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03x12 - Hot Styles

Posted: 09/06/22 13:36
by bunniefuu
In 1972,
a cr*ck commando unit...

was sent to prison
by a m*llitary court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped...

from a maximum-security

to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted
by the government...

they survive
as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire the A-Team.

If I see another clump of cottage
cheese or a spinach leaf...

I think I'm going to scream.

- Really?
- Yes.

Well, you're in luck, I made
reservations at La Rouge.

- Oh, thank God!
- Yeah. Oh, by the way...

Well, I happened to pick a little
something up for you that...

- You did?
- Yeah.

I was going to give it to you
over champagne...

but I figured,
what the heck, why wait?

Templeton! It's beautiful!

- I don't know what to say.
- Well, it's nothing much.

Thank you.

Can you put it on me, please?

Well, yes.

Templeton, can't you stay?

Can't you tell
that blasted company...

not to transfer you
to New York, please?

Yes, speaking of my transfer
back to New York, I think--

Let's not talk about it.
I don't want to talk about it.

I don't want to think about it.
It makes me sad.

Well, maybe we should.
I mean--

Take a walk, pal, before you're
picking pavement out of your teeth.

Picking pavement out of my teeth?
I like that. It has a certain...

By the way, I don't believe
we've been properly introduced.


No! No!

Get her in the car.

No! No!

You mind telling me who the cowboy
playing tag in the Vette was?

His name is Templeton Peck. He's
just some guy I've been dating.

- He's in computer sales.
- Computer sales?

I'm gonna tell
you something, baby.

You better hope, for your
sake, he never comes back.

You're a beautiful girl,

And I'd feel real bad if I had to turn
that pretty face into a road map.

Know what I mean?

You're sure it was Johnny
Turian in the limo?

- I thought he was working out of Chicago.
- It was Turian, Hannibal!

Believe me, you don't
forget a face like that.

- What's she doing with a slug like Turian?
- I don't know...

It doesn't make sense. She's from a
small town. A real apple-pie kid.

- But she knows about you?
- Yeah. Well, not exactly.

I kind of inferred
I was in computer sales.

I don't like to say this, Face,

but maybe the lady has got
the same problem as you.

Maybe you don't know
the whole story.

Well, whatever her story, I like her,
Hannibal. She's something special.

We've got to go in
and get her out!

Don't you worry, Faceman. With B.A.'s
van here, we're gonna get her out.

We gonna scour the city! We gonna
screech around every corner!

We gonna tear through every
intersection till we get her out!

No, Murdock!

We're not going to tear
through every intersection.

Now it was hard enough for me to get B.A.
to let you drive this van.

I gave him my word. You're gonna
get it back in one piece!

I don't suppose you've noticed that
I'm wearing gold? Do you know why?

Let me tell you why. I got behind
the wheel of this van here...

and I noticed that she was shimmying
a little, pulling to the left.

It finally hit me. That ugly mud-sucker
tuned the suspension of this van...

to compensate for all
that gold he was wearing.

So, I put on a few chains,
a few rings, a bracelet...

and some bricks under the seat
and it worked.

Come on, Murdock.
You're not serious?

Would I lie to you? Would I?

Face, you got the
number off that limo, right?

It's leased to a company down in San Pedro.
"Revelle Fashions."

Murdock, can this van
find Revelle Fashions?

You kidding me, sucker?
We're there!

Now, unless you've got a burning desire
to look like a piece of Swiss cheese...

I suggest you stand very still.

What the hell is going on?
And who are you?

We're the big, bad wolves. We've
come to blow your house down.

Yeah. And when we huff and puff,
you better hold on to your socks.

- You all right?
- Templeton, no.

Come on.

What's the matter?
You don't like earrings?

You chauvinist pig!

Now, we hate to be gate crashers,
but we don't like it...

when our friends have to be
forced to go somewhere.

It throws shadows
on our sunny dispositions.

Now, if I were you, I'd catch
the next flight to Chicago.

You find them!
I want that girl back.

- I can't believe this!
- Well, what do you mean?

You can't just come in
like that and grab me!

- What are you talking about?
- Stop this van right now!

What? Let me out, or
I'll call the police.

Look, I don't understand.

Listen, Rina,
I think we should talk.

Just stay out of my life!
Get the message?

Look, Rina. Turian could be
right behind us.

Johnny Turian is a friend of mine.
So, butt out!

- I don't want to see you again!
- Now, wait, wait. Wait a minute.

You know,
I think what we got here...

is a definite lack of
communication, Hannibal.

Face, correct me if I'm wrong,
but I thought you said...

that you and this lady
had something special going.

We have. We did.

At least, I thought we did.

Hannibal, there has to be a reason
why she's acting like this.

Maybe she found out that
you're not in computer sales?

Look, Hannibal, I still
can't accept the fact...

that she really wants to be
with Turian.

I hate to say it, Faceman.
Looks like...

as soon as the little lady got back to the
old hacienda she called J.T., el pronto.

Hang back and follow, Murdock. I
want to see where they're going.

Don't worry, Hannibal. We're
not gonna lose these suckers.

Now, you wanna tell me who
those guys were back there?

And don't tell me Romeo
was a computer salesman.

Look, it's like I said. He's a guy I've
been dating for a couple of weeks.

He obviously lied to me
about who he was.

I certainly don't know
who his friends are.

Did he give you this?

Where are you taking me?

We're going down to my yacht.
I'm throwing a little party.

I want you to stay there,
until this thing blows over.

Look, I'm not gonna run away.

Didn't I just call you
when I got to my apartment?

Look, it's for your own protection.
All right?

Well, it's obvious now.
She was lying to me.

How could she just walk
in there with him like that?

Oh boy, I'm telling you.

All this time
we're going together...

she's pretending
to be one thing.

You know, coming onto me like
she was this fashion model.

All career, no personal life,
lonely, unhappy...

looking for someone
to make things right.

And all along she's hooked up
with a sleaze like Turian.

Yeah, but you're coming on like
this great computer salesman.

And all the time you're holding her
hand, you're not telling her...

you're a fugitive
from the Federal Government.

El Jefe is right, amigo.

I mean, you didn't tell the little
gal about the real, true Faceman.

Come on, Hannibal, you know
we didn't do anything.

We took a mission. We knocked
out an enemy position...

which just happened to be
a bank.

A commanding officer gets k*lled, and
so we end up getting sacrificed...

to preserve
international relations.

The four of us are on the run, Lieutenant.
All we've got is each other.

Now, I don't like it, but I didn't
set it up. Neither did this girl.

You don't tell her, she might
wind up paying your bill.

And if you do, curtain's
down for all of us.

As far as I'm concerned,
either way it's craps!

You wanna play,
you gotta pay, Lieutenant.

Yeah, well I hope
someone out there...

thinks this is funny.

The two of us looking each
other straight in the eye...

and talking about things that...

neither one of us really meant.

You meant it. You just didn't wanna
hurt each other, that's all.

Yeah? So why am I feeling like
I've been gut-sh*t?

And what am I gonna do?

- I can't just walk away!
- You're not going to.

You're going to get into that party
and find out what's going on.

And I know just
how you're gonna do it.

You come up behind the boat in one
of those little rubber dinghies...

the kind we've used time
and time again.

Then you employ two polyurethane
Special Forces suction cups...

and you climb
the side of the boat.

Now, just as you're
getting to the railing...

I will demonstrate
my pyrotechnic know-how.

An expl*si*n of some type,
violent in nature, no doubt.

And that will be enough to divert
the attention of the guards...

and allow you to get inside.

The whole thing will take
20 minutes, half-hour at most.

I like it, Murdock...

but I think this calls for
something a little more subtle.


Good afternoon.

- How do you do?
- Thank you.

I can take your invitation.
Go right on board.

- Thank you very much.
- You bet. All right, here you go.

- Have a nice time.
- Thank you.

Look, you don't understand. I gave
my invitation to the parking valet.

No. No one goes aboard unless
they have an invitation.

But that's ridiculous! Of course
I got here with an invitation!

I gave it to the parking valet!
Left it right down there.

I'm sorry, I need an invitation,
otherwise you don't get onboard.

I'm a friend of Mr. Turian's.
He invited me here!

Why else would we be here? I'm
sorry, please step aside.

Rina, darling.


Jason, how are you?

Look at you. Gorgeous.
Gorgeous, gorgeous!

You know, the moment I saw you in
that blue jean commercial, I d*ed!

I knew you were the one, the
only one to model my new line.

- This year's...
- Thanks.

...Burnett Girl!

Oh, Jason.

- Would you care for a refill?
- Thank you.

How do you do it?

The prettiest girl, and you
grab her to model your designs.

I want you to know that Jason b*at
me to you, but I had my eye on you.

Well, thank you, Louella.
I'm very flattered.

By the way, Jason...

when are we gonna get a look
at your new designs?

I hear they're fabulous.

And they say that you hired
an army to guard them.

Well, Louella, secrecy is the key
in the fashion design business.

That's how I stay on top.

Come, Rina, dear.
I want you to meet someone.

Don't go away,
I'll be right back.

Mr. Dubrio, I'm glad you could come.
How are you?

I heard you had a little
trouble today, Johnny.

It was nothing.
A couple of jerks, that's all.

A couple of tough guys. We took care
of them. Can I get you a drink?

I got a lot riding on this, Johnny.
You told me no screw-ups.

You told me you had everything
under control, right?

Well, I do, everything is fine.

The girl is fantastic.
I mean, she's a real pro.

She'll be in and out
with the film like that.

That's the way it's gotta
go down, nice and smooth.

I got a lot of money tied
up in this, and nothing--

- Look--
- Nothing can go wrong.

- You understand that, Johnny?
- You know me, Mr. Dubrio.

I mean, I'll do anything
to get a job done. Anything.

Well, that's why I work with you, kid.
Don't disappoint me. Okay?

Well, well, well, well, well.

What are you doing here?

Well, I was going to ask you
the same question.

Well, you've gotta leave, because if
they find you here, they'll k*ll you.

So now you are concerned
about me?

You lied to me. You're not
who you said you are.

And you lied to me. Look, do you think
we can get out of the corridor?

Templeton, I'm so scared!
I missed you so much.

Wait. Wait a minute.
I'm a little confused here.

I mean, I'm remembering a drive
up the coast to Santa Barbara.

I'm remembering dinner
at a little country inn.

I'm remembering a night,
many nights of...

Then all of a sudden, I have
the gate slammed in my face.

I come down here to find out why,
and now you melt in my arms.

I'm not saying I don't enjoy a
challenge, but this is ridiculous.

You've got to believe me.
I was afraid you'd get hurt.

You have no idea what Johnny
Turian is capable of.

Look, Rina, I know you're in trouble, all
right? I wanna help. So just tell me.

Don't you think there's a few
things you should tell me?

Like who you really are?

Well, there's a part of my life I
didn't want you to know about.

It looks like we had more
in common than we thought.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

I was married
to Johnny Turian's brother.

I was young and naive enough
to think...

that Tony was different from
his brother, but I was wrong.

Less than a year later,
he was arrested...

for putting a b*llet
through someone's head.

So, I changed my name.
I moved out here.

And I wanted to put that
chapter of my life behind me.

Then, you're telling me Turian wants
to reopen it, but not by your choice.

Yes or no?


Turian is planning on ripping off
Jason Burnett's line of clothes.

He can clean up if he can get counterfeit
copies into the marketplace...

before Jason's originals arrive.

Yeah, Burnett's security
is impossible to penetrate...

so Turian needs someone to get a look
at the fashions before they go public.

He needs a model, he needs you.

Burnett uses dummy addresses.
He arranges for phony showings.

He's constantly changing
the location of his fittings.

In fact,
the location is so secret...

that he's sending a limousine
to take me there.

Turian wants me to photograph the
styles in tomorrow's fitting.

Well, you're not gonna
go through with it.

I'm gonna get you outta here.
No! I can't!

I know that sounds crazy, but I can't go
with you! You've just got to believe me.

Now you've got to go
before someone finds you here!

Rina, what is Turian holding
over you? What...

What are you holding back?

If I tell you, you'll try
to do something about it.

And I don't want you to!
I don't want you to help me!

Now, time is running out.
Please, you've got to go!

Turian took it.


Where is she?
I don't see her here.

Well, she's around,
she's around.

I told her to mingle
with the crowd.

What do you think?
She jumped overboard?

I don't wanna take
any chances, Johnny.

You keep your eye on her!
You understand?

Yeah. Okay.

I'll go look for her.

I'll be in touch.

Hey, what's the matter?

You don't like to mingle?

I want you back up
at the party. Now, all right?

Hey! Hey,
what are you doing down there?

Wouldn't you know it! Lisa, the
blonde with the slinky black dress...

she gave me
the wrong cabin number.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

Looks like we found ourselves
a sneak thief.

Wait a minute, fellas.
Now, can't we talk this over?

My tailor hates Kn*fe holes.

Excuse me, hot stuff.

Hey, pal, can I get through?

I thought you might need
some help.

You got that right.
Well, let's go!

We found someone
ripping off your jewelry.

My security is falling apart!

What am I paying you guys for?

I got guys coming at me with
machine g*ns in my warehouse!

And you let a couple of two-bit
jewel thieves waltz in here...

and rip off my cufflinks!

I swear to you,
Mr. Turian.

I don't know how they could have
got aboard. We doubled security.

So, our friend
Johnny's come up in the world.

No more running off cheap T-shirts
and counterfeit hotpants.

Wait a minute!

- You hear that?
- What?


It's like the engine
is off a tinge!

I mean, I just had this baby
tuned up!

- Relax, Murdock! It sounds fine.
- B.A.'s put his trust in me.

He knows I'm taking care of his van
and I'm not taking any chances.

This baby's going to be in tip-top
shape when he gets back here.

Maybe I should take her
in for another tune-up.

I don't think it's the van that
needs the tune-up, Murdock.

Could you turn down the heat? My
shoe leather's starting to cr*ck.

No. I want it to be warm
in here.

It keeps the carpet fluffy!

B.A.'s going to be real proud of me when
he gets back here to pick up his ride.

Look, Hannibal I'm telling you.

Whatever Turian's using to blackmail Rina
into taking those photographs is working.

The girl's terrified.

Well, the only way we can solve her problem
is to take Turian out of the picture.

- You got a plan, Colonel?
- Yeah.

Turian expects a roll of film with
Burnett's fashions on them, right?

So, we'll give him a roll of
film with some hot styles on it.

That's great,
but how you going to do it?

We'll design our own fashions.

And you, Murdock,
will be our designer.

A fashion designer!

Something with flair.

Elegance. Haute coiffure.

- Yes. Something like that.
- Okay, zip it.

So, we get the designs. How are
we going to get them made?

We are doing fine, ladies.

Keep up the pace, Irma,
we need these dresses.

This is so exciting.

And remember, you keep the machines.
We keep the designs.

Perfect. Nice.

Now all we need are some models.


Well, Face, I'm Impressed.

Yeah, well, you should be.
May I have your coats, please.

And where did you find
these beautiful ladies?

At the Leopard Club.

Shall we, ladies? Over here.

Excuse me, you dropped this.

Perhaps. You would allow
me to put it back on?

Later, Captain.
This way, ma'am.


I love it! Oh, yes! Yes!

I think I missed my calling.

Nice job, Captain.

- Are you ready yet? Burnett's here.
- I'll be ready in a minute.

You're ready now.

And don't be getting any dumb ideas, just
because you'll be out of my sight...

for a couple of hours.

Don't forget
my insurance policy.

- Rina, darling.
- Hi, Jason.

We're all set here, Murdock.

This is Mr. Burnett's driver,

Security Code Number 1-4,
heading to North Kendall Drive.

Yes, sir. We'll
check at your destination.

Getting a signal?

Loud and clear, Captain.
Let's go!


Mr. Burnett,
this is Execu-Tech Security.

I'm picking up
an electronic signal...

coming from the right rear
bumper panel on your limousine.

Check the rear bumper.

When will my competitors ever
learn I can't be followed?

- Well.
- What's wrong?

The signal stopped. Their security
people must've found the bug.

They're better than I thought.

Well, that's it. By the time we find them,
they could've handed the film over.

Oh, no. Now we go
to our contingency plan.

Hey, what's going on?
We got a three-alarmer!

Everybody get out the fire exit!
Now, try not to panic.

We'll try
and save everybody's lives.

There's oxygen downstairs
for anybody who needs it.

But we can't leave
the control room un-manned!

It sounds like they hit the gas pipe.
You better hurry!

All right. Burnett.

- Is that one "T" or two?
- Two.


Nothing. There's no
access under Burnett's name.

Try the limo license plate.


That's it.

And they're heading for
468 North Kendall Drive.

Security Code 14.
Returning to rendezvous point.

Why are we stopping?

How you doing?

I don't believe it.
How did you get in here?

Hey, would I abandon a lady
in distress?

Now, look we don't have much time.
Did you take the pictures?


What do you want to do?

Make sure that Turian doesn't make
copies of Burnett's originals.

Now, I want you to give Turian this
roll of film, all right? It has...

...another set
of designs on it.

I can't. I can't. I'm sorry.

- You don't know what's at stake. I can't.
- Rina, look.

By the time Turian finds out we switched
film, we'll have you out of this.

Now, come on,
you got to trust me on this.


Don't worry.
I won't let you down.

Now give me the film.

Where's the film?

He has it in his pocket.

Why? Why'd you do this?

Mommy! Mommy!

- Baby!
- Mommy, I'm so scared!

Mommy's here, baby.
Are you all right?

I'm all right, Mommy.
They didn't hurt me.

Thank God.

I'm sorry, Templeton,
I really am.

I couldn't tell you Turian had Eric.
I was terrified.

I understand.

Let me look at you.

So you figured
on pulling a switch, huh?

Sticking me with a roll
of phony styles.

Counterfeiting dresses?

I figured you more for the
"ripping off of cars" kind of guy.

You know, a little loan sharking
thrown in on the side, maybe.

We got a real wise guy here,
don't we?

Johnny, don't hurt him!
Hurt him?

I'm not going to hurt him, baby.
I'm going to let the sharks do it.

When we get far enough out,
unload these three.

- You all right?
- Templeton, I'm scared.

It's going to be all right.
Come on, gimme a little smile.

That's better.
Look, all we got to do...

is wait for my friend Hannibal
to come up with a plan.

I just hope it's a good one.

I can't believe
she turned him in.

You better come up with a
plan lickety-split, Colonel.

Otherwise, our Faceman's going to be
doing flip-ups with Charlie Tuna.

Turian notified the harbor master
he's going to put out to sea at 4:00.

Now, that's not much time.
But, with my plan...

it's just enough
for you and me, Murdock.

Well, what
do you think, Captain?

She looks like she belongs
in a movie, Colonel.


What did I tell you, Mr. Dubrio?
Your boy came through.

I sent the film on its way.

That's good, Johnny.

Yeah, you did very good. That
makes me very happy. Yeah.

I'm going to call the people overseas.
Tell them designs are on their way.

By the end of the week, we'll have a
hundred thousand copies ready to ship.

Yeah. Good. Yeah, you take care.
I'll be In touch.

Murdock, take her two points to port.
I want to cross his bow.

Oh, look alive, ye lubbers!

Open the g*n ports and
gunners, man your stations!

Load the 16-pounders
with g*nsh*t!

Lower the mainsail
and shorten the jib!

And a quarter turn
south southwest!

We won't sh**t, sir, till we
see the whites of their eyes!

And if they've got their backs to us...
Well, you get my drift, sir.

This is Captain Detweiler of
the Los Angeles Harbor Patrol.

We'd like permission to come aboard
and examine your ship's documents.

What do we do?

What do you want me to do,
tell them no?

All right, come aboard.

Take them up to the bridge.
That won't be necessary.

Just take us to Rina
and to our friend.

Hannibal, you constantly
amaze me.

- Let's get out of here.
- You got pigs right now!

That's round one and you lost.

If you're looking for the film with
Burnett's designs on it, it's too late.

I've already
sent it out of the country.

As far as the fake one,
I threw it overboard.

I don't think so.

You see, I figured
you had Rina so frightened...

that she'd probably tell you
I switched film. So...

I didn't switch films.

Do you understand
what I'm saying here?

You threw the real roll overboard,
not the fake one.

That's life, Johnny boy, and when your Mr.
Dubrio discovers...

that his mills are stamping
out $10 million worth...

of phony designs, well...

I don't think he's going to be
very happy, now, do you?

I wouldn't call them phony.

Highly imaginative...

the work of a genius,
but not phony.

I'm thinking about coming out
with a whole new line.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.

Let's go, Murdock.
Come on, Face. Get them out.

And, I'm sorry about that hole
in your boat.

What hole?

The hole that,
this is going to make.

Abandon ship.

I love it
when a plan comes together.

"Johnny Turian Disappears."
I like the ring of that.

I am so grateful to you. You got
Johnny Turian out of my life.

You saved my little boy. I'll
never forget It. Thank you.

Why do I get the feeling
that sounded like a goodbye?

You know, B.A.'s train should
have been in an hour ago.

He and Murdock ought to be here any minute.
I'll check on them.

All right.

You know, Rina, I...

I never meant to lead you on.

- The truth this time?
- Well, I...

I meant to lead you on,
I just never meant...

I never had any idea
where it was going to go.

Look, I was having such a good
time today...

I never thought about tomorrow.

But we have to think
about tomorrow, don't we?

Listen to me.

How long
do you think it would be...

before the m*llitary caught up
with you...

if you had a permanent address?

I guess I'd better...

I guess.

Yeah, B.A., me
and the old van, here...

we've established
a kind of bond.

It was a little rough going at first.
I had to get used to it.

It had to get used to me.
But now we mesh!

Just like a well-oiled machine
Now, sit back. Relax.

You've been on a long trip,
I can tell by your eyes.

It just don't seem right.

You sitting behind the wheel
and me sitting over here.

Hey, B.A.? Look at that!

Murdock, look out!

Oh, no!
