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03x24 - Trouble Brewing

Posted: 09/06/22 13:45
by bunniefuu
In 1972,
a cr*ck commando unit...

was sent to prison
by a m*llitary court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped...

from a maximum-security

to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted
by the government...

they survive
as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire the A-Team.

- There you are.
- Thanks.

I'd get this oil changed.

Well, like I always say,
healthy engine, healthy truck.

You ladies
have a nice day now, hear?

Thanks, Guss.

Quiet, huh?

Just thinking about how much
longer we can hold onto the plant.

I've been going through
these books.

This is the third straight
month sales have been off.

Maybe we should take
Jason Webb up on his offer.

Give up?

My little sister, the football
player in high school give up?

What happened
to your fighting spirit?

In football,
we had eleven players.

This team is just
you and me, Maryann.

Well, you have a better way
to go about it?

I might.

Do you want to tell me about it?


What's the matter?

I don't know. There's something
wrong with the brakes!

They're not holding!

I don't think I can keep her
on the road.

Brace yourself!

Cathy, are you okay?

Yeah, I guess so.

The brake line's been cut.

Cut? Who could have...

I think Guss down at the gas
station can give us that answer.

I'll give you one guess who
must have paid him to do it.

You ladies were lucky
that you weren't k*lled.

Well, I hope we haven't
disappointed your boss, Mr. Webb.

Aw, now you aren't inferring that Mr. Webb
had something to do with this, are you?

The brake line's been cut.

That line looks
like it was cut to you?

Well, if you ask me, it looks like it
got broke when the truck turned over.

Just like a lady truck driver.

Can't hit the downshift
on a little bitty incline.

You just tell your Webb that you're not
gonna scare us into selling our plant.

Now you've been lucky so far.

Now you've been made
a fair offer...

and I think you should take it.



You two are not gonna walk
away from another accident.

So I suggest that you sell out
while you still have the chance.

These little ladies got themselves
a mess to clean up.


I think I've got a way,
Maryann, to get us some help.

You got to admit this is
mighty suspicious, Cathy.

We just spent $200
on a one-way bus fare...

to get here just to have
some Chinese guy...

tell us that we need another
$200 to find the A-Team.

You analyze too much, Maryann. Sometimes,
you just got to go with the flow.

This is the one.

Now, we get the money here, then
we wait for the phone call.

- Give me your credit card.
- My card?

You're older than me. You
have a higher credit limit.

Oh, this is the most
ridiculous thing.

Okay, social security number.





This A-Team can't be much
if we only need $200.

What do you say, B.A.? They check,
Hannibal. No connection with the law.

Good. Let's go, Face.

Look at that!
No money.

I told you this was gonna be a rip-off.
What's this?

"You have just found
the A-Team"?

- Hello, I'm Hannibal Smith.
- Hi, girls.

You see, it's really
the natural spring water...

which makes our soda so good.

It's from the runoff from the mountain that
surrounds Sunset Valley where our wells are.

You figure it's the source of your
water this character Webb is after?

It's hard to tell
what he's after.

But what we do know is that he's trying
to do everything he possibly can...

to put us out of business
if we don't sell to him.

Well, Hannibal,
breweries do use water.

We've been pretty successful for the
four years we've been in business.

But with this guy sabotaging
our trucks, our factory...

I don't know how much longer
we can hold on.

Excuse me, but, do you think
you could please not smoke?

Sorry, ladies.

Cathy and I are into health...

and that's really a habit
you should try and stop.

Nicotine depletes
your Vitamin C...

and it's not good at all
for the nerves.

I don't inhale.

she's got a point there.

With all the stress that
we go through every day...

chasing cops, flipping vans, being the
vanguards of justice and all that...

I mean, I think there might be something
to this health and vitality stuff.

I mean, they give us vitamin pills
at the V.A. all the time...

and we're just crazy about them.

- You can say that again.
- All of it?

Ah, never mind, Murdock. Now, can
we get down to the problem at hand?

Look, ladies, I think
you should be aware...

of the fact
that we are rather expensive.

Look, there's no problem. We've
got some money saved up...

and if we can get Hi-Brite back on
its feet, we'll have plenty of cash.

Actually, I want
to be honest with you.

I really had no input
into hiring the four of you.

Cathy talked me into it.
I'm not exactly sure that--

Now look, if you're not
sure you want to hire us--

You're hired, okay?

My sister is just
a little leery here.

Looks like Webb's
got the whole town against us.

We can't go to the police, we've got no
witnesses. You guys have got to help us.

Well, ladies, in that case...

you've hired the A-Team.

Looks like the first thing
we've got to do...

is get you back in business.

Face, we're gonna need
some promotion here.

Well, promotion
is my middle name. Thanks.

I can see it now,
the Templeton Peck Ad Agency.

Hannibal, I think I can get these
machines in working order.

Good. Murdock'll help you.

- Murdock!
- Come on, Face, we've got work to do.

B.A., it's you and me.
You love that. I know you do.

And since I'm hanging around you,
I might as well start with you.

- Start what?
- I'm gonna get this team into shape.

We're gonna eat the right foods.
We're gonna drink the right liquids.

This team is going au naturale.

This is all natural, sucker.

And this is the little elixir of health
and vitality that is gonna do it all.

Why don't you have a sip?
Come on.

Suck on the essence of vitality.

Power your battery--

Cathy, I don't believe this. These
guys are nuts. Listen to them.

A little eccentric, maybe.
They've got great references.

Well, let's see, running an eight
hour shift, six days a week...

10 bottles a minute,
600 bottles an hour...

200 cases a day,
about 1100 cases a week.

Of course, that figure will go
up in a sales increase.


How's your credit rating?

Not bad.

We own the building and we
can use it as collateral.


How about going down to the
bank and applying for a loan...

so we can have some working capital?
- Deducted from our bill, of course.

Do I detect a certain, shall we say,
interest in a certain direction, Hannibal?

Well, Face,
I always like to make friends.

Colonel, I'd like
to lodge a complaint.

B.A. tried to insert a can
of Hi-Brite into my mouth.

Now, it didn't go in,
but it hurt.

Captain, you said you were gonna
get along with him this week.

Well, I'm trying to.

Would you like some trail mix? I got
some nice sun-dried raisins here.


I'm really-- I'm really gonna get
behind this health food stuff.

You know, once we get into production,
maybe we'll find out why...

a guy who makes beer is so
interested in a health soda factory.

Uh, you, would you like a nut?

Boy, she's a real beauty,
isn't she, B.A.?

I mean, the cotton gin, the steam engine,
they may all have been precursors...

to the industrial revolution,
but nothing...

nothing can b*at an MAKR 73...

carbonated bottling machine
with optional labeler.

Time for lunch, guys.

You'll love 'em.

Where's the meat?
This sandwich's full of weeds.

Those are bean sprouts. They're
great in the fiber department.

I don't eat nothing
I don't know.

Oh, where's your sense of adventure, B.A.?
I mean, look at me.

I'm looking at these
itty bitty black things...

I don't know what they are,
but I'm gonna eat them anyway.

Some of them are even moving.

You're funny.

Just got a call from Hannibal.
The office is all set.

And they're ready to go. He wants
you to get the machines running...

and they're gonna need
all the soda you can turn out.

See, I told you it'd work, Maryann.
We're back in business.

That's right,
seven delicious fruit flavors.

50 cases? I'll tell you what, why
don't I make it an even 60, huh?

You'll thank me later.

Great. Yeah.
Thanks for calling.

Yeah, Hi-Brite Soda.
Oh, you saw our ad.

Yeah, oh, you'll love it.
It's all natural.

I can promise delivery at your
supermarkets by the end of the week.

Yes, we come
in 16 ounce bottles also.

Uh-huh. 120 cases.
You got it.

Our tangerine lime
is very refreshing.

No, we never use
anything artificial.

It's sort of kinda more of a fruit
juice than an actual soft drink.

Right. Very healthy for you.
Got lots of vitamin C.

Thirty-five cases? Great.

Would you put dirty oil
in your engine? Of course not.

That's why we at Hi-Brite Soda guarantee
that we use only virgin spring water...

along with that, you get high complex
vitamin C, along with your bioflavonoids.

25 cases of cherry, good.
What about that grape?

Lot of rutin in grape.
Makes your eyes real shiny.

Good. Ten cases.

Hi-Brite Soda?
What can we do for you?

Looks like Face's ad campaign
is starting to pay off.

Yeah. This keeps up, we'll get back in
full production in a couple of days.

I'd like to see Webb's face
when he finds out.

What do you mean
they're back in business?

Yeah, I know I told you
I shut them down.

Well, I don't know.

Okay, okay, we'll get on it.


Hi-Brite just took out a bank loan
to pay for the ad agency they hired.

- How many cases did you see?
- At least 300, Mr. Webb.

I got a call from this guy who works
in one of the Farrell Supermarkets.

He says they're stocking Hi-Brite
Soda in all their outlets.

They're expecting to deliver
by the middle of the week.

They gotta get their trucks
through first.

Yeah, that's right.
They got to get through first.

I want every road out of that
factory watched round the clock.

You see one Hi-Brite truck
on the road...

I want you to make sure
it smashes into a wall.

I promise you, not one of them
trucks is gonna get through.

They better not. I don't care how
many cases they got on order.

They don't deliver,
they close down.

- This is genius. Pure genius!
- Thank you, Murdock.

No, I was referring
to Hannibal's part.

What're you talking about? I'm the
guy who figured out how to do this.

- Want some trail mix?
- No, I don't.

- Some nuts? Almonds?
- I don't want anything.

- Calm your nerves.
- My nerves are fine.

- I'll be waiting for you.
- Good.

- I'll be here.
- Great.

I'll be seeing you.

I'll be looking for you
when you come back.

Boy, oh, boy! My first day on
the job, you talk about luck.

Hi, I'm Happy Harrison.

I'll tell you, talk about lucky, I
got the local run. What'd you get?

Yeah, I see your run takes you
all the way up to Fresno, huh?

- Yeah. You got the local?
- Yeah.

I can't say I'm not
just a little disappointed!

See, I know this great gal
up there, I tell you.

Hey, wait a minute.

If they think I'm taking this
load 300 miles on short notice...

they're out of
their ever loving minds!

- Well, I don't know about that. See, I just--
- You take it!


- You got orders, you're new.
- Yeah.

You take the load.

Oh, I get it. It's kind of
like job seniority.

No, it's called
keeping your job.


Let's go fishing.

♪ The old gray mare, she
ain't what she used to be ♪

♪ Ain't what she used to be,
ain't what she used to be ♪

♪ The old gray mare, she
ain't what she used to be ♪

♪ Many long years ago ♪

It's about time!

I was getting worried. I mean, I've
gone through a whole bag of trail mix.

Murdock, this calls
for a celebration.

Why are you
doing this to yourself?

Aw, come on, you're not
gonna start again.

Faceman, I'm only concerned about
your cardiovascular system.

Do you realize you're taking
into your lungs...

foul disgusting dead matter?

Man, I've about had it
with all this health stuff!

Well, I find that offensive.


Nothing. It's just something
that Custer said to the Indian.

Don't think about it.

Hey, Hannibal,
I think we got a bite.

You guys are crazy.

Oh, he's an excellent judge
of character, huh, Colonel?

The Hi-Brite Soda company is still in
business and we're still making deliveries.

Colonel, may I?

Gentlemen, it's quite obvious from the
very sloppy handling of an operation...

as simple as running our
truck off the road...

that you gentlemen are suffering
from severe vitamin deficiencies.

You are not operating
at your peak.

Therefore, I want you to listen
and I want you to listen good.

Because, in order to complete this
assignment, this is what you must do.

First of all,
you must have a w*apon.

Second of all, you must check
chamber of said w*apon...

for possible
mechanical blockage.

Thirdly, you must aim
said w*apon...

at approximately
a 45 degree angle...

at the rear of said truck.

And then, you must fire.

Oh, that is the gas t*nk,
you know.

Nice, Captain.

Now, you go back
and you tell your boss...

if he's got problems with this
to talk to me. My name's Smith.

Now start walking.

Hey, big guy.
I have a question for you.

Don't you think that Faceman should've
highlighted the name a bit more?

I mean, it's missing
something, don't you think?

I think that the gold
should have been radiating...

more outwards so that the
flow catches the eye...

before the eye catches the hard copy.
What do you think, big guy?

I think if you don't stop
flapping your lips...

I'm gonna highlight your head
black and blue!

I've got to start to
give you credit.

I mean, the campaign's working.

The way the orders are coming in,
we're gonna have to put on...

another shift
by the end of the week.

You guys are unreal. I mean, is
there anything you can't do?

We stopped going to class.

I figure when Webb gets our message,
he's gonna pay us a little visit.

And you're convinced there's
something in Webb's office...

that's gonna tell us something.
- Oh, yeah.

Face reported much too much security
for just an ordinary office.

What, do you think
they'll come here?

The sucker better have
health insurance if he do.

Oh, speaking of health...

I've drawn up that vitamin supplement
program I'm gonna put you on.

Yeah, I know you're strong,
I know you're strong...

but, you can't spend the rest of your
days lifting automobiles over your head.

Now, what I suggest
is a high-potency multi.

Something that's gonna cover all
basic nine minerals and vitamins.

- Give you calcium, magnesium--
- Give me that, fool!

Of course, on the other
hand, a balanced diet...

cuts the need for vitamin
supplements in half.

- B.A.? Is Face all set?
- Yeah.

All ready and wired to go.

Good. Now, all Webb needs...

is a personal invitation.

What do you mean,
it hasn't been delivered?

I saw all my trucks
go out this morning.


It didn't make the stop?

I don't know what's going on. Look,
I'll get on it. Don't worry.

First you three get
my trucks blown up...

and now, my beers
are not getting delivered.

What do I look like,
some kind of jerk?

You wind me up in circles
and I turn around?

Mr. Webb,
you better come quick.

They switched trucks.

That's what they meant when they said
we'd be making their deliveries for them.

A-Team? They are those m*llitary
guys wanted by the government.

Well, I don't care who they are!

They use my drivers
to deliver their soda...

they sh**t up one of my trucks,
they're ruining my business!

It's that ad campaign,
Mr. Webb. It's k*lling us.

Well, who's running it for them?

- A guy named Templeton Peck.
- Find him!

That's right.

That's right, I want three
of those big billboards...

like you see on I-Five.

Exactly. Now-- Let me get
back to you on this.

Hold all my calls, Miss Olsen.

So, you're Templeton Peck, huh?

I've heard a lot about you.

You're the guy who runs the ad campaign
for the Hi-Brite Soda company.

Yes, yes, indeed I do,
and may I...

take a few minutes
here to tell you that...

well, with my agency's help,
we've managed to...

triple business
in the local market here.

Yeah, you see, advertising,
that's the secret.

All the quality beer in the world
would just sit on the shelf...

if it wasn't for advertising.

You have to have a demand...

and demand, well, it doesn't
just happen, you know...

it has to be created.

That's right...

you see, and that,
my friend, is advertising.

Yes, the right kind
of advertising...

can make or break a company
and that's what to expect...

from Templeton Peck.
- Good.

You're hired.
Here's $10,000.

Gee, $10,000.

With money like this,
we could...

we could probably set up some
accounts and go national--

You don't understand,
Mr. Peck.

I want you to spend all that
money on the Hi-Brite account.

The Hi-Brite account?

I want you to put them
out of business.

- Yeah, but--
- Look...

there's $10,000 here.

Mr. Webb...

if you think I can be bribed
to sabotage an ad campaign...

You got 24 hours.

If I don't see some results...

you're going to a funeral.

Your own.

I don't like to complain...

but why is it
that I'm always the one...

who has to stick his head
inside the lion's mouth?

- It's your personality.
- Personality.

Look, in 24 hours,
I'm a dead man unless I can...

turn this Hi-Brite Soda
ad campaign around cold.

Oh, yeah.

Webb's donation
to the world of advertising.

Pays our fee.

Did you find anything?

Oh, yeah, yeah. The way this metal
detector went off in Webb's office...

there's a safe
in there somewhere.

Probably behind the screen
in the corner.

There's only one way
to find out.


go with Face.

I love you, baby.

One chimpanzee, two
chimpanzees, three chimpan--

- What are you doing?
- I'm counting chimpanzees, do you mind?

Three chimpanzee--

I thought it was one
Mississippi, two--

No, that's when they're taking
your pulse.

It's chimpanzees when you take
time exposures.

Five chimpanzees, six
chimpanzees, ten chimpanzees.

Watch this.

It's perfect.

I got faith in you,
little brother.



They all have names of businesses
in the Valley on them.


Right here, in the center,
the Hi-Brite Soda factory.

Well, the Colonel ought to
see this, look.

All of these checks...

have names that correspond...

to the businesses on this map.

Look's like Webb's trying to
buy up the Valley.

Except this one here...

made out to the Palmdale
Construction Company.

If only I'd had
my extra stress vitamin B's...

I know I could've held them off a couple
of hours. Maybe, even a day or two.

Important thing is,
we've got this check.

Yeah, I got a real queasy feeling
in my stomach, Hannibal.

Webb knows about the break-in.

You're right.

It's not part of the plan, Face.

Oh, Colonel, not a cigar.

The nicotine...

it depletes your vitamin C.

It had to be those guys
that blew up your truck.

The A-Team.

I don't get it. How did
they know about the safe?

You know, it's funny.

These guys showed up, just about the same
time that the Roger sisters hired this...

Peck character...

and his campaign turned
the whole thing around.

Do you think this Peck
and those guys are connected?

All I know is that
his 24 hours are up.

We're supposed to meet him at his
office, and I'll tell you this...

he better show us he put the brakes on
the Hi-Brite ad campaign, or he's dead.

I should've known
I couldn't trust that guy!

We'll find him,
Mr. Webb.

I think we just found him.

Our friend, Mr. Peck, is gonna
have a lot of questions to answer.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,
our camera will reveal...

which of the soft drinks
our subjects have chosen.

Will it be can A,
can B, or can C?

Yes, I see all three subjects
have chosen...

can A.

And can A is...

Yes! Hi-Brite soda.

Well, I see our second group of
taste testers have just arrived.

I'm sure everybody
out there recognizes...

Mr. Jason Webb,
owner of Webb Beers.

Now Mr. Webb, has
graciously consented...

to be one of our
sample taste testers.

Your clock has just
wound down, buddy.

I don't think so.
Smile, you're on TV.

And now, Mr. Webb,
if you will kindly...

step over to the tasting table.

No, I've got to go.

I sure am glad that...

construction companies
aren't open on Saturdays.

I would've had to
take them on single-handedly.

You couldn't take on a bunch of
Girl Scouts single-handedly.

Niacin. You're low on niacin.

You know why? Because you're
grouchy, and depressed.

But I understand.
I understand. Here...

here big guy.
You just take two of these...

after every meal...

and you're gonna be smiling,
from ear to ear...

clicking your heels
a three-quarter time.

Hey, guys. Look what I found.

What is it?

This is a lake shore
condo development.

Look at these streets.

Sutton, Verdugo...

those are the streets that run
past the Hi-Brite Soda factory.

So where's the soda plant?

I guess it was right about...

here. Right in the middle
of the lake, underwater.

Those dummies think...

they can use the springs
under the Hi-Brite factory...

to form a man made lake...

and sell condos
on the shore line.

No wonder they...

they bought all the property
around the Hi-Brite plant.

Webb hasn't got the money
to do a project this big.

There'd have to be a backer
or a money man.

Look at this, Colonel.

Here are the loan papers for the
construction of the condo...

and guess who's
loaning them the money.

The Valley View Bank.

That's the same bank that
loaned the money to the--

To the girls.


How can I help you?

We just stopped by, Mr. Barrington,
to repay our loan.

Business has been so good...

we can afford
to repay our loan early.

I see.

Well, I'm afraid
there's a slight problem here.

It seems you just
defaulted on your loan.

Hannibal, you should've seen
the look on Webb's face.

I don't think
the man likes soda.

- Where are the girls?
- I sent them down to the bank...

to see Mr. Barrington.
- Barrington.

There's no need
to build up interest.

Barrington is the guy
who's behind all this.

This whole matter
could have resolved itself...

had you ladies not been
so obstinate...

as to hire the A-Team.

You mean, we just
let you take over the plant...

and force us into selling.

There's no way you're
gonna get away with this.

Oh, no?

There are certain loose ends
that need to be tied...

but we can take care of that.


Well, when?

All right, I'll handle it.

That was Marlowe
at the construction site.

Someone broke into his trailer.

They found the loan papers.

The A-Team. They're probably on
their way over here right now.

Then I think we should prepare a
proper welcome for them then.

Miss Reynolds, if a Mr. Smith calls,
tell him we've gone to the brewery.

Barrington left word he could
be found at Webb's Brewery.

- Left word?
- Yeah.

And his secretary said that he saw
him take Maryann and Cathy with him.

Why do I get the feeling I'm one of the six
hundred riding into the valley of death?

Barrington and the others are
going to be waiting for us.

I feel an anxiety att*ck coming on.
This is a very stressful situation...

It's time for my B-12 anyway.

- You want one?
- No.

Oh, what are we going to do?

Since Barrington is so anxious
to take over a soda pop plant...

why don't we give him a
taste of what he wants?

- All seven flavors?
- Why not?

When all this unpleasantness
is over...

I don't want any
of them found, understand?

Don't worry, they won't be.

You guys all right up there?

They're coming!

I see you were expecting us.

Well, I like to be ready
for any contingency.

You've caused me
a great deal of trouble.

We have, haven't we? And you know what?
You haven't seen anything yet?

- k*ll them!
- Wait a minute.

Where's the skinny guy
with the baseball hat?

I was waiting for you to ask.

Seven all-natural flavors.

The A-Team's way of saying
don't fool with Mother Nature.

It's all right, ladies,
it's all right.

Oh, thank you.

I love it
when a plan comes together.

Well, with Webb and
Barrington out of the way...

you shouldn't have any
trouble marketing your soda.

Now that business is over, let's
get down to basics, like...

a candlelight dinner,
a little cognac?

I know this terrific Hungarian

- Well, do they have a gypsy violinist?
- Of course they do.

Well, I have to admit,
I was wrong about you, Smith.

The A-Team definitely know
what they're doing.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

I hope you can
accept my apologies.

I'll look forward to it.

Sometimes there's
a method in our madness.

Speaking of madness.

Excuse me, ladies.

I have put down on paper...

a vitamin and diet
supplement program...

which I believe to the very best of my
ability, compliments your personal...

metabolic and caloric needs to
sustain health and vitality.

Face, for you, iron.
A lot of iron.

you have the gray matter.

Fortified with trace elements
and minerals, sir.

Thanks, Murdock.

And B.A. we know
you've got the bulk, baby.

We all know that. You're strong.
But, what you lack is endurance.

Now, I've worked out
a program here...

that's going to keep your
muscles at peak proficiency.

Thank you.

And I got
something special for you.

This is my
B.A. all-purpose...

multi body-building tablet.

Take it,
and you'll be a new man.

Will this make me
as strong as you?

Swallow it and see.

Hey, sucker.
You're dead meat. Understand?