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04x14 - Grace Under Pressure

Posted: 09/06/22 13:11
by bunniefuu
previously on
hill street blues.

Hey, sandy.
How you doing?


Item 8,
passing the sergeant's exam

Officers lucille bates
and joseph coffey.

[Officers cheer]

[Tires screech]

[g*n sh*ts]

[Tires screech]

When's the sergeant coming back?

He comes home
from the hospital today.

Says he'll be in
tomorrow morning.

Thought you might need
some taking care of.

Want to take my pulse?

[People chattering]

Item 10, jail break.

Not literally, guys,
but for those of you

Who don't watch tv,
listen to the radio,

Or talk to anybody,

Judge cruise last night ordered
247 prisoners awaiting trial

Released o.r. From
the michigan avenue complex

Due to severe overcrowding
and inhumane conditions.

What seems inhumane conditions,

Back on the street
where they belong?


Look, guy, whether we agree
or disagree,

These alleged perpetrators
are back out there,

So we're probably
going to be busy.

Additionally, item 11,

Until division vice
is reconstituted

We're assigned ongoing
prostitution enforcement

For the hill,
midtown, washington,
and jefferson heights.

- Operation p*ssy cat--
- say what?

[Officers meowing]

At 0800 hours,
just in time to catch

The brisk breakfast hour trade.

what's that mean, lucy?

Your trained eyes
may detect among us

Some of the personnel assigned
to said operation.


Initially, you'll rank up,
perez and kolzicki
will work backup.

Piser and martin will be working

Plain clothes out
of n.d. Sedans.

Item 12,
our truck hijacking problem

Is becoming more blatant.

Two more yesterday.

This seems to be something
of a criminal fade.

The toll is up to six drivers,
beaten and knifed,

Plus a couple 100 grand
in merchandise boosted.

Maybe catching some guys
would make this less

What do you say?


Last item welcomes--
welcome back mike perez.

[All cheer]

Welcome transfer clara pilsky
from south ferry.

[All cheer]

Hello, hello.

Okay, that's it people,
thank you, have a good shift.

Uh, could you keep your seats?

A minute, please,
can I have your attention?

Uh, phil esterhaus
passed away this morning.


Suffered a heart attack,

That's the only detail
I have at this time.

Information as it comes in, uh,

About services will be on
the duty board.

Our friend was 55 years old.

If people want to take a moment.

I don't have
too many words, people.

It's going to be
a difficult day.

I know the caution phil
would urge on you.

Be carful out there.


[Sirens wail]

[Maudlin piano]


Can't believe
I never met the sarge.

What was he like?

- The sarge?
- Yeah.

He's a real piece of work.

He was a rock.

When everything was going wrong,
I mean,

You see this man sitting there--

It took the edge off,
you know what I'm saying?


I didn't think he'd ever been
sick for a day in his life.

I got a lincoln, okay?

Hi. Hey, hey.

Oh, daddy.

What's happening?

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You recognize me?
- Uh-uh.

Let me see.

And that's why I always carry
this card.

I never leave home without it.

So what are we
talking about, huh?

We talking about you and me
going someplace

And maybe getting naked somehow.

Yeah? I don't look
real impressed do i, sport?

- You'd be impressed.
- Yeah?

Now, we go someplace,
and you get this, blondie.

Oh, so you're
virginia kimble, huh?

You act real fast
and you might get yourself

A nice ride, sugar.

- Right.
- Now, where we going?

How about my office, hmm?

Come on.

Hey, blondie,
I say, where we going?

Well, I just figured
that we go to jail, huh?

Backup sally
off of 34th and decker.


Clara, help!

Bison, where are you?

[Sirens wailing]




Is everybody okay?


- Catch my breath.
- Okay.

- Nice, archie.
- Thanks, same to you.

Let's get a dump truck
for this guy.


[Sirens wailing]

No signs of forced entry.
No signs of struggle.


Uh, register's rifled,
the guy took her purse.

When I came in,
he must've already been inside.

I didn't hear anybody.

I just turned around,
and he was there.

Uh, he had a knife.

He said he was gonna k*ll me.

He made me get undressed
and lie on the floor.


Uh, he ran the knife over me,
put it in my mouth.

His eyes were crazy,
it was really dark and crazy.

I was so frightened.

Told me to do things.

Okay. Do you think you can
give me a description, sandy?


Was, uh, latin.
Maybe 5'8", 5'9".

Um, dark pants, black,

And one of those
grey hooded sweatshirts.

- Where is she?
- Inside.

It was her?


Is she hurt?

No, I don't think so.

Hey, hey, look, joe.

Uh, maybe you don't want
to go in there, man.

What? Are you telling me
I can't?



Yo, j.d., Manager's in here.



Joe, I'm so glad you're here


It's all right.
It's all right.

You harley?


Can you give us the names
of any employees

That have keys to this building?

- No, I can't.
- Why is that?

They trade shifts.

They give the keys
to each other.

I tell them not to,
but they do it anyway.

What about a list of everybody

Who worked here in the last
couple years?

Yeah, sure, hold on just a--

Takes the morning off
and type it up for you.

Can I ask you a question?

How come the law don't apply
to cops like everybody else?

How's that?

Come on, you guys
come in here

And mass like attila the hun.

You close down the joint,
no tray,

Plus you've been eating me
out of house and home all day.

And I ain't seen dime one
on that counter, all right?

Hey, look, okay,
we'll pay you for the doughnuts.

You just give us the list.

What list?

Now, you listen up, sucker.

You have picked the wrong day,
you understand?

Now, we got a r*pe,
and you're worried
about doughnuts?

But for the time being,
we are talking about r*pe.

Now, we want to know every guy
who's worked in here,

Every guy who's been
busting in here,

And every guy you fired
for the last couple years,

You go that, sucker?

Give you my list of,
uh, w4's,

You can figure it out yourself.

Told you! That was
my momma's tv, man!

- We were getting it repaired!
- Tell it to the judge, boy.

Leo, I got a couple
of enterprising

Young tv thieves here for you.

Store owner's on
his way down to id them.

Anybody call the p.d.?

Hey, we don't need
no p.d., Man.

Just get us jesus martinez
down here, man.

Walk over here, man.

Hello, leo.

To see captain furillo.

Go on mrs. Gardner.

Grace, I'm so sorry.

Phil asked me
if anything happened

To deliver this to you.

I believe he wanted you
to be executor.

I was with him, frank.

I saw him last weekend.

He seemed on the mend,
he says he was on the mend.

Over the weekend,
they did angiogram.

They told him his heart
had weakened.

Something about a stenosis.

He didn't want anyone to know.

How are you, grace?

I'm all right.

I'm just--

The doctor said no this,
no that.

No sex.


I don't know why
I'm telling you all this.

Maybe it's because I'm in
a police station,

And I've come in to confess.

This morning, early,

Phil and I were making love
when he died.

His great, brave heart

Simply exploded.

Wow, grace, uh--

You can't blame yourself.

He was a beautiful, simple...

...honorable man.

And I wanted
to grow old with him.

Frank, would it be too much
of an imposition

To ask you to hold me
for a few seconds?


Just a few hours ago,
I was under him.

And we felt each other's breath,
each other's life.

I'm miss him so.



Look at this,
brand new nylons shot to hell.

Oh, nice stems, momma.

In your face, punk.

Oh, I wish.

Act cool, bro,
we're gonna clear this up.

The hubcap popper
waltzes through here

Like yassar arafat.

Top of the morning, frankie.


Let's make it fast, jesus.

About those two misguided youths
you got here.

Two youths with six priors
between them.

They looking at larceny,

Possession of stolen property,

Case is airtight, jesus.

Okay, so you figure resisting
is an add-on, huh?

We're talking about
two b-misdemeanors,

Hardly worth your time
to do the typing.

Maybe we can do
some business here.

Let's hear it.

I tell you coming in
what I'm looking for,

You get this,
my guys walk.

- If it stands up.
- If it stands up?

Not only will it stand,
it's going to walk!

It's gonna jog!

Yo, frankie,
who you dealing with here?

What do you have?

Someone's going around
the neighborhood

Knocking down delivery trucks.

You heard about that?

Most terrible thing.

You have a name?

I got the next truck
they gonna hit is what I got.

From where?

Oh, frank,
with all due respect,

I got to protect my sources.

All right, we make a bust,
we'll work it out.

I'll talk to d.a.'S office.

Most reasonable man
always find a way, huh, frankie?

Buckus meat supplies
makes a delivery

Every afternoon.

Sounds like today's the day.

- Where?
- It's all I got.

Got to take it from there.

So, can my guys leave now?

After the bust.

Ray, would you come in here,

Yo, frank, sorry to hear
about your loss.

The sergeant, that's too bad.

Thank you.

The guy had some stuff.


Hey, luc.

How's sandy doing?

She's checking the books.

How you doing?

I'm just trying to help out.

I don't know what
I'm supposed to do, luc.

I mean, what can I do?

It happened, right?


But all I can see--

All I can see in my mind
is this animal on top of her.

And I want to--

I want to pull him off.

And I want to k*ll him.

Is how I'm doing.

Here you go.

Hi. Uh, could you
look at these too?


I didn't know that there were
all of these faces.

Yeah, I know.
Look, you just take them

One at a time, okay.


You okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.

How are you, joe?

I'm okay.

Why shouldn't I be?

No reason.

I mean, I'm upset.

Good, joe.

Uh, hey, look,
can I get you anything, sandy?

No thanks.
Maybe later.

Psst. J.d.

- Yeah.
- Got a match-up here.

Yeah, who is he?

W4 on jorge villa.

Stop working for the shop
about 13-months ago.

Uh-huh. Any priors?

Hm-hm, two b&e's,

Two suspicions on r*pe, robbery.

One dismissed,
other one's still pending.

Easy, he should be in lockup.

Should be is right,

The dude was just released
from michigan avenue last night.

- Hey.
- Uh-huh.

Uh, hey, sandy, uh
why don't you take a look here

And see if anyone in this bunch
looks familiar, okay?


That's the guy?

You sure?

Got an address.

- Okay, let's take him.
- I'll get the backup.

Right. Listen, we find this guy
you're gonna have to id him
in a lineup.

Now, he won't be able
to see you.

Can you do that?

- Yeah.
- Okay.


I understand, leo.

We all loved him.

But you must not hide
your grief.

Rather, we must share it.

Let it strengthen us.

It's-- it's not that.

No? What then?

Oh, god.

Oh, come on, leo,
please, tell me.

What is it?

I followed her last night.


She said she was going
to her aerobics class.

But she hasn't been there
in weeks.

I know, I called.

So I followed to her to this
computer software place.

At ethel and holdorf,
that's where she met him.

Who met who?

My wife met roger.

Blonde hair, six feet,

Goym computer programmer.

She has having an affair
with him.

Leo, you must
confront her with this.

I did on the spot!

She got mad.

Said he was the best thing that
had happened to her in years.

She's not gonna give him up.

Wanted to call her names.

I couldn't,
I love her too much.

It's all right.

That's all right.

Oh, judas leo, I knew you would
take it hardest of all.

When a warrior falls
there is no anguish

More profound than that
of his shield bearer.

It's not that.

Leo, has a personal problem,


Nothing wrong with mrs. Schnitz
I hope.

Oh, god!

That's all right.


The sarge is dead.

He was a great guy!

I'm sorry about it!

But my wife is having
an affair!

Okay? You satisfied?

Police officers, ma'am.

You have to open it wider
than that.

We're looking to talk
to you son, ma'am.

Jorge villa?

[Speaks spanish]

- Neal.
- [Rings clattering]

Kind of chilly
for wide-open windows, señora.

Hey, backup,
the alley.

Suspect in the alley.


[Police sirens approach]

[Tires screeching]

Okay, hold it right there!

That a boy, jorge.

You're under arrest, my man.

Would you like a doughnut?

You have the right to remain
to silent...

Leo, I'm so sorry.

Mr. James,
I'm ms. Davenport.

I'll be your attorney.

No complaints here.

You were arrested two days ago
on a shoplifting charge.

Held for two days
at the michigan avenue complex

And released last night
by order of judge cruise.


And by 11, you accumulated
a solicitation charge,

Possession of stolen
credit cards,

Possession of narcotics.

That's the way of the world,
ain't it?

Guy like me, I mean,
good luck is like a rumor--

Uh, excuse me.

No, excuse me, I'd like
to see you in my office now.

Let's hear it.

Your client gave lucy bates
a credit card

That use to belong
a mrs. Virginia kimble,

Clearwater, florida,
who was found dead

In the truck of her car
outside of louisville.

That doesn't give you
the right to--

And in our routine
check of a finger prints

Turned up the name
of theodus nickerson,

Escaped from florida state
penitentiary a week ago

Doing life for a double m*rder
in a gas station hold up.

That's your client,
one of the people judge cruise

Saw fit to release
as a low-risk criminal

Then the screw up
was in florida, frank.

You can't release
247 criminals--

Why didn't it show up
five days ago on the first bust?

My best guess is laziness.

So then what's the moral
of the story, frank?

For the shoplifters
in the hole?

Or don't let
convicted murders escape?

[Knocking at the door]

Frank, joyce, I just got
the news about phil esterhaus.

I came as fast as I could.

I am so sorry.

Thank you.

God rest him,
he lived a full life.

Ray tells me you picked up
a m*rder

Judge cruise decided to exercise
some selective mercy with.

Yeah, there seem have to been
some bureaucratic foul-ups.

Had enough that you could
make some political hay.

Better they stack six feet
in the tombs

Like manhole covers.

Obviously she's upset.

And I imagine the shock
of phil's passing

Will be with all of us
for some time.

But, frank, phil would've been
the first to recognize

The need for
an orderly transition here.

Now, I've selected three of
the department's toughest nuts,

All with a lot of years
behind the desk.

You take your pick, frank.

I've have them at the podium

Tomorrow morning.

Well, I guess,
I hadn't thought about it

Quite this far yet, chief.

Frank, he was your friend,
that's understandable.

It has occurred to me
that bringing somebody in

From the outside
might be somewhat disruptive.

You want to keep it
in the family then.

Uh, I think at least initially.

All right, frank.

You tell me.

Lucy bates passed her exam

And she was second in line
for promotion

When the freeze
went into effect.

Oh, you want--

You want to take a straight
from patrol

To turnout responsibilities?

Yeah, I think I like
to give her a shot.


Well, I must admit
I'm skeptical

What with the more
qualified bodies available.

It'll only be temporary
to start.

But nobody's work harder,

Nobody's more deserving.

Well, it is your precinct.

If you want to put a woman
in that job,

I guess there's nothing
I can say, is there?

Freeze will come off
this afternoon.

Funeral arrangements in place?

I guess,
I'm taking care of that.

Dear phil.

A dreadful lost, dreadful.

Let me know.

Just want you to know, sergeant,
you got my every confidence.

Just like a riddle in
the cosmic tapestry, bobby hill.

Why that man made as much to me
as my own daddy,

And I wished
I could've told him so.

I wish I can tell him so now.


Now, prompted that comment
from the animal world?

People should treat people good
when they're alive

Instead of trying to make up
for it after they're dead.

You trying to tell me
that I'm less than sincere

In my affections for that man?


His name was esterhaus!

And you caused him aggravation
wising off in role call

And ducking assignments--

I suppose you never broke
his nose intramural volleyball

Did you there, boy?

- That was an accident!
- Hey, knock it off, you guys.

- He was my sergeant, you know?
- An exceptional
police officer.

- He was my friend.
- Hey, knock it off.

What is this,
mom likes me best?

Have some respect.

All right, what's going on here?

- Nothing.
- Nothing, mr. Nolan.

We ready to role
whenever you are.

Yeah, but let's
get this thing loaded, come on.

- Who's driving?
- Me.


Let me see your class 2 license.

You're looking at it.


Now, what do you think is going
in the back of this thing,

Mr. Police badge?

- Meat.
- Uh-uh.

12,000 Of my hard-earned
dollars is what.

Now, you can flash that badge
at a pork roast,

And it's still gonna spoil.

If it gets above 52 degrees
longer than 30 minutes,

You can flash that badge
at a side of beef

And it's still gonna bruise

To the tune
of 10 cents less a pound

If it goes swinging around
in the back of that truck.

So you just show me some proof

That you know something about
driving a refrigerator unit

Or I'm just gonna take
my chances with the hijackers.

Mr. Nolan, my partner and I
can personally attest

That this little gentleman
knows how to handle raw meat.


What ramp?


[Engine starts]

Okay, let's get
this sucker loaded!

Look, I understand the urgency.

My feeling is that this decision
would better be made

By a professional that's all.

I see. All right.

Well, then I'll just have
to get back to you
by five, right?

Okay, thanks.

What do you know
about executing an estate?

Uh, enough to call legal
referral for the name

Of a qualified attorney.

How about giving away eyes?


Phil signed a donors card,
organ transplants.

They've given me a list
of 40 people who need eyes.

Little girl in tulsa.

Father of five in greenbay.

Law says as executor
I have to make the choice.

Amazing isn't it?

Part of a man can go on
living like this.

Hi, irwin.

Uh, frank,

Sandy valpariso's
on her way back

From the r*pe treatment center.

We can have a lineup ready
by the time she gets here.

Okay, let's put it together.

- How's it going?
- Oh, great.

I have settled with the fact
that he's gone yet,

And-- and I'm parceling
him out like--

Like a door prize.

Is it true what I heard
about him?

What was that, irwin?

I don't mean this to sound cold.

But I had some business
at the morgue this morning,

And I heard a rumor
that he wasn't...

...dancing alone
when the big-one hit.

I don't think we should
speculate about that, irwin.

keep moving all the way down

To your marks
and face forward.

That's him.

Two second from the left.

you positive?

Believe me, I'm not gonna
forget that face soon.


Okay, we're done,
ms. Valpariso, thank you.

All right, that's it,
turn to your right,

Move down to the steps
to the door.

How you feeling?

I'm sorry,
it's just been a long day.

You kidding?
You've been great.

So what next?

Well, the way things
are backed up,

They probably won't arraign
before tomorrow morning.

We'll call,
let you know, okay?

Thank you.

- No problem.
- Thanks a lot.

We got to get you a ride home.

Not yet.

Just sit with me
for a few minutes, okay?

What? Here?

Why not?

You afraid to be alone with me?

No, of course not.

Joe, what is going on with you?

Nothing, what are you
talking about?

All day long,
you've been so nice,

The perfect gentleman,
the perfect cop.

But I feel like you're
a million miles away from me.

Sandy, I've been with you
every minute.

All the way to the r*pe center
and back,

You barely said a word

And you haven't said
anything to me today

That wasn't straight
from the manual.

I'm just used to dealing with it
in a certain way.

I mean, that's my job.

We have been sleeping together
for two weeks.

I am more than just your job.

I just got to work out
a few things.

What things?

I need to understand in my mind
what happened to you.

What do you have to understand?

Look, the guy grabbed me.
He made me take off my clothes.

He made me lie down on a cold,
dirty floor!

- Stop it, sandy!
- What?

It's too unpleasant
for you to hear.

I lived through it,
you jerk.

I just need some time.

I have to make myself
understand why it happened.

What do you think
I could've done?

What would you do
if you had some drug-crazy

Pointing a knife at you throat?

Put up a fight?

I don't know!

Is that it?

You think maybe I didn't
fight hard enough?

Maybe that is what I think.

I mean, you--

You always hear about women
who get out of it

By saying they're pregnant

Or saying they have v.d.
Or something.

Maybe I'm wondering
why you didn't try that.

If he had bashed my face in
or slashed my throat,

Would that make you
feel better?

Would that help you understand?

No. No.

It's just that--

I don't know what to think.


Well, then why don't you
just sit here for a few years

And see what you can figure out.

You know, if he don't get
a move on,

He gonna be about seven minutes
behind this schedule.

Would you lighten up?

If they're looking for us,
they'll find us.

Hey, call belker
and tell him

That the backdoor latch
has come loose.


Farmer brown, farmer brown,
this is meatloaf.

Your barn door is about
to come open there, pal.

Make sure the cow
don't get out.

Watch your mouth, renko,
or you're gonna be

The fattest side of beef
hanging in this truck.

all units in the area
of 3-15 south polk avenue,

Robbery in progress,
sh*ts fired.

Hey, meatloaf,
where the hell you going?

we got a robbery in progress.

We're taking it.

No, you're not,
you call it in.

You're not leaving
my rear-end exposed.

Hey, you guys hear me?

Get back here!

[Tires screech]

Hey, you hit my van,
you stupid, jerk.

What, you got your head
in your shorts or something?

I see it, I see it.
I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

Get out of that truck
you sawed-off little wimp.

I'll show you who's sorry!

Who you calling sawed-off,
fart bag!

You, you dwarf, numb-nuts!

No wonder you got in
an accident!

I'm a cop my friend.

Good! Because I'm suing you!

I'm suing the department.

- Don't crowd me.
- And I'm suing the city.

I'm telling you not to crowd me!

Crowd you!

Hey, put it back!

Stop that!

- You're all under arrest!
- Get off me, you little runt!

Ow! I give! I give!

Get back here,
I'm a police officer!


Go on, get out of here.

I'm taking a last pass
down avenue c.

I haven't seen not one hooker.

you sure you're on avenue c?


Ain't nothing on this road
but potholes.

Hard to believe.
Telling me what you're seeing.


Well, there's a couple winos
working a trashcan fire.

There's a lady standing
next to a station wagon

With her hood up.

She waved at me.

Archie, that's an old gimmick
to fool patrol cars.

Put up some guys car
and just pretend it's there's.

Turn around,
check it out, okay?

Roger. Will do.

Oh, thank god,

You are the answer
to a woman's prayers.

How would you like to take
a peak under my hood?

And then what, lady?

And then you give me a jump.

Well, I have all
the claps and cords,

You know, in the back.

They just hook right on.

Sounds good.

So, what's this sort of thing
worth to you.

How much?
Boy, you're a sport, mister.

I don't know, it's so cold.
Uh, ten bucks.

Police officer,
you're under arrest.

Unlawful solicitation.

- Please turn around,
put your hand behind your back.
- Solicitation?

Are you kidding, solicitation?
My battery is dead.

Don't make it any harder
on yourself, ma'am.

You stated the act
and the amount.

I don't believe this.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Are you--
this is absolutely crazy!

You can't believe for one moment
that I was really trying--

You thought that
I was asking you--


How old are you?


Are you sure
you're a real police man
and not just on safety patrol?

Hey, hey, hey.
Get my purse.

I can't believe--

Where we going?
Hill street?

- Yeah.
- Oh, good a need a ride.

Listen, at this time of the day
take a left at euclid.

It's a lot easier.

- Yo, frankie.
- Jesus.

Anybody call for a pick-up?
Two diablos?

What? Hey, your clown can't
hold his meat on the road,

It's not my problem.

Give us a minute.

Hey, I paid for the goods.

Now, you deliver, frankie.

Or your word is garbage
on the streets.


Martinez and I had a deal.

Based on information you never
had a chance to verify.

How am I gonna
sell that downtown?

It's a lousy tv set, irwin.
What's the big deal?

Okay, frank, you-- you do
what you have to do.


Meat suppliers filed
an $8,000 claim.

Driver of the van is bring suit
for abusive process.

Our hijackers
are doing business as usual.

Why not make
the disaster complete?


Leo, uh, would you turn over--
we keep our part of the deal.

Would you turn over
the two diablos to, uh,

Custody of mr. Martinez here.

Right, cap.

Good decision, frankie.

You got to go by the rules,
you know?

Be the executor of my will too,
okay, frank?

I know how you must feel, leo.

Ready to see me, luc?

What's up?

Well, I'm not sure.

Earlier today,
the chief came up to me,

Slapped me on the back,
called me sergeant.

You know what he was
talking about?

We had a discussion
this morning about

The desk sergeant vacancy.

We decided the best course

Would be to move somebody up
from the inside.

So I recommended you.

Me, take the sergeant's place?

Forget about it,
no way.

I couldn't fill his shoes
in a thousand years.

Don't even try,
just be your own person.

I don't know.

I mean, I've been wanting it
for a long time.

But with the circumstances,
it's all wrong.

Lucy, you put in a lot
of hard work to make sergeant.

It shouldn't be a punishment.

Why don't you take some time
to think it over.

If you're still uncomfortable,
we'll try something else
that's all.

But I still think you're
the best person for the job.

If you say so, captain.

Let's keep it under wraps

For a couple of days
though, huh,

Until we can make
an orderly transition.

Is it appropriate to say thanks?

Congratulations, sergeant.

Yo, momma, where did you get
those fancy bracelets?

Keep away from me,

Touchy, touchy.

Some prize you got there,
officer, you know that?


You better get some thick shoes.

You're standing in
the dog's business.


That's the captain's old lady.

Sign these.

- Mrs. Furillo?
- Furillo?

Fast fay-lio,
the strumpet of state street.

A fallen woman.

- Get her out of those cuffs.
- Gee, I'm sorry, ma'am.

I don't know, really.

I'm such an idiot!
I'm a moron.


I've been looking
for you two amateurs!

You were supposed
to be backing me up.

Now, where the hell were you?

We had an all units, mick.
We radioed you.

Somebody could've gotten
k*lled out there!

Way I heard it,
somebody didn't know where

Somebody was going,
now did they.

How could you're always around
with your fat mouth

When I don't need you, renko!

Come on, mick,
you think the sergeant

Would approve of you
talking like--


No! I said no!

Look, I'm not insensitive
to the fact

That phil estherhaus' death
has hit us all pretty hard.

But if you respect his memory,
you'll be what he was.

You'll honor it by being
what he was,

A gentleman,
and a good cop.

Sorry, fay, that was no way
for you to find out.

Phil's dead?

When? Where?

At home early this morning.


He-- he taught frank jr.
How to box.

I hear he died in the saddle.

That's a lot of crap.

Just what I heard, mick.

Hey, anybody heard any rumors
about who's gonna replace him?

Can we at least wait
'til the body gets cold?

Scenario, foster in the heights,
retired last month.

Jaffy in south ferry

Bit the biscuit
a couple of weeks ago.

Mayor's office lifts
the freeze on hiring.

He gets the strips.

And just like that,
got ourselves a new sarge.

hey, nobody said
anything about anybody

Replacing the sarge,
so let's just drop it.

I purpose a toast to the sarge.

We loved him.

We gonna miss him.

God bless him.

Here, here.

Yeah, I loved him too.

What a sex life.

J.d., Go k*ll yourself.

You know, when I was
first up here.

You got the feeling
he really liked you,

You know,
deep down.

Like he just liked people.

I guess, he went out
liking someone.

Ba-bing. Ba-bing.

It didn't happen like that,
you jerk.

I don't believe that
that happened.

Well, why don't we call
the captain?

Great, yeah!
He'll love you for it.

It is our right under
the freedom of information act.

Tender me a dime here there,

[Phone ringing]


- Captain furillo?
- Who is this?

Andrew renko, sir.
How are you?


Uh, sir, uh, I hope we didn't
wake your wife and you,

But we're all down here
at mulligan's

Sort of toasting to sarge,

Me, bobby hill, j.d.,
Neal, lucille bates, joe,

Belcker, leo.

What can I do for you, andy?

Well, sir, um, in paying
our respects and all,

We-- we got to thinking
about life and death.

And how we all sort of have
a fleeting moment in the sun.

And how we all have to plant our
flag on this earth as it were.

Well, so got to speculating
about the sergeant's flag
and all.

You want to get
to what this is all about?

Sir, is it true

He deceased himself
whilst in act?

Yes, it's true.

Damn! That is a hell
of a good way

To check out, isn't it?

Of course,
it couldn't even been

No tea party for his paramour,
now, could it?

Good night, andy.

Good night, sir.


Yeah, wanting to know
if it was true how phil died.

A legend is born.

I'll miss him.

So will i.

You want to make love?

It could cost you your life.

I'll risk it.
