week.

That reminds me.

I can't live with only
ten minutes for my stories.

Ten minutes, no budging.

Eleven and a half.


And the doughnut area.

Nice working with you.

Nice meeting you, murphy.

Oh, just out of curiosity

You drive the green range rover,

That's right.

And you're the white porsche,


You are good.