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02x02 - Arnold's Girlfriend, Part 2

Posted: 09/06/22 18:27
by bunniefuu
♪ Now the world don't move
to the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for
you may not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born He's
a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two They
got nothin' but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you
got not a lot, so what ♪

♪ They'll have theirs and you'll
have yours and I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll
be fine 'cause it takes ♪

♪ Diff'rent strokes to move
the world Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪♪

Well, you certainly have a nice
room here, Arnold. Doesn't he, g*ng?

Oh, yeah, sporty.
Yeah, it's really nice.

A very cheerful, happy room.

The room may be happy, but I
don't hear my appendix laughing. Ow!

Arnold, aren't you
glad you're here?

Just think tomorrow this
time, all the pain will be gone.

And you'll feel a lot better
once the room goes coed.

That's right, little brother.
When cute little Alice boogies in,

the string to your little heart
is gonna go zing-a-ding-ding.

Mr. Drummond, when
is Alice getting here?

Arnold, about Alice...

Say, Arnold, look at this.

This is an electric
bed. Go ahead, try it.

Hey, you know, these beds are really
fun. This bed moves three different ways.

Yeah, just keep it down
to 55 miles an hour.

See? Hmm.

Hey, wait a minute.
How fast does this go?

I don't wanna turn into a taco.

Well, Arnold, you'd better
warn Alice about that.

You don't want your girlfriend to
get squeezed by anyone but you.

Mr. Drummond, when
is Alice getting here?

Take this gadget. You push
this, and it works the TV.

And you push that one,
you get to talk to the nurse.

Yes? Can I help you?

Ah, this is the doctor. Please
send Arnold Jackson home.

Who is this?

Uh... Just send Alice
in. 10-4, good buddy.

Arnold, uh, there's something
that I have to tell you.

- Hi, Arnold.
- Oh.

Man, that's what I call service.

Hey, Mr. D., what was
that you wanted to tell me?

Oh, oh, it was nothing
important, Arnold. Uh...

Look, why don't we all clear
out and let these kids get settled.

Good-bye, Alice. Bye.

Bye, Mrs. Garrett. Good-bye.

Hello, little Alice.

Honey, you can change
in the bathroom over here.

Okay. Thank you. Mm-hmm.

I won't be long. I'm
a very fast changer.

Well, it looks like Tanner
had a change of heart.

I didn't think he had one.

Tonsillectomies are a
rather simple procedure.

It should only take
about 30 minutes.

You charge me all that
money for 30 minutes' work?

Well, I need the money. I'm
trying to finish medical school.

Some patients think it's funny.

Tanner, I wanna thank
you for changing your mind.

- About what?
- About letting our kids
share the same room today.

- What are you talking about?
- Our kids.

They're in there together.

They're so happy you'd think they were
having a picnic instead of an operation.

Wait just a minute. Yesterday I
distinctly left word on your exchange...

that I do not want my daughter
in the same room with that kid.

Well, I got your message,
but I assumed it was a mistake.

Just yesterday afternoon, you insisted
that the two kids had to be together.

I should have known better.

I told you he
didn't have a heart.

Look, I want her out of that room,
and I want her out of there right now.

Come on, Tanner. As long
as she's in there with Arnold,

why can't you just put
your prejudice on hold?

I said I want her
out of that room!

I don't believe you. You're
taking it out on two little kids...

because I wouldn't let you
in on a foolproof investment.

Gentlemen, please, what's most
important here is the welfare of these two.

Did you say
foolproof investment?

I don't care how good a deal
it is. I don't want any part of it.

It'll be a great pleasure
for me to know that

you are not turning
one dime of profit on it.

Profit? I'm a
corporation, you know. I...

I couldn't care less about the profit.
I'm just glad I took my half million back.

Oh, you didn't take it
back. I tore up the check.

Listen, I can raise half a million. I
play golf with three other doctors.

Listen, you.

You're gonna get on
that telephone over there,

and you're gonna get my
daughter out of that room,

or I'm gonna hit you
with a malpractice suit.

Or better yet,
maybe I'll just hit ya.

Mr. Tanner!

You strike me as
a reasonable man.

Come on, Tanner.
They're only little kids.

Get on that phone.

What a terrible man. I've
never met anyone like him.

That's because you've
never been black.

I don't understand. Why is a person's
color such a big deal to some people?

Sometimes I think if the
whole world was the same color,

some people would still find
something to hate each other for.

This is Space Station
calling Rocket Ship Arnold.

This is Space Station calling
Rocket Ship Arnold. Where are you?

This is Rocket Ship Arnold.
I'm about to land on the moon.

I am lowering my flaps.

And I've just
landed on the moon.

Go ahead, Rocket Ship Arnold. Say
something famous to the whole wide world.


One small step for Arnold is
the best I can do for mankind.

Did everybody hear that?

Yes, including your nurse.

Would the moon people
please knock it off?

Or you're gonna be
invaded by the enema people.

Uh, this is the moon people
quittin' while they're ahead.

Hi. How are you two doin'?

Oh, we're having lots of fun.

Yep, as long as Alice is here,
they can take out anything I got.

See? That just shows being
afraid is all in your mind.

And I used to think it was
in my nose. Your nose?

Yeah. 'Cause every
time I got scared, I'd blow.

Get it, Alice?

You're so funny, Arnold.

Then how come
Willis isn't laughing?

Listen, Arnold. I've
always leveled with you.

And there's something
I gotta tell you.

Get ready for the lecture.

No, this isn't a lecture.

You see, Arnold, it's easy to
be brave with somebody else,

but it takes a lot more
bravery to be brave by yourself.

Well, I know that. That's why
I never go out at night alone.

I take Penelope with
me. She has a shotgun.

Put it this way, Arnold.

You're gonna have your chance
to be brave alone real soon.

Why would you
say a thing like that?

You're not gonna be
in this room with Alice.

- She's moving to another room.
- No, I'm not.

Of course you're not.

Yes, she is, and
that's the truth.

But why am I moving?

Alice, Arnold and
me have always said...

to say it like it is, right?

Right. Go ahead and say it.

Alice, your father's
moving you out...


'cause Arnold was black.

You know, people like
you really bug me, Tanner.

And people like you
really bore me, Drummond.

Easy, Mr. Drummond!
Cool it, Daddy.

- Please, we're in a hospital.
- Right. You wanna try
for Intensive Care?

Careful, Drummond. You're
talking to a guy who lifts heifers.

And throws a lot of bull.

It's pointless arguing, gentlemen. If
that's the way you want it, Mr. Tanner,

it's your right. That's
the way I want it.

Nurse. Nurse, isn't
that room ready yet?

I hope you're proud
of yourself, Tanner.

Oh, no, don't put this
off on me, Drummond.

You're the one who blew
it up out of all proportion.

I'll remember that the
next time I meet a bigot.

Bigot? Boy, you really like to
throw that word around, don't you?

Well, it just so happens that I've
done a lot of business with blacks.

I even... I even had
one in my home once.

Was it a maid or a butler?

- Is that supposed
to be sarcastic?
- If it isn't, I said it wrong.

You know, I really resent this
implication that I'm prejudice.

All I'm trying to do is exercise
my right of free choice.

Mr. Tanner, I've heard your
kind of double-talk all my life.

And any way you slice it, it
means sit in the back of the bus.

You tell him, blood.

Dr. Padnick, that room
is ready now. Mm-hmm.

Doctor, will you let me go in and
speak with the kids first, please.

I wanna try and find some
way to explain this to Arnold.

You won't have to,
Mr. Drummond. I already did it.

I thought it'd be
easier coming from me.

Well, how did he take it?

Well, he tried not to cry,

but he didn't make it.

And neither did Alice.

- Arnold?
- Arnold?
- Arnold?

Arnold, are you in
there? If you are, flush.

Oh, no, they're not
hiding in the closet.

Neither is Alice. Hey, their
clothes aren't in here either.

- Where could the kids be?
- Well, there's
several possibilities.

They could be hiding somewhere in
the hospital, wandering on another floor.

There is another
possibility. They ran away.

Nurse, alert staff and Security.

The children have gotta be somewhere
in the hospital. Right away, Doctor.

Well, they could be out
in the street somewhere.

Oh, but Arnold's so small.

Yeah, he could walk under your
legs, and you wouldn't even know it.

Uh, we're gonna have a problem
if they get out of the hospital.

Not so much with Alice's
tonsils, but with Arnold's appendix.

What about it?

Well, uh, it's become more
inflamed since yesterday.

If we don't find
him and it bursts,

it could be dangerous.

Oh, no, it's my fault.

I shouldn't have told him.

No, Willis, it is
not your fault.

Yes, it is.

My little brother's out there
in the street somewhere.

And if... if his appendix
bursts, he could die.

Die? Could he, Daddy?

Of course not. Right, Doctor?


What's goin' on?

Ah, good, nobody saw us.

Are you sure they
won't find us here?

Never. They'll be looking
all over the hospital first.

And there's some great
places to hide here.

Well, what will we do for food?

Well, I'll just come in here at night
and load up, while everybody's asleep,

and we'll live up on the roof.

Boy, Arnold, I sure admire
you. You're really sneaky.

- Thanks.
- You're my Superman, Arnold.

- I am?
- Yeah.

You looked just
like him, the way you

changed your clothes
in that telephone booth.

You can have all
the cookies you want.


What's the matter, Arnold?
Is it your appendix again?

Maybe it's just from when I
jumped over that wino in the subway.

Yeah. Hey, I just
thought of something.

Maybe I'd better take
a look in my telescope.

What for? So they
don't surprise us.

If Mr. D. is coming up Park Avenue,
I can spot his limousine a mile away.

But what if he comes a
different way? Good thinking.

I got a better idea now
other than my telescope.

Hello, doorman?

This is Mr. Drummond's attorney.

Yes, um, could you buzz
me when he comes in?

Yes. Thank you. Yes.

We feel so safe here.

Don't we, Penelope?

Penelope? She's here? Uh-huh.

Oh. Long time no see, Penelope.

She came to see the palace.

Uh, palace?

Uh-huh. If you can be on
the moon, I can be in a palace.

That's fair enough.
That makes sense.

Okay, here we are.
We're in Alice's palace.

How do you like that, Penelope?

- She just left.
- She's hard to keep track of.

She left because she's afraid of the
wicked king who lives in the palace.

He's a bad dude, huh?

Oh, terrible. He doesn't
live with his queen,

and he has a golden-haired
daughter who's very sad.

- What's her problem?
- Her father won't let her play
with her best friend...

- because he's different.
- How's he different?

He's green.

That's what I call different.

The wicked king
banishes him into the cave.

So go to the cave, Arnold,
'cause you're the green boy.

I am?


That seems, uh, okay.

Wait a minute. Any
dragons in this cave?

- It doesn't matter.
- It does to the green boy.

No, it doesn't, because look.

The wicked king has
fallen off from his horse...

and has landed on his head.

Yech, what a mess.

He'll probably
need an operation.

You're the only one
who can save him.

Okay, I'll operate.

Will the purple nurse and the
plaid nurse and the red nurse...

please put this
guy on the table?

And just in case he needs the
last rites, send in the blue nun.

I'll be your assistant, Arnold.

Hmm. Looks like he
needs a brain transplant.

Hand me the carving Kn*fe.

Okay, here we
go. Out with the old.

Uh, slip me a
brain out of that jar.

Here. This brain will
make him kind and loving.

He can use it.

Zip him up.

Look, the king is smiling.

Oh, and did you
hear what he said?

I didn't see him smile.

He said he'll marry his queen,

and everyone in the kingdom can be
friends, no matter what color they are.

Hmm. I'm sure the
police will find them.

We've done everything we can.

Oh, no, it's them.

Well, I thought the doorman
was gonna buzz you.

See what happens
when you don't tip.

Come on, come on, come on.

Oh, no, I forgot the cookie
jar. They'll know we're here.

I just don't know
what to make of it.

Well, all we can do now is just
wait for the police to call us back.

Hope that's them. Hello.

Oh, yeah.

It's the doorman.

What do you mean I'm
on my way up? I'm up.

Oh, I see. Okay, thank you.

Now that's strange.

The doorman said that my attorney
called from here a couple of minutes ago.

Well, that isn't possible.
How could my attorney...

I'll bet we're all thinking
about the same little attorney.

I don't follow you.

Arnold and Alice are here.

I'll bet I know
where they're hiding.

You remember that place Arnold hid
before when I was gonna spank him?

Yeah. Under the kitchen sink.

Let's go look. Yeah.

Out you come! Ha ha!

I guess they were
here, but they left.

Just find Alice.

She could share the operating
table with Arnold if she wants.

- Would you put that in writing?
- Arnold!

Come here, you.

Where you been? You scared us.

Daddy, can Arnold and
me really be together?

Yes, you can. Of course you can.

If you guys are so happy
to see us, let's have a party.


Ow! Don't squeeze so... Ouch!

Arnold, I'm taking you
right back to the hospital.

Come on, let's go.
Yeah, yeah, come on.

Oh, come on, Arnold, relax.

In a few minutes,
it'll be all over.

You talking about my
operation or my life?

He's talking about your
operation, of course.

Listen, it's all gonna be okay.

Well, where is Alice? I gotta talk to
her before I can go through with this.

Well, Arnold, she's
in a room, just like this

one, getting ready to
have her tonsils out.

Mrs. Garrett went to
see how she's doing.

Are you ready to take a
little ride with me, young fella?

Yeah, how about to Nebraska?

Now, Arnold, you promised me that
you were going to take this like a man.

And I will. But I won't
be a man for 10 years.

Oh, come on, Arnold.

All you gotta know is you sleep and
you wake up, and you do that every night.

Yeah, but not every night
does somebody come in...

and poke a hole in my gut.

Hello. Oh, Mrs. Garrett.

How's Alice? She is?

That's wonderful. Well, thank
you very much for calling.

- What about Alice?
- Alice has had her operation...

and she is resting comfortably.

Well, that's better
than resting in peace.

And you'll be very happy to
know that Alice told Mrs. Garrett...

that she is sending Penelope
right down here to be with you.

Hey, well, that's wonderful,
Arnold. Yeah, Arnold.

Penelope can go in the
operating room with you.

No, wait, now hold it, folks. I mean, I
can only take one person on this gurney.

Those are my orders.

Say, hey!

There's Penelope right now.

Oh, Penelope, that's certainly
a lovely dress you're wearing.

Oh, Penelope, you sure can
look foxy when you want to.

We're very happy that
you made it here, Penelope,

'cause now we can go
on with the operation.

Uh, Mr. Drummond,

are you sure you folks are
in the right kind of hospital?

Penelope is just
an imaginary friend.

Oh, I got it. I got it.

- Oh, yeah, I see her now.
- Where is she standing?

- She's standing right there.
- No, she isn't.

- She isn't?
- There she is.
- There she is.

Penelope ain't nowhere in here,
and I ain't leavin' until she gets here.

That's right, Arnold.

Penelope isn't here.

But it is very important that
you go with this man right now.

That's right, Arnold.
Yeah, Arnold.

You wouldn't want Alice to think
that you're a coward, huh? Would you?

Hey, there's Penelope now!

Hi, Penelope. How
you doin'? Hi, Penelope.

Hey, Penelope.

Well, let's go. What
are we waiting for?

Oh, easy. Easy does it,
young man. Take it easy now.

All right. Here we go. Okay.

Bye-bye, Arnold. Bye, Arnold.

See you later. We'll
be waiting for you.

Okay, my man, roll me to
the big Kn*fe. Here we go.

Are you sure he's gonna
be all right, Mr. Drummond?

Oh, sure he is. Hey,
come on, you two.

Hold good thoughts.

Hello, Tanner. Drummond. Uh...

Listen, uh, about that
housing development deal.


Well, I want you to take this.

What is that? That's another
check for 500 thousand.

Now look, Tanner, we...

No, wait look. No, no, no, look.

I know what I did was
dumb. I know it was wrong.

And I just hope you'll
forget everything I said.

Well, if you really mean it.

I do. I do mean it. I mean, I...

I know what my
mistake was now. I just...

I should never, never have
told you how I really feel.

Here we go again.

Arnold. Oh!

Well, Arnold,
how's your appetite?

Come on, Arnold.
Just take a little more.

It's not fair. Alice had her
tonsils out and she gets ice cream.

I had my whole appendix out, and I get
custard that tastes like an airmail stamp.

We'll make it up to you. Next
week you can have your tonsils out.

When we're better, Arnold,
I'll come and visit you,

and the green boy can have
all the ice cream he wants.

The green boy
thanks you, Princess.

Green boy? Princess?

They live in our palace.
Don't they, Arnold?

Yeah, with the red people and the
purple people and the polka-dot people.

It doesn't make any difference
what color you are. Nobody cares.

It sure sounds like a
beautiful place to live.

And now that is a project I
would be delighted to invest in.

Come on, Arnold.

♪ Now the world don't move
to the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for
you may not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born He's
a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two They
got nothin' but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes to
move the world Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪

♪ Mmm ♪♪