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04x13 - Wheel of Fortune

Posted: 09/07/22 13:23
by bunniefuu
Where is the crazy fool?

[audience applauding]


They'll do anything to keep me from
getting back on the Wheel of Fortune.

You guys are in big trouble
with the government.

Yeah, yeah, we know.

Relax and enjoy
your last hours.

Do you mind if I drive? No,
as long as you're careful.

I'm looking
for a Mr. Murdock.

What have you been doing with
yourself the past few days?

Actually, it's been very
quiet, uneventful, really.

Probably nothing as exciting
as around here.

(male narrator) In 1972,
a cr*ck commando unit...

was sent to prison
by a m*llitary court...

for a crime
they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped...

from a maximum-security

to the Los Angeles

Today, still wanted
by the government...

they survive
as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire
the A-Team.

[g*n f*ring]

[audience applauding]

[people whistling]


Can I have an "L", please?

There are three L's. Yeah.

[audience cheering]


All right, H.M.,
this is a phrase.

You want to try to solve it
or spin again?

Spin, baby, spin.

I'll spin.

All right.

[audience cheering]

$700 again.

Come on. Ask for an

Come on, Murdock. The frequency
of "R" is 58 out of 100.

Can I have an ”R,” please?

Yes. There are two R's.

You're up to $3,500.

You wanna take a wild guess,
or you wanna spin that wheel?

One more time.

Good decision.
Okay. Go ahead.

No, no, no! You know it!
You know what it is.

Tell him what it is, Murdock!
Don't... Don't...

And look at this. $1,500.

[audience cheering]

Can I have an ”N,” please? You've
done it again. Two N's. Yes.

(Pat) $6,500. What do
you want to do now?

I'm gonna solve the puzzle, Pat.
You won the first two games.

So, if you solve this puzzle,
you are our champion.

If you guess wrong,
we move to the next player.

I'm gonna solve it, Pat.
All right.

"All's fair in love and w*r."

(Pat) That's absolutely right!
Yes! Wow!

[audience cheering]

Thank you.

"All's fair in love and w*r."

What an amazing victory.

We've never had anyone quite like
you on this show, Mr. Murdock.

I tell you, folks,
this helicopter pilot from...


has $28,000 in prizes
for his three days with us.

[audience cheering]

How do you account for all the
success you've had out here?

Clean living,
plenty of exercise...

and a complete familiarity
with the...

frequency tables
of the alphabet.

Well, anyway,
you have $6,500 to spend...

and we'll do that right now.
What would you like?

For $150, I would like
the humidor and the cigars.

(Pat) All right, you
have $6,350 left.

For $250, I would
like the auto buffer...

and the year's supply
of Reptile Car Wax.

Mmm. $6,100 to go.

For $1,800,
I would like...

the four-buoy waterbed.

Okay. Now you're
down to $4,300.

And for $4,250, I would like
the trip for two to Hawaii.

I was wondering when you'd
get around to that.

And you still have $50 to go.
How do you want that?

Gift certificate, Pat.
All right.

Gift certificate it is. Jack
Clark, he really wiped us out.

Tell him about all the great things
he's gonna be carrying home with him.

(Jack) I sure will, Pat.
Well, H. M...

first, it's the President's
Humidor from Humidors-R-Us.

It holds up to 50 cigars, guarantees
to keep them fresh for over a year.

And to fill that box
to the brim...

50 El Capitans
from Carlos y Carlos...

the finest
in smooth tobaccos...

retail value $150.

And then, it's a year's supply
of Reptile Wax...

along with the new Sol Buff...

the solar-powered buffer
of the '80s...

to keep that reflection
on your car year after year.

Total value
of car-care products: $250.

And, for the ultimate
in sleeping comfort...

it's the four-buoy waterbed
from Bed Shed.

Ride the waves or float in comfort
on queen-size adventure in sleeping.

Retail value: $1,800.
And finally...

we'll fly you and a guest to the
beautiful Kona Lua Hotel in Waikiki.

There, you'll stay for 14 days
in the King Kamehameha Suite...

the deep Hawaiian sea...

a casual yet elegant atmosphere in the
paradise capital of the world, Hawaii.

Airfare, hotel, meals, and
$500 in spending money...

are all there to make your fun in
the sun a vacation to remember.

Retail value of your trip:

[audience cheering]
That's terrific!

Not bad for a couple of
days' work, huh? No, sir.

Of course, we're going to see you in two
weeks for our Super Challenge Match.

You'll be playing for prizes
valued at from $12,000 up.

I want a sh*t at that Mazda.
All right.

Listen, we'll see you back here. We'll
be back with more Wheel of Fortune.

Nice going.

[audience cheering]

N'[music playing]



You did it.
You did it.

We did it.

We did it.

[both whooping]

We did it!

[both laughing]

Was I right about those
frequency tables or what?

And it is amazing.

I just have this ability to flash
right on a word with only one or...

two letters exposed,
and the entire phrase...

it just comes
right into my mind.

You know, I told you, as soon
as you know the puzzle...

solve it, because, one bad
spin of that wheel and...


But that's what we were watching
the show for all those weeks.

I mean, I knew exactly how to
spin that wheel... You did, yeah! miss the bad spots.

And I'm telling you, when I got in here
this morning and I spun that wheel...

it felt exactly
as I imagined it.

Hawaii, Murdock. Hawaii.

How are you gonna
get me out of the Vet?

I don't think
it'll be a problem.

I mean, we've run out
of diseases, pal, you know?

I got two weeks to come up
with something good.

Believe me,
when that day comes...

we are going
to be on that plane.

We? What do you mean, "we"?

We. Yeah. You and me, pal.


you know how I'm kind of
smitten on Jeni Beth...

and I kind of...

In my mind's eye,
I kind of saw...

the two of us floating in the waters
of the deep blue Hawaiian sea.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Wait a minute here.

What about the old Faceman?

I'm your constant companion!
Coach of the Year?

Jeni Beth
is the most productive...

dental hygienist
I've ever met.

Sorry, Murdock, but...


No ticket, no scam.


May I help you?

Yes, I think you can,
Miss Pearlson.

I'm looking
for a Mr. Murdock.

Why aren't you
looking for me?

Well, see,
I'm in kind of a rush.

See, I really
need Mr. Murdock.

He's due to show up at a
two-week research project...

at Point Dume
on delayed stress.

It happens twice a year.

Okay, let me check
the transfer forms.


Ah, yes, here it is.
Can you believe it?

The paperwork is actually in sync.
Okay. Just a minute, please.

A gentleman is here
to pick up Mr. Murdock.

I'll take care of it.


This is Nurse Dodd at the VA.

You asked me to call if anyone
inquired about Mr. Murdock.

Yes, yes. Thank you
for following up.

Another gentleman is here trying to
check Mr. Murdock out of the facility.

Thanks again for calling us.

You've done your country
a great service.

Can't you people
get coordinated?

An officer came by and
picked him up this morning.

This morning?
Of course.

They took him up to Harristown
where that general needs a kidney.

The general
who needs a kidney, huh?

Did the officer say...

how long it would take to put Mr.
Murdock's kidney into the general?

Two weeks.

He went without me!

(Lazarus) That's him. Let's
see where the rabbit runs.

(B.A.) Come on, come on, Walter.
Man, run!

Come on, Walter, run!

...going the other way.

He changed directions
to the right side...

Keep moving, Walter.
Run! Run!

Step on her! Move! Dodge!

...turning back towards the middle, and
he's finally brought down for 85 yards.

Whoa, whoa.
It's just me. Okay?

What're you doing sneaking up
on me, man, without knocking?

I live here, remember?

Where did Hannibal go?

He's gone. He told me to watch the
place while you were in Hawaii.

Great, I loan the apartment
to him, he loans it to you.

[TV stops blaring]

I love your TV, Faceman.

[TV resumes blaring]

Uh-huh. You also love
my refrigerator.

You owe me $400 for the groceries
you ate last time you were here.

That reminds me, man.
You're out of milk.

You never have enough milk.
Who drinks milk?

Where exactly did Hannibal go?

I don't know, man.
He left with these two chicks.

Margie, Maggie, Linda...

Maggie and Lori?
Yeah, that's them.

The twins from 12?
The stewardesses?

So that's why
they was in uniform.

Oh, no. Well, when
will they be back?

Not for two weeks. He
went to Rio, man. Rio?

They went to...

Oh, great. That's just...

Well, did he leave
a telephone number?

I don't know.
Check by the telephone, man.

Oh, boy, I tell you,
if it's...

[dial tone humming]
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

He used my
Double Breath Gum stationary!

And I just had it made up.

Yeah, well, you see, I met
the twins in the elevator...

and I told them I was head
of an advertising company...

and we were looking for twins
for our commercials.

That means you be working for Hannibal,
'cause he already told them...

that he was the president
of the company.

Yes, Hannibal Smith, please.
(female operator) Please wait.

Yeah, yeah, I'll hold.

Boy, this is just peachy!
Murdock's missing...

Hannibal's 7,000 miles away
in Rio...

auditioning twins
for a gum commercial...

Hey, man, why ain't you in Hawaii? This
supposed to be your vacation week.

Hello? (Face) Hannibal?

Face! How's Hawaii?

I have no idea.
I'm standing right here...

in my very own apartment.
What's the matter?

See, I was supposed to check Murdock
out of the VA Hospital this morning...

so that we could go to Hawaii.

When I got there,
he'd already gone.

Maybe he double-crossed you and
went to Hawaii without you.

Well, nice talking to you. I'll talk
to you in a couple of weeks, Face.

No, wait, wait, wait, wait!
Don't hang up!

See, I'm a little confused
here, Hannibal.

You see, I thought it was you
that had sprung him out.

And, well, then I called
this girl Jeni Beth, and...

Well, she's Murdock's
first choice for the trip.

The point is,
Jeni Beth was still at work.

Okay? Hannibal, I think
something is very wrong here.


Not you, Face, the twins.

The twins are perfect.

Oh. Yeah, they'll be great
in the commercial.

Where does the hospital say
Murdock's gone?

Well, this battle-a* nurse
told me that...

Murdock was donating a kidney
to a general in Harristown.

Only, I called Harristown, and they
haven't even located a donor yet.

Well, maybe he redug the tunnel
and went under the wall.

No, I don't think so. I...

Look, I'm gonna run down all the airlines
and I'll call over at the game show.

Yeah, well, have B.A. call the hotel
that comps the Wheel of Fortune...

and see if he's checked in.
Yeah, good idea.

But if he doesn't show up, call me.

You can always hurry back
for that big board meeting.

I'm Chairman of the board, remember?
I don't have to hurry back.

Who could possibly forget?

Hannibal, you are going
to pay for this one.

Oh, cheer up, Lieutenant.

continues chattering]

B.A., do you...

think you could possibly get the
pigskins out of your head long enough...

to help me try
and locate Murdock?

If he didn't get on a plane
for Hawaii...

then where is the crazy fool?

I think he's coming to.


Welcome to Baraq, my friend.

Who are you? What's going on?

Call me Joshua.
Joshua what?

Just Joshua. That's all
you need to know.

This is Jeremy Woods.
Just out of chopper school.

You two share a common interest.
Did you kidnap him, too?

Hardly. Glad to meet
you, Captain Murdock.

We've been admiring your
flight record for some time.

Particularly your escape
flight from Hanoi in '69.

Who's been admiring my flight records?
We have.

The guys who pulled you out of
bed at 6:00 this morning...

and put you on a plane to South America
before the hospital staff could blink.

What are you gonna do?
sh**t me?

You know the CIA doesn't sh**t anyone...

Listen, friend...

I know how the CIA works.

They have a more formal calling
card and introduction...

than "drug and run."

I used to work
for those dudes.

Once in December of 1967...

and again in the spring
of '72.

Agent Chaney
sends his regards.

Yeah? Well,
how is old Tim?

You know he isn't named Tim.

Your country needs
your help, Mr. Murdock...

for a special as*ault team.

All-civilian operation.

So in case we're caught or k*lled, the
United States won't be accused...

of intervening in
the internal affairs of...


What do you know about the Hind A-10?
You mean that...

cast-iron Russian
bag of bolts...

that has,
or has reported to have...

the most sophisticated radar
in the world?

I told you he kept up on these things.
What's it doing in Baraq?

Apparently, the Russians have brought
two into the Western Hemisphere.

Our boys captured one in
Curaguay about a month ago...

and this is the other one. This
is all very educational...

but what do you want me for?

You're gonna teach Jeremy here
how to fly it.

Welcome back to the service,
Captain Murdock.

Sorry we couldn't be more formal,
give you time to pack and all that.

You're gonna have a little bit more
trouble than finding me new clothes.

Oh, don't worry about the hospital.
That's all taken care of.

Well, it's not the hospital people
you're gonna have to worry about.

Listen, B.A., the airline has no record
of Murdock getting on a flight to Hawaii.

Yeah, so I'm heading your way.

[tires screeching]

You want directions
to the freeway, right?

Excuse me.

Do you have a patient here
by the name of H.M. Murdock?

Yes. What do you want?

I'm from the Wheel of Fortune.
Oh, yes.

We heard about his little
television appearance.

What do you want with him now?
I'm one of his prizes.

Excuse me?

I'm part of his fantasy weekend.
Just what exactly do you do?

It's my hands.
lam Mr. Masseuse...

and this guy Murdock,
he won a deluxe massage...

for himself
and six of his best friends.

He's not here and he won't
be back for two weeks.

How about you, mama? Your
neck looks a little stiff.

No, thank you. Now, good day.


(Lazarus) Bach's Stereo.
This is Nurse Dodd again.

Another man came in
looking for Mr. Murdock.

He was from that game show.

Thanks again for calling us, Nurse Dodd.
Glad to do my duty.

Bach's Stereo.


[horn blaring]

I had a feeling
that was you at the door.

Hey, Face, where's Murdock?

I have no idea.

You guys are in big trouble
with the government.

Yeah, yeah, we know.
Now, where's our other friend?

Just beyond that gate, behind
those rocks, is the target.

Camouflaged facility
for the Hind Mil A-10.

Let me make this
as clear as possible.

Once we get in there, the only
way out alive is to fly out.

[chuckling] And to think
I could be in Hawaii.

We go as soon as I change.

How good's his Russian?

He's a man of many talents.


[in English]

[g*ns f*ring]


Come on.

Totally awesome.
Look at this radio.

Wonder which one of these switches
turns on the windshield wipers, huh?

Let's move it.

[engine whirring]

I'm telling you
something, man...

this baby's got about a
5,000-foot-per-minute climb on it.


And this stick! She feels like she's
stuck in jelly, she's so smooth.

Can I give it a try?
Soon, soon.

You know, he's a quick study here. I
think about an hour of instruction...

this boy here is going to
be able to fly this sucker.

Very good, Captain.

You know, if we were aboveground,
I'd put you in for a medal.

Yeah, well, I'll settle for a
lift to Waikiki. How's that?

How about the firepower?
Go for it.

All right.

All right.
I've got a target in sight.

Heat sensors, audio indicators
tell me that it's unoccupied.

Give it a sh*t.

Off course, sir, headed
toward restricted area.

Veer back to course, Captain. We
don't want to stray over the border.

Back to course, Captain.

Back to course. Now!

Baraq, huh?

Looks like Las Vegas to me.

(Murdock) So you think
you're gonna knock over...

a casino with that thing?

The world's going to think that you
knocked over a casino with that thing.

They meet at 10:00. Are we
ready to roll? All set.

You think you can
control that thing?

Hey, I can get us to the
Silver Horse Hotel and back.

I'm already
as good as this guy.

In your dreams, rookie.

We don't need this clown. Let's
just waste him right here.

You better be looking after
that tail rotor, boy.

You remember what the Russian label
is for "crosswind indicator"...


Easy, kid, he's just
trying to psyche you out.

It's a lot of car, boy.

Yeah, but I know
what I'm doing.

My best student.

Too bad
his teacher's gonna die.

You see, after we get the
cash, you crash and burn.

That's why
I don't want to sh**t you.

The scenario works better without
any b*ll*ts in your body.

"Crazed Vet Cops
Commie Chopper, Conks Casino."

[chuckling] That's gonna
look great in the tabloids.

That's too much alliteration. You know,
you begin to give me a headache.

It'll play great in print.

the government captures this
chopper down in Curaguay...

and they bring it here
to the Nevada desert...

and you come along and steal it from the
Americans and use it for a casino heist.

You know, I was actually
assigned to guard the thing.

That's how I gained computer access to
your previous adventures with the CIA.

You got all your bases
covered, right, Josh?

You know it.

We'll be back to get you
for the big party.

Relax and enjoy
your last hours.




[helicopter engine starting]

Burn, you sucker! Burn.



Mr. Stein, good morning, Sir. Here
are the figures for the drop.

(Avery) Up 12% from the
same week last year.

You would never think...

that a man who makes
lions disappear...

could fill a showroom like
that night after night.

This is great,
really great.

I think that the new sports book
is raising the average, too.

Yeah. Now, if they could
only play football year round.

Security's got another
rumbling about a heist.

Do you know when that transfer's due today?
(Stein) At 4:40.

Floating a rumor
about a heist was brilliant.

...and the Air Express
is ready to go on, then?

It's gonna take off right on
schedule with a dummy load. Okay.

Oh, the armored car.

Armored car and two sedans
will form a convoy.

(Avery) They'll take the money
straight from our cages...

to the Federal Reserve in Los
Angeles without stopping.

How much is the drop?

$2.2 million.

That's not bad.

Not bad at all for a kid from
Fairfax Avenue. Thank you, Howard.

Yes, sir.

I knew they'd
change their plans.

This thing
against an armored car?


I think it's about
three miles from here.

We gotta pray that Murdock
finds a way to contact us.


Boy, I should be sitting on a beach
in Hawaii sucking on a Mai Tai.


Thank you so much.

I can't tell you
what this means to me.

Sorry, I don't pick up

This is a matter
of life and death.

I've got to get to a phone.

I don't think
we're going anywhere.

What the...

Where's your...
Right here.

[steam hissing]

[woman exclaims]

Look, I'll tell you what.

You give me a cr*ck
at this baby...

and if I get it rolling again,
you just take me to a phone.

How about it?


Well, okay.
Murdock. H.M. Murdock.

Jody Joy.
Jody... Jody Joy?

You like it?
I'm on my way to Vegas.

I got a job in the line
at the Tropicana.

You're gonna be a chorus girl?

It's like the most exciting thing
that's ever happened to me.

Well, congratulations, baby.

You know, you look familiar.

I've seen you somewhere before.
No, I don't think so.

Did you ever work
at the Magic Castle?

Nope. But I think
I found our problem.

It's a broken fan belt.

I know.

If I could...

No, that's not
going to work.

Give me your stockings.

Oh, the elasticity. They have
an elasticity to it. I can...

Police do it all the time.
You tie...

See, I...

I feel really silly.
I mean, I know I...

You meet a strange man...

That sounds terrible. You meet
a strange man in the desert...

and the first thing he does is ask
you to give him your stockings.

But I'm telling you, I wouldn't be asking
you if this wasn't the only way...

to get this car moving again.
I mean...

when you're in situations like this, you
have to come up with bizarre and creative--

Oh, thank you.

I know.
I know where I saw you.

You were on the Wheel of
Fortune the other day!

Did you see that?
You won the trip to Hawaii.

You should be in Hawaii.
I know. Tell me about it.

It was amazing. I've never seen
anybody solve the puzzles so quick.

It was nothing, really.

Meeting you...

is like the most exciting thing
that's ever happened to me.


All right.

He's gone!
Keep the radio open.

(Jeremy) He'd have to cross all
the way to the highway on foot.

If he caught a ride,
where's the nearest phone?

The only place for 30 miles is
that dive at Cross Creek Road.

[helicopter engine whining]

My real name
is Jody Kleinman...

but I changed it
when I went to work for Morty.

The magician?

Morty the Magnificent.

Ah! Civilization.

Well, thanks for giving me
a lift, honey.

Does this mean you're saying good bye?
I'm afraid so.

Well, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

I could give you
a lift into Vegas.

Just let me go in and fix my face.

thanks, honey, but I might be meeting some
people here that you're not going to like.

Well, good luck.

Good luck to you, too.
And break a leg and all that.

Thanks. But...

[phone ringing]

Lou's Delivery.

Faceman, it's me.
Where's Hannibal?

Never mind that. Where are you?
Are you all right?

Not so good.
I need to see you real quick.

I'm at a roadside diner called
Jeffrey's Jamboree on...

Cross Creek Road.
It's about...

12 miles outside of Vegas
on the California side.

Yeah, we just passed it. We're about
10 minutes away. We'll be there.

[people chattering]

[door closing]

[door creaking]

I'm so glad you're back.

This is the most exciting thing
that's ever happened to me.

Do you mind if I drive? No,
as long as you're careful.

[powerful engine revving]

[Jody exclaiming]

[tires screeching]

[g*n f*ring]

Get down!

What's going on?

They'll do anything to keep me from
getting back on the Wheel of Fortune.

Now watch out!

That was great!
I mean, that was amazing!

The most exciting thing that
ever happened to you, huh?


[helicopter whirring]

He sure is a popular fellow.

They been people in here
looking for him all day.

Last we seen him was back
there in the ladies' room.

Thank you, Amelia.

Mirror signal.

I haven't seen that
since Saigon.

Well. Shall we?

Do we really have to make this trip?
Of course.

After we get the cash, the chopper,
the money, and the lunatic...

that's you,
have to crash and burn.

Dead crime,
dead criminal, right?

That's the beauty of it. Nobody
will be looking for the money.

They'll think
it all b*rned up.

Miss Joy, I'm sorry
you had to be a part of this.

But you shouldn't pick up

I want you to know one thing. I
don't blame you at all for this.

You're some kind of girl,
Jody Joy. Some kind of girl.

Jack Stein?

What are you guys doing? What are
you barging in here like this?

Your drop's
about to be hit.

You guys are making
a big mistake here.

We telling you
the truth, Jack.

Well, if they want to hit the
plane, I say, you know, let them.

But you boys are the ones
in real trouble here.

[cocking g*n]


Right on schedule.

This is gonna be fun.

[machine g*n f*ring]

[machine g*n f*ring]

They say this thing can pull
a t*nk out of a mud hole.

They should thank us
for field-testing it.

Jack Stein sends his best.

How did you do that?

We used to do it all the time when I
worked for Morty the Magnificent.

The trick is in flexing your wrists while
the guy from the audience is tying you up.

We used to practice it all the time.
Morty loved to tie me up.

I bet he did.

Murdock, are you all right?

I guess you are.

You know what?

That's the most exciting thing
that ever happened to me.

[audience applauding]

(Pat) All right, H.M., you're
playing for the truck.

We need five consonants
and one vowel.

That's one.




And D.
And a vowel, please?

Give me an E, please.
All right.

Vanna White will turn the
letters you have found now.

This is a place.

It's for the truck.

You have 15 seconds.
Good luck.

[timer beeping]

"South America."
That's it! Yes!

[audience cheering]

That's amazing!

"South America."
Congratulations. Wow!

That's wonderful.

You know, there was some talk that you
might not even be able to make it back...

for our Championship playoffs. No, no
way, I wasn't going to miss this one.

Yeah. What have you been doing
with yourself the past few days?

Actually, it's been very
quiet, uneventful, really.

Probably nothing as exciting
as around here, huh?

No way.
You've been a super player.

How in the world did you get South
America with just four letters up there?

I always wanted to go there.
Well, congratulations again.

Let me get this mike off and we'll go look
at your truck. Nice going, H.M. Over you go.

[audience cheering]

Oh, my God!
Hawaii, Murdock!

Yeah, Hawaii.

I wanted to talk to you
about Hawaii.

You're not gonna start with that
Jeni Beth stuff again, are you?

No, no. I'm not taking
Jeni Beth. I'm taking--

That was pretty exciting!
What did you think?

Nothing compared
to you and me in Hawaii!

Hawaii! I have never been to Hawaii.
I've dreamed about it.

Me, too! Scuba diving.... You're
gonna teach me to scuba dive?

Scuba diving,
and Mai Tais. Hula!

Abalone? You gonna teach me
to get abalone off the rocks?

We can go helicopter riding.

[both chattering]