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03x13 - Junk Food

Posted: 09/07/22 10:55
by bunniefuu
♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs,
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪


Willis, you awake?

I'm not, but my eyeball is.

Arnold, why aren't you asleep?

Who can sleep?

Do you know how long it's been

Since I had a piece of candy?

Yeah. Two hours.

To you it's two hours.

It's 7,200 seconds to me.

Believe me, arnold, you'll live,

Unless you keep waking me up.

Wait a minute. My pants!

That's it!

Hey, arnold, what are you doing?

I think I left a jelly
bean in the pocket.

Hold it, arnold. What did
dad say about junk food?

Willis, I'll give you $10
for a stick of chewing gum.

Man, sure got that junk
monkey on your back.

So help me get rid of
him. I need a sugar fix.

What flavor's the toothpaste?

Arnold, get over yourself!

What about your promise to dad

When you went to the dentist?

You said you'd cut
down on sweets.

Willis, I can't do it.

I'll never get
through the night.

Listen, if I don't
come out of this alive,

I'd like to be buried
in a candy wrapper.

You're really going crazy.

Come on, you can
kick the sugar habit.

I can't.

Of course you can.

I mean, did the
pilgrims say "can't"

When they sailed from england?

Did columbus say "can't"
when they sailed from spain?

Willis, I don't want
to discover america.

I just want to eat it.


Sophie! What a surprise.


It's so good to see
you again, sophie.

Sophie? Don't you know
your own sister's name?

What are you talking about?

Your name has
always been sophie.

Not any more.

It's sophia.

Since when?

Since I've been living in italy.

Well, now, the last I heard,

You and your husband
were living in houston.

How is tex?

I'm afraid he's gone.

Oh, no.

He passed away?

No, he ran away.

But he left me a
beautiful oil well.

Not to mention a
southern accent.

Anyway, I forgot all about tex

When I met vittorio.

Who is vittorio?

Philip, you're not
paying attention.

Vittorio and I were
married a year ago.

Oh, well, you're
married again, then.

Well, congratulations.

You're too late. I'm divorced.

Wonderful to see you again.

Sit down.

It's been 2 years.


What are you gonna
do in new york?

Well, I decided to come home.

I guess I got a little homesick.

Oh, is it all right
if I stay here

Until I find a place?

As a matter of fact, our
housekeeper's on vacation.

You can use her room.

Oh, thanks.

I'm a new woman, philip.

I'm going to get a
new start in life.

You know, I've always
been sort of a health nut.

Well, now I'm even more so.

I've been to a clinic
in switzerland,

I've jogged in yugoslavia,

And I got rolfed in romania.

Now you can get
massaged in manhattan.

Just be careful what
parlor you walk into.

Oh, philip, I love
your sense of humor.

Who cares whether
it's funny or not?

Here's kimberly.

Aunt sophie!

Oh, not sophie,
dear. Sophia. Oh.

Oh, my. Let me look at you.

What a lovely young
lady you've grown into.

These are my sons,
willis and arnold.

This is my sister,
your aunt sophia.

You're just like
your father wrote me.

You're black.

I guess good eyesight
runs in the family.

And you're so handsome.

Thank you. What do
you think of my brother?

Come here and give
your aunt a big hug.


Your aunt sophie is
going to be staying

With us for a while, kids.

Great. Terrific.

Are you all good
students in school?

All: yeah.

Arnold is running for
president of his class.

Not the whole class.

Just room 104.

It's between me and 5 other guys

And I don't think I
have much of a chance.

Well, if cuteness counts,

You'll win by a landslide.

Aunt sophia, you look fantastic.

You've lost a lot of weight.

Well, you have to stay trim

When you're in your 30s.

You've also lost a lot of years.

Let me see your teeth.

Say what?

Dad, I just met her.

Do I have to show
her my naked teeth?

Look, kids, your
aunt sophia's a nut.

Ahem. Health nut.

But you listen to her,

Because she's an
authority on food.

Aunt sophia, why do
you wanna see our teeth?

Because if they're rotten,

So is the rest of you.

I couldn't have put
it better myself.

Come on, kids.

Open up.

Do you eat junk food?

Oh, not since they've
been to the dentist.

Right, kids?

Right. I've given
up soft drinks.

I don't even chew gum anymore.

I gave up rhubarb pie.

You hate rhubarb pie.

Well, you gotta start somewhere.

Arnold, what have you given up?

I've given up answering
these type of questions.

Daddy, he's terrible.

He's a junk food junkie.

He's a human garbage disposal.

I'm shocked.

Arnold, don't you know
you are what you eat?

You mean I'm a 49-pound twinkie?

Philip, how could
you let this go on?

Arnold, the dentist did

Warn you about junk food.

What did you have
for lunch today?

Y-you really want to know?

Yes, I really want to know.


Well, a hot dog
with sweet relish,

Sweet pickles, potato chips,

Cream soda, pie a la mode,

And for dessert,
another hot dog.

I think that's the mixture
they use to k*ll gophers.

Arnold, I am aghast!

Arnold, come here.

You promised to
cut down on sweets.

I can't do it, dad. Once I
get started, I can't stop.

All right, then. If
you can't cut down,

You're gonna cut
sweets out entirely.

What'chu talkin' 'bout, dad?

No, I mean it.

It's for your own good, arnold.

Yeah, you don't want to
be the only kid in 5th grade

Who's nothing but gums.

Arnold, I want you to
promise me something.

Stay out of candy stores,
and no more junk food.

For a while, then
we'll talk about it.

But in the meantime, you
are going to quit cold turkey.

Couldn't I quit sort
of warm turkey?

I crave sweets. I
can't go without them!

I'll get mean.

I'll get violent.

I feel it starting
to happen already.

I think this is where he gets
all hairy and grows a tail.

Yeah, and he starts
howling at the moon.

I sympathize with you.

But being hooked on
sweets is just as bad for you

As being hooked on cigarettes.

I was hooked on them for
years, but I gave them up.

Ok, dad. I'll try.

Ah. Abraham,

There's nothing better
than a piece of caramel.

Don't look at me like that!

My spirit's willing,
but my mouth is weak.

Hey, arnold!
Kimberly: hey, arnold.

So did you tough it through
the day without any junk food?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

I knew he could
do it. Give me five.

Mmm, mmm. Yeah, right on.

You know, arnold, you've
got real self-control,

And I'm proud of
you, little brother.

Here you go, kimberly.

Thanks. I'll bring it
back when I'm done.


Hey, arnold, aren't
you proud of yourself?


Yeah, 'cause we're
proud of you too.


You'll see, you'll have the
best set of choppers in town.

And I owe it all
to self-control.

Listen, I gotta go do my
homework with kimberly.

I knew that you could do it.

I'm proud of you, arnold.


Arnold, we've come
to congratulate you.

Kimberly told us
that you haven't had

One single piece
of junk food today.

And we're proud as punch.

Which, incidentally
is very bad for you.

It wasn't too hard.

Arnold, what is that white
stuff around your mouth?

Hmm? White stuff?


I must have been standing

Too close to the
blackboard at school.

It's amazing! That's
the same chalk

They put on powdered donuts.

It is?

Boy, you learn
something new every day!

Arnold, you fibbed to us!

You promised me
that you were going

To try and avoid junk food

And stay out of candy stores.

Well, I kept half of it.

I didn't buy it at
any candy store,

I bought it at the
vending machine at school.

What? I thought they were
supposed to have taken

All the vending
machines out of school.

Why do they still have
some at your school?

I don't know. I guess
we're just lucky!

I mean, uh, maybe they
didn't get around to us yet.

Arnold, I am shocked to learn

That you can still get
junk food at school.

Well, that's what a lot
of kids have for lunch.

That is disgraceful!

Poisoning their little
bodies with ickypoo!

Arnold, I'm going to try and
get those junk food machines

Out of your school.

Wait a minute, dad.

If the kids at school find out
that my dad wants to do that,

I'm in big trouble!

I won't get elected
president of room 104!

Listen, arnold,
when your friends

Find out what you're
doing is for their own good,

They will like you
more than ever.

But, dad, you don't
know some of these guys.

Up until now, I was
losing my teeth slow.

If you take those machines out,

I'm gonna lose them fast!

And, if on friday you elect
me president of room 104,

I, um... I, umm...

The promises!

The campaign promises!

Oh, right, right.

I promise to have a longer
lunch hour, a longer recess,

And I'm working on
no more homework.

No more homework, arnold?

Just seeing if you
were paying attention.

Ok, that's it for
today, children.

And in spite of arnold,
do your homework.

See you tomorrow.

Hey, arnold, want to
play some handball?

Yeah, come on!


Hi, arnold.


Hi, ms. Rawls. Hello,
mr. Drummond.

What are you doing here?

Well, you and I are
going to see the principal.

We want to talk to him about

Getting those junk food
machines out of the school.

Hey, arnold, why does your
father want to get the machines out?

I don't know, maybe their due
for their thousand mile check-up!

You guys go ahead.

That's ok.

We'll wait.

Mr. Drummond, I'm
afraid the principal

Is at the community
school board meeting.

Is there something
I can do for you?

Yes, you can tell
him to call me.

I'm very upset about
those snack machines.

They're ruining the kid's teeth.

Show us, arnold.
Open your mouth.

Tell ms. Rawls how
many fillings you have.

'Ee. Ee?

He means three.

And tell ms. Rawls

How many you had all year.

'E'en. You hear that?

'E'en. I mean seven.

He's creating a silver shortage.

Can I close my mouth now?

Thank you, arnold. We're
through with your mouth.

Thank you.

I happen to agree
with you, mr. Drummond,

But with the cuts in our budget,

The school relies on
those vending machines

To help pay for
extracurricular activities.

Well, it's not right
to raise revenue

At the expense of
the children's health.

I'm determined to get those
vending machines out of this school.

Well, it's not my fault that
my dad doesn't want my teeth

To be an endangered species.

Come on, dudley.

Yeah, who needs this nerd?

Let's go, arnold,
we're finished here.

You can say that again.


"Butylated hydroxytoluene,



"Glycol, methox..."

Oh, if you can't read
it, you shouldn't eat it.

Out you go.

Hi, honey. How was school today?

Rotten, crummy, miserable.

Well, cheer up.

Maybe tomorrow
will only be rotten.

Since dad was there,
they're calling him a fink,

And me, son of fink.

Arnold, when you
know you're right,

Never bow to group pressure.

I don't want to bow
to it, I want to join it.

Hi, everybody.

Has the school
principal called me yet?

Not yet.

Boy, I hope he isn't ducking me.

Well, if he would have
called, I would have known it

Because I was home all alone,

And I would have heard the phone

Because I wasn't busy
talking to anybody but myself.

If the phone had rung, I
would have answered it

Because I could wait till later

To hear what I had to say.

Dad, since you were there
at school, I'm in big trouble.

Can't you change your mind
about those vending machines?

Sorry, arnold.

Then I'd like to transfer.

How about busing me
to a school in australia?

Hey, dad. Hey, arnold.

Hey, arnold, hey, dad.

Hey, what are the boxes for?

Oh, sophia has made
converts out of all of us,

So we're helping her
check all the labels

And throw out all the
junk food in the house.

Well, good. What are
you gonna do with it?

Well, we can't
give it to the poor.

They got enough troubles.

I know what we can
do with this junk,

We can put it in a lead barrel

And sink it to the bottom
of the hudson river.

Or we can wrap it
up and send it to iran.

Aunt sophia, you
ruined my eating at home,

Now you've ruined
my eating at school.

If all I eat is healthy food,

You're going to deprive
me of my pimple period.

Arnold, eat that stuff
and you won't get pimples.

You'll get rigor mortis.

Thanks to you, sophia,
I did a little research

On food myself today.

Wait until all of you
hear what I discovered.

Oh, it's appalling what they do.

They put so much
preservatives in food

That dead people last longer
than people who aren't dead!

Is that a way to live?

Hey, arnold, you like this
goop on your dessert, huh?

The goopier, the better.

Well, here's a
poop on your goop.

Just add a little water to it,

And you can use it
to wax our limousine.

It's also good for
removing nail polish.

Just listen to this!

Some candies are
loaded with chemicals,

Including a shellac
to give them a glaze.

Shellac? Yuck.

You like ice cream, arnold.

Do you want to know
what's in some of that?

I'm afraid to ask.


Mono and diglycerides,

Coal tar dye...

I feel like I want to
go through a car wash.

Arnold, I'll make
a deal with you.

If you give up junk
food, I'll give up caviar.

What do you say, son? Hmm?

Ok, I'm giving up junk
food, and I mean it.

All: all right, arnold!
Good for you!

I don't care if my best friends
don't talk to me any more.

I don't care if they don't
elect me president tomorrow.

I'm going to school
for an education,

I don't have to be happy, too.

I'll get it.


Yes, this is he.

Good. Put him on.

School principal.

Yes, hello.

Yeah. Well, I thank mrs. Rawls
for explaining my feelings,

But what are you going to
do about the vending machines?

Well, I'd be sorry to hear that
the school was losing money.

But I am not going to
stand by and let anybody

Endanger the health of
children just to make a profit!

I love the way his eyes
flash when he's angry.

Well, your hands may be
tied, sir, but mine are not.

So you just tell me
the name of the company

That owns those vending machines

And I'll take it from there.


You sure?


What's the matter?

Those vending machines
are owned by a subsidiary

Of my own company.

Daddy, your own company is
selling all that junk in school?

With shellac?

And kiboxafoxaloxicide?

For shame, philip.
If papa were alive,

He'd roll over in his grave.

Children, before we begin today,

Arnold jackson
has asked permission

To address you about
the vending machines.


That'll do! That'll do!

Stop it! That's enough!

Go ahead, arnold.

Well, last night I found
out that my dad's company

Owns all the junk food machines.

Children! Children.

Arnold, you stink.

That's enough.

Well, um, well,
you're all wrong.

My dad doesn't want the
school to lose any money,

So he's not taking
the machines out.

Thanks, but there's not
going to be any junk food

In those machines.

Quiet! Quiet! Quiet.

Go on, arnold.

Well, um, my dad is going to
put in new refrigerated machines

That'll have healthy things in
them like apples and oranges,

So you don't lose your
teeth and look like this.

And won't wind up
talking like an old geezer

Even though you're
only a young geezer.

Well, that's all I have to say.

I don't care if you elect me
president of room 104 today.

There's some things more
important than power.

Son, the important thing is
that you believed in something

And you stuck to your g*ns.

A lot of good that did.

I was defeated in
the election 34 to 1.

My friends didn't vote for me.

For a minute there, I wasn't
sure I was going to vote for me.

Honey, you'll feel much
better after you eat.

Yeah, what is for dinner?

Oh, I've made a
delicious, healthy meal.

Fish and salad, organic
goose liver paté.

And acidophilus soup.

What's for dessert?

Soufflè of figs with
sprouted wheat balls.


Oh, we're just kidding.

Oh, you devils.

You were pulling my funny
bone, wherever that is.

You know something, aunt sophia?

You're a real nice lady.

Thank you, arnold. I like
a boy who tells the truth.

Here, taste this acidophilus
soup, now. It's really good.

Hey, that's not bad!

Let's freeze it and make
acidophilus popsicles!

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪