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03x25 - Incident at Crystal Lake

Posted: 09/06/22 13:45
by bunniefuu
In 1972,
a cr*ck commando unit...

was sent to prison
by a m*llitary court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped...

from a maximum-security

to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted
by the government...

they survive
as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire the A-Team.

Thank God. Someone does
drive this road.

I think my battery's dead.

I've been stuck out here
close to an hour.


And you've had your
radio on all this time?

Yeah, I was going bonkers
out here.

Yeah, your battery's completely gone.
It'll have to be recharged.

How do we do that?

We don't. You'll have to get
your car to a service station.

Look, I could go call
a tow truck for you.

Then I'm gonna have to
stand here all alone again.

I think maybe
you could stay with me.

Well, I'd love to, but you see I'm
supposed to meet some friends of mine...

Well, do they live near here?
Maybe I could use their phone.

No, actually, they don't
live here, you see. They...

Well, if you want
I could give you a lift.

We're bound to pass a service
station or something.

You sure don't mind
leaving your car?

Oh, no, I don't mind at all,
if you don't mind.

I don't mind.

Excuse me, I didn't mean
to interrupt there...

but do you have a tow truck
or anything like that?

Closest thing we've got
to a tow truck is...

my cousin Billy Bob's pick-up.

I got a winch on her.
It's for...

unsticking us from the mud...


...but you're not stuck
in the mud.

No, no. Actually see...

'Cause we haven't had no
rain here for four months.


The lady's battery's dead, see,
and we need some help. But...

Yeah, well, where's her...

- Her car?
- Car.

Well, it's about four miles
down the road.

See, the engine won't
turn over anything and...

Sounds like you need a...

- A tow truck.
- A tow truck. Yeah.

Boy, I can see why you
have your own business.

- You bet.
- Yeah.

Look, do you have a phone
or anything like that?

I mean, maybe you could
find a tow truck for us.

How about your cousin
Billy Bob now?

Oh, you know Billy Bob?

Oh, no, no.
See, I just...

Well, then, you don't know
Billy Bob, don't go saying...

what he'll do
and what he won't do.

- All right.
- Because I know...

- Billy Bob.
- Better.

- Right.
- Yeah.

Look, do you have a place
where I could wash up?

Oh, sure.
It's right around the...

- Tires?
- No, the corner.

Oh, the corner.

- On your...
- On the right?

- No, no.
- Left?


- Yeah.
- Right.

Thank you.

I'll get the hood for you.
No, thanks, that...

Now I know why
they created self-service.

Echo One to Base.
Echo One to Base.

Target is online.

Base to Echo One. That's a roger.
Let's go, Captain.

Base to Echo Two, move out now.

Oh, I'm sorry, I was gonna
pay on the way out.

Oh, Hannibal, what are you...

You know, you got to stop
moonlighting like this.

You're carrying one job
too many.

Yeah, and you take one bite
of the apple too many.

You're gonna wind up
in the house of many doors.

- She's not.
- Oh, yeah?

Well, I passed her
on the way in...

ready with her
"my car is broken" routine.

The minute I got a good look at her,
I knew I had to intercept you...

before they closed the trap. Now Decker's
gotta be sitting on her doorstep.

But, Hannibal,
did you see those legs?

He's in the washroom.

Well done, Kelly.
Okay, men, spread out.

Take them as they comes out.

Oh, no,
that's horrible, Colonel...

trying to catch us
with our pants down.

Well, well.

Looks like this is it, Smith.

It always looks like that way,
doesn't it?

But you know what I'd do if
I were you, Colonel? What?

I'd requisition some new tires.

- Hey, man, let me drive.
- B.A., we...

Will you relax?

No, man, I want to drive my van.

Look, you know it's dangerous to
fool around in a moving vehicle.

Now strap yourself in.
Put on your seatbelt.

Flight attendants, please take
your positions for take-off.

Now, speaking of take off, I think we
should make some swift vacation plans.

Before they send another girl
after us with long legs, huh?

No, it could happen to anyone.

Yes, Face, but it always
happens to you.

We're going somewhere nice and
quiet without any distractions.

Yeah, as long as
we ain't flying.

I don't want to fly. I'm tired
of getting knocked out.

Come on, B.A., I mean, we've got
the m*llitary up our tail pipes.

- Couldn't you just this once--
- No, man, flying is out, man.

Anywhere you want to go
we can stay on the ground.

Well, we can go to a movie.
Beyond that, I...

I got the place
if you got the time.

I ain't flying, Murdock.

I ain't talking about flying.
We'll drive there.

Really, it's a lovely little place.
A cabin up by Crystal Lake.

Near Centerpoint?

Yeah. A hospital takes us there on
field trips all the time. It's great.

Murdock, that sounds good.

Especially seeing
this is out of season...

and there'd be nothing but
trees and trees and trees.

All the limbs you want, Face.

And not a girl in sight
to get us in trouble.

Come in Unit H-7.
This is dispatch. Over.

Where's the money?

I said where is it?

Okay, okay.

- What the hell happened?
- They cancelled the run.

What do you mean,
they cancelled the run?

- What about the union payroll?
- There is no payroll.

- The union went on strike.
- Strike?

This morning,
it was all over the news.

So no one gets paid.

That's just terrific.

- They're on strike, huh?
- I don't understand.

You mean we did all this work
for nothing?

- No money anywhere?
- No.

The dudes are on strike. They're
striking for higher pay...

and we get stuck
with an empty truck here.


- Yes, strike. Say it again, idiot.
- Strike!

- Don't call me that!
- Strike!

Stay away from me.

Now he called me an idiot!

All right, cool it!
Cool it. Cool it.

Look at this mess.
Look who we got here.

We blew an armored car, man. That's
like a federal offense, you know.

We got to show for it, zip

Siren. All right, let's get out of
here before it's a perfect day.

So long, g*ng.

They saw us, didn't they?

Whoa, baby, this is
definitely not our day.

Yeah, we've got more food
than we could eat in a week.

And I'm telling you,
B.A. is a fantastic cook.

I really appreciate that...

but Dad and I were planning on
having dinner together tonight.

Well, bring him along.
I'd love to meet your dad.

I'm telling you, B.A., he's got this
special recipe. It was his mom's.

She used to make it
for us all the time.

It's called black and red fish.

Oh, yeah,
it'll buckle your badge.

Okay, I'm sure
Dad would enjoy it.

- Terrific.
- You sure you have enough?

Are you kidding? We've got
enough fish to start a cannery.

We ain't got nothing.

If you wanna see your lady friend and
her father with a fish dinner...

then you better take them
to a restaurant.

Wait a minute. There must be
something in this kitchen...

you could rustle up for dinner.

I mean, look, there's a whole lake
out there just teeming with fish.

All I know this cupboard is
empty as Murdock's head.

I should've known better than to
let that fool plan our vacation.

Hannibal, we're gonna
starve to death.

Well, you got to
give him credit, B.A.

He found this place to get away and you
didn't have to get on an airplane.

So I get to starve to death and
slowly go crazy with that fool.

Look at him out there.

Two dummies.

Want an apple?

I understand.
You're saving your appetite.

It's in here if you want it.

I don't know, B.A. I mean,
he may have something here.

You know how when you guys go fishing
and one guy catches everything...

and the other guy comes home
with nothing but a can of worms.

Yeah, well, see, why not bring along
the guy who can't catch anything.

See, shift the odds.

Yeah, I think there's something
to this theory of his here.

So do l.

You've been spending so
much time with that fool...

you're getting to think
like him.

I appreciate
Murdock's theories...

even if they're outside
ordinary logic and reason.

You appreciate reason. I'm
gonna get me something to eat.

Can't argue
with that theory, either.

I'll stick here with Murdock.

Yeah, maybe
I could catch something.

I hope inviting this girl and
her dad over isn't a mistake.

Relax, Hannibal. Look we're out
here in the middle of nowhere.

But there are park rangers, and that
means they are police officers.

Look, would you give me a little
credit, Hannibal? I mean...

We're 50 miles
from civilization.

This girl,
she doesn't know anything...

but squirrels and trees and lakes and
hopefully, the birds and the bees.

Relax. Trust me. It's safe.

I knew it.
I knew it was The A-Team.

You know, I'm really impressed the way you
spotted those guys right off like that.

Well, actually it was the guy
that they call Faceman...

that I recognized.

I can see why.

Come on, I think we ought to radio
the sheriff at Centerpoint.

Bet you. You know, this is going
to be the biggest news...

to hit Centerpoint in 50 years.

Do not, repeat, do not attempt
to apprehend suspects...

until m*llitary police arrive.

Colonel Decker is en route,
ETA 14.:00 hours.

Centerpoint, out.

Get in, get in.

Can you believe that? Wait
for the m*llitary police.

They are the A-Team.

They are federal criminals.
They're trained in combat.

Oh, come on, Dad. They're
just a bunch of guys.

They hardly look dangerous...

or look like they gonna
give anybody any trouble.

Except that guy B.A.

Hey, what the...

Wait a minute.

Look what we got here.

Things are starting
to look up already.

You better leave her alone.

What's going on here?

I just found me something sweet.

We're here for transportation. They got
anything besides that jeep outside?

We was just getting to the
questions and answers, chief.

What do you got here? What do
you got for wheels? Come on.

I don't think you know who you're
fooling with. We're rangers.

Look, I didn't ask
for your credentials, mister.

I just want to know
about a vehicle.

Now what do you got
that's covered?

Why don't you all put those weapons
down before this thing goes too far.

Before things go too far?
I love it.

Don't you just love it?

Don't you just love this funny
old man and what he's saying?

I think you'd better tell us
where we can get some wheels.

I don't even want
to count to three.

- Look, just a jeep, that's it.
- One.

- Well, that's it. I swear!
- Two.

- I'm not lying!
- Look...

- I can get you something.
- Too late.

Wait, wait.

What's the matter with you?
Now come on.

I thought you said you only had a jeep.
There's a van.

It belongs to a couple of
campers up in cabin 12.

It's unmarked. It doesn't have any
windows in the rear or on the sides.

Sounds perfect to me.

But they're just here for
some fishing and relaxation.

Please don't hurt them.


We're gonna stay here with Pops.
You take the girl and get the van.

Don't leave any witnesses.

Don't worry. Those guys'll
never know what hit them.

I don't know, Murdock. I'm not
much for this sort of thing.

Look, you don't
have to be any good.

I mean, all you've got to do is have
somebody less good along with you.

That's the whole theory
behind fishing.

Look, all I want you to do is
I want you to go out there...

I want you to start pulling them up and
I'm gonna go dig us up some fresh bait.

- Remember the tune I told you.
- Yeah.

Boy, oh, boy,
I don't know about this.

All right.

Any luck?

Well, I'm sure
your luck will turn.

Yeah, I've been coming to these parts
for about 9 or 10 years now...

and I'm gonna tell you
this is kind of fun.

Hey, I think you got something.

There, you got a bite,
got a bite. Reel it in.

Do you mind if I...

You got something here.
Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

Oh, my God.

Look at that. Will you look
at the size of that thing?


You tell anyone about this,
I'll deny everything.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, this is gonna do
just fine.

Just fine. Come on.

Hi, glad to see you.

Not so glad to see you.

Give me the keys to your van.

Is this official business?

- Give me the keys.
- Right. The keys. Yeah.

Here you go.

No. No!

Sorry, Bob, we never filed with
the ranger to catch any lead.

Only bass and fresh water fish.

Might make
a good lead sinker, though.

Faceman, you're lucky you was wearing
that b*llet proof vest, man.


Lucky, huh? Is that what
you call it now, lucky?

This morning you said
it was stupid...

when I suggested that this'll
make a good fishing vest.

Now you're saying it's lucky.

Does bass-catcher Bob
look lucky?

It proved your theory, Murdock.

Face was lucky at Bob's expense.

I'm really sorry about this. I
just didn't know what else to do.

I figured
since you were the A-Team--

You know who we are?

She recognized you from your
picture on the wanted poster.

She looks at pictures along with
the trees and lakes and squirrels.

I didn't know what else to do.

And who knows what's happened
to my dad right now.

They're probably still b*ating
the bushes looking for you.

We got to get her dad away from
them and then bottle them up.

How're we gonna
do that, Hannibal?

We only have two r*fles, and the
rest of our weapons is in the van.

Well, you guys got to shut
down the access road.

It's the only way in
or out of this area.

Once we do that, we'll have
them right where we want them.

And where's that?

Right here, with us.

We might be able to use the
gasoline from the outboards...

to make pipe bombs.

I'll get Jenny's dad and
meet you at the access road.

Murdock, can I borrow this?

Be my guest.
Be Bob's guest.

I knew we should've wasted
them the minute we got here.

We should have just done
them in, bing bang boom!

I'm gonna take care of that
right now.

Now you're gonna do exactly
what I tell you to do, Candy.

What about that girl?
She's out there.

So what? We cut the only
phone lines around.

Even if she finds a cabin with a
telephone in it, she can't do squat.

Now come on, relax.

There it is.

I almost lost my best lure.

Do you believe that?

Thank you very much.

I stopped to get
my fishing license...

I almost lost my purple tail, white-striped,
white-eyed diver. Can you believe that?

You don't say much, do you?

Don't I know you?

- Who is this guy?
- I know you.

I know all you guys.

Well, isn't this
turning into a nice party.

I saw you guys in the newspaper.

Who's with you?


Put this guy in the back
with the old man.

I know you. You know,
you don't think...

Look, mister, you may not know this,
but we are in terrible trouble here.

I know all about it.

- Your daughter is safe.
- You saw Jenny?


Take off your shirt.

I want you to put this on.

Okay, let's saddle up.

What about Smokey the bear
in there and Namu?

You do the honor.

I never want to go through
anything like that again.

I was so scared
these things wouldn't work.

We double-checked them
this afternoon.

Listen, what about Jenny?

She's fine.

Now you stay here. I don't think those
gorillas are going to come back.

But just in case, lock this
place up and stay out of sight.

What are you gonna do?

Well, I'm gonna join my friends,
we're decorating the road.

No sign of them yet. Are you
sure this is gonna work?

Well, it depends on
how strong that tree is.

Here they come!

Everyone down!

Got a little problem, huh?

Forget the weapons, or I'll
blow you guys into fertilizer.

What are you talking about?

That van is booby trapped.

Now you got 30 seconds
to back off...

and clear away from here.

He's full of it.

You better blow us up, mister,
'cause you're dead meat.

Well, that suits me. But talkie
there with the tattoos...

knows where the stuff is.
He saw me plant it earlier.

Yeah, I wouldn't touch it, pal.

All right, what do you
want and who are you?

My name's Hannibal Smith
of the A-Team...

and I've got a license
from the forest rangers...

to sh**t, stuff and mount
anything I want, that is...

if there's anything left.

Now you got 10 seconds.

He's bluffing, no?

Five seconds.

Not if he's with the A-Team.


Let's get out of here, come on!



Hey, Hannibal, not my van, man!
No, don't. Hey, man!

Nice, huh.

Road flares.

Yeah, I got it from the jeep in
front of the ranger station.

And here's the remote control for
your television in your cabin.

Now we got them bottled up.

They'll probably
just go far enough...

to hole up and try and figure
another way out of this area.

Look, I don't know what to say.

You saved my life
and my dad's and I...

lnstead of sending flowers, just
send a charitable contribution...

to the Society of Wrongly
Accused Escaped Prisoners.

It's just that I
called the m*llitary police...

and reported you were here.


What'd you go and do
something like that for?

I'm sorry. I feel awful.

Oh, well, you should feel awful.

Face, you and Murdock...

grab a couple of those
walkie-talkies and track these guys.

Call me when they hole up.

B.A. and I'll fix a special
delivery message for them.

Didn't you understand
what I just said?

The m*llitary police are on their way.
They're gonna be here any time!

Yeah, but they got to
come up this road...

and that tree
will slow them down a while.

I'm gonna show these guys what a
weekend in the country is really like.

What about saving yourselves?

We are beyond saving.

No, we can't let those guys
run around loose up there.

Those m*llitary people you called can
run right into those armed K*llers...

and without a radio,
we can't warn them.

Okay, guys, keep going.

We'll let you know
when we get a bite.

Hello, Face, come on in.
How are you guys doing?

We've got them, Colonel.

They're at an empty cabin
on the north side of the lake.

And if you are planning one of
your classic pincer movements...

let me tell you
they've posted a guard...

so sneaking up on them
isn't going to be easy.

I don't think we're gonna
have to sneak up on them.

We'll pick you guys up and then
drop in and pay a visit to them.


We'll call you as soon
as we pick up the trash.

I know you've heard this
a hundred times...

but we'll never be able
to repay you.

We were looking
for a relaxing weekend.

We'll recommend this place
to our friends.

They are really something,
aren't they?

You know they're the A-Team, right.
What are we gonna do?

We're going after them
before they come after us.

What, do you think
they're after us?

I mean, they're wanted
criminals themselves.

Maybe they'll just take off.

Wrong again, Maxwell, as usual.

We brought your truck back,

Well, let's turn this motley
crew over and go for vacation.

I can't wait.

You're all under arrest!

Give yourselves up!

Let's go find a place
to set this thing down.

And slam the lid on the
A-Team for the last time.

Well, this is it, Smith.

I mean,
that's what you always say.

I don't think I'll ever
have to say it again, Smith.

Open it up, sergeant.

Hi, guys. I hear the fishes
are real good around here.

I thought I saw four people
jump into this van.

For a minute, I thought maybe
Murdock was along with you.

No, you can't have it all,

Now, aren't you at all concerned
there's some real criminals...

who're getting away
right this very minute.

There will be no real
criminals getting away.

I want these men cuffed and fettered.
And I mean this.

Give them no opportunity
to escape.

I'm through losing you guys.

If they do anything,
if they even twitch...

sh**t to k*ll.

Now, if you'd been that way
last year...

you'd have gotten
a lot further a lot quicker.

You must be Ranger Sherman, the man
who helped us capture the A-Team.

Yes, sir. I sure am.

- Glad to meet you. Appreciate the help.
- You're welcome, sir.

I'm also the man that's gonna
take your chopper from you.


They were right.

You mean the A-Team?

The escaped criminals being
hunted down in Centerpoint.

- They know you're in the area.
- We won't be for long.

Hey, Einstein, that sound's gonna
carry to the rest of their men.

You want a squad of soldiers
crawling all over us?

Hey, hey, come on now.
He's right.

You know that.

Now we have to get a bigger
jump as we can, right?

Let's go.

Why, you fellows wouldn't
mind if I had a cigar?

I can wait.

It's all in the wrist.

Where's Decker?

Dad and I found him over
near the basin.

He and his lieutenant were banged up
pretty bad, but at least they're alive.

- They took his chopper.
- We'll never catch him now.

We could
if we had our own chopper.

"If we had our own chopper." Murdock,
what would we do without you?

You know, the nearest chopper...

is the firefighter
at Centerpoint.

They use it
to fight forest fires.

But Gavin's men ruined all the radios
and knocked down the phone lines.

Forest fires, huh?

Even if this plan works,
I don't wanna go.

Sooner or later, Decker and Crane
are going to be up and about.

They're gonna come
after you guys.

I don't care.
Let them come.

I'm not going in no chopper
and that's final.

You know what you do?
You butter my biscuits.

Here we are in the middle of a
life-threatening situation...

and bass-catcher Bob
has given his life...

so that you can have another chance
at freedom, and what are you doing?

You're just standing here like some
sniveling child saying, "I'm not going."

if you weren't gonna go,
why didn't you tell us?

Because we could have taken him
and we could have b*rned you.

What's happening, Murdock?

What do you think?
The crybaby ain't going.

No, I don't think so.

Boy, I sure hope
that chopper shows up.

Come on, get down here!

Come on, down here!

What happened here? Couple
of kids screwing around?

- Fred, I need your helicopter.
- What're you talking about?

- What's going on?
- Fred, this is an emergency!

And as an authority of this
park, a federal reserve...

I hereby
commandeer this helicopter!

Hey, Jenny, that's my job!

This is my jurisdiction
and these are my deputies.

Will you be back?

One way or the other I doubt it.

What do you mean, "will you be
back?" They got my chopper.

I think we ought to load up
that water container first.

Aye, aye, sir.

You know, those guys
won't go very far.

Especially since
they left Decker alive.

They'll ditch that chopper
first chance they get.

Now the best two places for them
to put it down are here and here.

I'm glad you agree.

Well, I'd say if I
was gonna ditch this thing...

I'd try Red Rock Canyon...

because it's easier to get
down to the main road by foot.

There she is!

Okay, B.A.,
don't be too upset with him.

I mean, we tried to tell him not to put you
in that chopper when they kidnapped you.

- Kidnapped me?
- Yeah.

Well, you see, we were lighting
fires and they snuck back...

and clobbered you from behind.

Hell, we told them what you'd
do when you came to, but--

They didn't put me
in the helicopter. You did.

Yeah, okay.
Okay, fine. We did it.

There, do you feel better?
You feel better?

We did it. There is nothing
you can do about it.

I mean, it was
an emergency situation, B.A.

Somebody had to do something
and we did it. So there.

It's okay.

- It is?
- No.

No, but I like conning you,
like you like conning me.

Hi, there. You need a lift?