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06x12 - To Have and Have Not

Posted: 09/07/22 10:03
by bunniefuu
Jerry, nice tie!

Hey Garth, thanks for faxing that letter yesterday.

You are great!

Bobby! My man!
You are great!

Bobby! My man!

Good morning, Corky!

I'm not going to ask who she was, Frank.

I just hope that you were careful.
I'm not going to ask who she was, Frank.

I just hope that you were careful.

And that you at least call her sometime today.

To say "Thank you."

Come on, Corky.

Can't a guy just be in a good mood?

Maybe I'm feeling very popular today.
Can't a guy just be in a good mood?

Maybe I'm feeling very popular today.

Very likable.

Very recognizable.

About points more recognizable than

Felt last year!

Frank! You didn't!

You'll get us all into trouble!

Jim, Frank got a hold of the TVQ ratings again!

Oh, for heaven's sake, Frank.

Every year, it's the same thing.

Following your popularity up and down

Like the bouncing ball at a Mitch Miller sing-a-long.

You beat Brinkley.

Oh, baby.

Come on. You're hogging it.

There it is.

Still in the top ten.

You know, I was worried my divorce

might cause a backlash.
You know, I was worried my divorce

might cause a backlash.

But I guess tragedy makes people

open their hearts to you even more.

You know, if Will had cheated on me

instead of just being a Doofus

I bet I could have made number .

How'd Murph do?

I'm looking.

Still looking.

Oh, my.

She dropped. How could that be?

Murphy never drops.

Well, she has now.

By one and a half points.

Good morning, people.

What's up?

I am. By two points.

Well, once again, it seems some naughty little reporter's

been investigating an area they shouldn't be.

Give it to me.

Come on. Right now.

It was Frank.

Big surprise.

Don't let Murphy see this.

Hey, everybody.

Looky, looky. Found a dollar in the parking lot.

Oh, yes. It's going to be a good day.

She hasn't seen it.

She's going to find out eventually.

She always does.

Now, I'd... I'd break it to her, but I

I think it'd be kinda hard to take from

someone who's up two points.

Oh. Poor Murphy.

So unsuspecting.

So happy.

We can't let her go on like this.

Yeah, we can. Sure we can. Moving on.


There's a time b*mb in that office.

You leave it alone, ticking away

never knowing when or where it will explode

Or you can put on your protective suit.

Get in there and detonate her now.

You're right, Jim.

It's the only thing to do.

So I'll just do it.

The lord is my shepherd.

Murphy, hi.

Little update. Story meeting at ten.

The TVQ came out today. There's fresh coffee. You want some?

What'd you say?

Meeting at ten.

No the other thing.



Oh, uh, the middle thing.

TVQ's came out today.


Don't worry.

I'm sure it's just a temporary drop.

Maybe it was that Reagan interview.

Remember you kept snapping your fingers

when he kept drifting off.

Miles, it's okay.

It's okay?


I mean, I'm not surprised by this.

Look at the kind of stories I've been doing lately.

Tough, aggressive, in your face stories.

And any time you've put a nun in jail

People are bound to get upset.

Sure. The nun thing.

But, anyway, I'm proud of my work.

And, ultimately, that's more important than whether or not

Barbara Walters is more popular than I am.

She is.


So she is.

Well, my point is, if you're going to get

the kind of stories I do, you have to be tough.

I mean, what am I going to do?

Plop Boris Yeltsin down on some flowered loveseat

And say, "Now Boris, tell me what makes you cry?"

Or go walking on a beach with Qaddafi and ask

if it hurts when people say mean things about him.

Boy, I'll bet I'd be popular then.

Oh. Huge.

This isn't good, is it?

No, it's not.

So what do I do?


You could keep doing what you're doing.

Ignore public opinion. Assume it doesn't matter.

George Bush.

You could do something to help the public's perception of you.

Something along the lines of say

hiring a publicist

Miles, don't you remember what happened

the last time you brought up the topic.

Oh, ho, look.

I can still see the imprint

of your little face in the pebbles.


Plenty of journalists have publicists.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Corky has one.

Frank has a couple.

Jim doesn't have one.

Jim's a national treasure.

Okay, let's just say

for the sake of argument

my image needs a little adjusting.

You really think a publicist is the way to go?

If only the public could see you

the way I'm seeing you now.

Calm, vulnerable,

listening to a friend's opinion

with an open, non-threatening look on your face.

Answer the damn question!

Get a publicist.


Murphy Brown.

Violet Prince. Call me Vi.

A foyer. I like that.

And here, a living room, two stories.

A balcony. A fireplace.

Charming, charming.

I'm looking. I'm thinking.

Architectural Digest.

Just so you know,

They are making decaffeinated beans now.

You might want to give it a try.

And while I have your attention,

Let me make myself clear.

I've never needed a publicist before

And I'm not really sure I need one now.

In my line of work, you people are the enemy.

You stand between me and the people

I try to interview.

I don't really like your profession.

I'm not sure I trust it.

Or should it be People Magazine?

Yes. Much better. More accessible.

Wider circulation.

If you don't have a dog, we can rent one.

Maybe you didn't hear what I said.

Honey, I've been doing this job

Since before God.

Not once have I been greeted

by someone saying

"My Q rating's down. I'm a little nervous.

"Please help me."

It would be nice.

But so would sex with Robert Redford.

And neither is going to happen.

So, Connie Chung is a friend of yours, right?

Did you catch her on Letterman?

Dan Rather on Arsenio?

Chancellor on Lenno?
Dan Rather on Arsenio?

Chancellor on Lenno?

My idea. My idea.

My secretary's, but I'm taking the credit for it.

No offense.

But we all know how those shows go.

The host makes a few jokes at your expense.

And then they ask you if they can

let a dog drink out of your mouth.


The fact is you've got an image problem.

You come across as tough.

Maybe too tough.

I'm guessing that interview you did

last month with S*ddam Hussein

generated a rise in sympathy for him.

Honey, you scare people.

Believe it.

Eldin. My painter/nanny.

A painter. Splendid.

If I need more pastels

What can you give me?

A paint brush

And a view of me leaving.

Okay. Maybe you're right.

He gets to be right?

Sweetie, the morning's getting away from us.

So we need to find a way

to put more positive information

about you out there.

Let's start by jotting down

some of the good things you do

that you'd like people to hear about.

Don't be afraid to be sappy.

Good things she does, huh?

Quite the challenging game

to while away a dreary winter's day.

Oh, I know. I know.

Let an old lady get ahead of her in line at the grocery store.

That's a point for me. Who's next?

Eldin, wait. I'll tell you what I've done.

I've broken scandals that have

saved taxpayers millions.

I have sent corrupt politicians to prison.

I've discovered toxic waste dumping

That's resulted in more stringent laws.

Did I say People Magazine?

How about Who Gives a Fig Quarterly?

Murphy, maybe I haven't been clear.

No one's asking you to change your style.

You can be as tough as you want.

As long as you let some occasional

glimpse of warm shine through.

That's all I'm here to do.

Is to coax those glimpses

out of you.

But if you're okay

with a one and a half point drop

then I'll just be on my way.

This will give me a chance to spend

a little more time with Bob Dole.

Tuesday is his smiling practice.

Oh, that's Avery.

Look, Vi, don't go just yet.

Eldin, see if you can find that check I wrote to farm aid.

Which reminds me, they never sent me their T-shirt.

You know, now that I think about it.

That time at the grocery store.

When she saw that old lady

starting to pay in all pennies.

I think I'm back at zero.

I got some primer that I have to mix.

And this game is way too hard.

I am not going to do it.

No, I'm not.

I am not going to do it.

Okay. I am.

Oh, the little one.

You know, Murphy,

Seeing you with your son,

is a warm, beautiful image.

We'd be insane not to exploit it.

Oh, no. Time out.

It's hard enough on a kid having a famous mother.

I'm not going to drag him into the spotlight with me.

Okay, fine.

That's just one more magazine

cover for Kathy Lee Gifford.

But I'm getting an idea.

I'm mulling it. I'm loving it.

I'll call you after I set it up.

Wait a minute.

What is it?

Honey, I'm putting you on Mulberry Lane.

The kids' show?

You've seen it?

Revoltingly cute, isn't it?

I know Avery loves it.

All kids do.

And they watch it with their parents.

Just think.

You. Fuzzy puppets.

Major glimpse of warmth.

That's why I booked Hillary Clinton on it.

Now, I can bump Hillary

back a week or so.

She'll be upset,

But I'm still smarting over their tax plan

So who cares?

I'm off.

Wait a minute.

Can we just think about this for a while?

I'll call you tomorrow.

Fine. Later today.

Anyway, I just thought of one.

Oh, is she gone?

Just as well. I made it up anyway.

Hey there. Slugger.

Guys, I might as well tell you something now

because you're going to find out sooner or later anyway.

I met with a publicist this morning.

Oh, really?

So, I guess

this means

That's right.

Hell froze over.

Pigs are flying.

And you've picked up a check.

I met with a publicist, Frank.

A person can change their mind.

Well, Murphy, I think it's wonderful

that you're mature enough

to realize you need help.

By the way,

If Circus of the Stars calls

Don't let them talk you into

don't let them talk you into doing a trapeze act with Robert Urich.

I did it last year.

And his feet were very slippery.

Thanks for the tip, Corky.

But I'm going to be in Branson, Missouri that week.

I'm headlining at Yakov Smirnoff's

What a Country Theater.

I don't know.

Maybe this whole thing was a mistake.

This publicist is coming up with ideas

I'm not very comfortable with.

This morning she actually suggested

that I appear on Mulberry Lane.

I know.

It's a crazy idea, isn't it?

A professional journalist

appearing on a children's show.

Let's talk about something else.

You know, Murphy,

Lots of journalists have been on Mulberry Lane.

I think Katie Couric was on once.

I'm pretty sure Peter Jennings was, too.

And don't forget McNeil and Lehrer.

Then why is it such a crazy idea

for me to be on the show.


Well, why did you say it was crazy?

Because any self respecting journalist

has to question the appropriateness

of appearing on a show for children.

Let's talk about something else.

I want to understand this.

For some reason, you seem to find it amusing

that I would appear on Mulberry Lane.

I'm just curious as to why.

Well if

Mulberry Lane wants to

add you to their roster of guests

they would be wise to do so.

They're not going to let you sing, are they?

Not that you don't have a

charming voice.

It's just that the experience might be a little too intense

for younger viewers.

I just want you to know

that I only laughed because Frank and Jim did.

And I'm sure you wouldn't look nearly as awkward

as we think.


When I said I needed to show my warmer side,

I just didn't think I needed to show it to my friends.

You think I can't be warm? I can be warm.

Of course. Warm as hell.

You're just saying that.

But I am going to do Mulberry Lane.

And I will dripping warmth.

We are talking melt a puppet warmth.

Doesn't that look delicious?

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Okay, I've got a week to work on it.

It's good. It's very good.

But if it's going to be a mugglelump house

It needs more windows.

The mugglelump people hate feeling closed in.

Excuse me. I'm Murphy Brown.

And thicker cushions on those mugglelump chairs.

They have very tender bottoms.

Oh, Jess Phillips.

Welcome to Mulberry Lane.

Thanks. This is so great.

All the little buildings. The vegetable cart.

My son loves the vegetable cart.

Oh, that reminds me.

Mr. Green Grocer.

Is he weird about autographs?

Not at all.

Just try not to get him when he's hosing down the fruit.

That's his quiet time.

I see you got the script.

Actually, I haven't really memorized it yet.

I've had a very hectic week.

I don't know if you saw my interview Wednesday

with Warren Christopher.

I think I was fair with him.

Tough, sure. But fair. What do you think?

I don't watch television after in the morning.

I find it painful.

Now, if you'll just stand right over here,

Let's see who's playing on Mulberry Lane today.

Oh, Kelbo.

Hi there.

I'm Murphy Brown.

Don't look down there.

Why not?

Tell her, Jess.

We just want you to relate directly to Kelbo.

Because if you believe in Kelbo

Then the audience does too.

And Kelbo hates it when people don't believe in him.

Oh, I do. I do. I really, really do.


Nice to meet you Kelbo.

Likewise, I'm sure.


Isn't anyone going to introduce me?

And this, of course, is Murphy Brown Bear.

Wow. Great jacket.

And I may be biased

But I think she is much classier

than your Linda Ellerbee.

No contest.

Now, before we get started,

Is there anything we can get you.

Coffee, tea, juice box?

No, I just wish I had more time to memorize my lines.

Hey, hey, the script is just a guideline.

We like to be free here.

Let our imaginations go.

That's why we tape the rehearsal.

We get a lot of fun stuff that way.

Yeah, like the time Robert deNiro

challenged me to a scary face contest.

Now, come on. You're not allowed to worry

when you're on Mulberry Lane.

You'll be fine.

Just be yourself.

That's what people like to see.

All right.

Tell me, Kelbo.

Has Barbara Walters ever been on the show?

I don't think so.

But I hear she's very popular.

Okay, everybody.

It's another bright, shiny day on Mulberry Lane.

Cameras rolling.

And action.

Hello. I'm Murphy Brown Bear.

Mulberry Lane's ace reporter.

Today we're going to learn about asking questions.

And who better to learn from

than Murphy Brown herself.

I like Murphy Brown.

It's such a pleasure to be here with both of you.

It's important to ask questions.

because you can learn a lot by asking questions.

Isn't that right, Murphy?

Oh, you bet it is, Murphy.

If ever you're lost

or you want to find out more about someone.

Asking questions is a great way

to find the answers.

Yes, now,

Do you ask a lot of questions

as a reporter?

Oh, I sure do.

I talk to a lot of

very interesting people

and ask them a lot of

very interesting questions

Of course, sometimes that makes

me seem tougher than I like to be

but sometimes prominent figures don't want to answer questions

the public has a right to have answered.

You see, the press is only exercising

the rights guaranteed to them under the

first amendment, but as I told you

which, as I'm sure you know,

is the cornerstone of our constitution.


And I'm sure that if all the Mommies and Daddies

who are out there watching think about it,

they'll understand, that's why I have to be

so darn tough.

That's why I have to ask questions like

"Tell me, Senator, do you honestly

"that Oliver North organized

"the diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan Contras

"without higher authority?"

We like to ask questions like, "How old are you?"

or "What color is my fur?"

It's very good.

But let's just hold it a minute, okay?

Is there a problem?

You did say we could go off script.

Oh, sure, sure, but the words you're using.

amendment, diversion, Contras.

They're not exactly in a four-year-old's vocabulary.

Well, I don't mean to tell you how to do your job,

but if kids don't hear those words, how are they going

to learn them? And aren't we supposed to be educating here.

Yes, but we're teaching

them the alphabet, and you're preparing them for the bar exam.

Okay, I'll try to take it down a notch.

I knew you could.

Jess, should I be hugging the puppets more?

No. Not really.

Just checking.

Okay, cameras rolling, and action.

Now, I'm going to ask Murphy Brown

some questions to learn more about her.

Do you like being a reporter?

Oh, yes.

I've wanted to be a reporter ever since I was

a very little girl.

Especially after I saw

Edward R. Murrow's legendary report

accusing Joseph McCarthy of misleading

the public as to the [~] of communism.

Oh, yeah.

He was tough, but you didn't see anyone giving him

a hard time.

Excuse me, Kelbo. I believe

I was talking.

You talk a lot.

That's what reporters are paid to do.

Then you must make a fortune.

Actually, I became a reporter to serve the

public good.

(mimicking) Actually I became a reporter to serve the public good.

You know, that's very cute, but it's not nice to mimic someone.

(mimicking) It's not nice to mimic someone.

I'm going to have to ask you to stop that.

(mimicking) I'm going to have to ask you to stop that.

Hey, this time, I mean it.

(mimicking) Hey, this time, I mean it.

Knock it off.

(mimicking) Knock it off.

You're hurting my friend.

Aw, buzz off.

I knew we should have gotten Barbara Walters.

All right, that's it, you little...

I'm a respected journalist.

Can I do that again? I can do that better.

I know I can do it better.



Don't you sneak away from me.

I want to hear all about it.

How did it go on Friday?


Mulberry Lane?

Oh, just swell.

I'm really swamped. I gotta go.

There's my little Sherri Lewis.

I can feel our demographics widening.

As we speak.

Women - .

Men, and up.

And know, children, - .

Mommy, mommy, can we stay up and watch

that new show with that sweet blond lady.

We love her.

So when's it going to be on?

Well, they don't really have a date.

They're trying to find the best time.

Christmas. Spring. . I'll let you know.

Murphy Brown.

Oh, hi Eldin.



It can't be on.

It was a disaster.

I'm still picking Kelbo fur

out from under my fingernails.

(singing) Sometimes people are mean.

Bobby, get me my publicist.

Forget it, Murph. She just called.

I know it looks bad.

But when the camera's not on,

those puppets turn into nasty,

backbiting little rodents.

And what about that re-editing?

Are they allowed to do that?

I could sue their fuzzy little butts off.

Oh, that'll be great for your TVQ.

Suing the most beloved kids' show of all time.

What if it's a kids show.

They wouldn't even let me use the word Contras.

You know, this is all your stupid fault, Miles.

It was your idea I see a publicist

in the first place.


Don't you think this show has been very educational?


Yes, yes, thank you, Jim.

Sometimes people are mean.

What's so funny?