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04x07 - Body Slam

Posted: 09/07/22 13:18
by bunniefuu
All right. He gonna put him down, now.
I can feel it.

- B.A.
- Hey, man!

He didn't save my life.
I saved his life.

Is there such a thing
as a five-man tag team?

Bring 'em on, Daddy.

No, you took the shell.

Hulkamania is gonna run wild.

No way out this time, Smith.

Now we're cooking.

Oh, I love it.

In 1972,
a crack commando unit...

was sent to prison
by a military court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped...

from a maximum-security

to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted
by the government...

they survive
as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire the A-Team.

And Big John Studd slams
Hulk Hogan on the mat.

This is
the championship battle...

for the heavyweight title
of the world.

Hulk Hogan. I've never seen
him in quite so much trouble.

Fans, he can lose
the title here tonight.

Big John Studd couldn't have had
him in a more compromising position.

Quiet! The Hulkster is up.
He's up and he's mad.

- Oh, is he mad.
- Go! Let's go!

But Big John Studd delivers a blow
to the back. And another blow.

Can Hulk Hogan hold on?

And he tosses him
out of the ring.

The Hulkster is being
helped up by a friend.

Come on, Hulk. Get back in
there and put him away, man!

...but he's in the Hulkster's
special seats.

- Hulk Hogan back in the ring.
- You're the world champion.

Come on, let's do it. holding the belt
above his head.

Come on!

He must be a very special
friend of the Hulkster's.

I've never seen
quite so much action.

And Hogan slams Studd
into the turnbuckle.

Oh, the Hulkster is mad.

What a fight! I have never
seen anything quite like it.

A right to the head.
And another right.

And another yet.

A toss into the ropes and, oh...

Big John Studd
seems to be weary.

And a kick to the head,
and Studd is down on the mat.

Hulk Hogan pulls him
back into the ring.

But now he's yanked
the Hulktster out of the ring.

And the nefarious Bobby Heenan
is just around the corner.

Let's hope he doesn't interfere.

There he is. That's Heenan.

He plants a cheap shot on Hogan.

Hogan tosses him away.

Heenan is being restrained.

Hogan slams Studd into the concrete
and climbs back into the ring.

Get out of here!

Folk's, I've never seen
a match quite like this.

Referee on top of the action.

And a pickup on the part of Hulk
Hogan, heavyweight champion.

And it's a left to the head.
Another left.

And yet another. And another.

Hulk is really pouring it on.

He's caught up
in the turnbuckle.

Swings him the length
of the mat and bam!

What kind of a pounding
can this man take?

That is a clothesline.

These two men,
two of the biggest...

in professional
wrestling today...

going at it tooth and nail for the
heavyweight champion of the world.

No federal agents so far.

But sitting ringside
is asking for it.

Hey, man, my buddy needs us.

I'll take the next patrol
if you want.

C'mon, man. Go!

And the Hulkster
turns the tables...

on challenger Big John Studd.

You can just
feel the electricity.

He's gonna put him down, now.
I can feel it.

Hogan has still not quite been
able to body-slam this man.

Repeated pack of punches to the head.
The referee breaks it up...

and admonishes
both participants.

Hogan's got Studd on the ropes.

Studd could be
on his last leg here.

It's a butt to the head.
A head butt.

He is down. The referee's
got the count.

There's 1, 2, 3.
He's out!

Hulk Hogan has won...
He won! He won!

...the heavyweight
championship of the world.

Hogan, the winner.

He has successfully defended the
world's heavyweight title. Unbelievable!

Now, that unidentified stranger has
climbed in the ring with Hulk Hogan.

He's gotta be a very special
friend of the Hulkster.

He's holding the belt.
Victorious once again.

Fabulous action from the World
Wrestling Federation here in San Diego.

Another successful
title defense...

for the heavyweight champion
of the world.

My guest at this time,
Hulk Hogan...

and what a battle that one was.

Well, you know, Mean Gene,
ever since I won the WWF...

World Wrestling Federation
heavyweight title, man...

I've been on one heck of a roll.

I've been to Tokyo, Japan,
Africa, Asia, Bangkok...

and all points in between.

And you know something? I've
defended this thing successfully...

everywhere I went.

But I'm really excited,
Mean Gene...

because coming up here,
in a few days, man...

I'm coming to my own hometown,
L.A., brother.

Los Angeles, California.

And more than that, all the
money, all the Hulkamaniacs...

all the Hulkamania running wild,
all that money from all my people...

I'm donating that money to my
favorite charity, Mean Gene.

Okay, now, Hulk Hogan, you and I
have been very close in the past...

and you've let me in
on some of these things.

May I ask what
that charity will be?

Well, I'd love to let you in
on this one, Mean Gene...

but I want your dollars,
too, man.

I want you right there
at ringside.

This is more important than
top-secret information, man.

And I want everybody to know...

come on out, buy a ticket
to see the Hulkster...

because Hulkamania
is gonna run wild.

Your hometown boy
is coming home.

And just a few of my friends
down at the gym...

they know
what the charity's all about.

It's for a great cause.
I'm 100% behind it.

Because I've been training, saying my
prayers, eating my vitamins, Daddy.

And wait till you see how psyched
up I am when I come home to LA.

I love you, and I'm
coming home, Mean Gene.

There you have it,
ladies and gentlemen.

Hulk Hogan,
this coming Saturday night...

Title defense. The Los Angeles
Sports Arena. Don't you dare miss it.

- Hey, Hulk!
- Hey, B.A.!

Hey, man!

Hey, man, good to see you,
man. You're looking great.

- Mean, clean, human destruction machine.
- Yeah.

Regular mutual
admiration society.

Hey, man,
I want you to meet Hannibal.

- Hi.
- How you doing?

- Faceman.
- How do you do?

- Murdock.
- Hey, glad to meet you guys.

I'm glad you could make it.

You know, I had a heck of
a time locating you dudes.

Mr. Hogan, this is truly
an amazing pleasure.

I have been a wrestling devotee
since I was five years old.

Bruno Sammartino, Bobo Brazil--

Hey, both fine wrestlers.

I always dreamed of being a professional
wrestler myself, you know...

but look at me, look how I turned out.
But you, you are fantastic.

Cool it, Murdock.
Give the man breathing room.

Hey, take it easy, B.A.
I like this dude, man.

Try not to break him, Hulk.
It's m*rder finding new parts.

Come on, let's go.
I gotta change clothes.

Man, it's so good to see you again.
I love this guy.

You two met in Vietnam, huh?

Yeah, B.A. was the baddest
dude I ever met in Nam.

B.A. says he saved
your life over there.

Hey, he didn't save my life,
I saved his life.

No, man,
you getting it all wrong.

You've been getting
this mixed up for years, man.

Don't you remember Da Nang
during the Tet Offensive?

Yeah, and we were
pinned down in the hut...

and you took the shell
that knocked you cold.

You took the shell.

No, you took the shell.

I think they both
took the shell.

The blasts puts B.A.
out like a light.

I knew I had to
get him out of there.

Man, I dragged him no more
than 10 feet when, boom!

The hut is blown
straight in the air.

Hey, we were both knocked out
by the blast.

When we came to, we were side
by side in a hospital in Saigon.

And that's the only part
you got right.

Look, guys,
it was a long time ago and--

Hulk, do you remember that beautiful
nurse with the short red hair?

No, I don't remember her.

That's because
you was in surgery.

I was the one
that was conscious.

Hey, I was the one
that was conscious.

You were out like a light.
You was the one that was out.

Fellas, I'm sure
the details are fuzzy...

because of the concussion
you both suffered.

Hey, Hannibal,
but I'm clear on this, man.

Hey, so am I, B.A.

Look, what is
the point of arguing...

when you see each other
so rarely?

Yeah, that's true, Hulk.

Look, B.A., could you
drop me off at Cindy's?

No way, man. I helped you
out in Mexico, didn't I?

Now you gonna help me and Hulk.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
I don't know who helped whom.

Not that.
I'm talking about his problem.

Yeah, like I was telling you,
I got a problem.

A big problem.
Even bigger than the Hulkster.

This is my last offer.

Mr. Carter, I've told you
over and over again...

you're wasting your time.
No sale.


Look, Miss Gordon, you miss one
more payment on this place...

and the bank's
gonna own your sweet--

But that's my problem.

Hey, I'm tired of bringing you
gifts and reasonable offers.

Your old man would have jumped
at a price like this.

My father would never
sell this property...

and what the heck do you know
about my father?

I know that he's six feet
under the ground...

and unless you want a plot next
to him, you'll take the dough.

Look, I know this is hard
for you to understand...

but without this center,
these kids have nowhere to go.

So, thank you very much
for dropping by.

Now, you gentlemen,
you know your way to the door.

Shut the door.

Now, you listen up, chicky,
and you listen good.

Your little problems
are not over.

That fire in the basement last
week, the surprise inspections.

Who knows, there might even be
a very bad accident.

And I know you wouldn't want anything
to happen to one of your kids.

Mister, if anything happens
to anybody around here...

I'm gonna personally drive
my car down to your boat...

and I'm not gonna stop until I
make sure you're part of the dock.

Miss G., we lost another ball.

Hold it, right there.
Get outside, Kerry.


Just give me a reason, please.

Hey, this is just a friendly
business proposition.

There's no harm intended.

Yeah, sure.

Now let me tell you this,
once and for all.

No sale and no threats.

If anything happens
to any kids around here...

I'm gonna hold you personally--

Nobody pulls a g*n on me.

We'll continue this
on the top of Mulholland.

Now, come on.
Get rid of that kid.

Hey, kid, why don't you
go play in traffic?


- Are you okay?
- Yeah. You got to nail them, Hulkster.

- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Move over, man!

Oh, no!

I'm sure they'll be all right.

Yeah, but what's worse,
them catching them...

or them not catching them?

Hey, they're heading
up the walk.

Them crazy fools. There are
too many people up there.

Be careful, B.A.


I love it.

We'll get them next time.


Then we had a small fire,
a couple of break-ins...

and then there was inspectors
running all around the place...

and now the banks are
threatening to close in on me.

But after Saturday night, your
mortgage problems will be history.

If it wasn't for the Hulkster,
we'd be closed down by now.

I wrote him 'cause I knew he was from
Venice and involved with charities.

And I'd do anything for the
kids in this neighborhood.

This center is their only outlet.
If we go under--

You ain't going under.

Hey, between the Hulkster
and the A-Team...

you don't have
a thing to worry about.

Face, what do you know
about Sonny Carter?

Well, he's a very high-profile
yacht dealer in the marina.

Doesn't sell any boat that goes
for less than a million dollars.

What does he want
with this property?

Tear it down.
Maybe he'd put up condos.

There are plenty of lots
around here he could pick up.

He doesn't sound
like a developer.

Hey, I say we go down there,
kick this dudes door in...

and let him know
that we're in town, man.

That ain't the way
we do things here.

We may have to go in and run a con,
drop a bug, do a little smooth talking.

Okay, B.A. You come with me. You do
the smooth talking. Let's go, man.

No, we just can't go in there
and kick down the guy's door.

We need a plan.

Well, who makes the plan?


Hannibal, what's the plan?

You guys ought to
go down there...

kick this guy's door in,
let him know you're in town.

- Hannibal, he's always thinking.
- Yeah.

You guys check out Sonny Carter.

I'll go to City Hall
and find out...

if there's any reason he
really wants this developed.

Hey, I like it.
We're rolling.

All right.

Just let me handle it, Papa.

I heard about the way you handled
it this morning, Mr. Carter.

I don't understand why a
crummy building in Venice...

is beyond your reach.

We're gonna get the building, Papa.
I know what I'm doing.

If it were up to me,
we'd go down there...

with a couple of
Thompson machine g*ns--

And what? And my name
is all over the dock.

I go down there and start a w*r,
guess where they come looking?

Al Capone never had
his name on a sign.

Fast cars, fancy women, your
picture in the paper all the time.

This is no way to run a family.

This is Hollywood, Papa. Hey,
come on, give me a little credit.

I got 40 guys
doing 500 G's a year plus.

And on top of that,
we're almost 80% legit now.

Yeah, Carter is legitimate.
Kotero, ew...

Hey, when you went
into the pen...

you left a lot of heat
on the street.

I didn't change my name.
Mama did.

You should've taken care of this
with Louie Gordon before he died.

Things are different
out here now, Papa.

Twenty years is a long time.

It's not like it was when
you and Uncle Louie hit town.

We need that property, Sonny...

no matter what it takes
to get it.

You wanna go back
and sit in a jail cell?

She can't make the payment, I pick it
up from my man at the bank. That's it.

What if she makes the payment?

Hulk Hogan is going
to bail the place out.

Then we take care of him, too.

It may not be that simple,

Look, Papa, I gotta go.
I got guests.

Yeah, go.

I'll go downstairs
to sit in my room.

I want what is mine, Sonny.

- Capisce?
- Capisce.

Murdock was telling me that
you're still afraid of flying.

You, the dude
that saved my life?

Don't start with me.

Hey, B.A.,
I didn't mean it that way.

I just didn't think that you
were afraid of anything.

Hey, man, ain't you afraid
of something? Nothing.

Come on, man. Everybody's
afraid of something.

Hey, not me.

Oh, man. How about
a pit full of snakes?

Bring 'em on, Daddy.

Hulk Hogan.

I didn't see your name
on the list.

You gonna bid on the boat?

Yeah, we're here
to bid on the boat.

You think it's big enough,


It's such a pleasure
meeting you, Mr. Hogan.

Well, go on in.
I'm sure Mr. Carter...

is going to be thrilled
to see you.

Thrilled is not the word.

Oh, my goodness. Look at that, Craig.
Look who's there.

Let's get an opening shot
of the Hulkster.

Okay, Beanie. Rolling.

Welcome to Lifestyles
of the Extremely Rich.

Today, we take you aboard
the dream boat of a lifetime.

No, honey, look. You either
gotta be in or you gotta be out.

I mean, I got only half
of you in there now.

Yeah, now she's in.

Now we're cooking.

I'd like to welcome you all
to the Lady Princess.

As you know,
I recently obtained her...

from a Greek shipping tycoon...

who shall remain nameless.

And I'm told that the lower
decks hold many secrets.

She sleeps 12,
including crew quarters.

Hey, we'll take it.
How much?

What are you doing here?

We wouldn't miss this
for the world.

Yeah, we're thinking of buying.


Hey, Lenny,
how are you doing, man?

Thanks a lot for your donation
for the Boys Center.

Thanks for the ringside seats.

Hey, you guys ought to hit up
some of this crowd.

That's a good idea.

Hey, you're going to make
a donation, right, Sonny?

Yeah, sure.
I'll be one of the first.

Yeah, man, you ought
to write a check right now.

Are you sure
this is the state room?

Oh, that was you.


You know, I'm tired of being the
blue collar guy in these cons.

Why don't you guys let me
broaden my acting repertoire?

You gave them a check
for $25,000?

That's the way you handle it?
You give them money?

We're supposed to be getting
my money back.

Will you just shut up?

I'll get the boys. I'll have those
guys taken out of the picture...

and then I'll get
my check back, okay?

Now will you just relax, Pop?

I gotta get back to the party.

I think I got something.

Tax returns, 1965 to present.

How much do we owe?

Not a dime.
However, this is interesting.

In 1968, he changed his name
from Kotero to Carter.

Let's get out of here.

What about deadly sharks?

I'm a good swimmer.

There's gotta be something.

Hey, I need to swing
by the gym on the way back.

Got a message from Steamboat
about the Center.

I actually think he's gonna
make a donation, man.

What about being locked
in a dark room full of rats?

Dark doesn't bother me.

All right.

Go right inside.

Hey, man,
you don't want to do that.

Come on, move it.

Get the lights, man.

Easy, dude.
I'm looking for the switch.

Here it is.


Now, please, don't anybody move.


You can tell Mr. Carter that
the Center is here to stay.

And thank him for the donation.

Sonny Kotero changed
his name to Carter...

and fronts his mob activities
by selling expensive yachts.

Wait a minute. My father
knew a man named Kotero.

He went to prison 20 years ago.

I saw this old guy below deck.

He looked like somebody out of
d*ck Tracy's 10 most wanted list.

Sonny's father maybe?

That would explain
the nom de Neptune.

According to
the county records...

your father bought this place
about 20 years ago.

I don't see the connection.

These dudes must have
been running together.

Miss Gordon, aside
from being a referee...

what else did your father
do for a living?

Louie bounced from job to job.

He sold shoes.

He even owned a newsstand
for a while.

Face, I want you to go down
to the Federal Building...

check the FBI records
on Papa Kotero.

Sure, no problem, I'll just walk
in there, flash my library card...

- And your smile.
- Yeah.

Excuse me.

Hey, Cole.

- How are you doing?
- Pretty good.

I tell you, that Musgrave case
is a bear.

- They got you on that too, Deberg?
- For two months now.

Yeah. Man, I'm glad they
kept me away from that one.

This Musgrave must have
stashed a fortune.

Boy, this Musgrave case
is k*lling me.

You too, huh?

Yeah, they've got half the guys
in the Bureau after this guy...

but we'll catch him.

Catch him? They arrested him
a week ago.

Did I say catch him?

I meant convict him.

Yeah, he brought in some hotshot
lawyer from Back East, you know...

Yeah, so the D.A.'s got us
doing all this legwork.

It'll take months
to build that case.

You know, I've had the D.A. in here
twice already, combing the files.

Yeah, well, that's why I'm here.

It seems this Musgrave was connected
to an old case dating back 25 years.

Twenty-five years.

He would have been
in sixth grade.

Fifth grade. Well, it wasn't him.
See, it was his uncle.

Guy by the name of...

Memory's a little...

Let's see, uh...

Kotero, that's K-O-T-E-R-O.

Well, anyway, they sent me
down here to pull his file...

and, boy, are they
grasping at straws.


One entry listed in the period
between 1955 and 1960. A Victor L.

Kotero was arrested seven times.

He was only convicted
of one crime...

but it was a doozie.

Kotero was involved
in armed car robbery in 1958.

There were two guards,
one of them was k*lled.

They never found the money.

And the government agent
on the case was Thomas McKeon.

He finally caught up
with Papa Kotero.

Kotero went up the river
for 30 years.

But about a year later...

McKeon was pancaked
by a city bus.

My father was an armed guard
for a while.

According to the reports,
he was the other guard...

on the truck,
the day of the robbery.

Dicki, I don't like
to say this, but...

we've got to
consider the possibility...

that your father was in this
with Papa Kotero.

And when Kotero was caught...

he took the fall and left
your father to hide the loot.

Sometimes when you dig
into someone's past...

what you find out can alter
the illusion of the memory.

Hey, look. My father was my
best friend when I was a kid.

He always wanted a boy,
but my mother passed away...

before they could
get that going.

But still there was baseball
games, ice cream at the pier...

and those days when we'd work
on the "atomic body slam."

But I'm a big guy now,
as Louie would say, and...

as far as I know my father could
have been a Dillinger or something.

But to me...

to me he was Papa.

Well, what exactly
was in the armored car?

This is the exciting part.

It was a gold transfer.
15 bars.

- Ten pounds apiece?
- Exactly.

And at $32 an ounce, in 1958...

we're looking
at $76,800 dollars.

But today, you know,
it's worth...

320 in Hong Kong, 317 in London.

What exactly is the load worth?


And we are probably
standing on it.

Yeah, this was
a vacant lot until 1962.

So this center is sitting
on Papa Kotero's pension fund.

And he's ready to collect, as soon
as he get ahold of this place.

Yeah, buy it and bulldoze it.

What's the plan, Hannibal?

We go to Papa Kotero
and we say...

"Where did you hide it?"

- Hey, anybody aboard this ship?
- That's not the way to do it.


I mean... Wait, wait.

Hey, hold it right there.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Mr. McKeon...

you can't just run roughshod
over these people like this.

- What the heck is--
- Kotero, it's been a long time.

I'm Sean McKeon,
FBI, Long Beach.

This is William Deberg,
Los Angeles FBI.

I'm here to finish
my brother's business.

Now Mr. McKeon,
could we proceed...

within the boundaries
of the Bureau's regulations?

These people have rights,
you know.

Scum like this
have got no rights.

What the heck's going on here?

They're FBI agents.

This one here is the brother
of the guy who set me up.

FBI agents, huh?
Let me see some lD.

What's the main number
on Wilshire?


Listen, I've got to apologize
for Agent McKeon, there.

You know, some of the guys at
the Bureau, you know, they...

Yeah, do you have an agent William
Deberg assigned to your office.

Yeah, may I talk to him please?

He's out in the field, huh?
Thank you.

I want this man off the boat.

Not until
we've had a little chat.

Just give me five minutes
alone with this guy.

Oh, no, I don't think
that would be appropriate.

Kid, I got 30 years
seniority on you.

Now leave us alone,
I'm ordering you.

Anything you have to say to my
father, you can say in front of me.

I've got no trouble talking to
two lowlifes at the same time.

No g*n.

Look, your request is within
the limits of procedure, so...

would you promise me you won't
violate these men's rights?


All right, you, you,
come with me, outside.

Come on, move, move!

I see you're just as charming
as your brother.

Leave him out of this.

- What the hell do you want?
- I want half the gold.

Your brother was
a straight sh**t.

I tried to buy him off and
that sucker sent me to the can.

My brother died without a dime.

I've been waiting 20 years
for you to make me rich.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I've got a proposition for you.

Take it or leave it.

We go to Louie Gordon's,
we dig up the gold...

and I'll let you live.

What makes you think that
that's where it's buried?

Sonny's been
sniffing around for weeks.

Might as well put up
a billboard, pal.

All right. Okay.

How do you plan to work this?

I'll make it official business.

We go in. We dig up the gold.

I take it out in a government
vehicle and we split it afterwards.

How do we know we can trust you?

Because you'll be with me
all the time.

Federal Agent.

Sean McKeon, notifying you...

that under section 198
of the McLaren Act...

you are hereby ordered to yield for a
search for evidence on your property.

Which way is it?

Let's go.

Hey, man,
you can dig your own hole.

I didn't sign up for prison
to do no ditch digging.

How about I dig the hole
and leave you in it.

All right, I'll dig a hole.

This is one tough guy.

- Break, boss?
- Sir.

Break, sir?


Water, sir?

No, I ain't thirsty.

Metal box, boss man.

Pick it up.

Open it up.

It's empty.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
There's a letter inside.

Is there a Victor Kotero here?

"Kotero, right property,
wrong spot."

"I moved it."
Signed, Louie Gordon.

September, 1969.

End of the line, Smith.

Peck lifted
the wrong ID this time.

What's going on?

- Who are you?
- My name is Hannibal Smith...

and if I were you,
I'd all hit the ground, now!

The A-Team is making an escape.

Don't let them get away.

Not bad, huh, guys?

No way out this time, Smith.

We hit right before
the main event.

Everyone's inside, all the
money's in the box office.

That rotten crumb took my land
and then he moves the gold away.

We hit hard, we hit fast, and
make sure we clean them out good.

Now this monster wrestler
is gonna be paying the rent...

and buying
the little squealers jerseys.

They ain't gonna get the money.
We got everything under control.

And then once
we get the property...

we can bulldoze the whole
place if we have to.

I told you, Papa...

you want that stash,
I'm gonna get it for you.

At least this A-Team's
out of the way.

They won't see the light
of day for 20 years.

I can't believe B.A.
got captured.

I should have never
called on you guys.

It's not your fault. I'm gonna get them
guys out of there. So don't worry about it.

How am I gonna wrestle
with this on my mind?

You just gotta concentrate
on the match, Hulkster.

That's exactly what the big guy
would say to you, if he was here.

I'm gonna be thinking about
you guys while I'm in the ring.

As a matter of fact...

when I look at my opponent, I'm
gonna be seeing Sonny Carter.

It's gonna be
a pretty quick bout then.

Do you know what you're doing?

Actually, it's never worked but
might as well give it a try.

Mr. Deberg, I want these men
turned over to me immediately.

Hey, pal, the FBI
nailed these guys.

These men are
military fugitives.

That were apprehended
by the FBI.

The Army's been chasing them
for 10 years.

And we been chasing them
for 10 minutes.

And we're gonna hold them.

I want them transferred
to a military prison.

- Forget it.
- Forget it?

Look, Colonel,
I called you into this thing.

They came into a federal building.
They filched my badge.

I took you to them.

They were impersonating federal officers
and they were captured by the FBI.

This is my bust.

They're not moving till
the Deputy Bureau Chief...

gets here and makes a decision.

I'll call the Pentagon
if I have to.

You'll spend the next 10 years chasing
stolen cars in Natchez, Mississippi.

They're staying right here.


At ease, soldiers.

The three of you will accompany
me into this building.

We're moving the A-Team.
But first remove your weapons.

There are to be no firearms
brought into this facility...

as long as the A-Team is present.
Is that understood?

But, sir, we're never supposed
to leave our weapons.

Are you supposed to question
your commanding officer?

- No, sir, but--
- No buts about it, soldier!

Now, you'll get these back when
you learn to follow orders.

Put those weapons
in the front of this cabin.

Yes, sir.
Weapons into the van.

General Hagen. These are release
and transportation papers.

We're moving the A-Team
to the base at Point Marcos.

But, sir, we have orders
from Colonel Decker.

What do you think I am,
a fool, Sergeant?

You see these stripes? They used
to belong to that soldier there.

Do you wish to join
him in the lower ranks?

No, sir!

Colonel Decker is aware
of the move.

Yes, sir.

So this is the A-Team.
I'm not impressed.

Okay, soldiers,
follow me back here.

Move it. Move it.
Move it.

Sergeant, at ease.

Where are they?

They were released
to the General, sir.

What General?

They're staying here, huh?


Mean Gene Okerlund...

at the Los Angeles Sports Arena.

Greg "the Hammer" Valentine
meeting Hulk Hogan...

and Valentine immediately
att*cks the Hulkster.

Cored his head into the
turnbuckle, but Hulk holds on.

And the Hulkster with a right,
and another left.

Another left and yet another.

And a right,
and he stuns Valentine.

Valentine to the mat
but he's back up.

Sorry, gentlemen,
it's a sellout.

Greg Valentine has got him
in a hold right now.

This is a possible
submission hold.

You know, the Hulkster just
doesn't look like himself tonight.

I don't know what it is. He seems
to be distracted by something.

He came out fighting
earlier on...

but now Valentine has got him...

in that submission hold.
He's down on the mat.

Valentine, if he wins
this match, will become...

the new World Wrestling
Federation's Heavyweight Champion.

And I'll tell you the Hulkster looks
completely without concentration.

He's lost
his mental concentration.

The referee
is lifting up his hand...

and it drops totally limp.

He lifts it again and
again that hand drops limp.

Could Greg "the Hammer"
Valentine have him here?

He lifts the hand
one more time and...

Wait a minute.

There's the number one finger.

Known throughout the world
for the Hulkster.

There is still life
to this big man.

And Valentine has Hogan on the mat. He's
pounding him with a series of rights.

Hogan is mad.

stepping out of the ring now.

Valentine climbing up
on top of the ropes.

He's gonna make a leap
onto the Hulkster.

Watch out, though.

1, 2, 3.

Hogan successfully defends...

the World Wrestling

heavyweight title here at the
Los Angeles Sports Arena...

in front of another World Wrestling
Federation capacity crowd.

Fans are on their feet.
They are excited.

This is excitement personified.

Oh, my, what's this?

Come on, man, they just
hit the box office.

A stranger has jumped into the ring
and Hulk Hogan is now leaving...

running up the aisle.

I believe we saw that gentleman
down in San Diego recently.

Give me the money. Let's go.

Back inside, guys.
These dudes are ours, B.A.

Hey, Hulk, is there such a
thing as a five-man tag team?

Well, as soon as Hannibal
and Murdock get back...

from getting the van fixed...

I think we shall set sail.

They're never gonna find you
once you're out on that boat.

Yeah, I hear the owner's
pretty much indisposed.

I think we'll take her out to Catalina
and then down south to Mexico.

By the time Carter gets released, he
can whistle for the first payment.

- Am I invited?
- Absolutely.

Cause we're gonna be digging up
the center for the next week.

Yeah, that's what I hate
worst part about the Feds.

They always want what's theirs.

Between the reward from the
government and the money...

that the Hulkster
and the WWF have raised.

I think we're gonna be
in business for quite a while.

- My pleasure, Dicki.
- Thanks a lot, Hulks.

Say, have you ever seen
the rest of this ship?

No, I haven't.

- Shall we?
- Okay.

Hey, Faceman,
she's like a sister to me.

I shall be
on my very best behavior.

I'd like to thank you again,
B.A., for helping me out, man.

No thanks needed, brother.

No, I really mean it. I think there's
something else I should tell you.

What's that?

Well, remember when you asked me if
there was anything I was afraid of...

I knew it. I knew it. I knew
there was something. What is it?

Well, it's the part
about the water.

You're afraid of the water?

No, I'm afraid of what happens to
me when I get around the water.

I like to throw people in.

Forget it, man.
I ain't going in.

You held out on me.

You're the one that's gonna pay!

- You're going in.
- You're going in!

Oh, man. Forget it.